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Our Personal Ties - Changed Mindsets
An unintended consequence o project was a shift in Shruthi's m regarding her Airpods breaking a fell onto the street, and were run car.
Shruthi made the conscientious to go back to using her wired hea until their demise, before even t about purchasing new listening
After reflecting on the Airpods s she also decided to not get a rep student ID (after her wallet was s an effort to not require the usage single-use plastic.
An unintended consequence of this project was a shift in Saniya's mindset regarding the need to buy a new phone because it was 3+ years old and it was considered "broken."
The lines on the phone became almost "trendy," with multiple people commenting on how the lines made the phone "look cool" and "added character" (Kintsugi style!)

Saniya is still using the phone and will only replace it (with a second-hand phone) when it becomes completely unusable.
Ask individuals to spread the word about our first campaign, and provide us iterative feedback
Ask individuals what else they'd need to "trust" that we can play an effective role in today's social movement context
Expand campaign ideas in the vein of other social issues
Establish our first wave of strategic partnerships with like-minded individuals and organizations: Adbusters, #BuyNothing
Project, Jameela
Jamil, mattxiv, and SaintHoax
Explore the scalability of the co-creation model to include users, partners and competitors