5 minute read
The Sipology Story

How it all began

Intro by Jennifer McCallum, Parent Guide Inc.
When I first met Tonia I was in awe. I knew everything about her incredibly successful business, but I really knew nothing about her. I expected to be met with a powerhouse of an entrepreneur that would boast about having it all. But, once in a room with Tonia and ten other women in our group, I felt like she was speaking directly to me just like a best friend would. She was vulnerable and honest about how difficult it was building up her
business, managing grief, initial resistance to her idea, and all the ups and downs that come with growing a business. She was a perfect combination of business smarts, kindness, and humility.
I could relate to her as a business owner, a mother, and a wife, and I felt drawn to her and connected in a way that you are to someone you have known for a very long time.
When Tonia was finished sharing her story with us and answering our never-ending questions about how she raised 3 kids and built a 20 million dollar company, I was not surprised of her success. She had a vision and was determined to make it a reality.
I am sure that even though she is one of the smartest, most determined business owners I know, it was also her personality that made it possible for her to build a team of over 9,000 women that wanted to follow her. I want to share her story with you and invite you to listen in to her pitch that won her two business partners on The Dragons’ Den.
I am hoping there is a book to follow, as Tonia’s story not only breathed hope into my business, it reminded me that anything is possible when you believe in something so much, it can’t possibly fail.

Here is the story of how Tonia built Sipology to what it is today...
In just 12 short years, Tonia Jahshan, with her family by her side, has made premium loose leaf tea the daily norm, by turning tea lovers into business owners, through her direct sales company, Sipology by Steeped Tea.
Her journey started in 2006, happily pregnant for the first time—she was headed home from a normal day at the sales and marketing agency she ran with her father. As she drove, she felt the first symptoms of what every expectant parent dreads: a miscarriage. The loss was devastating.
To get away from the trauma of the miscarriage, she and her husband Hatem, decided to take a mini vacation to a Halifax bed and breakfast, where for the first time she tried Cream of Earl Grey loose leaf tea. Blown away by the taste and smell she had to find out more. The owner of the B & B told her it was from a shop in Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia.
The Jahshans drove an hour west to find the boutique, stock up, and simply share the great taste with their family and friends. The purchase of the bag of tea turned into something more than just that. Tonia quickly told Hatem that she was going to start a business. “And I’m going to call it Steeped Tea,” she said.
In 2012, armed with passion andperseverance, her journey took offwhen she partnered with twodragons, Jim Treliving and DavidChilton through CBC’s Dragons’ Den.
Today, the company has thousands ofSipologists across North Americaselling loose leaf tea, Matcha,Kombucha, a medicinal tea &essential oil line called Heal-thy-selfand teaware. Sipology by Steeped Teahas been recognized year over year,as one of PROFIT 500 Canada’sFastest-Growing Companies, andTonia, herself, has been garneredCanada’s #1 Female Entrepreneur byW100 in 2016. She also received theErnst and Young’s EntrepreneurialWinning Women award and has beenlisted as 1 of 6 Women to Watch onforbes.com.
What accomplishment are you most proud of?
We asked Tonia....
What would you tell an up-andcoming mom entrepreneur to cheer her on?
Never give up, go for your dreams,but don’t expect it to come easy. Ittakes hard work, dedication and alot of risk to build a business. Youhave to work with the ups anddowns. If you can handle the worstcase scenario, you can handleanything.
I’m proud of so many of our leadersin the field who started with usalmost from the beginning and havebuilt incredible businesses. Theystarted with nothing but a kit andwith hard work and dedication haveachieved so much success. It’s aproud moment for me. On apersonal note, raising three healthyincredible children always makes meproud.
Is working side-by-side with your husband hard?
Working alongside my husband canbe a challenge at times, but ingeneral, he and I work very welltogether. What I lack in skills, hemakes up for them and vice versa.Our roles are very defined, I’m salesand marketing driven and he isnumbers driven, it’s a great balance.

If you won the lottery what would you do with your winnings?
Invest it in my business. My businessmodel is based on helping womenand men all across North America toearn an extra income for theirfamilies.
Has letting go of details been hard as the brand has grown?
At first it was very hard when Iwasn’t as confident in the team, nowI am very confident in the amazingteam we have grown at home officeand can relax more on the details.
What drives you to keep going?
Our Sipologists drive me to keepgoing. Their success is my successand I want nothing more than to seethem all build amazing businesses.
Tonia lives in Ancaster, Ontario with her 3 children and husband Hatem.
Read more about Tonia's story here!
Watch as Tonia and her husband Hatem secure funding from CBC's Dragons' Den
Visit: www.steepedtea.com