Welcome to what is, in some ways, the most important newspaper ever printed by Every One Every Day!
ONE. 2023
As the project prepares to close its doors at the end of 2023, there is a huge amount of incredible stuff happening this year, building on the extraordinary ideas of the brilliant residents of Barking & Dagenham, who are as active and busy as ever.

to remember....
Over the last five and a half years nearly 10,000 residents of all ages and backgrounds have connected, created, learnt, laughed, played and participated in Spring, Summer and Autumn programmes with Every One Every Day.

Each time a newspaper has been published to tell you all about it. This time, this newspaper is different. Instead of introducing a programme, this paper tells you everything you need to know about the work happening this year to leave an incredible legacy for everything that’s been built together since starting in 2017.
Some of this is very familiar! You can still pop into a neighbourhood shop at the Heathway Shopping Centre and get involved in neighbourhood projects, cook something delicious, learn to sew and how to make things with plastic! Perhaps you have a delicious dish to bring along to the Open Table on Saturday 13 May 12.00 - 2.00pm?

Some of it is a bit different! In this newspaper you will find information about how we plan to create lasting materials which can continue to support participation activities in the borough beyond 2023. You will find details of the co-designed programmes to help grow resident collaborations and businesses this year. You will also find out about the plan to rehome the project’s resources, machines and equipment and how you can get involved.
So…there is lots to get stuck into! Please read on, and get involved!

The Heathway Shop is a space to meet new people, get to know your neighbours and get involved with some practical making. Come along to learn something new, share your skills with others, and make things together with other local people.
At the front of the shop, there are two workshop spaces - one for sewing and another for plastic recycling and making. At the back of the shop is the Project Space, a place for all kinds of activities from cooking and growing to crochet and paper making.
Everyone is welcome to come along and get involved in the wide variety of sessions happening or simply drop in for a cuppa or to continue working on your project.
Wednesday 10.00am - 5.00pm
Thursday 10.00am - 5.00pm (Closed at lunch 1.00 - 2.00pm)
W here
Every One Every Day Shop, The Mall, Heathway Shopping Centre, Dagenham RM10 8RE


Wednesday 24 May | 11.30am - 12.30pm
The Heathway shop is equipped with two large aeroponics units perfect for growing lots of amazing plants and delicious food! This session is a chance to have your say in what you want to grow!
Every Wednesday | 11.00am - 12.00pm
Would you like to learn how to sew? Come along to the Sewing Workshop and learn the basics of how to sew, including how to thread a sewing machine and a few basic stitches.

Every Wednesday | 2.00 - 4.00pm
Are you a keen knitter or crocheter? Or have you always wanted to learn? Come along to this session to get started and meet other local residents who love crocheting and knitting too.

Thursday 8 June | 3.00 - 4.00pm
Are you a food lover? Want to get involved in sharing some of your recipes and learning from others? Come along to this co-design where residents will be planning what they want to cook together over the coming months.

Every Thursday | 11.00am - 12.00pm
Get involved in the Plastics Workshop and learn how to melt, mould and make something new out of your household plastic waste.

The Heathway Shop is set up with sewing machines, materials and all the tools and resources you need to start your own sewing projects. Whether you’re an experienced maker or just a beginner, this is the perfect place to learn from others and get started on your maker journey. Why not bring in clothes that need repairing and mend them in the shop! Or perhaps you have some old material you could breathe new life into with one of the patterns that are available in the workshop. You could even have a go at doing some patchwork with the scrap materials leftover from other projects!

The Heathway shop has two amazing Aeroponics units that are capable of growing an abundance of beautiful plants and nutritious and tasty fruit and vegetables. At the shop residents have been testing growing different plants and foods and learning together. Come in and learn all about how to set up the machine and the super easy maintenance that is required to keep it happy. Watch both units bloom and harvest lots of delicious and healthy food for everyone to share.
The Plastic Workshop is all about turning everyday household plastic waste back into raw material that can then be reused to make something new, rather than thrown away. Collect your bottle lids and milk bottles at home, bring them in to sort, clean and cut up. Melt them down with a sandwich maker and watch it transform into a new material. You can use cookie cutters to create some key rings and earrings. Or perhaps you’ll use one of the moulds and create a bowl or plate to take home. There are regular introduction sessions to learn all about the plastic making process and how to use the machines. Join other local people and experiment together to help reduce waste and create beautiful new items!
At the Heathway Shop there are lots of making opportunities for everyone to get involved! There is a dedicated Open Making Space at the front that is perfect for all kinds of making. It is an ideal space to use as a cutting table for fabrics, paper making and vinyl cutting. All the materials for knitting, crochet and paper making are also available in the shop for you to have a go. If there’s a making project you’d like to start, why not pop in and plan it with the team and other residents!

Food brings people together and is a great way to connect with others, whether it is sharing skills, recipe ideas or simply eating together. Local residents have been coming together to cook and share delicious meals through projects like Great Cook, Family Cook, Preserved, Loaf and many more. If you’re a food lover or an aspiring chef come along and cook something delicious with your neighbours!

SATURDAY 13 MAY 12.00 - 4.00pm

Every One Every Day Shop, Heathway Shopping Centre, Dagenham, RM10 8RE
Join your neighbours for a fun day at The Heathway! During the day there will be a few different things happening over two brilliant spaces.
In the Heathway Shop, explore your creative side and get involved in some making in the sewing and plastics workshop spaces. In the afternoon, bring along a vegetarian dish from home, set the table and enjoy a shared lunch together for the Open Table.
In the Fabric Lab, take the opportunity to explore the new studio, share what you’ve made before and what you’d like to learn and find out how you can become a member.
12.00 - 2.00pm
Open Tables bring neighbours, friends and family together over food. Everyone is welcome to come along on their own, or with friends and family. It’s an opportunity to share food from around the world, imagine all those homemade tasty treats! If you’re not much of a cook, you can get involved by helping to set up or tidy everything away.
Open Tables are events filled with food and conversation. Everyone brings a dish, and we all eat together. It’s a great chance to get to know your neighbours and enjoy delicious food and friendly chats together.

Bring your favourite dish, a salad or vegetables, some bread, drinks or pudding!

12.00 - 4.00pm
Fabric Lab, Heathway Shopping Centre, Dagenham, RM10 8RE

Come along to celebrate the launch of the Fabric Lab! Learn more about the opportunities and benefits of joining as a member. There will be tours of the space and inductions scheduled throughout the day.
This is also a great chance to meet with other residents and check out all of the equipment and materials that will be provided. Begin to imagine what is possible and envision the projects you can create! Everyone is welcome!

2.00PM - 4.00PM
THURSDAY 15 JUNE 11.00AM - 1.00PM
Bring along your old plastic bottles and lids from home and join these big plastic making days. Are You Mad, a collective of makers and designers will be taking over the plastic workshop in the Heathway shop for two days!
In these sessions you will get to learn how to create products like buttons, combs, plant pots, clothes pegs and lots more using a shredder, injection moulder and extruder.
RM10 8RE
Are You Mad is a collective of designers and makers that work with high street plastic waste to create awareness around the everyday things people throw away and how they can be reused for a better purpose.
They have been working in collaboration with Everyone’s Warehouse to create big sheets of beautiful plastic made from the collected waste to then be used to make other things.
They have also been working with schools and brands to engage people in the circularity of the material and rebrand waste as an exciting, creative and necessary career and industry choice.
If you are a local school, business or organisation, and would like to put plastic on the map with the people you work with - let them know via the QR link below Scan the QR code to find out more.
Fabric Lab is a new fabric studio opening in the Heathway Shopping Centre. This is a free makerspace dedicated to sewing and all things fabric. All levels of skill are encouraged to get involved, from those who have never used a sewing machine, to skilled makers who can share their skills with the community. There will be opportunities to learn expert skills, including sewing, pattern cutting, embroidery and more.
The Fabric Lab is a place to produce beautiful, sustainable, everyday items, while learning new skills and connecting with other makers. Learn about zero-waste patterns, using deadstock fabric, and upcycling old clothes and textiles to make something new and unique. Come together with other residents of Barking and Dagenham to collaborate on exciting projects and help to make the neighbourhood a more connected and sustainable place to live.
Fabric Lab sessions are free and available for all members. Places are limited, to book your place speak to a member of the team or email Heathway@weareeveryone.org.
Fabric Lab, The Mall, Heathway Shopping Centre, Dagenham, RM10 8RE RM10 8RE
Repair & Upcycle
Come along to celebrate the launch of the Fabric Lab! Learn more about the opportunities and benefits of joining as a member. There will be tours of the space and inductions scheduled throughout the day. Everyone is welcome!
Sort & Make
Every Wednesday in May | 10.00 - 11.00am
Join Emma and learn how to repair and mend fabrics, transforming them into something new and exciting through the magic of up-cycling! These sessions focus on reducing waste and promoting sustainability by breathing new life into your textiles.
Shirt Making
Wednesday 10 May | 2.00 - 4.00pm
Wednesday 17 May | 2.00 - 4.00pm
Wednesday 24 May | 2.00 - 4.00pm
Join local resident Ghazala to learn how to design and make your own shirt. In these sessions you’ll learn everything from pattern reading to sewing final details.

Every Thursday in May | 10.00 - 11.00am
Join other Fabric Lab members to sort and record incoming material paying attention to the type, colour, and quantity of each piece to ensure that it is used efficiently.

Beginners Sewing Course
Every Thursday in May | 1.00 - 3.30pm
Join Nichole from Elasha Creations for this 4 week course to improve your skills and make a new product each week. Learn how to make an apron, tote bag, fabric plant pot and a zipped pouch. Instagram: @elashacreation
Overlocker Introduction
Thursday 11 May | 11.00am - 1.00pm
Join Valentina as shares how to use a domestic overlocker. In this session you will learn all basics so you can begin using the machine to do fancy hem finishes that will level up your sewing.

Beginners Pattern Cutting Course

Every Friday in June | 10.00am - 1.00pm
Join Manuella from Fashion Enter to learn the fundamentals of pattern cutting, block making, creating patterns, pattern anatomy and more! You’ll learn how to measure the body and draft in your own size. If you’ve always wanted to make your own clothes, this is the course for you!
Members of the Fabric Lab will be part of a community that looks after the space, maintains equipment and shares skills with each other. Everyone is invited to get involved in organising and using the space cooperatively, creating a welcoming environment for all. As a member, you can be part of a group of keen makers and have access to a fully equipped fabric workshop 7 days a week to practise your skills and work on exciting projects together!
Anyone living or working in Barking and Dagenham can become a member and get access to the space and machines for free. Follow the steps below to become a member to start your journey!
Join a Network of Makers
Whilst using the Fabric Lab, you’ll meet other keen makers from around the borough. Share your project ideas with one another and make progress on them together. Plan to meet together in the Fabric Lab and work on collaborative projects!
Learn from Experts
You will be sent a login link to the online certified training which you’ll be able to complete in your own time.
For more information about the Fabric Lab Membership, please contact the Heathway team in the Neighbourhood Shop or email heathway@weareeveryone.org
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Learn more advanced skills and techniques from experienced makers through sessions and courses at the Fabric Lab. Here you’ll learn all the skills you need to feel confident in projects that require more expertise. Share these new skills you have learnt with other residents using the Fabric Lab!
Start Projects Together
Membership starts with filling in the sign up form which you can find by visiting the website or scanning the QR code below.
Work together with other Fabric Lab members on exciting projects - share ideas and skills and learn together. The Fabric Lab is a space to work collaboratively using the collective knowledge within the group to tackle any project ideas you have!
Equipment Resources
The Fabric Lab is equipped with all the tools and equipment that you need to develop your skills and finish your projects to a high standard. Learn how to use a range of sewing and fabric equipment and access online tutorials and guides. Use the photography studio to record progress on your projects and do high-end photo shoots
Product Starter Kits
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After completing the online training, you will be able to book yourself onto an induction of the space where you’ll learn the process of gaining access to the space & machines.
INDUCTION Scan the QR code to find out more.
The Zero Waste Pattern Starter Kits are a great way to experiment with sustainable fashion while creating a unique item and reducing waste. These kits come complete with useful information and beautiful patterns to guide you through the process. Create a range of products using these easy-to-follow kits!
Essential Living
Essential Living is about producing the things we really need for us all to flourish in ways which stay within planetary and societal boundaries. You can learn more about the concept at the Fabric Lab and apply sustainable and circular practices to your projects!
Circularity at Fabric Lab
Materials In
Sourcing sustainable and surplus fabric from local people, charities, manufacturers and local retailers.

Bring in your scrap fabric, old curtains or worn out jeans! Learn about the materials and processes that made them and develop the skills to bring them back to life!

Did you know that in the UK alone, a huge £140 million worth of clothing goes to landfill every year? With the demand for raw materials expected to triple by 2050, finding more sustainable ways of using fabric is more important than ever. Luckily, there are many exciting projects to get inspired by!
The incoming material is sorted by type, colour, and quantity to optimise usage and minimise waste.
The Fabric Lab is a neighbourhood project dedicated to sustainability with a focus on repairing and upcycling clothes and reducing the amount of material that goes to waste locally. The Fabric Lab creates opportunities for local people to develop the skills and knowledge to produce more of the essential things we need in our everyday lives - creating a more inclusive, sustainable and circular neighbourhood.
What is circularity?
Everything we use on a daily basis is made up of different materials, from our coffee cups to our t-shirts - but do we ever stop to consider where they come from and where they’ll end up after we’re done with them?
Once everyday products reach the end of their use, they can be repaired or turned back into material ready to inspire new projects.
Throw-away culture leads to a linear economy where materials are taken from the earth, processed, used and then discarded. That’s why it is vital to rethink our approach and move towards a circular economy where materials are reused, recycled and upcycled to create something new - the waste from one item becoming the raw material for the next!
Here’s some inspiration
Celebrating the mends that bring new life to old clothes. Transform damaged clothes into personalised pieces through mending tears and holes creatively.


Making Projects
Transforming old clothes and fabrics into new items and saving material from ending up in landfill.
Collecting and processing plastic waste, to transform it into functional and decorative buttons that can be used for a variety of clothing and accessory projects.

Fusing together old plastic bags to create durable and waterproof materials for a variety of creative projects. The new material can be used like fabric to create clothing, bags, and even plant pots.

Meet some of the Heathway Makers ELIZABET

Barking and Dagenham is full of people making, learning and sharing things together. At the Heathway Shop and the Fabric Lab there’s loads of opportunities to learn new making skills along with your neighbours. Here are a few of the people who have been doing just that!
I enjoy every bit of what I’ve been doing at Heathway in the last few months. Everyone is so helpful - they don’t get tired of me! There’s so many things to learn here but I’m concentrating on sewing and fabrics. The last thing I made was a little pink bag and I’ve recently learnt how to do patch-working with Emma - she’s a super teacher! It’s really nice to come in and see all the diverse things happening. Ever since Bahar encouraged me to come into the shop I’ve been coming every Wednesday!

I love making because it’s a fun challenge to learn new techniques and make lots of different things. I also enjoy teaching others what I know. I heard about the shop and how it was bringing the community together in a creative way and wanted to get involved. I’ve taught people how to use the sewing machines and hosted some patchwork quilt making sessions too.Right now, I’m working on a big quilt with neon fabric and I’m excited to start learning how to make clothes too.
I come into the shop because I always learn something new and like seeing all the new faces in the community. I’ve made lots of things in the shop recycled plastic keyrings and earrings, a bag, a cushion and I’ve joined some cooking sessions too. I’ve also taught others how to use the vinyl cutter to add new designs to their old t-shirts! At the moment I’m working on my wedding dress with the help of some of the other makers. Chris is helping me to add some embroidery and June is going to help me add some decorative sequins and beading.
I came to the shop because I wanted to learn how to thread a sewing machine. I have a machine at home, but I didn’t know how to use it! I really enjoy making things and want to learn how to cut and sew my own clothes. I enjoy joining the cooking sessions in the shop to learn new recipes that I can then cook at home. I’ve also learned that we can make new things out of our plastic waste, like old milk bottles. Previously, I used to chuck them away, but in the shop I’ve turned them into beautiful buttons!

The shop is so welcoming and has a collaborative atmosphere which helps with tackling daunting tasks like meeting new people and trying new activities. I’ve taken part in activities like sewing and cricut making with vinyl. I am particularly drawn to dressmaking and I’d like to develop my skills in pattern cutting and garment construction. My goal is to launch my own fashion brand and I feel fortunate to have found a community of like minded individuals who provide invaluable support whilst I work towards realising my dream.

I enjoy mending clothes, sewing, cooking, baking and learning new things. I love creativity and sharing ideas too. What brought me to the Heathway shop was simply curiosity.

I enjoy experimenting with plants and I like astronomy. I come into the shop to meet new people and like that we all learn from each other. I’d like to get the Aeroponics unit started again and experiment with growing different kinds of plants in it like Bottle Gourd. Some people call it Dodi, it’s a cross between a courgette and marrow. There’s quite a few things I want to try in the aeroponics unit, Mimosa pudica is another one I’m curious about - when you touch it the leaves curl up so it’s also known as the sensitive plant.
I find it very relaxing planning new projects. I enjoy the creative process and problem solving. I like coming to the shop because it has large tables and equipment that I don’t have at home and you can always meet people who have the same interests as you. I always have projects on the go. I’m working on a dress at the moment as summer is coming. I’m interested in learning how to do quilting and I’ve seen a pattern for some indoor slippers I want to make. I like recycling and upcycling materials in my projects.
I find sewing therapeutic, normally I’d do it at home in my garden cabin but I like coming to the shop to interact with others. So far I’ve made a couple of bags, and I also helped Amanda K make her bag. I’d really like to learn how to make soft toys. A friend told me about a project where people made toys out of old school jumpers.
I always had a passion for sewing and when I was passing one day my attention was drawn to the shop where I found things I was interested in like photography, sewing, baking and printing.The project I am working on at the moment is making a skirt and top for myself and I would learn to make a tote bag and a pair of trousers too. Find out more about the makers by scanning the QR code
Would you like opportunities to develop your organisation or business?
Are you looking to gain new skills to grow an idea?
Are you part of a project looking to expand its network?
Room To Grow is a free learning programme for anyone in Barking and Dagenham. You can join the workshops, gain access to tools and training, and connect with people and organisations that can help your idea, project or business thrive.
The programme aims to help individuals, groups and businesses to build the skills, connections and knowledge they need for the next stage of their journeys.

Together we will explore topics with tutors and experts on organisational set up, team development, application writing, finance and marketing, co-operative and CIC governance and much more.
The programme sessions are designed to be inclusive and practical, supporting you where you are at in your journey. You can attend all sessions or just what is useful to you.
Once a month you can join the Work-in-Progress Saturdays to connect, learn, make and work together. You can find out more on next page.
The first programme starts in May and you can find out more information about the different modules below. To learn about dates, times and locations, please sign-up using the QR code at the bottom of the page to receive more info or go to:
There will be opportunities to access some free accredited training throughout the year.
This will include Health & Safety, First Aid, Fire Safety, Food Hygiene & safeguarding.
Sign up & speak to one of the team (in person or via email) to register your interest.
Accredited Training
Come together to identify opportunities and spaces where you can access knowledge, activities, equipment and materials locally. The aim is to connect you to spaces and people who can help you bring your ideas to life Along with this mapping will be sessions designed to help participants forge meaningful and mutually beneficial relationships.

Community & Connecting
Organisational Set Up Support
Getting organised to turn your idea into a action is challenging! From looking at different business plans and models to exploring working styles, operational processes and evaluations, you can ensure you are creating something that aligns with your goals.
Team Development
Collaboration means everyone gets to make a contribution by doing what they do best.
This module is about different ways to organise, make decisions and resolve disagreements as a team, making your projects more successful.

Understanding what funding is available is vital, alongside honing your pitching and application writing skills.

With some tools, machinery and materials being re-homed as part of Every One Every Day’s final year plans, there are also sessions in place to support you with your application for any of these assets

Proposal & Application Writing Support
In this module you will learn more about the financial side of running a project or business.
Together we will explore a cash flow model for your project, how to cost, price and budget, and how to navigate tax.
Marketing and Communications is about sharing your story with your community. Come and explore how you can visually and verbally communicate the purpose and story behind your ideas, products or groups.

This module covers copy writing, social media set up, photography and how to create a marketing strategy.
Marketing & Communications

Interested in exploring ways of organising that are inclusive and rooted in the community? In this module learn about different ways to structure and organise in a collaborative, inclusive and equal way. This module will cover topics on how to set up governance constitutions, different collaborative models and how to create peer-to-peer support when you have no managers.
Co-operative & CIC Governance
Come down and get to know your network! Work-in-Progress Saturdays are a great opportunity for individuals and groups to get to know each other, build connections and develop new skills.

Create relationships with groups or organisations in the borough reconnect with old partnerships and share new ideas that you could take away and try too!

Active Learning & Making
Get hands-on trying something creative that supports your project, like screen-printing your logo on t-shirts or creating social media reels.

Opportunities Board
A chance to share or learn about exciting opportunities in the borough. From jobs and events to learning opportunities and courses.
Saturday 13 May | 10.00am - 4.00pm
Saturday 17 June | 10.00am - 4.00pm
Saturday 22 July | 10.00am - 4.00pm
Saturday 19 August | 10.00am - 4.00pm
Saturday 23 September | 10.00am - 4.00pm
Pitching & Feedback
A chance to practise pitching your ideas to an audience and receiving feedback to make them even better
Support Sessions & Check-ins
A space to support one another and work together whilst working through the modules and sessions of the programme.

Inspirational Concepts
Explore interesting ways to think about work and working together. Discover concepts that centre a better future for all.
Inclusive Project Design
Develop skills to ensure your project remains open and welcoming to new collaborators and of value to your community.

You can find out more by scanning the QR Code and visiting the Room To Grow webpage where there will be a programme pack to view and download.
The pack has more details about the specific modules and sessions. There’s also a programme timeline with dates, times and locations.
You can also get a printed copy the pack from one of the pick up locations highlighted on the map.
Sign up to the Room To Grow programme today! Scan the QR Code to register your interest and join the mailing list to stay in the loop as the programme progresses.
Contact the team who are happy to answer any questions you may have about the programme.
Where to find a Room to Grow programme pack in the Borough.
Meet the Team

Pick Up Points
Iris 07704003968

Louis Sarena
07483371708 Louis@weareeveryone.org
Barking & Dagenham Technical College, 1 Short Blue Place, Barking IG11 8FJ
2 Studio3 Arts, Galleon Community Centre, Boundary Rd, Barking, IG11 7JR

3 Make It Barking, Room 401, 15 Linton Rd, Barking, IG11 8HE
4 One Room Live, Room 301, 15 Linton Rd, Barking, IG11 8HE, Located on 3rd floor
5 Adult College Barking, 127 Ripple Rd, Barking, IG11 7PB
6 Adult College Dagenham, 241- 247 Parsloes Ave, Dagenham, RM9 5QD
7 Coventry University B&D Campus, Rainham Rd, Dagenham, RM10 7BN
8 New City College, Redbridge, Chadwell Heath Ln, Romford, RM6 4XT
9 St Mark’s Church, 165 Rose Lane, Romford, RM6 5NR
10 Marks Gate Community Hub, Rose Lane Community Centre, Rose Lane, Dagenham, RM6 5NJ
11 Every One Every Day, Heathway Shopping Centre, RM10 8RE
12 Dagenham Library,1 Church Elm Lane, Dagenham, RM10 9QS
13 Thames View Community Hub, Bastable Ave, Barking, IG11 0LH
14 Everyone’s Warehouse, 47 Thames Rd, Barking, IG11 0HQ
15 The Wilds Ecology Centre, Northgate Rd, Barking, IG11 0SQ
16 BD Giving & The BEC, 50 Cambridge Rd, Barking, IG11 8FG

Every One Every Day is in its final year of wonderful work with the incredible residents of Barking & Dagenham. As we plan for closure, we will be working hard to find a happy home for all the project’s equipment so it can still be available to everybody in the borough.
Even though the project won’t be around to operate the spaces or the machines in the same way, we want to work with local people and partners to make sure that to make sure that local residents can continue to sew, cook, chop, grow, connect, make, create, work, play and learn together couldn’t be higher in the list of priorities.
What’s happening to all the machines & equipment?
There are lots of workshops, machines and resources, everything from sewing machines to a laser cutter.
If you’re interested in taking on any equipment, or having a say in the process, head to the website for details and an application pack. As we are a charity, we will be convening a cross-borough panel to
assess proposals and recommend the right course of action that will help ensure

residents can continue to access opportunities to do amazing things.
Anyone can apply if they agree to use the workshops in ways that meet our aims as a charity, so if you’re interested in taking on any equipment, or having a say in the process .
Step 1
Let us know you’re interested. We welcome you to get in touch, even if you don’t have a fully formed idea.
What workshops are available to apply for?
Ceramics studio

Precious Plastics
CNC machine

Step 2

Apply! You fill in an application pack and explain how you intend to operate and use the assets.
Woodworking fixed machines
Woodworking hand & power tools
Fabric studio
What about the smaller stuff?
Are you interested in taking some smaller resources and equipment from our neighbourhood shops and using them for community benefit? We have a bits, bobs, resources and equipment to gardening tools, cutlery to bunting.

Step 3
A decision-making panel will take a look at each submission and make a final decision about the best home.
Podcast studio
Screen printing studio
Digital Fabrication machines
Industrial kitchen
Step 4
We will work together with whoever is chosen to take on the assets to set up the equipment in its new home.
To see the whole list of workshop spaces, including the individual machines and other information about relocating and setting them up, check out the details online.
We have lots of things that might be useful for small community events, sessions and projects to flourish.
Perhaps you’re a group of parents that run craft sessions, a street that wants to get people playing together or a neighbourhood green space that needs a boost? Get in touch.
Kettles, cups, flags, crafts, games, tools, plants, decorations, and much much more will become available once the bigger workshops have found new homes, from July onwards.
Follow the link via the QR code to express interest in smaller resources and hear more about the process and timeline for this.

Tim wanted to create more of a sense of community where he lived and wanted to use a local green as a place to grow things for his family and neighbours. To kick off these ideas and to get people connecting, Timorganised a Play Street on his road. The road was closed to cars and neighbours of all ages enjoyed street games, music and food together.


Oglethorpe Road has some great shared green spaces – this got local residents Terry and Asha thinking about how they could transform unused green spaces into lively places for growing things that could be shared amongst neighbours on their street. In 2020, they got together with the Every One Every Day team to create an array of sturdy planting beds which are still flourishing till this day.

When residents of Portmakers Court flats heard about the opportunity to develop projects right where they lived through the Every One Every Day project, they launched into action with a range of wonderful ideas. With access to a shared rooftop space, a group of residents set out to create a communal space for everyone. The end product was an entirely transformed space – including raised beds, seating and even a wormery!
In the autumn of 2021, 10 street parties took place all across Barking and Dagenham as part of the Every One Every Day project. Thanks to street closures, residents were able to celebrate right on their doorstep – with neighbours bringing food to share at big pop-up tables, alongside a whole host of other activities. There was dancing, games and one street even harvested produce from their community garden together.

A group of residents living in Abbey Road got together to share ideas on livening up their local area and came up with the idea of putting up a planter in a nearby public space. Using a special kit that can be put together without any tools, the group set up a wraparound planter that could house new plants while also doubling as a seating area. The seating, which can be accessed by any passers by, offers locals a new place to stop and connect.
Marks Gate residents Charles, Khan and Chris had been working on reviving an unused allotment space, and have been inviting their neighbours to join them in giving it a new lease of life. They have grown tomatoes, garlic, cucumbers, courgettes and more. To help encourage more people to join in and feel like a community plot, they wanted to create a sign to adorn the garden. They set to work and made a sign entirely out of waste plastic - crushing and recycling plastic with just a blender, a toastie machine and some careful making skills.
Neighbours Participating - how can people reimagine their streets to create thriving places to live?
What would it be like to turn your street into a place for celebration, play and exploration – a place to kickstart your ideas alongside others?
Throughout the Every One Every Day project, residents have been exploring different ways to bring the excitement and ideas started in the Neighbourhood Shops, onto their streets and into their local neighbourhoods.The Open Streets project builds on this legacy of vibrant and wide-ranging street-based projects and will offer residents across the borough, and further afield, the opportunity to start their own projects right where they live.
A toolkit for participatory neighbourhoods

The Every One Every Day team are using this final year of activity in the borough to co-create, test and share the Open Streets project alongside streets in the borough. After this testing has happened, the Open Streets project will become of a toolkit full of ideas, tips and tricks on how to start activities on your street. There will be helpful guidance for all kinds of streets and neighbourhoods, from cul-de-sacs to flats to local green spaces, everyone will be able to participate. It will be open source, meaning any neighbourhood or street can launch their very own project.
The project holds the tools needed to bring your street together to dream, create, participate, and imagine together. This will include helpful resources on:
What’s in the toolkit:
Knowing our neighbours and local areas can create all kinds of opportunities, such as learning new skills, sharing things together and building exciting projects, which can lead to all kinds of wonderful outcomes like feeling more connected, gaining confidence, and creating more cohesion.

Ideas can range from building a colourful sharing library, a thriving vegetable patch, or even shutting down your street for a fun and lively Street Party!
The Open Streets project will be available in the coming months. Scan the QR code and Sign up to be kept up to date of when it will be released and how you can get involved. to be directed to more information email Saira@weareeveryone.org. Visit the website
Neighbourhood Participation - how can community hubs benefit from participation tools & practices?

An important piece of the plan for the final year of Every One Every Day is to turn all the learning into practical tools which can strengthen the work of other local organisations.
During this final year, we are collaborating with community hubs, organisations and services across the borough to co-create a participation hub toolkit.
The Hub Toolkit will be available to all kinds of organisations that wish to develop their own participation practices and build participation into their organisational culture.

The toolkit will be adaptable to your own needs and will include loads of resources to help you to introduce new ways of working, such as using co-design methods, hosting inclusive spaces, and co-production approaches for community events.

Participation tools for local organisations
The Every One Every Day project has undertaken research on these practices for the past five and a half years and the outcomes have demonstrated that purposeful participation can lead to a whole range of positive outcomes for your organisation, the people you work with and for the wider community. The Hub Toolkit will be free-toaccess and will be available for any organisation to make use of, and is due to be released in the coming months.
We have found that using inclusive participation practices can (amongst many things!) create the conditions for the six key things outlined below:
Participation tools help to create conditions for:

If you are interested to find out how participation tools may be of benefit to your organisation, you can show interest by signing up using the QR code.
Connecting with your Community
There are many wonderful organisations, community hubs and neighbourhood projects in Barking and Dagenham that have an array of activities, opportunities and spaces available for residents to benefit from. These range from spaces where you can learn or share your creative skills, connect with others through practical activities and get access to key services plus more!

in Barking & Dagenh am
Barking Learning Centre is a community-based learning facility and houses the Barking Library.

Barking Learning Centre Studio 3 Arts 5
Marks Gate Relief Project
Studio 3 Arts, where artists and communities come together to create change. Created by and for the people of Barking & Dagenham. studio3arts.org.uk
Broadway Theatre Bow Arts
The professional and community theatre in the heart of Barking town.
A vibrant creative community of artists, designers and makers that are part of the creative Ice House Quarter of Barking and Dagenham. bowarts.org/location/icehouse-court
Make it! Barking Green Shoes Arts
Providing dynamic work, networking and hire spaces, a bar and cafe/ restaurant and a cutting edge events programme.

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Green Shoes Arts offer creative opportunities to disadvantaged and vulnerable people in the heart of Barking and Dagenham. greenshoearts.com
A House For Artists Wellgate Farm
A House for Artists is an model for affordable and sustainable housing tied to long-term public engagement in Barking Town Centre. createlondon.org/ event/a-house-for-artists
Offering a safe and inclusive place for people to participate in and experience a working farm environment. wellgatefarm.org

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A project that engages innovative voluntary services to boost community engagement within Marks Gate and surrounding areas. mgrp.org.uk
Marks Gate Community Hub

A central community hub for Marks Gate and Chadwell Heath. lbbd.gov.uk/find-your-nearest/ marks-gate-community-hub
St Marks Church
A community hub for the residents of Marks Gate and surrounding areas.
stmarkschurchmarksgate.org. uk
North Meets South
A community engagement project based in Marks Gate. nmsbl.org.uk
Marks Gate Allotment 13
An allotment which has free access to local residents on two plots. Bakery Close, RM6 5AN
Dagenham Libraray Community Hub

A local community hub that hosts activities as well as services for residents.
Stoneford Community Garden
A historic National Trust managed cottage garden that regularly holds activities for all ages.
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A public space for art and social activity on the Becontree Estate which offers resident-led sessions that members of the public can join. whitehouseart.org

The White House Thames Life
A community development trust working with the people of Thames View, Barking Riverside, and Scrattons Farm, to support residents driving change. thames-life.org.uk
Barking Food Forest

A gardening project to bring people together to grow and socialise.

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Barking & Dagenham Technical College
A purpose built, technical training campus for adults in the heart of Barking Town Centre. barkingdagenhamcollege. ac.uk

One Room Live
Thames View Community Hub
A warm community hub in the heart of Thames ward. A place to go, a place to do and a place to connect. Contact by Email: Molly.Sterling@lbbd.gov.uk

The Wilds Ecology Centre & Grounded
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Company Drinks 1 5
A collective showcasing the creativity of Barking and Dagenham through wellness, live music and much more. oneroomlive.com

Adult College Barking
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An excellent, safe and supportive learning environment with a variety of flexible courses. adultcollege.lbbd.gov.uk
A multi-purpose events space where you can find GROUNDED: a coffee shop co-operative run by local residents of Barking & Dagenham. wearegroundedcoffee.co thewildsbarkingriverside.london

A message from the team.....
This is a huge moment for Every One Every Day.
Earlier this year we announced that 2023 would be the final year of our work with residents in Barking and Dagenham and we have been working flat out ever since to develop our plans for leaving a fantastic legacy for everything we have built here together in the borough over the past six years. This is, of course, a really sad moment in many respects.
Since Every One Every Day opened the doors of fits first two shops with a launch festival in October 2017, the project has scaled to dozens of other shops and hubs across the borough, and have co-designed and delivered countless projects, sessions, events and programmes with residents.

As you can see on this page our team has loved working with the residents of Barking & Dagenham. So many wonderful memories have been created, so many relationships have been built, and so many amazing things have happened.
Over 6 brilliant years, residents have made new friendships, developed new skills, created opportunities for their children, made their neighbourhoods more beautiful, grown their own food, mended their own clothes, and developed new businesses.

They have recycled tonnes of plastic, planted hundreds of trees, welcomed 10 colonies of pollinating bees and a family of community chickens. So it is no exaggeration to say that single day spending time doing things together has made something extraordinary happen.
It’s been an absolute privilege for all of us to be part of it. We wanted to share some of our favourite memories from the last six years with you in this, our final newspaper and we hope they remind you of some of your favourite moments with people, and everything that has made up the Every One Every Day project.
A huge thankyou to you all.
I remember one sunny afternoon, we decided to put the pingpong table just outside the front of the Church Elm Lane Shop. A group of kids began to play, firing balls all over the pavement.

There was so much laughter some local builders heard and wanted to join in the game - it was a great example of creating opportunities for people to connect and encouraging people to spend time together switching off from life’s distractions!

First Food Day
My first day was also the first Food Day at the Barking Shop, and what a start it was. Lots of local residents came together to share recipes and food, and I thought ‘this is great, I can get used to this!’
Ping Pong Play Warehouse Welcomes
This is more of a general memory, but after completing a Warehouse Induction you could always see the excitement in peoples eyes and ideas ticking around in their heads, having seen all the workshops and the exciting equipment. Often people would say things like “wow, it’s really big!” yet, within a few weeks they were in the workshops taking on more responsibilities and looking after the spaces.
The Warmest Open Table
It was the last Open Table at the lovely Martins Corner shop, just before Covid-19. Lots of people came together to prepare the shop with fairy lights, decorating, and we cooked a pie from leftover vegetables gathered from the Open Fridge. It was so relaxing to play board games and paint together with new and old faces in such a warm and lovely atmosphere.
It was a cosy and warm day in the Ripple Road shop, the perfect scene to welcome a new resident into the joy of participation.
At first, she was quiet, but her smile soon bloomed as she shared a story about wooden looms built by hand with her late sister. As she described the process, the team gathered the pieces and the loom project was born.

Pitch Perfect
Brilliant Bikes

My favourite memory was a bike repair session I hosted outside the Barking shop in summer 2018. A group of boys came and started messing about with the repair equipment and it was quickly clear that they had much better skills than me!
When a little girl and her family approached with her wonky bike the boys were the ones to diagnose the problem, and sort it out. The little girl cycled off happily with a working bike, and the boys were made up to have done something useful, and to have shown off their skills. It just shows what people can do for one another when they have the tools!
People & Planters

Some locals have been around long enough to remember when the Roding-side concrete slabs had a purpose. These amazing residents designed and built shared planters to fill those empty spaces with delicious “rainbow-coloured” veggies. Some young girls developed their woodwork skills assisted by older neighbours who they were meeting for the first time. The group decided to use the girls’ designs as inspiration for the chosen colour scheme. It was a lovely organic collaboration where everyone’s experience mattered!
Blooming & Looming Slime Time
One of my favourite memories is watching the Grounded team pitch their business plan to Barking Riverside to secure funding for the cafe. To know how hard they’d worked and then visibly see how far they’d come - it was incredible. They delivered an amazing pitch that was confident and professional and they got the funding! Probably because they make the best coffee in Barking & Dagenham... FACT!
I’ll never forget all the wonderful Every One Every Day festivals, but specifically during Make It! Festival, the Thames team needed help hosting a slime session as the resident-host had fallen ill and could no longer make it. Thames team and residents clubbed together to figure out how to make slime on the spot! Almost 40 children joined the session, it was a slime celebration that for sure but the team and residents working together made it truly amazing.
in numbers!
Every One Every Day is a unique large-scale research project that has been testing to see if it is possible to build practical participation into the fabric of everyday life.
The big question we are asking ourselves is, if we build an inclusive ecosystem of projects, activities, relationships and networks which enable residents to share time, spaces, learning and ideas, can they co-create wonderful neighbourhoods for themselves, their families and their communities?
Over the past five and a half years we have been measuring this in loads of different ways. This page shares some of the key statistics from the project to give you a sense of the impact that nearly 10,000 people working together can create.
Participation Culture
In a Participation Culture, people are at the center of making their neighbourhoods exciting, inspiring, enjoyable and healthy places to live. People co-design every project and co-produce every outcome with the platform - Every One Every Day. Thousands of every day, practical interventions accumulate to large-scale impact for communities and the environment.
Planet Positivity
The planet is shared between all living beings. In today’s world, it is important to understand the responsibility of sharing the planet’s limited resources and environment with fellow living things and those who will inherit it in the future. Planet Positive means to work in a way that is regenerative of our natural systems so that we can meet the needs of people today, without compromising future generations.
Hours of Participation
75,000 Neighbourhood Projects
Products Made
Collaborative Business Programmes
Inclusive Places
In an inclusive participation system, everyone is invited to participate and barriers to participation are systematically identified and removed. This means practical participation opportunities look and feel different from other forms of participation which typically require people to adapt their lives to be able to take part. This emphasis on inclusivity benefits the whole neighbourhood and helps connect people with different experiences.
Collaborative Culture
A neighbourhood where networks of people understand each other, look out for each other and respond to problems together, is a place where collaboration becomes the norm and a culture can emerge where people find mutual strength in each other. This helps in creating strong communities which are ready to face the challenges and seize opportunities. In a collaborative culture, people work through practical, social projects on an equal footing and take decisions together.
Circular Economy
A traditional linear economy consists of take, make, use, dispose. This is harmful to the environment as it generates enormous waste. The concept of the circular economy is an alternative to this system. In a circular economy, materials and products are reused, recycled, and upcycled. This reduces demand on raw materials and minimises (or eliminates) waste. It creates new economic opportunities and businesses and in turn, leads to huge benefits to the environment and society at large.
In a few months Participatory City Foundation will publish Places to Practice, it’s third report into the Every One Every Day Project.

This report will build on the two previous research reports, Made to Measure (2018) and Tools to Act (2020). These described the experience and learning we gathered from the first two years of setting up and establishing Every One Every Day in Barking & Dagenham. Places to Practice will fill in the gap since 2020, in which a lot has happened! There is the whole story to tell of how the platform adapted to Covid-19, how residents used the project to remain resilient through lockdowns, and how the platform emerged from the pandemic period. It will also bring all the data up to date (some of which is summarised in these pages) and set out some hugely important evidence which is emerging from the research about links between this type of participation and the development of social capital for residents.
Social capital is a way to describe the networks, relationships and opportunities people need to thrive in communities. The more you have of these things, the more likely you are to live a fulfilling life in which you feel you can do the things you want, that your life has meaning and that you can affect change.
We think the evidence is showing that more participation equals more social capital and think this is a really important and exciting finding. After this report is out, the project intends to publish one final report in 2024.
The final publication will contain everything gathered and learnt throughout the project lifetime in Barking & Dagenham. It will include all of the learning resources we are creating with residents this year as well as all the materials which we hope can help other places to adopt this approach in their own communities.
Open Source
Open Source means that the blueprint for ideas, projects and products is published openly and is free for anybody to replicate, amend, adapt, and scale. Open manufacturing uses open source designs to produce things without controlling the copyright. This means everybody has access to the source, the opportunity to remix and redistribute, and you don’t need anyone’s permission to make changes. Evidence shows that sharing new ideas and increased cooperation leads to higher standards of manufacturing.
“Differentpeoplefromdifferentbackgrounds bringalottoateam-itcanonlygetbetter fromhere,Iloveit,Iloveit!”-Resident
“Everyone, from every walk of life is being given the chance, not just to come and sit and watch, but to do something” -Resident

“It makes me feel very proud to be part of this borough, to know that something like this is here on offer” - Resident

Every One Every Day is brought to you by Participatory City Foundation. We are a charitable foundation established for the benefit of people living and working in Barking & Dagenham.

Registered Charity Number: 1175174