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Afterwork 工餘 Mar 19 – May 29, 2016


Para Site is pleased to present Afterwork, a major group exhibition exploring issues of class, race, labor, and migration in Hong Kong, its surrounding region, and beyond. It is part of Para Site’s ongoing Hong Kong’s Migrant Domestic Workers Project, a long-term initiative aimed at engaging the domestic worker community through collaboratively organised public programmes and commissioned artist research. As an exhibition, Afterwork is nevertheless an autonomous proposition, including the often ambivalent and polychromatic aspects of the social and cultural mosaic of Hong Kong, Philippines, Indonesia, as well as of other contexts. Afterwork includes works by Poklong Anading, liliana Angulo, Xyza Cruz Bacani, Jean-François Boclé, Cheng Yee man (gum), imelda Cajipe endaya, Köken ergun, Harun Farocki, larry Feign, Hit man gurung, Fan Ho, Alfredo Jaar, Jao Chia-en, eisa Jocson, Abdoulaye Konaté, Sakarin Krue-on, KunCi Cultural Studies Center, Joyce lung Yuet Ching, i gAK murniasih, daniela ortiz, Beatrix Pang, miljohn ruperto, Santiago Sierra, Sun Yuan & Peng Yu, melati Suryodarmo, Brian gothong tan, taring Padi, maria taniguchi, ryan Villamael, and elvis Yip Kin Bon.


Domestic workers are Hong Kong ’s largest minority group and one of the most visible components of the city ’s society, and their legal and symbolic status are matters of constant negotiation, reflecting the shifting position of Hong Kong citizenship. The group’s invisibility in the various narratives of what constitutes Hong Kong society is countered by the hypervisible weekly occupation of Hong Kong’s public spaces for the Sunday picnic gathering of the community. It was the social spaces and cultural structures constituted around this regular gathering that facilitated the beginnings of our project. The stories of migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong are crucial narratives that need to be told alongside the city ’s growing affluence in the past decades, together with the stories of the struggles of what is considered the“ local ”working class, and on the backdrop of the different historical waves of labour migration in Hong Kong and the world. Afterwork does not, however, mean to patronizingly give a voice to or be the vindicator of the struggles of migrant workers. It does however take into consideration the representation of migrant domestic workers, from various perspectives, while putting under question, throughout the show, the very notion of representation. Afterwork is also looking at historical ways in which class has been constructed in Hong Kong, but also in the highly polarized societies of South East Asia. It is also interested in the idea of race,

on how the South East Asian“other ”has been approached in Hong Kong and more broadly in Chinese culture, but also on how race remains an issue within many South East Asian countries. Anchors to other contexts and historical moments are present throughout the exhibition. Afterwork includes the work of artists of different practices, contexts, and generations dealing with the issues, aesthetics, and histories of migrant labor. Several artists venture into the personal implications of the presence of domestic workers in households, the public sphere, and the artists’ lives. Other artists create abstract landscapes that bring a different and necessary vocabulary in an exhibition that tries to address such a wide and contradictory array of topics and perspectives, from personal desires and dreams to historical processes. And by this exercise of imagination, we hope to reimagine just what it means to be a Hong Konger and who is entitled to speak for Hong Kong.

authors, as well as domestic workers. It is printed in four different languages (Bahasa Indonesia, Chinese, English, and Tagalog), with the hope to create a platform facilitating the encounter and exchange through literature between the different migrant worker communities. It is also aiming to bring together the most relevant texts on this issue of great importance, written in our region over the past century, as well as to promote the work of the most promising writers from among the domestic workers community. Afterwork is curated by Freya Chou, Cosmin Costinas, inti guerrero, and Qinyi lim.

In addition to the exhibition, Para Site is publishing Afterwork Readings/Babasahin Matapos ang Trabaho/Bacaan Selepas Kerja/ 工餘 , an anthology of migrant and domestic worker literature conceived in collaboration with KUNCI Cultural Studies Centre in Jogyakarta, Indonesia. This major volume about and by migrant workers contains short stories, poems, and excerpts from novels and plays, written by classical literary figures of the region, established contemporary



Para Site dengan bangga mempersembahkan Afterwork, sebuah pameran besar bersama yang menjelajahi isu kelas, ras, buruh, dan migrasi di Hong Kong dan daerah sekitarnya. Pameran ini adalah bagian dari Proyek Pekerja Migran Sektor Domestik (Migrant Domestic Workers Project) di Hong Kong yang dikelola Para Site, yang merupakan kegiatan jangka panjang dengan tujuan melibatkan komunitas pekerja sektor domestik melalui program publik yang dikelola melalui kolaborasi dan penelitian seniman yang diminta menelaah topik tertentu. Sebagai sebuah pameran, Afterwork adalah pernyataan yang otonom, melingkupi berbagai aspek yang terkadang ambivalen dan polikrom dari mozaik sosial dan budaya di Hong Kong, Filipina, Indonesia, dan sekitarnya. Afterwork menampilkan karya seni ciptaan Poklong Anading, liliana Angulo, Xyza Cruz Bacani, Jean-François Boclé, Cheng Yee man (gum), imelda Cajipe endaya, Köken ergun, Harun Farocki, larry Feign, Hit man gurung, Fan Ho, Alfredo Jaar, Jao Chia-en, eisa Jocson, Abdoulaye Konaté, Sakarin Krue-on, KunCi Cultural Studies Center, Joyce lung Yuet Ching, i gAK murniasih, daniela ortiz, Beatrix Pang, miljohn ruperto, Santiago Sierra,


Sun Yuan & Peng Yu, melati Suryodarmo, Brian gothong tan, taring Padi, maria taniguchi, ryan Villamael, and elvis Yip Kin Bon. Pekerja sektor domestik mewakili salah satu komponen yang paling tampak dari masyarakat Hong Kong dan status hukum serta simbolik mereka adalah topik yang selalu dalam negosiasi, mencerminkan pergeseran posisi penduduk Hong Kong. Keadaan komunitas yang tidak terlihat dalam berbagai narasi tentang elemen penyusun masyarakat Hong Kong dibalas dengan sangat terlihatnya pengambilalihan ruang publik Hong Kong untuk kegiatan piknik bersama komunitas ini di setiap hari Minggu. Ruang sosial dan struktur budaya yang tersusun di sekeliling pertemuan mingguan inilah yang memicu awal proyek kami. Di Para Site, kami sangat percaya akan potensi seni sebagai alat untuk membayangkan kembali makna masyarakat di Hong Kong, di antara berbagai kelompok dan komunitas yang menempatinya. Afterwork melihat kelompok minoritas terbesar di Hong Kong, dan menyampaikan kisah mereka — narasi penting yang perlu disuarakan seiring dengan naiknya tingkat kekayaan di Hong Kong dalam beberapa dekade terakhir, dan sebagai latar belakang berbagai gelombang sejarah migrasi pekerja di Hong Kong dan di dunia. Akan tetapi, pameran ini tidak bermaksud untuk memberi ruang bagi suara pekerja migran dengan cara yang merendahkan atau menjadi pembela

perjuangan para pekerja migran. Pameran ini mempertimbangkan representasi pekerja migran sektor domestik dari berbagai perspektif untuk memberikan cerminan kritis mengenai isu yang terus ada tentang diskriminasi, stereotip, status hukum, serta kehidupan rumah tangga, istirahat, dan privasi. Gagasan mengenai representasi juga dipertanyakan sepanjang pameran. Afterwork mengikutsertakan karya seniman dari berbagai aliran, konteks, dan generasi yang terkait isu, estetika, dan sejarah pekerja migran. Beberapa seniman berkelana ke dalam keterlibatan pribadi dengan kehadiran pekerja sektor domestik di rumah tangga, di ruang publik, dan di dalam kehidupan para seniman tersebut. Beberapa seniman lain menciptakan lanskap abstrak yang membawa kosa kata yang berbeda dan penting ke dalam pameran yang berusaha membahas lingkup yang luas dan penuh kontradiksi dari berbagai topik dan sudut pandang, dari hasrat dan mimpi pribadi sampai proses sejarah.

orang diminta untuk menyumbang karya mereka setelah turut serta dalam klub baca kami. Buku ini dicetak dalam empat bahasa (Bahasa Indonesia, Mandarin, Inggris, dan Tagalog), dengan harapan untuk menciptakan platform yang memfasilitasi pertemuan dan pertukaran antara komunitas pekerja sektor domestik yang berbeda melalui karya sastra. Buku ini juga bertujuan menyatukan berbagai teks yang paling relevan mengenai isu yang sangat penting ini, yang ditulis di kawasan ini dalam abad terakhir, serta mempromosikan karya para penulis yang paling menjanjikan dari komunitas pekerja sektor domestik. Afterwork dikurasi oleh Freya Chou, Cosmin Costinas, inti guerrero, dan Qinyi lim.

Selain pameran tersebut, Para Site juga meluncurkan Afterwork Readings, sebuah antologi sastra mengenai dan oleh para pekerja migran sektor domestik yang diproduksi bersama dengan KUNCI Cultural Studies Center dari Yogyakarta, sebagai kulminasi proyek mereka: Klub Baca Selepas Kerja (The Afterwork Reading Club). Buku ini terdiri dari cerita pendek, puisi, serta nukilan dari novel dan drama, ditulis oleh tokoh sastra klasik dari kawasan ini, pengarang kontemporer ternama, dan para pekerja sektor domestik, dengan beberapa



隨著香港 社會過去幾十年快速的經濟發展,何

謂「本 地」工人階級的問題爭 辯不休,世界各地勞

工的外移帶來了層層歷史波 瀾;於此情境下,外 籍

傭工的生活成為一個必須深切思考及表述的重要議 題。《工餘》一展 並非 魯莽 地嘗試 為他們的遭 遇發

聲或進行辯護,而是試圖從多方角度來表 述、提現

Para Site 藝術空間隆重推出群展《工餘》,探

討香港及鄰近區域內階級、種 族、勞動及移民的相 關議題。該展為 Pa r a S ite「香港外籍傭工社群計

劃」的延伸項目,透過一系列的公共活動及邀請藝 術家進行研究藉以深入連結香港的外傭社群。以展 覽作 為一種 提案,在於 希望呈現香港、菲律賓、印 尼及其他地區矛盾又多彩的文化及社會組成。

參 與 此 次 展 覽 的 藝 術 家 包 括 Poklong

Anading, liliana Angulo, Xyza Cruz Bacani, Jean-François Boclé, 鄭怡敏 , imelda Cajipe endaya, Köken ergun, Harun Farocki, larry Feign, Hit man gurung, 何藩 , Alfredo Jaar, 饒 加 恩 , eisa Jocson, Abdoulaye Konaté, Sakarin Krue-on, KunCi Cultural Studies Center, 龍 悅 程 , i gAK murniasih, daniela ortiz, 彭 倩 幗 , miljohn ruperto, Santiago Sierra, 孫 原 & 彭 禹 , melati Suryodarmo, Brian gothong tan 陳小東 , taring Padi, maria taniguchi, ryan Villamael, 葉建邦。 外傭是香港最 大的少數 族群,也是日益茁壯的


問題一直不斷引起爭議,反映了香港公民權的定位 正不斷改變。然而,儘管他們消失在香港 社會的敘


間的大型集會;而這樣特有的空間和文化結構組成 正是我們開啟計劃的主因。


外傭長 期面對的問題,進而提出批判性的反省。展


東南亞社會裡的階級結構,以及中國文化如何看待 來自東南亞的「異族」和種族分層等問題。

《工餘》展出不同世代的藝 術創作,廣泛 觸及


術家透過實際經驗了解外傭在僱主家庭、公共空間 和日常生活的現實狀況;其他則透過抽象的手法描 繪歷史進程及個人慾望和夢想交織下,寬廣卻又矛

盾的觀點。透過藝 術創作,我們試圖重新想像身為 香港人的意義為何?而誰又能為香港發聲?

除 了 展 覽 之 外, P a r a S i te 同 時 推 出 移 工

文 學 選 集《 Afterwork Readings/Babasahin

Matapos ang Trabaho/Bacaan Selepas Kerja/

工餘 》,由 P a r a S i te 及印尼日惹的 KU N C I 文化

研 究 中 心 聯 合出 版。 本 書 收 錄了短 篇 故 事、 詩 選, 以及小說和劇本的節錄,作者來自區域內的文學界 重 要 人物、著名當代作家、外 籍傭工等。本書以印 尼語、中文、英 文 及菲律賓語四種 語言發行,希望

藉 此 透 過 文學 的 力 量, 串 連 不 同 社 群, 建 立平台, 進行交流。我們期望透過本書,將過去區域內為此

議題而寫的重要文學作品傳遞下去,並將外傭社群 中傑出作家的作品介紹給廣大讀者。

《工餘》由周安曼、康喆明、 Inti Guerrero 及



Abdoulaye Konaté

L’intolerance | The Intolerance 1998 Textile collage 403 x 232 cm Courtesy of the artist and Blain Southern, London/Berlin





403 x 232 cm

作品由藝術家與倫敦/柏林 Blain Southern 提供

Alfredo Jaar

Divina, Malaya, Lailani and the Others 1990/2016 Postcards, variable copies Dimension variable Courtesy the artist

戴芬娜、馬來亞、麗寧妮 及其他人


各種版本明信片 尺寸不一 作品由藝術家提供


Beatrix Pang 彭倩幗


BOI 2016 Risograph with ink on paper 84.1 x 118.9 cm Courtesy the artist

BOI 2016


84.1 x 118.9 cm


Brian gothong tan 陳小東

Imelda Goes to Singapore 2006 Single-channel video 2 ’35” Courtesy the artist



單頻道錄像 2 ’35” 作品由藝術家提供


daniela ortiz

97 House Maids 2010 Digital slide show on photoframe Dimension variable Courtesy the artist


97 位家傭 2010

數位照片相框於數位相框播放 尺寸不一 作品由藝術家提供

eisa Jocson

Princess Studies 2016 Pen on paper 29.7 x 42 cm each Courtesy the artist



鉛筆紙本 每張 29.7 x 42cm 作品由藝術家提供


elvis Yip Kin Bon 葉建邦


If You Miss Home 2016 Single-Channel video 5’3 0 ” Courtesy the artist



單頻道錄像 5’30 ” 作品由藝術家提供

Fan Ho


Cleaning 1950 Archival pigment print Dimension variable Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery, Hong Kong



檔案油墨打印 尺寸不一 作品由香港

Blue Lotus Gallery 提供


Cheung Yee man (gum) 鄭怡敏(阿金)


Children Playing In a Playground 2016 Oil on canvas and sound 100 x 150 cm Courtesy the artist




100 x 150 cm


Harun Farocki

The Silver and the Cross 2010 2-channel video 17 ’36 ” Courtesy of Harun Farocki Filmproduction



雙頻道錄像 17 ’36 ” 作品由 Harun Farocki Filmproduction 提供


Hit man gurung

I Have To Feed Myself, My Family and My Country 2013 Acrylic on printed canvas Dimension variable Courtesy the artist and Dina Bangdel


我需要養活我自己、 我的家人及我的國家


塑膠彩布本 尺寸不一 作品由藝術家與 Dinal Bangdel 提供

i gAK murniasih

Lombok Story 2004 Acrylic on canvas 80 x 60 cm Courtesy of I GAK Murniasih Foundation




80 x 60 cm 作品由 I GAK Murniasih Foundation 提供


imelda Cajipe endaya

Philippine Treasure Hunt II: A Gift 1998 Acrylic, textile, map, plastic sheet, empty chocolate tray and stitches on paper 53 x 61 cm Courtesy of the artist and Trinka Endaya, Jakarta


菲律賓尋寶 II:一件禮物


塑膠彩、布料、地圖、膠布、空置 朱古力盤子及手造紙

53 x 61 cm

作品由藝術家與雅加達 Trinka Endaya 提供

Jao Chia-en


REM Sleep

REM Sleep

2011 3-channel video 63’42 ” Courtesy the artist


三頻道錄像 63’42 ” 作品由藝術家提供


Jean-François Boclé

Consommons Racial 2010 Installation Dimension variable Courtesy the artist




裝置 尺寸不一 作品由藝術家提供

Köken ergun

Binibining Promised Land 2009-2010 Single-channel video and posters 38 ’ Courtesy the artist



單頻道錄像與海報 38 ’ 作品由藝術家提供


larry Feign

No Dogs, Rats, Roaches or Filipinas 1994, 1998 Cartoons, series 1 and 2 Courtesy the artist


犬、鼠類、 蟑螂或菲律賓人勿進


漫畫系列一及二 作品由藝術家提供

liliana Angulo

Black Utopian


2001 Colour prints 60x50 cm each Courtesy the artist

2001 9 張彩色照片 每張 60 x 50 cm



lung Yuet Ching, Joyce 龍悅程


Susan 2016 Porcelain sculptures Dimension variable Courtesy the artist



陶瓷雕塑 尺寸不一 作品由藝術家提供

melati Suryodarmo

Under the Tree and Making Kerok 2013 Charcoal on paper 55 x 65 cm Courtesy the artist




55 x 65 cm



miljohn ruperto

Isabel Rosario Cooper, Studio Portrait by Jose Reyes, Hollywood, CA. 1940 2010 HDR Ultrachrome pigment on paper Dimension variable Courtesy of Koening & Clinton, New York


荷西。雷耶斯拍攝伊莎貝拉庫珀的 工作室肖像,加州荷李活,1940 年

2010 HDR Ultrachrome 墨水紙本

尺寸不一 作品由紐約 Koening & Clinton 提供

maria taniguchi

Untitled 2013 Acrylic on canvas 228.6 x 114.3cm Courtesy of the artist and Silverlens Galleries, Manila




228.6x 114.3cm

作品由藝術家與馬尼拉 Silverlens Galleries 提供


Poklong Anading

Ocular 2009 Single-channel video Courtesy of 1335MABINI, Philippines




單頻道影像裝置 作品由 1335MABINI 提供

ryan Villamael

Isles Series II 2014 Paper, bell jar 17.8 x 20.3 cm Courtesy the artist and Silverlens Galleries, Manila

小島系列 II



17.8 x 20.3 cm

作品由藝術家與馬尼拉 Silverlens Galleries 提供


Sakarin Krue-on

Village and Harvest Time series 2008 Traditional Thai tempera on wood 19 x 22.8cm Courtesy of Tang Contemporary Art, Bangkok





19 x 22.8cm 作品由曼谷 Tang Contemporary Art 提供

Sun Yuan & Peng Yu

孫原 & 彭禹

Hong Kong Intervention 2009/2016 Digital prints on paper 69.6 x 33.4cm Courtesy the artists




69.6 x 33.4cm



taring Padi

Giat Bekerja Giat Berkarya | Hard Working, Enterprising Work 2004 Woodblock print on paper 25 x 35 cm Courtesy the artists





25 x 35 cm


Xyza Cruz Bacani

A Mother and a Child Holding Hands During Peak Hours in Central Hong Kong 2013 Photograph 76 x 54 cm Courtesy the artist

一位母親與孩子牽手走在尖峰時刻 的香港中環

2013 照片

76 x 54 cm



Para Site would like to extend our deep gratitude to the artists and contributors of the exhibition as well as to the following individuals who provided crucial support and research to the project:

Para Site 藝 術空間在此向本展覽所有參展藝術家與貢 獻者,以及下列重要支持者致以最深謝意:

Pio Abad

Poklong Anading Dina Bangdel Evan Chow Hong Kong Museum of History 香港歷史博物館 Judha Su Ketemu Project Space Edouard Malingue Gallery 馬凌畫廊

Para Site Team Cosmin Costinas 康喆明 Executive Director/Curator Frances Wu Giarratano 吴天如 Deputy Director Freya Chou 周安曼 Curator of Education and Public Programmes Qinyi Lim 林沁怡 Curator

Fanny Chan 陳趣源 Project Coordinator / Curatorial Assistant Simmy Ling 凌思敏 Project Coordinator / Curatorial Assistant

Olivia Chow 周宛昀 Gallery Manager / Curatorial Assistant

Foundation for Arts Initiatives

I GAK Murniasih Foundation

Para Site Board

International Domestic Workers Federation

Yana Peel Co-Chair

Lily Kwok 郭麗麗 Yung Ma 馬容元

National University Museum of Singapore 新加坡國立大學博物館

National Palace Museum 國立故宮博物院

Nara National Museum 奈良国立博物館

Osage Gallery 奧沙畫廊

Miljohn Ruperto Silverlens Galleries, Manila Paola Sinisterra and Ignacio Garcia White Cube Hong Kong 香港白立方

Sara Wong and Leung Chi Wo 黃志恆與梁志和 — Collaborator Acción Cultural Española, AC/E

— Media Partner My Art Guides


Alan Lau Ka Ming 劉家明 Co-Chair

Jehan Pei Chung Chu 朱沛宗 Vice Chairman

Bonnie Chan Woo Tak Chi 胡陳德姿 Treasurer Sara Wong Chi Hang 黃志恆 Secretary

Kurt Chan Yuk Keung 陳育強 Alan Y Lo 羅揚傑

Mimi Chun Mei-Lor 秦美娜 Alexandra Seno

Leading Corporate Sponsor THE OUTNET.COM — Founding Friends Mimi Brown and Alp Ercil Burger Collection, Hong Kong Mimi and Chris Gradel De Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong Inna and Tucker Highfield K11 Art Foundation Wendy Lee

22/F, Wing Wah Industrial Building 677 King’s Road Quarry Bay Hong Kong 香港鰂魚涌英皇道 677 號 榮華工業大廈 22 樓

Lavina and William Lim

T +852 2517 4620 F +852 2517 6850 E

Edouard and Lorraine Malingue

marc & chantal design

Wednesday to Sunday, 12:00 – 19:00 hrs Closed on Monday, Tuesday and Public Holidays.

Lisina and Nick Leung

Yana and Stephen Peel Stefan Rihs Honus Tandijono Benjamin Vuchot Virginia Yee — Friends Christine and James Boyle Jane DeBevoise Doryun Chong Lawrence Chu Andrew L. Cohen Faux Ada Lam and Stephanie Ho Poon David Legg Yuri and Jane Mirkin Elaine W. Ng and Fabio Rossi Nadine Ouellet Mina Park Emma and Magnus Renfrew Andrew & Lily Riddick

星期三至星期天,下午 12 時至晚上 7 時 星期一,星期二與公共假期休息

Para Site is Hong Kong’s leading contemporary art centre and one of the oldest and most active independent art institutions in Asia. It produces exhibitions, publications and discursive projects aimed at forging a critical understanding of local and international phenomena in art and society.

Para Site 藝 術 空 間 為 香 港 首屈一 指 的當 代 藝 術 中心,亦是 亞 洲 歷 史 最 悠 久、 最 活 躍 的 獨 立 藝 術 中 心 之一。 成 立 宗 旨 在 透 過 展 覽、出 版 刊 物 等 活 動,開 展 並 促 進 在 地 與 國 際 間 的 對 話, 希冀打造一 個對當代 藝 術、社會現象提出批判性論 述 及理 解的 平台。

Para Site is financially supported by the Springboard Grant under the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Para Site 藝術空間獲香港特別行政區政府「藝能發展資助計劃」 的躍進資助。

The content of this activity does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 活動內容並不反映香港特別行政區政府的意見。

Esther Schipper / Johnen Galerie Silverlens Ticolat Tamura Zelie Walker Frank F. Yang —

Exhibition Production Coordinator: Simmy Ling 凌思敏 Graphic design: Roy Chan 陳育彬




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