Blink issue 72 june13 2015

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AND THEN THERE WERE SEVEN For centuries the Jewish community thrived in Kochi. Today the kosher meat shop is shut and the synagogue empty p12 saturday, june 13, 2015

Loneliness or social isolation is the most common, yet stigmatised human experience. Here we look at it through the lens of relationships, arts and science. We listen in to the RTI activist who labours on his own; a woman who chooses to break the pattern of comfortable loneliness; the sportsman ranked 403; and the artistes who will remain unsung. Ultimately, we ďŹ nd that hope is often near at hand

SHAKTI TAKES A SWIPE An art exhibition rich in noble intentions as well as aesthetic failings p15


By myself

STAGE FRIGHT Even if the purists demur, classical music has more often than not beneďŹ tted from a competitive format p16

WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT SERENA She has won 20 Grand Slams, yet we begrudge her greatness p22

cover play

BL BL 222

saturday, june 13, 13, 2015 saturday, june 2015

Killing meLet’s softlytalk about Serena BEYOND THE FIELD

In India we stigmatise loneliness and mental health issues. But science tells us that loneliness — even the commonplace, bedroom-variety kind — affects both health and mortality

Why are we ambivalent in our admiration of the 20-time Grand Slam champion and possibly one of the greatest tennis players of all time?


here was an awful lot of sport this past the world’s second-best women’s player, has fortnight, and there was an awful lot won just twice against Serena in their 19 meetof greatness on display. The deplora- ings. The last win came in 2004. ble corruption of FIFA was forgotten Yet, in according Serena our admiration, we for a moment, as Barcelona lifted its fourth remain strangely ambivalent. A small part of Champions League trophy in nine years, in typi- this might be down to some of her past antics — cal resplendent fashion. The club’s midfield she momentarily lost her marbles, for instance, maestro Xavi Hernandez played his final match when she threatened a lineswoman for calling a and lifted his 25th major honour. Lionel Messi, foot-fault during the 2009 US Open. But, when meanwhile, was his usual genius self, reaffirm- we don’t always expect our other sporting heing his status as football’s nonpareil superstar. roes to be perfect role models, why ask that of SeIn Paris, Switzerland’s Stanislas Wawrinka de- rena? How do you explain the fact that despite fied all expectations to thwart Novak Djokovic’s winning four times the number of grand slams bid to complete the career grand slam, by play- that Sharapova has, Serena makes less than half ing tennis that was visceral in its brutality. And what the Russian does in endorsements? across the Atlantic, American Pharoah ended a There are several reasons. They comprise, 37-year-long wait for a great racehorse by win- among others, a casual and deeply-embedded ning the Belmont Stakes and, thereby, the cele- form of racism and sexism. To win our admirabrated Triple Crown. All of these were brilliant tion, it seems, women players must not only win feats and each deserves our closest attention. tennis matches, but also subscribe to other soBut let’s focus, shall we, on Serena Williams? cietal prompts, unrelated to the primary purA day before her final at Roland Garros on pose of athletic pursuit. June 6, against Czech Lucie SafaroSerena’s career has been nothing va, Serena could barely get herself short of uplifting. She has overout of bed. Down with a flu and come not just the pressures of an plagued by coughing fits, she misinconsistent childhood, but also sed practice, and even considered the death of a sister, who was murAt its best, Serena’s withdrawing from the event. But, dered in 2003, as well as a severe tennis is imperious. there are few champions as bout of pulmonary embolism in Her serve is a thing dogged as Serena. And there has 2011, which could have been potenof beauty been none, possibly in the history tially life-threatening. Not only has Need for company Chimps are social animals. You can’t just put a chimp in a box and expect him to be cool afp / gerardo gomez ofwith theitsport, who boasts a game, she lived through these struggles, and an innate tactical intelligence, but Serena has also come back so superior to their opponents’. from each downfall stronger than ne of the starkest images of loneliness I’ve On Saturday, notanxiety. only didAll Serena drag herself ness and of which, they said, ever eroded their before, producing on court the finest tennis seen occurs towards the end of the British onto court, but also, when it mattered, pro- sanity. concentration and memory; even their crip- to see. oneSuch can hope documentary Project Nim (2011), the story of a her duced A-game. And that, unfortunatelyand for neuroscientists pling isolation, psychologists Athletic careers are often cruelly fleeting. Sechimp raised like a child by pot-smoking pri- agree, Safarova, was simply impossible toand match. damages the mind the Serebrain. But an will increasrena be 34 this September. It’s an age by matologists in an idyllic farmhouse. After the research na even managed to upend a temporary mental ing number of studies also show that the which Box does not most tennis players have not only peaked, funds dry out, Nim is shipped off to a lab, which echoes breakdown, she had her game to — the haveafter to be real toallowed affect us. Loneliness but commonhave also troughed, resigning to lives of with the fearful shrieks of caged primates and is injectwither, permitting Safarova a way back intobe the place, bedroom-variety kind — can lethal too. beaches, cold cocktails, and the odd exhiwarm ed with experimental vaccines. He’s abruptly ‘rescued’ match. But from down‘Loneliness, in the deciding set,and Se- mortality A 20120-2 study, health in old But even if there has been the ocbition match. from this hellhole, only to find himself in another one: renaawonage,’ the next games, lifting, in the procthat six tracked 2,000 people over the age of 50 over casional sign of Serena’s game fading, her barren cage for abused equines, with a baress, her 20th major singles title.found This leaves six years that her the loneliest were mental strength remains unyielding to presrel and cardboard box for company. only behind Steffi Graf, who won 22 Grand nearly twice as likely to die insure. the course of She seems inspired as ever, deeply conWithin weeks, the animal that once Slams, and Margaret Court, whoThis won 24 titles to scious the study. translated a 14 perof centher place amongst the sport’s tumbled joyously in the dirt and eagerly (only 11 of which camegreater in the Open risk ofEra). dying, compared to their of av-greats. pantheon Loneliness heightens gestured for bananas and drags of joints is At its best, Serena’serage tennispeers. is imperious. Her in perspective: To put this A calendar Grand Slam is now within her the risk of early death replaced by a creature with slumped serve, which boasts an loneliness understated excellence, heightens theisrisk of earlyAs death grasp. are Graf and Court’s records. “I think it twice as much as shoulders and a defeated air. He divides his a thing of beauty. She twice executes with as remarkaas it much obesity, and as will about be awesome, but at the end of the day it’s obesity, and about time between two so-called activities: sitble clarity of technique, andasisacapable of strikmuch longstanding smoking habit. pretty awesome to have 20,” Serena said, after as much as a ting on a tyre suspended from the ceiling ing it both with awesome power down themeta-analysis tee, winning Meanwhile, a 2015 of studthe French Open. “Obviously I would longstanding and staring into space; and shuffling and with spin and guile when the sliding it across ies about increased mortality asso-a (calendar) Grand Slam. I haven’t love risk to win smoking habit across the cage, shoving the barrel before the receiver. While theciated mechanics of her game with isolation showed that there done great at Wimbledon the past two years, so him. Twice he is offered a TV set. Both times tend to stream through from her her between was scarcely anyserve, difference ‘objecI’m going to take it a day at a time there. My goal he hurls it against the wall. “Chimps are soground strokes are also Struck tive’often and sublime. ‘subjective’ loneliness — that is just to dois,better than the last couple of years, cial animals,” his former primatologist forcefully, on both wings, theyliving can flatten between alone with and feeling alone in aand one more and one more.” Ordido one more housemate says. “You can’t just put a chimp in a box and crowd. debilitating easeThose any ofwho herlived so-called peers. alone, felt lonely, and those whofeats are easier said than done. But narily, these expect him to be cool with it.” Serena’s superiority to shatter belief. had few socialtends connections were associated with inin Serena’s case, victory seems inevitable. Not long afterwards, I met a number of menConsider who creased this statistic: Maria Sharapova, who is mortality risks of 32 per cent, 29 per cent 26 column examines sports through (Thisand monthly knew just how Nim felt — and could speak about it. They per cent respectively. the lens of politics, history and culture.) were former convicts who had spent part of theirWoman sen- on top TheFor authors ended their paper with something of a Serena Williams, a calendar slam is suhrith parthasarathy is a Chennai-based lawyer tence in ‘the Box’— isolation wards in prisons in upstate call-to-arms. “Affluent nations have the highest rates of within reach. As are Steffi Graf and Margaret Court’s guyot records and writer tbesuhrith New York. They spoke of days, months, even years of un- afp/pascal individuals living alone since census data collection relenting boredom, suffocating loneliness, sleepless- gan and also likely have the highest rates in human hissuhrith parthasarathy




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saturday, june 13, 2015

Crowded out India might be home to a billion people, but the young and the old feel distressed and alone prashant nakwe

tory, with those rates projected to increase,” they wrote. al.” We behave in the presence of loneliness as we would None of this seems surprising when you consider the when we sense a predator: by retreating into self-presermany ways in which loneliness is associated with poor vation mode, and evading company. health. The young who suffer from it have worse immunity, worse inflammation, and sleep punctuated by Head in sand stress-driven ‘micro-awakenings’, while the old suffer The few studies on loneliness in India only chronicle the higher rates of hypertension and cardiovascular trou- extreme social rejection faced by the elderly. This is a ble. A quick shuffle through Google Scholar throws up pressing concern: by 2030, 198 million people will be additional corroborating evidence. A 2002 study of 240 aged over 60, according to statistics from the health middle-aged civil servants conducted by epidemiolo- ministry. But how many of our world-record-breaking gists at University College London found that lonelier contingent of 150 million young feel distressed and people had increases in blood proteins and white blood alone? We don’t know, and we’re not likely to hear about cells, which accentuated their risk for narrowed arter- it, because of our self-image as a society teeming with ies, strokes, and hypertension. ‘close-knit’ families, and because of how much we stigA 2012 study conducted by biochemists and gerontol- matise loneliness and mental health issues. ogists in Dublin measured both loneliness and blood In recent months, several close friends and relatives — glucose levels among 466 elderly. The loneliest had the married, single, young and middle-aged — have told me highest blood sugar levels, and a propensity to obesity they suffer from pangs of loneliness and low esteem. and Type-2 diabetes. Among the elderly, loneliness pre- They confessed that they’d gotten into the habit of figures — even accentuates — cognitive deavoiding people, and that the few social incline. A 2007 study of 823 elderly people by teractions they forced themselves into felt neurologists at Rush University found that dissatisfying and hollow. Online interacthe loneliest among the group experitions, which might have helped alleviate enced double the risk of contracting Alztheir loneliness, had the counterproducSince we’ve all heimer’s disease. tive effect of making them feel self-conevolved to function scious and ashamed. Needing to hide from within social groups, Loneliness as a stressor company felt especially anomalous when our system Loneliness’ lethal grip extends far beyond recognises the lack of most of their peers’ lives on social media people and primates; as far back down the arenas seemed to teem with joyous group company as a threat evolutionary ladder as mice, pigs, birds, selfies, hyper-coloured dinner parties, and to our survival rabbits, and fruit flies. Since we’ve all 500-person-strong friend-lists. They began evolved to function within social groups, to blame themselves — perhaps they were our system recognises the lack of company too boring, too negative, too socially inas a threat to our survival. And the proept? When I suggested that one of them longed lack of company, or even the impression that seek a psychologist’s help, she snapped: “Oh, there’s one’s social interactions are meaningless and vapid, can nothing wrong with me.” act as a damaging stressor. Whatever went wrong with Nim, he did eventually get While a short burst of stress makes us wake up in the better. His primatologist friend made sure to visit him morning, or jolts us alert when we face sudden threats, often, and Nim was soon gesturing for sips of soda pop, the prolonged experience of stress — which isolation or and gambolling from one side of his cage to the other. feelings of loneliness bring on — releases an unchecked Then, he acquired roommates: two gentle chimps dose of stress-propelled enzymes into the system. When named Mitch and Lou Lou, both refugees from the nowthis seeping continues unabated, it plays havoc with our shuttered primate lab. Nim’s last few years were spent neuroendocrine, immune and autonomic systems, being groomed, playing and communicating with his which regulate bodily functions ranging from heart old primatologist friend, and rolling around a beach rate and respiration to digestion. ball with his new friends. He reminds us that the old SarRecent studies by neuroscientists suggest that loneli- trean line need not always hold true. Good health is othness even causes us physical agony. One paper notes, er people too. “Because of the adaptive value of mammalian social bonds, the social attachment system… may have piggy- shruti ravindran is a freelance journalist who covers science, backed onto the physical pain system to promote surviv- environment, health and social justice


cover takeaway

BL BL 204

saturday, june 13,13, 2015 saturday, june 2015

Goodyeffort bags Singular If you storeand byfury ambrosial food — so much that your shopping consists almost entirely Far from theset sound of street protests, mediasocampaigns or things to here are six stops in Melbourne just right for you onlineof activism, aneat RTI— activist labours in near-isolation

kalyani prasher

courtesy d.o.c deli

courtesy yarra valley chocolaterie

Baker D Chirico, 178 Faraday Street D.O.C, 330 Lygon Street Yarra Valley Chocolaterie, Old Daniel D Chirico is an artisan baker but you’ll Lygon St is in the Italian part of the city, so a Healesville Road be forgiven if you mistake him for an artist. cheese and pasta store cannot be far away. When I first heard about it, I thought it was His breads fold and turn in ways that make the D.O.C Deli (not to be confused with the D.O.C some children’s place and was quite reluctant heart beat faster, as you dish out cash in a haze espresso bar nearby) is where you go for pizza to visit, but god! am I glad I went. Dark chocoand buy half the store before you can say sour- if you live in Melbourne, but if you are packing late with espresso is no children’s chocolate, dough. In my quest for good bread in Mel- away stuff to bring back home you should nor is lavender and honeycomb a combo for bourne I discovered that Baker D Chirico turn your attention to the cold cuts, the the little ones. An hour away from Melbourne, serves the best sourdough in the city — yes, the cheeses and the handmade pastas. Charming this chocolate store is an absolute must-visit if best, if you are to trust the locals; the only oth- Italian men will offer you a tasting platter you like chocolates, or know someone who er bread store that came close was one called with rolls of prosciutto and other aged and does (and, of course, if you have children). My Firebrand on Glen Eira Road. At the Faraday air-dried hams paired with cheeses ranging favourite is the freeze-dried strawberries coatCatching big fish Chennai-based RTI activist K Saravanan blew the whistle over a controversial coastal highway project bijoy ghosh Street store, you will be charmed by the de- from mild to smelly. All around you are stacks ed in dark chocolate and the macadamia nut sign, even before you turn to the bread: its roof of meat and hand-rolled pastas and some and salted caramel bar. And yes, I bought the a wave of wooden slatsfirst andpetition the kitchen be- sauces to go t wasissix months before the he filed Michelin tyrealong. factory on Chennai’s outskirts andespresso a pro- one too. hind are making posed Tip: You could opt for theat Carlton Foodthe Tour under thea glass newlypartition enacted(where Right they to Information Tip: If travelling with children, visit the Heaatomic energy plant Tuticorin, latter under melbournefoodexperiences.coas you look) is industrial steel. by‘national (RTI)the Actbread in 2006 coughed upsleek, any information. “It organised lesville Sanctuary nearby (a 20-minute drive) the pretext of security’. That waybeen you times can visit some On offer, apart of sourdough, are was such a new act,from evenloaves they didn’t know what to spot wombats, kangaroos, koalas and some “There have when thelegendary CIC (chief informasuch as Donati’s meats, apart breads, crunchy baguettes, olive breads they wereraisin supposed to give and what not to give,” K Sara- food local bird species. Admission free for children tion stores commissioner) not only refused tofrom give informaandalso wineries, about the behalf,” histo- he forwhen thosewe who get at hungry, some Collecready- cafes vanan, 33,and, recalls meet the Vettiver upsays. to 15 years of age. Tickets can be pre-purtion but arguedand on learn the companies’ of like everyI said, placetaking you visit. made sweet and savoury bread things. tive, an environmental rights organisation in Chennai. ry “But information to the peoplechased is im- on The office is a stone’s throw from Urur Olcott Kuppam, portant. Whoever is affected by a project in question the age-old fishing village that is home to Saravanan. needs to know about the issue. So, in one sense, we act as The future of the village and its residents appears to be intermediaries; any information we acquire through at the centre of Saravanan’s actions, including his foray RTIs, we always share it. That’s the first priority.” into RTI activism. “I filed my first petition when I heard rumours about a plan to build a bridge over my village Changing patterns along the beach.” Over time, Saravanan has seen the RTI act and its impleAfter filing countless RTIs, and following up with in- mentation evolve drastically. “Earlier, a generic question formation commissioners, appellate authorities and about a project would be enough to acquire informastate highways department, what came to tion. Now, they have to be really specific,” light was a controversial proposal for an he says. “I also learnt that however much elevated highway along the coastline. If those in power try to use loopholes in the implemented, it would destroy 14 fishing law, we will have to be one step ahead, villages, put the beach out of bounds for frame questions better, and tame the sysOver a decade of residents courtesy and further endanger the al- filing more than tem ourselves before they do.” Apartkalyani from gewurzhaus kalyani1,000 prasher prasher ready vulnerable Olive Ridley Turtles that RTIs, mostly in Tamil, the constant dilution of the RTI act, espeGewurzhaus Herbs & Spices, 342 Lygon Green South Melbourne Coventry Streethe finds come to nest on the shoreline. ciallyMarket, its implementation, thatOlive at Red Hill, Mornington-Flinders heStreet has met with both Let’s notwas attempt to pronounce Instead Road Ostensibly a weekend market open Fri-Sun, The proposal resisted by various that. great those in power “are doing whatever they success and let’sand walk straight this shop looks 8am to 4pm can (also open it onharder Wednesdays for Another hour-long food excursion out of Melstakeholders was shelvedinto following a that to make to get information.” significant failure and against smells like Melbourne is bapublic outcry it. a magical wonderland. Imag- some reason), South Unfazed by it all, Market he believes that bourne RTI ac- that will be totally worth your while is ine all the colours you like, and some that you sically a gianttivists Green Olive at Red Hill, a vineyard stay with foodshould store. At thetheir backresources of the totooverpool don’t care for, and now imagine tea and spices market is a fresh a fabulous restaurant that is home to a small fish meat in area, which A lone struggle come theand hurdles their“While we in each of those colours. Blue masala? Yes sir. more for the locals, store. but the smallish market is asks Unlike street protests, media campaigns share information when someone forThis store is worth its space in olives, tea? Sure. Purple salt? Of course. Gewurz- ait,maze stalls that keep you for hooked for packed or online Pink activism, RTI activism garners little visibility. thereof is food no community or forum RTI activists,” says as it is with designer oil pourers, pretty haus isa lot such a fantastic it’s almost a the oven — mitts and aprons, as well as a lot of beaubetter part the day. In theincludes corner fresh “It does require of patience. I’veplace, seen many people Saravanan. His of support system his mentor spotabout by itself. ofthey colourful tea, veggies store, activist you canNityanand browse for some excelfile an RTItourist and forget it. OrJars when don’t hear environment Jayaraman — andtifully mem- packaged goodies such as olive oil, flaand spices (sourced from all over and the lent dried fruit and nuts; inside you other’s can voured back afterherbs repeated attempts, become exhausted bers local of the collective, who come to each aid in salt, and dukkah — a herby mix that world by the twoOver women who own the place) well with bread and olive oil. An added tea, been coffee, and garlic-infused give up,” says Saravanan. a decade of filing more find timesspeciality of need. “It’s almost a decade now butgoes I feel stacked in them rows in and you he canhas walk advantage is meeting the lovely free-spirited oil. Apart from food, youwith can get than 1,000are RTIs, most of Tamil, metabout with olive the same energy andactual am continuing the same ferandsignificant even tasting them. It is all too di- stuff couple that runs the small place; a conversamake it in — browse filters, both greatsmelling, success and failure. vour,”tosays Saravanan. “This for RTI coffee is a great tool. Earlier — from something simple project, as Moroccan with Greg or Sue over their coffee will be a and aprons andtoscores of such stuff… Besidesvine the scuppered elevatedas highway Sara- thongs people had no access any information. I havetion often mint tea campaigns to a suspicious vintage merlotinforsalt, And cherished moment. there how is a they yummy candytostore. Buy a But vanan’s successful include acquiring wondered managed do anything. with everything greatzones and in theMadurai only tough andexpose, a coffeeget andtocarry onabout browsing. mation about specialsmells economic and doughnut RTIs you can know anything Tip: you You can book for lunch, cooking class question whatsand not mining to buy. in Apart from and the like, and tour of their farm in advance on Tip:instead If you of have the time, check outMLAs, SO:ME other districts in theisstate, the Adyar merely trusting your councillors spices, therezone are some quaint kitchen things a little artistic corner inside the market, Cooum rivers, coastal management plans and the Space, or collectors.” at the thatHeare easy to miss his in this Marina loop roadcounter proposal. counts among fail- where you can find works by local artists apart kalyani prasher is a Delhi-based freelance writer overwhelming place, on butland should not be. for a from sibi arasu a Chennai-based journalist someisclothes and jewellery. ures the denial of information acquisition



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saturday, june 13, 2015

Looking for home In the world of science, an idea can remain lonely for decades, even centuries, before anyone takes it seriously


y some estimates, the average person has tors of a form that is modified for underground life… 30,000 thoughts a day. Imagine that. If your could be transported through 170 degrees of meridian brain were a sink, your thoughts would be like and across great oceans solely by those distributing the incessant tip-tip-tip of a slowly dripping agencies that are recognised by zoologists who maintap. Most of these thoughts fall straight into the drain. tain that continents and oceans are permanent.” In othOthers bounce around the sink briefly, before falling er words, the existence of this caecilian in Assam too, into an uninteresting void. Only a few of your convinced Alcock that the landscape of Earth’s surface thoughts make their way out of the sink into the world, must have changed with time. but just as drops of water may evaporate or may end up Today, the second Alfred is as obscure as the amphibin a glass of nimbu pani, the fate of your thoughts is any- ian he discovered — I only learnt what a caecilian is a few thing but certain. years ago, and a month ago I’d never heard of Alcock. In Of course, not all ideas deserve to land somewhere significant. Most ideas ought to be, and are, inconsequential. Other ideas are consequential, but only incrementally so; these ideas enter a world that’s ready for them, and find their place in it without ceremony or controversy. And then there are ideas that deserve to have an impact, but don’t. I like to think of these ideas, which are ahead of their time and threaten established ways of thinking, as lonely. For these lonely ideas to find a home, people need to change their minds, and, as everyone knows from their experience of other people’s intransigence, changing minds is hard. Lonely ideas may wander for decades, centuries even, before anyone takes them seriously. In the world of science, where taking an idea seriously means investing time and resources and energy into collecting evidence that supports or disproves that idea, lonely ideas abound. But in an ironic twist, the stories of lonely scientific ideas can take on mythic proportions after the ideas become established. After all, who doesn’t love the story of an underdog’s triumph? So the history of science is peppered with the tales of scientists, often outsiders of some sort, who spent their lives fighting unnecessarily Sisyphean battles to convince the scientific establishment of a fact that, in hindsight, seems so obviously true. Get the drift German meteorologist Alfred Wegener proposed A few weeks ago, I solicited my friends’ favourite sto- that today’s continents are fragments of a single landmass, an idea ries of lonely scientific ideas, asking on Facebook, “can that was accepted decades later shutterstock you think of a scientific idea that someone had long before his or her time, one that’s been borne out with time contrast, I learnt Wegener’s name in geography class in and more research?” By happy accident, two of these the eighth standard. Today he’s a staple of science textsuggestions fit together beautifully. The first was a well- books, but during his lifetime, Wegener battled to conknown example of a lonely idea: the theory of continen- vince scientists that the continents have shifted. He tal drift. Proposed by the now-famous German meteo- collected mountains of evidence in support of continenrologist Alfred Wegener in 1915, this theory tal drift (and really, wouldn’t you have to suggests that today’s continents are fragbe at least slightly intrigued by the nearments of a single ancient landmass, Panperfect fit between the coastlines of Africa gaea, that have drifted apart over millions and South America?), but geologists reof years. Though widely accepted today, mained unconvinced for another half-cenHad the two men’s continental drift was for long a lonely idea. tury. Meanwhile, naturalists continued to ideas met, as they The second suggestion was the discovdocument the odd global distributions of recently did on my ery of a new species of caecilian in Assam plants and animals that, like the caecilian, Facebook page, in 1904, by the British naturalist Alfred Almade a strong case for a mutable Earth. Alfred Wegener may cock. Caecilians are curious worm-like amHad the two men’s ideas met, as they rewell have found a phibians that live below ground in many cently did on my Facebook page, Alfred Wesupporter in Alfred tropical countries. gener may well have found a supporter in Alcock When Alcock found this particular legAlfred Alcock. As it were, Wegener’s theory less, almost-eyeless animal, he quickly recof continental drift was destined for an inognised that some of its closest known terlude of loneliness before finding unirelatives were found in faraway Western versal renown. Nonetheless, I find it Africa and Central America, and he puzzled over this dis- comforting to picture an idea that’s lonely in one inteljointed distribution. It’s easy to see how travelling from lectual community finding a cosy home in another, like continent to continent would be difficult for anything a drop of water sliding off a leaf into a gushing monthat looks and lives like a caecilian, which can neither fly soon stream. nor swim and cannot be carried for long distances in either the wind or a salty ocean current. As Alcock put it, ambika kamath studies organismic and evolutionary biology at “it can hardly be supposed that the immediate ances- Harvard University


cover read

BL BL 186

saturday, june 13,13, 2015 saturday, june 2015

The incompatible sullenness of being

marks, which was published in March this year. The book was partly inspired by a lexicography of Gaelic words from the Hebrides that the author was gifted. This includes specific terms for, for example, “a slender moorstream obscured by vegetation such that it is virtually hidden from sight” (caochan); “the shadows cast on the moorland by clouds moving across the sky on a bright and windy day” (rionnach maoim); and, a particular favourite, èit, which refers to “the practice of placing quartz stones in streams so that they sparkle in moonlight and thereby attract salmon to them in the late summer and autumn.” Macfarlane thought “…that it might be worth assembling some of this terrifically fine-grained vocabulary — and releasing it back into imaginative circulation, as a way to rewild our language.” He put out a call for peotiut vladut/shutterstock ple to send in their ‘place words’ and was thrilled at the response: “They came by letter, email and telephone, scribbled on postcards ON THE SHELF or yellowed pre-war foolscap, transcribed from cassette recordings of Suffolk longshoremen made half a century ago, or taken from hand-sketched maps of Highland hill country and island coastlines.” Landmarks is a lovely book to dip in and out of. You’ll learn that there is a specific term for the thin film of ice that forms on leaves, twigs and grass when a freeze follows a partial thaw causing the whole landscape to glitter (ammil); or that the onomatopoeic word for the sound made by a covey of partridges taking Breaking flight — at least inaway Devon — is zwer. But it’s not Instead of remaining just about enjoying the innate poetry of the married only on language. For Macfarlane and others, at the paper, we decided to heart of the whole dictionary debacle, is a vital wilfully break the issue: perhaps the first issue, if the Bible pattern even of is to be believed — the importance of naming. comfortable shutterstock That in loneliness the act of naming something — of few months ago, a new edition of dren played in natural areas a generation ago, knowing the right word for something — our OxfordinJunior Dictionary (OJD) he greatestthe distance the world is the one be- only 10 per centflee do today. Thisother is thenhuman linked to ue, we would towards beings. For relationship to that thing is fundamentally published. Notwondering exactly an earthtween an was unhappy couple what endemic problems ofwe childhood obesity, those two-three hours would feel normal,Atsometimes changed. Language allows us to see differentshattering I know, but they are still doing inevent a relationship that one has tention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, antisoeven happy. I would look across the room and seely. theOnce ex he learned that the gap in a hedge whose aftershocks severe to be cial collapsed without were any hope of enough resurrection. behaviour, friendlessness and like fear.he had cracking a joke, laughing. It didn’t seem for-by the regular passage of a small animal made across the UK,up, and perhaps even across the Naturalist Before myfelt marriage broke like any rational, optimisRose, who first gotten howLaurence to do these things. Thenhighlightwhy was there wasthe called a ‘smeuse’, Macfarlane started to English-speaking ‘Shocking and poorly tic individual who had tied world. the knot, I tried staying in it, ed the dictionary issue andhouse? also spearheaded silence of graveyards in our At the end of the par- smeuses more often. The other day, a notice considered,’ was the some; wishing for the unhappiness to verdict drop theof‘un’, the others cracks the letter-writing called thewenew ty, like people whocampaign, carpool every day, wouldfriend sharewas telling me about how the rhynes on described it as ‘alarming.’and What it that the to miraculously heal themselves thewas problems to OJD “a lexicography forout the of increasingly interithe taxi, each looking our respective windows, a her father’s farm were drained in order to linguistic ofthe Oxford University Press or, disintegrate withoutboffins a sign of impasse we had come solitary andaway urbanised (today’s chil- orbiting million miles from world each other, planets make one, big tractor-friendly field. Now I (OUP) had done to provoke such an outcry? to. It was perhaps the loneliest period of my life. I felt I dren) inhabit rather than separate spheres, perhaps evenenthused galaxies. with know that on the Somerset levels, the land is was thatplay. theyI didn’t had dropped had walked It into thenot wrong know mysome lines words to describe a world they The biggest saviour during that time of despair was scored with these traditional and others — strange after all,actor theywho are have and I was words stuck on theadded stage with this explore.” work.yet At to least there I knew I was efficient and doing well. channels to help irrigate the land dictionary it’s what they do. It was not didn’t seem to know editors, his either. The OUP editors’ responses to I could fix problems, resolve tricky situaand lessen chances of flooding, I evengothe of words sit themselves We would to list restaurants, across that had these accusations tions,seem make rather my colleagues laugh, even be see them too. A dictionary “should people up in arms, but rather what their addi- limp and pedantic. each other with nothing to say. We would our dicthe life“All and soul of a party. After the day’s Without words to name their seek to help shape or deletion signified. look at thetion walls, other people, our phones, I quietened down tionaries are designed to reflect toil was done, I was like a clown who natural surroundings, what a lot children’s Here are the words excised: acorn, and finally when oursome gazeofwould rest on language as it is used, rather would take off the red nose and wipe the chance is there that our children during that time, read understanding of the colt, cowslip, cygnet, doe, dandelion, each otherbluebell, we would wonder who this perthan seeking make-up to prescribe cer-a face in limbo, one that to reveal will care about the birds, animals more books, listened world, not just to gerbil, heron, kingfisher, son acrossferret, the table was.hazelnut, We would read the tain and, words orwears word sadness usages. like We second skin. and plants that are so rapidly disto alark, lot of jazz mirror its trends” newt,on otter, piglet, pansy, starling, menu likemagpie, a book, insist holding onto it employ extremely rigorous ediThis period of holding on when there appearing from our world? That occasionally, asked weasel, and willow. even afterthrush, we had placed the order, as a guidelines determining wasinnothing had a strange kind of emptithey will care about them so him to passtorial the salt are some of conversations the ones added: analogue, which words ness. shield fromHere meaningless (can) The be included time for anger and accusation much that they will fight for bulletour point, blog, broadband, biodegradable, in each dictionary, that amplified disconnection. based on had passed. It sevwas waking up daily to an their survival? chat endangered, If eithercelebrity, one of us gotroom, a phone call, we MP3 player eral criteria: acknowledging the current fre- to have incredible tiredness that seemed Will buttercups vanish just because they’re and voicemail. would answer it almost joyfully, irrespecquency of words in daily language children taken control of the of whole house. not I quielisted in the OJD? Obviously not (and anyYou can going. tive of who it was atsee thewhere other this end.isIt’s the only time in of thatdown age; acorpus analysis; acknowledging tened lot during that time, read more books, way,listhey’re there in OUP’s other dictionaries). authors, poets, my life thatTwenty-eight I have engaged patiently with illustrators, a rambling commonly misspelled oroccasionally, misused words; and tened to a lot of jazz and, asked him to pass But if you don’t know that is what that combroadcasters including service centre executiveand whonaturalists tried to offer me a 50Sara per taking the salt. curriculum requirements into ac- mon yellow meadow-flower is called, or that Maitland, Margaretoverpriced Atwood, Richard Maybey, cent discount on a television by 200 per cent. count.” Former laureate Andrew We could havepoet spent our entire lives Motion in this incompatthe furry flowering spike of a willow is called a Motion, Helen Macdonald Ruth remains At least heAndrew hung up happy and confident this and customer unconvinced: — that hadcatkin, ible sullenness of being.“Their A fewdefence of our friends done or that that’s a ferret and not a weasel, wrote to the OUP asking them to recon- lots would bitePadel the bait. children have no experience thehappiness that.of They had built individual lives, gotof their you lose the ability to focus, to distinguish, to sider. “We baseorthis plea onarrived, two consideraWhen an anniversary a birthday I would countryside — is ridiculous. Dictionaries exist from other sources and operated as if they wereparticularise. alone. Things slip from the specific to tions,” states. “Firstly, the beliefwish that to look at the date the withletter dismal discontent. I would our knowledge, as much (oronmore) Theextend only place they were married was paper. the generic — they exist only in our peripheral nature and culture have been linked him a happy-whatever-day like a trained robot from or an the au- as they do to confirm we already know or We, however, chosewhat deliberately, wilfully and despervision, barely noticed. “To use language well is beginnings of our history. For the first time evtomatic e-mail greeting from a spectacle company. It half-know.” He and other of signatories thinkloneliness. ately to break thethe pattern comfortable to use it particularly,” says Macfarlane. “Precier,impossible that link isto incelebrate danger ofanything, becoming was almost forunravelspecial that dictionary like seekgoing to help Why,ayou may ask. If this you “should are anyway to besion alone of utterance as both a form of lyricism to thejoy, detriment of society, culture, and occasionsled, demand enthusiasm and love, and all of shape of the At world, isn’t itchildren’s better to understanding be so in a marriage? least, there and aisspecies of attention.” In today’s world, thehad natural Secondly, childhood these things run environment. dry. For my birthday I switched off not just toatmirror someone home.its Totrends.” that, I would answer ‘No’. Itwhere is not attention deficit particularly among is for undergoing profound some of this better my phone, I really didn’t wantchange; anybody squealing As a for naturalist andare writer, Robert Macfarwhen you alone, on your own, there is has reached epidemic proportions, children is negative; rapid decline inand children’s ‘Happy Birthday.’ Likeand anthe old, disgruntled embit- lane years words that de- we can use all the attention excess we can get. hope.has Forspent him and forgathering me. connections to nature is atomajor problem.” tered cynic I thought what is there be ‘happy’? scribe the natural world. He was spurred on by anita roy is a writer, editor and publisher arathi is the of Leaving withhis Half a Fridge: The letter cites Meeting other people wasresearch always awhich savingestablishes grace. We the OJDmenon debacle toauthor collate what Home he calls published by India How to Survive aas Divorce Happily, 40 per Once cent of country’s would go that to a whereas party together. wethe reached the chilven- ‘word-hoard’ a single volume entitled

The sense of not belonging in a marriage is like being in a play where the chief actors have forgotten their lines

Deleting a worldview

Acorn and magpie exit the Oxford Junior Dictionary and in come MP3 player and voicemail. Telltale signs of the changing landscape for our children

anita roy






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saturday, june 13, 2015

Wherever I go, HE goes Being the sibling of a person with special needs is not easy. But a 14-yearold boy looks past the challenges and embraces his twin brother as his hero

christin lola/shutterstock


ell, yes. I have a brother with special people have the virtue of language. You should feel lucky that you do. And I really love and respect my famneeds. His name is Neel. First of all, it is NOT easy, no matter ily, because we NEVER give up. My brother went into a cowhat people say. And sending your child ma and we had lost all hope. He woke up after 11 days, with special needs to a mental asylum or some place completely paralysed. He could not even move his own where you’re not in contact with him/her is never the so- neck. He had to have so many injections in a day. I can’t lution. First you’ll think, “Oh god, why me?” Yes, you even handle one injection. They had to keep me in a sepwere one of the special people who were chosen to have arate room because whenever he got an injection, I used a brother with special needs, but think of it as a learning to scream and cry. I remember my mom and dad left me opportunity. Regardless of the meltdown he had in with my grandparents in Ranchi for Neel’s operation. One night, I woke up and I the mall just because he wanted to go to the started screaming and shouting, and wakbathroom, regardless of him breaking Seriously though, some ornament at a friend’s house, or reing everyone up. I’m still not sure why I people should get gardless of any other situation, he is MY woke up like that, or am I? used to the fact that brother. Wherever I go, HE goes. If you’re That is the kind of bond I share with my not all people brother. He can walk now, and he’s learnnot okay with it, deal with it. are normal ing to type, write and play basketball. Seriously though, people should get used to the fact that not all people are norImagine someone from not even being able to get up, to walking, typing, writing mal. If you see a person having special needs or any other problem, DO not stare, and playing basketball. If you know someone like that, please DO not look. And help out if you can. If you tell me about him/her. Because this is exactly why my can’t bear with them, then just leave. I’ll be honest. I used to be ashamed of my brother. brother is my hero. Maybe I still am. But that does not mean he is not a part of my soul. And I’m still scared to take him out, am vivek bhattacharjya is a sports fiend and has also co-written a afraid that he will have a meltdown of some sort. But I novel about the heroic exploits of a junior cricket team. The main have to get used to it. And you people should, too. Not all character, not surprisingly, is named Neel


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saturday, june 13,13, 2015 saturday, june 2015

Sounds of silence Three national awards and numerous evergreen songs were not enough to save composer Jaidev from rejection by the Hindi film industry


uccess, it is said and believed, is a lonely road. maestro Ali Akbar Khan. Jaidev assisted Khan in NavkeFailure lonelier. Underachievement is probably tan’s third film, Aandhiyaan (1952). He played the sarod the loneliest of all. and the surmandal (harp), especially for background Hindi film songs have been highly imagina- scores. When director Chetan Anand left Navketan to go tive in plumbing the potential of loneliness. Filmmak- solo with Joru Ka Bhai (1955), Jaidev was his choice for ers and lyricists have been sold to songs of composer. However, Chetan’s films, in spite of brilliant lonesomeness. For Kidar Sharma, it was the musing Kab- music, especially in the inordinately delayed Kinare Kihi tanhaiyon mein (Hamari Yaad Aayegi, 1961) for a lost nare (1963), fared miserably. It is not known whether JaiWet behind the ears past. Rajinder Krishan’s Phir wohi shaam, wohi gham, wo- dev’s decision to assist SD Burman went against him, as Once in the audition hi tanhai hai (Jahan Ara, 1964) forever married the eve- Hum Dono (1961), the only project he did independently room, things can go ning with loneliness. Majrooh fused tanha into a for Navketan, remained his last film with the Anands — pretty awry, rather suspense romance in Kitni akeli kitni tanha si lagi in Ta- both Chetan and Dev. This despite the undying popularsoon gp sampath kumar lash (1969). Sahir’s Kiska rasta dekhey... barson hain tanhai ity of the songs from the Dev Anand-Nanda-Sadhna starMANJH KHAMAJ (Joshila, 1973) was nothing short of a suicide rer — Abhi na jao chhod kar, ke dil abhi bhara note of a depressed man. ‘Tanhai’ was alnahin is just one example. His partnerso an opportunity for a naughty getaship with Sunil Dutt and Ajanta way, as Hasrat Jaipuri showed Arts, which started off on a posibeautifully in Ye tanhai hai re hai jaane tive note with Mujhe Jeene Do (1963), failed to survive the phir aaye na aaye, thaam lo baahen in winds of change as Reshma aur Tere Ghar ke Saamne (1963). Gulzar’s Shera (1971) flopped. philosophy of the loner came forth Luck, as always, had a deciwith the lines Apni tanhai ka auron sive and rather cruel part to se na shikwa karna in Kinara (1977) play in Jaidev’s story. Ved Rain the antara of Jaane kya sochkar hi’s Pyaasi Aurat, renamed nahi guzra. Prem Parvat (1973), which had At the turn of the ’80s, infidelity one of the most well-known discarded its garb of decency as a songs of the ’70s (Yehadil aurOnce un- in the room, things can go pretty awry, n ongoing music wife watched her husband walking in- reality show on quite a departure from the norm. Normally, arunabha deb to a party arm-in-arm ki by nigahon ke saaye) with- soon. In the radio competition, the parBengali withtelevision his mis- has a ‘classical’ maestro is accompanied his disciple (Mai-sankrather outeven a trace. So the did Aalingan (1974), cannot see the judges; their voice along with ‘folk’ and tra and Khan were not tress. Can someone category, answer Kaifi Azmi’s from same ticipant which had thetheradio Many classical musicians gharana). Maitra always question Koi ye kaise‘light’. bataye ke who tanha considered Alla- favourite comes through a speaker. A friend of mine Pyaasmilestone thi phir bhiintakaza kiya,in with a devastating Nayaki Kanada preand aficionados in Kolkata are upset; in time- habad recital as a significant kyon hain (Arth, 1982)? Into the his na went a film where hepared; was but playing too well can backfire. After fashion, their reasons are unclear. life in music. mid-’90s, honoured skimpy Urmiforced to take on In the was thick of a heated discussion, the best I la Matondkar Many Hindustani musicians have found he finished, one voice said, “So we’ve heard a Pyarelal as anraga. How about a morning raga?” The gather is that there are two prickly is- recognition through competitions. In anything could but tanthe night assistant. ha as the sues: coun-classical music is being compromised by early 20th century, Vishnu Digambar Paluskar friend started playing Bhairav, but he wasn’t Even as smallplacing it in a TRP-seeking competitive format and Vishnu Narayan Bhatkhande brought try swooned well-prepared. He played a short vilambit proand classical music is being presented in a ‘ri- Hindustani music out of feudal patronage bytimeand to her Tanha was about to go on to the drut, when a diculous’ tanha yahan pe jeena,setting. The second point holds true building music institutes and encouragingducers voice said, “You have not played the antara in directo the extent set to Mehboob’s (not that to the setting could be deemed the middle class to engage with Hindustaniandthe vilambit.” He had forgotten the antara of tors inane any context, not be confused withinMehboob Khan, thejust classical music: music. Music competitions the bandish, so he made one up dipankar were stayed the flippant banter (1995). of the host, the pithy ‘sto- a natural extension of this demfilmmaker) lyrics in Rangeela on the spot and played it. Just as away from Jaidev. ries’ ofwent the contestants, thethe circus costumes. ocratising process. Students Javed Akhtar Tanhayee along he was about to start the drut, the Though he (and came back to prominence But that theChahta way of most TV shows now — de- without musical Tasman coast in isDil Hai (2001) lineage voice said, “Could we hear the anwith Sain’s Gharonda (1977) and Muzsigned tono test limitsisof one’s embarrass- connections in showing that IT or IT,the nobody above theBhim music fratertara one more time?” He obviousOften, students who zaffar Ali’s Gaman associit is hypocritical in where loneliness.ment. MuchAlso, as ‘tanhai’ is part of of theaficionados nity) found the competitions an (1978),goJaidev’s ly did not remember what he had on to become In a field with festival Hrishikeshexcellent Mukherjee (Alaap, Bengal to havethe spartan of classi-is measured storyline, does it reflect personexpectations writing effective wayations to attract made up the first time. At that performers success 1977) or Basu Chatterjee (Tumhare Liye, 1978) cal person programmes. The the sartorial of organisers. them? Or the composing tune?sensibility The competition ormoment he knew he would have don’t perform very by commerce, and didIndia not bring success. He never Bengali classical artistes, particularly the men, Anyone who has read or heard of composganised by All Radiohim con-much to return the following year. well in competitions only commerce, the preferred composer for any borders on lunacy: fully-embroidered-brighter Jaidev Varma — better known as just Jaitinues to became be the most Often, students who go on to Jaidev’s creativity goodofor bad, even when the pink-kurta-black-churidar-gold-chain-golddev — would go with the latter. —filmmaker, with winners become excellent performers found fewprestigious takers is par formuch the course. Jaidev’sbracelet life story reads like the each region misfortune competingofinfilms the hardly had anything to don’t perform very well in comdo with music. He was the only Hindi The first objection — presenting classical national finals. script of a black-and-white film that tells of Thethenational petitions. Just like the brightest film composer of hisempanelled time to receivestudent three in class is not always the best exammusicprotagonist, in a competitive — is more star- winners automatically a melancholic eitherformat pining become awards. it may theBut there are exceptions. I still rememtling. The grumbling for his love or battling terminalpurists illnessoften or forget that artistes on Allnational India Radio — a Curious positionas that is be, taker. is theobtained numberthrough of his films which were a Shyam Kalyan played by Suhail Yusuf have played significant in same poverty. Incompetitions a field where success is ameasured byrole comotherwise an arduous audi-declared ber the a list of 40-odd titles. history of Hindustani music andfound that stalmerce, andthe only commerce, Jaidev’s creativity few hit, tionfrom process. Khan (sarangi wizard, also part of Advaita) at Today, the songs for whichto Jaidev remembered havenot been involved in them, both as takers. Hiswarts life was one of penury. But one that It is quite an experience walkisinto the theare AIR final in 2005; the audience knew that in loneliness. it Ek akela is sheher (Ghajudges and from participants. The one organised by steeped lacked appreciation the very people he worked ‘green room’ at any ofBethe competition ven-meinthey were listening to a future maestro. If I reSeenefrighteningly mein jalan, aankhon mein toofan kyon correctly, that final had been telecast with yes. the All India Music Conference in Allahabad ronda), ues. Theorscene resembles that of sa member or Aap ki yaadcentre aati rahi bhar (both was one with of the premier pre-Independence In an interview Ameen Sayani, the grand old hai an examination in raat a school. Therefrom are Gaman). on Doordarshan. Would it not have been wonhiswho life followed the dichotomy expressed by Sa- if it had been telecast on a channel that competitions. In 1937,that thehecompetition man of radio, Jaidev explained didn’t marrywitin Maybe the geeks keep practising the most diffi- derful Kabhithey khudare pecalled kabhi halaat pe rona aayapeople watch? nessed a historic event. balance. Twenty-year-old order to have a proper work-life What heRadhicare- hir cultLudhianvi taans justin before on; there more Dono). Jaidev lived and died on thecasualfringes of Bollyka Mohan was aunsure zamindar from fully avoided was thatMaitra he was(who probably of his ca- (Hum are the champions of disaffection who I am delighted that a mainstream television much like his own composition from Ki- — and not a ‘classical only’ contest — that time, the sarod pability toRajshahi sustain aatfamily with not the quite transient naturelegof wood, ly go through a phrase or two; and, at least in Kinare contest Chale ja rahe hain, mohabbat maare,a kinare he would become) stood first in the success heend achieved in his career. 'When he died in com1987, nare: Kolkata, there is the mother with ke a towel, ba- kinare, has included ‘classical’ as a competitive caterahe hain. bottle, intently sizing up her gory. When it comes to forums for discovering Ustad Khan straight was one to of the chale at the agepetition. og 68, his bodyAlauddin was brought nana ja and a water judges and also scheduled to perform as child’s competition. The most commonly new classical musicians, more the merrier, crematorium from thewas hospital. Like a destitute’s. a Kolkata-based musician, (non-competitive, of anirudha Jaidev’spart pathof tothe the same musicfestival industry was chequered. He overheardbhattacharjee, question is “How many hours do and bigger the better. vittal, a If Hyderabad-based authors of R.D. course). was so impressed with Maitra’s debuted in films asHe a child actor, an attempt which did balaji you practise?” the answer isprofessional, anything are more deb is a Kolkata-based music writer second Mera The Man, Music. Their playing thatcareer. he asked younginzamindar to Burman: not add value to his His the training music was than ‘four’, theThe follow-up query isbook, “ArtsGata or Rahearunabha and lawyer 50 classic Hindi film songs, is releasing this month play alongside him at in the recital. Thissarod was Dil: continuous though, culminating a stint under Commerce?”

More the merrier

Grumbling purists often forget that competitions have played a significant role in the history of Hindustani music and the stalwarts have been both judges and participants






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saturday, june 13, 2015

Splinter of ice in the heart



As a ghostwriter I will never have my name on the cover. I will never go to the book launch. But far from being a painful experience, it makes perfect sense


rnest Hemingway’s statement: “Writing at its what I aim for. Other times, it goes beyond a bodily tirebest is a lonely life” is hard to disagree with. dness, it’s a tangible loneliness, so I need to see a friendly When people ask me what I do for a living, I al- human face. ways have to explain myself. One of my best friends lives around the corner, and “I am a ghostwriter.” thankfully she is also a freelancer so we’ll arrange to “A ghost what?” meet nearby. As a good friend, she absorbs my babbling “A ghostwriter. It means I write books for other and need to talk like a sponge. Almost exhausted I stop, people.” conscious all I have done is talk about myself. To date I have written 12 books including four Sunday “Not seen anyone all day?” she laughs. Times bestsellers. They cover genres including celebrity “All week more like!” I reply. memoir, social history, and misery memoir. Misery Having a deadline to hand in a book manuscript memoirs, for those who don’t know, are stories which fo- means a constant feeling of being behind with homecus on the author’s unhappy childhood. work. If I am not writing, I am feeling guilty. My first The process of ghostwriting begins with an interview. book was Jade Goody’s eagerly anticipated Forever in My I sit down and I ask questions, keeping events chrono- Heart and it was listed on Amazon as the number one logical. Writing openly on a notepad can be off putting, Hot Pick, meaning on publication it was likely to go to as is turning up with reams of questions, so quite often I the top of the chart. But at that moment this potential make it up as I go along, recording everything on a tape number one bestseller, which national papers were almachine. Talking is therapeutic. I have listened to re- ready trying to buy the serial rights for, was half-written markable stories including terrible child abuse, on my laptop. The pressure is on! tales of rags to riches and stories publishers Once the edits are done, the draft can be like to call ‘Triumphing over tragedy’. handed to the publisher. Rarely does it inIn his book Confession of a Ghostwriter volve a face-to-face meeting, everything is fellow ghost Andrew Crofts quotes Gravia email or the phone. No writer likes edham Greene’s description of every writer its. A ghostwriter has two sets to deal needing a “splinter of ice in the heart” with, those of the editor and then the Auand there’s some truth in this. thor. Edits involve hours sitting alone, I have sat and listened dry-eyed — as scrolling up and down, down and up, someone has described being raped as a changing copy you’ve re-read over one child or the moment they found their fahundred times. ther dead from a heart attack on a kitchen Once the final version is done, the Author floor — as nobody wants to see their ghostfinally reads the manuscript. Fortunately writer crying. Remaining subjective is part for me, with almost all of my books they I might get an email of my job before I go home and write it up, have been very happy. At this point I might from the publisher feeling a heady mix of wonder and priviget an email from the publisher to say they to say they like it lege at being a confidante. like it too, and this is where the accolades too, and this is This could be a lonely feeling, carrying where the accolades begin and end. someone else’s troubles, but they are quickI will never have my name on the cover. I begin and end ly released on the page. And I always rewill never go to the book launch or get inmember they are not my troubles to dwell vited to an event if the book is nominated on. My job is to listen and then write. for an award. Unless they scour the acEach book requires around 30 hours of knowledgements at the back of the book, interviews. I interview, then lock myself away and type, or Google my website nobody will know I have written before interviewing for the next chapter. The deadline is it. But far from being a painful experience, it makes peralways just a few months away, there is no time to pro- fect sense. Without the Author’s story there is no book crastinate or feel lonely now. Lost in a sea of words on and standing in the (sometimes) lonely shadows comes the screen I don’t even notice what room I am in, even a sense of security. No promotional tours means no atless so if anyone is in it with me. tention of the good or bad kind. Only once, as I heard my Once the interviews are over, the Author returns to Author receive praise on the radio for the opening chaptheir ordinary daily life and the real process of writing ter of his first book, did I bristle a little, before I smiled for the ghost begins. Or should I say re-writing. Mainly I and thought: ‘Job well done then’. type at home in my kitchen, but in winter it can become As the publicity machine kicks into gear, I’ll sit at too cold. In January 2014, I wrote up most of The Race to home by myself, quietly reading the reviews online, Truth: Blowing the whistle on Lance Armstrong and cycling’s pleased and relieved to have finished the job. The weight doping culture, by Emma O’Reilly, under my duvet. of the book is now lifted off my ghostly shoulders and I While in the flow four hours pass barely noticed. But am happy to disappear off onto the next project. at some point tiredness creeps in and I must Get Out. Fresh air works sometimes, a brisk walk, an hour a day is shannon kyle is a journalist and ghostwriter



Deuce Tennis is not glamour, accolades and fat prize-money for Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan. Instead, it is criss-crossing the globe, playing minor tournaments, collecting ATP points and being alone



eevan Nedunchezhiyan is pensive. He has lost anoth- could be a coach, a travelling partner or a supervisor. er match from a position of strength. This time in “Tennis prepares you for life and it is scary, exciting and the first round of the US $10,000 ITF men’s tourna- also rewarding. Once one is able to come to terms with ment in Tumon, Guam. Ever since he turned pro 11 these things, then a player can have a successful career.” years ago at 15, it has been a gruelling journey for interFor someone who plays in at least 10 countries a year, national ranking points. Currently ranked 403 in the travel is always a solitary pursuit. A trainer, physio or world, Jeevan is constantly on the move, playing small coach — the best bet to avoid injuries — are luxuries he tournaments across the globe, to keep and better his cannot afford. The struggles on the court aside, there are rank. At 26, he is a tennis journeyman. Not the one other set of things he has to handle alone. Finding placscorching the Grand Slam courts. But one committed to es to stay, booking the cheapest flights, counting miles his world of tennis — competitive and challenging, at with airlines, and preparing documents and equipment times torturous, but mostly just lonely. are done alongside working out of poor form, minor ad“Tennis is not a fair sport. Everything depends on the justments to technique and devising match strategy. To level you are on and how much you are able to invest in an outsider, Jeevan’s life may appear fetching with travel it financially. Compared to the effort and financial bur- and play often making his day. “My friends are someden players take on, the monetary perks are low,” says Jeevan. “When I started playing on the pro circuit, I had just come out of the ITF (International Tennis Federation) juniors, where I was a top-10 player. The pro circuit is lonely because results don’t come as easily as in juniors,” he adds. He had a good run at the juniors, winning the Asian junior doubles title twice that separates the writer. Like, a real one. With my life.” This col- ings they don’t know, and text half-a-dozen with Sanam Singh.ame In one fact,quality multiple old from the young. I would say, it lection is testimony to the fact that she was al- people when lonely. They are just normal 20Grand Slam champion Mahesh Bhupathi, is josh — an unabashed impressed by Jeevan’s game, wanted to enthusiasm ready a writer. And a fine one at that. year-olds, those who live and love fiercely. all that now, guide him on the profor circuit. Butisthat didand a gung hoThe triumph of this novel is its authenticity. Like any confident writer, Keegan is also unnessowing for allmainly that will not happen, to happen. technicalThe Opposite of The refrain “We’re so young. We’re so young” afraid to write of what she does not or may not Loneliness, by chasing Marina Keegan, is a book throb- echoes through the work. Youth here is a know. Be it a 43-year-old woman who has just reasons. Jeevan knows your tenbing withatjosh and“The “a love for everything... be- thing of optimism and curiosity, of possibili- adopted a child and isn’t over the man she nis dreams comes a cost. hardest everything is so beautiful part aboutcause trying to graduate from semi- and so short”. ties and hopefulness. Keegan is plenty funny loved at 23 or the ‘deputy secretary of housing collection of essays investand stories is special and even ironic, but there isn’t an instance of and redistribution’ based in Baghdad. These pro to proThis tennis is the financial for many reasons. For one, its author is 22 jadedness in this collection. It is not surpris- are strong short stories, but do not share the ment. Without a proper support team, old.very Two, its author diedI when she was ing that someone so eager about life would zest of the ones that deal with younger protagthe weeksyears can feel long. So, in 2007, This posthumous work was decided to22. quit pro tennis for a while and a The New York ask the question ‘what is the opposite of lone- onists dwelling in college campuses. Timesmy bestseller and in Goodreads went to finish undergrad the US. I Choice Award liness’. She writes, “It’s not quite love and it’s The nonfiction in this collection could be 2014later for best nonfiction. came backWinner four years and found mynot quite community; it’s just this feeling that categorised under the single title ‘I want to unKeegan graduated magna cum laude from there are people, an abundance of people, derstand’. Keegan asks why humans care self performing better.” University 2012.forHer résumé al- who are in this together. Who are on your about whales when they make no bones about In India,Yale a tennis playerin hasMay to fend with to a list of achievements — team… I’m scared of losing the web we are in. scaling, gutting and seasoning thousands of himself —ready fromsparkled sponsorship tournaintern in The New Yorker’s fiction department, This elusive indefinable oppoment appearances. “Procuring sponsorsmaller fish with thyme and lemresearch to literary powerhouse Ha- site of loneliness. This feeling I ship for flight and assistant other expenses is not ons. In the delightfully named rold Bloom, president easy, especially because tennisofisYale notCollege Demo- feel right now.” ‘Even Artichokes have Doubts’, crats. She had athe play that was widely followed outside slams. So, ifto be produced What is loneliness, after all, she tries to figure out why 25 per thenot Newhelping York Fringe sponsors at are the Festival playersand a job wait- than the dread that there is no The refrain “We’re so cent of Yale graduates will enter ingthat for level, her atitThe New Yorker.toFive days after web, the fear that each of us is make it to is rhetorical the consulting or finance indusyoung. We’re so A toughher matchflotsam From finding flights and places to stay to workingechoes his way graduation, on her 55th birthday, wonder why India does notfather’s see worldandcheap jetsam unconnecttry. She writes, “There’s someyoung” out of bad form,ed Jeevan his hands full onKeegan’s tours r ragu boyfriend and were driving parents’ class talent in tennis. Weshe celebrate medi- to her andhas unanchored? thing sad about so many of us through the work house. He fell asleep at the wheel. The car hit a short stories grapple with differocrity,” says Jeevan. entering a line of work in which and rolledtoover twice. He escaped ent kinds of loneliness, “I wouldguardrail never want anyone get into times jealous but little do they know I travwhether we’re not (for the most part) proKeegan died the spot. the sport unhurt. unless they have theondrive to el to these difficult it is a college student who has to countries to collect ATP ducing something, or helping is impossible to review posthumous col- speak at her boyfriend’s play withoutIt expecting to make money points. Those weeks when all I do is travel memosomeone, or engaging in someOnly aobneedle the lections, especially a young adult, from the game. Only a needle that in theofhaysfrom the hotel to the court we’re passionate about.” Even while rialinor the estrangement of room a family thattennis is thing haystack of“just players jectively. As Anne Fadiman, Adjunct Professor tack of players makes a living out of playandenough back aretomonotonous. Theoronlyquotes silver from various people bog down this esfunctional be functional” makes of a living out of English at Yale, writes in the ing the sport,” he adds. Jeevan has wonintroduction lining, if you consider one, is the gold that of of a 60-something woman withthis “wilting say, her concern is shared by intellectuals and playing sport and varicose book, “High ontitles theirinposthumous pedes- the six singlesthe and 19 doubles the status on Star Alliance I earned from the breasts veins”. academics across the board. tals,circuit the dead become hard to asee. Grief, deferprofessional so far and enjoyed flights one corner the Students ofmyriad journalism are from often advised to of In the last essay, ‘Song for the Special’, Keeence, effects of write what they career-best rank and of 293the last homogenizing year. In May, world to another.” WhenKeegan he is lonely, know. On one hand, ganJeewrites presciently, “Vaguely, quietly, we adulation the details, flatten the bumps, does exactly that. he was ranked 213 inblur doubles. van turns his USB. “It has documentaries ‘ColdtoPastoral’ — first pub- know we will be famous… I want tiny permasandaoff the sharp corners.” It is impossible to lished in It has been difficult journey, but one and movies then there books. I want gigantic permanents! I want inand September 2012are — ismy nents. read this work and wonder, ‘what would that has helped him grow. “Itnot is about perception. You the Viber andshort WhatsApp help lot.” finest story in theacollection. It teases what I think and who I am captured in an anKeegan have done had she lived what mature with the losses. I ask myself why amlonger, I playing the to life In Jeevan’s tennis world, there is no glamour and af- of indulgence I can comfortingly tuck the ambiguities of young love, revealing thology she have written, what myself awardson would sport. Is itwould just to make money and judge wins how fluence. It is a grind. There is definitely despair and casualness is used to mask insecurities intohe a shelf in some labyrinthine library.” she haveenjoy won’.the Butjourney. even without the conjecand losses? I must Over the years, the and occasionally reflects onstand his decision to become a profeshow euphemisms in for emotions. In The Opposite of Loneliness Keegan found ture of me lostvaluable potential and the weight grief The sport has taught lessons. Tennis hasof helped sional Yet,thethe journey compelling, continues. Bags are a gigantic permanence, and in her plotplayer. is tight, characters herself clouding one’s judgement, this abook is re- and me mature as a human being first and then sportsperpacked, and it is time for the flight readers will find the chance to fall in withticket each confirmed read you find something new tonextwords markable not because the author died the young son.” He has been around long enough to know ad- marvel and court. a pro, he is game. smoke spliffs, love with everything. at. As Keegan’s characters she lived years so well. vantages. but Evenbecause when his playing areKeegan behind once him, hold hands on the hoods of cars, play in vijay lokapally is deputy (sports), ThemeanHindu nandini nair told a tennis friend, will “I’vestill decided to beHe a bands, Jeevan knows, give I’m himgoing options. act on stage, beareditor tattoos whose

Gigantic permanents

A posthumous work that throbs with a love for everything… so beautiful and so short


The Opposite of Loneliness Marina Keegan Essays and Stories Simon & Schuster ₹1,400

14 10

samuel borges photography/

saturday, june 13, 2015



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watch cover

saturday, june 13, 2015

Rahul Gandhi’s Lonely Hearts Club Band

vineni and his collaborators describe Priya as a ‘superhero’, but her superpower is a moral one. The comic earnestly reminds readers that the courage to do what’s right lies within us, that we can all be agents of change even if we don’t have a friendly tiger to take us from place to place. Nevertheless, the vehicle of this message remains a limp, undeveloped story that gestures at the conventions of superhero comic books without fulfilling any of them. Though supposedly the core of the project, the comic narrative is threadbare and tacky, a gauzy veil drawn over the idealistic mission. It doesn’t help that the great selling point of Priya’s Shakti — its use of ‘augmented reality’ technology — is more a clunky distraction than a boon. Visitors to the gallery are invited to use an app on their smartphones to unlock y cousin Varun has published a book of po- a no-no for me to sing yeah-yeah-yeah. Not in hidden Parlia- multimedia treats in each page of the ems and let me tell you, it is atrocious. The ment, not at a press conference: they say the BJP and its book. Hold up a smartphone’s camera comic poetry is pretentious, dull, narcissistic and Sturmabteilung would counterattack, maybe bytosinga given page and you’ll see an army of white plain dull — like his mom’s speeches in the ing Varun-verse, a cappella. Big deal. Each time they perdots busy themselves about the image before Lok Sabha. Also, his poems contain no proper nouns. sonally attack me, it is more than obvious how rattled revealing something additional: an animaI really don’t see how anyone expects him to write real Modi has gotten. tion of the image, a link to an educational vidpoetry. Has he ever stopped at a pool of water and gazed In fact, I often think that Modi is in some ways aseo, loneaudio files of testimony from rape at his own reflection? He has no idea what ly as I am. After all, he too reads no books. survivors, an overlay about Hindu cosmology it is to feel that no one wants to make a He too prefers PowerPoint to government (Priya’s Shakti seems as committed to educatdeep connection with you, when people files. He too finds everyone around inghim non-Indians about Hinduism as it is intersee you as the idea of you they have in their clingy, annoying and self-serving. I want estedtoin advocating women’s rights), and so head, and not the real you that eats, lives, paraphrase Spiderman to Modi: Withforth. great There is some charm and resource in I often think that breathes, or goes to Thailand on holiday. power comes great responsibility — and al- of these revelations (Parvati assumes many Modi is in some ways He does not know the loneliness of beso, great loneliness. I also feel like telling the form of Kali and her eyes flash a menacing as lonely as I am. ing Rahul Gandhi. me but their novelty wears away quickly. purple), After all, he too reads him: ‘I am he as you are he as you are In fact, if he’s allowed to write bad poetand we are all together,’ as the Beatles sing interface, interminable buffering, and A fickle no books. He too ry I should be allowed to sing good songs. in I am the walrus. deathly black screens hobble the visual experiprefers power-point You know, like a troubadour on an endless I notice that Modi, like me, doesn’tence want more than they augment it. to government files padayatra. I would sing Beatles’ songs. For to be tied down by a wife. My mom gives Priya’s Shakti ends with small histories from instance, about our prime minister, I me grief about that. rape victims about their lives. Their narratives would sing (to Maxwell’s Silver Hammer): Thank god Modi’s mom is nothing arelike by far the most heartbreaking and powerBang-bang Modi’s silver hammer came my mom. Then he’d really know the ful meanpart of the comic sequence, but they have down upon Advani’s head, ing of loneliness. My mom just doesn’t get it: everyyou womwonder whether they deserve the indigniBang-bang Modi’s silver hammer made sure Vajpayee’s an I meet is not interested in me, but in Rahul Gandhi ty of sitting alongside all the ‘superhero’ guff. legacy was dead. the rich dynast. Through their eyes they sing: I’m looking To their credit, Devineni and his team are Yes, the Beatles were the greatest through you. heand celebrity Chinese artist Ai Weiwei I’m certain that if I sang their Look at Priyanka, my mom argues. She got married, once songs said that “any artist who not she has kids. Hmph. It just makes me want to sing, to the at an election rallyisthen an activist is awould dead artist.” Thismidis a tune of Lady Madonna: people not leave familiarway. demand, the hope that the art Imagine covering Sister Priyanka, children at your feet not seal itself fromearly the world instead graphit but “I wanna hold Wonder how Robert Vadra manages to make ends meet ple with its turmoil andhand”: absurdity. But is the your Who gets the money, when DLF pays the rent reverse true? Can artOh make the work of activyeah, I’ll tell you Did you think that money was Corporation Bank sent? ists more meaningful, more alive? something That’s not the end of my mom’s nagging. Go meet Ram Devineni wasI think in Delhi in cent the aftermath 34 per of the elec- non-BJP leaders, she says, for an alliance may be the only of the barbaric 2012 that brought way to dethrone Modi. I dunno; I look at Lalu, can’t bring torategang-rape will understand, sexual and gender-based violence to the fore myself to chew tobacco with him, much less spit it out at When I say that something in India. Enraged by the aapathy and I want vote for thecasual Hand mi- Sharad Yadav’s garlanded photo. sogyny he saw around he the joined I want ahim, vote for Handin the Go to Dr Manmohan Singh, she says. He was PM for 10 immense struggle of promoting I want a vote for theawareness Hand years and is a wise and clever man. He can offer valuable and changing attitudes abouteven rape.sing Priya’s I could for advice for whatever next issue I take up against Modi. Shakti is at once a comic book, a public art inthe BJP: The phool on But when I go over to his house he utters not a word. I Augmented apps multimediaattreats stallation, an exercise in social market- wonder themedia hill. Instead, if he’sbites stillSmartphone angry I tore upunlock his ordinance a ral-on the pages of Priya’s Shakti courtesy ram devineni ing replete with Twitter hashtags, and an the two Singhs — ly. His silence makes me feel lonely. And when I ask him ‘augmented reality’ digital experience. dess reveals Priya’s abuse like to the god Shiva, Kanishka and about something specific, farmers’ suicides not or the restricting the project to a niche exhibiLaunched at the end of 2014, it is now who acquisition with typicalbill, absolutism Digvijaya — enin- land he sings: decides that all tion in a New York gallery. They want to take sconced for a few months in the City Lore will me no longer be able to have Priya and the augmented reality experience sisttiny it would be human Pleasebeings don’t wake gallery on the Lower East Side of New York City. children, unleashing a period of des- across India and into many languages apart No don’tthereby shake me Most of the international peration Leave me where I am and chaos on Earth. Par- from English. Most compellingly, they have media attention lavished on the vati is annoyed at her husband painted public murals in Delhi and Mumbai I’m only sleeping. project has focused on its very (“He doesn’t realise rapethan is You So our meetings are not muchthat more andsay plan to have hundreds more around Inworthy moral impetus and amof violence and domina- dia, all boasting a resolute Priya and her tiger. Goodbye, and an I sayact Hello. bitions. It goes without saying She rides fromThe tion… it cannot point of all this is thattruly therebeisopposed nowhere to turn, Passersby can raise their smartphones at village that Priya’s Shakti is urgent, necwith offor thefriendship, same!”) and formore advice, for personal these murals and delve into graphical and into village... anowhere roving, to go essary, and hugely noble. But as forces to why relent. for love.him That’s theEventually, Beatles mightformational sing: overlays about rape, women’s pedagogicalconnection, Durga an artistic (and not just politishe reveals He’s a real Nowhere Man herself to Priya, rights, and helpful NGOs. Many people, howcal) endeavour, it remains open sheLand inspires to become a ever, will not have the right equipment or netSitting in hiswhom Nowhere to criticism. No armour of piecampaigner around the issue of work connection to access the ‘augmented Making all his Nowhere Plans for Nobody. ties can shield it from its aesthetandofgender-based violence. reality’ of this public art. One can only hope Doesn’t haverape a point view, ic failings. Parvati’s mantra allows Priyato, to “find her shak- that the unaugmented reality is enough and knows not where he’s going At the heart of Priya’s Shakti is a short and ti”,Isn’t which theme? form of a tiger that that, as a symbol of the struggle against sexual he amanifests bit like youinand rather flimsy comic book. Each page is blown she rides from village to village like a roving, Now you know why there’s no loneliness like theviolence, lone- Priya transcends her comic origins. up and displayed in sequence along the walls liness pedagogical Durga. of being Rahul Gandhi? (‘Priya’s Shakti Augmented Reality Art Exhibiof the gallery (also available online via a free The message is simple and entirely just: vic- tion’ runs till July 31, 2015 at City Lore, New York) is the co-author formerand R&AW chief AS Dulat’s download). In her divine refuge up on Mount aditya tims of sinha rape should feel no of shame should I am he No.1 single, Congress Kashmir: The Vajpayee Years, which is being published next tharoor is the author of Swimmer Among memoir, kanishk Kailash, Parvati hears the prayers of a village be allowed to find the strength within themvice-president Rahul Gandhi kamalhas narang woman, Priya, who been raped. The god- month selves (their shakti) to protest their abuse. De- the Stars: Stories

When people see you as the idea of you that they have in their head, and not the real you that eats, lives, breathes, or goes to Thailand on holiday


Stigma-slaying Q comic goddess R

An art project that aims to change the conversation around rape is noble in intention, but no armour of pieties can shield it from its aesthetic failings



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saturday, june 13, 2015



White town The street outside Paradesi Synagogue

The remains of the day The last of Kochi’s Paradesi Jews — fewer than 10 — are a forlorn shadow of the community’s vibrant past


ife in slow motion: that seems to be the mood in Kochi’s Mattancherry, a Jewish neighbourhood that was once synonymous with prosperity. A melancholy air wraps the lanes around Paradesi Synagogue (1568). The community of White Jews or Paradesi Jews, who lived here for over five centuries, is now reduced to just seven members, all of them over the age of 75. These seven (five women and two men) live in nearisolation in houses with the star of David, while tourists throng the historic synagogue and the Jew Town their ancestors built. The trading establishments of Jew Town have given way to a row of antique shops and a thriving spice market. The synagogue hasn’t seen a prayer service in years — tradition dic-

tates a quorum of 10 male members. Even the last rabbi here was hired from Israel, the country that Kochi lost its Jewish population to. Fluent in Malayalam, the last Jews of Mattancherry are a tad wary of the press and eager documentary filmmakers. The butcher’s shop from where they bought kosher meat is no more. The large, noisy community weddings are memories. As are the celebrations of Hanukkah, Passover, Yom Kippur, and Jewish New Year. Their days are mostly spent in prayer and looking at photo albums. Occasional phone calls from Israel and a meal with the remaining few in the community are the only highlights. thulasi kakkat

Silence in the room Paradesi Synagogue is now onl


nly a tourist attraction


saturday, june 13, 2015

Future tense Juliet Hallegua, wife of Joseph, the last warden of the synagogue

Living in the past Sarah Cohen, Kochi’s oldest Jew; (left) photographs from the family album of AB Salem (1882-1967), advocate and activist, who was also known as Jewish Gandhi

Missing pieces There are few men among the survivors

Olden words Rabbanic literature from AB Salem’s collection

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Deuce Tennis is not glamour, accolades and fat prize-money for Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan. Instead, it is criss-crossing the globe, playing minor tournaments, collecting ATP points and being alone



eevan Nedunchezhiyan is pensive. He has lost anoth- could be a coach, a travelling partner or a supervisor. er match from a position of strength. This time in “Tennis prepares you for life and it is scary, exciting and the first round of the US $10,000 ITF men’s tourna- also rewarding. Once one is able to come to terms with ment in Tumon, Guam. Ever since he turned pro 11 these things, then a player can have a successful career.” years ago at 15, it has been a gruelling journey for interFor someone who plays in at least 10 countries a year, national ranking points. Currently ranked 403 in the travel is always a solitary pursuit. A trainer, physio or world, Jeevan is constantly on the move, playing small coach — the best bet to avoid injuries — are luxuries he tournaments across the globe, to keep and better his cannot afford. The struggles on the court aside, there are rank. At 26, he is a tennis journeyman. Not the one other set of things he has to handle alone. Finding placscorching the Grand Slam courts. But one committed to es to stay, booking the cheapest flights, counting miles his world of tennis — competitive and challenging, at with airlines, and preparing documents and equipment times torturous, but mostly just lonely. are done alongside working out of poor form, minor ad“Tennis is not a fair sport. Everything depends on the justments to technique and devising match strategy. To level you are on and how much you are able to invest in an outsider, Jeevan’s life may appear fetching with travel it financially. Compared to the effort and financial bur- and play often making his day. “My friends are someden players take on, the monetary perks are low,” says Jeevan. “When I started playing on the pro circuit, I had just come out of the ITF (International Tennis Federation) juniors, where I was a top-10 player. The pro circuit is lonely because results don’t come as easily as in juniors,” he adds. He had a good run at the juniors, winning the Asian junior doubles title twice that separates the writer. Like, a real one. With my life.” This col- ings they don’t know, and text half-a-dozen with Sanam Singh.ame In one fact,quality multiple old from the young. I would say, it lection is testimony to the fact that she was al- people when lonely. They are just normal 20Grand Slam champion Mahesh Bhupathi, is josh — an unabashed impressed by Jeevan’s game, wanted to enthusiasm ready a writer. And a fine one at that. year-olds, those who live and love fiercely. all that now, guide him on the profor circuit. Butis that didand a gung hoThe triumph of this novel is its authenticity. Like any confident writer, Keegan is also unnessowing for allmainly that will not happen, to happen. technicalThe Opposite of The refrain “We’re so young. We’re so young” afraid to write of what she does not or may not Loneliness, by chasing Marina Keegan, reasons. Jeevan knows your ten-is a book throb- echoes through the work. Youth here is a know. Be it a 43-year-old woman who has just bing withatjosh and“The “a love for everything... be- thing of optimism and curiosity, of possibili- adopted a child and isn’t over the man she nis dreams comes a cost. hardest everything is so beautiful part aboutcause trying to graduate from semi- and so short”. ties and hopefulness. Keegan is plenty funny loved at 23 or the ‘deputy secretary of housing collection of essays investand stories is special and even ironic, but there isn’t an instance of and redistribution’ based in Baghdad. These pro to proThis tennis is the financial for many reasons. For one, its author is 22 jadedness in this collection. It is not surpris- are strong short stories, but do not share the ment. Without a proper support team, old. Two, its author diedI when she was ing that someone so eager about life would zest of the ones that deal with younger protagthe weeksyears can feel very long. So, in 2007, This posthumous work was decided to22. quit pro tennis for a while and a The New York ask the question ‘what is the opposite of lone- onists dwelling in college campuses. Timesmy bestseller and in Goodreads went to finish undergrad the US. I Choice Award liness’. She writes, “It’s not quite love and it’s The nonfiction in this collection could be 2014later for best nonfiction. came backWinner four years and found mynot quite community; it’s just this feeling that categorised under the single title ‘I want to unKeegan graduated magna cum laude from there are people, an abundance of people, derstand’. Keegan asks why humans care self performing better.” University 2012.forHer résumé al- who are in this together. Who are on your about whales when they make no bones about In India,Yale a tennis playerin hasMay to fend with to a list of achievements — team… I’m scared of losing the web we are in. scaling, gutting and seasoning thousands of himself —ready fromsparkled sponsorship tournaintern in The New Yorker’s fiction department, This elusive indefinable oppoment appearances. “Procuring sponsorsmaller fish with thyme and lemresearch to literary powerhouse Ha- site of loneliness. This feeling I ship for flight and assistant other expenses is not ons. In the delightfully named rold Bloom, president easy, especially because tennis ofisYale notCollege Demo- feel right now.” ‘Even Artichokes have Doubts’, crats. She had athe play that was widely followed outside slams. So, ifto be produced What is loneliness, after all, she tries to figure out why 25 per thenot Newhelping York Fringe sponsors at are the Festival playersand a job wait- than the dread that there is no The refrain “We’re so cent of Yale graduates will enter forlevel, her atit The New Yorker.toFive days after web, the fear that each of us is make it toing that is rhetorical the consulting or finance indusyoung. We’re so A toughher matchflotsam From finding flights and places to stay to workingechoes his way graduation, on her 55th birthday, wonder why India does not father’s see worldandcheap jetsam unconnecttry. She writes, “There’s someyoung” out of bad form,ed Jeevan his hands full onKeegan’s tours r ragu boyfriend were driving parents’ class talent in tennis.and Weshe celebrate medi- to her andhasunanchored? thing sad about so many of us through the work house. He fell asleep at the wheel. The car hit a short stories grapple with differocrity,” says Jeevan. entering a line of work in which and rolledtoover twice. He escaped ent kinds of loneliness, “I wouldguardrail never want anyone get into times jealous but little do they know I travwhether we’re not (for the most part) proKeegan died the spot. the sport unhurt. unless they have theondrive to to these difficult it is a college el student who has tocountries to collect ATP ducing something, or helping is impossible to review posthumous col- speak at her boyfriend’s play withoutIt expecting to make money points. Those weeks when all I do is travel memosomeone, or engaging in someOnly aobneedle the lections, especially a young adult, from the game. Only a needle that in theofhaysfrom the hotel to the court we’re passionate about.” Even while rialinor the estrangement of room a family thattennis is thing haystack of“just players jectively. As aAnne Fadiman, Adjunct Professor tack of players makes living out of playandenough back aretomonotonous. Theoronlyquotes silver from various people bog down this esfunctional be functional” makes of a living out of English at Yale, writes in the ing the sport,” he adds. Jeevan has wonintroduction lining, if you consider one, is the gold that of of a 60-something woman withthis “wilting say, her concern is shared by intellectuals and playing sport and varicose book, “High ontitles theirinposthumous pedes- thebreasts six singlesthe and 19 doubles the status on Star Alliance I earned from the veins”. academics across the board. tals,circuit the dead become hard to asee. Grief, deferprofessional so far and enjoyed flights one corner the Students ofmyriad journalism are from often advised to of In the last essay, ‘Song for the Special’, Keeence, effects of write what they career-best rank and of 293the last homogenizing year. In May, world to another.” WhenKeegan he is lonely, know. On one hand, ganJeewrites presciently, “Vaguely, quietly, we adulation the details, flatten the bumps, does exactly van he was ranked 213 inblur doubles. his USB. “It has documentaries that.turns ‘ColdtoPastoral’ — first pub- know we will be famous… I want tiny permasandaoff the sharp corners.” It is impossible to lished in It has been difficult journey, but one and movies then there inand September 2012are — ismy books. nents. I want gigantic permanents! I want read this work and wonder, ‘what would that has helped him grow. “Itnot is about perception. You Viber andshort WhatsApp help lot.” the finest story in theacollection. It teases what I think and who I am captured in an anKeegan have done had she lived what mature with the losses. I ask myself why amlonger, I playing the to In tennis world, there is no glamour and af- of indulgence I can comfortingly tuck lifeJeevan’s the ambiguities of young love, revealing thology she have written, what myself awardson would sport. Is itwould just to make money and judge wins fluence. It is a grind. There is definitely despair and how casualness is used to mask insecurities intohe a shelf in some labyrinthine library.” she haveenjoy won’.the Butjourney. even without conjecand losses? I must Over thethe years, the occasionally reflects onstand his decision to become a profesand how euphemisms in for emotions. In The Opposite of Loneliness Keegan found ture of me lostvaluable potential and the weight grief sional sport has taught lessons. Tennis hasof helped Yet,thethe journey compelling, continues. Bags are a gigantic permanence, and in her The plotplayer. is tight, characters herself clouding one’s judgement, this abook is re- packed, me mature as a human being first and then sportsperand it is time for thetonextwords flight readers will find the chance to fall in and withticket each confirmed read you find something new markable not because the author diedthe young son.” He has been around long enough to know ad- and court. a pro, he is game. smoke spliffs, love with everything. marvel at. As Keegan’s characters she lived years so well. vantages. but Evenbecause when his playing areKeegan behind once him, hold hands on the hoods of cars, play in is deputy (sports), ThemeanHindu nandini nair told atennis friend,will “I’vestill decided to beHea vijay Jeevan knows, give I’m himgoing options. bands,lokapally act on stage, beareditor tattoos whose

Gigantic permanents

A posthumous work that throbs with a love for everything… so beautiful and so short


The Opposite of Loneliness Marina Keegan Essays and Stories Simon & Schuster ₹1,400

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samuel borges photography/

saturday, june 13, 2015



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saturday, june 13, 2015

Rahul Gandhi’s Lonely Hearts Club Band

vineni and his collaborators describe Priya as a ‘superhero’, but her superpower is a moral one. The comic earnestly reminds readers that the courage to do what’s right lies within us, that we can all be agents of change even if we don’t have a friendly tiger to take us from place to place. Nevertheless, the vehicle of this message remains a limp, undeveloped story that gestures at the conventions of superhero comic books without fulfilling any of them. Though supposedly the core of the project, the comic narrative is threadbare and tacky, a gauzy veil drawn over the idealistic mission. It doesn’t help that the great selling point of Priya’s Shakti — its use of ‘augmented reality’ technology — is more a clunky distraction than a boon. Visitors to the gallery are invited to use an app on their smartphones to unlock y cousin Varun has published a book of po- a no-no for me to sing yeah-yeah-yeah. Not in hidden Parlia- multimedia treats in each page of the ems and let me tell you, it is atrocious. The ment, not at a press conference: they say the BJP and its book. Hold up a smartphone’s camera comic poetry is pretentious, dull, narcissistic and Sturmabteilung would counterattack, maybe bytosinga given page and you’ll see an army of white plain dull — like his mom’s speeches in the ing Varun-verse, a cappella. Big deal. Each time they perdots busy themselves about the image before Lok Sabha. Also, his poems contain no proper nouns. sonally attack me, it is more than obvious how rattled revealing something additional: an animaI really don’t see how anyone expects him to write real Modi has gotten. tion of the image, a link to an educational vidpoetry. Has he ever stopped at a pool of water and gazed In fact, I often think that Modi is in some ways aseo, loneaudio files of testimony from rape at his own reflection? He has no idea what ly as I am. After all, he too reads no books. survivors, an overlay about Hindu cosmology it is to feel that no one wants to make a He too prefers PowerPoint to government (Priya’s Shakti seems as committed to educatdeep connection with you, when people files. He too finds everyone around inghim non-Indians about Hinduism as it is intersee you as the idea of you they have in their clingy, annoying and self-serving. I want estedtoin advocating women’s rights), and so head, and not the real you that eats, lives, paraphrase Spiderman to Modi: Withforth. greatThere is some charm and resource in I often think that breathes, or goes to Thailand on holiday. power comes great responsibility — and al- of these revelations (Parvati assumes many Modi is in some ways He does not know the loneliness of beso, great loneliness. I also feel like telling the form of Kali and her eyes flash a menacing as lonely as I am. ing Rahul Gandhi. me but their novelty wears away quickly. purple), After all, he too reads him: ‘I am he as you are he as you are In fact, if he’s allowed to write bad poetand we are all together,’ as the Beatles sing interface, interminable buffering, and A fickle no books. He too ry I should be allowed to sing good songs. in I am the walrus. deathly black screens hobble the visual experiprefers power-point You know, like a troubadour on an endless I notice that Modi, like me, doesn’tence want more than they augment it. to government files padayatra. I would sing Beatles’ songs. For to be tied down by a wife. My mom gives Priya’s Shakti ends with small histories from instance, about our prime minister, I me grief about that. rape victims about their lives. Their narratives would sing (to Maxwell’s Silver Hammer): Thank god Modi’s mom is nothing arelike by far the most heartbreaking and powerBang-bang Modi’s silver hammer came my mom. Then he’d really know the ful meanpart of the comic sequence, but they have down upon Advani’s head, ing of loneliness. My mom just doesn’t get it: everyyou womwonder whether they deserve the indigniBang-bang Modi’s silver hammer made sure Vajpayee’s an I meet is not interested in me, but in Rahul Gandhi ty of sitting alongside all the ‘superhero’ guff. legacy was dead. the rich dynast. Through their eyes they sing: I’m looking To their credit, Devineni and his team are Yes, the Beatles were the greatest through you. heand celebrity Chinese artist Ai Weiwei I’m certain that if I sang their Look at Priyanka, my mom argues. She got married, once songs said that “any artist who not she has kids. Hmph. It just makes me want to sing, to the at an election rallyisthen an activist is a would dead artist.” Thismidis a tune of Lady Madonna: people not leave familiarway. demand, the hope that the art Imagine covering Sister Priyanka, children at your feet not seal itself fromearly the world instead graphit but “I wanna hold Wonder how Robert Vadra manages to make ends meet ple with its turmoil andhand”: absurdity. But is the your Who gets the money, when DLF pays the rent reverse true? Can artOh make the work of activyeah, I’ll tell you Did you think that money was Corporation Bank sent? ists more meaningful, more alive? something That’s not the end of my mom’s nagging. Go meet Ram Devineni wasI think in Delhi in cent the aftermath 34 per of the elec- non-BJP leaders, she says, for an alliance may be the only of the barbaric 2012 that brought way to dethrone Modi. I dunno; I look at Lalu, can’t bring torategang-rape will understand, sexual and gender-based violence to the fore myself to chew tobacco with him, much less spit it out at When I say that something in India. Enraged by the apathy and I want a vote for thecasual Hand mi- Sharad Yadav’s garlanded photo. sogyny he saw around he the joined I want ahim, vote for Handin the Go to Dr Manmohan Singh, she says. He was PM for 10 immense struggleI want of promoting a vote for theawareness Hand years and is a wise and clever man. He can offer valuable and changing attitudes abouteven rape.sing Priya’s I could for advice for whatever next issue I take up against Modi. Shakti is at once a comic book, a public art inthe BJP: The phool on But when I go over to his house he utters not a word. I Augmented apps multimediaattreats stallation, an exercise in social market- wonder themedia hill. Instead, if he’sbites stillSmartphone angry I tore upunlock his ordinance a ral-on the pages of Priya’s Shakti courtesy ram devineni ing replete with Twitter hashtags, and an the two Singhs — ly. His silence makes me feel lonely. And when I ask him ‘augmented reality’ digital experience. dess reveals Priya’s abuse like to the god Shiva, Kanishka and about something specific, farmers’ suicides not or the restricting the project to a niche exhibiLaunched at the end of 2014, it is now who acquisition with typicalbill, absolutism Digvijaya — enin- land he sings: decides that all tion in a New York gallery. They want to take sconced for a few months in the City Lore will me no longer be able to have Priya and the augmented reality experience sisttiny it would be human Pleasebeings don’t wake gallery on the Lower East Side of New York City. children, unleashing a period of des- across India and into many languages apart No don’tthereby shake me Most of the international peration Leave me where I am and chaos on Earth. Par- from English. Most compellingly, they have media attention lavished on the vati is annoyed at her husband painted public murals in Delhi and Mumbai I’m only sleeping. project has focused on its very (“He doesn’t realise that rapethan is You So our meetings are not much more andsay plan to have hundreds more around Inworthy moral impetus and amof violence and domina- dia, all boasting a resolute Priya and her tiger. Goodbye, and an I sayact Hello. bitions. It goes without saying She rides from The tion… it cannot point of all this is thattruly therebeisopposed nowhere to turn, Passersby can raise their smartphones at village that Priya’s Shakti is urgent, necwith of for thefriendship, same!”) and formore advice, for personal these murals and delve into graphical and into village... anowhere roving, to go essary, and hugely noble. But as forces to why relent. for love.him That’s theEventually, Beatles mightformational sing: overlays about rape, women’s pedagogicalconnection, Durga an artistic (and not just politishe reveals He’s a real Nowhere Man herself to Priya, rights, and helpful NGOs. Many people, howcal) endeavour, it remains open sheLand inspires to become a ever, will not have the right equipment or netSitting in hiswhom Nowhere to criticism. No armour of piecampaigner around the issue of work connection to access the ‘augmented Making all his Nowhere Plans for Nobody. ties can shield it from its aesthetrape andofgender-based violence. reality’ of this public art. One can only hope Doesn’t have a point view, ic failings. Parvati’s allows Priya to, to “find her shak- that the unaugmented reality is enough and knows mantra not where he’s going At the heart of Priya’s Shakti is a short and ti”,Isn’t which theme? form of a tiger that that, as a symbol of the struggle against sexual he amanifests bit like youinand rather flimsy comic book. Each page is blown sheNow rides from village to village like a roving, you know why there’s no loneliness like theviolence, lone- Priya transcends her comic origins. up and displayed in sequence along the walls liness pedagogical Durga. of being Rahul Gandhi? (‘Priya’s Shakti Augmented Reality Art Exhibiof the gallery (also available online via a free The message is simple and entirely just: vic- tion’ runs till July 31, 2015 at City Lore, New York) is the co-author formerand R&AW chief AS Dulat’s download). In her divine refuge up on Mount aditya tims of sinha rape should feel no of shame should I am he No.1 single, Congress Kashmir: The Vajpayee Years, which is being published next tharoor is the author of Swimmer Among memoir, kanishk Kailash, Parvati hears the prayers of a village be allowed to find the strength within themvice-president Rahul Gandhi kamalhas narang woman, Priya, who been raped. The god- month selves (their shakti) to protest their abuse. De- the Stars: Stories

When people see you as the idea of you that they have in their head, and not the real you that eats, lives, breathes, or goes to Thailand on holiday


Stigma-slaying Q comic goddess R

An art project that aims to change the conversation around rape is noble in intention, but no armour of pieties can shield it from its aesthetic failings



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saturday, june 13,13, 2015 saturday, june 2015

Sounds of silence Three national awards and numerous evergreen songs were not enough to save composer Jaidev from rejection by the Hindi film industry


uccess, it is said and believed, is a lonely road. maestro Ali Akbar Khan. Jaidev assisted Khan in NavkeFailure lonelier. Underachievement is probably tan’s third film, Aandhiyaan (1952). He played the sarod the loneliest of all. and the surmandal (harp), especially for background Hindi film songs have been highly imagina- scores. When director Chetan Anand left Navketan to go tive in plumbing the potential of loneliness. Filmmak- solo with Joru Ka Bhai (1955), Jaidev was his choice for ers and lyricists have been sold to songs of composer. However, Chetan’s films, in spite of brilliant lonesomeness. For Kidar Sharma, it was the musing Kab- music, especially in the inordinately delayed Kinare Kihi tanhaiyon mein (Hamari Yaad Aayegi, 1961) for a lost nare (1963), fared miserably. It is not known whether JaiWet behind the ears past. Rajinder Krishan’s Phir wohi shaam, wohi gham, wo- dev’s decision to assist SD Burman went against him, as Once in the audition hi tanhai hai (Jahan Ara, 1964) forever married the eve- Hum Dono (1961), the only project he did independently room, things can go ning with loneliness. Majrooh fused tanha into a for Navketan, remained his last film with the Anands — pretty awry, rather suspense romance in Kitni akeli kitni tanha si lagi in Ta- both Chetan and Dev. This despite the undying popularsoon gp sampath kumar lash (1969). Sahir’s Kiska rasta dekhey... barson hain tanhai ity of the songs from the Dev Anand-Nanda-Sadhna starMANJH KHAMAJ (Joshila, 1973) was nothing short of a suicide rer — Abhi na jao chhod kar, ke dil abhi bhara note of a depressed man. ‘Tanhai’ was alnahin is just one example. His partnerso an opportunity for a naughty getaship with Sunil Dutt and Ajanta way, as Hasrat Jaipuri showed Arts, which started off on a posibeautifully in Ye tanhai hai re hai jaane tive note with Mujhe Jeene Do (1963), failed to survive the phir aaye na aaye, thaam lo baahen in winds of change as Reshma aur Tere Ghar ke Saamne (1963). Gulzar’s Shera (1971) flopped. philosophy of the loner came forth Luck, as always, had a deciwith the lines Apni tanhai ka auron sive and rather cruel part to se na shikwa karna in Kinara (1977) play in Jaidev’s story. Ved Rain the antara of Jaane kya sochkar hi’s Pyaasi Aurat, renamed nahi guzra. Prem Parvat (1973), which had At the turn of the ’80s, infidelity one of the most well-known discarded its garb of decency as a songs of the ’70s (Yeha dil aurOnce un- in the room, things can go pretty awry, n ongoing music wife watched her husband walking in- reality show on quite a departure from the norm. Normally, arunabha deb to a party arm-in-arm ki by nigahon ke saaye) with- soon. In the radio competition, the parBengali withtelevision his mis- has a ‘classical’ maestro is accompanied his disciple (Mai-sankrather out a trace. So the did Aalingan (1974), cannot see the judges; their voice along with ‘folk’ and tra and Khan were not tress. Can someone category, answer Kaifi Azmi’s even from same ticipant which had thetheradio Many classical musicians gharana). Maitra always question Koi ye kaise‘light’. bataye ke who tanha considered Alla- favourite comes through a speaker. A friend of mine Pyaasmilestone thi phir bhiintakaza kiya,in with a devastating Nayaki Kanada preand aficionados kyon hain (Arth, 1982)? Into in theKolkata are upset; in time- habad recital as a significant his na went a film where hepared; was but playing too well can backfire. After fashion, their reasons are unclear. life in music. mid-’90s, honoured skimpy Urmiforced to take on In the thick la Matondkar was of a heated discussion, the best I Many Hindustani musicians have found he finished, one voice said, “So we’ve heard a Pyarelal as anraga. How about a morning raga?” The gather is that there are two prickly is- recognition through competitions. In anything could but tanthe night assistant. ha as the sues: coun-classical music is being compromised by early 20th century, Vishnu Digambar Paluskar friend started playing Bhairav, but he wasn’t Even as smallplacing it in a TRP-seeking competitive format and Vishnu Narayan Bhatkhande brought try swooned well-prepared. He played a short vilambit proand classical music is being presented in a ‘ri- Hindustani music out of feudal patronage bytime to her Tanha and was about to go on to the drut, when a diculous’ setting. The second point holds true building music institutes and encouragingducers tanha yahan pe jeena, voice said, “You have not played the antara in directo the extent set to Mehboob’s (notthat to the setting could be deemed the middle class to engage with Hindustaniandthe vilambit.” He had forgotten the antara of tors inane any context, not be confused withinMehboob Khan, thejust classical music: music. Music competitions the bandish, so he made one up dipankar were stayed the flippant banter (1995). of the host, the pithy ‘sto- a natural extension of this demfilmmaker) lyrics in Rangeela on the spot and played it. Just as away from Jaidev. ries’ ofwent the contestants, thethe circus costumes. ocratising process. Students Javed Akhtar Tanhayee along he was about to start the drut, the Though he (and came back to prominence But that theChahta way of most TV shows now — de- without musical Tasman coast in isDil Hai (2001) lineage voice said, “Could we hear the anwith Sain’s Gharonda (1977) and Muzsigned tono testIT,the limitsisof one’s embarrass- connections in showing that IT or nobody above theBhim music fratertara one more time?” He obviousOften, students who zaffar Ali’s Gaman associit is hypocritical in where loneliness.ment. MuchAlso, as ‘tanhai’ is part of of theaficionados nity) found the competitions an (1978),goJaidev’s ly did not remember what he had on to become In a field with festival Hrishikeshexcellent Mukherjee (Alaap, to havethe spartan of classi-is measured storyline, Bengal does it reflect personexpectations writing effective wayations to attract made up the first time. At that performers success 1977) or Basu Chatterjee (Tumhare Liye, 1978) programmes. The sartorial of organisers. them? Or cal the person composing the tune?sensibility The competition ormoment he knew he would have don’t perform very by commerce, and didIndia not bring success. He never Bengali classical artistes, particularly the men, Anyone who has read or heard of composganised by All Radiohim con-much to return the following year. well in competitions only commerce, the preferred composer for any borders on lunacy: fully-embroidered-brighter Jaidev Varma — better known as just Jaitinues to became be the most Often, students who go on to Jaidev’s creativity goodofor bad, even when the pink-kurta-black-churidar-gold-chain-golddev — would go with the latter. —filmmaker, with winners become excellent performers found fewprestigious takers is par for much the course. Jaidev’sbracelet life story reads like the each region misfortune competing ofinfilms the hardly had anything to don’t perform very well in comdo with music. He was the only Hindi The first objection — presenting classical national finals. script of a black-and-white film that tells of Thethe national petitions. Just like the brightest film composer of hisempanelled time to receivestudent three in class is not always the best exammusicprotagonist, in a competitive format — is more star- winners automatically a melancholic either pining become awards. Curious as it may theBut there are exceptions. I still rememtling. The grumbling for his love or battling terminalpurists illnessoften or forget that artistes on Allnational India Radio — a position that is be, taker. same is theobtained numberthrough of his films which were a Shyam Kalyan played by Suhail Yusuf have played significant in otherwise poverty. Incompetitions a field where success is ameasured byrole coman arduous audi-declared ber the hit, from a list of 40-odd titles. the history of Hindustani music andfound that stalmerce, and only commerce, Jaidev’s creativity few tion process. Khan (sarangi wizard, also part of Advaita) at Today, the songs for whichtoJaidev remembered havenot been involved in them, boththat as takers. Hiswarts life was one of penury. But one It is quite an experience walkisinto the theare AIR final in 2005; the audience knew that steepedroom’ in loneliness. it Ek akela is sheher (Ghajudges and participants. The one organised by ‘green lacked appreciation from the very people he worked at any ofBethe competition ven-meinthey were listening to a future maestro. If I reronda), Seenefrighteningly mein jalan, aankhon mein toofan kyon correctly, that final had been telecast with yes. the All India Music Conference in Allahabad ues. Theor scene resembles that of sa member hai examination or Aap ki yaadcentre aati rahi bhar (both was one with of the premier pre-Independence In an interview Ameen Sayani, the grand old an in raat a school. Therefrom are Gaman). on Doordarshan. Would it not have been wonMaybe hiswho life followed the dichotomy by Sa-if it had been telecast on a channel that competitions. In 1937,that thehecompetition man of radio, Jaidev explained didn’t marrywitin the geeks keep practising the mostexpressed diffi- derful hir Ludhianvi Kabhithey khudare pecalled kabhi halaat pe rona aayapeople watch? nessed a historic event. balance. Twenty-year-old order to have a proper work-life What heRadhicare- cult taans just in before on; there more Jaidev lived and died on thecasualfringes of Bollyka Mohan Maitra (who was aunsure zamindar from fully avoided was that he was probably of his ca- (Hum are theDono). champions of disaffection who I am delighted that a mainstream television much like his own composition from Ki- — and not a ‘classical only’ contest — that time, the sarod pability toRajshahi sustain aatfamily withnot the quite transient naturelegof wood, ly go through a phrase or two; and, at least in Kinare contest Chale ja rahe hain, mohabbat maare,a kinare kinare, he would become) in the success heend achieved in his career. stood 'Whenfirst he died in com1987, nare: Kolkata, there is the mother with aketowel, ba- has included ‘classical’ as a competitive caterahe hain. bottle, intently sizing up her gory. When it comes to forums for discovering Ustad Alauddin Khan straight was one to of the chale at the agepetition. og 68, his body was brought nana ja and a water judges and also scheduled to perform as child’s competition. The most commonly new classical musicians, more the merrier, crematorium from thewas hospital. Like a destitute’s. anirudha bhattacharjee, a Kolkata-based musician, (non-competitive, of overheard Jaidev’spart pathof tothe the same musicfestival industry was chequered. He question is “How many hours do and bigger the better. balaji vittal, a If Hyderabad-based authors of R.D. course). was so impressed with Maitra’s debuted in films asHe a child actor, an attempt which did you practise?” the answer isprofessional, anything are more arunabha deb is a Kolkata-based music writer second Mera Burman: The Man, Music. Their playing thatcareer. he asked younginzamindar to than not add value to his Histhe training music was ‘four’, theThe follow-up query is book, “ArtsGata or Rahe and lawyer Dil: 50 classic Hindi film songs, is releasing this month play alongside him at in the recital. Thissarod was Commerce?” continuous though, culminating a stint under

More the merrier

Grumbling purists often forget that competitions have played a significant role in the history of Hindustani music and the stalwarts have been both judges and participants






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Splinter of ice in the heart

Cross to bear An Indian woman, especially a poor woman, shoulders an unforgiving burden, and rightly finds a place in an anthology of women’s writing

As a ghostwriter I will never have my name on the cover. I will never go to the book launch. But far from being a painful experience, it makes perfect sense

kr deepak

E Freedom is another word

rnest Hemingway’s statement: “Writing at its what I aim for. Other times, it goes beyond a bodily tirebest is a lonely life” is hard to disagree with. dness, it’s a tangible loneliness, so I need to see a friendly When people ask me what I do for a living, I al- human face. ways have to explain myself. One of my best friends lives around the corner, and “I am a ghostwriter.” thankfully she is also a freelancer so we’ll arrange to “A ghost what?” meet nearby. As a good friend, she absorbs my babbling “A ghostwriter. It means I write books for other and need to talk like a sponge. Almost exhausted I stop, people.” conscious all I have done is talk about myself. To date I have written 12 books including four Sunday “Not seen anyone all day?” she laughs. Times bestsellers. They cover genres including celebrity “All week more like!” I reply. memoir, socialn the history, misery memoir. Misery way ofand so many contemporary mar- should Having deadline in a bookismanuscript nota only exist to buthand be necessary a ends.” While in another, she writes of her memoirs, for those who don’t know, stories which fo- means riages, this week myare wife is out of the a constant feeling of being behind with daughter: homematter of abiding shame. “Clutching your baby hands in my cus on the author’s unhappy childhood. country on a business trip and I’m in sole work. If IZaidi, am not I am feeling Annie thewriting, poet and writer whoguilty. has My fistfirst / I hold the future in my debt forever / AntaThe process of ghostwriting with an interview. charge of our begins 16-month-old daughter, book was JadeUnbound, Goody’sadmits eagerlyin anticipated Foreverra, in in Myan instant you have filled all time / By put together her introducI sit downteething, and I askcranky, questions, keeping events chronoand unconcerned about her Heart andshe it was on Amazon as the number one tion that usedlisted to dismiss what she called your grace I am coeval with the earth today.” logical. Writing openly on a notepad can be off putting, father’s imperative to read and write, to make Hot Pick, meaning on the publication it was likely to go to ‘kitchenized’ fiction, domestic settings Children, husbands, chores, these are at as is turning with reams questions, quitelike oftensoI the hisup deadline for of this review. so Prone, of the chart. as Buttypical at thatofmoment this potential thattop critics dismiss dull novels once vivifying and deadening. Too often make it upmany as I go along, recording everything on a tape men, to self-pity, I think — at 2.40am, as number one bestseller, which papers al- it’s the latter. An Indian woman, espewritten by women. “It took menational over a year of were though machine. my Talking is therapeutic. I have to re- ready daughter cavorts to her ownlistened strange Circatryingreading to buy the serialwriters rights for, was half-written exclusively women to realise cially a poor woman, shoulders an unforgivmarkable dian stories including childConnolly’s abuse, line how deep pulse — of theterrible critic Cyril on my pressure is on! andlaptop. strong The the roots of my own bias ing burden. As the Tamil novelist and former tales of rags to riches and stories publishers about there being “no more sombre enemy of were and howOnce theour edits are done, the draft can be foolish undermining of ‘doIAS officer P Sivakami, who founded a political like to callgood ‘Triumphing tragedy’. art thanover the pram in the hall”. Not that mestic’ fiction.” handed to the publisher. it in-in 2009, writes of a character: “AnandIf Connolly was beingRarely clever,doesparty In his book Confessionthe ofartist a Ghostwriter I’m confusing with the jobbing hack, facetious, withvolve a face-to-face meeting, everything is his pram in the hall observahayi could not help feeling bitter. She was fed fellow ghost Andrew Crofts quotes Graor conflating the creativity required to write, tion (few malevia email or the let phone. No writer ed- life. She was reduced to being just a writers have a baby take likes up with ham Greene’s every writerof book review- precedence over withdescription the shoddyofcharlatanry its.their A ghostwriter sets to deal to her children.” Or, as in Anita Agniwork), you has can two undermother needing aing. “splinter of ice in thethat heart” But I understand family is a drag. stand why a writer with, like thoseKrishna of the editor then the Au- ‘Why Does That Girl Trudge Across?’, in Sobti and might hotri’s and there’s some truth in responsibility this. That domestic is a drag. That echo his sentiment. thor. Zaidi Edits writes involve hours alone, a man is watching a young woman that Sobtisitting be- which I have sat listened dry-eyed — asare the things lieves that “families the and things required to write scrolling and down, down and up, andup marriages crossing a bridge: “One look at someone that has parents described being raped as a don’t have were anti-art, of very young children changing copy “Yet,” you’ve re-read over one anti-writing”. the figure and he knows she’s child or the moment they of found — time and space one’stheir own.fatimes. Zaidi adds, “ithundred is marriage and famin an advanced state of pregther dead from a heartreading attack on a kitchen Women the above paragraph ily that form the Once theoffinal basis herversion own is done, the Author nancy. She has a load on her That such a volume floor — as would nobodybewants ghostrighttotosee rolltheir their eyes. “This wom- writing.” finally reads the manuscript. Fortunately head, a child on her hip. Pershould not only exist writer crying. subjective is part an’s Remaining world,” as Kate Bush sang, “ooh Iit’s hardget anI’m forI understand me, with almost not sure Zaidi’sall of my books they haps it’s asleep or can’t walk might email but be necessary is a of my job on before I go home andWoolf, write in it up, a man”. Virginia A Roomfrom of One’s very happy. ‘yet’ — Sobti have isn’t been suggesting that At this point I might yet... Yes, today the temperthe publisher matter of shame feeling a heady mix of wonder andaspriviOwn, notes that woman created by getfamily an email the publisher to say they are from not worature is about 47 degrees centitomale say theymarriage like it and lege at being a confidante. writers is a “very queer, composite being”. This like it too, is where the accolades thy subjects for art but and thatthis womgrade. Why else would the baby too, and this is This could be a looms lonelylarge feeling, carrying creature in the male imagination, end. en who are begin artistsand may find that be lifeless like that?” where the accolades someone else’s they are quick- she isbegin Woolftroubles, remarks,but but: “practically com- and neverare haveconmy name on the cover. I marriages andI will family What pleasure there is to be end ly released on theinsignificant. page. And I always repletely She pervades poetry straints, obstacles will never the book launch or found, get in- fleetingly in food, say, or sex, it is taken they go willtohave to overcome member they notto my troubles dwell fromare cover cover; she istoall but absent from to do their work. vited to an event if the book is nominated at the risk of social censure or violence. This is on. My jobhistory... is to listen and of then write. Some the most inspired words, for from an award. Unless they scour the In an extract the 19th-century Bengali not acto say that Unbound is hundreds of pages Each book requires around 30 hours of some of the most profound thoughts in litera- writer Rassundari knowledgements at the will backfind of theofbook, Devi, the reader misery and drudgery. I counted 106 writers interviews. I interview, andcould type, or ture fall fromthen her lock lips;myself in realaway life she Googlefor mySobti’s website nobody will have written evidence belief. Trying toknow teach Iherrepresented in the anthology, ranging from before interviewing forcould the next chapter. Theand deadline is it. hardly read, scarcely spell, was the from being painful experience, per-writing in Pali to the already celebrated selfBut to far read, Devi has asmuggled a page outitofmakes poets always just a few months away, there is no time to pro- fect property of her husband.” Without the Author’s there is nolikes bookof Mahasweta Devi and Arundhati Roy. the sense. Chaitanya Bhagavata into story the kitchen crastinate orFreedom, feel lonely now. Losttoinwriters, a sea ofhas words so essential beenon so and standing thethere (sometimes) shadows comes (where else?): in “But was neverlonely any time to Inevitably, there is humour, lust, rage, joy, the screenwithheld I don’t even what room I am has in, even fromnotice women that writing per- alook sense promotional tours meansgreed, no at- shame, the entire panoply of human at of it. security. I finishedNo cooking very late in the less so if anyone is in it with me.of rebellion, each word tention force become a kind of the good badthe kind. Only once, as I heard my But, as a man reading this book, my night. After that wasorover, children started emotion. Once the interviews are over,a the returns to Author written by a woman toolAuthor employed to free on other. the radio theitopening chapwakingreceive up, onepraise after the Andfor then was overwhelming impression from Unbound was their ordinary life and the real process of writing ter otherdaily women trapped behind the wallpaper. of his first book, I bristle little,tobefore pandemonium! Onedid says, Ma, I aneed pee, I smiled of a cri de coeur, a defiant insistence that, to for the ghost should I say Thisbegins. is whyOr something so re-writing. seemingly Mainly normalI and thought: ‘JobIwell done then’. another says, Ma, am hungry, and yet another adapt a phrase, women’s lives matter. type at home my kitchen, but inwriting winter it can andinnatural as women for asbecome long as says, As Ma, the take publicity gear, I’ll sit at put, it would be a better world if an me onmachine your lap,kicks whileinto someone Simply too cold. In January 2014,writing I wrotestill up most The Race to home there has been needsof special treatby myself, quietlybawling.” reading the reviews online, else wakes up and starts anthology such as Unbound was not necessary, Truth: Blowing theneeds whistle on Lance Armstrong and ment, awards dedicated only to cycling’s women pleased and relieved to have thewrites job. The weight The poet Nabaneeta Devfinished Sen also was not essential, but was to seem as absurd as doping culture, by Emma O’Reilly, underlike my Unbound, duvet. writers, and needs projects an of the book is now lifted offconflicted my ghostly shouldersanand I about the mother-artist’s feelings. anthology of 2,000 years of Indian men’s While inadmirably the flow four hours passto barely Buta am earnest effort anthologise happy to disappear off like onto“Whirling the next project. In one poem children are tops writing. at some point tiredness creeps and I 2,000 must Get Out. single, relatively slim in volume years of inside my brain / Leaping clapping shrieking is athe journalist ghostwriter Fresh air works a brisk walk, hour a day is shannon Indiansometimes, women’s writing. That an such a volume creaking /kyle Upon rustyand springs of my nerve shougat dasgupta is a freelance journalist

An anthology of women’s writings which is an admirably earnest effort and proves that anything can make for literature


Unbound 2,000 years of Indian Women’s Writing Edited by Annie Zaidi Aleph Non-fiction ₹595



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saturday, june 13,13, 2015 saturday, june 2015


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saturday, june 13,13, 2015 saturday, june 2015

The incompatible sullenness of being

marks, which was published in March this year. The book was partly inspired by a lexicography of Gaelic words from the Hebrides that the author was gifted. This includes specific terms for, for example, “a slender moorstream obscured by vegetation such that it is virtually hidden from sight” (caochan); “the shadows cast on the moorland by clouds moving across the sky on a bright and windy day” (rionnach maoim); and, a particular favourite, èit, which refers to “the practice of placing quartz stones in streams so that they sparkle in moonlight and thereby attract salmon to them in the late summer and autumn.” Macfarlane thought “…that it might be worth assembling some of this terrifically fine-grained vocabulary — and releasing it back into imaginative circulation, as a way to rewild our language.” He put out a call for peotiut vladut/shutterstock ple to send in their ‘place words’ and was thrilled at the response: “They came by letter, email and telephone, scribbled on postcards ON THE SHELF or yellowed pre-war foolscap, transcribed from cassette recordings of Suffolk longshoremen made half a century ago, or taken from hand-sketched maps of Highland hill country and island coastlines.” Landmarks is a lovely book to dip in and out of. You’ll learn that there is a specific term for the thin film of ice that forms on leaves, twigs and grass when a freeze follows a partial thaw causing the whole landscape to glitter (ammil); or that the onomatopoeic word for the sound made by a covey of partridges taking Breaking flight — at least inaway Devon — is zwer. But it’s not Instead of remaining just about enjoying the innate poetry of the married only on language. For Macfarlane and others, at the paper, we decided to heart of the whole dictionary debacle, is a vital wilfully break the issue: perhaps the first issue, if the Bible pattern even of is to be believed — the importance of naming. comfortable shutterstock That in loneliness the act of naming something — of few months ago, a new edition of dren played in natural areas a generation ago, knowing the right word for something — our OxfordinJunior Dictionary (OJD) he greatestthe distance the world is the one be- only 10 per centflee do today. Thisother is thenhuman linked to ue, we would towards beings. For relationship to that thing is fundamentally published. Notwondering exactly an earthtween an was unhappy couple what endemic problems ofwe childhood those two-three hours would feelobesity, normal,Atsometimes changed. Language allows us to see differentshattering I know, but they are still doing inevent a relationship that one has tention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, antisoeven happy. I would look across the room and seely. theOnce ex he learned that the gap in a hedge whose aftershocks werehope severe to be cial collapsed without any of enough resurrection. behaviour, friendlessness and like fear.he had cracking a joke, laughing. It didn’t seem for-by the regular passage of a small animal made across broke the UK,up, and perhaps even across the Naturalist Before myfelt marriage like any rational, optimisRose, who first gotten howLaurence to do these things. Thenhighlightwhy was there wasthe called a ‘smeuse’, Macfarlane started to English-speaking world. ‘Shocking and poorly tic individual who had tied the knot, I tried staying in it, ed the dictionary issue andhouse? also spearheaded silence of graveyards in our At the end of the par- smeuses more often. The other day, a notice considered,’ was the some; wishing for the unhappiness to verdict drop theof‘un’, the others cracks the letter-writing called the ty, like people whocampaign, carpool every day, wenew wouldfriend sharewas telling me about how the rhynes on described it as ‘alarming.’and What it that the to miraculously heal themselves thewas problems to OJD “a lexicography forout theof increasingly interithe taxi, each looking our respective windows, a her father’s farm were drained in order to linguistic ofthe Oxford University Press or, disintegrate withoutboffins a sign of impasse we had come solitary andaway urbanised (today’s chil- orbiting million miles from world each other, planets make one, big tractor-friendly field. Now I (OUP) had done to provoke an life. outcry? to. It was perhaps the loneliest periodsuch of my I felt I dren) inhabit rather than separate spheres, perhaps evenenthused galaxies. with know that on the Somerset levels, the land is was thatplay. they had dropped had walked It into thenot wrong I didn’t know mysome lines words to describe a world they The biggest saviour during that time of despair was scored with these traditional wordson and others — strange after all,actor theywho are have and I was stuck theadded stage with this to explore.” work.yet At least there I knew I was efficient and doing well. channels to help irrigate the land dictionary it’s what they do. It was not didn’t seem to know editors, his either. The OUP editors’ responses to I could fix problems, resolve tricky situaand lessen chances of flooding, I evengothe of words sit themselves We would to list restaurants, across that had these accusations tions,seem make rather my colleagues laugh, even be see them too. A dictionary “should up in arms, but rather what their addi- limp and pedantic. each otherpeople with nothing to say. We would dicthe life“All andour soul of a party. After the day’s Without words to name their seek to help shape or deletion signified. look at thetion walls, other people, our phones, I quietened down tionaries are designed to reflect toil was done, I was like a clown who natural surroundings, what a lot children’s Here are the words excised: acorn, and finally when oursome gazeofwould rest on language as it is used, rather would take off the red nose and wipe the chance is there that our children during that time, read understanding of the colt, cowslip, cygnet, doe, dandelion, each otherbluebell, we would wonder who this perthan seeking make-up to prescribe cer-a face in limbo, one that to reveal will care about the birds, animals more books, listened world, not just to gerbil, heron, kingfisher, son acrossferret, the table was.hazelnut, We would read the tain and, words orwears wordsadness usages. like We second skin. and plants that are so rapidly disto alark, lot of jazz mirror its trends” newt,on otter, piglet, pansy, starling, menu likemagpie, a book, insist holding onto it employ extremely rigorous ediThis period of holding on when there appearing from our world? That occasionally, asked weasel, and willow. even afterthrush, we had placed the order, as a guidelines determining wasinnothing had a strange kind of emptithey will care about them so him to passtorial the salt are some of conversations the ones added: analogue, which words ness. shield fromHere meaningless (can) The be included time for anger and accusation much that they will fight for bulletour point, blog, broadband, biodegradable, in each dictionary, that amplified disconnection. based on had passed. It sevwas waking up daily to an their survival? chat endangered, If eithercelebrity, one of us gotroom, a phone call, we MP3 player eral criteria: acknowledging the current fre- to have incredible tiredness that seemed Will buttercups vanish just because they’re and voicemail. would answer it almost joyfully, irrespecquency of words in daily language children taken control of the of whole house. not I quielisted in the OJD? Obviously not (and anyYou can going. tive of who it was atsee thewhere other this end.isIt’s the only time in of thatdown age; acorpus analysis; acknowledging tened lot during that time, read more books, way,listhey’re there in OUP’s other dictionaries). authors, poets, my life that Twenty-eight I have engaged patiently with illustrators, a rambling commonly misspelled oroccasionally, misused words; and tened to a lot of jazz and, asked him to pass But if you don’t know that is what that combroadcasters including service centre executiveand whonaturalists tried to offer me a 50Sara per taking the salt. curriculum requirements into ac- mon yellow meadow-flower is called, or that Maitland, Margaretoverpriced Atwood, Richard Maybey, cent discount on a television by 200 per cent. count.” Former laureate Andrew We could havepoet spent our entire lives Motion in this incompatthe furry flowering spike of a willow is called a Helen Macdonald Ruth remains At least heAndrew hung upMotion, happy and confident this and customer unconvinced: — that hadcatkin, ible sullenness of being.“Their A fewdefence of our friends done or that that’s a ferret and not a weasel, wrote to the OUP asking them to recon- lots would bitePadel the bait. children have no experience thehappiness that. of They had built individual lives, gotof their you lose the ability to focus, to distinguish, to sider. “We baseorthis plea onarrived, two consideraWhen an anniversary a birthday I would countryside — is ridiculous. Dictionaries exist from other sources and operated as if they were particularise. alone. Things slip from the specific to tions,” states. “Firstly, the beliefwish that to look at the date the withletter dismal discontent. I would our knowledge, as much (oronmore) Theextend only place they were married was paper. the generic — they exist only in our peripheral nature and culture have been linked him a happy-whatever-day like a trained robot from or an the au- as We, theyhowever, do to confirm we already know or chosewhat deliberately, wilfully and despervision, barely noticed. “To use language well is beginnings of our history. For the first time evtomatic e-mail greeting from a spectacle company. It half-know.” He and other of signatories thinkloneliness. ately to break the the pattern comfortable to use it particularly,” says Macfarlane. “Precier,impossible that link isto incelebrate danger ofanything, becoming was almost forunravelspecial that dictionary like seekgoing to help Why,ayou may ask. If this you “should are anyway to besion alone of utterance as both a form of lyricism to thejoy, detriment of society, culture, and occasionsled, demand enthusiasm and love, and all of shape of the At world, isn’t itchildren’s better to understanding be so in a marriage? least, there and aisspecies of attention.” In today’s world, thehad natural Secondly, childhood these things run environment. dry. For my birthday I switched off not just toatmirror someone home.its Totrends.” that, I would answer ‘No’. Itwhere is not attention deficit particularly among is for undergoing profound some of this better my phone, I really didn’t wantchange; anybody squealing As a for naturalist andare writer, Robert Macfarwhen you alone, on your own, there is has reached epidemic proportions, children is negative; decline inand children’s ‘Happy Birthday.’ Likeand anthe old,rapid disgruntled embit- lane years words that de- we can use all the attention excess we can get. hope.has Forspent him and forgathering me. connections to nature is atomajor problem.” tered cynic I thought what is there be ‘happy’? scribe the natural world. He was spurred on by anita roy is a writer, editor and publisher arathi is the of Leaving withhis Half a Fridge: The letter cites Meeting other people wasresearch always awhich savingestablishes grace. We the OJDmenon debacle toauthor collate what Home he calls published by India How to Survive aas Divorce Happily, whereas 40 per Once cent of country’s would go that to a party together. wethe reached the chilven- ‘word-hoard’ a single volume entitled

The sense of not belonging in a marriage is like being in a play where the chief actors have forgotten their lines

Deleting a worldview

Acorn and magpie exit the Oxford Junior Dictionary and in come MP3 player and voicemail. Telltale signs of the changing landscape for our children

anita roy






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takeaway cover

saturday, june 13,13, 2015 saturday, june 2015

Wherever go, Birds of aIfeather HE goes

At Yerette, a charming hilltop house in Port of Spain, hundreds of hummingbirds flock together to sate their sweet cravings

Being the sibling of a person with special needs is not easy. But a 14-yearold boy looks past the challenges and embraces his twin brother as his hero

Travel log Getting there

There are no direct flights from India to Trinidad & Tobago. Fly Mumbai/Delhi/ Chennai to London/Miami/New York, and onward to Port of Spain (island of Trinidad). Stay

The Hilton Trinidad Hotel & Conference Centre ( trinidad-and.../hilton-trinidad.../ index.html). Sightseeing

Yerette: Tours take place three times a day; cost $25 per head, inclusive of coffee and a meal; visits are by appointment only; e-mail: For an all-island trip, hire Sensational Tours ( Tip

Trinidad & Tobago enjoy mild, pleasant temperatures through the year. To avoid the monsoon, visit between December and early June. Garden state (clockwise from above) The lush greens at Yerette; owners Theo and Gloria kiran mehta; a feathered visitor trinidad & tobago tourism

christin lola/shutterstock


he tiny Caribbean islands of TriniAs I entered Yerette, I found a barrel-chestdad and Tobago come with big sur- ed, 60-something man on the porch whose prises: a fountain of youth or the stance spelt, ‘Don’t mess with me’, while his TNylon Pool, where Trinbagonians shirt screamed, ‘World’s Greatest Grandpa’. warn against staying too long, or you’ll This was Theo. We — I had 15 other visitors as emerge a baby. The miraculous waterbody was company — took our seats on the porch that formed from a natural hollow in a reef and is overlooked the garden, looking more attractherefore rich in antioxidants, which can help tive with the light mist hanging in the air. swimmers wipe away the years, just not so Hummingbirds flitted past our ears, zipped drastically. Possibly the only acoustic instru- right in front of our eyes, and almost grazed ment to be made out of industrial waste — gar- us gently, as Theo introduced us to the species bage cans, oil drums and biscuit tins — the with fun facts. steel pan was born in Trinidad & Tobago. Origi“Did you know that hummingbirds can flap nally a symbol of rebellion against the colonis- their wings up to 200 times per second?” said ing Brits, who had banned their sticks and Theo to the wide-eyed group. More facts come drums, playing the pans is now almost syn- tumbling out: they lay the smallest eggs onymous with ‘limein’ or hanging-out with among birds; the bee hummingbird is the friends. And it was on these isles that I paid smallest bird in the world, at just 2.5 cm in homage to one of the world’s length; their daily consumption largest statues of Hanuman, a toof sugar has to be half their bodywering 85-ft sculpture that weight; they have no sense of I have a over brother the virtue language. You should feel seemsell, to yes. be watching the with special people have smell, but aofkeen eyesight; they lucky that you And surroundings I really love and needs. is Neel. country madeHis upname of immigrants riddo.their ofrespect mos- my famHummingbirds flitted ily,zipped because we NEVER give up.recent My brother went into a coFirstAfrica of all, and it is Europe. NOT easy, no matter from India, quitoes. Also, research past our ears, people say. Andexperisending your child ma lost all that hope.simply He woke up after 11 days, Yet, mywhat most fascinating concludes watching right in front ofand ourwe had completely paralysed. He could not even with special needs to a mental asylum place ence was visiting the home of or a some the feathered creatures keepsmove de- his own eyes, and almost where you’re not in contact with him/her the so-us gently, neck. He to have so couple who share space withis never atmany bay. injections in a day. I can’t grazed as had pression handle injection. hadgarden to keep to me inwashed a sep- it all down with fresh orange juice, lution. First you’ll think, “Oh god, why Yes, introduced you evenus hundreds, sometimes thou-me?”Theo set out They into the to oneWe arate room because he got an injection, I used were one of the special people who were chosen to sands, of hummingbirds. try andwhenever tell one species from the lemonade and a sorrel-based cooler. thehave species with a brother with special needs, but thinkterm of it as a learning to scream and cry. Yerette is an Amerindian other. Out of 17 types of humWhen I finally managed to look away from fun facts I remember myinmom and dad opportunity. for the hummingbird, said my mingbirds found Trinidad & left theme garden, I noticed that the house was full of Regardless of Nyasha the meltdown hadexin with myas grandparents Neel’s guide Spence.heShe Tobago, many as 13 in areRanchi regu- forhummingbird photos. All taken by Theo. Even operation. OneTheo night, I woke andrestroom I the mall just because hethe wanted to go to the plained that hummingbird lars at Yerette. pointed to up the was decorated with bird porstarted screaming and shouting, wak-And I couldn’t help but wonder about bathroom,haunt, regardless of him breaking in the sleepy Trinidadian the many ruby-throated hum- and traits. Seriously some ornament house, oralways reing everyone still to not why I suburbat ofaStfriend’s Joseph’s, wasn’t one. The though, mingbirds that flitted from up. oneI’m branch an-surethe pitfalls of a lawn full of birds. Anyone who people should gardless of any other situation, is MY to Theodore woke up likethe that,green-throated or am I? beautiful hilltop home he belongs other.get Also present were has had a pet parrot knows the perils, starting used to thecarib, fact that brother. Wherever go,Theo), HE goes. you’re That emerald, is the kind of bond I share with my Ferguson I(or an If agronomist, and his the blue-tailed and the goldenwith having to scoop up the droppings. In an brother. He can walkItnow, andahe’sopen learn-space, this would imply round-the-clock not okay with deal with it. photographer, Theo’snot wife it, Gloria. An avid pas-all people tailed sapphire, among others. wasn’t ing to type, write — and play Seriously people sionthough, for clicking birdsshould in flightget made him are put normal ‘hummingbird shower’ at Yerette Theo usesbasketball. cleaning of lawn-chairs, and putting up with used to the that not all people nor- the hum- the expression Imagine someone even the being upfact feeders in his gardenare to attract to describe days from whennot thoustench. But Theo clarified, “Hummingto getupon up, to typing, mal. If you see a person havingfilled special mingbird. The beakers with sugar and sands of birdsable descend hiswalking, garden — but writing birds only excrete water.” needs or any other problem, not stare, playing basketball. water attracted theDO iridescent creatures, but the medley and of colours and sounds was So, they brighten up the surroundings, pleasewith them a feeling of serenity that can DO not look. And help out if you If you nobody imagined thecan. large numbers they otherworldly. If you know someone like that, bring me about him/her. Because thisofis earthy exactly why mythe blues away, and yet leave no trace becan’t bearwould with them, just leave. flockthen in. Given the enormous aerial- tellGloria’s home-cooked meal, full chase brother isbrought my back to the earth. Seated hind. Considering that all they need is sugarI’ll be honest. I used be ashamed 800 of my traffic on theirto approximately sqftbrother. garden flavours, Maybe I still am. But that does nottomean is not part — anywhere from 700 3,000hebirds a aday — in the living room, we relished pumpkin soup, ed water, hummingbirds really do make the vivek bhattacharjya a sports fiend piping and has also a guests. of my soul. Andand I’mGloria still scared to take him up out,their am fresh Theo decided to open salad, a varietyis of breads, hotco-written perfect novel about(also the heroic exploits a junior cricket team. The main afraid thathome he will a meltdown of some to have bird-lovers, for a small fee.sort. And But withI dasheen known as oftaro, it is a tropical character, notand surprisingly, is named Neelokra dish. We kiran mehta is a Mumbai-based journalist have to getthat used to it. And you should, too. Not all vegetable) tale, Nyasha hadpeople me sold. a mildly spiced




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BL BL 20 4

saturday, june 13,13, 2015 saturday, june 2015

Goodyeffort bags Singular If you store byfury ambrosial food — so much that your shopping consists almost entirely Far from theset sound and of street protests, mediasocampaigns or things to here are six stops in Melbourne just right for you online of activism, aneat RTI— activist labours in near-isolation

kalyani prasher

courtesy d.o.c deli

courtesy yarra valley chocolaterie

Baker D Chirico, 178 Faraday Street D.O.C, 330 Lygon Street Yarra Valley Chocolaterie, Old Daniel D Chirico is an artisan baker but you’ll Lygon St is in the Italian part of the city, so a Healesville Road be forgiven if you mistake him for an artist. cheese and pasta store cannot be far away. When I first heard about it, I thought it was His breads fold and turn in ways that make the D.O.C Deli (not to be confused with the D.O.C some children’s place and was quite reluctant heart beat faster, as you dish out cash in a haze espresso bar nearby) is where you go for pizza to visit, but god! am I glad I went. Dark chocoand buy half the store before you can say sour- if you live in Melbourne, but if you are packing late with espresso is no children’s chocolate, dough. In my quest for good bread in Mel- away stuff to bring back home you should nor is lavender and honeycomb a combo for bourne I discovered that Baker D Chirico turn your attention to the cold cuts, the the little ones. An hour away from Melbourne, serves the best sourdough in the city — yes, the cheeses and the handmade pastas. Charming this chocolate store is an absolute must-visit if best, if you are to trust the locals; the only oth- Italian men will offer you a tasting platter you like chocolates, or know someone who er bread store that came close was one called with rolls of prosciutto and other aged and does (and, of course, if you have children). My Firebrand on Glen Eira Road. At the Faraday air-dried hams paired with cheeses ranging favourite is the freeze-dried strawberries coatCatching big fish Chennai-based RTI activist K Saravanan blew the whistle over a controversial coastal highway project bijoy ghosh Street store, you will be charmed by the de- from mild to smelly. All around you are stacks ed in dark chocolate and the macadamia nut sign, even before you turn to the bread: its roof of meat and hand-rolled pastas and some and salted caramel bar. And yes, I bought the a wave of wooden slats andpetition the kitchen be- Michelin sauces to tyre go along. t wasissix months before the first he filed factory on Chennai’s outskirts andespresso a pro- one too. hind are making posed Tip: atomic You could opt for theat Carlton Foodthe Tour under thea glass newlypartition enacted(where Right they to Information Tip: If travelling with children, visit the Heaenergy plant Tuticorin, latter under melbournefoodexperiences.coas you look) is industrial steel. organised by‘national (RTI)the Actbread in 2006 coughed upsleek, any information. “It the lesville Sanctuary nearby (a 20-minute drive) pretext of security’. That waybeen you times can visit some On offer, apart of sourdough, are was such a new act,from evenloaves they didn’t know what to spot wombats, kangaroos, koalas and some “There have when thelegendary CIC (chief informafood commissioner) stores such as Donati’s meats, apart breads, crunchy baguettes, olive breads they were raisin supposed to give and what not to give,” K Sara- tion local bird species. Admission free for children not only refused tofrom give informacafesbut andalso wineries, learn about the behalf,” histo- he forwhen thosewe who getathungry, some Collecready- tion vanan, 33,and, recalls meet the Vettiver upsays. to 15 years of age. Tickets can be pre-purarguedand on the companies’ ry of like every placetaking you visit. made sweet and savoury bread things. tive, an environmental rights organisation in Chennai. “But I said, information to the peoplechased is im- on The office is a stone’s throw from Urur Olcott Kuppam, portant. Whoever is affected by a project in question the age-old fishing village that is home to Saravanan. needs to know about the issue. So, in one sense, we act as The future of the village and its residents appears to be intermediaries; any information we acquire through at the centre of Saravanan’s actions, including his foray RTIs, we always share it. That’s the first priority.” into RTI activism. “I filed my first petition when I heard rumours about a plan to build a bridge over my village Changing patterns along the beach.” Over time, Saravanan has seen the RTI act and its impleAfter filing countless RTIs, and following up with in- mentation evolve drastically. “Earlier, a generic question formation commissioners, appellate authorities and about a project would be enough to acquire informastate highways department, what came to tion. Now, they have to be really specific,” light was a controversial proposal for an he says. “I also learnt that however much elevated highway along the coastline. If those in power try to use loopholes in the implemented, it would destroy 14 fishing law, we will have to be one step ahead, villages, put the beach out of bounds for frame questions better, and tame the sysOver a decade of residents courtesy and further endanger the al- filing more than tem ourselves before they do.” Apartkalyani from gewurzhaus kalyani1,000 prasher prasher ready vulnerable Olive Ridley Turtles that RTIs, mostly in Tamil, the constant dilution of the RTI act, espeGewurzhaus Herbs & Spices, 342 Lygon South Melbourne Coventry Streethe findsGreen come to nest on the shoreline. ciallyMarket, its implementation, thatOlive at Red Hill, Mornington-Flinders heStreet has met with both Let’s not attempt to pronounce Instead Road Ostensibly a weekend market open Fri-Sun, The proposal was resisted by various that. great those in power “are doing whatever they success and let’sand walk straight this shop looks 8am to 4pmcan (also open it onharder Wednesdays for Another hour-long food excursion out of Melstakeholders was shelvedinto following a that to make to get information.” significant failure and against smells like Melbourne Market is bapublic outcry it. a magical wonderland. Imag- some reason), South Unfazed by it all, he believes that bourne RTI ac- that will be totally worth your while is ine all the colours you like, and some that you sically a giant Green Olive at Red Hill, a vineyard stay with foodshould store. At thetheir backresources of the totoovertivists pool don’t care for, and now imagine tea and spices market is a fresh a fabulous restaurant that is home to a small fish meat in area, which A lone struggle come theand hurdles their“While we in each of those colours. Blue masala? Yes sir. more for the locals, store. but the smallish market is asks Unlike street protests, media campaigns share information when someone forThis store is worth its space in olives, tea? Sure. Purple salt? Of course. Gewurz- it, a maze stalls that or keep you for hooked for packed or online Pink activism, RTI activism garners little visibility. thereof is food no community forum RTI activists,” says as it is with designer oil pourers, pretty haus isa lot such a fantastic it’s almost oven—mitts and aprons, as well as a lot of beauthe better part the day. In theincludes corner fresh “It does require of patience. I’veplace, seen many peoplea Saravanan. His of support system his mentor spotabout by itself. ofthey colourful tea, environment veggies store,activist you canNityanand browse for some excelfile an RTItourist and forget it. Or Jars when don’t hear Jayaraman — andtifully mem- packaged goodies such as olive oil, flaand attempts, spices (sourced from all over and the bers lent local fruit and nuts; inside you other’s can voured back afterherbs repeated become exhausted of thedried collective, who come to each aid in salt, and dukkah — a herby mix that world by the twoOver women who own the place) well with bread and olive oil. An added find speciality tea, been coffee, and garlic-infused give up,” says Saravanan. a decade of filing more times of need. “It’s almost a decade now butgoes I feel stacked in them rows in and you he canhas walk advantage is meeting the lovely free-spirited olivesame oil. Apart food, youwith can the get same than 1,000are RTIs, most of Tamil, metabout with the energyfrom and actual am continuing ferandsignificant even tasting them. It is all too di- vour,” couple that runs the small place; a conversastuff tosays make it in — browse for coffee filters, both greatsmelling, success and failure. Saravanan. “This RTI is a great tool. Earlier — from something simpleproject, as Moroccan with Greg or Sue over their coffee will be a thongs had and aprons andtoscores of such stuff… Besides vine the scuppered elevated as highway Sara- people no access any information. I havetion often mint tea campaigns to a suspicious vintage merlotinforsalt, wondered cherished moment. And there how is athey yummy candyto store. Buy a But vanan’s successful include acquiring managed do anything. with everything great and in theMadurai only tough doughnut andexpose, a coffeeget andtocarry onabout browsing. mation about specialsmells economic zones and RTIs you can know anything Tip: you You can book for lunch, cooking class question whatsand notmining to buy. in Apart from and the like, and tour of their farm in advance on Tip:instead If you of have the time, check outMLAs, SO:ME other districts in theisstate, the Adyar merely trusting your councillors spices, therezone are some quaint kitchen things Space, a little artistic corner inside the market, Cooum rivers, coastal management plans and the or collectors.” at the thatHeare easy among to miss his in this Marina loop roadcounter proposal. counts fail- where you can find works by local artists apart kalyani prasher is a Delhi-based freelance writer overwhelming place, on butland should not be. for a sibi a Chennai-based journalist fromarasu someisclothes and jewellery. ures the denial of information acquisition



ND-X _ A

takeaway cover

saturday, june 13,13, 2015 saturday, june 2015

Looking for home In the world of science, an idea can remain lonely for decades, even centuries, before anyone takes it seriously


y some estimates, the average person has tors of a form that is modified for underground life… 30,000 thoughts a day. Imagine that. If your could be transported through 170 degrees of meridian brain were a sink, your thoughts would be like and across great oceans solely by those distributing the incessant tip-tip-tip of a slowly dripping agencies that are recognised by zoologists who maintap. Most of these thoughts fall straight into the drain. tain that continents and oceans are permanent.” In othOthers bounce around the sink briefly, before falling er words, the existence of this caecilian in Assam too, into an uninteresting void. Only a few of your convinced Alcock that the landscape of Earth’s surface thoughts make their way out of the sink into the world, must have changed with time. but just as drops of water may evaporate or may end up Today, the second Alfred is as obscure as the amphibin a glass of nimbu pani, the fate of your thoughts is any- ian he discovered — I only learnt what a caecilian is a few thing but certain. years ago, and a month ago I’d never heard of Alcock. In he quest for perfection has always Of course, not all ideas deserve to land somewhere been a driving force for mankind. significant. Most ideas ought to be, and are, inconseWe don’t just seek perfection, we quential. Other ideas are consequential, but only increeven obsess over it. Within ourmentally so; these ideas enter a world that’s ready for selves, in things around us and in what we do, them, and find their place in it without ceremony often mistaking it for a pathway to fame and or controversy. And then there are ideas that dehappiness. Of creating something so phenomserve to have an impact, but don’t. I like to enal that will catapult us into an unreal world. basu think of these ideas, which shatbhi are ahead of their Quite often they lose sight of the big picture time and threaten established ways of in this wild goose chase. Funny thing is, the thinking, as lonely. perception of perfect is so damn contradictoSPIRITUAL For these lonely ideas to find a home,SWEAT ry. Whichever way you look at it. That picture people need to change their minds, and, perfect face is so plastic for some. A perfect as everyone knows from their experihouse is cold and unwelcoming to others. ence of other people’s intransigence, That perfect view is sometimes quite ordinary. changing minds is hard. Lonely ideas My daughter will find a perfectly cooked may wander for decades, centuries medium rare steak totally gross. I will love it. even, before anyone takes them seriMy perfect glass of wine is not at all one that ously. In the world of science, where my friend would be happy with. My perfect taking an idea seriously means investcocktail may not be perfect after all... ing time and resources and energy into I’m not saying it won’t ever happen. Once collecting evidence that supports or disyou understand what perfection actually proves that idea, lonely ideas abound. means, in all likelihood you may just have But in an ironic twist, the stories of loneyour day in the sun. I have, through my long ly scientific ideas can take on mythic proporand eventful career, come across a whole heap tions after the ideas become established. After of bartenders, young and old, who have ofall, who doesn’t love the story of an underdog’s fered me their perfect cocktail or waxed elotriumph? So the history of science is peppered quent about it. Eager beavers have asked me with the tales of scientists, often outsiders of some for my perfect drink. They have endlessly sort, who spent their lives fighting unnecessarily Sisysought the secret of creating that perfect conphean battles to convince the scientific establishment coction. They look at me in absolute disbelief of a fact that, in hindsight, seems so obviously true. when I tell them there are no secrets and there Get the drift German meteorologist Alfred Wegener proposed A few weeks ago, I solicited my friends’ favourite sto- that today’s continents are fragments of a single landmass, is an no ideaperfect recipe. This is one subject withries of lonely scientific ideas, asking on Facebook, “can that was accepted decades later shutterstock out any grammar or boundaries. you think of a scientific idea that someone had long beIt’s quite simple. You’ll never know how the fore his or her time, one that’s been borne out with time contrast, I learnt Wegener’s name in geography class in cocktail that you came up with imperfect and more research?” By happy accident, two of these the eighth standard. Today he’s a staple of science text-someone unless they try it. If you have pacts suggestions fit together beautifully. The first was a well- books, but during his lifetime, Wegener battled to con- fathomed the need of the person, clearly known example of a lonely idea: the theory of continen- vince scientists that the continents have shifted. He inside their mind and their palate, looked tal drift. Proposed by the now-famous German meteo- collected mountains of evidence in support of continenthen given them exactly what they were lookrologist Alfred Wegener in 1915, this theory tal drift (and really, wouldn’t you have to or better still, exceeded their expectaing for, suggests that today’s continents are fragbe at least slightly intrigued by thetion, nearthat’s when it’s perfect. Drunken Archer (Te Amo) ments of a single ancient landmass, Panperfect fit between the coastlines of Africa I have tweaked all my almost gaea, that have drifted apart over millions and South America?), but geologists reperfect cocktails in a zillion ways Here is my almost perfect martini that I twist endlessly of years. Though widely accepted today, mained unconvinced for another half-cento make them just for those who Had the two men’s Glass: Martini continental drift was for long a lonely idea. tury. Meanwhile, naturalists continued to drank them. Each time, it was the ideas met, as they Ingredients The second suggestion was the discovdocument the odd global distributions look on their face, the glint in the Each time, it wasofthe recently did on my 45ml vodka ery of a new species of caecilian in Assam plants and animals that, likeonthe caecilian, look their face, the eye and the absolute ‘wow’ that Facebook page, 15ml Archer’s Peach Schnapps in 1904, by the British naturalist Alfred Almade a strong case forglint a mutable Earth. made my heart sing. And still in the eye and Alfred Wegener may or 60ml vodka cock. Caecilians are curious worm-like amHad the two men’s ideas met, as they redoes. Am certain the guys who the absolute well have found a 10ml Monin peach syrup phibians that live below ground in many cently did on my Facebook‘wow’ page,that Alfred Wemade Facebook or WhatsApp or made supporter in Alfred Garnish: 2 whole almonds tropical countries. gener may well have foundmy a supporter the million apps that you think heart singin Alcock Method When Alcock found this particular legAlfred Alcock. As it were, Wegener’s theory are awesome, all began the same 1 Fill martini glass with ice to chill. less, almost-eyeless animal, he quickly recof continental drift was destined for an inway. Hence the constant updatFill shaker tin with ice ognised that some of its closest known terlude of loneliness before finding uniing, as the criteria for what’s per2 Pour both ingredients over the ice relatives were found in faraway Western versal renown. Nonetheless, I find it fect keeps changing… 3 Shake hard for 10 seconds So be the best at what you do and who you 4 Empty the martini glass of ice and Africa and Central America, and he puzzled over this dis- comforting to picture an idea that’s lonely in one inteljointed distribution. It’s easy to see how travelling from lectual community finding a cosy home in another, Strive to rise above your own expectation. shake off any water droplets 5 Strain the drink into the cold glass continent to continent would be difficult for anything a drop of water sliding off a leaf into a gushingAnd monremember that perfection is mirrored in 6 Drop in the two almonds. Sip. that looks and lives like a caecilian, which can neither fly soon stream. the eye of the beholder. *Add more syrup or schnapps to make it nor swim and cannot be carried for long distances in eisweeter or reduce the vodka to make it softer. at shatbhi basu is a mixologist, author, television host ther the wind or a salty ocean current. As Alcock put it, ambika kamath studies organismic and evolutionary biology Harvard University shutterstock that the immediate ancesand head of Stir, a bartending academy in Mumbai “it can hardly be supposed


As you like it

Tweaking is the name of the game, because there is no recipe for perfection





ND-X _ A

5 BL 21 BL

cover play

BL BL 222

saturday, june 13,13, 2015 saturday, june 2015

Killing meLet’s softlytalk about Serena BEYOND THE FIELD

In India we stigmatise loneliness and mental health issues. But science tells us that loneliness — even the commonplace, bedroom-variety kind — affects both health and mortality

Why are we ambivalent in our admiration of the 20-time Grand Slam champion and possibly one of the greatest tennis players of all time?


here was an awful lot of sport this past the world’s second-best women’s player, has fortnight, and there was an awful lot won just twice against Serena in their 19 meetof greatness on display. The deplora- ings. The last win came in 2004. ble corruption of FIFA was forgotten Yet, in according Serena our admiration, we for a moment, as Barcelona lifted its fourth remain strangely ambivalent. A small part of Champions League trophy in nine years, in typi- this might be down to some of her past antics — cal resplendent fashion. The club’s midfield she momentarily lost her marbles, for instance, maestro Xavi Hernandez played his final match when she threatened a lineswoman for calling a and lifted his 25th major honour. Lionel Messi, foot-fault during the 2009 US Open. But, when meanwhile, was his usual genius self, reaffirm- we don’t always expect our other sporting heing his status as football’s nonpareil superstar. roes to be perfect role models, why ask that of SeIn Paris, Switzerland’s Stanislas Wawrinka de- rena? How do you explain the fact that despite fied all expectations to thwart Novak Djokovic’s winning four times the number of grand slams bid to complete the career grand slam, by play- that Sharapova has, Serena makes less than half ing tennis that was visceral in its brutality. And what the Russian does in endorsements? across the Atlantic, American Pharoah ended a There are several reasons. They comprise, 37-year-long wait for a great racehorse by win- among others, a casual and deeply-embedded ning the Belmont Stakes and, thereby, the cele- form of racism and sexism. To win our admirabrated Triple Crown. All of these were brilliant tion, it seems, women players must not only win feats and each deserves our closest attention. tennis matches, but also subscribe to other soBut let’s focus, shall we, on Serena Williams? cietal prompts, unrelated to the primary purA day before her final at Roland Garros on pose of athletic pursuit. June 6, against Czech Lucie SafaroSerena’s career has been nothing va, Serena could barely get herself short of uplifting. She has overout of bed. Down with a flu and come not just the pressures of an plagued by coughing fits, she misinconsistent childhood, but also sed practice, and even considered the death of a sister, who was murAt its best, Serena’s withdrawing from the event. But, dered in 2003, as well as a severe tennis is imperious. there are few champions as bout of pulmonary embolism in Her serve is a thing dogged as Serena. And there has 2011, which could have been potenof beauty been none, possibly in the history tially life-threatening. Not only has Need for company Chimps are social animals. You can’t just put a chimp in a box and expect him to be cool afp / gerardo gomez ofwith theit sport, who boasts a game, she lived through these struggles, and an innate tactical intelligence, but Serena has also come back so superior to their opponents’. from each downfall stronger than ne of the starkest images of loneliness I’ve On Saturday, notanxiety. only didAllSerena drag they herself ness and of which, said, ever eroded theirproducing on court the finest tennis before, seen occurs towards the end of the British onto court, but also, when it mattered, pro-sanity. concentration and memory; even their crip- to see. oneSuch can hope documentary Project Nim (2011), the story of a her duced A-game. And that, unfortunately for neuroscientists pling isolation, psychologists and Athletic careers are often cruelly fleeting. Sechimp raised like a child by pot-smoking pri- agree, Safarova, was simply impossible match. Sere- But damages the mindtoand the brain. an increasrena will be 34 this September. It’s an age by matologists in an idyllic farmhouse. After the research na even managed to upend a temporary mental ing number of studies also show that the which Box does nottennis players have not only peaked, most funds dry out, Nim is shipped off to a lab, which echoes breakdown, had game to — the haveafter to beshe real to allowed affect us.her Loneliness butcommonhave also troughed, resigning to lives of with the fearful shrieks of caged primates and is injectwither, permitting Safarova a way back intobe the place, bedroom-variety kind — can lethalwarm too. beaches, cold cocktails, and the odd exhied with experimental vaccines. He’s abruptly ‘rescued’ match. But Afrom down in the deciding set, Se- mortality 20120-2 study, ‘Loneliness, health and in old But even if there has been the ocbition match. from this hellhole, only to find himself in another one: renaawonage,’ the next games, lifting, in the procthat six tracked 2,000 people over the age of 50 over casional sign of Serena’s game fading, her barren cage for abused equines, with a baress, her 20th major singles title.found This leaves six years that her the loneliest mental were strength remains unyielding to presrel and cardboard box for company. only behind Steffi Graf, who won 22 Grand nearly twice as likely to die in sure. the course of She seems inspired as ever, deeply conWithin weeks, the animal that once Slams, and Margaret the Court, whoThis won 24 titles to ascious study. translated 14 per of centher place amongst the sport’s tumbled joyously in the dirt and eagerly (only 11 of which camegreater in the Open risk ofEra). dying, compared to their avpantheon of greats. Loneliness heightens gestured for bananas and drags of joints is At its best, Serena’serage tennispeers. is imperious. Her in perspective: To put this A calendar Grand Slam is now within her the risk of early death replaced by a creature with slumped serve, which boasts anloneliness understated excellence, heightens the is risk of earlyAs death grasp. are Graf and Court’s records. “I think it twice as much as shoulders and a defeated air. He divides his a thing of beauty. Shetwice executes it with as remarkaas much obesity, and as will about be awesome, but at the end of the day it’s obesity, and about time between two so-called activities: sitble clarity of technique, andasisacapable of strikmuch longstanding smoking habit. pretty awesome to have 20,” Serena said, after as much as a ting on a tyre suspended from the ceiling ing it both with awesome power down themeta-analysis tee, winning Meanwhile, a 2015 of studthe French Open. “Obviously I would longstanding and staring into space; and shuffling and with spin and guile when the sliding it across ies about increased mortality asso-a (calendar) Grand Slam. I haven’t loverisk to win smoking habit across the cage, shoving the barrel before the receiver. While the mechanics of her game ciated with isolation showed thatgreat there done at Wimbledon the past two years, so him. Twice he is offered a TV set. Both times tend to stream through from her her between was scarcely anyserve, difference ‘objecI’m going to take it a day at a time there. My goal he hurls it against the wall. “Chimps are soground strokes are also sublime. Struck tive’often and ‘subjective’ loneliness — that is just to dois,better than the last couple of years, cial animals,” his former primatologist forcefully, on both wings, theyliving can flatten withfeeling between alone and alone in aand one more and one more.” Ordido one more housemate says. “You can’t just put a chimp in a boxdebilitating and crowd. easeThose any ofwho herlived so-called peers. alone, felt lonely, and those whofeats are easier said than done. But narily, these expect him to be cool with it.” Serena’s to shatter belief. hadsuperiority few socialtends connections were associated with inin Serena’s case, victory seems inevitable. Not long afterwards, I met a number of menConsider who creased this statistic: Maria Sharapova, who 29 is per cent mortality risks of 32 per cent, 26 column examines sports through (Thisand monthly knew just how Nim felt — and could speak about it. They per cent respectively. the lens of politics, history and culture.) were former convicts who had spent part of theirWoman sen- on top TheFor authors ended their paper with something of a Serena Williams, a calendar slam is suhrith parthasarathy is a Chennai-based lawyer tence in ‘the Box’— isolation wards in prisons in upstate call-to-arms. nationsCourt’s have the highest rates of within reach. As are Steffi “Affluent Graf and Margaret guyot records and writer t suhrith New York. They spoke of days, months, even years of un- afp/pascal individuals living alone since census data collection berelenting boredom, suffocating loneliness, sleepless- gan and also likely have the highest rates in human hissuhrith parthasarathy




ND-X _ A

scan cover

saturday, june 13,13, 2015 saturday, june 2015

I’m lonesome tonight You’re looking at the last male northern white rhino


e could’ve been brothers. Shiva the one-horned rhino from Mumbai and me, the last male northern white rhino from Africa. Our stories are eerily similar — the last of our tribes, nearing the end and desperate to mate. But I heard what happened to my friend. Nearly 40 years old (almost my age), he moved thousands of miles for love and died a painful death. The humans say a single male rhino in possession of good genes must be in want of a mate. True that. There were two lovely females for Shiva. There are two here too, at the Ol Pejeta farm. But the expectations! The humans poach us to near-extinction and now they want us to reproduce like rabbits (FYI 100 babies a season). Sometimes, I just want to swipe right on Tinder and hook up. No strings.

Mousetrap Life as the Bolivian Chinchilla Rat sees it


hey say be these times,butwhen creatures Crowded out India might homeare to amobile billion people, the young and themove old feel distressed and alone prashant nakwe

hither thither, up and down. When you live only in one area — Central Bolivia to be precise — life is truly hard. The tory, with those projected toso increase,” they wrote. term rates ‘lonely furrow’ is often bandied about. Every time I in the presence of loneliness as we would al.” We behave None of hear this seems surprising whenmy youlong consider it, I want to brandish and the hairy tail in we their when sense a predator: by retreating into self-presermany wayssoup. in which is Chinchilla associated Rat, withlive poor But I,loneliness the Bolivian it andvation know itmode, ev- and evading company. health. Theery young from it have day. who First suffer the cattle came, andworse then immuthe humans, now my nity, worsebrothers inflammation, andlive sleep punctuated by km.Head and sisters in less than 100 sq For now I in sand stress-driven ‘micro-awakenings’, while the old suffer The few studies on loneliness in India only chronicle the shall go hide in some rocky place. higher rates of hypertension and cardiovascular trou- extreme social rejection faced by the elderly. This is a ble. A quick shuffle through Google Scholar throws up pressing concern: by 2030, 198 million people will be additional corroborating evidence. A 2002 study of 240 aged over 60, according to statistics from the health middle-aged civil servants conducted by epidemiolo- ministry. But how many of our world-record-breaking -scales, scalpels, forceps, log books gists at University College London found that lonelier contingent of 150 million young feel distressed and — these are only some of the things had increases in blood proteins and white blood alone? We don’t know, and we’re not likely to hear about I was meant to be armed with. Butpeople I cells, which accentuated their risk for narrowed arter- it, because of our self-image as a society teeming with chose ‘country pleasures’ and the ‘Grehatofdoes it much feel like tostigbe an only child in China? I find myself in ies, strokes, and hypertension. cian urn’ instead. The result? Being just ‘close-knit’ families, and because how we Ms Xue’s latest book Buy Me the Sky, the ‘single sprout’ wistful one of only three boys in a class of 40A 2012 study conducted by biochemists and gerontol- matise loneliness and mental health issues. of childhood andand terribly afraid ogists in Dublin measured both loneliness and blood undergrads. Theories abound as to why In recent months, several close friends relatives — of adult life. I remember once when my middle-aged cousin visited, we shared a bed for many nights. I liked that feelglucose levels among 466 elderly. The loneliest had the married, single, young and I am a male student of literature: dis— have told me I almost wished foresteem. a brother. My friends say I’m ill-equipped to highest blood sugar levels, and a propensity to obesity they suffer from pangs ing. mal performance in science in the of loneliness and low face adulthood. Maybe right. I can’t pack my own suitcase and and Type-2 diabetes. Among the elderly, loneliness pre- They confessed that they’d board exams; a last-but-one rank in the gotten into the they’re habit of I take my dailyinwalks. My parents, like 150 million othfigures — even accentuates — cognitive destate engineering tests; below-average avoiding people, andcabbage that theout fewfor social one-child families, believe in “one hope, one joy, one responsibilicline. A 2007 study of 823 elderly people by grey matter required to read pure sciteractions er they forced themselves into felt ty.”and Nowhollow. the government tells me change is in the air. Two IS better neurologists at Rush University found that ences; and, last but not the least, not dissatisfying Online interacthan one. have They helped say evenalleviate I am ‘eligible’ to have two of my own. But is the loneliest among the group experimanly enough to take on the ‘real’ subtions, which might that really news? I’ll have to share my money and time. As for double the risk of contracting Alzjects. The ‘A-B-C-D’ boy from a familyenced of their loneliness, had good the counterproducSince we’ve all cousin, I them liked having him over, but I was happier when he left. heimer’s disease. illustrious doctors and lawyers, I am tive effect the of making feel self-conevolved to function lonely but happy on the back bench. At scious and ashamed. Needing to hide from within social groups, Loneliness as a stressor least the book of verses has no probcompany felt especially anomalous when our system Loneliness’ lethal grip extends far beyond recognises the lack of most of their peers’ lives on social media lems with my gender. people and primates; as far back down the arenas seemed to teem with joyous group company as a threat evolutionary ladder as mice, pigs, birds, selfies, hyper-coloured dinner parties, and to our survival rabbits, and fruit flies. Since we’ve all 500-person-strong friend-lists. They began evolved to function within social groups, to blame themselves — perhaps they were our system recognises the lack of company too boring, too negative, too socially inas a threat to our survival. And the proept? When I suggested that one of them longed lack of company, or even the impression that seek a psychologist’s help, she snapped: “Oh, there’s es, yes, I have met Charlotte. Reallycan now, Inothing wrong with me.” one’s social interactions are meaningless and vapid, can’t cut short an official visit just to see a Whatever went wrong with Nim, he did eventually get act as a damaging stressor. new niece. of William me While a short burstNice of stress makestoussend wake upher in picture the better. His primatologist friend made sure to visit him before elsewe sawface her.sudden But all threats, this mushyoften, and Nim was soon gesturing for sips of soda pop, morning, or jolts everybody us alert when family stuff is making me—lonely weepy.orNowand gambolling from one side of his cage to the other. the prolonged experience of stress whichand isolation William is the ambassador to the gen-Then, he acquired roommates: two gentle chimps feelings of that loneliness bring onnew — releases an unchecked tleman’s family, whereinto doesthe that leave When me? I toonamed Mitch and Lou Lou, both refugees from the nowdose of stress-propelled enzymes system. want to be aunabated, family man andhavoc send with out perfect, this seeping continues it plays our shuttered primate lab. Nim’s last few years were spent family portraits the press. Trust me,systems, I’m over LAbeing groomed, playing and communicating with his neuroendocrine, immuneto and autonomic parties, skinnyfunctions models and the Nazi outfit fetish.old primatologist friend, and rolling around a beach which regulate bodily ranging from heart Let me tellto you, it’s no fun to see yourself bumpedball with his new friends. He reminds us that the old Sarrate and respiration digestion. down the line in less thansuggest two years. ‘Fifth in linetrean line need not always hold true. Good health is othRecent studies by neuroscientists that lonelithe British throne’, how silly that sound?er people too. ness even to causes us physical agony. One does paper notes, Must dad it value is as lonely down heresocial as at the “Because of thetell adaptive of mammalian Heattachment knows something about thepiggypoor guyshruti ravindran is a freelance journalist who covers science, bonds, thetop. social system… mayit; have environment, health and social justice has been on stand for over 60 years survivnow. backed onto the physical painby system to promote

For the love of letters

Meet the odd boy in a literature class

Single sprout


The one and only children of China





Prince Harry wants a picture perfect family


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saturday, june 13, 2015



in-faq by joy bhattacharjya Friends and allies

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iven the theme of this week’s issue, we thought you might need a little cheering. This quiz is about friends and allies.

here,there & elsewhere

Guest request


iggs works at The Clean Bee, a laundromat in the next town over from Elsewhere. He’s taken to stopping by every evening, after work. He always brings several kilos of Indian snacks with him. Though he eats half of what he brings, by mid-week there are stacks of bhujiya, kurkure and murukku in plastic packages everywhere. “Please tell him to stop!” I say to Bins. “No, no,” he replies. “We must be patient.” Bins believes Jiggs has a problem. “He needs a favour. So he brings the food. Some day he will tell us — then we can say in a kind voice ‘NO’ — and he will stop. Pouf.” Sure enough: today when Jiggs comes over, he’s brought a gift box full of laddoos. “I have a problem,” he says. His naturally droopy face looks as if there’s an invisible vacuum cleaner sucking at his chin. “My roommate is leaving. I cannot pay the rent on my own. I need a place to stay.” I know what’s coming but I’m momentarily distracted. At the edge of my consciousness, I hear a faint scratching from inside the bathroom. “And you have so much space,” he says throwing a meaningful glance at my studio. “No,” I say, “we have only THIS room.” I use my most Nazi-Talibani voice, even as I hear the scratching sound


increase. “THAT one is for me to paint in.” Jiggs is nodding placatingly. “See — I will only use it during the night. When you will be asleep. Also I will do the pure vegetarian cooking for you, free of charge and also I will do your laundry —” I start my spitting-cobra impression now, shaking my head from side to side. But Jiggs turns smoothly towards Bins. “Mr Binnie — what do you say?” Bins is picking at his scrawny grey moustache with his fingers. His blood curdles at the prospect of being inhospitable. In his youth, backpacking across India, he accepted shelter from

countless strangers. He always feels a powerful need to repay those distant, anonymous debts. “Errr...” he says, avoiding any chance encounters with my gaze. Jiggs homes in like a heat-seeking missile on the weakness in our defences. He jumps to his feet. “So it’s settled then? I’ll bring my suitcase?” I stand up too, feeling like the Hulk just before he transforms into a giant green-skinned monster. “I’m sorry but —” Jiggs holds his hand up and says, “Mrs Manju, please! One minute before you decide anything, let me use the toilet?” He knows I cannot refuse him this reprieve. He hurries around the corner and turns on the light. Whereupon there’s a furious hissing and he hurtles straight out again. “The window is open,” he fairly shrieks. “And a...a... BEAR has come inside!” Bins goes to investigate. He comes out cuddling an excitedly struggling Kookie. “Oh...this is our pet raccoon,” he says. “He must have smelt your laddoos!” and gives him one. “Don’t worry! He’s friendly. Only bites when he’s hungry.” But Jiggs doesn’t hear him. He’s already out the front door and sprinting to his car. manjula padmanabhan, author and artist, writes of her life in the fictional town of Elsewhere, US, in this weekly column

The oldest alliance still in force was signed by England and an European country in 1373. Certain islands leased to Britain by this country during the World War II proved vital to the Allied cause. Name the country.


Which friend and mentor advised Rasipuram Krishnaswami Narayan to shorten his name to RK Narayan? He told Narayan, “In this country, a name which is difficult for the old ladies in libraries to remember materially affects sales.”


A couple of years after he nearly lost his life to a Charlie Griffith bouncer, cricketer Nari Contractor started piling up domestic scores, hoping to play for India again. The chief selector, a close friend, refused to pick him, and said he would not be able to face Nari’s wife if he was ever hit again. Identify the friend, who was also India’s manager on that fateful tour in 1962.


In 2013, a poster titled ‘The one after the ten year break’ went viral on the internet. Why was it such a sensation and what was it advertising?


Duryodhana and Karna were known to be fast friends. But with which other character in the Mahabharata did Karna have a marathon wrestling bout before they became close buddies? He even presented Karna the town of Malini as a token of respect.

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Which literary masterpiece was dedicated to the author’s friend Nathaniel Hawthorne ‘in token of my admiration for his genius’? What did Carole Lombard nickname the legendary bachelor pad that fast friends Errol Flynn and David Niven had sublet from Marion Davies in Malibu?


British anthropologist Robin Dunbar designed the theory of ‘Dunbar Numbers’, which he claims to be around 150 for most human beings. What is the Dunbar number?


Which portmanteau word was coined by a sister of well-known author Jessica Mitford and came into its own when Samantha and Charlotte were clashing in an episode of Sex and the City in 2008.


In the days before social media, pen pals were the chosen way to make friends across countries and continents. Which famous European queen was a pen pal for over 15 years with the French philosopher Voltaire and exchanged scores of letters? Answers

1. Portugal; it was originally signed by King Edward III of England and Ferdinand and Eleanor of Portugal. The Azores were a crucial naval and air base for the Allies 2. Graham Greene; he also found publishers for Narayan’s first four books 3. Ghulam Ahmed, the off-spinner who also captained India in the ’50s 4. A possible new series of Friends in 2014. Lisa Kudrow scotched the rumours on Twitter 5. Jarasandha. Years later Bhima did what Karna had chosen not to do, rend him into two 6. Moby Dick, by Herman Melville. The friendship sadly did not last too long 7. Cirrhosis by the Sea 8. The number of stable friends you can have. Seen your Facebook account lately? 9. Frenemy, a portmanteau of friend and enemy 10. Catherine the Great of Russia

joy bhattacharjya is a quizmaster and Project Director, FIFA U-17 World Cup t@joybhattacharj

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