Weekly update December 2, 2010
The ParaNexus Weekly Update Š 2010 ParaNexus.org. Editor: Jessica Pedlar
Media Gallery with Free Training Tutorials, Conference Videos, and More A Media Gallery is available for members to view, upload, and share photos, videos, and audio files. Videos from many sites such as YouTube can even be embedded easily. A tutorial section is available to members only with several video tutorials and conference videos. The Media Gallery is a powerful resource and benefit of your ParaNexus membership! See more benefits of members at www.paranexus.org/join
Member Benefits
Member Download Section.
We have added a new and greatly expanded member download section that features over 40 useful software programs and eBooks free for members only. Members are also welcome to upload useful items that are in the public domain. Check out what’s available at: www.paranexus.org/index.php?action=downloads
Background Checks now available. ParaNexus is now offering a background check service to members and nonmembers. Getting a background check on your prospective team members to make sure they are free of criminal backgrounds including theft and sex offenses goes a long way in reassuring your clients that you conduct safe and professional investigations. It makes sense to check all members annually as well. Our background checks include inmate records, arrest records, court records, sex offender records, civil records, and more. All information is within the public record, but held in confidence by ParaNexus. We do not reveal who requests background checks nor the subjects involved. Member Price: $5.00 each; Non-member Price: $10.00 each. You will receive the results within 48 hours. You can order background checks in the ParaNexus Store. Visit www.paranexus.org/indexphp?action=store;sa=view;id=29
December 2, 2010 Only 22 days until Christmas!
Weekly update RADIO
ParaNexus Universe Talk Radio tonight at 9pm: Special guest Mark Anthony on December 2. We welcome back Psychic Lawyer Mark Anthony to discuss the value of psychic readings and how to view them when they are less than accurate.
Informal Par. has been discontinued. Please join us on Thursday nights for Paranexus Universe.
Have a Link to Share? Looking for Information?
Check out the Links section to post your favourite paranormal websites and to check out what other members have posted! From research to investigation sites, they’re all here at: http://www.paranexus.org/index.php?action=links
Join us online at www.blogtalkradio.com/paranexus
December 2, 2010
Not sure how to post something in the Forum? Go to the Forums main page by following the link below and click the Video Tutorial button to find out how you can post in the ParaNexus Forums! http://www.paranexus.org/index.php?action=forum
The Haunted Lodge an investigation by
Gaurav Tiwari
Article and Video
We went there for an investigation. The first thing we had in our mind from the story was that may be this is a trick of someone to spread rumor and try to capture this abandonned property which values in millions.
interviewed a few people around
Gaurav Tiwari (above) who have witnessed headless apparition
and also a lady roaming around in old style british attire. session, debunked a few facts.
also took evps, clicked pictures,
could find the reason of wierd sounds in that area. it was coming from tamarind trees which have dry tamarinds. With little wind, these dry tamarinds made creepy sounds.
this article and watch the video at:
Thanks Gaurav!
December 2, 2010 Just a Few Benefits of Membership...
Research Assistant Page with One-Stop Atmospheric Data and Much More The Research Assistant page is a novel and useful benefit of membership.
Member Benefits
includes over 30 separate tools that you will use in preparation for an investigation or in doing research.
The Research Assistant includes: • Current weather in any ZIP code • Link to historical weather info • Local time plus 6 other time zones • Current lunar phase • Solar X-Ray status • Geo-magnetic field status • NOAA space weather with solar x-ray image, auroral map, solar winds, and more • Sky Map showing the positions of the planets and more • Satellite tracking from NASA • Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid • Periodic Table of the Elements with freezing and melting points of each • Latitude/Longitude finder • Calculator • Nine converters including nanoTesla-milliGauss, capacity-volume, temperature, speed, time, and more • And more! If
you haven’t checked out the Research Assistant, do so today to see all of its features. sure you’ll agree that it is a useful benefit of being a ParaNexus member!
ParaNexux Academy A reminder to all members that every paid ParaNexus member is able to take the online, work at your own pace Introduction to Paranormal Research course free of charge! Nonmembers can take the course, which includes all necessary course material, for just $20. Become a Certified Paranormal Investigator (CPI) for $65. Like the Introduction to Paranormal Research course, the CPI course is online and includes all the necessary materials in your course fee. Visit www.paranexusacademy.org for more information or to enroll.
Member Benefits
December 2, 2010
Members celebrating birthdays: December 7: Barb Huyser (57)
I have never read horror, nor do I consider The Exorcist to be such, but rather as a suspenseful supernatural detective story, or paranormal police procedural. ~William Peter Blatty Can we
quote you on that?
Colour or black and white?
Wishing you the happiest of birthdays from ParaNexus!
Parapedia An article you might find interesting: Akashic Records
Sometimes called, the “Library of Universal Knowledge,” ‘The Universal Memory of Nature,” or “The Book of Life,” it is believed that all information on any subject is accessible through meditative trance states, including past-life memories. The Akashic Records were first coined by psychic Edgar Cayce as a “cosmic library,” which stores everything that has ever been thought, felt, said or done. Akasha is a Sanskrit word that refers to the fundamental etheric substance of the universe, electro spiritual in nature. He claimed that he had the ability to read and consult these records while in trance. If sensitive enough, anyone could tune into the proper degree of consciousness, much like tuning a radio at the proper wavelength. Cayce focused mainly on his own past lives, and wrote detailed reconstructions of pre-dynastic ancient Egypt, which were later confirmed by more recent archeological findings.
More information is available on this topic at the link below.
Visit Parapedia
You may
A full 12% of sighted people dream not know... exclusively in black and white. The remaining number dream in full color. Studies from 1915 through to the 1950s maintained that the majority of dreams were in black and white, but these results began to change in the 1960s. Today only 4.4% of the dreams of under25 year-olds are in black and white. Recent research has suggested that those changing results may be linked to the switch from black-and-white film and TV to color media.
online at
Member Benefits
December 2, 2010
Welcome to our newest member! Sharon Kaemmerer
We look forward to getting to know you better!
Member Benefits
Did you know that as a ParaNexus member, you have access to helpful E-Books for free? E-Books are $2.97 for non-members A wide variety of books are available at: http://www.paranexus.org/index.php?action=store;cat=7
December 2, 2010
Just for fun!
Fact or Fiction?
We asked for your photo of ghosts. Now you be the judge. Is the below photo doctored or not? E-mail your guess to Jessica at jpedlar@paranexus.org with the subject:
or fiction
The reveal will happen next week when we’ll tell you if you guessed right!
Look in front of the farmhouse. A glowing figure appears.
Photo by J. Pedlar