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IInnuukkaa The Ordination Raising Godly Leaders Dedicating baby Joy

A Knight to Remember


Majestic Kingdom Impartation Go Ye Therefore

majestic kingdom IMPARTATION

We declare that the anointing of God is upon us. The Spirit of the Living God has come upon us giving us visions and dreams. The impartation of God is upon us. The Lord was with Joseph and he prospered. The same Lord is with us and we have the discernment and perception that Joseph had. We have been attacked, but we remain strong. Our God is helping us for He is the Shepherd and the Stone of Israel. The Lord is blessing us with the blessing of heaven. Our branches have run over the wall of human impossibility. We are effecting changes wherever we go. We have become our brother’s keeper and we are fulfilling God’s purposes on earth. The special anointing of God is upon us to accomplish this and there is nothing that can stop us. We move from strength to strength, victory to victory. We preserve the land for the sake of the kingdom of God. Amen. 2|Page

november CONTENTS Inuka Magazine


Take My Life And Let It Be



Go Ye Therefore


Godly Leadership The Portraits


Take My Life And Let It Be The Procession


„A Knight To Remember‟


My Life Belongs To You Worship


Commissioning the Deacons


Commissioning the Pastors


Dedicating baby Joy


Raising Godly Leaders The Word


He Leadeth Me The Recession


Go Ye Therefore


You & I

CONTRIBUTORS Rev. Ambrose Nyangao Eleazor PHOTOGRAPHY Elias Mwangi Sammy Nderitu Jane Waiyaki Michelle Mutinda Christopher Mutungi DESIGN & LAYOUT Nyambura Kung‟u Kefa Kariuki Kevin Kung‟u ONLINE PUBLISHING Samuel Kiruma Emmanuel Musau Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture is taken from the New International Version. Copyright 2012 Parklands Baptist Church All rights reserved No material from this issue may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without express written permission from the Parklands Baptist Church A Parklands Baptist Church Publication

You & I 3|Page

editorial Welcome

to our very first edition of Inuka the PBC eZine. This is incredibly exciting and we hope you agree! Inuka captures Parkie at its best and dispatches it to you for your consumption. Filled with a visual palate like none other, Inuka promises to whet your appetite for more again, and again, and again! And what better way to unveil this new resource than by putting a spotlight on the Ordination Service held on 23rd September?

The entire issue is a testimony of God’s great grace and abundant provision, and we pray that you will be as blessed reading it as we have been putting it together We‟ve captured the commissioning of five Pastors and five Deacons in a beautiful pictory that will


excite you. „A Knight to Remember‟ is the narrative of one of the photographers experience on that day in a very real and yet captivating way. It promises to be a good read. And just to remind you what it was all about, we‟ve ran the Sermon for you to connect with again. Because it‟s a first, a lot of effort has gone into making Inuka a good read. The entire issue is a testimony of God‟s great grace and abundant provision, and we pray that you will be as blessed reading it as we have been putting it together. We value what you think of this effort and look forward to your feedback. Write to us at and let us know. It‟s not a bad idea to tell us what you would like to see included in future issues as well. We hope you enjoy flipping through this magazine and that it will inspire you to become a „fruitful vine in Him.‟ For His glory!

The Pastors and Deacons Board, The Ordination Council, and The Ordainees Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.� Matthew 28:18-20 5|Page

or-dain (テエr-dト]) tr. v. or-dained, or-daining, or-dains

1. to invest with ministerial or priestly authority



Pastors George Masha, Sylvester Achola, Bernard Otuma, Victor Kimani and Susan Wanjira Deacons Francis Mukusa, John Mutua, Chege Waitara, Tom Kituyi and Gabriel Macharia


…ordinary men and women…


…set apart to serve! 9|Page

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And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ;

Take My Life and Let It Be

Ephesians 4:11-13

The Procession 11 | P a g e

take my life and let it be consecrated Lord to thee

take my moments and my days let them flow in ceaseless praise 12 | P a g e

take my will and make it thine it shall be no longer mine

take my heart it is thine own lit shall be thy royal throne 13 | P a g e

A Knight to Remember

Little Abel, Pastor Marsha’s son, was there too, flanking his dad. Talk of total family support. And he was the first person to lay hands on him 

by Eleazor


journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. And a single picture can tell the story of that journey.

When I walked into the church compound that ordination morning, the heightened security presence gave a sense of the day‟s auspiciousness. Screening checks began right there at the gate. Heavily armed police officers were conspicuously positioned at strategic points, an allegory of the heavenly host, watching over the house of The LORD. Though I was already “fashionably” late, I made my way to the prayer room, “stealing” a few more minutes to have a word with my Boss. “Papa, I‟m here. Just wanted to pray for the ordination service. Today as You take Your servants to a new level, please make them more humble. Please always remind them that they have been raised up in order to serve more. Grace them with Your strength for the additional sacrifices they will have to make. Protect the service from the enemy. And help us who are serving to serve in unity, in JESUS‟ name. Amen….. I‟m off now.” “Ok son. Go and serve in joy”, He replied smiling.

Think about it. A painting of the loving Christ, hanging on the cross in vicarious atonement for His adulterous bride, sums up the gospel of salvation in its entirety. Just one image, tells it all. And that was my job description for the day: tell the story in one frame! The story of Pastor Marsha, the story of Pastor Bern, the stories of pastors Victor, Susan and Sylvester; the journeys of deacons Chege, Francis, John, Tom and Gabriel. 14 | P a g e

Upstairs, the PBC Media office was a beehive of activity. Additional video cameras had been hired, and quadruple the usual manpower was on duty. Everyone was scurrying up and down, making sure they were ready to play their part in the team. The videographers and their director were doing last minute tests of the talk back system they would be using to synchronize video coverage of the occasion. I so wanted to try a few “over over” lines on it (lol), but I had to get to my station pronto. I made a quick call to Elias, the photography team lead. “Uko wapi?” “Kuja hapa nje, karibu na main entrance”, he responded. I found him, camera in hand, another around his neck, taking photos of the ordainees. Jane and Michelle were the second and third shooters.

I waved at deacon Chege between the poses for their shots. He and the rest

The service officially began with the pastors and deacons marching into the sanctuary with song, the ordainees in tow. The main act was now in motion. Elias came to swap lenses with me, an exchange which eventually resulted in a dream come true. He gave me another camera altogether. And not just any camera mark you, but the legendary Canon 5D Mark 2! “When the actual ceremony begins, I want you right up front to get close-ups of the ordainees.” My mind was still racing. Yaani, I was gonna do that with the 5D. boy oh boy oh boy oh boy! 

of ordainees were beaming with joy and excitement, their better halves looking on in pride. Elias hurriedly turned to me and handed me the D90 camera. “Get me wide shots and nice portraits” he instructed. “Sawa sawa”, I happily replied - I love portrait photography. “Okay, now with spouses”, he said, turning back to the ordainees. It had been a while since my last date with Becca (my pet name for our photography team‟s D90 camera ). But what I love about us is, we always manage to wonderfully pick up right where we left off. A twist of this dial here, a flick of that button there, and voila! The pictures were flowing, just like old times. Starting with Deacon Cowper, who was dressed in an impeccably sharp suit, I went around, snapping away at both people and setting, building up the plot of our pictory (picture story).

As I waited in the wings, I quickly acquainted myself with my new Becca  We needed to get past the awkward first date moments and gaffes in record time, because when it came to it, we would be required to instinctively waltz like an old married couple, but with the verve of newly weds; Pit-stop execution, nothing less. I was outside working on a panoramic shot when I heard Pastor Ambrose announce the call. “Now we want to ordain the new deacons and pastors…….. ”, capping it off with his characteristic “khalleluia!”. This was it; the cover picture for the headline story of 2012, awaited Becca and I. They ascended the pulpit in single file. Pastor Ambrose marshaled them in a parade before the congregation, each ordainee on their knees, with their spouse standing behind them. Little Abel, Pastor Marsha‟s son, was there too, flanking his dad. Talk of total family support. And he was the first person to lay hands on him 

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Those tears, and the brokenness that yielded them, jolted me out of “business as usual” mode, into the spirit. He was here; The Most High had actually descended to knight His sons and daughter. “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with a few things. I have now put you in charge of more, so bear Me more fruit” I imagined JESUS must have told some of them. “Be strong and very courageous, for you must lead My people to enter their inheritance”, He said to another. At the end of the ceremony, Pastor Ambrose proclaimed a blessing over them and declared them ordained, to resounding applause by the congregation. As the ordainees rose to their feet, it came - the million dollar shot, as hollywooders call it. The laughs and smiles of the photo session were gone; a somber disposition had come over them. Their reflective gazes were so intense, you couldn‟t help but wonder what was going through their minds:

Pastor Marsha embraced Pastor Simon in a heartfelt hug, one that said “thank you brother” more than words ever could. The embrace lingered, not 5 seconds, not even 10, but almost half a minute.

The years in bible school? The many battles fought, and lost, on the road to this victory? Or perhaps the lives forever changed by their ministries? Either way, you could tell one glorious chapter was ending, and its epic sequel was about to begin.

This was what I had been waiting for; the opportunity to freeze time, still the moment, immortalize the memory of its emotion.

Those who had gone before them then came forth for the laying on of hands. As the tried, tested and proven, imparted the anointing to “generation next”, the tears began to flow.

It was done. The story was told, the golden moment captured.

I saw mighty men of valour overwhelmed by emotion. At some point I actually stopped shooting, embarrassed by my somewhat predatory “paparazzi” intrusion of this sacrosanct moment between man and God.

You did well today dear camera. Father, thank You for using it as a pen, to tell the story of your servants.

I angled, framed, then shot; corrected exposure, then shot again.

Pastor Marsha, I owe you that picture 


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“While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, „Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.‟ So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off. The two of them, sent on their way by the Holy Spirit, went down to Seleucia” Acts 13: 2-4 17 | P a g e

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commissioning | DEACONS

Bwana mungu nakuomba sasa Unifanye kuwa kama upendavyo

Maana wewe ni muweza yote Unifanye kuwa kama upendavyo 20 | P a g e

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Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. Acts 20:28

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…thank you Lord!”

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And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; Ephesians 4:11-13

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commissioning | PASTORS

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Take me to that place Lord, to that secret place where I can be with you, you can make me like you Wrap me in your arms 30 | P a g e

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‌God has imparted into our life the Holy Spirit! 34 | P a g e

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…when God calls you, its because He has qualified you!

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…it’s all about Jesus!

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“Our Heavenly Father we are grateful… “

“So when they had appointed elders in every church, and prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord in whom they had believed.” Acts 8:23

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dedicating baby JOY

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the WORD

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Raising Godly Leaders by Rev. Ambrose Nyangao


e at Parklands Baptist have a mandate to raise godly leaders. We have been told to make disciples of all nations. Jesus raised the Twelve, and they did wonders. These were ordinary men and women who were filled with the Holy Spirit. They went out and did exploits for the Kingdom of God. This is our time to make this generation feel the impact of godly leadership. Paul writing to the believers said this in 1st Cor. 3:9  For we are God‟s fellow workers; you are God‟s field, you are God‟s building.  According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it. But let each one of us take heed how he builds on it.  For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.

5 points to consider about Godly Leadership:

1) God causes us to be: it‟s all about Jesus! (Eph. 4:11 - He gave some to be apostles…). He has given servant leaders, „be yourself‟. You‟re unique and not a photocopy in Jesus name! Be what Jesus made you to be. What God says…you become… be what God calls you to be! The Spirit of wisdom was upon Daniel and he became. “Arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you!”

2) God sensitizes the Church: God sensitizes the Church to recognize these people (Acts 13:1-4). The Holy Spirit sensitizes people around us to see…. 3) God qualifies the called: when God calls you it‟s because He has qualified you (Matt. 10:1-4). They were called, they were qualified

and they were released. God has called and he has qualified leaders. Do the work of the ministry that God has given to you. 4) God empowers and equips: He also empowers them and equips giving them the Holy Spirit and His word. “you guys, I don‟t know if you sensed the presence of God as these men were praying for you? God has imparted into your life the Holy Spirit.” This word shall not depart from your mouth…”they shall meditate on it day and night…” Here at PBC it‟s about the Holy Spirit, and it‟s about the word. 5) God sends you: He sends you (Acts 13:4). After all those things… we send you…fulfill your ministry. “They now have the ability and the mandate that they have been sent and God knows your location and your giftings….they have various gifts and yet God has given them authority to serve.” They are connecting to make a difference. “Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations…and lo I am with you always.” “And for the leadership of PBC and the Ordination Council, and all those who made this day happen, we give God the glory!” “Some of you seated here, remember you are already set apart, so serve the Lord.” “I thank God for you…” “Our Heavenly Father we are grateful…..thank you Lord….today we celebrate these new Pastors and new Deacons…”.

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He Leadeth Me The Recession

For we are God‟s fellow workers; you are God‟s field, you are God‟s building. According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it. But let each one take heed how he builds on it. For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 48 | P a g e

1 Corinthians 3:9-11

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations‌

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…and lo I am with you always

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‌today we celebrate the new Deacons and Pastors 51 | P a g e

You & I

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“…remember you are already set apart, so serve the Lord!”

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thanks, thanks I give YOU thanks For all YOU’ve done

I am so blessed My soul is at rest oh Lord I give YOU thanks! 54 | P a g e

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“…to all those who made this day happen, we give God the glory!”

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A day of celebration!

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new BOOKS! Two new books released this December: “From Zero to Hero” and “Prayer Declarations” by Rev. Ambrose Nyangao. Also available is another Bible Study Guide “New Life” by Rev. Ambrose Nyangao.

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