Parent talk
Clubs & Classes Schools Events Reviews Essential reading for parents and grandparents in Somerset
Summer 2018 Volume 25 Issue 6
WIN Passes to Vivary Park Adventure Camps Family ticket to Tractor Ted weekend at Bowood
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World Horse Welfare World Horse Welfare
2 Parent Talk December 2012
Glenda Spooner Farm Glenda Spooner Farm
FREE FRTR EN EEY! ENTRY! A free family fun day out to see the horses!
AMeet freethe family fun day out to Fun see Activities the horses! Horses, Outdoor Trails, and much more! Meet the Horses, Outdoor Trails, Fun Activities and much more! Bistro and Second Hand Tack Shop – 10am-4pm Bistro Second Hand Shop – 10am-4pm Farmand walks and see theTack horses – 11am-4pm Farm walks see the horses – 11am-4pm Openand Wednesdays – Sundays Open Wednesdays – Sundays Behind the scenes tours run most days, a small fee applies BehindFun thepacked scenesactivities tours runthroughout most days, athe small fee applies holidays
Fun packed activities throughout theall holidays Follow us on Facebook to keep up to date with the activities and events place at the Farm Follow us on Facebook totaking keep up to date with all the activities and events taking place at the Farm
World Horse Welfare Glenda Spooner Farm Rescue and Rehoming CentreSpooner Farm World Horse Welfare Glenda Brincil 7LA RescueHill, and Kingsdon, RehomingTA11 Centre +44 (0)Hill, 1935 841442 TA11 7LA Brincil Kingsdon, +44 (0) 1935 841442
Parent talk The Amazing Maize contents
Out & About Book Bag Camps & Courses Education, Information Nursery Directory Book Review Classified
p2-10 p11-14 p15-17 p18-21 p20 p22 -23 p23
competition Vivary Park day passes Tractor Ted weekend Dear Readers,
p13 p14
At last we can really talk about summer! Let’s just hope it continues long after everyone breaks up and that we’ve got weeks of sun ahead of us. The summer holidays are a wonderful time I feel as, weather permitting, kids can go free range where possible. Endless days of packing up their own picnics always creates a sense of excitement as they head off, armed with blanket, into the garden. Reading through, you’ll see there are lots of great camps and courses on offer so plenty of freah air for all and when they head back to school in September, they’ll be the picture of health! Have a wonderful summer and happy reading! Best wishes Tamsin
Maze at the Toy Barn The Giant Maize Maze at The Toy Barn in Sherborne, Dorset, will be open throughout summer from 21 July. With a new design for 2018, you’ll need to choose your path wisely to reach the turret and climbing frame or face retracing your steps‌ There will be puzzles and games along the way, including finding lost Playmobil figures. Once you’ve explored the maze, enjoy refreshments from the cafÊ, have fun on the play equipment, swings and trampolines and race around the famous pedal-powered go kart track. It’s an AMAZING day out for the whole family! The maze is open seven days a week throughout the summer holidays from 10am to 5pm (11am to 4pm on
Sundays). Tickets, which cost £6.00 per person (under 3s free), are available from the shop or at Discounts are available for families and larger groups. The Toy Barn is a marvellous, family-run toy shop specialising in traditional toys, climbing frames and outdoor play equipment for children who love to play and explore. The shop and play area is based on a working farm conveniently situated on the A30 (DT9 4JX) at the bottom of the hill out of Sherborne. Free parking is available on site. The play area is also available to hire as a unique children’s party venue. Follow Toy Barn Dorset on Facebook for more information and details of other events this summer.
summer at t he toy barn
Maize Maze opens 21 July TiCKeTs: Toy-BaRn.Co.uK Play EquiPmEnt • toys & GamEs • ChildrEn’s PartiEs
The Toy Barn
Sherborne DT9 4JX 01935 815040
Specialists Specialists Specialists have an have an have an advantage advantage advantage Specialists The same is true in family law have an Thesame same isis true true in family The familylaw law advantage
Owls are specialists as they can rotate their heads to see right round. At The Family Law Co we are Owls are specialists as they can rotate their heads to see right round. At The Family Law Co we are specialists too; our knowledge helps to see pictureAt inThe all aspects of family law, specialists as they can rotatetheir their us heads to the see wider right Family Law CoCo we areare OwlsOwls areare specialists asexpert they can rotate to see rightround. round. At Family we specialists too; our expert knowledge helpsheads us to see the wider picture in allThe aspects of Law family law, LQFOXGLQJ GLYRUFH VHSDUDWLRQ ÀQDQFLDO PDWWHUV FR KDELWDWLRQ DJUHHPHQWV DQG JUDQGSDUHQWV¡ ULJKWV specialists too; expert knowledge helps usto to see the the wider picture of of family law, including divorce, separation & financial matters, co-habitation agreements and grandparents’ rights. specialists too; ourour expert knowledge helps us see wider pictureininall allaspects aspects family law, Contact us for specialist advice on all areas of family law. LQFOXGLQJ GLYRUFH VHSDUDWLRQ ÀQDQFLDO PDWWHUV FR KDELWDWLRQ DJUHHPHQWV DQG JUDQGSDUHQWV¡ ULJKWV Contact us for specialist advice on all areas of family law.
LQFOXGLQJ GLYRUFH VHSDUDWLRQ ÀQDQFLDO PDWWHUV FR KDELWDWLRQ DJUHHPHQWV DQG JUDQGSDUHQWV¡ ULJKWV Contact us for specialist advice on all areas of family law. Contact us for specialist advice on all areas of family law. Tel 01392 421 777 | 01752 674 999 | Tel 01392 421 777 | 01752 674 999 |
Tel 01392 421 777 | 01752 674 999 |
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The same is true in family law
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Parent Talk Summer 2018 3
Owls are specialists as they can rotate their heads to see right round. At The Family Law Co we are
4 Parent Talk December 2012
Summer fun Family fun with Summer holidays with the West sorted – for you Barleymow’s Somerset Railway Maize Maze and your thrill seekers! Here are Vivary Adventure Centre we have the summer holidays covered - both for you and your children! Our Adventure Camps are packed with fun, adrenaline filled activities which will ensure your 8 - 14 year olds will have a holiday that they won't forget!
Entertain the children this summer holidays with the West Somerset Railway. The West Somerset Railway is a heritage railway offering a fun day out for all the family. Nestled in the Somerset Countryside, 4 miles outside the county town of Taunton, our trains depart from Bishops Lydeard to the seaside town of Minehead. Nine idyllic stations are situated along the line, which include the historic harbour town of Watchet with its harbour, small shops, cafes, pubs, museums and beaches to keep you busy. The medieval
village of Dunster is home to The National Trust’s Dunster Castle, also an old Yarn Market building which is flanked on either side by shops, tea rooms, Dunster Museum and doll Museum. On 8th September The Gruffalo will be making appearances on Minehead station at intervals throughout the day. There will be lots of entertainment on the platform too including a Helter Skelter and bouncy castle, facepainting, an entertainer and crafts. For more information about the railway and what we have to offer please visit our website or contact us on 01643 704996
Once again Barleymow's Maize Maze and Activity Field opens its gates for traditional outdoor family fun without a television or computer in sight! The activity field lets both children and parents enjoy messing about together but, because of its open layout, equally allows you to watch the kids run free whilst you sit back and relax, enjoy the fantastic views and maybe a cream tea! Activities include the straw mountain with tunnels and slides, trampolines, sandpit, ball games, zip wire, pedal go carts, skittles, giant draughts
and barrel train rides, wellie wanging not to mention the prize draw quiz which runs through the maize maze. Season tickets are available which mean after your second visit all further visits are free. Also look out for our new ice cream shack serving creamy jersey milk ice creams and very naughty sundaes! As usual the licensed restaurant will be open until 5pm serving all day breakfasts, hot and cold lunches, snacks and cream teas. The Farm Shop stays open until 6pm just in time to grab something to take home for the BBQ!
The Maize Maze is open from Saturday 21st July until Sunday 2nd September 9.30am - 5pm (last entry at 4pm). Contact usfor more details on 01460 62130 Advert 133x85_Layout 1 19/06/2018 11:17 Page 1
Barleymow’s Maize Maze & Outdoor Activities ...a fun day out for all the family Come and see The Gruffalo at the West Somerset Railway on Saturday 8th September 2018 The Gruffalo will be making appearances at intervals between 10am and 4pm on Minehead station. Entertainment at Minehead station includes: • Andrews Leisure bouncy Castle and Helter Skelter. • Children’s entertainer • Facepainting • Crafts • Turntable Cafe • Buffer Stop Shop • Free entry onto Minehead station
Book your train tickets online in advance of travel for a 10% discount. online or 01643 704996 4 Parent Talk Summer 2018
Climb the Straw Mountain
the ds in ze he ki aize Ma t e s Wire Loo ing M Zip z s e Ama m ts Ga Ball Sand Pi
Gabby and Owen will be running the camps this summer and can’t wait to get started with a brand new program. The days will be packed with fun activities and challenges to suit all the children. Your children may even come home having learnt a new language, as Gabby is currently studying Japanese and Dutch. Owen is currently our fastest person around the course…. can you come close to beating his time? Activities include: ● 5m and 9m High Ropes ● Gladiator Challenge ● Orienteering ● Shelter building ● Survival Skills ● Climbing ● Ultimate Frisbee ● Water based activities and much more!
There really is no excuse not to put the computer down and have some action packed fun in the fresh air!
Our Adventure Camps run from 8:30 - 5:30 each day so are perfect for working parents struggling to find childcare that will keep children active and entertained! What's more, at just £19 per day - it is better for your budget as well! Alternatively - if you think that this sounds like way too much fun for just the children to enjoy - come along with them to one of our open high ropes adventure sessions and show them how it's done.....!
For more information or to book in, please contact the centre on 01823 217117, or email
Calling all thrill seekers! The Vivary Adventure Camps are packed with fun, adrenaline filled activities for 8-14yr olds. Call us on 01823 217117
Barrel Train Rides Meet the Animals and much more...
OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Sat 21st JULY to Sun 2nd SEPT 2018 9.30am - 5pm (last entry 4pm) Just 1⁄ 2 mile west of Chard on the A30 follow the yellow signs
Tel: 01460 62130
Bishops Lydeard Mill & Rural Life Museum Mill Lane, Bishops Lydeard, Taunton, Somerset, TA4 3LN Tel: 01823 432151
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Bishops Lydeard Mill & Rural Life Museum Bishops Lydeard Mill is a Grade 2 conservation listed building, which has been painstakingly restored. The aim of the project was to preserve a small piece of history in the picturesque village of Bishops Lydeard, near Taunton. The Mill relies on volunteer staff, and all proceeds raised are donated to charity. Bishops Lydeard Mill is ideal for mill enthusiasts and families alike. There is a working
water wheel and amongst the many trades on display are the cooper's and saddler's shops, blacksmith and Victorian kitchen, as well as a thatching display. Also there is Dusty Miller’s Tea Room, situated to the rear of the mill, which has an excellent view of the water wheel with outdoor seating to make the most of the English summer! It offers a tempting range of home made cakes, soft drinks,
ice creams and confectionery and next door to it is the Transport Museum. Around the site (with pretty gardens) you can now find a Shepherd's hut, gypsy caravan and many other interesting artefacts. For details of opening times and admission charges see the website www. b i s h o p s l y d e a rd m i l l. c o. u k . If you have any questions, please contact: info@
Taunton Flower Show image ©
Taunton Flower Show Taunton Flower Show returns to the beautiful surroundings of Vivary Park on 3rd and 4th August 2018. As a celebration of horticultural achievement it promises to be the town’s summer highlight with two days packed full of craft and floral competitions, talented musicians, arena entertainment, mouth-watering food stalls, gardening trade stands, activities, crafts, displays and even a wine show. There’s something to keep all ages busy! This year’s fantastic arena entertainment will include the Cavalry of Heroes, a group of amazing riders with their horses recounting events from the fields of World War 1. With upbeat music along with a dramatic storyline that will pull at the heartstrings the show will mark 100 years since the armistice. Also on display will be Ye Olde Redtail Falconry who always promise to put on a fantastic show of birds in all their glory. Take a wander through the Craft Village, see the craftspeople demonstrate their work or stroll into the Plant Village with an array of gardening experts on hand to help. For those with little ones the Bees and Honey Show is always popular - you can even watch a real beekeeper tending to his hive. A visit to the Children’s Village for entertainment, face painting, exploring nature, go karting and play will keep younger visitors happy. The Fountain Green area will once again play host to a variety of bands and musicians so tap those feet whilst you stop for a bite to eat. Also included in the ticket price is the Seeds of Knowledge marquee featuring a variety of speakers giving talks and offering advice on many gardening topics. TV and radio broadcaster Anne Swithinbank will also be visiting the show and talking on ‘Planning an Exotic Border’ so be sure to take a look. For a more upbeat way to watch the world go by, head over to Festival Village where
live acts perform on stage next to a covered seating area. There’s also a variety of artisan foods in the Food Hall with an
Family dog show at Willowbrook At Willowbrook Nursery and Garden Centre, summer is now here and it’s a great time to enjoy the garden you have created! Just in case you need to fill a few gaps in your borders and containers we have a selection of summer flowering plants and also many hanging baskets that are ready to enhance your garden. We have a good range of perennials, herbs, climbers & clematis and fragrant roses in many colours. The Café & Tea-rooms are open all day for either a relaxing drink in the sun on the patio or maybe a ‘cheeky’ cream tea on our lawn? Our Aquatic department has a range of pond fish along with all the treatments, lights, feed and equipment you need. They also have pre-formed outside ponds and a range of pond plants and lilies. The Pet shop has lots to keep your pets cool this summer from toys to pools. On Sunday 19th August we are hosting our first Family Dog Show in partnership with St Giles Animal Rescue. There
will lots of different classes to enter with prizes to win and the proceeds will go to the charity. See more details on our website. We are open seven days a week and with our ‘click and collect’ service you can shop whenever you want and we can also be found situated between Taunton and Wellington on the A38, opposite the Blackbird Inn. Find us on Our friendly and helpful staff look forward to seeing you!
array of tasters; no one leaves empty handed! A show for all ages, this really is a day out for everyone.
For more information please visit our website or contact us; 01823 332010. Discounted tickets are now available through the website. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @TauntonFS
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Parent Talk Summer 2018 5
6 Parent Talk December 2012
Summer family fun at The Bishop’s Palace in Wells If the thought of the long school summer holidays is filling you with dread, look no further than The Bishop’s Palace in Wells, which has a huge range of funfilled activities on offer this year from July through to the end of August! The first of the weekly ‘Make it Mondays’ Family Craft Activities begins on Monday 30th July with a theme of ‘Animals at the Palace’ when families will be invited to join in with making handprint swans, bushy-tailed squirrels and Maisie the cat masks. Other themes over the holidays include ‘Jesters & Fools’, ‘Minibeasts’, ‘Medieval Life’. Each ‘Make it Monday’ runs from 10:30am-3:30pm and is included in standard admission. Also running weekly are ‘Nature Ninjas’ Family Garden activities every Friday from 11am-3pm. On Sunday 5th August, the South Lawn will be given over to the Midsummer Mayhem Summer Family Fun
What's On? 5th August "Midsummer Mayhem" 23rd August Treasure island outdoor theatre
Day with fun and games for all ages. This year’s day of fun will include a bouncy castle, a giant inflatable slide, crazy golf, balloon modelling, mini croquet, giant games, dressing up and face painting. The event will also be attended by Wookey Hole Circus School who will be teaching circus skills all day! There will also be a candy floss and snow cone van available to tempt little taste buds! To bring the holidays to a dramatic close, why not head along to the Palace during August Bank Holiday Weekend
and prepare to be wowed in true medieval fashion by the daring antics of historical reenactors Bowlore Medieval. With stunning sword and archery displays, this skilled troupe will keep visitors enthralled, entertained and just a little bit nervous as they demonstrate the ancient art of sword-fighting, weaponry displays and William Tell-type archery skills! Visitors who are feeling brave can also take part in their ‘have a go’ sessions of long bow archery and sword fighting.
Summer familyatfun Und e 5's r go fre e!
the bishop's Palace wells
25th-27th Aug Medieval Weekend FAmily Crafts every monday 'Nature Ninjas' every friday
Find out more: 01749 988 111
Come on down to the Palace this Summer Holiday for fantastic family fun from Sword Fighting to Crafty Mondays and Nature Ninjas! Weekly children's trails and our Dragon's Lair are ready and waiting for you to explore. All alongside 14 acres of gorgeous gardens and a child-friendly cafe with new kids menu. Children under 5 go FREE! 6 Parent Talk Summer 2018
Top tips for teaching your kids to cycle.... With summer well and truly upon us, many children are venturing out on their bikes but recent research reveals that one in five British children can't ride a bike, according to their parents. Sir Chris has teamed up with Evans Cycles and offers the below advice. ● Location: While it might be tempting to choose a soft, grassy area for cycling practice, this will actually be more challenging to pedal on. A smooth, tarmac surface that is relatively open and away from traffic is ideal as it helps the child to pick up some rolling momentum and gauge how the bike responds to their body movements. ● Avoid Stabilisers: The assumption is that early stage riding must be done with stabilisers. This isn’t recommended as the child will learn the wrong weight distribution and begin exaggerated handlebar movements instead of leaning when they are turning the bike. If you don’t have a balance bike you can take the pedals off, lower the saddle so their feet are flat on the floor and they can learn the basic of controlling and walking the bike step by step. ● Bike Setup: Make sure the bike fits, rather than buying them a bike to grow into. A lighter weight bike will be much easier for the child to learn on. Ensure the saddle is the correct height. The child should only be able to rest the balls of their feet on the ground to stabilise. Though it may feel secure in the first instance to rest flat feet on the ground, the child’s knees will come up too high and interfere with steering. ● Balance: Many children will have already ridden a balance bike, whether this is the case or not, it is good practice to roll on the bike without pedaling. Sit in the saddle and touch toes to the ground. Then, using big stride, pick up a bit of speed and
roll as far as possible without touching the pedals. ● Braking: The best way for children to grasp the concept of braking is for them to walk alongside the bike with their hands in position. At their first attempt, most children will grab the brakes firmly resulting in a sudden stop. Practise using the brakes to come to a stop in a controlled manner and remind children to prepare to put their feet down as they come to a halt, this may take a few prompts. ● Supporting: Many parents will naturally have safety concerns in the early stages of learning. The best way to help the child from suffering a fall is to aid their balance. This should be done from behind and under their armpits or on the chest. It is better than holding the saddle and the bars so that the child becomes accustomed to the weight distribution and controlling the handlebars. It also gives you, the parents,
more control over wobbles and potential crashes. ● Assisting Riding: In order for the child to learn the association between pedaling and forward motion, parents should ensure they assist accordingly; if the child stops pedaling, then pushing should be stopped too. ● Pedaling: Once they have gained an understanding of how to balance the bike, position the child’s feet on the pedals with their stronger leg higher up, just below the down tube. Explain that - to set off they must push hard with their stronger leg whilst setting off with their standing leg. This may take a few practices to master. Ensure children are covering their brakes in case they set off too fast. ● Progress: When the child is comfortably pedaling, let them try to pedal the bike in a straight line, stopping at a specific point. Depending on the progress thus far, this may require a little or a lot of assistance. More advanced tasks would be riding around corners, maintaining awareness of surroundings as well as riding ‘S’ bend routes or riding continuously for five minutes. ● Awareness: Children can often be distracted by pedaling as it may be a new movement. Ensure they keep their head up and don’t look down at their feet. Also if there are friends or family on bikes behind them, tell them to look around before they pull the brakes and don’t stop too suddenly.
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School children urged to get planting for Wookey weigh-in The countdown is on until the school summer holidays – giving youngsters around Wells plenty of planting time to prepare for the great Wookey Weigh-in. School children have been challenged to grow the biggest pumpkin possible – to be in with a chance of winning their class a £500 prize plus a free visit to Wookey Hole Caves. The prize is part of the Somerset resort’s Halloween Pumpkin Competition – with a top prize of £1,000 for the heaviest pumpkin grown this summer. The competition is open to green-fingered youngsters at junior schools around Wells including Wookey Primary, Coxley County Primary, St Joseph and St Teresa’s Catholic Primary School, St Cuthbert’s C of E Junior School, Stoberry Park School, Crosscombe C of E Primary and Wells Cathedral School. Gayle Pennington from Wookey Hole Caves said: “We are aiming to encourage an interest in horticulture from an early age - and producing a bumper crop of pumpkins in time for Hallowe’en. The competition, which
includes other fun prizes for pumpkin growers, will culminate in a magnificent display of entries at Wookey Hole Caves. “We’d love to see schools get behind the competition and encourage pupils to experiment – placing their pumpkin in the sunniest place in the garden and discovering the most effective soil and compost combinations. The Wookey Hole Competition is open to anyone using any pumpkin seeds or techniques for growing. There is no entry fee but to be eligible the pumpkin must be transported to Wookey Hole Caves for the judging day.
Hints and tips on how to grow your pumpkin are available on the Wookey Hole Caves website along with more details of the competition
No.1 for Somerset Fun!
Free entry for children at the Steam and Vintage Rally
Master Potter with Morris Minor
Where: West Somerset Railway Association Steam & Vintage Rally at Norton Fitzwarren railway fields, near Taunton When: Saturday 4th & Sunday 5th August 2018 10am to 5pm both days How much: Free entry for accompanied children, and just £12 for adults, £10 seniors What to see & do: Enjoy a great day out for all the family. Wander among mighty steam engines, trusty tractors,gleaming vintage cars and motorbikes, fire engines, commercial vehicles, military
tanks and stationary engines. Watch working heritage steam and tractor demonstrations.Take a trip along the old Barnstaple Branch railway line on a ‘brake van’ pulled by a steam engine or admire our various railway carriage and wagon exhibits. Enjoy children’s entertainments, pedal karts, shire horses and miniature railway. Take a break in our refreshment marquee which sells food, local ales and ciders. Relax by our large arena watching parades of classic vehicles. We also have a huge craft marquee, and lots of food and market stalls. Getting there: ● By train right into the rally site on the free shuttle train from Bishop’s Lydeard station on the West Somerset Railway ● By bus number 28 for the shuttle train, or bus number 25 (not Sunday) stops near the rally site ● By car on the B3227 to TA4 1BH ● Free parking at both the rally site and the station A Wonderful Way to Spend a Day!
Advance booking at for both days for the price of one!
Steam Steam Steam Vintage Vintage Vintage
Dreamy summer days at Hestercombe Watch the children’s imaginations grow while they explore in Hestercombe’s 50 acres of woodland. Why not splash with them in the waterfalls, ponds and rills, and collect leaves and sticks in this wonderland of discovery. Spot the dragonflies as they skim over the water, learn about our resident bats in the bat barn, run up the hills and find our bug hotel, as you enjoy the feeling space and freedom. Follow the special family trail “Gertrude’s Garden” from July 21 – August 10, as you walk in the footsteps of Hestercombe’s great Gertrude Jekyll. Every Tuesday there’s a different theme to the famous Terrific Tuesdays, running from July 13 – August 28. Why not enter your four-legged friend into the waggiest tail contest, or best-dressed pooch competition in a special Terrific Tuesday Dog Show? There are also events for the sporty, the creative and the inquisitive, with themes including Mini Gardening, Sports Day, Brilliant Bugs, and Wild Art.
Summer holidays are a time for family, so let yours let off steam and embrace the summer, while you enjoy quality time in the grounds of Hestercombe. Stop off for a piece of cake or a delicious cream tea in our Stables Café or the beautiful setting of the Column Room Restaurant. Whether you want a simple cuppa, or something more filling, we can cater for all tastes.
Information on all the Hestercombe summer events can be found on the website at
and and and Rally Rally Rally
4th & 5th August 2018
4thFitzwarren & 5th near August Norton Taunton,2018 TA4 1BH 4thFitzwarren & 5th near August Norton Taunton,2018 TA4 1BH Norton Fitzwarren near Taunton, TA4 1BH
ree pes f h Ro ion Hig admiss h t i w
Summ er Holidays Fun Activitie s on Every Day!
Course • Falconry Ce High Ropes ntre • New ty Noah • Discos • Arts t u N • s w o & Cra gic Sh fts • Ma Activities • Animals • Softplay r e t a W • - 01934 523 500 Cowslip Lane, Hewish, BS24 6AH
Adults £12, free entry for children Adults £12, free for children Advance bookings on entry Advance bookings on Adults £12, free entry for children For both days for the price of one Adults £12,days freeon entry children For bookings both for the for price of one Advance AdvanceFor bookings onfor both days the price of one
For both days for the price of one
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Parent Talk Summer 2018 7
8 Parent Talk December 2012
Travel back in Animals, adventure and great play at Court Farm Country Park! time at Combe Celebrating 30 years being open to the public, Court Farm Country Park in Banwell is looking forward to providing another fun-filled summer of entertainment for all the family. The centre has been voted a finalist in the Farm Attraction of the Year competition three times in recent years. Owner Peter Gwyn says the accolade is in recognition of the farm’s friendly atmosphere and excellent facilities. With over 25,000sq ft of undercover attractions and playgrounds, together with a brilliant
outdoor adventure castle, everyone can enjoy a day in the countryside whatever the weather. Budding Farmers and adventurers will love the Safari Jeep Track, diggers and ride on tractors. There are two large indoor adventure playgrounds including sandpits and the farm’s own Cowboy fort, which suit children of all ages. All visitors can enjoy the free tractor rides around this real working farm. This summer the new attraction is the Jurassic themed Maize Maze giving the
whole family the chance to solve the puzzle. The maze is set in five acres and, at a height of eight feet, it comes complete with loads of ways of getting completely lost! A simpler maze is available for smaller children, giving visitors of all ages a chance to enjoy the fun. Tractor rides, pony rides, ferret shows, bottle feeding – and the host of other things going on - will
Wolvershill Road, Banwell, Weston-super-Mare
Europe’s only
Martin Wildlife and Dinosaur Park
leave your children begging to come back time and time again. Court Farm Country Park is home to many friendly animals, which you can touch and hold. With lambs, piglets, goats, deer and horses, children can marvel at the antics of the baby animals. As with many of the other experiences on the farm, the educational value is priceless. Also running again for the season is the Milking Show, which takes place twice a day. It is a fun and informative experience giving kids the chance to get up close and find out where milk really comes from. For more details visit the farm’s website at www. or call (01934) 822383. Court Farm Country Park is open all year round, seven days a week from 10am to 5.30pm.
Travel back in time when Dinosaurs walked our earth! Lurking amongst the tropical trees in the depths of the valley you will come face to face with Stegosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Deinonychus, Triceratops, Gorgosaurus, Spinosaurus and our very own British Dinosaur Neovenator! Watch the UK’s most realistic full sized animatronic T-Rex come to life, but don’t stand too close to Dilophosaurus, you may get wet! Visit the park’s Dinosaur Museum where you can see fantastic and rare exhibits including a complete Allosaurus skeleton and one of the largest nest of fossilized eggs ever discovered. This stunning park is home to a variety of exotic animals including African Lions, Baboons, Gibbons, Sea lions, Penguins, Meerkats, Timber Wolves and rare Hudson Bay Wolves. The park is one of only two collections in the UK where you can see these stunning white wolves. There are also Sea Lion
Paignton Zoo's tiny Chinese success story
Coastal Zoo
Fun above an d below the
Walk am ongst ou r
penguin s
Paignton Zoo has bred a Chinese crocodile lizard for the first time - by recreating a little piece of South China in South Devon. Most of us have never heard of a Chinese crocodile lizard. It’s not surprising; this small, semiaquatic lizard is found only in southern China and northern Vietnam. It’s listed as Endangered because of severe population declines and habitat threats. The key to success for keepers was understanding the species, the seasons and the environment in which it lives. They lowered the temperature to mimic winter and used a misting system after the cool period to spray the animals and increase humidity. They 8 Parent Talk Summer 2018
Shows, talks and animal encounters throughout the day for the whole family to enjoy. Take a ride on the Dino Express and scream as seven and a half thousand gallons of water hurtle towards you and your fellow passengers! Or be brave enough to enter the park’s underground tomb for a fascinating insight into Egypt. If you love creepy crawlies you will enjoy wandering through the atmospheric Critter Cavern. And if all of that doesn't wear you out make sure you visit the Park's 'Dinosaurus Playzone', a gigantic indoor soft play area for 'Dinomite' fun whatever the weather!
also gave them a planted land area and branches over water for basking. They eat mainly worms but also insects such as crickets; keepers fed them three times a week by hand using tongs. The Chinese crocodile lizard has bony scales down its back and a strong, thick tail like a crocodile. A 2008 study estimated fewer than one thousand were left in China. The same year it was estimated that fewer than 150 adults were left in Vietnam. Habitat loss is a major threat to the species. The Chinese crocodile lizard spends much of its time in shallow water or in overhanging branches and vegetation, from where it hunts for insects, snails, tadpoles, and worms.
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Family day out this summer Visit Monkey World this World Horse Welfare has been helping the world’s most vulnerable horses for over 90 years. Their Somerset-based Glenda Spooner Farm Rescue and Rehoming Centre is currently home to around 85 horses at various stages of rehabilitation and is one of four UK-based Centres run by the charity that rescue, rehabilitate and rehome vulnerable horses from all over the country. The Visitor Centre and farm is open from 11am-4pm on Wednesday to Sunday all year round and the friendly team offers visitors a warm welcome. Catering for the whole family, including your canine friends, the farm is a wonderful day out for people of all ages, with idyllic walks around the farm with a lake and stunning views across the Somerset levels, as well as a children’s play paddock. The bistro is open from 10am Wednesday to Sunday with an outside dog friendly eating area, serving a varied selection of hot and cold food prepared using quality, local ingredients. Situated just off of the A303, Glenda Spooner Farm is also the perfect location for arena
summer to see Europe’s only orang-utan crèche!
hire, and function venue to hold celebrations, meetings in its purpose built conference facility, and corporate events.
Visit their website or Facebook page to be kept up to date with what’s on for you and your family.
For more information or to make a booking for an event call 01935 841442 World Horse Welfare Glenda Spooner Farm Rescue and Rehoming Centre, Brincil Hill, Kingsdon, Somerton TA11 7LA
Monkey World’s orang-utan crèche expanded in 2017, with the arrival of youngster Mimi-Loren from Moscow Zoo! Mimi was sadly rejected by her mother at birth, and so came to Monkey World, as Europe’s official crèche to grow up with other orangutans and an adult female ”adoptive” mother. Already present in the nursery are three year olds Sumatran orang-utans Bulu-Mata and Rieke. The playful pair have welcomed their new sister Mimi, and have shown her the ropes… hoses, cargo nets, and other climbing equipment! Visitors can hear how Mimi is settling in during the half-hourly free keeper talks. Combining fun with education, the keepers explain all about man’s closest living
relative, their rescue stories, and individual personalities. Once you’ve seen the stars of TV’s Monkey Life, your little monkeys can let off some steam in the Great Ape Play Area, the south’s largest adventure playground. Monkey World is home to over 250 rescued and endangered monkeys and apes of 22 different species. Opened in 1987 to provide abused Spanish beach chimpanzees with a permanent home, the site is now a sanctuary for primates from all over the world. Here you can see them enjoy the company of their own kind in a safe, natural environment. As the largest rescue centre of its kind in the world, visitors flock to see the biggest group of chimpanzees outside of Africa, Europe’s only
Mimi climbing © Monkey World
orang-utan nursery, and the largest breeding population of woolly monkeys.
Monkey World is open every day (except Christmas Day) 10am to 5pm (July and August 10am to 6pm. Visit, or call 01929 462537 for more information.
Discover over 2,000 animals Get stuck into feeding times Run wild in play areas
Over 80 acres
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Parent Talk Summer 2018 9
10 Parent Talk December 2012
Got an event to share? Like us on
. M A R K E T S . T H E AT R E S . FA I R S . F E T E S . S H O W S . E X H I B I T I O N S . 7th July: RNAS Yeovilton International Air Day. RNAS Yeovilton, BA22 8HT. Dazzling flying displays featuring fast jets, historics warbirds, helicopters, formation aerobatic display teams and role demonstrations enhanced by spectacular pyrotechnics and flares. Vast range of showground attractions make for a fantastic family day out. 0330 100 3656 11th-14th July: Legally Blonde. The Musical. Presented by The SPACE Company. All-singing, alldancing romantic comedy, with professional set, 2 real dogs, live band and 45-strong cast is a fun-filled, feel-good fest, so bend and snap up your tickets! Tacchi-Morris Arts Centre, Taunton TA2 8PD. 7.30pm, with matinée 2pm, 12th July. 01823 414141 14th July: Guide Dogs Family Fun Day. Castle Green, Taunton, TA1 4AD. Attractions include guide dog demonstrations, fun dog show, inflatables & children’s activities, skittles tournament, mini golf, stalls, bar and refreshments. 10am-4pm. 0345 143 0204 15th July: Taunton Race for Life. Bridgwater and Taunton College, Welllington Road, Taunton, TA1 5AX. 5K run, jog or walk. Suitable for all abilities. 11am. 0203 425 9350 20th July: Rhythm of the Dance. The Octagon Theatre Yeovil, BA20 1UX This stunning Irish spectacular that is Rhythm of the Dance, a fully live show that celebrates Irish culture through music and dance, featuring world champion dancers, a traditional Irish band, singers, a most gifted cast who have been wowing audiences all over the world since 1999. Internationally rated as one of the most popular and successful Irish Step Dance shows on tour, by critics, audiences, and millions of fans around the world. Be sure to share the experience! 7.30pm. 01935 422884
Craft Studio Holiday Clubs for 6+
20th July: Toddler Explorers at Somerset Rural Life Museum, Glastonbury, BA6 8DB. 10.30-11.30am. A fun-filled session of play and active learning. Age: 1-3 years. £5 booking required. 01458 831197 21st July-10th August: Summer Family Trail: Gertrude’s Garden at Hestercombe, Cheddon Fitzpaine, Taunton, TA2 8LG. Over 100 years ago, it was the task of plantswoman Gertrude Jekyll to fill Hestercombe’s Formal Garden with a dazzling display of plants, climbers and shrubs. Follow in her footsteps as you work your way around this summer trail by filling your trail sheet with the flowers you find. 01823 413923 21st July: Grand Pier Kidsfest. Marine Parade, Weston super Mare, BS23 1AL. 11am. The Ultimate day out for kids! 01934 620 238 22nd July: Folksy Theatre present The Princess and the Giant. Hestercombe, Cheddon Fitzpaine, Taunton, TA2 8LG. Princess Sophie is fed up. She’s EXHAUSTED and it’s all because the grumpy old giant can’t sleep – his stomps and stamps keep everyone awake ALL night. But Princess Sophie is a resourceful sort of girl and, as she reads her favourite book of fairy tales, she wonders if she might just have the answer. Filled with music, puppetry and wonderful characters, this family show is one not to be missed! Based on the Children’s book by Caryl Hart, illustrated by Sarah Warburton. Bring a picnic and enjoy the show on the Orangery Lawn. 5.30-7pm. 01823 413923 24th July-27th July: Victorian Falconry. Dunster Castle, Dunster, Minehead, TA24 6SL. Visit the Victorian Hawk House where a variety of hawks, owls and falcons can be seen at roost. Chat to the periodcostumed falconers and meet Bella the working dog. Every display is different and some
A fabulous craft studio, minutes from Wellington town with ample parking
Birthday Parties for any age Various Workshops throughout the year For more information and to book contact: or 10 Parent Talk Summer 2018
require help from lucky handpicked volunteers. 11am-4pm. 01643 821314 24th July -1st September: Paint a summer wooden decoration. Barrington Court, Barrington, TA19 0NQ. Select a hand-cut wooden shape, then paint and decorate it as you wish. An opportunity to get creative in the master woodcarver’s workshop. Great fun for all the family. Drop in activity between 11am-4pm. 01460 241938 25th-26th July: Have a go Tudor Archery. Montacute House, Montacute, TA15 6AP. If you wish, you can let arrows fly (£2.50 for six arrows) at balloons tied to targets. Get a feel of past times by viewing and handling replicas of armour, weapons, arrow heads and longbows. You can't miss the displays and activities in the hand-painted pavilion tent with the royal standard and Tudor rose flags fluttering in the wind. Of course, if you would rather enjoy a more peaceable pastime you can throw some 'quoits'. 11am-4pm. 01935 823289 26th July: Awesome Archaeology at the Somerset Rural Life Museum, Abbey Farm, Glastonbury, BA6 8DB. Crafts and activities for all the family. 11am-1pm and 2-3pm. Normal admission applies. 01458 831197 26th-31st July: Play with clay. Barrington Court, Barrington, Nr Ilminster, TA19 0NQ. Drop in activity between 10am-4pm + additional dates in August. 01460 241938 27th July: Dig and Discover! Family activity at Glastonbury Abbey, Glastonbury, BA6 9EL. How does an archaeologist record what they’ve found. See what you can find in the finds tray, then record and draw it. 11am-1pm. Normal admission applies. 01458 832267 28th July: Levels’ Best Craft & Farmers’ Market. The Old Stables, Montacute House, Montacute, TA15 6AP. Top quality produce and crafts. 10am-2pm. 01935 823289 31st July: Terrific Tuesdays. Hestercombe, Cheddon Fitzpaine, Taunton, TA2 8LG. During the summer holidays, enjoy Terrific Tuesdays at Hestercombe. A day filled with crafts, trails, sports and more. Try something new each week. 10am-3pm. 01823 413923 1st-2nd August: Have a go Tudor Archery. Montacute House, Montacute, TA15 6AP. If you wish, you can let arrows fly (£2.50 for six arrows) at
balloons tied to targets. Get a feel of past times by viewing and handling replicas of armour, weapons, arrow heads and longbows. You can't miss the displays and activities in the hand-painted pavilion tent with the royal standard and Tudor rose flags fluttering in the wind. Of course, if you would rather enjoy a more peaceable pastime you can throw some 'quoits'. 11am-4pm. 01935 823289. + 8-9th, 15-16th, 22nd-23rd, 29th-30th August. 3rd August: Make a Lavender Favour. Family activity at Glastonbury Abbey, Glastonbury, BA6 9EL. Enjoy making a simple favour to give to someone special, as would have been made in medieval times, using abbey lavender. 11am-1pm. Normal admission applies. 01458 832267 3rd-4th August: Taunton Flower Show. Vivary Park, Taunton, TA1 3QE. Fri: members only 9.30 entry, general public 10.30am – 7pm. Sat: Gates open for all visitors 10am. Show closes 6pm. See p5 for further details. Children aged 17 years and under admitted free to the show if accompanied by a paying adult. Tickets online tauntonfs. or from Taunton Visitor Centre on 01823 340470. 4th August: Fun Dog Show. Hatch Beauchamp Village Hall, Hatch Beauchamp, TA3 6SG. Fun dog show in aid of the Somerset and Dorset Greyhound Trust. No registration required. £1 per class, pay in ring. All breeds welcome. Lots of stalls, refreshments. 11am. 01823 480835 5th August: Open Day at North Somerset Birds of Prey Centre, Congresbury, BS49 5AA. 10am-4.30pm. 07557 785621 7th August: Summer Family Workshop. Barrington Court, Barrington, Nr Ilminster, TA19 0NQ. A chance to have a go at making a simple willow shape. Drop in session from 12 noon – 4pm. + 21st August. 01460 241938 9th August: Farmyard Fun at the Somerset Rural Life Museum, Abbey Farm, Glastonbury, BA6 8DB. Crafts and activities for all the family. 11am-1pm and 2-3.30pm. Normal admission applies. 01458 831197 8th-19th August: Shrek the Musical. Bristol Hippodrome, BS1 4UZ. Based on the story and characters from the Oscar®-winning DreamWorks
Animation film, this hilarious and spectacular production turns the world of fairytales upside down in an all-singing, all-dancing, must-see musical comedy. 7.30pm with 1.30pm or 2.30pm matinée performances: 9th, 11th, 12th, 16th, 18th, 19th. 0844 871 3012 11th August: Milkshake! Live. The Playhouse, Weston super Mare, BS23 1HP. Starring Milkshake! favourites Bob the Builder, Little Princess, Noddy, Fireman Sam, Shimmer & Shine, Pip from Pip Ahoy!, Winnie and Wilbur, Wissper, Milkshake’s very own Milkshake! Monkey and two Milkshake! presenters, this all singing, all dancing, musical masterpiece, will take audiences on a journey through the world’s favourite fairy tales. Set amongst Milkshake’s magical bookcase, this brand new live show is sure to amaze and delight! The Milkshake! cast will be singing songs and sharing stories that audience members, young and old, will know and love. 12 noon & 4pm. 01934 645544 17th August: Medieval Kitchen Garden. Family activity at Glastonbury Abbey, Glastonbury, BA6 9EL. It may seem as though chips have been around forever, but what did people eat before potatoes? Come and see what is growing in the Medieval Kitchen Garden at this time of year. 11am-1pm. Normal admission applies. 01458 832267 19th August: World Helicopter Day, The Helicopter Museum, Locking Moor Road, Weston Super Mare, BS24 8PP. Celebrate the amazing world of helicopters at the world’s largest collection of rotorcraft! Exclusive open cockpit access to the Vietnam veteran ‘Huey’, Westland Lynx and ‘Hind’ Russian Gunship. 10am-5.30pm. 01934 635227 20th-22nd August: The Gruffalo’s Child. The Playhouse, Weston super Mare, BS23 1HP. The Gruffalo said that no gruffalo should ever set foot in the deep dark wood... Join the Gruffalo's Child on her adventurous mission in Tall Stories' hit musical adaptation of the much-loved picture book by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. One wild and windy night the Gruffalo's Child ignores her father's warning and tiptoes out into the snow. After all, the Big Bad Mouse doesn't really exist... does he? Songs, laughs and scary fun for children aged 3 and up and their grown-ups, direct from the West End. Mon: 1.30pm Tues, Wed: 10.30am & 1.30pm. 01934 645544
21st August: Children in the Moon. The Regal Theatre, Minehead, TA24 5UQ. They had no idea where they came from. All they knew was that they lived on the hill and that the old man of the hill called them Zack and Lil. They could have had a most wonderful time playing all day – if it had not been for carrying all that water. This is an ideal show for all the family, connecting with audiences young and old to deliver messages alongside a large dollop of enjoyment. Join The Makeshift Ensemble and their travelling teapot of tales on a magical celebration of discovery, courage and diversity. The Children in the Moon is a wonderfully visual and original take on centuries old children’s verse, packed with puppetry and live music. 2.30pm. 23rd-26th August: Vanity Fair. the egg, Theatre Royal Bath, BA1 1ET. Becky and Amelia are best friends who, having just finished school, are ready to dive into the glittering summer social scene. But whereas Amelia has money, family and admirers, Becky is just a poor orphan…but she isn’t going to let that stop her from living her dream life of wealth, luxury and pleasure. As fortunes shift and friendships fall apart, Becky manipulates and climbs her way to the highest level of society: but will her vanity come before a fall? In the third year of the Summer Company, expect another amazing theatrical experience as 40 teenagers take you on a rollercoaster ride through Thackeray’s biting satire of wannabes and social climbers. Imagine Jane Austen meets Mean Girls and join in with all the fun of the fair. Thurs, Fri: 7.30pm, Sat, Sun: 2.30 & 7.30pm. Age: 8+. 01225 823409 24th August: Fondant Flowers. Family activity at Glastonbury Abbey, Glastonbury, BA6 9EL. One of summer’s delights are the beautiful flowers growing in the abbey grounds. Make a flower from fondant icing to take home. 11am-1pm. Normal admission applies. 01458 832267 25th August: The Greatest Showman Sing-A-Long. The Brewhouse Theatre & Arts Centre, Taunton, TA1 1JL. PT Barnum (Hugh Jackman) brings the circus to town in this thrilling, sing-a-long spectacular. 01823 283244 27th August: Make a Sunflower. Family activity at Glastonbury Abbey, Glastonbury, BA6 9EL. Make a paper sunflower that reminds you of the sun. 11am-1pm. Normal admission applies. 01458 832267
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welcome to your NEWS n EWS sectio Nbringing you competitions, job tasters, boredom busters, interesting facts and everything topical...
Book Bag
19 July 1843 Launch of ss Great Britain ✸ This picture shows the ss Great Britain being launched into Bristol's Floating Harbour on 19 July 1843. ✸ The event caused great excitement. You can see the large crowd of people who came to the event. The company that built the ship, the Great Western Steam Ship Company, sold tickets to the event and Prince Albert attended as the guest of honour.
✸ In 1843, the ss Great Britain was the largest ship in the world and was not easy to get moving. If you look closely you will see men at the bow (front) and stern (back) of the ship helping to guide the ss Great Britain out of the Great Western Dockyard and into the Floating Harbour. ✸ If you visit the ss Great Britain today, you will find her dressed to look just as she did on the day of her launch and sitting in the Dry Dock where she was built.
Admission ticket to the 1843 Launch of the ss Great Britain in Bristol.
The Launch The launch of the ss Great Britain in 1843 was dramatic. Queen Victoria’s husband, Prince Albert, had travelled on Isambard Kingdom Brunel's Great Western Railway from London to Bristol to attend the launch. Bristolians welcomed him enthusiastically and tickets for the launch were sold with the advertisement “Prince Albert – To be seen alive!” The SS Great Britain was 'christened' when a bottle of champagne was thrown and smashed on the bow (front) of the ship. There are different reports from the time about who performed this honour and what happened during the event. One version reported that
Mrs Miles, the wife of a local Member of Parliament, launched the ss Great Britain. She had also launched Brunel's previous ship the ps Great Western in 1837. Other reports claim Mrs Miles failed to hit the ship with the bottle. Prince Albert apparently then threw a champagne bottle from his table and successfully smashed it upon the ship, showering the crowd below with glass. With conflicting evidence, we cannot be certain whether it was really Prince Albert or Mrs Miles who actually launched the ship. ss = steam ship
Book Bag NEWS The construction of the ss Great Britain
The launch of the ss Great Britain caused great excitement. In 1843, the ss Great Britain was the world’s largest, longest and first iron-hulled, screw-propelled ship. Isambard Kingdom Brunel had to persuade the Directors of the Great Western Steam Ship Company to change his original design, from a ship with paddle wheels to one that used new propeller-power technology. It was this technology that was to make the ss Great Britain the forerunner of modern ships. The ss Great Britain was built over four years by local ship builder William Patterson, in a specially built Dry Dock in Bristol’s Great Western Dockyard. Brunel was the Project Engineer and his Drawing Office can still be seen beside the ship today. The ss Great Britain began her working life carrying passengers between Liverpool and New York City and did not return to Bristol until 1970; 127 years later. When she returned she was placed in the same Dry Dock where she was originally built, which visitors can now explore. Opening Times Tickets to Brunel’s ss Great Britain include free unlimited return visits for a year (excluding group tickets, schools, or venue hire guests) Spring/summer opening times 23 March – October 2018 10am-6pm, last entry 5pm (one hour before closing) Autumn/winter opening times November 2018-March 2019, 10am-4.30pm, last entry 3.30pm (one hour before closing)
A Bit About Brunel’ s ss Great Britain SHIPBUILDING FACT
• When the ss G reat Britain was built she would 1,930 imperial to have weighed ns if placed on gi ant measuring sc (or 1,961 metric ales tonnes). • However whe n we measure th e tonnage of ca ships we don’t m rgo ean weight. Ship s are measured volumetric capa in city, which means can hold. The ss how much cargo Great Britain’s to they nnage was calcul be 3433 tons (1 ated to ton = 100 cubic feet) in 1845, us called the ‘Build ing a formula ers’ Old Rule’ of 1773 (see glossa ry).
• The ship’s first transatlantic vo yage was from Liverpool to New York, leaving on 26th July 1845, arriving on 10th August, achievin g an average speed of 9.25 kn ots (1 knot = 1 na utical mile). This is about 10.5 mile s per hour. • The ss Great Br itain ran agroun d on the coast of Northern Ireland on 22nd Septem ber 1846, and was not re-floate d until August 18 47. • In 1850 the ss Great Britain was sold to become a liner travelling to Australia from Liverpool. The ship made a total of 32 voya ges to Australia and ro und the world. • During the Crim ean War (1855-6) and the Indian Mutiny, al so known as the Se poy War, (1857), the ss Gre at Britain served as a troop ship. • In 1882 the ss Great Britain was sold again, this time to become a sail only ship ca rrying cargo to and from Calif ornia, USA. • On her third vo yage to America severe weather conditions badly damaged her. Re pairs would have been very costly so she beca m e a floating warehouse in th e Falkland Islan ds . She was finally abandoned and left to rot in Spar row Cove. • The ss Great Br itain remained ab andoned in the Falkland Islands until 1970, whe n she was salvaged and towed trium phantly back to Bristol.
• When the ss G reat Britain was first floated, she was so huge that the entran ce to Bristol Docks had to be widened to let her out! • In First Class, pa ssengers sometimes had a choice of thirty courses at meal times, in Second Class fifteen and in Third Class th ey often had salted meats and ship’s biscuits. Live an imals were carried on board to feed the wealthier pa ssengers including a cow to supply fresh milk! • More than 60,0 00 rivets were used in the build ing of the ss Great Britain.
x60,000 Other Resources Page 52
Brunel’s ss Gre at Britain Educ ation Pack
Match the missin fragments of 2-1 g 0 to picture 1
Win passes to Vivary Park Adventure Camps
Spot the 10 differences!
Packed with fun and adrenaline filled for 8-14 year olds, the activities include: ★ 5m and 9m High Ropes ★ Gladiator Challenge ★ Orienteering ★ Shelter building ★ Survival Skills ★ Climbing ★ Ultimate Frisbee ★ Water based activities and much more! Parent Talk have 2 sets of 2 Free Day Passes to the Adventure camp to give away. For your chance to win, answer the question below and visit to enter by 1pm, 24 July 2018. Entrants must be aged 18 or over. Rearrange the words below to reveal one of the activities listed above
For further details on the Adventure centre, visit
If you win this competition, we will contact you for permission to pass on your contact details to the PR company concerned. We will never pass on your details without your consent. All other entries will be deleted after the competition closes and will not be passed on to any third parties for marketing or promotional purposes.
To find the answers to the puzzles and enter our competition visit
Book Bag NEWS What do sheep do on sunny days? Have a baa-baa-cue
How do teddy bears keep their den cool in summer? They use bear conditioning
Why don’t oysters share their pearls? Because they’re shellfish
Which letter is the coolest? Iced t
What's black and white and read all over? A sunburned zebra
Why didn’t the elephant buy a suitcase for his summer holiday? Because he already had a trunk
When do you go at red and stop at green? When you’re eating a watermelon
Where do eggs go on summer holiday? New Yolk City
Can you find all the word
Get ready for the summer holidays with Tractor Ted!
What race is never run? A swimming race
What do you call a French boy in sandals? Philippe Phloppe
Win a family ticket to Tractor Ted Diggers & Dumpers Weekend at Bowood - 18/19 August 2018 Young children and fans of all things big machine, construction and farm will have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get really close to a range of machines – climb on board a Dumper Truck, get to sit in the driver’s seat of a Digger and more; this is an amazing opportunity for youngsters to really get involved with all things Diggers and Dumpers! The fun and big machine action doesn’t stop there though as Tractor Ted and construction partners, MJ Church, will be putting on an amazing arena display of construction vehicles and putting them through their paces for the enjoyment of children and parents alike! Who knew that a digger could have all four wheels off the ground and still stay upright?!
The day will be topped off with fun farm activities from welly wanging and tractor and trailer rides to a visit to the Tractor Ted Little Farm to meet the residents including pigs, lambs and pygmy goats! You may even be lucky enough to see a chick hatching! Parent Talk have one family ticket and a goody bag* to give away (* includes Tractor Ted Rucksack, Tractor Ted Digger Waterbottle, Tractor Ted Digger Snack Pots, Magic Painting Book). For your chance to win, rearrange the words below and visit to enter by 1pm, 24 July 2018. Entrants must be aged 18 or over.
If you win this competition, we will contact you for permission to pass on your contact details to the PR company concerned. We will never pass on your details without your consent. All other entries will be deleted after the competition closes and will not be passed on to any third parties for marketing or promotional purposes
To find the answers to the puzzles and enter our competition visit
16 Parent Talk December 2012
Millfield Holiday Courses Making holidays fun!
We know it’s hard to keep the kids entertained in the school holidays, so why not take a load off your mind by booking them onto the Millfield Holiday Courses? With a variety of courses to choose from this summer including Rugby, Athletics, MiniMultis and Multi-Activity, there really is something for everyone. We have three hockey courses running for juniors, girls and boys. The courses are led by experienced coaches with domestic and international experience. The squash course will provide an intensive training programme that incorporates all the necessary components for improvement on and off the court, and a strength and conditioning programme focusing on the multidimensional aspects of squash.
Coaching from Millfield Director of Squash, Ian Thomas, Millfield Head of Strength and Conditioning, Graham Williams and Petr Martin will encompass pressure work, character building exercises, off-court conditioning and video analysis. It’s easy to book the courses online on our website. We offer a 10% discount for siblings or for any child who is booked onto two or more courses at the same time (discount does not apply to daily rates). Summer Courses and Age Ranges: Athletics (7-16), Badminton (8-16), Cricket (7-14), Football (5-14), Golf (10-14), Hockey (5-16), Mini-Multis (2-4), Multi-Activity (5-12), Netball (7-16), Rugby (8-14), Squash (8-17), Tennis (6-14)
Visit for more details and to book or call 01458 444 320 to request a brochure.
What to pack when travelling with kids By the team at flight comparison website, It’s not easy organising the average day when you’ve got a family, let alone packing to spend a whole weekend, week or even longer away from home. Whether you’re venturing abroad or staying in the UK, it can feel like you’re navigating very choppy and unknown waters when you’re planning what to squish into the suitcase. Here are some simple dos and don’ts to help you plan for your family holiday, and keep your sanity intact along the way: ● DO recreate the home environment If you have little ones, they are likely to feel a bit strange and displaced when on holiday; routines quickly get left by the wayside and the environment, however lovely, is full of unfamiliar sights, smells and sounds. In order to reassure them, and help them get to sleep especially, try to pack essentials that will help you to recreate the home environment – from a comfy blanket or a night light to a wireless speaker for their favourite bed time tunes. ● DO take over the counter medicines with you Many people think that they can cut down on space in
their case by vetoing all the first aid supplies; after all, you are bound to be able to buy it once you get there, right? Well no, actually, not always. A lot of other countries don’t have such availability for what we consider to be over the counter medicines. Things like sun protection, allergy or travel sickness medicine and children’s usual medicines are not necessarily going to be easy to come across and, even if you can find them, they will likely cost substantially more abroad. ● DO put the effort in first It’s worth doing all the admin long before you arrive; check the weather forecast, plan out an itinerary that will tick off everybody’s wish list, check out reviews of local eateries and attractions. If you have a good idea of what you’re doing and when, it will help you to ensure everybody has a good time and you’ll pack the things you’ll need according to what you’ll actually be doing and whether you’ll be expecting rain, sun or snow! ● DON’T take the kitchen cupboard contents Unless you have a spectacularly fussy child, or a very young one, it isn’t necessary to take a thousand tea bags and fifty tins
Athletics, Badminton, Cricket, Football, Golf, Hockey, Mini-Multis, Multi-Activity, Netball, Rugby, Squash, Tennis
BOOK ONLINE NOW BOOK ONLINE NOW 16 Parent Talk Summer 2018
involved. Not to mention keeping them entertained while travelling! ● DO be sun safe It’s not enough to just pack high SPF creams and lotions when you’re travelling with small children to a hot destination. You also need to consider packing sunglasses, hats, cooling sprays and suitable swimwear for the pool that covers more to better protect little ones from the sun’s rays. Pop up sun protection tents can also be folded down into almost nothing, making them easy to fit in your suitcase, so if you plan on having long days on the beach then it’s worth looking into!
Supporting families with our sibling discounts Busy parents trying to do the best for their children are faced with lots of different hurdles. We know that physical activity is fantastic for children to keep them active and improve their overall well-being. However, for a family with more than one child, it is not always possible to offer all children the same experiences. That is why at Razzamataz
Yeovil we are proud to offer a huge 50% sibling discount. “As well as the sibling discount, we are pleased to offer a free first session to all children,” says Claire Walford, Principal of Razzamataz Yeovil. “We understand that most children need to try out an activity to know whether they like it or not, and our teams of teachers are very good at making all new students
Join us for
of tomato soup. If you are going camping in the wilderness that’s one thing, but you don’t need these kind of provisions if you’re off for an all-inclusive week in a popular Spanish resort. ● DON’T put a ban on technology As wholesome as the idea might sound at first, the reality of a no-tech holiday is often less than ideal when it comes down to it. By all means keep it in moderation, but this is a holiday; if the kids can be persuaded to sit in the shade for half an hour, and you get to put your feet up and enjoy a little bit of peace and quiet, it will be more pleasant for everybody
Limited FREE
RAZZ taster TOTS, sessions our exciting class for ages 2-3 years
available Sept 2018
the ideal placeforforchildren childrenaged aged2-18 2-18years years WeWe areare the ideal place withan aninterest interestin inperforming performing to to learn learn Pop Singing, Singing, Street StreetDance, Dance, with Musical Theatre Musical & Drama! Call us&toDrama! book your trial session! Quote PP1216 Theatre CallFREE us to ONE book WEEK your FREE ONE WEEK trialrefsession!
For info or to book a free session, call Claire on 01935 411128 •
feel welcome, even if they are incredibly shy. We will carefully nurture them to make sure they enjoy themselves and help them to make new friends.” Razzamataz Yeovil are holding a Free Taster Day on Saturday 15th September. Children can come along and
try the dance, singing and drama classes and parents can find out more about the incredible opportunities we offer our students. Razzamataz Yeovil offers classes for 2-18 year olds. Classes run throughout Saturdays during term time, but places are limited so booking is essential.
To secure your place on the Taster Day, or to find out more information about Razzamataz Yeovil, call Claire on 01935 411128, email: or visit
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1610 Outdoor & Adventure Summer Holiday Programme
30th July to 29th August 2018
Fresh air, fun and friends at Hestercombe, Taunton Get the kids up to Hestercombe this summer for some action packed outdoor fun! Our popular Outdoor & Adventure Holiday Programme is available to all outdoor loving 7 to 14 year old girls and boys during the summer holidays from the 30th July to the 29th of August. Based in the wonderful grounds of Hestercombe, children can romp through our woods and enjoy a variety of outdoor adventures. There are no computers or televisions – just lots of fun, friends and fresh air! Our programme gives children the chance to try new things they might not have experienced before. They will love the sheer exhilaration of crossing a lake on a raft they’ve made out of barrels and wood.
Climbing to the top of our 8m high climbing wall brings an adrenalin rush to everyone. The thrill of getting wet and muddy always brings smiles to faces as does learning how to make a fire and toast marshmallows. Our summer activities include: ● 28 Hour Survival Camp (2 days / 1 night, ration packs supplied) ● Ambush Paintball ● Mission Impossible Day ● Commando Challenge Day ● Kids Super Camp (3 days / 2 nights overnight stay) ● Forest Skills Day ● Wild, Wet and Wonderful Day ● Woodland Adventure Day ● NEW a brilliant Woodland Fairy Day A fabulous Woodland BBQ lunch is included in the price. Our holiday programme has something for everyone!
Outdoor fun at Mill on the Brue Fun, challenge, excitement and friends – you can’t beat Mill on the Brue Outdoor Activity Centre in Bruton!
Our adventure days are for children aged 7 to 14 years and run from 9.30am to 3.30pm and cost from £20 per child per day (inc lunch). Call on 01823 219005 or email for more info or to book.
Open for 35 years we think we know what kids like! Fun and excitement including huge zip wires, climbing tower with a 10metre ‘Big Jump’, canoeing, raft building, archery, assault courses where you can get as muddy as you want, fire lighting, archery, crafts, rocket firing, high ropes, pizza making, air rifle shooting, giant water slide, challenging tasks and much more in 25 acres of woods, fields and river valley. Summer day camps 7 – 12 years, Mondays to Fridays 8.45 -5.30. 23 July - 17August £60 per day/weekly £269, all activities snacks, drinks, and two course cooked lunch. Week 20-24 August £53 per day, bring packed lunch. Mini-Mobsters 5 & 6 years
Action packed Kids Camps The Kids Camps at Wellington School are a superb way to experience some true adventures and master life skills. Find your inner Bear Grylls on the Adventure Camps, where you will spend a day in the woods learning about shelter building, bush craft games and cooking on open fires. Go the extra mile on the Adventure X experience, which includes air rifle shooting, archery, laser clay shooting, wall climbing and team building. Get into training for the next Ten Tors Team or Duke of Edinburgh Award challenges with Expedition Skills! Children will have the chance to get out walking, whist learning essential life skill of pacings, bearings, map reading and much more… For the more sporty kids, our Multi-Activities Camps are fun-filled days of sports and gaming activities with expert coaches – a chance to try something new… If flumes, slides and water are your thing, come with us to Quaywest at Goodrington Sands near Paignton, Devon. It is the largest outdoor waterpark in the UK with 8 water slides,
– mornings of fun & activities £21 Wednesdays 25 July, 1/8/15 August.
Booking and payment beforehand essential 01749 812307 or
small splash pools and a swimming pool. Enjoy a jam packed day on the slides! Children from 8-14 can enjoy any of these adventures. Simply drop them off at 8.30am and collect tired and fulfilled children at 5pm. Ring 01823 668718 or go to for more details and booking information.
Adventure Camps Multi-Activities
Ages 8 - 14
Adventure X (shooting, archery, wall climbing, team building)
Drop off from 8:30am
Quaywest Expedition Skills
follow us on twitter @parenttalksw visit us at
camp y a d r e umm
starting 23 July Mondays to Fridays 8.45am–5.30pm
Pick up by 5pm Bruton, Somerset BA10 0BA 01749 812 307 Parent Talk Summer 2018 17
18 Parent Talk December 2012
Courses for Adults bringing out your best! At Bridgwater & Taunton College, we believe that learning never stops. With so many opportunities offered at our campuses, online and in the workplace, now’s a great time to embrace lifelong learning and professional and personal growth. You can apply, enrol and make payment through our website, for courses starting from September, so it’s really easy to get started! As well as a huge variety of subjects to choose from, there are also various levels for differing abilities and requirements, from leisure type courses which might be just for fun to learn a new skill or hobby, through to professional qualifications and university level study. Our teams offer an impartial, confidential service to help you decide which type or level of course is best for you, and provide information about funding, health and wellbeing, plus support for those with learning difficulties and disabilities. A Government loan is
Bridgwater & Taunton College Floristry student Laura Williams - finalist in the RHS Chelsea Florist of the Year Competition.
available for learners who are aged 19+ and starting an eligible course, designed to support learners with their course fees in a similar way to how students studying university level courses receive a higher education loan. If you don’t qualify for a free course or a 19+ Advanced Learner Loan, and you are on
a low income or in receipt of other benefits, you may be able to receive support from our Learner Support Fund to cover some or all of your fees. Don’t let the opportunity pass you by! For more information and to enrol online, visit or contact the Information and Guidance team: 01278 441234
With so many opportunities offered at our campuses, online and in the workplace, now’s a great time to embrace lifelong learning and professional and personal growth! LEARN WITH A LOAN FREE DISTANCE LEARNING COURSES AVAILABLE!
BRINGING OUT YOUR BEST 01278 441234 | 18 Parent Talk Summer 2018
Over 90% of people don’t have a fire safety plan at home
It’s everyone’s worst nightmare – a fire ravaging their home, destroying belongings or, even worse, killing or seriously injuring a loved one inside. The sad fact is that every year in the UK, hundreds of people die or are seriously injured after a fire breaks out in their home. Yet, despite fire plans being compulsory in the workplace, fire safety experts estimate that over 90% of families fail to put one in place in their own homes. House fires are terrifying, deadly and can spread incredibly quickly. It can take possible you should always It’s no good preparing and putting a plan in place if you less than 30 seconds for a choose the safest route out. small flame to become a Make sure you agree on a don’t practice it. Every second major fire and only a matter of meeting point outside the counts when it comes to minutes for a house to fill with property, which should be in escaping a fire so the whole household poisonous black smoke. front of your At night, make should be fully Here, Harry Woodage of home. Keep keys Allsaved, who works with for windows and sure any electrical aware of what to if a fire breaks numerous companies and doors nearby so appliances are do out. residential customers across you can access If children the UK helping to address their them easily and switched off and or those with fire safety requirements, shares get out quickly. unplugged. disabilities or his advice for putting in place Make sure your a fire safety plan for the home. escape routes stay clear and limited mobility live with you, make sure you take the time Harry says everyone can clutter free. to ensure they understand keep themselves safe by Prevent – create a what to do and who in the following the five Ps – Prepare, bedtime routine Plan, Prevent, Practice and Fire is at its most dangerous household will be responsible Protect … when you’re asleep because for helping them in an Prepare – fit smoke alarms you’re less likely to know it’s emergency. Try to practice your fire plan You’re twice as likely to die happening. So it’s a good idea in a fire at home if you don’t to do everything you can to every month to keep it fresh have a working smoke alarm. prevent a fire from breaking out and to allow for any changes Installing one is a great start, in the first place by checking that might need to be made. but you also need to make sure the house each evening before Protect – if the worst happens you check and test it monthly. you head to bed. You should have at least one Unless it’s designed to stay If a fire does break out in your smoke alarm fitted on every on, like a fridge or freezer, home, and you are unable to level of your home. If possible, make sure any electrical escape, make sure you know invest in a sealed battery smoke appliances are switched off and how to protect yourself until alarm – it will last around unplugged including heaters. help arrives. Ideally you should try to get ten years and will be more Check the cooker and hob are cost effective in the long run not on and that any candles are everyone into one room that than constantly put out and any has a window and a phone. having to replace You’re two times open fireplaces Block the bottom of the door batteries. might have with bedding or towels to more likely to die that Plan – have an been burning keep smoke out and call the in a fire at home are protected emergency services. escape route If you have no choice and Plan the most a sturdy if you don’t have with practical escape fire guard. Avoid have to exit via a window route by walking a working smoke using washing before emergency services through your machines or arrive, don’t jump. Instead, alarm. home and tumble dryers gradually lower yourself down before dropping. Throw out identifying the best possible overnight. ways to exit the property. Smokers need to be bedding or sofa cushions first Ideally you should visit each especially cautious. Double to break your fall. If you are in a high level room to work out where check that cigarettes and the exits are and what your cigars are always properly building or apartment block, slightly different rules will apply route out would be. Consider extinguished. creating an escape grid by Finally, close all internal and you should make yourself drawing a floorplan of your doors – it will help to prevent familiar with the property’s fire plan and available exits. In the home that includes windows fire from spreading. event of fire, you should avoid and doors and then plotting Practice – every second using lifts and balconies. all possible routes. Wherever counts
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Music courses for instrumentalists and singers Centre for Young Musicians Taunton (CYMT) is enrolling now for its Saturday courses from September 2018 as well as taking last-minute bookings for its summer music course on 6-10 August 2018, from 9am-5pm daily at Richard Huish College, Taunton. The summer music course is open to instrumentalists and singers aged 10-18, grades 3-8, and there will be bands, orchestra, music production, singing, theory of music and junk percussion. Excellent value for the full week at £270 and there are generous bursaries available for students in need of financial assistance. Can you help spread the good news to young musicians you may know? All applications are dealt
© Craig Stone Photography.
with in a strictly confidential manner. Visit www.cymtaunton. Do you know a budding young pianist? On Saturday 21 July at 10.30am CYMT is holding a piano masterclass at Richard Huish College, Taunton, with Guildhall School graduate and international concert pianist Erdem Misirlioglu in
conjunction with Concerts in the West & Taunton Live. Places to play at the masterclass are now full but it is free to attend; all welcome. CYMT – a division of the Guildhall School - provides high quality sustainable musical training for 5s – 18s on Saturdays in term time for beginners to advanced. There are no auditions and each student has a personalised timetable. Would you like to find out more? Please contact the CYMT office to book a visit anytime. If you prefer an Open Day the autumn term Open Days are: 8 September and 20 October. For more information visit or call 07754 217993 or email
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Wellington School Nursery ● Highly experienced team of staff ● Fabulous settings ● Strong partnerships with our families ● Unique atmosphere ● All year round care ●Two specially designed nursery classrooms ● Extensive outside space and access to the Prep School’s facilities ● Music and Computing lessons from specialist teachers PE in our superb school hall ● Balance-ability sessions ● Forest School at our own woodland site ● Children eat their lunch in the dining room alongside slightly older children We have an excellent staff to child ratio and will only take a maximum of 24 children as we believe it is important to provide the space and the opportunity for each child to be nurtured and to flourish as an individual. A smaller, more intimate setting is vital for this. There are many trips, we have our own Forest School woodland and picking strawberries, visiting local
farm shops and trips to the Wellington Monument are all typical outings for our nursery children. To help you decide whether we might be the best fit we offer taster sessions and opportunities to join us for ‘Come and Play!’ mornings. We are extremely proud of our nursery and our exceptional staff team, so please do get in touch and come and see us in action. Contact / 01823 668710 for more information.
We accept childcare vouchers and the 15 and 30 hour Early Years Entitlement. Join our busy, buzzy playgroup – “Little Wellies” in the Prep School Hall on Thursdays 9.15 – 11.15am. Little Wellies provides a great space for children and parents to meet up and enjoy each other’s company.
Parent Talk Summer 2018 19
NURSERYdirectory All Hallows Preparatory School Nursery Class Give your 3 year old the best possible start within the environs of this renowned Prep School. Fantastic facilities and activities including Forest School, LTA Tennis Academy and Swimming Pool and access to specialist teaching staff for languages, Music, Art, Dance, Drama and Sport set this facility apart from other nurseries. Visit at any time: 01749 881600 Bridgwater & Taunton College Childcare Centre is Ofsted rated Outstanding and open to the general public and children of students, from four months to five years of age. There is also a Holiday Play Scheme for children up to eight years old. It has a secure outdoor area boasting an inspirational garden, where children are encouraged to explore both indoor and outdoor learning. 01278 441270 or email First Steps Day Nursery School (all year from 8am-6pm). For children from 3 months to 5 years. Offering a caring, educational and safe environment for your child. All fully qualified staff. T: Elaine Garland 01749 346733 E:
Hazlegrove Nursery and Pre-Prep, Sparkford. Family, friendship and festivals are at the heart of this coeducational boarding and day school which delights in children being children. The winning combination of experienced, committed staff and small class sizes, creates a friendly, stimulating and secure environment in which pupils lay down firm foundations in all areas of the curriculum, on which they can build in future years. The nursery provides a vibrant and engaging environment for pre-school children and is the ideal start to their school life. For more information and to arrange a visit, please contact Sarah-Jane on 01963 442606 admissions@ King’s Hall Nursery King’s Hall is a wonderfully traditional yet progressive school set in the rolling Somerset countryside just outside Taunton. Although the Nursery shares the Preparatory school’s superb facilities, it is self contained and operates in a secure and peaceful environment. Log cabin classrooms, vast on-site Forest School and highly experienced, dedicated staff make King’s Hall Nursery the natural choice for children 2 to 5 years. 01823 285921
Millfield Pre-Prep School (Ages 2-7), situated in the beautiful Prep campus in Glastonbury. Our aim is to encourage a love of learning through a combination of classroom and outdoor activities, using a child-led curriculum, small class sizes and excellent facilities, including our on-site Forest School and indoor swimming pool. Over 20 free after-school activities as well as an Early Birds and Late Club, and a daily toddler group during term time for ages 1-2½. To arrange a visit please contact: Hannah Cox in Admissions on 01458 837524
stimulating and diverse education within a nurturing and caring environment. 01823 278928,
Queen’s College Highgrove Nursery, Nursery School, Pre-Prep and Reception 0-5 years. Queen’s Pre Prep and Junior School is renowned for excellence in infant and junior education and care. The team at Queen’s Highgrove Nursery embrace such standards of education and development offering year round care 0-3 years. Queen’s Nursery School is situated in the Pre-Prep Department and it is here that the stepping stones to a formal education are laid. Highly qualified and experienced Nursery School staff work in close liaison with parents and the Highgrove Nursery team, ensuring a smooth and personalised transition. Queen’s Pre-Prep takes pride in providing a rich,
Sunny Hill Pre-School and Pre-Prep (Ages 3 - 7) Sunny Hill welcomes pre-school and primary school-aged children, taking girls from 3-11 years old and boys aged 3-7. Situated in the beautiful market town of Bruton on the 40 acre campus of 'big sister' school, Bruton School for Girls. Small classes mean that every child receives high quality individual attention; your child will not get ‘lost in the crowd’ at Sunny Hill. They will be treasured; we are interested in the individual child, they have our time and our attention. Wrap around care available. To arrange a visit or taster session please contact Mrs Carrie Crook in Admissions on 01749 824400 or email
Smartees Day Care Nursery Ltd offers professional and flexible childcare for working families, with 2 conveniently located nurseries close to Yeovil town centre. Smartees Preston Road opening hours 7am-6pm 01935 411144 Smartees Beer Street opening hours 8am-6pm 01935 411777
Taunton Nursery School for children from 0 years. Flexible Nursery Education, 7.30am- 5.45pm. Highly qualified teachers. Spectacular grounds and facilities used by all. Children can attend a combination of morning, afternoon and late club sessions. 01823 703300 Wellington Prep School Nursery Attractive, well-designed buildings. Talented teachers. Cheerful children. Proud parents. All this can be yours at Wellington Prep School Nursery and Pre-Nursery. EYFS can be redeemed against our fees. We would love to have your children from 2 years upwards. Open 50 weeks per year. Please enjoy our website or call Rachel Debenham to arrange a visit. 01823 668700 Little Wellies Term time Toddler group. Open to all pre-school children every Thursday morning 9.15-11.15am, Wellington Prep School Hall. £3 per child and £1 per additional child weekly charge. Contact Marian Bassindale for more details 01823 668700
To book our Nursery Directory, please call 01458 250461
Stressed Parent Single mum from Frome becomes stress expert to parents with challenging children Children who have suffered trauma or who have challenges such as autism or have been through the care system can often be aggressive, defiant, manipulative, angry, oppositional, dishonest and non-communicative. The angst of being a parent of a challenging child can lead to parents having a myriad of feelings including being angry, feeling persecuted, inadequate, helpless, anxious, 20 Parent Talk Summer 2018
rejected, depressed, resentful, overwhelmed, manipulated, ashamed, confused and exhausted. In 1989 Gill Tree, founder of became lost in the African jungle on her own on the sides of Mount Kenya. She emerged 5 days later a very different person, having discovered a level of resilience, resourcefulness and creativity that she now helps others tap into. She became fascinated by how the mind works during survival and pressure situations and taught stress management in industry for over 20 years.
After becoming single in 2009 Gill became a foster carer and then went on to adopt her son when he was 3 in 2011. The strain of being a single parent of a very challenging child was huge and Gill had to change tack in her professional life and learn how to become a therapeutic parent. She now provides training, e-courses, mentoring and therapy to increase resilience in parents with challenging children and improve bonding whilst reducing the challenging behaviour.
Gill has also created an interactive film based e-course Building Resilience to Stress Less for families, making the training fully accessible for the stressed out parent and for couples to work through together in the privacy of their own home, with skype mentoring if required. Gill with be going around the South West to provide Building Resilience to Parenting Stress Evening Workshops
would be very happy to hear from anyone who would like Gill to provide the workshop in their area. Parents will gain techniques to manage their stress and build resilience to the behaviour of the most challenging child (whilst also developing some strategies to reduce that challenging behaviour). Suitable for those with children under 12.
For further details visit
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King’s Hall Pelican Nursery - a big adventure for small people King’s Hall Pelican Nursery is set in a beautiful location in the foothills of the Quantocks. The Nursery sits within the 50 acre grounds of King’s Hall School, which is only one mile away from Taunton. The location provides an idyllic setting for children to learn, play and discover. Children can join our Nursery from their second birthday and will be settled into specialist rooms in a converted barn that provide comfort for children at this age. There are large floor areas for building and exploring as well as small, cosy areas for quieter activities. There is also a separate room for sleeping and sensory stimulation. Outside, the children can enjoy playing with the wheeled toys, climbing equipment and take part in our exciting forest school sessions in our very own ‘Little Woods’ literally on
NURSERY their doorstep. Here children can help look after both our feathery and furry friends, help grow herbs and vegetables, make dens and hunt for minibeasts among the trees. Every child who joins our Nursery will be assigned a Key Person who will work closely with the parents to ensure that all of the child’s needs
are being met. This helps to ensure that each child has a fun and fulfilling experience whilst at nursery. At King’s Hall Pelican Nursery we have a child-centred approach which means that children flourish in our care and achieve those important early milestones whilst having lots of fun along the way.
Please do come and visit us – you’ll be most welcome. For more information or to arrange a visit please contact Tess Spurr, 01823 285928 or visit our website
Summer is here – are you and your family water smart and water safe? The UK’s Drowning Prevention Charity looks ahead to the school holidays with some water safety advice for parents. It doesn’t have to be gloriously sunny outside for us to want to get out and about in the garden, in the pool and at the beach. With summer holidays on the horizon, the Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK), the drowning prevention charity have teamed up with the RNLI to issue their Water Safety Code: “The Water Safety Code is not about laying down the law and restricting people’s fun,” explains Mike Dunn, RLSS UK Deputy Director of Education and Research. “Traditionally, the summer months have the highest incidences of drowning, as people seek quick, easy ways to cool off and have a good time in the water. The Water Safety Code is just a few simple, easy to remember steps that will help keep you, your friends and your family safe around water this year. RLSS UK believe that an accidental drowning is a tragic yet preventable loss of life. We’d like to encourage people to spread the Water Safety Code so everyone can enjoy the water safely.”
Water Safety Code Whenever you are around the water: ● STOP AND THINK Look out for dangers and always read the signs. ● STAY TOGETHER Never swim alone, always go with friends or family. Only swim when there is a lifeguard. In an emergency: ● CALL 999 Call 999 (UK) or 112 and call or shout for help. ● FLOAT If you fall in, float or swim on your back. Throw something that floats to anyone in the water. Other things to consider are: ● Be your family’s lifeguard Whether there are lifeguards at your resort or not, you can keep a closer eye on your family than anyone else. Make sure no-one in your family swims alone, and watch everybody like their lives depend on it (because they do). Also, try to choose a holiday company that provides lifeguarded facilities.
● Keep children safe As well as keeping children under constant supervision, make sure that they wear their swimming/safety aid all the time when they are around the water. To stop them wriggling out of it at every opportunity, choose an aid which doesn’t restrict their movement and that they are happy/comfortable wearing in the water and on land (such as a SwimFin). ● Swim now, drink later Don’t mix alcohol and swimming. Alcohol is a factor in 20% of drownings in the UK alone.
A BIG ADVENTURE FOR SMALL PEOPLE Pelican Nursery is set in a stunning location in the foothills of the Quantocks, surrounded by countryside and only 1 mile from Taunton Open 8am until 6pm
Ages 2-4
For more information or to arrange a visit please contact Tess Spurr: 01823 285928 or visit our website A Woodard School
Visit our website at Follow us on Twitter - @RLSSUK Visit our Facebook page - Call – 0300 323 0096
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Parent Talk Summer 2018 21
Editor’s choice
Brothers Forever By Claudia Boldt Published by Puffin Lee and Barnaby are brothers. Some days they get on, some days they don’t. But things change when Barnaby starts school and tensions run high. Will they remember that brothers are forever after all?
All About Families By Felicity Brooks, Illustrated by Mar Ferrero What is a family? We all have families, but sometimes our families don’t always look like the ones represented in books, on TV, or in films. This is the ultimate guide to families all over the world. Whatever size or shape, whatever background you come from, whatever language you speak, homes you live in, and occasions you celebrate. 1-2-3 Anteater stuck up a tree Illustrated by Max Jackson Published by Buster Books 1 silly anteater has got himself stuck in a tree. 2 curious crocodiles have come to see. 3 friendly moose are forming a plan. Even the ants are lending a hand… On every page of this delightful counting book, children are encouraged to spot and count all the animals that turn up to help the anteater down from the tree. A First Book of the Sea By Nicola Davies, illustrated by Emily Sutton Published by Walker Books A spellbinding collection of poems about the oceans of the world and their shores. With this book, children can swim alongside dolphins and flying fish, pore over rockpools and sail from pole to pole and back, learning about everything from phosphorescence and plankton to manta rays and puffins – all in the comfort of their bedroom. Exquisite watercolours capture the majesty of ancient trading ships and the sheer, staggering wonder of the humpback whale. Teacup House: The Twitches Bake a Cake By Hayley Scott, illustrated by Pippa Curnick Published by Usborne Stevie’s mum is having a party, so she’s baked a delicious cake for all the guests. Stevie’s tiny toy rabbits, Silver and Fig Twitch, would love a taste of its yummy purple icing. How will they get their paws on some? It’s time for an adventure outside the Teacup House! 22 Parent Talk Summer 2018
Are we Nearly There Yet? – A Travel Puzzle Activity Book By Gill Harvey Published by Buster Books The perfect travel companion for any child, this is a book to get kids excited about their journey and will make sure their holiday memories never fade. Packed with cool puzzles and games to play on the way, it includes themed spreads to help them remember and cherish every part of their time. There is space to stick in memorabilia and photos, boxes to tick and fill in, and loads of fun things to colour – this doodle scrapbook will make any journey fly by!
The Boy who Grew Dragons By Andy Shepherd Published by Piccadilly Press When Tomas discovers a strange old tree at the bottom of his grandpa’s garden, he doesn’t think much of it. But he takes the funny fruit from the tree back into the house – and gets the shock and delight of his life when a tiny dragon hatches! The tree is a dragonfruit tree, and Tomas has got his very own dragon, Flicker… Tomas soon finds out that life with Flicker is great fun, but also very… unpredictable. Yes, dragons are fiery, fantastical and dazzling, but they also set fire to your toothbrush, singe your porridge and leave your pants hanging from the TV aerial. Tomas has to learn how to look after Flicker – and quickly. And then something extraordinary happens – more dragonfruits appear on the tree. Tomas is officially growing dragons…
Sherlock Bones and the Addition & Subtraction Adventure By Jonny Marx and Kirstin Swanson Illustrated by John Bigwood and Dave Shephard Published by Buster Books Sherlock Bones and Dr Catson must follow a teasing trail of addition and subtraction-themed puzzles.
Sherlock Bones and the Times Table Adventure By Jonny Marx, illustrated by John Bigwood Published by Buster Books Sherlock Bones and his trusted accomplice Dr Catson are embroiled in a frenetic times-table adventure. They must follow a trail of multiplication-themed puzzles. It’s up to the reader to find the answer to each fiendish problem and foil Professor Moriratty’s evil plan. Great Dog By Davide Cali, illustrated by Miguel Tanco Published by Thames & Hudson A pup and his father contemplate his grand future while looking at other Great Dogs in their family. Will he be a marathon runner like Uncle Tibor, the fastest dog in the family? Will he be an astronaut like Aunt Yuki, who reached for the stars? Or maybe a teacher like Uncle Scooter, respected by all? No matter what, says his father, he will be a GREAT dog!
Holiday Boredom Buster – Pen and Paper Puzzle Activities By Guy Campbell & Ellen Bailey Published by Buster Books Suitable for holidays and rainy days, the Holiday Boredom Buster will fill days with endless fun. It is packed with pictures to colour, doodles to complete and puzzles to solve – including mazes, spotthe-differences, search-andfinds, dot-to-dots and tricky brainteasers. The Big Book of 100 Outdoor Activities By Laura Minter and Tia Williams Published by GMC Publications There are times when keeping young children occupied and entertained can be a challenge, even for the most organised or imaginative of parents. With The Big Book of 100 Outdoor Activities, the aims are to provide parents with simple and quick activities and creative ideas to engage and entertain their children as well as encourage them to be more curious about their world, to learn more about the environment and to care more deeply about it. Forest School Adventure – Outdoor Skills and Play for Children By Naomi Walmsley and Dan Westall Published by GMC Publications Learn how to build a fire without matches, build a shelter to sleep in, cook on a fire, hunt for bugs and much more. From essential bushcraft basics and Stone Age survival skills to joyful outdoor play, Forest School Adventure is a book packed with ideas to bring your little ones closer to nature and all its magical offerings. Explore - How to explore everything, everywhere By Anita Ganeri Published by Buster Books ‘Explore’ contains everything you will ever need to know to survive and thrive when travelling the four corners of the globe – from the ice caps of the poles to the dusty dunes of the Sahara. Kids can find out everything from: how to survive going over the Niagra Falls; how to paddle up the Zambezi; how to make a snow hole at the north pole; how to land a seaplane on lake Titicaca; how to find the source of the Nile; how to spot terrible tropical diseases, and much more. Time Travel – How to be the best time traveller ever By Lottie Stride Published by Buster Books Packed full of fascinating historical facts, ‘Time Travel’ is educational as well as entertaining. It covers all the different aspects of life in a different age, including cookery, games, education and surviving diseases. Hunt a hairy mammoth; cross swords with the samurai; make a stone-age style axe; write like an Egyptian; learn how to survive the Blitz; graduate from gladiator school; and much more.
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CLASSIFIED FAMILY Candy By Lavie Tidhar Published by Scholastic Private detective Nelle is desperate for her next case, so when the notorious candy gangster, Eddy de Menthe, asks for her help, Nelle is on the case. Swept into a secret world of sweet smugglers and chocolate crooks, can Nelle and her friends find a way to have their cake and eat it? Or will they come to a sticky end…
Junkyard Jack and the Horse that Talked By Adrian Edmondson, illustrated by Danny Noble Published by Penguin Random House Jack has to live with his drippy aunt Violet, his smelly uncle Ted, and his evil cousin Kelly. But one day he accidentally runs away, and much to his surprise finds himself on an adventure to free his mum from prison – with the help of rather a lot of talking animals!
Star Wars™ Maker Lab By Liz Heinecke and Cole Horton Published by DK Supporting STREAM (Science, Technology, Robotics, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) education initiatives and the Maker Movement, DK’s new children’s book, Star Wars™ Maker Lab features 20 galactic projects that teach budding Padawans how to become a master of science, in both the real world and the Star Wars galaxy. Using clear step-by-step instructions and easily sourced household items, the book guides home scientists and makers through a variety of experiments – from making Jabba’s gooey slime or a gliding speeder, to an Ewok catapult and a glowing Gungan Globe of Peace. Sounds of Nature: World of Birds Illustrated by Robert Hunter Published by Quarto In this lavishly illustrated sound book, readers can explore ten diverse birdlife habitats ranging from birds of the tropics, birds of paradise, birds of the arctic and even songbirds from your own garden! On each spread, readers press a music note to listen to the extraordinary sound of wild birds and birdsong from each habitat.
Parent Alert! How to Keep Your Kids Safe Online By Nadia Sawalha, Kaye Adams and Will Geddes Published by DK TV presenters, best friends and mums Nadia Sawalha and Kaye Adams have teamed up with international security expert Will Geddes to write a comprehensive, go-to-guide for parents and carers on the greatest digital dangers facing children online today. What makes this book so unique is the no-nonsense, Q&A approach. For each topic, Nadia and Kaye describe real-life scenarios and ask the questions all parents face, and Will provides the answers with jargon-free advice. Each chapter includes action plans to resolve issues which may have already arisen, including tips on how to recognise warning signs if something is wrong, and when to seek professional help. Looking After Your Mental Health By Alice James & Louie Stowell Published by Usborne A safe and accessible guide to raise awareness of mental health. With expert advice from consultants from the Royal College of Psychiatrists, ‘Looking After Your Mental Health’ is a funny and gentle introduction to topics like the science of anger, handling toxic friendships, sex and relationships, and how to manage social media whilst staying mentally healthy.
Hello, Horse By Vivian French, Illustrated by Catherine Rayner, Published by Walker Books A little boy isn't sure if he likes horses, but his friend Catherine assures him that her horse will like him. Shannon is very big, but she's beautiful, throwing her head up and looking at him with her dark eyes as if she knows everything there is to know. Catherine patiently teaches the boy how to talk to a horse quietly, how to feed her carrots, how to lead her across a field, even how to blow at her softly to show that he likes her. But is he really ready to climb up on Shannon's back and take a ride? Facts about horses are sprinkled throughout to satisfy inquisitive readers.
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Editor Tamsin Humphreys Advertising Juliet Barber Production Sarah Harmer September deadline 1st August 2018 COMPETITION WINNERS Yeovilton Air Day L. Muirhead, Weston super Mare J. Smith, Bath Parent Talk Summer 2018 23
The Wild Folk By Sylvia V. Linsteadt Published by Usborne When the Star-Priest Brotherhood from the City threaten to ravage and destroy the land of the Wild Folk, their only hope rests with two young hares and their human companions – Tin, an orphan City boy with a passion for invention, and curious Country girl Comfrey. In this magical quest, to protect the precious stargold that runs through the land, Tin and Comfrey must complete seemingly impossible tasks set by the mysterious and terrifying Wild Folk – each stranger than the last – to find the one who holds the secret to saving their world.
Real Food Kids Will Love By Annabel Karmel Published by Bluebird The UK’s No 1 children’s cookery author, Annabel Karmel, brings you a mouthwatering batch of never before seen recipes featuring ingredients with serious nutritional credentials. This is an essential book for every modern parent. From speedy Fifteen Minute Meals to Healthy ‘Fast Food’, via Holiday Cooking with Kids (perfect for rainy days!), Lunchbox Snacks and fresh, easy and modern dishes include Quinoa Chicken Fingers, Crispy Baked Cod, The Best Buttermilk Pancakes and Carrot Cake Balls.
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