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Tennis Center

421 W. Spring Creek Parkway


972-941-7170 highpointtennis.com

Ken Sumrow Director of Tennis

Kevin Maynard .

. Assistant Center Supervisor

Clint Sumrow Assistant Director of Tennis

Dencil Johnson Head of Adult Player Development

Kriszta Kovacs . . . . .

. . Co-Director of Junior Player Development

Jim Moortgat Co-Director of Junior Player Development

Tennis Professionals:

Judy Adams, Steve Canan, Tommy Chiu, Duane Covell, Stefan Hernandez, Megan Goss, Kriszta Kovacs, John Lara, Freddie Perales, Dan Rasor, Mark Romerhaus, Bob Somabut, Clint Sumrow, Brad Watson and Max Watson

Pickleball Professionals:

Suzanne Atkins, Pam Koons, Laurie McDaniel and Tammy Patys

High Point Park Tennis Center consists of 21 lighted outdoor tennis courts, eight outdoor lighted pickeball courts, practice wall, playground and pro shop with restrooms and dressing facilities. We offer lesson programs, league play, team and tournament play on a regular basis for those wanting organized activities. For players not wanting a structured activity, we keep many courts open for individual reservations.


Tennis registration may be completed by using internet, in-person or by telephone starting Saturday, May 6. Please see “How to Register” information for detailed instructions.

Hours Of Operation

Mon - Thurs 7:30 am -11 pm

Fri - Sun 7:30 am - 9 pm

*Tennis Center opens at 9 a.m. from October 1 thru March 31. The tennis center may close early due to inclement weather and/or lack of court demand.

Court Fees Residents

Youth (l7 & under)

Annual Passes

Annual passes may be purchased, allowing the holder to play without paying further per session court fees. Cost of the annual passes are:

Resident Non-Resident

Family $260 $390

Adult (l8 & up) $150 $230

Youth (l7 & under) $85 $130


Court reservations may be made in person or by telephone at (972941-7170, option 4) between 9 am and closing. A person may have only one reservation at a time (you must finish your first reservation before a second reservation can be made).


The student/coach ratio is 4:1 for all classes ages 5-10. The ratio is 6:1 for classes ages 11 and up. To avoid cancellation of a class, a class may “make” with less than the minimum number of students, but with a reduced number of sessions. Classes at the same level and similar age groups may be combined at the discretion of High Point staff. Any group of two or more players may schedule a private class by contacting High Point staff at 972-941-7170.

Group lessons are very popular and some classes fill very quickly. To assure a continuous chain of instruction, we recommend that students enroll for multiple sessions at the time of initial registration. For example, a student should enroll for a Beginner session in the first session, an Advanced Beginner I group in the second session, and an Advanced Beginner II group in the third session.


High Point participates year round in the QuickStart Tennis play format, a program designed to help children learn, rally, and play quickly. Using shorter and lighter racquets, balls that are easy to keep in play, and court dimensions tailored to smaller players, youngsters from ages 5-10 pick up the game very quickly. In a short time, young players are able to keep the ball in play and play points just like older and more experienced players. In time, as students’ games improve and as they mature physically, they move to traditional rackets, balls, and courts. QuickStart is a great way to introduce children to the great game of tennis.

Advancement From Course To Course

$2 50 per person per session

Adult (l8 & up) $3 00 per person per session


We encourage players to continue learning and playing in progressively more challenging courses. The goal is to have students playing tennis (in some form) as soon as possible. As a player improves, more course time is spent on point-play like situations. For children, the instructional/play sequence is: Beginner or Pee Wee I lessons (depending on age of child), Advanced Beginner or Pee Wee II lessons, and Future Stars or Pre Junior Development (Play and Instructional Programs), Competitive and High Performance.

Youth (l7 & under)

Adult (l8 & up) . . .

. . . . . . $3 .25 per person per session

. . . . . . . . $4 .00 per person per session

For teens, the sequence is Beginner, Advanced Beginner I, Advanced Beginner II, Learn N Play, Future Stars, Competitive and High Performance. For adults, the sequence is: Beginner, Advanced Beginner, Learn and Play, High Point intra-facility leagues, Tennis Competitor of Dallas Leagues USTA Adult Leagues and Metro Leagues.

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