Parkie News Quarterly Newsletter of Parklands Baptist Church
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His Glorious Presence
Loongeiwuan Baptist School
Camping Season is Over
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January – March 2016
His Glorious Presence Theme Vision 2016
“You crown the year with your bounty, you crown 2016 with your bounty and your carts overflow with abundance. The grasslands of the desert overflow; the hills are clothed with gladness, the meadows are covered with flocks and the valleys are mantled with grain. They shout for joy and they sing. May your year be full of joy and singing.”
On Sunday 3
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Issue 1/ 2016
January 2016 the church was full to the brim and there was much excitement. The congregation was expectant as they waited for the Word from the Lord.
down, shaken together and running over in 2016. It‘s a good year, it’s a glorious year.
e then he spoke on The Glorious Presence (he has given us his crown of glory), “God cares about od has chosen you to see 2016 Ladies and you. God cares about every month of this year concerning you. You have a crown on your “…blessed are those You choose…” Gentlemen, the head, a crown of glory and a crown of declared Rev. Ambrose as he stepped forward to share the vision. “This is the year 2016 is the honor. Glorious things are going to happen in this year of 8 and 8…Jesus and the Holy Spirit. year of the country. God has something new for you 8 and 8…the presence visible, the Lords Glorious this year.” presence invisible. But this presence is
Presence! not just a presence, it’s the Glorious oncluding with The Glorious Transformation Presence of God! And therefore Ladies and (he has crowned us with power) Rev. Ambrose Gentlemen, the year 2016 is the Year of the Lord’s proclaimed “May God come your way. You’re Glorious Presence!” going to be moving from one degree of glory to another, one day at a time, one week at a time, haring on The Glorious Season (he has one month at a time. May you walk with the crowned us with bounty), Rev. Ambrose glorious presence.” announced “2016 is a glorious season. This is your
visit the bookshop and get your copy today
season in Jesus name! God is going to crown this season with bounty. May the Lord “finya” his blessings on you. Let bounty rest on you…pressed
The Lord will walk with you in Jesus name.
To engage fully with the 2016 Theme Vision, get yourself a copy from the bookshop today.