5 January 2005
For Immediate Release Para/Site Dual Solo 2005
Phoebe’s Vaudevillian Park and Florian’s “Op-scape” Opening Reception 6-8pm, Friday, 14 January, 2005 Exhibition Dates: 15.01.2005 – 19.02.2005 Comic and photography are by no means have become a usual and popular culture, especially among youth. Two emerging artists Phoebe and Florian both work on different artistic forms, however, both engage in the re-interpretation of the plain/2D media via the access of new media or technology. Para/Site has the pleasure to present their solo projects at our new premises. They both explore ways of re/viewing images and questions the notions of creation, illusion and revelations. We are inviting the viewer to heighten their imagination and explore the many possibilities of art itself. Hui’s ambition is to challenge the 2 dimensional boundaries of comics, in order to examine the narrative order and the interrelation among texts and images. A 2-dimensional comic sphere will be re-presented into the 3-dimensional gallery space through the compound of spatial reality and comic’s ‘reality”. Beyond the horizon of the imagination, audiences will not only read or experience the comics, instead, they will be invited to re/view and contemplate the meaning of comics. Facilitated by the interaction between piece and audience interpretation. Instead of photo and video taking, Florian MA will re-create (fabricate) new optical images by various mechanism of images duplication. He is excited to capture the eternal moment from images and motion, to freeze and visualize such time movement. Works that will be exhibited are the Op Art – like images of colour strip manipulation based on the scanning mechanism of a domestic scanner. Due to the various mechanism of other media, new images are hence manipulated and Re-presented under a new order. It inevitably becomes the metaphor to the precedent and which provides a possible new interpretation on the former.
Phoebe HUI Fong-wah, graduated from School of Creative Media, the City University of Hong Kong, has participated in many group shows and events including Third Text: Image + Media International Experimental Art Festival and Someone’s done it before. Her various creations have involved art direction, illustration and film editing, etc. Florian MA is an emerging artist and young designer who is now studying Fine Arts at The Art School, The Hong Kong Arts Centre. Out of interest in the semiotic approach on manipulation of images, Ma engages with various mechanisms of image building, in order to examine different possible interpretative metaphor among the methods.
Presented by Para/Site Art Space G/F, 4 Po Yan Street (224 Hollywood Road), Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Gallery hours: 12 – 7 pm, closed on Mon, Tue & Public holidays Enquiries: 2517-4620 or info@para-site.org.hk Equipments sponsor
Para/Site Art Space gratefully acknowledges the support from Shun Hing JVC Limited for the sponsorship of audio visual equipment for the “Phoebe’s Vaudevillian Park and Florian’s “Op-scape” exhibition.
2005 年 1 月 5 日
新聞稿 Para/Site 2005 年雙個展─
菲比的雜耍花園與馬浩賢的剎那「光」景 2005 年 1 月 15 日至 2 月 19 日 開幕 2005 年 1 月 14 日
Para/Site 積極推介本地及海外當代藝術,2005 年的展覽頭炮將會是每年一次的雙個展系 列。是次展覽將展示兩位年青藝術家許方華及馬浩賢的新近藝術創作計劃。漫畫和攝影 不但是青年人的普及文化,而且己經成為當代藝術的流行媒介。許氏與馬氏雖各自針對 漫畫和影像故有意義尋找突破和可能,但兩者都不謀而合地藉新媒體及技術,將漫畫和 影像的(二維)平台擴展至展覽現場的(三維)真實空間,試圖為觀眾對這兩藝術種媒介提供 更多的的想像和詮釋的可能。 許方華銳意打破漫畫的二維界限,以探討漫畫中的文字和圖像的對應關聯和敘事序列的 各種可能。許氏以裝置藝術的形式將她的漫畫界與展覽現場結合─觀眾的進場參觀既是 介入其漫畫,亦為它構成另一故事。 有別於一般的攝影和錄影,馬浩賢受歐普藝術(Op Art)的感染,運用各種影像複製和編 輯方法製作不同的流動影像和裝置作品。馬氏意圖將影像中的「時、刻」化成永恆,於 是透過家用電腦掃瞄器的掃瞄原理,將影像的局部延伸成創作的基點,重組成一系列彩 色條紋影像。原來的影像經過不同的影像編輯方式而再生新的影像,其方法和再生的影 像於是為原來影像提供另一詮釋及想像的空間。 許方華畢業於香港城市大學創意媒體學院,曾參與展覽包括 Third Text: Image + Media
International Experimental Art Festival 及「有人做過─多媒體裝置藝術展」 。許氏的創作類 型多元化,曾任美術指導、插畫師及電影剪接等。 馬浩賢是本地藝術兼設計師,現正修讀香港藝術中心藝術學院的藝術學士課程。馬氏對
影像的關注別於一般對圖象意義的方向,没有以符號學探討影像再生的意義,馬氏注重 建構影像的不同原理及方法,探討它們本身的象徵意義以及拓展對影像的詮釋空間
Para/Site 藝術空間
香港上環普仁街 4 號地下
中午 12 時正至晚上 7 時正(星期三至日) ; 星期一、二及公眾假期休息
2517-4620 或 info@para-site.org.hk 器材贊助:
Para/Site 藝術空間謹向為展覽提供視聽器材的
信興 JVC 有限公司慷慨致意。