Time for haggis B1
The News Official newspaper of the Save-On-Foods Oceanside Generals
Soul of Portugal B1
Friday, January 20, 2012
Awaiting word on grants Area animal aid societies hope for return of gaming cash By NEIL HORNER NEWS REPORTER Wendy Huntbatch would be delighted if her World Parrot Refuge in Coombs is able to get a provincial government gaming grant again, but she says she won’t find out until some time next month whether she did. Premier Christy Clark recently announced $15 million in increased funding for community groups through the gaming grant program, adding that groups previously deemed ineligible will now be able to apply. Contacted in Vancouver, Huntbatch said her organization has been scrambling to come up with enough funds to Wendy Huntbatch. operate since they lost PQ NEWS FILE PHOTO approximately $100,000 in grants when the provincial government cut back the program in 2010. “It would be very good for me because I wouldn’t have to stress about fundraising all the time,” Huntbatch said. “Since they cut the grants they’ve put up the minimum wage twice, EI and CPP are also going up and everything we buy for the birds has gone through the roof. A bag of walnuts went up by $9, which really adds up when you buy five bags a day. The price of peanuts has also gone through the roof.” Since losing the grant, Huntbatch and her group have racked their brains to find innovative ways to bring in enough money to keep going, including opening a thrift store on the site and selling paint- SEE PROVINCE ON A3
Digging out. Young entrepreneurs like Mike McNamee were kept busy this week, clearing snow from sidewalks and driveways. Elsewhere, drivers were being asked to be careful on area roads, while schools were closed for a half-day and other services were disrupted by snowfall. Read more inside today’s edition. STEVEN HEYWOOD PHOTO
City focus on parking education By AUREN RUVINSKY NEWS REPORTER
percent and city owned lots reach 100 per cent full at their peak. On-street public parking is plentiful, but the [online first study points to a problem with the city’s four offThe name might be Parksville, but parking could become an issue if the city doesn’t take street public lots being near capacity. “There is clear and convincing evidence we some steps. are lacking in off-street parking in the downAccording to a delayed Downtown Core town core,” said director of engineering and operations Parking Study, occupancy rose from 65 to 73 percent during Robert Harary. the peak hour over just two years while some areas hit 84 SEE PARKING ON A6
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