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Fake it till you Make it!

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Is it a Fever?

Is it a Fever?

So when you are next feeling overwhelmed with all the Seasonal Stresses & Strains (I know, I know – the last thing you want to do is smile – but trust me here) then follow this little Holiday Stress Buster Exercise.


Place a pencil or a pen in your mouth – between gritted teeth

Make sure that your lips are stretched tight across your teeth – a bit like this.

You are basically smiling with a pencil in your mouth

Hold this for about a minute.


The Sciency Bit : Your Unconscious Mind does not really understand the difference between reality and make-believe. So it automatically assumes that you are smiling and as a result it releases more of the happy-hormone.

Now, I’m not sure exactly which one it is : the most popular ones are endorphins, dopamine and serotonin. But who cares what the name is ? So long as it works.

Anyway your body will start to feel morerelaxed as it’s being flooded with thischemical. Cool eh?

Now I am not promising that you will attack the holidays like Will Ferrel, in his yellow tights and a litre of Maple Syrup in your system – but this little exercise might just shake off those Grinch-like feelings; allowing you to approach the festive season with a bit more positivity and a sprinkling of good cheer.

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