Preschool Guide Boston 2017

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2017/18 Edition

From Babies to Toddlers to Preschool

Choose the Best School for Your Child and Family

Understanding School Philosophies • What to Know About Challenging Behavior • Extracurricular Activities Making School Lunch a Success • Sick Day Plan • And More!




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Boston Parents Paper | 2017

Enrollment Coordinator Christine Williams Email: Phone (617) 416-7763

2017 |


Contents What’s Inside School Basics 6

Early Childhood Programs

10 Help Your Child Make the Most of Daycare and Preschool

Behavior 14 Why Cultivating Patience Matters 16 5 Things to Know About Challenging Behavior

Nutrition & Health

18 Making Lunch a Success 22 Sick Day Plan


24 Be an Art Enabler 29 Choosing an After-School Activity for Your Child


31 Preschool Listings

33 Montessori School Guide 36 38 40 42 44

Benefits of Montessori Montessori Defined Montessori Learning Materials Core Concepts Montessori School Listings


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Boston Parents Paper | 2017

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hen your child is ready for daycare or preschool, you’ll want to find a place that’s both nurturing and stimulating. Here are some factors to consider when picking the right school for your child, as well as some questions to ask as you prepare for your tour.


Boston Parents Paper | 2017

ONCE THERE, TRUST YOUR FIRST IMPRESSION OF THE SCHOOL. IS THE PLACE CLEAN, WELL LIT AND ORGANIZED? Think about your child’s age and developmental stage. Many preschools accept children only when they’re at least 3 years old at the start of the school year, usually in September. Some preschools require children to be potty-trained and ready to “separate” from a parent, while others will work with families on both issues. Many preschools offer different schedules and options, from a two- to five-day week and half- or full-day classes, so that parents can choose which suits their schedule and comfort level.

Make a list of priorities in your preschool search. In many situations, price will be a major issue. Childcare facilities and preschools can cost between $5,000 and $25,000 a year. Check with the Massachusetts Department of Education on whether your family is eligible for state funds to help pay for preschool. Another important consideration is proximity. Driving across town to drop off your child only to pick him up three to four hours later will get old after a while. For parents who work, finding a school that offers extendedday care, year-round education or lunch programs will be essential.

Some childcare facilities and preschools will allow you to bring children along on the tour, while others may want your undivided attention and ask you to leave the kids at home. Once there, trust your first impression of the school. Is the place clean, well lit and organized? Does the artwork look fun and creative? Many tours will be conducted after school hours, but you’ll get a much better sense of the school if you can visit while children are at play. By law, infant rooms must offer a teacher-to-student ratio of 1:3, toddler rooms a teacher-to-student ratio of 1:4, and for preschools a teacher-to-student ratio of 1:10 for full day and 1:12 for half day. But that doesn’t mean every student will thrive with that proportion. Consider your child’s personality. Can she assert herself to get the attention she needs, or will she benefit from having more teachers around? ■>>>

Important Questions to Ask the School and Yourself When looking at childcare facilities and preschools, ask yourself or the director the following questions:

The Program • Does the program have a clear statement of its goals and philosophy? • Does it consider a child’s social, emotional and physical needs? • Is the atmosphere warm, nurturing and accepting? • Does the curriculum meet your child’s needs? • Is the content culturally diverse and free of bias? • Does the school offer a balance of individual, small-group and largegroup activities? • Do activities encourage self-expression? • Is there a balance between quiet periods and vigorous activities? • Is there a routine to most days? • Are expectations and limits clear? • What is the discipline policy? • Does the program have an up-to date state license? Is it accredited by the National Academy of Early Childhood Programs, a division of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAECP)? Accreditation is a voluntary self-study of staff qualifications, physical environment, curriculum, parent questionnaires and observations by the director, staff and a representative of the NAECP.

The Teachers • What are the teachers’ qualifications? • What is the ratio of children to teachers? • Is there frequent staff turnover? • Do teachers encourage and respond to children’s natural interests? • Are they cheerful and patient? • How do the adults interact with the children and with each other?

The Setting • Does it look safe indoors and outdoors? • Can you imagine your child in this setting? • Are the children happy, relaxed, feeling good about themselves and engaged in meaningful play? • Does the setting foster productive interactions between children? • Is there a wide variety of materials? Are they orderly and easily accessible? • Do equipment and toys encourage individual and group play and improve motor skills? • Are the walls covered with age appropriate artwork?

Parent Involvement • Is parent involvement welcomed and encouraged? How? • Will school staff refer you to parents whose children have attended the program?

2017 |


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Defining Preschool Philosophies • Nursery schools and preschools can be privately or locally funded, secular or religious, and located in either private facilities or municipal buildings. Some schools operate under specific philosophies: • Child study centers at colleges and universities provide high quality education to children while offering a laboratory learning experience for college and university students. • Cooperative preschools require parent involvement in the classroom. Parents serve as teachers’ aides for a few days per month or share in other routine tasks, such as bookkeeping and maintenance. • Full-day programs (often called “daycare”) are located in an individual provider’s home or in a separate childcare center. • Full-year preschools offer yearlong, full-day programs in some communities with on-going enrollment. • Montessori schools use the approach that young children learn best through direct sensory experiences, such as manipulating blocks or pegboards. Teachers control the environment and the child moves from activity to activity at his own pace.

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Boston Parents Paper | 2017

• Reggio Emilia schools emphasize a child’s symbolic language through drawing, dramatic play and writing. Great importance is placed on the partnership between school and home, and the classroom is very child-directed. • Waldorf schools offer plenty of opportunity for dramatic, imitative and creative play, as well as an emphasis on practical activities, such as gardening and cooking. The focus is placed on developing the child’s senses.

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“I can’t wait to come back tomorrow!” Learn, create, and explore at the JCC Early Learning Centers JCC Early Learning Center • Brookline/Brighton Godine Early Learning Center • Newton Gilson Early Learning Center • Sharon JCC Early Learning Center at Congregation Sha’aray Shalom • Hingham Everyone welcome

2017 |



By Sandra Gordon


hese strategies can help ease your child’s jitters for an easy transition and lead to a successful year of fun times and good friends. “Both daycares and preschools offer kids experiences they might not get at home, such as exposure to a larger social environment that can help them learn how to get along well with others,” says Cathy Keller, the director of a preschool and infant care center. Who knew that 18-month-olds could have friends? When kids go to daycare and preschool, their schedules tend to fill up with playdates and birthday parties. Developmentally, kids who’ve done at least a year of preschool are more ready to jump into the learning environment of kindergarten, too. “Preschool is an environment in which kids have the opportunity to use language in many different ways with others who are at the same developmental age,” says Jennifer Kurumada Chuang, the owner of a child care center and preschool. But, overall, preschool helps young, naturally egocentric kids learn how to exist with others in a classroom. “Preschoolers learn how to take turns, follow directions, pick up after themselves, stand in line, sit in a circle, raise their hand, use their words to express themselves instead of physically acting out and talk when it’s appropriate,” Kurumada Chuang says. All told, your child’s early learning experiences can set the tone for years to come. To help your child prepare for daycare and preschool and reinforce the lessons he learns there, here’s the homework you can do that can make all the difference.

Pick the right daycare or preschool. “Separating from mom and dad can be tough for infants, toddlers


Boston Parents Paper | 2017

and preschoolers, though some kids display it more aggressively than others,” says Keller. To make drop-off easier, choose a daycare or preschool you feel good about. “Parents telegraph their comfort and confidence about the school in so many ways to their kids,” says Keller. If you’re happy with your choice of school and know that your child is in a good learning situation, your child will pick up on your confidence and be OK with it, too, even if he initially doesn’t seem to like going there. And keep in mind that separation anxiety is oft en more painful for you than your child. “Children are amazingly adaptable,” Keller says. Manage morning madness. To help make drop-off at daycare or preschool smoother, take the hassle out of your morning. Try doing what you can the night before, when you have more time to think the next day through. For example, fill out permission slips, write any notes to the teacher and checks for daycare or preschool, and put them in your child’s backpack or lunchbox. You can even set the table for breakfast and take out the breakfast cereal, if you want to. You could also check the weather forecast and let your preschooler set out the next day’s outfit, and give choices: “Do you want to wear the striped shirt or the orange one? Your blue jeans or sweatpants?” As soon as you can, “Get your kids invested in the process with age-appropriate tasks,” says Mary Robbins, a licensed clinical social worker. To encourage your preschooler to begin to do these things on her own, praise her for a job well done, such as: “Wow! You picked your outfit by yourself? You’re getting to be such a big girl!” As your child masters one task, add another. Eventually, she can help you pack her snack and her lunch the night before. Stick to a routine. Whether your child is in daycare or preschool, establish a morning routine and stick to it. It might be: wake up, get dressed, eat breakfast,

have a short playtime together, doublecheck the backpack or lunchbox and leave the house. “Structured routines give children a sense of control. When they know what’s coming next, they’re less likely to procrastinate or become anxious about going to daycare or preschool,” Keller says. Make a morning-routine poster for your family and put it in a common area, such as on your fridge. The poster should outline the order of tasks such as dressing, eating breakfast, putting on shoes and socks and brushing hair and teeth. Use pictures to convey the message. If your child dawdles even with a set routine, move up his bedtime and his wake-up by 15 minutes instead of trying to get him to conform to your schedule. Also, make sure he gets to bed early enough so he’s more apt to be up-and-at-’em in the morning. Keep in mind that infants 3 to 11 months need nine to 12 hours of sleep at night and a 30-minute to four-hour nap one to three times a day. Toddlers need 12 to 14 hours of sleep in 24 hours and preschoolers need 11 to 13 hours of shut-eye at night. >>> 2017 |



Don’t dawdle. At daycare or preschool, say goodbye to your child calmly, give your child a kiss and hug and tell her when you’ll be back to pick her up, such as after lunch or her nap. Then walk out the door and let the teacher give your child some lovies so you can make a quick exit. At the end of the day, make sure you’re there to collect your child when you say you will be. “Kids that young can’t tell time, but they will know that if you always pick up after their nap and you’re not there until 5 p.m., that’s a big difference,” Keller says. Try to pick up at the same time every day, if possible.

Read, read, read to your child. “Being read to is the single most consistent and reliable predictor of academic success later in life,” says Kurumada Chuang. She recommends reading to your preschooler for 20 minutes every night at bedtime. While you’re at it, stop every so often and ask your child a question about the story before turning the page, such as: “Gosh, why do you think she was sad?” or “What do you think is going to happen next?” Making reading more interactive makes it more fun and helps build your child’s comprehension skills. Help your child learn to follow directions. To help your preschooler get the hang of following directions, practice at home by giving simple commands, such as “Please help me pick up your toys and put them in the toy box.” Then, encourage your child to follow through by offering an incentive to do whatever it is you’re asking. Tell your child that he can play outside once he’s finished putting his toys away. An incentive helps him understand that following directions makes other fun activities possible. If he doesn’t follow your directions and, for example, put his toys away, calmly explain that he won’t be able to play with those toys for the rest of the day or go to the park. Keep it positive by focusing on how clean the playroom will look when you’re done.


Boston Parents Paper | 2017

Then praise him when he’s successful. “You followed my directions so well. Thank you for helping me put your toys in the toy box like I asked you to! That was so helpful.” Help your child master sharing and turntaking. From ages 3 to 5, children tend to hoard coveted toys and objects. They’re not really ready to grasp the concept of sharing yet. But you can help your youngster practice by having her “take turns” with toys and praising her when she shares on her own. To help her develop the empathy that true sharing requires, state what she did and how it makes others feel, such as: “Thank you for sharing. It makes your sister feel good when you share the ball.” Your child should be able to “own” special or new toys, though, so keep them out of sight on playdates or in her room away from siblings. By kindergarten, children are capable of sharing well and taking turns. If your child isn’t there yet, help her get the hang of it by inviting a friend over for a cooperative task such as baking cookies. If things aren’t going well, calmly ask her to sit out. Pretty soon, she’ll get the idea and want to join in on the fun again. You can also read your child books about sharing and discuss them. In the classic tale Stone Soup, retold by Heather Forest, for example, two hungry travelers make soup from ingredients that everyone in the town contributes. What makes it extra delicious is the sharing it took to make it. Help your child make friends. If you get the sense your toddler or preschooler needs a little help in the social department, try hosting playdates with others your child likes or with whom he has common interests. Playdates offer an opportunity to break away from the group and foster individual

Hills and Falls Community Nursery School A cooperative nursery school where play is the work of our 3, 4, and 5 year old students.

friendships. You might begin by asking your preschooler, for example: “How about a playdate with Bobby? I notice that he likes to draw, too.” If you’re not sure who to invite over first, ask your child’s preschool teacher if there’s anyone in the classroom who might be a good match for your child. Then, feel free to go from there and make the rounds so that your child gets the chance to know several children better. To help your child play host, let him pick the snack and ask him beforehand what games and activities he and his friend might like to do. On the playdate, feel free to play along and stay close by to make sure everyone stays safe. But give your child and his friend the chance to play on their own, too. To help things go smoothly, keep playdates to two hours; children start to get tired after that. And keep it simple by inviting just one child over at a time. Hone your child’s listening skills. At the dinner table and during car rides, help your preschooler hone her listening skills by asking her to wait to speak until her brother has finished his sentence. When it’s her turn, remind her, “Now it’s your turn to talk. Thank you for being patient and for being such a good listener while your brother was talking.” Explain that being a good listener shows respect for the speaker, whether it’s her brother or her teacher and the other students at school who are trying to hear what the teacher has to say. Mention that it’s a two-way street: When she’s a good listener, she’s showing the same kind of respect that she gets when others listen to her. If she continues to interrupt, keep reminding her that she’ll get the chance to talk. Becoming a good listener, like many things, can take lots of practice.

Focus on your child. When it’s time to collect your child, be really glad to see him. Make sure you’re not on your cell phone or otherwise distracted. “Pick-up should be all about your child,” Keller says. “Your child wants to know you’re super glad to see him and that you’ve been looking forward to it all day.” ■ Sandra Gordon is an author and freelance writer.

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By Deidre Wilson


ATIENCE REQUIRES SELF-CONTROL, a skill that kids learn as they grow. But lately, some parents and teachers worry that children are more impatient than ever. They wonder why kids can’t seem to focus at school and always seem distracted, wanting to move on to something else. Are we really raising a generation of children who come into this world automatically unfocused, or is the problem innately that we’re more distracted as parents with all of our gizmos and gadgets? After all, it’s hard to get frustrated with impatient children when we ourselves are exasperated when there aren’t enough bars on our cell phones to make a call.


Boston Parents Paper | 2017

Diane Levin, an education professor at Boston’s Wheelock College and author of Remote Control Childhood: Combating the Hazards of Media Culture (National Association for the Education of Young People, 1998), believes there’s an increasing sense of impatience among kids in the classroom. For her book’s second printing in 2013, Levin interviewed teachers about changes they’ve seen in young children. She kept hearing the same thing – that kids have trouble staying on task. Calling it “problem solving deficit disorder,” Levin explains, “These are the kids who were born when the huge push for media for babies began.” The trouble, she insists, is that the more dependent kids become on computer screens or electronic toys, the harder it is for them to focus on solving a real-world problem. On the other hand, Lawrence Cohen, Ph.D., a Brookline psychologist and play therapy expert, wonders if parents are fostering impatience in kids without realizing it. “We’re rushing our children a lot, and then they’re impatient with us,” says Cohen, the author of Playful Parenting (Ballantine Books, 2002). “They’ve picked that up from us because we’re oft en rushing them.” Think of it this way, he says: If you and your child are playing make-believe together, who’s done playing sooner? You are, most likely. WHATEVER THE REASONS FOR KIDS’ IMPATIENCE, COHEN AND LEVIN OFFER THESE TIPS: • Surrender to the moment. Whether your kids want to run from one zoo exhibit to another or just go through the entrance turnstile over and over, “join them in their world” and don’t try to push them too quickly to move on, Cohen says. You’ll be role-modeling patience. • If your child never seems to focus on one thing for long, set aside time each week to go at his pace. “As hard as it is to bounce around from one thing to the next … stick with it a little longer and enjoy your kids,” Cohen says. • If you have to say no to a child, acknowledge her frustration. “When we say no, there’s no reason we can’t be relaxed and light about it,” Cohen says • Nurture kids’ interests away from electronics. Limit screen time, but offer something else the child can do instead. Make dinner together or do a craft project. Identify their interests and play alongside them, Levin says. • When stuck waiting in line or in the car, play games to pass the time. Try “I Spy,” where you spot something of a certain color and the child must guess what it is. Plug into a ritual instead of a device. Deirdre Wilson is the former senior editor of Boston Parents Paper.

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Things to Know About Challenging Behavior By Emily Potts Callejas and Mary Watson Avery


hether it is a tantrum in the supermarket or a refusal to participate in circle time, responding to challenging behavior in young children can be one of the most common and, yet, toughest parts of being a parent or an early childhood educator. The fact that challenging behaviors are a healthy part of early childhood development can be of little solace when a child’s repeated actions are frustrating, upsetting or just plain confusing. It is helpful to develop a common understanding of challenging behavior that can be shared between early childhood educators and families. Below we have provided useful language, strategies and tips for parents and teachers to help better understand and address common challenging behaviors in children.


All behavior – even challenging behavior – is communication. Sometimes when children “act out” we want to ignore it and think it’s just a phase. However, “acting out” is a child’s way of communicating. Acknowledging a child’s feelings – even when those feelings might be expressed through a tantrum – is an important step in connecting to a child and helping her manage her own feelings. T. Berry Brazelton states in his book Touchpoints Birth to Three: Your Child’s


Boston Parents Paper | 2017

Emotional and Behavioral Development (Da Capo Press, 2002) that, “When you can, find a way for time-out or a hug in a rocking chair to break the cycle of [aggressive] buildup. It will help you as well. As you stop [the child], say, ‘I’m sorry. I love you, but not what you are doing.’” Acknowledging a child’s frustration or angry feelings helps the child understand that you see that she is communicating something to you, the adult. Taking time out to discuss challenging behavior is one way both the child and adult will better understand each other and have improved communication.


Challenging behavior is more than just annoying – it’s a demonstration of skill. When a young child displays challenging behaviors, such as pinching or screaming, it is often because he does not know how to describe what he is feeling by using his words. A very young child does not have the language to express their needs and may turn to tantrums to express discomfort or hunger, or biting to express frustration. It is important to understand that while annoying, challenging behavior is also a child’s way of showing us how they are able to express themselves, which gives a starting point in how we can support them.


Social skills can and should be taught. Research shows that when children are taught the key skills they need to understand their emotions and the emotions of others, handle conflicts, problem solve, and develop relationships with peers, their problem behavior decreases and their social skills improve. Young children must be given the tools to know how to navigate the world around them. Parents and educators should be trained – or seek guidance – in helping children to gain these skills.


Children do things for attention because they need your attention. When a child throws yogurt onto the floor, he is doing so to tell you something. When a child cries in the crib, she is trying to get your attention. There are many reasons for challenging behavior, for example: a developmental surge, medical reasons, biological reasons, the social emotional environment, discontinuity between care program and home, lack of skill in communicating and interacting wwith others, and/or a combination of factors. Understanding the reason behind challenging behavior in young children is empowering for parents and teachers, and helps adults to feel more confident in their parenting and/ or teaching.



Building nurturing relationships is one of the most powerful tools in preventing and addressing challenging behavior. The focus of parents and early childhood educators should be on assisting children in getting their needs met rather than eliminating the challenging behavior. In order to support this goal, adults must place priority on building relationships with the children who are in their care. The place to start is to establish trust with the young child by getting to know him. For example, a teacher might incorporate family photos into circle time to elicit stories from children about their families and loved ones. Having a deeper understanding of the child as an individual enables that young child to feel safe, loved, and therefore trusting of the adults in his life. Mutual trust and understanding provides the basis for a relationship where a child can explore all aspects of growing up, including experiencing joy, frustration, fear, curiosity, happiness and love. Next time you feel tested, confused, or frustrated with a little one, consider taking a deep breath and wondering aloud about what the child is trying to tell you. A tantrum communicates a lot of information. It’s up to the grown-ups to unlock that meaning and help young children feel understood. ■ Emily Potts Callejas, Ed.M., is the infant/early childhood mental health content manager of Wheelock College’s Connected Beginnings Training Institute. Mary Watson Avery, M.S. , is the senior program director of Wheelock College’s Aspire Institute, in addition to leading the Connected Beginnings Training Institute.

2017 |



Before your child starts a new childcare or preschool program do some practice lunch runs at home. You will better understand the items your child is comfortable eating and see how he is able to open, or not, the containers you are planning on sending. Learn where his lunch will be stored at the new school and what the signal and process will be for lunchtime. Practice having your child retrieve his lunchbox, sitting down at the lunch table and taking out his napkin before eating. Walk you child through proper table manners in a group situation. Some programs have children sit


Boston Parents Paper | 2017

and wait for all of the kids to be present at the table before allowing children to begin to eat. If your child doesn’t have any experience with lunch boxes, food containers and water bottles have your child experiment with the opening and closing the containers and when done putting all items back into the lunch box and back into a backpack to go home.

Be sure to get a lunchbox and food containers that are easy to open, close and stay closed. You don’t want your child opening his lunchbox in which the

inside is covered in yogurt. Most early education programs teach recycling and healthy eating and promote a zero waste environment. When possible remove food from packaging and store in small reusable containers. Prepare food the way you would serve it to your children at home. For example, cut oranges, peel apples, peel eggs, etc. if that is the way your child eats them at home. Put a slit in a banana for ease of opening. Many programs send home all uneaten food so the parent can understand what is eaten. Make sure the food and drink you pack allow for this. Also, find out how lunch boxes are stored at school. Is there a refrigerator for storage or do lunches need a freezer pack.

Go for hand-held, bite size options. Children may still be learning to manage utensils. Finger foods are easier and quicker to eat. Quick eats are important with limited time to eat as well as a table full of distractions with other toddlers present. Try to avoid individually wrapped items like fruit cups (high in sugar) or bags of chips. Many items can be bought in bulk and packed in reusable containers. Skip your child being isolated to the nut table, if nuts are even allowed, by not packing them. >>>

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< Making Lunch a Success­cont'd

Big portions or too many choices in a lunch box can overwhelm a child, especially little ones. This can even lead to a child not being able to figure out where to start. Small portions are more doable. Five grapes is a lot more manageable than a big bunch! I actually find that the less I pack, the more food my kids eat.

Most programs don’t allow sweets in lunches. Even if sweets are allowed, do you want your child filling up on dessert or juice and not eating the healthier choices? Do everyone a favor and leave dessert for home.

Have a go to, healthy food option list available in your kitchen in a spot that is easy to see. I know that sometimes, in the morning panic of getting the family out of the house, having that list saved me

from packing non-nutritious options. Also, always clean out your child’s lunch box the same day. In the morning, there is nothing worse then going to pack a lunch box and having it still full of smelly containers or squashed banana from the day before. Some parents are so organized that they have the lunch box ready to go the night before. One less thing to handle in the morning, right? One lifesaver we have is a spare set of lunchbox, food containers, freezer packs and several water bottles. As much as you plan there will be a day when the lunchbox or water bottle won’t come home.

Use the weekends and extended holidays to deep clean the lunch boxes and water bottles. To clean a lunch box, simply wash using a sponge and warm, soapy water. Leave upside down to air dry. To deodorize a smelly lunch bag or box, simply leaving baking soda in it overnight, then dump out and wipe clean in the morning. To clean a water bottle dilute 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar with a cup of water. Poor into the water bottle and let sit for 15 minutes. Use a bottle brush to scrub, rinse and let dry.

Mount Alvernia Academy


An Independent Catholic Elementary School Experienced teachers National Blue Ribbon School for Academic Excellence Flexible pre-school schedules Extended day available until 5:45 PM After-school activities & clubs

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Boston Parents Paper | 2017


Long history of academic excellence. Small class size, experienced staff and partnership with Boston College. Music, band, art, PE, new computer lab and Happy Feet - Indoor Soccer at all levels. Extended day programs until 6:00pm.

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Students are immersed in a vibrant international learning environment where classes are taught in French and English, as early as 2.9 years. PRESCHOOL TO GRADE 12

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Plan on Sick Days... They Will Happen!


t is inevitable that working parents with a

young child will sooner or later have to cope with their child being ill. Parents need to develop a plan that allows them to manage the difficult problem of caring for their sick child in a way that: • Decreases stress for the child • Eases tension and guilt for the parent • Makes business run smoothly for their employer

How Sick is Too Sick for Child Care or Preschool? Children suspected of having a communicable disease such as chicken pox, measles or strep throat may not be placed in child care. Furthermore, children exhibiting symptoms of illness such as undiagnosed rashes, sore throat, vomiting or diarrhea also should


Boston Parents Paper | 2017

not be in care. These guidelines apply to both childcare and preschools. When enrolling your child, discuss the caregiver’s sick child care policies.

Be Prepared: Before your child gets sick, consider what your choices will be. After thinking about your commitments, you will know what problems you face in caring for your child when he or she is sick. Caring for the Sick Child Yourself: This is likely the very best choice for your child. What are the policies regarding use of sick leave at your workplace? Can you rearrange your schedule at work or school or bring work home? If two parents care for the child and have flexible schedules, you may want to share equally in caring for the child during an illness.


NOW ENROLLING FOR 2017-2018 At the TCEE we celebrate the best of early childhood: Wonder, Curiosity and Discovery Preschool (18 months to 5 years, 9 am–1 pm)

Finding an Alternate Care Situation: Most working parents will need to call on an alternate caregiver to provide care for their sick child. Search for a dependable adult whom the child knows and likes. Likely prospects are relative, friends, neighbors, retirees, and college students. Get acquainted with several alternate caregivers before you need them. The better acquainted you are with each other, the easier it will be for your child when sickness occurs. Check in advance about transportation arrangements and fees.

• Flexible schedule with extended care options, 7:30am–6pm, daily. • Beautiful new air conditioned classrooms and onsite private playground • Summer camp and vacation programs available

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Other Options: Some child care centers, such as Bright Horizons centers offer drop-in or emergency child care for families who live nearby and are looking for safe, high-quality care as well as engaging and fun activities for their children when their regular caregiver is unavailable. These centers are specially designed to help children feel safe and secure, and to ease the transition into their new environment. Before your child gets sick, consider what your choices will be. After thinking about your commitments, you will know what problems you face in caring for your child when he or she is sick. Children suspected of having a communicable disease such as chicken pox, measles or strep throat may not be placed in child care. Furthermore, children exhibiting symptoms of illness such as undiagnosed rashes, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea also should not be in care. These guidelines apply to both childcare centers and preschools. When enrolling your child in preschool or childcare, discuss and understand their sick day policies and have a plan.

• Full-day Kindergarten 1 and Kindergarten 2 programs for 4 and 5 year olds. • Spanish K1-8, Latin 6-8. • Average class size of 16 students. • A challenging academic curriculum that includes 45 minute specialists in music, art, computer, library and physical education. • Private tours and Student Shadow Days are available. • Please call Patricia Crane at 781-643-9031 ext.305 or email for details. 39 Medford Street, Arlington, MA 02474

781-643-9031 ext.305 K1 (Pre-K) - 8th Grade

2017 |



Nurturing a Child’s Interest in

Visual Arts By Cheryl Crosby and Denise Yearian


t some point in time, nearly every preschooler picks up paper and crayons and begins to draw out disjointed circles and haphazard lines. Although this may appear to be random doodling, it could be the beginning of a lifelong love of the visual arts. Even if your child isn’t a budding Botticelli you can nurture a love and appreciation for the fine arts. So where do you begin? Amy Briggs, assistant director of visitor learning and experience at Danforth Art Museum/School in Framingham, believes art appreciation begins with everyday experiences


Boston Parents Paper | 2017

Making art is a personal expression of ideas and feelings, so if a child wants a purple tree in the picture I say go for it. early on. “Visual stimulation – and the building of a visual vocabulary – really begins at birth. Much of a young child’s biological and cognitive development involves learning to visually interpret the world around him/her,” Briggs says. “A parent may sit with a young child in [her] lap, and while looking through a picture book point to various images and identify objects or animals by labeling them

out loud – ‘cat,’ ‘house,’ ‘flower.’ This type of experience is building an oral vocabulary, but it is also contributing to a child’s visual literacy. By building a visual vocabulary children become appreciative of colors, textures, shapes and lines all around them.” For 9-year-old Devon Godek, this came naturally. “From the time she was 3, Devon would say, ‘Daddy, look at the colors of the sunset,’ or ‘Look

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2017 |


at the design in the clouds.’ Then she would try to draw them,” says Joe Godek of his daughter. “It was obvious even from preschool that her work was more intricate than other kids her age.” Valerie Schulte had a similar experience with Maggie, now 5. “From a very early age, my daughter was extremely creative,” says Schulte. “At 2, she was enthralled with crayons and moved quickly on to finger paints. She also loved to manipulate clay. Even now when she plays waitress, she takes our orders and draws pictures of what we want.” Experts agree Maggie and Devon both display signs of an artistically gifted child. “If your child prefers drawing to most other activities, if you see an astute observation reflected in the images he or she creates, or if you notice a sophisticated or advanced use of a medium, your child will likely have great success with art making as he or she grows,” says Noelle Fournier, children’s studio education

coordinator at Danforth Art Museum/ School. Even if a child doesn’t initially display extraordinary artistic skill, it’s a good idea to continue exposing him to the arts. “Messing about with art materials offers all children the chance to have success, to try new things, to expand their horizon,” says Sarah Fujiwara, executive director at Brookline Arts Center (BAC) in Brookline. “We see children at the BAC who have deep curiosity and express their feelings, thoughts and ideas in their art – they can explore and reflect challenges, joys and all ranges of emotions.” Schulte hit this roadblock with her son, now 11. “When Jack was little, he enjoyed coloring like most kids. But by the time he was 4, it was apparent he was all about sports,” she says. “That’s when the struggle began to get him to participate in creative projects.” A primary goal in education is often to extend the learning experience so if your child is interested in cars, making ramps, garages or

Gifted Education

Challenging Greater Boston’s academically advanced students for more than 25 years.

Independent school for Beginners to Grade 8 Bus routes from Newton, Needham, and Dedham

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Boston Parents Paper | 2017

race tracks, all can become an art experience,” she explains. “Decorate the track, paint the garage, put signs and graphics on the garages and make a map to go with the cars. When my boys were little, they were into Ninja turtles. Those turtles ‘needed’ sewers, clothes and places to explore so we gathered all the cardboard, paint, tape and scissors we could find and the boys designed forts and underground caves. They were exploring design, color, problem solving and writing.” What’s most important is that you encourage, but don’t push. Be careful with correction, too. “On a few occasions, I’ve tried to correct Devon’s work, but it wasn’t well received. She’s her worst critic,” says Godek. “Now I ask questions to stimulate discussions and she responds better.” Fournier and Fujiwara both think accentuating the positive is the best approach. Praise the process and point out positive features of each piece. And don’t be concerned if something is a little “off .”

“‘Perfect’ art from a child is exactly whatever the child makes,” says Fournier. “Making art is a personal expression of ideas and feelings, so if a child wants a purple tree in the picture I say go for it!” “All parents/teachers/others have made the mistake of saying, ‘I love the house you made’ to have the child say, ‘It’s not a house. It’s a motorcar,’” Fujiwara adds. “We should say, ‘Tell us about your drawing.’ Then compliments should be real. ‘I love the way you used red paint all over.’ We don’t want to limit them – let them explore. This is not about perfection; it’s about trying new things, exploring and playing. One way Schulte encourages Maggie “She really enjoys being with other kids who are working on the same project,” she says. “She’s just realizing her individuality and how everyone’s work turns out differently because they all have their own styles.” Another way to instill a love for the arts is to visit art museums.

Many facilities in Massachusetts cater to children with kid-friendly audio headsets, printed booklets and/ or guides, and free passes are often available from libraries. Even if the museum you visit doesn’t have these offerings, you can create impromptu games such as “scavenger hunts” for various shapes, colors, animals, portraits and/or landscapes. Keep the experience upbeat and fun, and leave before boredom sets in. “There is also a tremendous amount of public art around Greater Boston that is accessible any time,” says Fujiwara. “Places like deCordova with its sculpture park. Look at Boston Public Garden and the ‘Make Way for Ducklings’ ducks, or the playgrounds in Brookline and other towns. They are designed by architects and are playful, artistic and can be a delightful place to play but to also appreciate artistic endeavors and art.” What if repeated attempts to encourage your child in the visual arts are met with failed endeavors? Back off and try something else, such as

dance, music or theater. “I didn’t set out to make my girls artists. I just wanted to give them a well-rounded education and help them develop an appreciation for all things,” says Godek. “Devon and [her sister] Taylor have both taken dance and are learning to play the keyboard. We take them to plays, too. I think if you expose kids to a variety of opportunities, sooner or later you’ll start to see their interests emerging.” ■ >>>


Experienced teachers Warm and nurturing environment Hands-on multi-disciplinary curriculum Unique program offerings including Spanish and Building & Engineering Half- and full-day options Extended day available until 6:00PM Generous commitment to financial aid

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various mediums. Date the top of each page.

• Do art alongside of your child. Family parVisual and performing arts are a ticipation will encourage her to continue. way for children to creatively express themselves. They also encourage • Find books or other resources that give social and academic development. the history of famous artists. Learning Even if you don’t have formal trainabout their lives, the period they lived in ing or special talent, you can still and their culture more than likely affected nurture the arts in your child. their subject and style.


For Visual Arts • When your toddler is ready, give him chunky crayons and large paper to experiment with. As he grows, provide a variety of materials and keep them accessible for use at any time, including markers, colored pencils, colored paper, large rolls of paper for murals, watercolors, tempera paints, modeling material, craft sticks, glue, scissors, old magazines, wall paper samples and fabric scraps for collages, stickers, stencils, ribbons, glitter, wood cuts and nature items. • Look for art all around you. When you are outside, point out trees and the effects of the sun on nature. Comment on the colors of the sunset and design of the clouds. Visit park statues and city murals. Ask your child if he wants to draw what he sees. • Purchase a sketchbook and encourage your child to draw one picture a day using


Boston Parents Paper | 2017

• Encourage your child to tell stories with pictures rather than words. • Use your child’s other interests as springboards for art projects. If he likes photography, give him a digital or disposable camera and have him take pictures, make a collage or try to draw a depiction of the image he sees.

For Performing Arts • Have a box of old clothes and accessories on hand so your child can play dress up. • Encourage her to pretend to be an animal or object. How would the animal move? What would it sound like? What would the personality be like? Make up a story and act it out. • Encourage your child to pantomime rather than tell stories. • Have him create hand puppets and put on a puppet show.

• When she is young, create simple, repeatable dance steps and encourage her to engage in rhythmic movement to music. As she gets older, have her create her own routines. • Help your child become familiar with differences in pitch and encourage him to sing songs. • Purchase simple rhythm instruments your child can experiment with. Or have her create her own with simple household materials. • Expose your child to various instruments at your local music store or at a symphony’s musical petting zoo. • Let your child try a variety of musical instruments. Rent until he is ready to commit to playing long-term. • Encourage him to write a skit or find a play he can do with friends or siblings. Make it into an all-out production by creating tickets, providing snacks and inviting family and close friends. • Attend local dance, music and theater performances. After the production, discuss the event with your child. What did she like about it? What didn’t she like? Cheryl Crosby is the former editor of Boston Parents Paper. Denise Yearian is the former editor of two parenting magazines.


By Cheryl Crosby and Denise Yearian

CHILDREN’S INTERESTS AND ACTIVITIES ARE AS DIVERSE AS THE CHILDREN THEMSELVES. Just as the right activity can build a child’s self-esteem and provide hours of enjoyment, the wrong one can do just the opposite. So how do you find the right sport, club or music program for your child?


his was the dilemma Susan Benzel faced with her young children. “My kids weren’t gregarious about asking to participate in an activity,” says Benzel. “We exposed them to a variety of things I thought would be developmentally good for them, hoping they would find something they enjoyed.” Jeanne Ruckert Lovy, assistant vice president of young children and their families at the Jewish Community Centers of Greater Boston, thinks variety is a good idea, particularly for the younger set. “Classes are a great way for children to try new things,” she says. “Preschool children love to develop and demonstrate mastery and competence, and activities involving new skills, such as sculpture building, ballet, soccer or LEGO robotics, are great ways to help children feel confident and proud. “If your child is interested and flexible, it’s fine to try many activities, but it can also be meaningful to stick with one or two and let your child grow through them with a group of friends or a favorite instructor,” Lovy continues. “Either can be beneficial. If something is going well, don’t feel you have to abandon it because you feel children need variety. Alternately, if something is not going well, don’t force your child to repeat it; find something new.” Lovy also recommends that you start by thinking about your child’s strengths and learning style before signing up for an activity. “Consider your child’s temperament and the ways he or she best approaches new situations,” she says. “For example, the open gym class that worked

well for your neighbor’s child might feel overwhelming to a child who is sensitive to noise. Start with a smaller classsize or a targeted instruction class like yoga, martial arts or dance, and then work up to a larger group. Alternatively, if your child is very active and requires a lot of support in a group setting, an intense sitdown class like computers or watercolors might not be the best fit.” This is the reason Rebecca Kranson signed up her son for soccer when he was 5 years old. “Angelo has always had such a high energy level that we thought moving up and down the soccer field would be a good fit,” says Kranson. “We had considered baseball but, at the time, thought the game moved too slowly for him.” Another consideration is your child’s personality. Is he more suited to group or individual activities? “Try both group and individual activities to see what feels best for your child,” Lovy recommends. “Determine your goals before making a selection. If your goal is to help your child in social settings, seek out a group experience with an experienced and kind instructor. Individual activities are great for building a skill or competency, like swimming, but less effective for group interaction. They can also be good for a child transitioning to his or her first class experience.” Carol Scott , a 4-H youth program director, agrees. “In groups, kids learn to be cooperative players and are responsible for one another,” she explains. “In an individual setting, they can move at their own pace and feel a sense of personal accomplishment at what they have achieved.” >>>

2017 |


Benzel found this to be true with her son Brock. “He always loved music and rhythm but had never had piano lessons,” she recalls. “One day, his friend came over and started playing our piano. Brock said, “I can do even better.’ I started him in lessons and within months, he had surpassed his friend’s skills. I never have to ask him to practice. Lessons are the highlight of his week.” But Benzel admits lessons, practices and commutes whittle away time, which is why she always considers time commitments before enrolling her children in activities. “My life is one big jigsaw puzzle with work and family responsibilities,” she says. “I have to carefully place on the calendar where everyone is going and have an A and B plan in case my husband can’t help out.” While having your child participate in a variety of activities is great, Lovy warns about filling up your family’s schedule with too many activities. “Even though choices can be difficult, it’s sometimes better to choose just a few things to focus on, rather than have your child scheduled every afternoon with a different activity,” she says. “Downtime and family time are important, too.” Also important is finding an organization that matches your goals and objectives with regard to student-teacher ratios, instructors’ experience, teaching philosophies and student expectations. “Before enrolling your child in an activity, explain the commitment to him so he knows what is expected,” says Scott . “Then if the activity doesn’t work out, talk with your child about what he didn’t like so the mistake isn’t repeated in the future.” After enrolling, prep your child for the new activity before the first meeting or lesson. “Share your excitement about the activity without overselling it,” Lovy says. “In most cases, the point of classes is to have fun and gain

new skills, so those are things you can mention to your child. Post photos on the fridge, printed from the website, as a visual reminder of what’s coming up. If there is high anxiety, it’s a red flag to consider an alternate class that would be a more comfortable fit. Once a class has begun, make sure to show interest in what your child is doing. Ask about the class, celebrate successes and be as sensitive as possible to issues if they arise.” Most importantly, if something doesn’t work out, view it as a learning experience, not a failure. Maybe athletics isn’t your child’s thing, but music is. Or maybe it’s art or science or cooking or sewing. And don’t be surprised if it takes several tries, a few seasons or a couple of years. “My oldest daughter, Meghan, didn’t find something she truly adored until she was older, and it’s volunteering,” Benzel concludes. “Even if my kids don’t ever find their niches, I’ll keep exposing them to different things so they grow up with a storehouse of experiences from which to draw.” ■

WHERE TO GO Cooking • Create a Cook, • Heirloom Kitchen;

Dance & Gymnastics

• All That Jazz Dance Studio; • Exxcel Gymnastics and Climbing; • Massachusetts Gymnastics Center; • Paulette’s Ballet Studio; • Tony Williams Dance Center;


• All Newton Music School; • Brookline Music School; • Children’s Music Center of Jamaica Plain; • Community Music Center of Boston; • Keys for Kids; • Longy School of Music; • Music Together; • New School of Music; • Piano Playtime; • Sprouting Melodies; • Yamaha Music School of Boston;


Boston Parents Paper | 2017


✼ Alpha Martial Arts Academy; ✼ Appalachian Mountain Club; ✼ Boston Rock Gym; ✼ Guard Up! Family Swordsmanship; ✼ My Gym;


• Center for the Advancement of STEM Education at Bridgewater State University; • Einstein’s Workshop; • LEtGO Your Mind; • Russian School of Mathematics; • The Math Club; • The Science Works!;

Various Programs Available

• Jewish Community Centers of Greater Boston; • LINX; • The Boston Conservatory;

Helpful Tips & Advice ✼ • Consider time commitments. How much family time is com-

mitted now? How much will this activity entail? Will personal practice time be expected? • Add up the cost. Think about uniforms, trips and other expenses not covered in the initial fee. • Stop by for a visit if the program has ongoing instruction. Sit in on a session and observe it in progress. Does the instructor interact with the students? Does she use positive reinforcement? Are the students listening and attentive? Do they seem happy? Is the program geared for the skill and developmental level of the children?

✼ • Ask about introductory classes. Many ongoing programs offer introductory classes with no commitment. This allows your child to become familiar with the program and serves as a screening process to see if the instructor is running the program at the

children’s level.

• If your child has taken up an athletic activity, such as soccer, but didn’t like it, try a different sport. If he played the saxophone and didn’t tune in, try a new instrument. Or choose something completely different.

Cheryl Crosby is the former senior editor of Boston Parents Paper. Denise Yearian is the former editor of two parenting magazines and the mother of three children.


15 Brimmer Street, Boston • 617-742-0520 x20 Founded in 1961, Advent is a school for learners age four through Sixth Grade with excellent academics and an emphasis on diversity and social justice.

Bay Farm Montessori Academy

145 Loring Street Duxbury • 781-934-7101 Educating children from 12 months to age 14 (grade 8), Bay Farm is one of the South Shore’s oldest and largest Montessori schools, offering all students the excitement of hands-on learning on a beautiful nine-acre campus in Duxbury.

Chestnut Hill School, The

428 Hammond Street, Chestnut Hill • 617-566-4394 X610 Chestnut Hill is an Independent School serving children age 3 (Beginners program) through Grade 6. Upper school leadership opportunities are a hallmark of our program.

Friends Childcare

Friends Childcare: Nurturing Children & Supporting Families. Year Round program for infants to Pre K. Call now for a Tour

Hills and Falls Community Nursery School

258 Concord St., Newton Lower Falls • 617-964-2086 Hills and Falls strives to provide a quality play based education in a safe, diverse and nurturing environment with the support of a strong and cohesive Parent/ Guardians teacher community.

International School of Boston

45 Matignon Road, Cambridge • 617-499-1451 ISB offers a distinctive bilingual education rooted in the best of French, American, and international academic traditions. The School’s mission is to shape lifelong learners who can speak and think in multiple languages and who can apply their knowledge.

Mount Alvernia Academy

20 Manet Road Chestnut Hill • 617-527-7540 “Growing Young Minds and Nurturing Character in the Franciscan Tradition” OPEN HOUSE: Sunday, Nov.

110 Cypress Street, Brookline • 617-731-1008 2017 |



Boston Parents Paper | 2017

PRESCHOOL LISTINGS 3, 11am - 1pm Accepting Applications Coeducational Catholic Grades Nursery - Grade 6 Founded in 1927

Newton Montessori School

80 Crescent Avenue Newton • 617-969-4488 A diverse, nurturing community of children from 15 months through grade 6, Newton Montessori School fosters a love of learning through respect for self, others and the environment.

The Sage School

171 Mechanic Street Foxboro • 508-543-9619 The Sage School provides a full day, PreK through 8th grade academic program where master teachers inspire gifted children to learn deeply and discover their passion.

Saint Agnes School

39 Medford Street, Arlington • 781-641-6627 Established in 1888, Saint Agnes School is a special place that is dedicated to the spiritual, intellectual,

physical, and social development of its students. Part of Saint Agnes Parish community that also includes Arlington Catholic High School.

Summit Montessori School

283 Pleasant Street, Framingham • 508-872-3630 Summit Montessori School is an independent school providing Montessori education, starting at 21 months, available to the children of fifteen MetroWest communities located near Routes 9, 90 and 495. Before and after school care available.

Teddy Bear Club

239 Concord Road Lincoln 1466 Commonwealth Avenue, Newton 781-259-0009 617-332-1611 Teddy Bear Club is a bilingual French-English preschool program with locations in Lincoln and Newton. TBC was founded in 1993 and has grown to serve families from all over MA. We teach morning and afternoon sessions for children 21 month to 5 years.

child study center The Child Study Center offers a high quality and rich curriculum for preschoolers ages 2.9 to 5 years in a warm, caring environment. Our location on the beautiful campus of Pine Manor College is just minutes off of Route 9. Schedule a visit today! Call CSC Director Lynne Love, 617-731-7039

400 Heath St., Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 | 2017 |


PRESCHOOL LISTINGS Thacher Montessori School

1425 Blue Hill Avenue, Milton • 617-361-2522 Thacher Montessori School is a diverse, joyful, and collaborative learning community for toddlers through 8th grade. We embrace each child’s unique potential, nurture boundless curiosity and cultivate a lasting love of learning.

Tobin Children's School

71 Cottage Street Natick • 508-653-6300 Early childhood education is what we know best at Tobin Children’s School. Children at this age learn most effectively in an environment with a balance of fun, exploratory play, and an introduction to letters, numbers, shapes, and colors.

The Tobin School

73 Cottage Street Natick • 508-655-5006 Leaders in Early Childhood Education, The Tobin School provides care for children in preschool up through Kindergarten during the academic year. Robust, rich


Boston Parents Paper | 2017

curriculum and developmentally appropriate program.

Tobin School Westwood

1054 High Street Westwood • 781-329-7775 Our school provides a cozy, bright and cheerful environment for young children. We are committed to providing a developmentally appropriate curriculum to address each child’s individual needs.

Westwood Children's School

808 High Street Westwood • 781-329-7766 We have designed our programs to provide your Infant, Toddler and Preschool child with a variety of experiences and activities to encourage them to learn about themselves, their friends and their surroundings. At our school they will participate in small and large group experiences, quiet times, and active play, as well as outdoor exploration.

2017 |


Contents Benefits of Montessori 34 Education Montessori Schools 36 Defined Montessori Learning 38 Materials 40

Core Components of Montessori Education

Montessori 42 School Listings

Students are supported in becoming active seekers of knowledge. Teachers provide environments where students have the freedom and the tools to pursue answers to their own questions.


Boston Parents Paper | 2017




8:03 AM Acton Montessori School

Acton, MA


Acton Montessori School Acton, MA 978-263-4333 Adams Montessori School Quincy, MA 617-773-8200 Adams Montessori School Quincy, MA 617-773-8200 Amesbury Montessori School Amesbury, MA 978-518-5113 Amesbury Montessori School Amesbury, MA 978-518-5113 Amherst MontessoriSchool School Amherst,MA MA 413-253-3101 Amherst Montessori Amherst, 413-253-3101 Andover SchoolofofMontessori, Montessori, Inc. Andover,MA MA 978-475-2299 Andover School Inc. Andover, 978-475-2299 BayBay Farm Academy Duxbury, 781-934-7101 FarmMontessori Montessori Academy Duxbury,MA MA 781-934-7101 Bedford Montessori Bedford, 781-275-3344 Bedford MontessoriSchool School Bedford,MA MA 781-275-3344 Bellingham Children's House Bellingham, MA 508-966-2752 Bellingham Children’s House Bellingham, MA 508-966-2752 Blue Hill Montessori Canton, MA 781-828-5230 Blue Hill Montessori Canton, MA 781-828-5230 Bridgeview Montessori School Sagamore, MA 508-888-3567 Bridgeview Montessori School Sagamore, MA 508-888-3567 Burlington Montessori School Burlington, MA 781-273-0432 Burlington Montessori School Burlington, MAMA 508-628-8429 781-273-0432 CA Montessori Children's Center Framingham, Cambridge Montessori School CA Montessori Children’ s Center Cambridge, Framingham,MA MA 617-492-3410 508-628-8429 Children's House Montessori West Roxbury, Cambridge Montessori School Cambridge, MAMA 617-325-2233 617-492-3410 Children's Center Danvers, MA MA 978-774-2144 Children’Montessori s House Montessori West Roxbury, 617-325-2233 Children's Own School, Inc. Winchester , MA 781-729-2689 Children’s Montessori Center Danvers, MA 978-774-2144 Children's Workshop Montessori Marbelhead, MA 781-631-8687 Children’s Workshop Montessori Marblehead, MA 781-631-8687 Christian Family Montessori Christian Family Montessori School Holliston, MA 508-429-5478 School Holliston, MA 508-429-5478 Concord MontessoriSchool School Concord,MA MA 978-369-5900 Concord Montessori Concord, 978-369-5900 Cottage Montessori Arlington, MAMA 781-333-0918 Dandelion Montessori Coop Cambridge, 617-354-6400 eBridge Montessori School Westborough, MA 508-366-9288 Hands-On Montessori School 508-339-4667 Hands-On Montessori School Mansfield, MA 508-339-4667 Harborlight-Stoneridge Harborlight-Stoneridge Montessori School Beverly, MA 978-922-1008 Montessori School Beverly, MA 978-922-1008 Inly School Scituate, MA 781-545-5544 Inly School Scituate, MA 781-545-5544 Keystone Montessori School School Chelmsford, 978-251-2929 Keystone Montessori N.North Chelmsford, MA MA 978-251-2929 King’Wood s WoodMontessori Montessori School Foxboro,MA MA 508-543-6391 King's School Foxboro, 508-543-6391 KingsleyMontessori Montessori School School Boston,MA MA 617-226-4900 Kingsley Boston, 617-226-4900 Lexington Lexington, 781-862-8571 LexingtonMontessori Montessori School School Lexington,MA MA 781-862-8571 Longmeadow LongmeadowMontessori Montessori Internationale Longmeadow, MA 413-567-1820 Internationale Longmeadow, MA 413-567-1820 Meeting House Montessori Braintree, MA 781-356-7877 Melrose Montessori School Melrose, MA 781-665-0621 Melrose Montessori School Melrose, MA 781-665-0621 Mighty Oaks Montessori School Auburn, MA 508-304-7110 Mighty Oaks Montessori School Auburn, MA 508-304-7110 Montessori Academy of Cape Cod North Falmouth, MA 508-563-9010 Montessori Beginnings School Sandwich, MA 508-477-7730 Montessori Beginnings School Sandwich, MA 508-477-7730 Montessori Children' s House of Montessori Country Day Wellesley Wellesley, MA 781-235-9439 SchoolCountry of HoldenDay School of Holden, MA 508-829-2999 Montessori Holden Holden, MA 508-829-2999 Montessori Day School Montessori Day School of Wellesley Hills of Wellesley Hills, MA 781-795-5571 Wellesley Hills Wellesley Montessori Escuela Belmont, Hills, MA MA 919-259-6516 508-454-0631 Montessori Escuela Belmont, MA Montessori Institute-New England at Harborlight-Stoneridge 508-454-0631 Montessori Institute-New Montessori School England Beverly, MA 978-927-9600 at Harborlight-Stoneridge Montessori Parent Child Center Boston, MA 617-513-4270 Montessori School Beverly, MA 978-927-9600 My Montessori of Woburn Woburn, 781-333-4898 Montessori Parent Child Center Boston, MAMA 617-513-4270

Montessori-Sudbury MyMyMontessori of Woburn Nashoba Montessori Montessori School Nashoba School NewburyportMontessori Montessori School Newburyport School Newton School NewtonMontessori Montessori School North School NorthShore ShoreMontessori Montessori School Norwood Montessori School Norwood Montessori School Notre Dame Children's Class Notre Dame Children’s Class Oak Meadow School Oak Meadow School School Old Colony Montessori Old Colony Montessori School Panda Cub Montessori Pinewood Panda CubSchool Academyof Montessori Pioneer Valley School Pincushion Hill Montessori Montessori School Pond View Montessori School Pinewood School of Montessori Reading Montessori School Pioneer Valley Montessori School River Valley Charter School Pond View Montessori School Sam Placentino Elementary Reading Montessori School School River Valley Charter School Seaside Montessori School Shrewsbury Rock and RollMontessori Preschool School Summit Montessori School Sam Placentino Elementary School Sunrise Montessori Sandwich MontessoriSchool School T.E.C. School Seaside Montessori School Tara Montessori School Shrewsbury MontessoriSchool School Thacher Montessori Summit Montessori School The Bethlehem School Sunrise Montessori Schoolof The Montessori School Northampton Tara Montessori School The Montessori School of the Thacher Montessori School Berkshires The Bethlehem School The Riverbend School The Bilingual Montessori The Sandwich Montessori School School of Sharon The Torit School The MontessoriMontessori School of School The Westwood Northampton Tobin Montessori School The Montessori SchoolSchool of Treetops Montessori Berkshires UrbantheVillage Montessori The Riverbend School School Vineyard Montessori

Sudbury, MA Woburn, MA Lancaster, MA Lancaster, MA Newburyport, MA Newburyport, MA Newton, MA Newton, MA Rowley, MA Rowley, MA Norwood, MA Norwood, MA Wenham, MA Wenham, MA Littleton, MA Littleton, MA Hingham, MA Hingham, MA Chestnut Hill, MA Plymouth, MA Brookline, MA Springfield, Ashland, MA MA Dedham, MA Plymouth, MA Reading, MA Newburyport, MA

978-883-8000 781-333-4898 978-365-6669 978-365-2555 978-462-7165 978-462-7165 617-969-4488 617-969-4488 978-495-2244 978-495-2244 781-769-6150 781-769-6150 978-468-1340 978-468-1340 978-486-9874 978-486-9874 781-749-3698 781-749-3698 617-614-7709 508-746-5127 617-614-7709 413-782-3108 508-881-2123 781-801-7939 508-746-5127 781-944-1057 413-782-3108 978-465-0065

Reading, MAMA Holliston, Newburyport, MA Hull, MA Shrewsbury, Cambridge, MAMA Framingham, Holliston, MA MA Franklin, Sandwich, MA MA Worcester, MA Hull, MA Manchester, MA Shrewsbury, Milton, MA MA Framingham, MA Lynnefield, MA

781-944-1057 508-429-0647 978-465 0065 781-773-1588 508-842-2116 857-259-6891 508-872-3630 508-429-0647 508-541-8010 508-888-4222 508-577-3045 781-773-1588 978-526-8487 508-842-2116 617-361-2522 508-872-3630 781-334-6436

Dedham, MA

Franklin, MA



Northampton, Manchester, MA MA 413-586-4538 978-526-8487

Milton, MA


Lenox Dale, MA 413-637-3662 781-334-6436 Natick, MA 508-655-7333 Sandwich, MA 508-888-4222 Sharon, MA 781-784-3000 Boston, MA 617-523-4000 Westwood, MA 781-329-5557 Northampton,MA MA 617-349-6600 413-586-4538 Cambridge, Sturbridge, MA 508-347-8059 Lenox Dale,MA MA 413-637-3662 Haverhill, 978-361-0793 Natick, MA 508-655 7333 Vineyard Haven, MA 508-693-4090 The Wellesley Montessori School, Inc. Wellesley, MA 781-237-6670 Walnut Park Montessori Newton, MA 617-969-9208 The Westwood MontessoriSchool School Westwood, MA 781-329-5557 Wildflower Montessori Cambridge, MA 617-863-7290 Tobin Montessori School School Cambridge, MA 617-349-6600 617-237-0722 Wollaston Hill Montessori School Quincy, MA Torit Language Center Montessori Boston, MA 617-292-5181 Woodside Montessori Academy Millis, MA 508-376-5320 Treetops Montessori School Sturbridge, MA 508-347-8059 Northeast Montessori Institute Warren, ME 207-236-6316 Urban Village Montessori Haverhill, MA 978-361-0793 Seacoast Center for Education Warren , ME 603-590-6360 VineyardVillage Montessori School School Amherst, Vineyard Haven, 508-693-4090 Country Montessori NH MA 603-672-3882 Hollis Montessori School Hollis, 603-400-1515 Walnut Park Montessori School Newton,NHMA 617-969-9208 Casa dei Bambini Children’s Wollaston Hill Montessori School Quincy, MA 617-237-0722 Center Bow, 603-227-9300 Woodside Montessori Academy Millis, NH MA 508-376-5320 Northend Montessori Manchester, NH 603-621-9011 Country Village Montessori School Amherst, NH 603-672-3882 Southern NH Education Hollis Montessori School Hollis, NH NH 603-818-8613 603-400-1515 Campusmy Londonderry, Seacoast Center for Education Stratham, NH 603-590-6360 Montessori Pathways Exeter, RI 401-295-0677 Southern NH Education Center Londonderry, NH 603-818-8613 Montessori School of Greenwhich Bay East Greenwich, Montessori of Greenwich Bay East Greenwich, RI RI 401-234-1243 401-234-1243 Hilltop School Brattleboro, 802-257-0500 HilltopMontessori Montessori School Brattleboro,VTVT 802-257-0500

The listed schools do not discriminate in admission,

The listed schools do not discriminate in admission, financial aid, or administration of their educational policies and and employment practices the ofbasis race,national color, or employment practices on theon basis race,ofcolor, national or ethnic any other protected ethnic origin, or anyorigin, other or protected category undercategory applicable under Federal or State laws. Federalapplicable or State laws.

2017 |


As they mature, students learn to look critically at their work, and become adept at recognizing, correcting, and learning from their errors.


Boston Parents Paper | 2017

Š 2017 American Montessori Society. All rights reserved.

Benefits of Montessori Education

Montessori education recognizes that children learn in different ways, and accommodates all learning styles.

Engage, Explore, Excel


ontessori education offers our children opportunities to develop their potential as they step out into the world as engaged, competent, responsible, and respectful citizens with an understanding and appreciation that learning is for life. Each child is valued as a unique individual. Montessori education recognizes that children learn in different ways, and accommodates all learning styles. Students are also free to learn at their own pace, each advancing through the curriculum as he is ready, guided by the teacher and an individualized learning plan. Beginning at an early age, Montessori students develop order, coordination, concentration, and independence. Classroom design, materials, and daily routines support the individual’s emerging “self-regulation” (ability to educate one’s self, and to think about what one is learning), toddlers through adolescents. Students are part of a close, caring community. The multi-age classroom—typically spanning 3 years—recreates a family structure. Older students enjoy stature as mentors and role models; younger children feel supported and gain confidence about the challenges ahead. Teachers model respect, loving kindness, and a belief in peaceful conflict resolution. Montessori students enjoy freedom within limits. Working within parameters set by their teachers, students are active participants in deciding what their focus of learning will be. Montessorians understand that internal satisfaction drives the child’s curiosity and interest and results in joyous learning that is sustainable over a lifetime. Students are supported in becoming active seekers of knowledge. Teachers provide environments where students have the freedom and the tools to pursue answers to their own questions. Self-correction and self-assessment are an integral part of the Montessori classroom approach. As they mature, students learn to look critically at their work, and become adept at recognizing, correcting, and learning from their errors. Given the freedom and support to question, to probe deeply, and to make connections, Montessori students become confident, enthusiastic, self-directed learners. They are able to think critically, work collaboratively, and act boldly—a skill set for the 21st century. Provided by American Montessori Society. For more information on the Montessori Method of education please see their website,

A Beautiful Way To Learn Ages 21 Months to 12 Years Open House April 30, 2017 1-3 pm

Summit Montessori School 283 Pleasant Street, Framingham, MA 01701 508-872-3630

Discover Montessori

Discover Thacher Toddler - 8th Grade

1425 Blue Hill Avenue | Milton, MA 02186 617-361-2522 | NURTURING BOUNDLESS CURIOSITY 2017 |


Montessori Schools Defined


Montessori schools can be found in rural, urban, and suburban settings; in working-class towns, affluent communities, and even remote villages. 40

Boston Parents Paper | 2017

Š 2017 American Montessori Society. All rights reserved.

ore than 4,000 Montessori schools dot the American landscape, offering a unique educational model to families nationwide. Thousands more bring the Montessori method to every corner of the world. Montessori schools can be found in rural, urban, and suburban settings; in working-class towns, affluent communities, and even remote villages. Some schools offer all levels of learning, from infant/toddler through the secondary (high school) level. Others offer only certain levels. In the United States, most Montessori schools are privately owned. A growing number, however, are part of public school systems, making it possible for families of any means to give their child a Montessori education.

Public Montessori school students must take the same standardized tests as students in traditional public schools. Private Schools Linked by a common philosophy, each private Montessori school is nonetheless unique. It may be housed in a small, homelike setting, on an expansive campus, or surrounded by gardens that hold discoveries for every age. Individual schools may be part of a larger entity, often a nonprofit agency or religious institution. Some schools offer parent/infant classes, in which parents learn to observe their child and meet his needs in the Montessori way. Like other private schools, most independently owned Montessori schools are funded by tuition revenue. Some schools provide scholarships for families in need of assistance, and many offer reduced tuition when parents enroll more than one child.

Public Schools Montessori is a presence in more than 400 U.S. public schools, including neighborhood, magnet, and charter schools. Public Montessori programs come in many sizes, from a single early-childhood classroom to an entire elementary, junior high, or high school. Some share a facility with other programs that have a different instructional approach. Teachers in public Montessori schools have a dual responsibility. In planning an age-appropriate Montessori curriculum, they need to make sure it matches their state’s grade-level standards. Public Montessori school students must take the same standardized tests as students in traditional public schools.

WELLESLEY Montessori School

Now enrolling for the 2017-2018 school year Ages 1.9 - 6 years

An authentic Montessori environment with certified Montessori Teachers. WMS is an American Montessori Society member school.

Now accepting toddlers as young as 21 months! Scholarships available.

79 Denton Road, Wellesley, MA 02482 • 781-237-6670

What’s in a Name If you’re considering Montessori education for your child, it’s important to know that the Montessori name is not trademarked. Any school can call itself Montessori, and programs vary in how they interpret and practice the Montessori approach. The American Montessori Society believes that certain elements are essential to quality Montessori education. These include: • Mixed-aged classes, in which older children serve as role models and helpers; • A full array of developmentally appropriate Montessori learning materials; • Teachers with credentials from a Montessori teacher education program; • Adherence to the Montessori instructional approach, with teachers serving as guides rather than givers of information. Provided by American Montessori Society. For more information on the Montessori Method of education please see their website,

2017 |


Montessori Learning Materials


ou might see a 4-year-old boy forming words using 3-dimensional letters called “the movable alphabet.” A 2½ -year-old may be sitting by a teacher, ever-so-carefully pouring water from 1 tiny pitcher to another. Several children kneeling on the floor may be intently struggling over a puzzle map of South America.

Montessori Materials Are Appealingly Designed

© 2017 American Montessori Society. All rights reserved.

Throughout the room, children will be sorting, stacking, and manipulating all sorts of beautiful objects made of a range of materials and textures. Many of these objects will be made of smooth polished wood. Others are made of enameled metal, wicker, and fabric. Also available to explore are items from nature, such as seashells and birds’ nests. How can a preschool-aged child be trusted to handle fragile little items independently? Montessori teachers believe that children learn from their mistakes. If nothing ever breaks, children have no reason to learn carefulness. Children treasure their learning materials and enjoy learning to take care of them “all by myself.” Montessori teachers make a point to handle Montessori materials slowly, respectfully, and carefully, as if they were made of gold. The children naturally sense something magical about these beautiful learning objects. As children carry their learning materials carefully with 2 hands and do their very special “work” with them, they may feel like they are simply playing games with their friends—but they are actually learning in a brilliantly designed curriculum that takes them, 1 step at a time, and according to a predetermined sequence, through concepts of increasing complexity.


Boston Parents Paper | 2017

Ingenious Each learning material teaches just 1 skill or concept at a time. For example, we know that young children need to learn how to button buttons and tie bows. Dr. Montessori designed “dressing frames” for children to practice on. The frame removes all distractions and simplifies the child’s task. The child sees a simple wooden frame with 2 flaps of fabric—1 with 5 buttonholes and 1 with 5 large buttons. His task is obvious. If he makes an error, his error is obvious. Built-in “control of error” in many of the Montessori materials allows the child to determine if he has done the exercise correctly. A teacher never has to correct his work. He can try again, ask another child for help, or go to a teacher for suggestions if the work doesn’t look quite right. Materials contain multiple levels of challenge and can be used repeatedly at different developmental levels. A special set of 10 blocks of graduated sizes called “the pink tower” may be used just for stacking; combined with “the brown

The children naturally sense something magical about these beautiful learning objects.

stair” for comparison; or used with construction paper to trace, cut, and make a paper design. The pink tower, and many other Montessori materials, can also be used by older children to study perspective and measurement. Montessori materials use real objects and actions to translate abstract ideas into concrete form. For example, the decimal system is basic to understanding math. Montessori materials represent the decimal system through enticing, pearl-sized golden beads. Loose golden beads represent ones. Little wire rods hold sets of 10 golden beads—the 10-bar. Sets of 10 rods are wired together to make flats of 100 golden beads—the hundred square. Sets of 10 flats are wired together to make cubes of 1,000 golden beads—the thousand cube. Children have many activities exploring the workings of these quantities. They build a solid inner physical understanding of the decimal system that will stay with them throughout school and life. Later, because materials contain multiple levels of challenge, the beads can be used to introduce geometry. The unit is a point; the 10-bar is a line; the hundred square a surface; the thousand cube, a solid. Montessori learning materials are ingeniously designed to allow children to work independently with very little introduction or help. The students are empowered to come into the environment, choose their own work, use it appropriately, and put it away without help.

Invite Activity Maria Montessori believed that moving and learning were inseparable. The child must involve her entire body and use all her senses in the process of learning. She needs opportunities built into the learning process for looking, listening, smelling, touching, tasting, and moving her body. When you look at Montessori materials, you are drawn to explore them with your senses. For example, you would want to pick up the sound cylinders and shake them. They consist of 2 matched sets of wooden cylinders containing varying substances that create different sounds when shaken. The child sorts the sound cylinders using only his listening skill. Two cylinders have the barely audible sound of sand. Two have the slightly louder sound of rice inside them. Others contain beans or items that sound louder still. After matching the cylinders, the child can grade the cylinders— that is, put the cylinders in order of softest to loudest, or loudest to softest.

“Grow” with the Child Montessori materials are designed to follow the students throughout their education; they are like familiar faces

greeting them in their new classrooms as they advance. For example, exploring the “binomial cube”—made up of 8 red, black, and blue cubes and prisms—the early childhood student develops visual discrimination of color and form. The elementary child labels the parts to explore, concretely, the algebraic formula (a+b)3. The upper elementary child uses the binomial cube as the foundation for work with more advanced materials to solve algebraic equations.

Invite Discovery Montessori-structured lessons are the “work” or procedures for each set of materials. A teacher may give a lesson to a child or small group of children, another child may give a lesson, a child may learn how a lesson works by watching others, or a child may explore certain types of materials freely. For a young child, the Montessori-structured lesson may be silent and may be only a few moments long. This lesson models a method for laying work on a mat or table in an orderly fashion. The lesson helps children develop work habits, organization skills, and general thinking strategy, but it never teaches children the answers. Teaching children the answers steals their chance to make exciting discoveries on their own—whether the child is a baby wondering “Can I reach that rattle?,” a preschooler contemplating “Why did this tower of cubes fall down?,” an elementary school student pondering “When you divide fractions, why do you invert and multiply?,” or a high school student puzzling “How does city council operate?” For students of every age, the Montessori environment offers the tools to discover the answers to their own questions. The teacher is their trusted ally and the learning materials are their tools for discovery, growth, and development. The teacher stays with the students for the entire span of their multi-age grouping, usually 2 or 3 years, nurturing each child’s development over that extended span of time. Elementary and high school materials build on the earlier Montessori materials foundation. Because older students have built a solid foundation from their concrete learning, they move gracefully into abstract thinking, which transforms their learning. Now they learn how to carry out research. At these upper levels, students broaden their focus to include the community and beyond. They learn through service and firsthand experience. The Montessori materials support responsible interactive learning and discovery. Provided by American Montessori Society. For more information on the Montessori Method of education please see their website,

2017 |


© 2017 American Montessori Society. All rights reserved.

Core Components

of Montessori Education


hile there are many components that are integral to quality Montessori implementation, the American Montessori Society recognizes 5 core components as essential in Montessori schools—properly trained Montessori teachers, multi-age classrooms, use of Montessori materials, child-directed work, and uninterrupted work periods. Fully integrating all of them should be a goal for all Montessori schools.

1. Properly Trained Montessori Teachers Properly trained Montessori teachers understand the importance of allowing the child to develop naturally. They are able to observe children within a specific age range and introduce them to challenging and developmentally appropriate lessons and materials based on observations of each child’s


Boston Parents Paper | 2017

unique interests, abilities, and development (social, emotional, cognitive, and physical). In this way, the teacher serves as a guide rather than a giver of information. She prepares the classroom environment in order to support and inspire the developmental progress of each student and guide each child’s learning through purposeful activity. A properly trained Montessori teacher is well versed in not only Montessori theory and philosophy, but also the accurate and appropriate use of Montessori materials. She has observational skills to guide and challenge her students, a firm foundation in human growth and development, and the leadership skills necessary for fostering a nurturing environment that is physically and psychologically supportive of learning.

A hallmark of Montessori education is its hands-on approach to learning and the use of scientifically designed didactic materials.

It is essential that Montessori teachers have training in the age level at which they teach. This training prepares the Montessori teacher to design a developmentally appropriate learning environment, furnished with specially-designed materials, where students explore, discover, and experience the joy of learning. AMS recognizes Montessori teaching credentials issued by AMS, NCME, or AMI, or by any other Montessori teacher education programs that are accredited by the Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education (MACTE).

2. Multi-Age Classrooms Multi-age groupings enable younger children to learn from older children and experience new challenges through observation; older children reinforce their learning by teaching concepts they have already mastered, develop leadership skills, and serve as role models. This arrangement mirrors the real world, in which individuals work and socialize with people of all ages and dispositions. AMS-approved multi-age groupings specify a 3-year age grouping in its accredited schools at the Early Childhood and Elementary age levels. At the Secondary level, groupings may be 2- or 3-years. Children from birth – age 3 may be grouped in varying multi-age configurations.

and presentation of enticing, self-correcting materials in specified curricular areas; teachers who serve as guides and mentors rather than dispensers of knowledge; and uninterrupted work periods, as described below.

5. Uninterrupted Work Periods The uninterrupted work period recognizes and respects individual variations in the learning process. During the work period, students are given time to work through various tasks and responsibilities at their own pace without interruption. A child’s work cycle involves selecting an activity, performing the activity for as long as s/he is interested in it, cleaning up the activity and returning it to the shelf, then selecting another activity. During the work period, teachers support and monitor the students’ work and provide individual and small-group lessons. The uninterrupted work period facilitates the development of coordination, concentration, independence and order, and the assimilation of information. Provided by American Montessori Society. For more information on the Montessori Method of education please see their website,

3. Use of Montessori Materials

© 2017 American Montessori Society. All rights reserved.

A hallmark of Montessori education is its handson approach to learning and the use of scientifically designed didactic materials. Beautifully crafted and begging to be touched, Montessori’s distinctive learning materials each teach a single skill or concept and include a built-in mechanism (“control of error”) for providing the student with a way of assessing progress and correcting mistakes, independent of the teacher. The concrete materials provide passages to abstraction and introduce concepts that become increasingly complex.

4. Child-Directed Work Montessori education supports children in choosing meaningful and challenging work of their own interest, leading to engagement, intrinsic motivation, sustained attention, and the development of responsibility to oneself and others. This child-directed work is supported by the design and flow of the Montessori classroom, which is created to arouse each child’s curiosity and to provide the opportunity to work in calm, uncluttered spaces either individually or as part of a group; the availability 2017 |


Montessori School List Acton Montessori School Acton, MA • 978-263-4333

Children’s House Montessori

West Roxbury, MA • 617-325-2233

Adams Montessori School Quincy, MA • 617-773-8200

Children’s Montessori Center Danvers, MA • 978-774-2144

Amesbury Montessori School Amesbury, MA • 978-518-5113

Children’s Own School, Inc.

Winchester , MA • 781-729-2689

Amherst Montessori School Amherst, MA • 413-253-3101

Children’s Workshop Montessori Marbelhead, MA • 781-631-8687

Andover School of Montessori, Inc. Andover, MA • 978-475-2299

Christian Family Montessori School Holliston, MA • 508-429-5478

Bay Farm Montessori Academy

145 Loring Street Duxbury • 781-934-7101 Educating children from 12 months to age 14 (grade 8), Bay Farm is one of the South Shore’s oldest and largest Montessori schools, offering all students the excitement of hands-on learning on a beautiful nine-acre campus in Duxbury.

Bedford Montessori School Bedford, MA • 781-275-3344

Bellingham Children’s House

Bellingham, MA • 508-966-2752

Blue Hill Montessori

Canton, MA • 781-828-5230

Bridgeview Montessori School Sagamore, MA • 508-888-3567

Burlington Montessori School

Concord Montessori School Concord, MA • 978-369-5900

Cottage Montessori

Arlington, MA • 781-333-0918

eBridge Montessori School

Westborough, MA • 508-366-9288

Hands-On Montessori School Mansfield, MA • 508-339-4667

Harborlight-Stoneridge Montessori School Beverly, MA • 978-922-1008

Inly School

Scituate, MA • 781-545-5544

Keystone Montessori School

N. Chelmsford, MA • 978-251-2929

Burlington, MA • 781-273-0432

CA Montessori Children’s Center

King’s Wood Montessori School Foxboro, MA • 508-543-6391

Framingham, MA • 508-628-8429

Cambridge Montessori School

Kingsley Montessori School Boston, MA • 617-226-4900

Cambridge, MA • 617-492-3410

Lexington Montessori School 46

Boston Parents Paper | 2017

Montessori School List Lexington, MA • 781-862-8571

Longmeadow Montessori Internationale

Newton Montessori School

Meeting House Montessori

80 Crescent Avenue Newton • 617-969-4488 A diverse, nurturing community of children from 15 months

Melrose Montessori School

North Shore Montessori School

Melrose, MA • 781-665-0621

Rowley, MA • 978-495-2244

Mighty Oaks Montessori School

Norwood Montessori School

Auburn, MA • 508-304-7110

Norwood, MA • 781-769-6150

Montessori Beginnings School

Notre Dame Children’s Class

Sandwich, MA • 508-477-7730

Wenham, MA • 978-468-1340

Montessori Children’s House of Wellesley

Oak Meadow School

Montessori Country Day School of Holden

Old Colony Montessori School

Holden, MA • 508-829-2999

Hingham, MA • 781-749-3698

Montessori Day School of Wellesley Hills

Panda Cub Montessori

Longmeadow, MA • 413-567-1820 Braintree, MA • 781-356-7877

Wellesley, MA • 781-235-9439

Wellesley Hills, MA • 919-259-6516

Montessori Escuela

Belmont, MA • 508-454-0631

Montessori Institute-New England at HarborlightStoneridge Montessori School

Littleton, MA • 978-486-9874

Chestnut Hill, MA • 617-614-7709

Pinewood School of Montessori Plymouth, MA • 508-746-5127

Pioneer Valley Montessori School Springfield, MA • 413-782-3108

Beverly, MA • 978-927-9600

Montessori Parent Child Center

Pond View Montessori School Dedham, MA • 781-801-7939

Boston, MA • 617-513-4270

My Montessori of Woburn

Reading Montessori School Reading, MA • 781-944-1057

Woburn, MA • 781-333-4898

Nashoba Montessori School Lancaster, MA 978-365-2555

Newburyport Montessori School

River Valley Charter School Newburyport, MA 978-465-0065

Sam Placentino Elementary School Holliston, MA • 508-429-0647

Newburyport, MA • 978-462-7165

2017 |


Montessori School List Seaside Montessori School

Westwood, MA • 781-329-5557

Hull, MA • 781-773-1588

Tobin Montessori School Shrewsbury Montessori School

Cambridge, MA • 617-349-6600

Shrewsbury, MA • 508-842-2116

Summit Montessori School

Treetops Montessori School

Sturbridge, MA • 508-347-8059

Framingham, MA • 508-872-3630

Sunrise Montessori School Franklin, MA • 508-541-8010

Urban Village Montessori

Haverhill, MA • 978-361-0793

Vineyard Montessori School

Vineyard Haven, MA • 508-693-4090

T.E.C. School

Worcester, MA • 508-577-3045

Walnut Park Montessori School Newton, MA • 617-969-9208

Tara Montessori School

Manchester, MA • 978-526-8487

Thacher Montessori School

1425 Blue Hill Avenue, Milton • 617-361-2522 Thacher Montessori School is a diverse, joyful, and collaborative learning community for toddlers through 8th grade. We embrace each child’s unique potential, nurture boundless curiosity and cultivate a lasting love of learning.

The Bethlehem School

Lynnefield, MA • 781-334-6436

The Montessori School of Northampton Northampton, MA • 413-586-4538

The Montessori School of the Berkshires Lenox Dale, MA • 413-637-3662

The Riverbend School

Natick, MA • 508-655-7333

The Sandwich Montessori School Sandwich, MA • 508-888-4222

The Torit School

Boston, MA • 617-523-4000

The Westwood Montessori School 48

Boston Parents Paper | 2017

Wildflower Montessori School Cambridge, MA • 617-863-7290

Wollaston Hill Montessori School Quincy, MA • 617-237-0722

Woodside Montessori Academy Millis, MA • 508-376-5320

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