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2021-2023 HISTORY

The National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP) began the new biennium with the vision statement, “To provide parliamentary leadership to the world.”

NAP is committed to providing education and resources to facilitate efficient and democratic decision-making processes in meetings through the use of parliamentary procedure.

NAP Board of Directors

The following officers were elected for the 2021-2023 NAP biennium: president: Wanda M . Sims, PRP; vice-president: Alison Wallis, PRP; secretary: Mona Calhoun, PRP; treasurer: Henry Lawton, PRP; and directors-at-large: Carl Nohr, PRP; Adam Hathaway, PRP; and Mary Q . Grant, PRP. The following district directors were elected to serve as the district representatives on the Board of Directors: Lucy Anderson, PRP, District 6, and Deborah Underwood, PRP, District 4 . At the regular board meeting on January 10, 2023, Henry Lawton, PRP, resigned from the treasurer position . At a special meeting on January 30, 2023, the board elected Robert Schuck as treasurer for the remainder of the term .

Incoming President Remarks

Incoming President Wanda M . Sims, PRP, addressed the members and discussed her goals for the next biennium . President Sims chose for her theme, Continuing the Journey From Good to Great .

Commission on Credentialing

The following members were elected to serve on the Commission on Credentialing:

Four Year Term:

Jeanette Williams, PRP

Frances Jackson, PRP

Darlene T . Allen, PRP

Two Year Term:

Susan Eads Role, PRP

Existing members of the commission were Thomas “Burke” Balch, PRP, and James Stewart, PRP.

On September 8, 2022, without objection, the rules were suspended to allow the transaction of business that was not mentioned in the call of the meeting . All board members were present . The board elected to remove for cause from the Commission on Credentialing Thomas Burke Balch, James Stewart, Jeanette Williams, and Frances Jackson .

On September 19, 2022, Christopher “C .J . ” Cavin, PRP; Sandra Cook, PRP; David Jackson, PRP; and Steven Walls, PRP, were elected to fill the four vacancies and serve on the Commission until the next biennial convention .

A successful pilot of the redesigned Professional Registered Parliamentarian Credentialing Examination (PRPCE) was held in June 2023 in conjunction with the District VI meeting . Training of the first cohort of examiners was held virtually on July 8, 2023 . Following the biennial convention, a second pilot was held September 11-12, 2023 .

The Commission on Credentialing announced the enactment of all the provisions in the NAP Bylaws related to the credentialing programs, effective July 9, 2023 .

The commission proposed amendments to NAPOPP to include a complete repeal of Chapter 5 because the credentialing process is now the responsibility of the commission, renaming of the Membership Registration and Examiners Committee to Membership Examiners Committee, and other necessary amendments to the duties of MEC and PDC in Chapter 11 and fees to comply with the enactment of the bylaws .

Advisors and Consultants

President Sims appointed the following individuals:

Parliamentarian: Timothy Wynn

Legal liaison: Melanye Johnson

Appointment of Professional Responsibility and Member Discipline Committee Members

The Board of Directors approved President Sims’ appointment of Traci

Bransford-Marquis, PRP, and Vivian Walton-Smalls, PRP, to full terms, with Traci Bransford-Marquis, PRP, elected as the chair . Existing members of the committee are Tannis V. Nelson, PRP, and Jason V. Morgan, PRP.

NAP Board Committee


The following board committees were appointed:

Budget & Finance: Henry Lawton, PRP, Chair, and Alison Wallis, PRP (On Jan . 30, 2023, as the newly elected treasurer, Robert Schuck assumed the position of chairman) .

Minutes Approval: Adam Hathaway, PRP, Chair, Mary Grant, PRP, and Alison Wallis, PRP.

Personnel: Lucy Anderson, PRP, Chair, Carl Nohr, PRP, and Joyce Brown Watkins, PRP.

Policies and Procedures: Mona Calhoun, PRP, Chair; Henry Lawton, PRP, and Deborah Underwood, PRP.

Pricing: Deborah Underwood, PRP, Chair, Mary Grant, PRP, and Adam Hathaway, PRP.

Standing Committee Appointments

The Board of Directors appointed and approved the following members to serve on Standing Committees:

Bylaws: Chairman Steven Cook, PRP; Bennyfer Bridgewater, PRP; Atul Kapur, PRP; Joshua Martin, PRP; Laura Meade, PRP; Steve Britton, PRP; Justin Pappano, PRP; and Traci Bransford-Marquis, PRP.

Communication Committee: Chairman C .J . Cavin, PRP; Marcia McFadden, PRP; Ray Hardwood,

PRP; Cliff Easerman, PRP; and Bennyfer Bridgewater, PRP

Educational Resources Committee (ERC): Chairman Ruth Ryan, PRP; Joyce Brown-Watkins, PRP; Lorenzo Cuesta, PRP Gretchen Denton, PRP; Christina Emmert, PRP; Marilyn Newman, PRP; Paul McClintock, PRP; David Mezzera, PRP, and Todd Crowder, PRP.

Membership Extension and Retention Committee (MERC) –

Chairman Alison Wallis, PRP and Districts Directors: Robert Robinson, PRP District One; Cynthia Mayo, PRP District Two; Lavon Moore, PRP District Three; Deborah Underwood, PRP District Four; Kevin Dahlman, PRP (Laura Meade, PRP) District Five; Lucy Anderson, PRP District Six; Yvette Kessee, PRP District Seven; and Michael Peck, PRP District Eight .

Membership & Registration Examiners Committee (MREC):

Chairman Patricia Cauley, PRP; Cindy Hinckley, PRP; Mary Alice Oldfield, PRP; Linda Smallwood, PRP; Kathy Boyer, PRP; Ramona Jeffries, PRP; Steven Walls, PRP; and Doris Williams, PRP.

International Services Committee:

Chairman Carl Nohr, PRP; Robert Robinson, PRP; Cynthia Mayo, PRP; Lavon Moore, PRP; Kevin Dahlman, PRP (Laura Meade, PRP); Deborah Underwood, PRP; Lucy Anderson, PRP; Yvette Keesee, PRP; and Michael Peck, PRP.

Professional Development Committee (PDC): Chairman Mona Calhoun, PRP; Henry Lawton, PRP; Lorenzo Cuesta,

PRP; Sandra Cook, PRP; Carol Austin, PRP; Leonora Branca, PRP; Sheryl Womble, PRP; and Dawn Baskerville, PRP.

Youth Committee: Chairman

Theljewa Garrett, PRP; Sabine Eustache, RP; Madina Ashurova; Kianna Bolante, RP; KinJal Chaudhari; Jean Lin; Arya Shah; Justin Pappano, PRP; Allison Li; and Yash Sharma .

Special Committees and Other Appointments

The following special committees and positions were appointed:

2023 Biennial Convention:

Coordinator Corliss Baker, RP; Assistant Coordinator Lavon Moore, PRP; Workshop Coordinator

Shawn Paine, PRP; and Ashley Stuart, RP.

2022 Leadership Conference:

Coordinator Beverly Tatham, PRP; and Assistant Coordinator Karen Odom, RP.

2023 Leadership Conference: Coordinator Tamara Harris, PRP; and Assistant Coordinator Bennyfer Bridgewater, PRP.

2022 NAP Training Conference: Coordinator Tanya Johnson, PRP; Assistant Coordinator Barbara Posler, RP; Workshop Coordinator

Traci Bransford-Marquis, PRP; and Assistant Coordinator Bennyfer Bridgewater, PRP.

2023 NAP Spring Training Conference: Wanda Sims, PRP, HQ Staff .

2024 NAP Training Conference: Coordinator Sheryl Womble, PRP; and Assistant Coordinator

Paula Miles .

Special Committee to Resolve

Appeals Regarding Credentialing:

Chairman Michael Wagoner Diggs, PRP; Michael Swift, PRP; and Emma Faulk, PRP.

Legal Resources: Chairman

Melanye Johnson, PRP; Kendra Riley, PRP; Vivian Walton-Small, PRP; and Jacqueline Roundtree, PRP.

New Member/New Unit

Orientation Program: Co-chairs

Marsha McFadden, RP; and Robin Sherrod, RP; Monica Fontenot, RP; Brenda Kennedy, PRP; Charlene Proctor, RP; Lucy Anderson, PRP; Adam Hathaway, PRP; Deborah Underwood, PRP; and Nicole Larson .

Operational Effectiveness (OEC):

Chairman Donald Garrett, PRP.

Strategic Planning Committee:

Chairman Carl Nohr, PRP; Lucy Anderson, PRP; and Adam Hathaway, PRP.

Style, Editing, and Proofreading (SEP): Chairman Lynna Gene Cook, PRP; Sheryl Womble, PRP; Diane Blount, RP; and Traci Bransford-Marquis, PRP.

Event Photographers: Chairman

Bob Williams, and Jeanette Williams, PRP.

New Registered Parliamentarian

Process Member Preparation:

Gail Knapp, PRP; Mary Remson, PRP; Dave Mezzera, PRP; and Steve Glanstein, PRP.

Centennial History Committee: Rosalie Stroman, PRP, Chair; Ann Rempel, PRP; and Virginia Berberick, PRP.

Special Assistants to the President: Tamara Harris, PRP; and Dave Whitaker, PRP.

National Parliamentarian® (NP): Editor Rosalie Stroman, PRP; and Assistant Editor, TennieBee Hall .

NP Review Committee: Chairman Dana Dickson, RP-R; Ronald Dupart, PRP; and Ferial Bishop, PRP.

Parliamentary Research Committee: Research Chair Ann Homer, PRP; Assistant Rachel Glanstein, PRP; Chair Azella Collins, PRP; Timothy Wynn, PRP, Parliamentarian/Consultant as ex officio member .

Webmaster: C .J . Cavin, PRP.

Webinar and Meeting Support: Chairman Tamara Harris, PRP; Leah Nolan; Dave Whitaker, PRP; Henry Lawton, PRP; Latisha Corey; Tanya Blacksheer; Isatu James, PRP; and Carla Patrick-Fagan, RP.

University of Wisconsin –Parliamentary Procedure Course: Kay Crews, PRP.

Further Appointments and Resignations

There were the following resignations during the 2021-2023 biennium:

Bennyfer Bridgewater from the Communications Committee; Traci Bransford-Marquis from the Style, Editing, and Proofreading and Legal Resources Committees; Kianna Bolante from the Youth Committee; Karen Odum as Leadership Conference Assistant Coordinator; Lorenzo Cuesta from the Professional Development

Committee; Ann Homer Parliamentary Research Committee Chair, Rachel Miller-Bleich, from the Strategic Partnership Committee; Sabine Eustache, from the Youth Committee .

The position of District Five Director was deemed vacated by Kevin Dahlman on April 25, 2022 . Per the bylaws, a special committee comprised of the association presidents in District Five was formed, and Laura Meade was elected to fill the unexpired term . There were additional appointments during the 2021-2023 biennium:

Tamara Harris, Assistant Coordinator to the 2022 Leadership Conference; Rachel Glanstein, Parliamentary Research Editor and Chair; Lyle Kleman, as the Assistant Parliamentary Research Editor; Yara Kirkwood; and Lyria Zhu as members of the Youth Committee .

NAP Headquarters Staff:

During this biennium, there were some staffing and responsibility changes . Cyndy Launchbaugh retains the role of Executive Director; Dane Petersen was hired in June 2023 to serve as the Marketing Communications Manager, a position formerly held by Alexandra Blair, who now serves as the Education and Events Manager; Cheryl DeShon is the Member Services Manager; Susan Bradley, has sales, and Member Services Assistant, following the resignation of Sandra Ferguson; and Cindy Petrie, was succeeded in October 2021 by Tracy Short as contract bookkeeper .

NAP Events

2022 Leadership Conference:

The leadership conference was held virtually on August 26th and 27th, 2022, with 200 registrants . Beverly Tatham, PRP, served as the conference coordinator, and Tamara Harris, PRP, was the assistant conference coordinator . 2022 NAP Training Conference (NAPTC): The NAPTC was held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, from September 8-11, 2022 . The total number of registrants was 546, with 183 attending in-person and 363 online . This was our first in-person meeting since the pandemic and the first hybrid training conference . Tanya Johnson, PRP, was the training conference coordinator, and Barbara Posler, RP, was the training conference assistant coordinator . Traci Bransford-Marquis, PRP, was the workshop coordinator, and Bennyfer Bridgewater, PRP, was the assistant workshop coordinator . Members donated $7,500 to the RoadRunner Food Bank in Albuquerque, NM, following the 2022 NAPTC .

2022 Annual NAP Membership Meeting: The NAP annual membership meeting was held on September 8, 2022, in conjunction with the 2022 NAP Training Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico . The president and treasurer gave their annual reports . NAP Virtual Birthday Party: “Club 1930,” the 93rd-anniversary party, was held virtually on

June 21, 2023 . NAP members joined in activities and games based on the history of NAP.

2023 Spring NAP Virtual Training Conference: This was NAP’s first spring training conference . There were 299 registrants, 16 sessions in 4 tracks: Meeting Basics, Motions, Bylaw & Disciplinary, and Board Training .

2023 Leadership Conference: The leadership conference was held virtually from August 25August 26, 2023 . Tamara Harris, PRP, was the conference coordinator, and Bennyfer Bridgewater, PRP, was the assistant conference coordinator . There were 237 members registered for the virtual conference .

Committee Achievements

Bylaws Committee: The Bylaws Committee reviewed association and unit bylaws for NAP Bylaws compliance and presented workshops and training at association and unit meetings . In preparation for the 2023 convention, the committee reviewed and processed nineteen proposed amendments and conforming amendments to be presented for consideration at the 2023 convention .

Communications Committee: Two significant accomplishments for the Communications Committee were redesigning the entire NAP website and building NAPuniversity .com with NAPTC content and the current RP Training Course . Additionally, they reviewed, edited, and published recordings of Registered Parliamentarian Prep Courses and recordings of the New Member Orientation; reviewed and recommended proposals to the Board on a branding agreement; implemented Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor Pilot; developed promo videos for the National Training Conference; obtained Canva nonprofit account to be used by committee and staff .

Educational Resources Committee: The Educational Resources Committee created twenty-nine interactive workshops in the Education Toolbox for free access by all members, provided sixty puzzles and quizzes at no charge to members, and updated citations for RP 1200 Questions to RONR 12th edition .

National Parliamentarian (NP): Eight issues of the NP were published during the time frame of September 2021-August 2023, with each edition reviewed by the NP Review Committee .

International Service Committee (ISC): The ISC established committee membership (delegates at the 2023 Biennial Convention voted to revise the committee composition to include the District Directors as committee members) and produced the work plan for the committee for the biennium based on the mandate in the Bylaws .

Membership Extension and Retention Committee (MERC): The MERC conducted regular meetings and headed up the association and unit educational awards program for the 2023 NAP convention . It continued to provide guidance and support to associations and units and welcomed new NAP members monthly .

Membership Examiners Committee (MEC): The MEC supported the Commission on Credentialing in developing, administering, and analyzing the Registered Parliamentarian Credentialing Exam (RPCE); reviewed the updated membership exam and made recommendations; established a new score/grade of 80% for the membership exam and set the exam questions at 45; graded membership and Registered Parliamentarian exams, resolved issues members had with Examsoft, sent notifications to applicants as to their scores and proposed amendments to the NAPOPP regarding virtual monitoring of exams .

Organizational Effectiveness Committee (OEC): The OEC worked throughout the biennium to support NAP in testing and implementing exam proctoring software (RESPONDUS) for the NAP Membership Exam .

Policies and Procedures Committee: In collaboration with standing and special committees, officers, and the headquarters staff, the Policies and Procedures Committee reviewed the entire policy and procedure document for revisions . There were several amendment proposals for the NAP Operational Policies and Procedures (NAPOP) manual . Among those adopted by the Board of Directors were clarifying the terminology used to describe the credentialing examination and renewal modules, repealing chapter five following the enactment of the bylaws on credentialing, and clarifying and aligning language to practice .

Pricing Committee: The Pricing Committee reviewed webinar pricing, approved pricing for inventory requests, recommended the purchase of USB versions of the 12th edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (RONR), and set prices for the Web Based Courses in NAP University .

Professional Development Committee (PDC): The PDC reviewed and revised all modules for the Professional Qualifying Examination (PQE) and the Professional Renewal Certification (PRC); hosted PQEs and PRCs in person and via online modules; hosted Train the Trainer Sessions and refresher training; created new materials for all modules to align to 12th edition of RONR . The committee worked collaboratively with the Commission on Credentialing to redesign the initial qualifying examination, now referred to as the Professional Registered Parliamentarian Credentialing Examination (PRPCE) .

Youth Committee: The Youth Committee designed a new YC banner and slogan, “Supercharge Your Inner Leader, Empowering Leaders for Today and Tomorrow”, developed the IParli App, and presented the Inaugural Parliamentary Youth Month Workshop: By Youth for Youth and Bylaws .

Revised A-Z on March 20, 2022; reviewed competition packets, coached teams, presented numerous workshops, and renewed partnerships with the following associations aligned with the NAP Career and Technical Youth Organization Partners: Business Professionals of America (BPA), Future Business Leaders of America/ Phi Beta Lambda (FBLA/PBL), Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), Future Health Professionals (HOSA), and SkillsUSA .

Substantive Actions by the NAP Board of Directors

1 . Approved the 2022 NAP operating budget .

2 . Approved the 2022 NAP Training Conference schedule and registration fee .

3 . Approved the 2023 NAP operating budget .

4 . Approved the 2023 NAP Convention budget, registration fee, and schedule .


. November 28, 2022, approved the legacy Registered Parliamentarian Exam (legacy RP Exam) be replaced with the Registered Parliamentarian Credentialing Exam (RPCE), administered in one day and composed of two sections (100 multiple choice questions and responses to various scenarios) .

6 . Approved using an automated professional proctoring program, Examsoft, for the membership exam and candidates taking the Registered Parliamentarian Credentialing Exam and part I of the Professional Registered Parliamentarian Certification Exam .


. Membership Exam: 1,343 New membership exams since the start of this biennium, September 15, 2021-June 2023 .


. Contracted Blue Sky eLearn to design NAP University . The platform launched on April 1, 2023 .

9 . Approved the funding to hire a public relations firm to redesign the NP website .

10 . Approved the 2022 and 2023 Leadership Conference registration fees .


. Approved the first NAP Spring Training Conference .

12 . Parliamentary education toolkit .

13 . Amended the NAPOPP Manual to clarify the terminology used to describe the credentialing examination and renewal modules . Professional Qualifying Course was changed to Professional Qualifying Examination, and Professional Renewal Course was changed to Professional Renewal Certification . All references and terminology related to instruction

14 were changed . The term course was changed to examination or certification as appropriate; tuition was changed to fees; instructors were changed to facilitators, and teaching or taught to forms of the term facilitate as appropriate .

. Approved the Headquarters Building Renovation Fund of $11,000, the Technology Fund of $48,000, and the Educational Development Fund of $68,000 .

15 . Approved the increase in the per diem from $100 to $150 and the airfare reimbursement maximum from $500 to $600 .

16 . Approved an increase in the Registered Parliamentarian Credentialing Examination (RPCE) to $400 per candidate and the Professional Registered Parliamentarian Credentialing Examination to $600 per candidate to cover the costs of administering the exams and renewals .


. Approved the 2022-2027 Partnership Agreement with the NAP Educational Foundation (NAPEF) .


. Offered traveling parliamentary learning labs funded through a grant from NAPEF .


. Established and conducted four New Member Orientation Presentations .


. Accepted the bequeathed parliamentary law books and materials from the estate of the late Stran L . Trout .

21 . Approved a partnership with the Boys & Girls Scouts of America .

Other Items of Note

NAP Operational Policies and Procedures Manual (NAPOPP): A full review of the NAPOPP was conducted, and amendments were made . The last revisions were made on August 28, 2023, and the updated edition was posted on the NAP website .

Financial Audit Conducted: Hired a new audit firm to conduct the 2021 financial audit and received an unqualified opinion open for the 2021 audit . The 2021 clean audit resulted from technology upgrades, financial management procedures, and policies .

Financial Report of NAP: The 2021-2022 investments started at $1,498,933—including $260,400 in short-term funds earmarked for development projects (i .e ., headquarters renovation, technology upgrades, education development, and credentialing development/commission); as of August 31, 2023, the account balance was $1,433,042—included $235,495 in short-term project funds . There was a drop in long-term investments due to stock market performance .

Renovations to Headquarters: Headquarters renovations began on October 14, 2021, with financial support from our members, associations, and units who contributed to the Bridge to the Future campaign . Renovations included redesigning offices, installing a new HVAC system, restoring the basement, replacing the flooring, ceiling, and lighting, and installing a smart TV.

Key Accomplishments by Headquarters staff:

• Processed more than 1,100 new member applications and welcomed them to NAP.

• Implemented a New Member Onboarding process to increase engagement with new members throughout the year .

• Implementing a new expenseprocessing program, ExpenseSoft .

• Coordinated and produced the first all-virtual Spring Training Conference .

• Produced the first hybrid NAP Training Conference in Albuquerque, our first time back together since COVID . The Convention Coordinators and Workshop Coordinators planned and executed a great program .

• NAP launched a store on Land’s End’s business site for NAP-branded apparel .

• Participated in Albuquerque and 363 online, a total of more than double the attendance of our previous two in-person NTCs .

Retirement of Legacy RP Examination: On August 18, 2021, the NAP Commission on Credentialing announced that as of December 31, 2021, the legacy Registered Parliamentarian® (RP®) examination was retired, and beginning on January 1, 2022, the new RP credentialing system will be used by all new RP candidates . Dissolutions: The following units were dissolved during this biennium: Redford Unit (MI) –November 24, 2021, Cascadia Unit (OR) – December 1, 2021, North Alabama (AL) – March 8, 2022, Central Alabama (AL) – March 8, 2022, White Mountain, NH, (New England) – March 27, 2022, South Dade Parliamentary Law Unit –March 14, 2023 . The NAP Board of Directors revoked the respective charters .

New Units: The Pink Diamonds Unit was chartered . The unit is affiliated with the Arkansas State Association of Parliamentarians .

NAP Membership: 2021

Membership at the beginning of the biennium was 5,072 (Sept . 1, 2021), 5,148 (Sept . 1, 2022), and 4,690 (Sept . 1, 2023) . We have maintained an 85% retention (the industry average is 76%, according to BoardEffect) . However, we have seen a marked decrease in new members in 2023 compared to prior years . There were 5,321 members at the end of the 2021 membership (calendar) year and 5,289 at the end of the 2022 membership year . The total number of Registered Parliamentarians awarded during this biennium was 328; 93 were awarded between November 2022-March 2023 following changes in the grading and evaluation of the Registered

Parliamentarian Credentialing Examination . There were 38 new PRPs during the 2021-2023 biennium .

2023 44th NAP Biennial Convention

The 44th NAP Biennial Convention was held at the Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia, September 6-10, 2023 . Corliss Baker was the convention coordinator, and Lavon Moore was the assistant convention coordinator . Shawn Paine was the workshop coordinator, and Ashley Stuart was the assistant workshop coordinator . There were 341 full conference in-person registrants: 15 for in-person education only and 149 for virtual education only . A total of 316 delegates attended the convention, which featured dynamic educational workshops, a Past Presidents Luncheon, and an Awards Luncheon conducted by the Membership Extension and Retention Committee . There were 68 members registered for virtual workshop attendance . NAP business was addressed, including proposed amendments to the NAP bylaws, the 2023-2025 Board of Directors election, and members to the Commission on Credentialing .

Welcome to the NAP Convention: President Wanda M . Sims, PRP, called the convention to order and introduced guests and dignitaries .

Bylaws Amendments: The delegates amended the NAP bylaws, processing nineteen bylaws proposals .

Resolution: On Friday, September 8, 2023, the assembly passed a resolution to censure the 2021-2023 Board of Directors for past decisions regarding the Commission on Credentialing . Elections:

NAP Board of Directors, 2023-2025: The following officers were elected for the 2023-2025 biennium: president: Alison Wallis, PRP; vice-president: Carl Nohr, PRP; secretary: Mona Calhoun, PRP; treasurer: Robert Schuck, PRP; and directors-at-large: Beth Sapp James, PRP; Tamara Harris, PRP; and Steven Cook, PRP. The following district directors were re-elected to serve as the district director representatives on the Board of Directors: Lucy Anderson, PRP District 6, and Deborah Underwood, PRP District 4 .

Commission on Credentialing:

The following members were elected to terms on the Commission on Credentialing:

Four-Year Terms:

Sandra Cook, PRP

Steven Walls, PRP

David Jackson, PRP

Two Year Term:

Henry Lawton, PRP

Sandy Olson, PRP

Installation: On Saturday, September 10, 2023, Past President Ron Stinson installed the 2023-2025 Board of Directors members . NP

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