National Parliamentarian
Official publication of the National Association of Parliamentarians® 213 S. Main Street • Independence, MO 64050-3808 816.833.3892 • 888.627.2929 •
NP Submission Guidelines
National Parliamentarian generally publishes only original works that have not been published elsewhere. Articles will be edited to conform to The Chicago Manual of Style (17th ed.) and may be edited for content and length. Article text should be submitted in Microsoft Word or rich text format and transmitted via email. Illustrations, photographic prints and high-resolution photos are welcome. Materials submitted will not be returned unless special arrangements are made in advance with the editor. Contributors must include a completed “Assignment and Transfer of Copyright” form with their submission, granting NAP the copyright or permission to publish.
Submission Deadlines
Volume 82, No. 2 . . . . . . November 1, 2020 (Winter 2021) Volume 82, No. 3 . . . . . . . . February 1, 2021 (Spring 2021) Volume 82, No. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . May 1, 2021 (Summer 2021)
TennieBee Hall
Assistant Editor
Betty Turnstall, PRP
NP Review Committee
Dana Dickson, RP-R, Chair Ronald Dupart, RP Ferial Bishop, PRP
Parliamentary Research Committee Alison Wallis, PRP Rachel Glanstein, PRP Ann Homer, PRP Timothy Wynn, PRP, Parliamentarian
(Registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, ISSN 8755-7592) Published quarterly by the National Association of Parliamentarians ©2020 All rights to reproduce or reprint any portion of this publication are reserved, except by written permission of the editor. Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those endorsed by NAP.
Subscription and change-of-address requests should be directed to NAP at the above address. Annual subscription: $30 • Single copy: $8
From the Editor
As you read through this issue of National Parliamentarian, take particular note of the “Connections” section, where you can learn more about what NAP, through committees, groups, and individuals, is able to do. Don’t miss Kay Crews’ article about the process that was used to revise the code of professional responsibility for parliamentarians. Be sure to read the outcome of that work. C.J. Cavin outlines services available to NAP individuals and groups, and gives some communications committee tips about using social media. Next, turn to Collin Kaster’s perspective on how to inspire young leaders, then to Barbara Bonsignore’s report of a winning parli pro team. As you read Young Yu’s article about China’s successful study program, imagine what you can do in your own area to promote the study of parliamentary procedure. We have so many avenues available to us to inspire, promote, and educate future NAP members! TennieBee Hall 2
National Parliamentarian • Fall 2020