The X development method, a new viewpoint about the Product Lifecycle Management. Mehdi Tahan, Jean Vareille, Amara Touil, and Philippe Le Parc LISyC University of Western Brittany (UBO) Brest, France
Mehdi Tahan, Amara Touil, Jean Vareille, Philippe Le Parc Lisyc Laboratoire Informatique des Systèmes Complexes (EA 3883) UBO, Dept Informatique 20, avenue Le Gorgeu C.S. 93837 BP 809 29238 BREST Cedex 3 FRANCE
• Introduction • From the previous methods to the X development Method • Modelling complex systems • Examples
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Introduction • Motivations – – – –
to manage the whole lifecycle, taking into account the environment, taking into account the human factor, simulating early as well as possible.
• Needs – – –
model driven engineering tools, multi-physical and technological models simulation tools.
• Proposal the X development method. 3 / 30
Systems & humans are embedded in their environment ! Humanity
Environment Products Exchanges
Products & Tools
Environment 4 / 30
This picture shows that the humanity and the devices that we use are totally embedded inside the environment. All the materials, energy that we need are coming from our environment and after use we should put back in it the rests, or reuse these or recycle these. When we design a new product, the environment exists before the design process, and we hope that the environment will still remains after the entire life cycle of the product. The product in several cases modifies our interaction with the environment, mostly to get more and better from it. Inside the humanity we use laws and money to give an orientation to the society. For instance today we give money to the people they are reducing their consumption of fossil energy.
Waterfall method Immaterial, Data idea design complete
produce Material
Environment 5 / 30
The waterfall method is a sequential presentation of the whole process followed from the design of a new product to its usage. We add to this scheme 1) the environment at the bottom, the environment exists before the beginning and will still remains after the end of the usage of the product, 2) we draw a horizontal arrow in the middle to indicate the time, this arrow cut the scheme at the point where the complete definition of the new product is achieved, 3) we cut the plan in two areas following the arrow of the time, above it we consider that it is the area of the data and information, below it we consider that it is the area of the material.
V cycle Immaterial, Data idea
data, softwares reuse
design complete
integrate coding
Material Environment 6 / 30
The V cycle stays in the area of the data.
Λ cycle - manufacturing viewpoint Immaterial, Data
Time collect
Environment Material
7 / 30
The Λ cycle stays in the field of the material.
Scientific viewpoint Immaterial, Data data,softwares reuse model complete trial
select Environment Material 8 / 30
The scientific viewpoint, it means that physicians and chemists, biologists have as target to understand the natural laws. They start from the material area where they select the things and stuffs to use for experiments. After trials they obtain results. Analysing these results they create models. Currently the models and the results are commonly converted to softwares and database to be reused.
General scheme of the X-dev method
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The whole X cycle can be drawn merging all the previously presented cycles. We add three triangles, two above the V on the top of the scheme, one below the Λ. Horizontal arrows in the V and the Λ are not drawn, other vertical arrows about exchanges between the top line and the bottom line are not drawn. The whole X process could be understood as a PERT (program evaluation and review technique). To manage it, the CPM (critical path method) could be used
General scheme of the X-dev method
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Three fourth of the scheme match with concrete works, one fourth matches with abstract work, on the top left. The early design works are located in this last fourth.
How works the X-dev method Idea ! Analyse, early design
data,softwares reuse integrate
complete definition
use valuate
Environment 11 / 30
. To read the scheme start from the idea up and down. The up line and the down line are far from the arrow of the time when the analyze is global or the result is global, these lines are near when the knowledge about the system is well detailed.
How to work faster Immaterial, Data
Material Environment 12 / 30
The X cycle runs faster when all de scientific models and results are well known when the process begins.
Methods and softwares Triz
updates, MDE SAAS
complete definition
rapid CAM prototyping Environment
After valuate Sale
13 / 30
This scheme presents methods and categories of software tools widely used.
Example 1: a Door Films made: 1) using Catia CAD/PLM
wrong but simulate as right !
right 14 / 30
The test made with CATIA and a Serious Game are a mechanical model of two doors and their frames. The hinges of the right door are well design, in the direction of the sky. The hinges of the left door are wrong oriented, they are in the direction of the ground. The simulation performed with the module DMU-Kinematics of CATIA shows that the behaviour is the same for both doors, then we cannot use anymore this module with confidence.
Example 1: a Door 2) using Half-Life 2 & Havok Serious Game
right 15 / 30
The same model is transferred to Half Life 2 using the physical engine Havok. The results of the simulations are such that the left door falls, but the right door works well.
Modelling complex systems
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Our metamodel is basically built on the environment first, then we introduce the User and the tasks to be done. To perform each task energy is needed. After we introduce the concept of device. To be able to model the whole system we introduce the generic element Entity: the elements of the environment, the user, the device are entities. An entity has a structure and behaviours. A system is a set of entities or a set of systems. Because the entities are able to communicate then we add the concepts of messages, data, the classes of medium and contact_interface.
Proposed metamodel
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The whole metamodel with the links is designed like the above picture.
Introducing this model in a CAD software
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The metamodel could be implemented inside CAD softwares like CATIA (3DS) as a set of elements. In this example we can recognise the concept of ENTITY composed of one structure and a contact_interface, these two elements are CATPart. The ENTITY contains too parameters message, data and the energy. Below these parameters the ENTITY contains Relations which are Action and Reaction. The Action is a macro which contains the code of tasks, the reaction is a macro which contains the code of behaviours. The toolbox in the middle contains commands matching the different kinds of entities present in Our metamodel, the first is a customisable generic entity, the second the environment (cloud), the third a user (human), the fourth a time clock (clock), the last a pressure regulator (valve).
Example 2: a pressure regulator
WANTED $ 100,000 Reward Pressure Regulator DESIGN CHEAP or ALIKE
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The second example is a design from scratch of a pressure regulator. The aim of this example is to explain how and when we can choose the material used for the main part of the device. This example is developed using first the dimensional analysis, and then the Ashby method. The example is inspirited by the articles written by R.Bashkar and Anil Nigam “Qualitative Physics Using Dimensional Analysis” (1990), and Qiang Shen and Taoxin Peng “Combining Dimensional Analysis and Heuristics for Causal Ordering - in memory of Dr Rob Milne” (2006).
Model - pressure regulator Pext
$, € cost < price < value
? Q
Pin Din
S& θ
M L10 V
θ Q Pin
& θ = 0 Watt - Q Pout - S
Aim: Pout = Cst while Pin > Pout
Minimize: M & V & Cost 20 / 30
The first step is to collect the known information. In this case we know that the needs are to get a fluid from an outlet at a constant pressure (Pout). The fluid is coming from an inlet at a greater pressure (Pin) than in the outlet. The flow of fluid is denoted (Q, volume per second) The device is not known but we can suppose that it will have a mass M and that it will occupy a volume V and will have a life span L10. Because the incoming fluid has a potential mechanical power that it can be use equal to Q Pin, then we can suppose that the difference with the outgoing potential power Q Pout is transformed to heat. Then we have to write the conservation of energy in terms of conservation of power, &θ and to introduce the heating power S This heating power is a product of the temperature multiplied by the rate of entropy generation. The aims of the problem are - to obtain Pout = constant, although Pin could vary. - to minimise mass, volume and cost of the device as well as possible. The expected behaviour can be drawn as done on the graph on right-bottom.
Global Model - pressure regulator Pext Pin Pout Din L M T
-1 1 -2
-1 1 -2
-1 1 -2
Dout Q 1
& θ S
2 1 -3 -1
3 1 -1
Π numbers
Pin Pext
Pout Pext
Dout Din
Sθ V _____ M Q2 3 7 P ext Q Pext Din Din
L10 Q Din3
{ 0 = φ (Π1, Π2, Π3, Π4, Π5, Π6, Π7) Aim: Π2 = Pout/Pext = Cst
when Pin/Pout > 1 21 / 30
We can then transform the problem using dimensionless variables and the Vashy Buckingham theorem. This approach gives us a new reduced set of variables and an other system of equations derived from the previous. In the X-development method this approach means that the real problem is expressed using only information without physical dimension. Then we can manipulate these dimensionless variables without fear because they are mathematically equivalent. From the initial problem involving 11 variables and parameters 7 ∏ numbers are created, the system of equations is rewritten using the V-B theorem and the aim is expressed using dimensionless variables. The variables chosen as basis are highlighted in blue. The equation of the energy conservation could be rewritten dividing the whole previous equation by the Q Pext. Then each group inside can be understood as % of the incoming energy... The most amazing fact is that if You present the initial expression of the energy conservation, only the people they have a sufficient scientific background are able to understand it, but if You present the dimensionless expression in terms of % of the incoming energy, then everybody understands it !
Material choice - pressure regulator Pext Pin Din L M T
θ e Din Pin
δ E, ρ, Re, α
-1 1 -2
Π numbers
-1 1 -2 Pin Pext
e Din
-1 -3 1 1 1 1 -2 -2
Re Pin
E Pin
{ 0 = φ’(Π’1, Π’2, Π’3, Π’4, Π’5, Π’6, Π’7) δ Din Pin = f (Π '1 , Π '4 , Π '6 , Π '7 ) Din e E e M = g (Π 1 , Π 3 , Π 4 , Π 5 , Π 7 ) Din ρ Din 3
ρ Din3 M
Perf. Crit.
δ Pin ρ Din 3 f(...) = Din E M g(...) On the same way Re /ρ 22 / 30
Then we propose to chose the material used for the inlet pipe, because this is the most stressed region of the device. It is important to understand that the ∏ numbers are local variables and parameters when You are analysing a sub-part of the device. In this case we add to the initial variables new variables reflecting the characteristics of the material of the pipe, and we will use only the variables coming from the initial problem that they have an effect here. Din is the diameter of the inlet, e is the thickness, E is the Young modulus, Re the yield stress, M the global mass, δ the deformation, α the thermal dilatation coefficient, etc. After the formal expression of the VB theorem two expressions are written below. These expressions are related to the behaviour of the stressed material, but they are written using very global ideas of the behaviour, not using the partial differential expressions teached in lectures of continuous material mechanics. They mean that when You multiply by a factor k the Young modulus then You divide by this factor the deformation. On the same way if you multiply by k the thickness then the deformation will be divided by k. So there exists an expression between three dimensionless variables like the first. On the other hand if You multiply the thickness by a factor k then the global mass will increase as the same factor. Then we can write the second expression. Eliminating e/Din between the two expressions we obtain one performance criteria of Ashby E/ ρ. The same reasoning performed with Re leads to the criteria Re/ρ.
Back to Environment - pressure regulator
P := f {C, G, p(M)} P := f1{C} f2{G} f3{p(M)} {C} -> {p(M)} ->{G} -> P
23 / 30
The performances of the device are P, C are the constraints, G the geometrical parameters like the dimensions of the parts, p(M) represents combinations of properties of the materials M. The first equation means that the performance is a function of C, G and p(M). The principle of the Ashby method could be presented as follows: if the function f is separable, then P can be rewritten as the second equation. The following idea is that if You optimise (or maximise or minimise) each function fi, then You will obtain the optimal performance (or maximal or minimal). You have several physical dimensions in the constraints but only one in G. From the viewpoint of the dimensional analysis the separability of the function f is obvious because You have a lot of â&#x2C6;? numbers built on the dimensions of the parts, independent of the material and the constraints. Then You can split the function f in two functions at least. If You would like to give to the designer the most freedom to define the shapes of the parts, then You have to start to chose the materials usable for Your product to maximise the performance and then You will follow by the geometrical design. This causality is the meaning of the last line of the slide.
Back to Environment - pressure regulator
{C} -> {p(M)} ->{G} -> P
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This picture represents the results obtained by using the software CES eduPack 2006 (Grant Design). In this case the selection was reduced to cheap and recyclable materials (< 3â&#x201A;Ź / kg) and usable for automated casting in sand. Four important families of materials remain. At this stage of the design activity the results could be transmitted to a team of the company taking care about the supply of the bulk materials. In the scheme of the X-development method, it implies that messages about these results are sent by the designer-team working along the top-left branch to a team working along the bottom-left branch.
Principle - pressure regulator θ
ρµ D
Pin A
S& θ
& θ S
Pin Pout Q
-1 1 -2
-3 1
-1 1 -1
Π numbers
-1 1 -2 Pout Pin
3 -1
A D2
1 µQ Pin D3
ρ Pin D4 Q2
Re =
isenthalpic relaxation
2 1 -3 -1
Π3 QD VD = = µ Π4 η D2
TRIZ principles n°22 & n°25
Sθ _____ Pin Q
{ 0 = φ”(Π”1, Π”2, Π”3, Π”4, Π”5) Measure Pout -> act over A/ D2 -> change
How to remove Pout/ Pin ?
(Q) -> change Π”5 -> change Pout 25 / 30
The next step is to start the synthesis of the solution. A new model of the flow through the device is drawn, the local variables viscosity and specific mass of the fluid are added. In this case we have 9 variables and 4 dimensions then we get 5 ∏ numbers. The ratio of the third over the fourth leads to the well known Reynolds number . The question is then how to remove the effect of Pout/Pin because we would like to have Pout/Pext = cste ? The solution appearing here is that we can use the viscosity of the fluid to convert mechanical power into heat. The basic idea is to adapt dynamically the size of the aperture A to the ratio Pout/Pext. On this way we use two TRIZ principles, the 22th and the 25th « 22. Turn the Harm to One’s Good a. Use harmful factors to achieve positive effects. b. Eliminate a harmful factor by adding it with another harmful factor. c. Amplify the harmful factor to such degree so that it would stop to bring harm to your object or environment. » « 25. Self-service a. The object must serve itself by performing tuning, adjusting and repair operations itself. b. Use available resources or waste resources. » The principle of the device is described at the last line of the slide.
Sketch - pressure regulator Measure Pout -> act over A/ D2 -> change
(Q) & Π”5 -> change Pout
Sensor -> actuator -> valve merge sensor & actuator -> valve
Pext Q θ
26 / 30
Starting from the basic principles it is possible to transform words to words to connect the verbs to acts that known elements are able to do. Then we should use at this step a semantic analysis able to indicate which verb matches to which concept and to which element. It leads to a system containing a sensor connected to an actuator acting on a valve. Because we don’t need the value of the pressure outside of the device, then we can merge the sensor and the actuator. (A classic sensor is a small converter acting on a needle, why not to make a bigger one able to act on the valve ?). This reasoning leads to a possible solution sketched on the bottom of the slide.
Integration, weighting elements
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This picture means that if the real environment on the bottom cannot be bigger because we are not able to create mass starting from nothing or vacuum, on the contrary the data and information environment can grown without limit else the storage capacities.
Integration, weighting elements
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This picture shows how we can integrate elements to built hierarchically a system.
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• New viewpoints on Product Lifecycle Management • After merging the X development method is introduced • Enabling the analysis of the environmental impacts • Linked to our metamodel.
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Thanks for Your attention, any question ? Mehdi Tahan, Jean Vareille, Amara Touil, and Philippe Le Parc LISyC University of Western Brittany (UBO) Brest, France
Schmidt D.C., "Model-Driven Engineering", IEEE Computer 39 (2), 2006. SysML, "Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML™)", 2010. Modelica, "Modelica® - A Unified Object-Oriented Language for Physical Systems Modeling Language Specification", 2010. AFIS " Pourquoi l'Ingénierie Système ? " Association française d'Ingénierie Système , 2005. Le Parc P, Touil A et Vareille J., "A Model-Driven Approach for Building Ubiquitous Applications.", The Third International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies - UBICOMM 2009, Sliema, Malta, 2009. Touil A, Vareille J. et Le Parc P., "Modeling and Analysing Ubiquitous Systems Using MDE Approach" The Fourth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies UBICOMM 2010, Florence, 2010.