Room To Grow Programme 2

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Programme 2

A free collaborative programme for anyone in Barking and Dagenham to grow skills, confidence andconnections

May - September 2023

Imagine a borough that’s more inclusive, connected and collaborative. By creating networks, learning new skills and developing projects and businesses that are regenerative, co-operative and distributive, we can together create a neighbourhood that works for everyone.

The Room To Grow programme is a free collaborative programme for residents, organisations and businesses in Barking and Dagenham and aims to build capacity by sharing knowledge and tools, learning new skills, and connecting and collaborating with others. The programme is delivered in collaboration with other experts and organisations to help get ideas and projects onto the next stage.

With ambitious regeneration in the borough including Eastbrook Studios, London’s largest film and television production centre, and the relocation of London’s oldest food wholesale markets to Dagenham,- there’s plenty of room to grow.

There will be two programmes, one from May to July, and the other from July to September. They are designed to be inclusive and useful, you can take part in both programmes or just one session. Together we will explore topics with tutors and experts on organisational set up, team development, application writing, finance and marketing, co-operative and CIC governance and much more.

There is also one Work-In-Progress Saturday per month where you can connect, make, learn and work together.

You’ll also gain access to free accredited training courses on First Aid, Health and Safety, Fire Safety, Food Hygiene and Safeguarding.


Who Is This For?

This is for any neighbourhood project in the borough

You could be part of an allotment group looking for new people to join, or a member of a sewing collective wanting to fundraise for equipment. You might have the seeds of an idea or be part of a project in full flowthese sessions are designed to give you the tools to take on any issues you’re facing or take on any relevant opportunities that are available.

This is for any business start up in the borough

Are you a business start-up interested in exploring new ways of collaborative working? Do you want to develop your finance or marketing strategy or are you looking to connect with other businesses in the borough? There’s plenty of useful sessions no matter where you are in your business journey.

Learn new skills from experts and peers and gain access to tools to take your idea or business to the next level

Gain practical skills and free access to tools and training that can help you drive your ideas and projects forward. From learning which model is best when setting up your organisation and outlining your vision and mission to developing a strategic marketing plan and everything in between. You can also complete free accredited training courses across Food Hygiene, Health and Safety, First Aid and more.

Develop a network in the borough to collaborate on projects

Whether you’re looking for someone to bounce off new ideas with or looking for people to build the fun and energising team you’ve always wanted, there will be plenty of opportunities throughout the programme to meet people and collaborate. Sessions will be practical and hands-on so that you can work together to test ideas or join the Work-in-Progress Saturdays to connect and work with your neighbours.

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Get inspiration from new concepts, projects and businesses to help progress your work

Feel energised and inspired through exploring concepts taken from the cooperative business world that can help with things like decision making in groups, or be introduced to projects reimagining waste by turning them into beautiful and useful products. Discover ways of developing projects and doing business that’s inclusive and is better for both people and the planet.

Gain the confidence to turn your ideas into action

It’s hard to know where to start when transforming your ideas into reality and to feel like you have the skills and capabilities to make this happen. Throughout the programme you’ll be supported in developing a clear vision and action plan as well as meeting people who can help, so you can focus your energy on getting started on that thing you’ve always wanted to do. By the end you’ll have the capacity to build on your vision and to be part of a borough that thrives.

4 Reasons To Join
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Programme Overview

The Room To Grow programme is a free 5-month long programme. It’s divided into two parts and you can attend as much or as little as you like. There are 7 modules in total, as well as Accredited Training and Work-in-Progress Saturdays once a month between May and September. The first part of the programme starts in May and continues through to the end of July with the second part running from August to September.

This pack contains dates of the second programme from August to September 2023. All sessions happen on either Tuesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays. 2

Programme 1


Community & Connecting

Organisational Set Up Support
Proposal & Application Writing Support
SEPTEMBER 7 Co-operative & CIC Governance 5 Financial Models & Tools Programme Sign Up Form Team Development 6 Marketing & Communications AUGUST Programme 2

5. Financial Models & Tools

Having a financial model that works for your ideas and projects is crucial for viability, planning and success.

In this module you will learn how to do a Cash Flow Model for your project or business, how to cost, price and budget, and how to navigate tax.

Sessions in Module 5

Costing & Pricing

Understand how to cost and price in your production model and take away a tool that helps you with this.

Tuesday 8 August | 1.00 - 3.00pm

Tuesday 8 August | 6.00 - 8.00pm

Everyone’s Warehouse, 47 Thames Road, IG11 0HQ

Cash Flow Model

Learn how to create a cash flow model for your ideas, project or business that is the basis of a business plan.

Thursday 10 August | 1.00 - 3.00pm

Thursday 10 August | 6.00 - 8.00pm

Everyone’s Warehouse, 47 Thames Road, IG11 0HQ

Understanding Tax

Understand how to handle tax returns when you’re self-employed. There will also be time for 1:1 support with an expert.

Tuesday 15 August | 1.00 - 3.00pm

Tuesday 15 August | 6.00 - 8.00pm

Everyone’s Warehouse, 47 Thames Road, IG11 0HQ

Budgeting & Financial Reporting

Learn how to generate a budget and have a process that helps you report and check on it.

Thursday 17 August | 1.00 - 3.00pm

Thursday 17 August | 6.00 - 8.00pm

Everyone’s Warehouse, 47 Thames Road, IG11 0HQ

Creating something we’re proud of is something that can make us feel wonderful. Marketing and Communications is about sharing that with the world.

In this module we will come together to look at how we can visually and verbally communicate the excitement, purpose or story behind our ideas, products or groups - whether that is through writing, media channels or photography.

Digital & Social Media Set Up

Explore different forms of digital and social media platforms, and start the process of setting up a few of them.

Saturday 19 August | 3.00 - 4.00pm

Make It Barking, Room 301, 15 Linton Rd, Barking, IG11 8HE, Located on 3rd floor

Thursday 31 August | 1.00 - 3.00pm

Everyone’s Warehouse, 47 Thames Road, IG11 0HQ

Copy Writing & Editing

Learn tips and tricks as well as a process on how to write and edit copy text that you can then publish.

Saturday 19 August | 11.45am - 12.45pm

Make It Barking, Room 301, 15 Linton Rd, Barking, IG11 8HE, Located on 3rd floor

Tuesday 5 September | 1.00 - 3.00pm

Everyone’s Warehouse, 47 Thames Road, IG11 0HQ

Product & Project Photography

Understand how to take good imagery and photography for your product or project. From composition and lighting, to purpose and intention; all this can make your images look better.

Saturday 19 August | 1.30 - 3.00pm

Make It Barking, Room 301, 15 Linton Rd, Barking, IG11 8HE, Located on 3rd floor

Thursday 7 September | 1.00 - 3.00pm

Everyone’s Warehouse, 47 Thames Road, IG11 0HQ

Marketing Strategy (New & Traditional)

Receive a free marketing strategy template and explore different ways that it can be used to build a marketing schedule that works for your idea.

Saturday 19 August | 10.00 - 11.30am

Make It Barking, Room 301, 15 Linton Rd, Barking, IG11 8HE, Located on 3rd floor

Tuesday 12 September | 1.00 - 3.00pm

Everyone’s Warehouse, 47 Thames Road, IG11 0HQ

6. Marketing & Communications

Sessions in Module 6

7. Co-operative & CIC Governance

With a co-operative or Community Interest Company (CIC) model, you can achieve more together and create something meaningful for your community. In this module we will explore two ways to organise in a collaborative, more democratic way.

Together we will learn about setting up governance constitutions, what collaborative models exist and how to create peer-to-peer support when you have no managers.

Sessions in Module 7

Collaborative Models

Learn about different collaborative models and organisational processes for your projects or business ideas.

Thursday 14 September | 1.00 - 3.00pm

Thursday 14 September | 6.00 - 8.00pm

Everyone’s Warehouse, 47 Thames Road, IG11 0HQ

Peer Support Without Managers

Explore how projects built collectively can still have ‘Human Resources’ processes (eg. grievance and progression) without using traditional management structures.

Tuesday 19 September | 1.00 - 3.00pm

Tuesday 19 September | 6.00 - 8.00pm

Everyone’s Warehouse, 47 Thames Road, IG11 0HQ

Constitutions & Objectives

Understand the language of co-operative constitutions and CIC objectives to support the formation of collaborative projects, and get started.

Thursday 21 September | 1.00 - 3.00pm

Thursday 21 September | 6.00 - 8.00pm

Everyone’s Warehouse, 47 Thames Road, IG11 0HQ

There will be opportunities to access some free accredited training throughout the programme. These are online courses which you can do from home or you are more than welcome to borrow a laptop and complete them at an Every One Every Day space.

Available accredited training courses include Health & Safety, First Aid, Fire Safety, Food Hygiene and Safeguarding. There is a limited number of courses, first come, first serve.

Sign up for the programme or speak to one of the team in-person or via email to register your interest.

You can also sign up for access directly via this form:

Fire Safety Level 1

In this course you will gain Fire Safety certification focused around preventing and managing fire risks.

Food Hygiene & Safety Level 2

This Food Hygiene & Safety accreditation is for anyone who wants to learn the basics of food hygiene so they can work safely in a kitchen, minimise contamination and handle food that is safe for consumers to eat.

Health & Safety Level 2

This course covers aspects of health and safety that are present in every work environment, including display screen equipment, manual handling and electrical safety.

First Aid Level 2

In this course you will gain first aid skills and get the confidence to act in a potentially life-threatening situation.


This accredited course is about effective safeguarding practices including the basics of child protection as well as best practice for working with vulnerable adults.

Accredited Training


Come down and strengthen your networks! Work-in-Progress Saturdays are a great opportunity for individuals and groups to get to know each other. Build connections, develop new skills and make progress on the things you’re working on.

Create relationships with groups or organisations in the borough, collaborate on projects and share new ideas that you could take away and try too!

Work-in-Progress Saturdays happen once a month between May and September 2023. There are different locations for each Saturday. Programme 2 has two Work-inProgress Saturdays.

If you want to get involved in any of the Saturdays, sharing your skills or opportunities, please get in touch with the team.


Saturday 19 August | 10.00am - 4.00pm

Make It Barking, Room 301, 15 Linton Rd, Barking, IG11 8HE, Located on 3rd floor - (Press 301 or call a member of the team who will gladly let you in).

Saturday 23 September | 10.00am - 4.00pm

Everyone’s Warehouse, 47 Thames Road, Barking, IG11 0HQ

Saturday 19 August

This August Work-in-Progress Saturday is focused on the vital work of storytelling and marketing. This packed day, will look to build your confidence with presenting your project to others and leave you with tools to use for your project going forward.

Come along! Check in on how your project is going or if you’re new to the programme, pop down and explore your ideas in more detail.

Marketing Strategy (New & Traditional)

| 10.00 - 11.30am

Copy Writing & Editing

| 11.45 - 12.45pm

Product & Project Photography

| 1.30 - 3.00pm

Digital & Social Media Set Up

| 3.00 - 4.00pm

Things to look forward to

Saturday 23 September

All good things must come to an end and the September Work-in-Progress Saturday marks the end of the Room To Grow Programme.

We will be closing out the programme with sessions on: Crucial Conversations & Conflict Resolution - understanding how to navigate hard or uncomfortable interactions; a final Open Table - bring dishes to share; Toolkit Sharing - learn about all the free and available toolkits; and last but not least Business Card Design - learn how to make business cards with digital tool Canva.

Crucial Conversations & Conflict Resolution

| 10.00am - 1.00pm

The Last Open Table

| 1.00 - 2.30pm

Toolkit Sharing

| 2:30 - 3.00pm

Making Business Cards

| 3:00 - 4.00pm

Meet The Team Partners

Every One Every Day is a project run by Participatory City Foundation and is an initiative across the borough of Barking and Dagenham. It supports 1000s of local residents in neighbourhood projects and collaborative business development. More at

The Room To Grow programme is designed by Every One Every Day and delivered in partnership with many amazing experts and organisations. Most of them are also located in Barking and Dagenham. Ade 07708899372 Iris 07704003968 Louis 07483371708

Sign up to the Room To Grow programme today! Scan the QR Code to register your interest and join the mailing list to stay in the loop as the programme progresses.

Contact the team who are happy to answer any questions you may have about the programme.

Please note that you do not need to book a ticket for sessions, so just be on time and bring along anything that helps you get the most out of the session. This is an inclusive programme so children who accompany their parents or caregivers are welcome and toys will be provided.

And if you want to get involved in any of the Saturdays, sharing your skills or opportunities, please get in touch with the team.

Sign Up Now!

Funders & Partners

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