2 minute read


By Josh Martin, PRP

Can you spot the parliamentary blunders in the following stories?


At the September meeting, a contentious issue was up for debate . John rose and made a motion to postpone indefinitely . The motion was seconded and, after debate, the motion was adopted with a majority vote . Later in the same meeting, Clara tried to reintroduce the same motion for discussion . The chair allowed her motion to be heard and debated, ultimately leading to a decision . Where was the blunder?


A special meeting was called in July to discuss a proposed merger with another organization . Halfway through the meeting, Alice made a motion to “allocate additional funds for the upcoming annual gala . ” The chair entertained the motion, and after some discussion, it was put to a vote and adopted . Where was the blunder?


At the annual board meeting of the community library, the issue of extended operating hours was discussed . Barbara said, “I move that we extend the library hours to 10 PM on weekdays . ” Samuel countered, “I move to amend the motion by striking ‘10 PM’ and inserting ‘9 PM’.” After debate, Samuel’s amendment was adopted by a majority vote, and the chair declared the amended motion adopted without ever taking a vote on the original motion . Where was the blunder?

Answers are on page 34.

Josh Martin, PRP, is currently NP Assistant Editor. He joined NAP in 2009 and received the RP and PRP credentials in 2010 and 2011, respectively. Josh is also the current Treasurer and a past President and Vice President of the Minnesota State Association of Parliamentarians. He is a former member of the NAP Bylaws Committee and served as Technical Editor for the third and fourth editions of Robert’s Rules of Order for Dummies by Alan Jennings, PRP.

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