Midway Preview Program

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Saturday, November 16

11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Welcome to Midway Preview 11:00 – 11:20 a.m. (Doors will open at 10:30 a.m.)

Welcome from Dr. Matt Rush, Allen Meyer Family Head of School; Dr. Deana Dynis, Head of Lower School; Dr. Jennifer Wilson, Head of Middle School; Andrew Jennings, Head of Upper School and Chris Teran, Director of Admission & Enrollment Management

Room color coded to building maps found on the last pages of this program.


1 11:30 - 11:50 a.m.



Inside Panther Athletics Eller Hall Greg Zugrave, Athletic Director

Center for College & Life Planning (CCLP) overview Pearlman Conference Center (Atrium)

3rd and 4th Grade Teacher Panel 1105 (1st floor)

LS Art & Music Open Studios 1158; 1155 (1st floor)

5th and 6th Grade Teacher Panel 2156 (2nd floor)

MS Arts Faculty Panel 2260 (2nd floor)

CCLP Staff

Lower School Faculty

Lower School Arts Faculty

Middle School Faculty & Administration

Middle School Visual Arts Faculty

Critical Thinking Model 2033 (2nd fl. Tower) Patrick McGarrity, Ph.D., Middle School Humanities

Vocabulary, Grammar, & a Flying Pig! 2107 (2nd floor) Ashley Wilson, Middle School Spanish


Math Stations & Games 2203 (2nd floor) Lauren Peal, Middle School Mathematics

7th and 8th Grade Junior Dance Company Rogers Studio (Eller Hall)

Parish Dance Company 6980 Studio (Eller Hall)

Upper School Student Panel Little Den (Great Hall)

Dance Rehearsal in action

Dance Rehearsal in action

Upper School Student

Upper School Faculty PAWS Store Hallway Meet our Upper School Faculty at their Department Tables

oh là là

3008 (3rd floor)

A lesson in French - Isobel Betzer, Upper School World Languages

Chapel & Religious Studies Godwin Chapel Mtr. Alina Williams, Midway Chaplain

Student Support Services Great Hall Staff representation from The Gilman Study, learning specialists and centerED social emotional counselors.

Midway Library Main Library Meet our library staff and see the centers for reading and research

MS Student Interviews Advancement (Atrium)

US Student Interviews 1214 (1st floor)

Middle School students can complete their required applicant interview (sign-up required)

Upper School students can complete their required applicant interview (sign-up required)

Parish Plus Great Hall Expand upon the regular school day with a wide range of auxiliary services.


2 12:00 - 12:20 p.m.


NASA HERC (Human Exploration Rover Challenge

Gladiators Revealed

Compasses and Protractors

US Arts

Audition-based Groups


Design Den Parish’s Rover team was named world champions in the high school division in 2021, 2022, and 2024

Fleeger Film Room

3036 (3rd floor)

DB2 Black Box (Eller Hall)

Upper School Faculty PAWS Store Hallway

US Visual Arts Panel 2262 (2nd floor)

LS Enrichments

5th and 6th Grade

1158 (1st floor)

Teacher Panel 2156 (2nd floor)

7th and 8th Grade Teacher Panel 2158 (2nd floor)

MS Visual Arts Open Studios 2264, 2260 (2nd floor)

MS Performing Arts Session Rogers Studio (Eller Hall)

History vs. Hollywood - Ann Morgan, Ph.D., Upper School World Languages, Director of The Academy

Caswell Dunlap and Audrey Smith, Upper School Mathematics

Upper School Arts Faculty

Meet our Upper School Faculty at their Department Tables

Upper School Arts Faculty

Lower School Enrichment Faculty

Middle School Faculty & Administration

Middle School Faculty & Administration

Middle School Arts Faculty

Middle School Arts Faculty


Vocabulary, Grammar, & a Flying Pig!


Experiments in Action

2107 (2nd floor)

2258 (2nd floor)

Maps, Stations & Cars 2020 (2nd fl. Tower)

Chapel & Religious Studies Godwin Chapel

Parent Panel Little Den (Great Hall)

Student Support Services

Ashley Wilson, Middle School Spanish

Blair Boghetich, Middle School Science

Jason Krieger, Middle School Spanish

Mtr. Alina Williams, Midway Chaplain

Current Parish Parents

Great Hall Staff representation from The Gilman Study, learning specialists and centerED social emotional counselors.

Midway Library Main Library

MS Student Interviews Advancement (Atrium)

US Student Interviews

Center for College & Life Planning (CCLP)

1214 (1st floor)

4011, 4012, 4013 (4th floor)

Parish Plus Great Hall

Meet our library staff and see the centers for reading and research

Middle School students can complete their required applicant interview (sign-up required)

Upper School students can complete their required applicant interview (sign-up required)

Browse space and meet CCLP Staff

Expand upon the regular school day with a wide range of auxiliary services and programs.


3 12:30 - 12:50 p.m.



Facilities Tour Great Hall

“Is the World Around You Really There?”

3rd and 4th Grade


Athletic Department Staff

Fleeger Film Room An introduction to the philosophy of Rene Descartes - Brad Blue, Ph.D., Upper School Religious Studies & Philosophy

Teacher Panel 1107 (1st floor)

LS Art & Music

Open Studios 1158; 1155 (1st floor)

7th and 8th Grade

Teacher Panel 2158 (2nd floor)

7th and 8th Grade

Junior Dance Company Rogers Studio (Eller Hall)

MS Visual Arts Open Studio 2260 (2nd floor)

Critical Thinking Model 2033 (2nd fl. Tower)

Lower School Faculty

Lower School Arts Faculty

Middle School Faculty & Administration

Dance Rehearsal in action

Middle School Arts Faculty

Patrick McGarrity, Ph.D., Middle School Humanities Science Experiments in Action 2258 (2nd floor)

Math Stations & Games 2203 (2nd floor)

Blair Boghetich, Middle School Science

Lauren Peal, Middle School Mathematics


Maps, Stations & Cars 2020 (2nd fl. Tower) Jason Krieger, Middle School Spanish

Upper School Faculty

Parish Dance Company

US Arts

Audition-based Groups Panel

PAWS Store Hallway

6980 Studio (Eller Hall)

DB2 Black Box (Eller Hall)

SDLC Student Panel Little Den (Great Hall)

Chapel & Religious Studies Godwin Chapel

Meet our Upper School Faculty at their Department Tables

Dance Rehearsal in action

Upper School Arts Faculty

Student Diversity Leadership Council

Chapel and Religious Studies Mtr. Alina Williams, Midway Chaplain

Student Support Services Great Hall Staff representation from The Gilman Study, learning specialists and centerED social emotional counselors.

Midway Library Main Library Meet our library staff and see the centers for reading and research

MS Student Interviews Advancement (Atrium)

US Student Interviews 1214 (1st floor)

Center for College & Life Planning (CCLP)

4011, 4012, 4013 (4th floor)

Middle School students can complete their required applicant interview (sign-up required)

Upper School students can complete their required applicant interview (sign-up required)

Browse space and meet CCLP Staff

Parish Plus Great Hall Expand upon the regular school day with a wide range of auxiliary services and programs.



Belonging & Inclusion


As a school founded on the values of Wisdom, Honor and Service, Parish Episcopal School believes that embracing our inclusive community facilitates our social, spiritual and intellectual growth, and drives excellence in teaching and learning. We empower our students to be authentic and prepare them to lead by demonstrating knowledge of and respect for the rich variety of people and points of view that exist in our complex global society.

The Grove The Grove at Parish Episcopal School is made up of 30 parent advocates that tell their family's Parish stories and experiences in their communities inside and outside of Parish. The group is intentionally built to include a variety of experiences that spread across divisions, academic subject areas as well as co-curricular and extracurricular activities.

Parish Dance Company Parish Dance Company is designed for students who are serious about dance and are willing to work and perform for any outside performances and/or special events. Members focus on perfecting more difficult movement combinations in each discipline of dance.

The Academy The Academy serves as the umbrella for all academic programming taking place outside of the regular school day.



of Global Studies (AGS)

Leadership Institute (LI)

AGS provides students a unique platform to explore contemporary issues, meet with global leaders and accelerate their academic progress through a rigorous course progression encouraging them to graduate with both a deeper understanding of themselves and a well-rounded under-standing of the world.

The Leadership Institute has been designed to prepare its Upper School participants to make a positive impact by building a deeper self-awareness of their talents and passions; sharpening their skills for inspiring and enabling themselves and others to think bigger and act bolder; and identifying how they can use their talents, passions and leadership skills to achieve lasting results.

Parish Bridge

Parish Plus

Parish Bridge provides an opportunity for students to design personalized learning experiences and nurture individual passions. All senior students create a third trimester curriculum that incorporates interdisciplinary learning and real-world application, resulting in a culminating high school experience that prepares them for life beyond graduation. Like the Academy of Global Studies and the Leadership Institute, Parish Bridge engages students in independent thinking and problem solving, directs students to explore areas of passion, builds students’ networking and communication skills, and develops confident, self-reliant individuals who take ownership of their learning.

Expands upon the regular school day with a wide range of auxiliary services and programs, such as after-school classes and care, summer camps, and academic support services.

PAWs Store Hallway

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