June Art ActionIn Memory of June Fourth 六月行動 -紀念六四
Hong Kong On the Move Performance Art Project
June Art ActionIn Memory of June Fourth Performance @ Para/Site Date: 3/6/2006
Time: 8-10pm
Artists: Arahmaiani (Indonesia) Boris Nieslony (Germany) Shuyang (China) Venue: Para/Site Art Space, No.4 Po Yan Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
6 Hour Durational Performance Date: 4/6/2006
Time: 12-6pm
Artists: Arahmaiani, Boris Nieslony Shuyang, Chen Shi Shen, Kith Tsang Tak Ping, Ko Siu Lan, Au Yeung Tung, Becky, Leung Lik. Venue: Causeway Bay Pedestrian Area (MTR Exit D)
Website: http://www.hongkongperformanceart.org (NEW WEBSITE)
六月行動 -紀念六四 行為作品@ Para/Site Art Space 藝術家: Arahmainai (印尼) Boris Nieslony (德國) 舒陽 (中國) 日期 :3/6/2005 (周六) 時間:8-10PM 地點:Para/Site 藝術空間 香港 上環 普仁街 四號 地下
六小時行為作品 藝術家:Arahmainai, Boris Nieslony, Becky 舒陽 陳式森 高小蘭 莫昭如 曾德平 歐陽東 日期 :4/6/2005 (周日) 時間:12-6PM 地點:銅鑼灣行人專用區 (MTR D 出口)
網址: http://www.hongkongperformanceart.org (NEW!!)
Workshop- Art / Action by ARAHMAIANI ARAHMAIANI is one of the most well known Indonesian performance artists. She also works with painting, drawing, installation, poetry, dance and music. She has performed widely in Asia, Europe and America. Her works appeared in the Indonesian National Pavilion of the 50th Venice Biennale. ARAHMAIANI’s works demonstrate her deep concern of Indonesia, the country and its people. She is concerned with the manifestations of violence in Indonesian society such as genocide, rape and abuse of the weak and the suppression of human rights. As we are approaching the months of June and July, we invite you to take part in the workshop of ARAHMAIANI and to experience how you may use performance art to express your concern in democracy and human rights. For those who are able to apply what they learn from the workshop in an actual performance from 4th June to 1st July 2006, half of the fee will be refunded. Date: 31 May & 1- 2 June, 2006 Time: 7 – 10pm (Wednesday – Friday) Venue: Studio of FM Theatre Power, 2nd floor, 104 -106 Bedford Road, Taikoktsui, Kowloon. Fee: $400 Enroll & Enquiry : Mr Gus Mok / Ms Elisa Yu Tel: 9800 7169 / 9731 3262
Seminar: The ‘Market Factor’ in Contemporary Chinese Art Speaker: Shu Yang Curator and Artist Shuyang will give an in-depth analysis of how ‘the market’ play a part in the creative process of Contemporary Chinese Art and the development of ‘art hubs’ and gallery spaces such as the 798 Art District。 Born 1969 in Xi’an, China. SHU Yang is an artist, independent curator and critic who lives in Beijing. Founder and director of DaDao Live Art Festival, China. Executive editor of Chinese contemporary art magazine Next Wave in 2001. Curator of China-UK Arts Management Placement Programme at Visiting Arts in London and Chapter Arts Centre in Cardiff in 2003. Coordinator of 798 Biennale 1 in 2005. Date: 3/6/2006 (Sat) Time: 3-5pm Venue: Para/Site Art Space, No.4 Po Yan Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
ARAHMAIANI -ART/ ACTION 工作坊 ARAHMAIANI 是印尼當代著名的 Performance Artist[行為藝術家] 之一,亦是著名的視覺藝術 家、詩人。舞蹈和音樂亦是她創作的媒介。 她曾在亞洲各地及歐美演出,亦在 2003 年代表印尼 加 威尼斯第 50 屆 年展。ARAHMAIANI 的作品常常呈現她 對印尼社會和民眾的關心,對印尼社會出現的各種暴力, 包括種族滅絕、強姦、欺凌弱小、壓制人權的痛心疾首, 對跨國公司在印尼進行的剝削也極度痛恨。 ARAHMAIANI 視自己為東西方世界的中介者,她熟識爪哇和峇里文化之餘,亦曾 到澳洲、歐洲學習,她的老師特別向她介紹 Joseph Bueys,ARAHMAIANI 發覺 Bueys 的概念和她熟識的亞洲觀點有很多共通之處。而像 Joseph Bueys 一樣,她在 藝術上的努力,並不是要一些表面的美麗,而是透過作品將社會問題呈現帶出討論 並且介入。在六七月將臨的時刻,我們邀請你來參與 ARAHMAIANI 的工作坊,感 受和參與如何透過 Performance Art 這個媒介表達你對民主和人權的關心。(參加者 如能學以致用,在六月四日至七月一日期間發表作品者,將獲發還一半學費。)
日期﹕2006 年 5 月 31 日、6 月 1-2 日(星期三至五) 時間:晚上 7 時至 10 時 費用﹕$400 地點﹕九龍必發道 104-106 號二樓好戲量 Studio 工作坊查詢﹕莫昭如 / Elisa Yu 電話﹕9800 7169/ 97313262
舒陽 1969 年生於西安. 策展人、自由撰稿人和藝術家,現居北京。“大道現場藝 術節”總監。2001 年任藝術雜志《新潮》編輯。2003 年赴英國倫敦 VisitingArt 和 卡迪夫 Chapter 藝術中心參加藝術管理培訓。2005 年任《798 藝術資訊》主編, “798 雙年展”總協調人。舒陽將會分析“市場”的影響如何體現在中國當代藝術 作品及藝術空間的發展(如 798 藝術區)。
日期 :3/6/2005 (周六) 時間:3-5PM 地點:Para/Site 藝術空間 香港 上環 普仁街 四號 地下
Enquires 查詢: Ko Siu Lan 高小蘭 9278 4977 siulanko@yahoo.com.hk Mok Chiu Yu 莫昭如 98007169 mokchiuyu@yahoo.com.hk Supported by 贊助: Hong Kong Arts Development Council 香港藝術發展局
Special Thanks 鳴謝: Art and Culture Outreach, Para/Site Art Space Poster Image: Yank Wong 黃仁逵 We would like to acknowledge the Asia Art Archive for its support in research and documentation of the project. 特別鳴謝亞洲藝術文獻 庫協助本計劃之研究及紀錄。
Presented by 主辦: Asian People’s Theatre Festival Society