Partners of the Americas 2011 Annual Report

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Building Partnerships That Last Annual Report 2011

Table of Contents 1

Letter From Our President & CEO and The Chairman of the Board


Building Partnerships That Last: The Legacy Lives On


A Network Larger Than We Imagined: 2nd World Summit for Youth Volunteering Unites Volunteers from Around the Globe


A New Perspective on the Americas: 2011 Convention Unites Partners in the “City of Transformation�




Programs & Special Initiatives


2011 Financial Statements




Thank You



Letter From Our President & CEO and The Chairman of the Board Building Partnerships That Last The year 2011 was an exciting and groundbreaking one for Partners of the Americas. It was a year that revealed the importance of our partnerships in many different ways and how they have withstood the test of time. We also were able to see how our network of partnerships is much greater than we ever imagined. Further, it was a reminder of our original vision and mission and how it is captured so elegantly in our name: Partners of the Americas. We build sustainable, lasting partnerships that capture the interests and passions of a wide range of citizens in the hemisphere to work together to build better communities. The Spanish phrase el poder convocatorio or the “power to convene” took on special meaning this year as we hosted two important meetings. Our Massachusetts-Antioquia Partnership hosted a highly successful bi-annual Partners Convention in Medellin, Colombia under the banner of “The Challenge of Transformation.” We were delighted to have more than 300 participants from around the hemisphere join us. We saw firsthand the power of a city to come together and transform itself from a state of violence, fear, and despair to one of confidence, sound management, and active citizen participation. We hope that all of the participants returned to their respective communities with the hope that they too can be transformational leaders and agents of change. And in Barranquilla, Colombia, we co-hosted with IAVE (The International Association for Volunteer Effort) the 2nd World Summit for Youth Volunteering. We expected about 300

participants and were excited to see close to 900 from nearly 50 different countries join us to learn how to better serve and volunteer in their communities. As a result of the Summit, the global youth service network RED2021— which you’ll also learn more about in this report—was created. We also saw the A Ganar program take off. What began as a small pilot in three countries turned into one of the most innovative youth employment-through-sports programs in the Americas. A Ganar—which means to earn or to win in Spanish and is known as Vencer or Vencedoras in Brazil—is now in 14 countries involving more than 8,400 participants. We expect it to grow even more and our hope is that by 2014 it will have served 14,000 participants in at least 16 countries. This goal for 2014 will coincide with the celebrations around Partners’ 50th Anniversary and the World Cup in Brazil. The search to strengthen Partners and build our network of partnerships has taken on many new opportunities. In addition to our traditional chapters, we have developed the PARTNERSCampus initiative that will allow university students to affiliate with Partners. We are also developing new affiliations with like-minded organizations that have come to our attention by way of our chapters and collaborating organizations. One example that has enriched our emergency preparedness programs is our affiliation with the 911 Fund out of New York which has been training and providing equipment to many of our chapters. In other examples, we are discovering that as we connect our various fellowship programs

between northern and southern institutions, there is a natural interest in developing a longer term affiliation with Partners. For example, Clemson University has sponsored and hosted Climate Change Fellows from Bogotá and San Andrés, Colombia. We are now recognizing this partnership as part of our network. Our attention is also drawn to preparing for our 50th Anniversary in 2014. I hope you will join us in working towards this important event as we lay the foundation for the next 50 years. Our goal is to see Partners even stronger for our 100th anniversary in 2064. Sincerely,

Steve Vetter President & CEO

Tasso Lugon Chairman of the Board


Building Partnerships That Last: The Legacy Lives On


Much of the discussion about U.S./Latin America relations focuses on the old and tiresome issues of Cuba, violence, trade, and immigration. Each of these issues should indeed have our attention but there are also some other dramatic changes taking place that need to be understood and more fully appreciated. Here are three that suggest we may be entering an entirely new period in which the Americas—the Western Hemisphere—will present itself in ways that demand greater cooperation and appreciation for our unique role in this century: • A population greater than China by 2060: With China’s one-child policy, many demographers project that the sum total of the population of the Western Hemisphere will soon exceed that of China. • More petroleum than the Middle East: It is now fairly well documented that with the new discoveries of oil in Brazil and Colombia—and the existing lodes in Mexico, Venezuela, and the extraction of oil shale—that the Americas could soon be energy self-sufficient. • An appreciation of the value of civic action and volunteer service. The disappointment in the ability of the state or the market to solve the ongoing problems of poverty has created a renewed interest in the role of the voluntary sector and the essential need to build collaboration across all sectors.

It is this third element that has allowed this insight: All of the work of Partners of the Americas over the past 48 years is paying off and has positioned Partners to now play a more important role than ever. Our longstanding interest in developing partnerships that last is now being actively sought out by civic organizations, government agencies, and private sector groups in ways that we have not observed, even recently. A related insight is this: the Partners Network is actually much larger and more dynamic than we have imagined. Many of our chapters have developed dense networks of sub-partnership agreements, such as the Oregon Chapter’s outreach and involvement with university-based TOEFL teachers. And we have finally awakened to the realization that with each fellowship program we implement, we in fact create a partnership between the sponsoring organization and the host or receiving organization. The legacy of Partners is a rich one built on the value of lasting partnerships. It is both an idea and an ideal that is captured in our very name. Partners of the Americas is as relevant a name and idea today as it was 48 years ago.

A Network Larger Than We Imagined:

2nd World Summit for Youth Volunteering Unites Volunteers from Around the Globe It was a watershed moment for Partners of the Americas. For the first time ever, we hosted a global event with worldwide implications. In November, nearly 900 youth from six continents joined us to celebrate the 2nd World Summit for Youth Volunteering in Barranquilla, Colombia. Attendees came from nearly 50 different countries and 29 of the 32 departments (states) in Colombia to discuss and explore effective ways to increase social inclusion and civic participation through volunteering. This event marked the ten-year anniversary of the first Summit, which was held in Tokyo and coincided with the United Nations’ International Year of Volunteers.

The Summit kicked off the morning of November 3rd, with Colombian government leaders, officials from Universidad del Norte (UNINORTE)—which hosted the Summit on its beautiful campus—and IAVE (the International Association for Volunteer Effort) board members in attendance. Mark Molloy, an IAVE youth board member, talked about the first World Summit in 2001 and the path leading up to this year’s celebration. Partners’ President & CEO Steve Vetter spoke on the spirit of volunteerism and the importance of partnerships—and Partners’ special relationship with Colombia, which led to the Summit being held in Barranquilla. The day’s keynote speaker was Australian Hugh Evans, CEO of the Global Poverty Project, whose message about ways to combat extreme poverty around the world set an inspiring and

exiting tone that lasted throughout the event. Another highlight of the Summit was hearing Malaysia native Michael Teoh, winner of an international competition titled “Your Big Year,” highlight his experience of traveling around the globe and volunteering. That evening, in a flurry of green balloons, Partners of the Americas, IAVE, and UNINORTE launched a new initiative called RED2021, a platform aimed to unite young volunteers around the world to share their service commitments and support each other through the exchange of resources. The World Summit benefitted greatly from the support of the members of the Global Corporate Volunteer Council, American Airlines, Motorola Mobility Foundation, State Street Bank, and UPS. Also supporting the Summit were various entities of the Colombian government, along with United Nations Volunteers, international student organizations like AIESEC, and numerous others. Pre-activities for the Summit began on November 2nd when more than 300 volunteers traveled to the community of Manatí, in the southern part of Atlántico state—an area that was heavily impacted by some of the worst flooding in Colombian history last winter. Volunteers helped to run a health project and gather clothing, in addition to activities designed to boost the spirits of beleaguered residents. While the volunteers spent the day in service, another group of Summit attendees spent the day talking about the increasingly important role that corporations play in promoting volunteerism. At the Corporate Volunteer Roundtable, diverse organizations had a unique chance to talk about their methods of using volunteerism as a tool to engage employees in meaningful service to their communities.


A Network Larger Than We Imagined:

2nd World Summit for Youth Volunteering Unites Volunteers from Around the Globe


During the three days of the event, the World Summit received a tremendous amount of media coverage in both the Colombian and international press. In all, here is some of what we can measure from the Summit: • 862 registered participants • 3 keynote speakers • 115 panelists • 3 Heroes of the Millennium • 53 Summit Correspondents from all over the world • 350 young volunteers working with 800 beneficiaries affected by the winter in the Colombian Caribbean • 72 undergraduate students, from AIESEC and Univoluntarios, formed the Summit Staff • A team of more than 100 staff members from the organizing institutions formed the Host Committee and the Support Committee of the Summit • 935 online participants via video streaming

Partnering organizations for the Summit included: UNINORTE, whose campus hosted the World Summit, is one of Colombia’s most prestigious universities. It is an institution committed to every aspect of social, economic, political and cultural development through its work in the classroom and its attention to the growth and well-being of its students. UNINORTE’s volunteer programs are renowned for their success and innovation. The International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE) is a global network of volunteers, volunteer organizations, country representatives, and volunteer centers that has members in more than 70 countries in every region of the world. IAVE was created to promote, strengthen and celebrate the development of volunteerism worldwide.

A New Perspective on the Americas:

2011 Convention Unites Partners in the “City of Transformation” For the 2011 Partners Convention, Partners volunteers, chapter leaders, staff, supporting organizations, and local government officials joined together in Medellin, Colombia in the week that followed the World Summit in Barranquilla. The Colombo Americano Bi-National Center and the Antioquia Partners Chapter co-hosted the Convention. With the theme “The Challenge of Transformation,” much focus was placed on the Convention’s location—namely the phenomenal change undergone by the city of Medellin in the last two decades. It went from a place of

violence, crime, and corruption to a beautiful city with thriving civic organizations, business, and opportunity. Part of what made that transformation possible was the sense of community involvement that so many of Partners’ chapters and programs aim to promote. A second focus was “Volunteers as Agents of Change”—that is, the role of individual and volunteer organizations in creating alliances with the government to develop best practices in planning and implementing social programs. The final focus was “A Strategy for Change,” or how Partners of the Americas envisions its role

as a connector across all sectors to serve communities and change lives. The Convention was a showcase for the many projects and organizations in the region dealing in the themes of youth entrepreneurship, conflict resolution to overcome community violence, and international public-private alliances to address social and environmental issues like climate change and accessibility. Other forums covered the topics of youth as change agents, overcoming violence, sport and health, social inclusion, and international partnerships. Partners’ President & CEO Steve Vetter’s opening keynote speech was titled “Partners in a Changing Hemisphere” and highlighted the increased need for strong north-south partnerships in everything from business and government to education and environment, as Latin American countries face the new challenges of the globalized world in the 21st Century. During the three-day event, attendees visited community centers, schools, civil society organizations, local government leaders, and local landmarks such as Medellin’s world-renowned cable- and metro-car public transportation system—a system designed to provide access to downtown Medellin from outlying communities with little or no public transportation. Participants in the U.S. State Departmentfunded American Fellows Program—from both business and government—exhibited their follow-on projects and Climate Change Fellows presented at a panel confirming the importance of creating solutions across borders for long term sustainability. Before the closing gala and dinner dance, Partners held annual elections and a transformational dialogue to allow those in attendance to have a voice on important issues facing Partners.




In 2009, Partners of the Americas joined its efforts with the International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE) to organize the 2nd World Summit for Youth Volunteering two years later. As one of the official events of the worldwide celebration of the United Nations’ International Year of Volunteers+10, the Summit—an event led by youth for youth—was the perfect platform to empower a new generation of volunteers. With this in mind, Partners and IAVE launched RED2021, a global network that seeks to promote and support the work of young volunteers in every corner of the planet. RED2021 will serve as the global platform for the connection of youth volunteers during the next 10 years, seeking to create the international alliances that they need to achieve their goals.

So what exactly is RED2021? • RED2021 is a forward-looking network that creates connections between youth volunteers and then maps the personal and organizational commitments by them, their organizations, and employers. It is the global place for youth to come together to pursue their passion, build their skills, and multiply their impact through volunteering. • RED2021 is a vehicle that allows participants of the Summit and other young volunteers all over the world to remain connected and inspired to create measurable impact in their communities. • RED2021 is a collective commitment by corporations and youth to build a more informed, connected, and accountable global youth volunteer community.

Over the next decade, RED2021 will allow local networks to be more connected and mobilized to address the issues facing deprived communities. Whether it is among cities, countries, or regions, RED2021 will build partnerships for volunteering activities by connecting people through joint projects, hobbies, ideas, interests, objectives, or personal goals through the interaction of knowledge and experience. For more information, please visit or and see how you can join the effort.

Programs & Special Initiatives The A Ganar Alliance

Sponsored by: The Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF) of the Inter-American Development Bank and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Simply put, A Ganar is a youth workforce development program wrapped inside of a soccer ball. A Ganar links the spirit and lessons of sport to workforce development training so that young workers have the passion, hard work, and skills necessary to be successful in the labor market. Technical skills are not enough. In order to meet today’s demands and opportunities, youth need to also have the right attitude, work ethic, and “soft skills” in order to succeed. Those skills—teamwork, communication, discipline, respect, a focus on results, and continual self-improvement—are practiced and demonstrated daily on soccer fields around the world. The same teamwork and communication needed on the field is needed in the workplace. Being on time for work is just as important as being on time for a game. A work uniform is also a symbol of excellence and pride and carries responsibilities, just as the jersey of a club or national team does. A Ganar started as a pilot program in Brazil, Ecuador, and Uruguay in 2005. In 2011, A Ganar added programs in Dominica, Honduras, and Suriname bringing the total countries served to 14 and the total youth served to over 8,400.


Sponsored by: Nike Foundation with support from the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF) of the Inter-American Development Bank Built upon the A Ganar model, Vencedoras is a soccer-based economic empowerment program for adolescent girls and young women in Brazil. By the end of 2011, over 1,000 girls in Rio de Janeiro, Ceará, and Minas Gerais had participated in a comprehensive program that includes employability as well as technical and entrepreneurial skills training. Each girl is mentored by a Partners volunteer and completes a service learning project. Vencedoras is part of a global effort by the Nike Foundation, known as The Girl Effect, to demonstrate the power and benefits of investing in girls.

Youth Sports Management Exchange Sponsored by: The SportsUnited office in the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs

Since 2006, Partners has managed a series of sport-based exchanges for coaches, administrators, and leaders of programs for youth. In 2011, Partners led the Youth Sports Management Exchange (YSME) for youth sports leaders in Colombia, Ecuador, and their partner states of Florida, South Carolina, Massachusetts, and Kentucky. YSME celebrates bonds shared through diverse sports by the people and leaders in all participant communities to positively impact the lives of young people. Through YSME, 25 Colombian and Ecuadorian sport leaders conducted exchanges in the U.S.; 14 U.S. sports leaders visited Colombia or Ecuador; 25 multiplier effect workshops were conducted in Colombia and Ecuador to share lessons learned; five

community action grants were implemented to address local needs; and at least 118 organizations, 595 youth, and 1,263 adults were directly impacted by grant activities.

John Ogonowski and Doug Bereuter Farmer to Farmer Program Sponsored by: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

The Farmer to Farmer Program takes a people-to-people approach to sustainable agricultural development. The program links U.S. technical experts with small- and medium-scale producers, farm organizations, cooperatives, and related agricultural enterprises to increase productivity, profitability, and access to markets in Latin America and the Caribbean. Farmer to Farmer increases the competitiveness and effectiveness of select value chains while giving U.S. agriculturalists the opportunity to share their knowledge and benefit from cultural exchange. In 2011, Farmer to Farmer sent 146 volunteers on assignments to 13 countries, directly benefiting over 11,000 people. The program promotes economic growth, increases food security, and protects natural resources.

Bolivia Gender-Based Violence Reduction Program

Sponsored by: U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor Partners supported a civil society effort in four municipalities of Bolivia to reduce gender-based violence through actions aimed at three objectives: a) increasing knowledge and changing attitudes about genderbased violence in service providers, women, and the general population, b) increasing public institutional capacity to respond


Programs & Special Initiatives


and respond appropriately to situations of violence, and c) promoting leadership and empowerment of women as agents in their communities to articulate and coordinate the care of gender-based violence victims. In 2011 the program hosted awareness workshops, dialogue among key actors, and art and music competitions. It successfully managed to reach thousands of people— including women, municipal, judicial, and indigenous authorities, youth, and the public—who work together in networks to prevent gender-based violence. Partners and the local implementing organization, the CONSTRUIR Foundation, have worked with the support of four NGO partners in the departments of La Paz, Cochabamba, Oruro, and Tarija. Those organizations, and women empowered through the program, were able to form regional Violence Prevention Networks and are successfully advocating with municipal governments for increased funding and training for the organizations that serve domestic violence survivors.

American Fellows

Sponsored by: U.S. Department of State In 2011, the American Fellows Program sponsored 31 Fellows from 20 countries. They came from 30 different home organizations to work in 29 different host organizations. The program has provided mid-level professionals with the opportunity to not only make a difference in their career but in their home community as well. Fellows’ expertise ranged from a venture capitalist in Uruguay who evaluated opportunities for growth of management activities in Minnesota to environmentalists in St. Lucia who worked on creating a “white paper” report on air pollution. American Fellows alumni were given a unique opportunity

to reengage in their home community with the Small Community Project Grants. A total of 11 project grants were approved during the 2011 program in thematic areas such as agriculture, youth involvement, and entrepreneurship. One specific project, titled “Seeds of Life”, brought together students in Bolivia in an after-school program by teaching youth life skills through methods like building seed beds and planting. The American Fellows Program fosters long-term, international linkages between the public and private sectors of the United States, Latin America, and the Caribbean through the exchange of methods, techniques, and expertise between professionals and their organizations. The program offers Fellows a unique opportunity to gain handson experience, establish valuable institutional and professional relationships, and expand their knowledge through 4-8 week fellowships in a host organization in a partnering country. Since 2003, Partners has worked with 240 Fellows from 26 countries, 34 U.S. States, and 313 host and home organizations through the American Fellows Program.

Legislative Fellows

Sponsored by: U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs The Legislative Fellows Program bridges the gap between civil society and government. It creates an international exchange among professional leaders with a focus on democracy and good governance. Fellows are selected based upon their expertise in the following areas: accountability, transparency, citizen advocacy, and citizen participation. Partners of the Americas began working on the Legislative Fellows program in 2011 and Fellows started travelling in 2012.

Climate Change Fellows

Sponsored by: U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs Partners of the Americas’ Climate Change Fellows Program builds on decades of sustained programs that connect people, institutions, and communities to serve and to change lives across the hemisphere. Throughout 2011, 43 professionals from the United States and Colombia representing 30 different organizations across five sectors—private, academic, media, government, and non-profit—participated in fellowships that harnessed the power of citizen diplomacy and linked it to long-term engagement around climate change issues that affect multiple communities. Partners’ program fostered integration, mutual understanding, and continuity through four fellowship classes. Each class consisted of 10-11 Fellows who traveled either to the U.S. or Colombia for a three- to eight- week fellowship. Fellows were recruited and selected to represent a rich mix of local, regional, and national leaders along with representatives from the fields of disaster preparedness and communications. The Colombian fellowship class traveled to Washington, D.C. at or towards the end of their fellowships to participate in a Professional Fellows Congress where they were able to meet with other professionals from around the world to discuss and exchange ideas regarding those issues of climate change that are affecting their communities. Participants and host organizations in the program built sustainable relationships with professionals and organizations in diverse communities. They also had the opportunity to share their professional expertise and continue their professional development through their fel-

lowships and strengthen the capacity of their communities to more effectively mitigate climate change. Post-fellowship, Climate Change Fellows completed Integrated Community Projects. These projects included helping local communities, and even five national parks in the Amazonian piedmont, to integrate climate change adaptation into their management planning.

Senior ECPA Fellows

Sponsored by: U.S. Department of State The Senior ECPA (Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas) Fellows Program sends pre-selected experts from the academic, non-profit, and private sectors to act as consultants and carry out speaking engagements in the Western Hemisphere. Fellows work with diverse agencies to share knowledge and innovative solutions as well as build greater collaboration among experts working in energy and climate change. Fellowships are coordinated in collaboration with U.S. Embassies throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. Partners of the Americas began working with ECPA in 2011 and Fellows started travelling in 2012.

Education and Culture

Sponsored by: U.S. Department of State’s Office of Citizen Exchanges The Education and Culture Program supports person-to-person exchanges and communityled projects that lead to learning, cultural understanding, and building bridges among volunteers, institutions, and communities through enduring partnerships. Partners provides travel exchange grants for qualified, volunteer professionals; small project grants to support local, community-based projects within the Partners network and its local allies; and Peer Learning Events to share lessons learned from successful projects and exchanges, creating a learning-rich network of volunteers and organizations. In 2011, Partners awarded 73 travel grants and 16 small project grants to volunteers working on projects ranging from environmental research in Brazil to pottery production in a small rural village in Ecuador. Two Peer Learning Events—in the Dominican

Republic and Colombia—brought local institutions, practitioners, and Partners chapters together to build networks around the themes of citizen safety, youth engagement in volunteer service projects, sustainable development, and applied technology (which addresses social issues such as environment, access to clean air, water and transportation, and healthy and safe communities).

PARTNERSCampus In 2011, Partners launched PARTNERSCampus, a bold new initiative that brings Partners of the Americas to college campuses across the U.S. and Latin America. It all starts with a few student leaders united through a common vision of a more interconnected and equitable hemisphere. With the guidance of PARTNERSCampus staff, student leaders can found their very own student chapter of Partners and begin developing their own innovative service and development projects, using their own specific abilities and interests as a guide in their mission to change lives. By taking advantage of the PARTNERSCampus service learning, leadership development, and hands-on implementation opportunities, students develop relevant skills for their future careers and build the international networks that will launch them to the top of their respective fields—whether it be foreign policy, international development, social enterprise, finance, marketing, international relations, or any number of other professional paths. In addition to students, student chapters welcome faculty, administrators, and alumni who—together—contribute to the Partners vision by nurturing cultural exchange, leadership development, and a service mentality within the campus community. Participants have access to extensive professional train-


Programs & Special Initiatives ing opportunities as well as support and guidance on managing programs, conducting meetings, and identifying opportunities for development and service projects. Most importantly, PARTNERSCampus participants get the opportunity and the support they need to make a lasting and meaningful impact in the lives of people across the Americas.



Partners believes that youth are powerful agents of change—active in the present as well as the future. To further strengthen our belief, the Youth Engagement and Program Development teams worked closely in 2011 to build Partners’ YouthLead program, which will provide youth a comprehensive intercultural experience founded on four pillars: fostering leadership development, promoting a commitment to service, building mutual understanding, and promoting long-term engagement. By partnering with chapters throughout our network and other organizations, Partners is able to custom tailor programs around various thematic areas—such as human rights, science, and technology—and provide youth with the tools and resources they need to realize their potential as leaders and to be protagonists in their own development. Partners has begun creating pilot YouthLead programs with organizations in Colombia and Brazil. The Youth Engagement team also conducted a broad network inventory of various youth initiatives, past and present, which Partners chapters have established, managed, or both, over the past 48 years. Through this effort, we have been able to capture the rich history of experience and expertise around youth engagement that the Partners network possesses. Since 1967, Partners has engaged

nearly 5,000 youth leaders from over 20 countries in various youth leadership and engagement programs which equip them to become active and responsible change agents in their communities. The great majority of these youth have come through our chapter-based partnerships. And since 2002, Partners has recruited and trained over 800 youth leaders in our flagship Youth Ambassadors Program.

Youth Ambassadors

Sponsored by: U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs Youth Ambassadors (YA) is a cultural exchange program for underserved high school age youth in Latin America, the Caribbean, and the U.S. Participating youth and adult mentors travel to their counterpart country for a holistic experience that develops their leadership skills, promotes volunteerism as a way of life, fosters mutual understanding and cooperation across the Americas, and engages youth in long-term initiatives that support their personal growth and development. They accomplish these objectives through meaningful interactions with host families, peers, volunteers, community leaders, civil society organizations, and public officials. The cornerstone of this program is the Leadership in Action community service projects in which youth delegations work together with their communities and the Partners network to implement small projects that reflect the spirit of exchange and service. Since 2007, over 30 projects have been implemented or begun by Partners youth throughout the Western Hemisphere.

2011 was the biggest year yet for Partners’ YA program. Partners implemented and launched YA in five new countries in the Caribbean: Antigua & Barbuda, Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, and Trinidad & Tobago—adding to the existing eight South American countries and the U.S. In total, 208 youth traveled through the Youth Ambassadors program in 2011, and they were hosted by 11 U.S. states and four countries. Twenty-four Partners volunteers gave their time and energy to serve as local coordinators and led enriching host community programs. In addition to high programmatic activity, Partners continued to guide and support YAs in the development of the International Youth Ambassadors Network (IYAN) which was born out of the first YA Summit, which Partners convened in December of 2010 in Panama. The IYAN formalized their vision and mission and representatives of the Network presented on their experience at the 2nd World Summit for Youth Volunteering in Colombia. Including IYAN members, 23 YA participants and coordinators attended the Summit in Barranquilla, the Partners International Convention in Medellin, or both.

2011 Financial Statements Partners of the Americas, Inc. Statement of Activities and Changes in Assets Partners of the Americas, Inc. for the year ended December 31, 2011:

Support & Revenue


Total Support and Revenue


Expenses Program Services Total Program Services Supporting Services Total Supporting Services Total Expenses Changes in Net Assets Net Assets at Beginning of Year Net Assets at End of Year

$5,548,309 $1,878,625 $7,426,934 $5,140,246 $7,204,689 $12,344,935

Statement of Financial Position Partners of the Americas, Inc. for the year ended December 31, 2011:

Asset Current Assets Total Current Assets Property, Equipment and Leasehold Improvements Net Property, Equipment and Leasehold Improvements


n U.S. Government Grants n Corporate/ Foundation Grants and Contributions n In-kind Contributions n Individual Contributions n Membership Dues n Interest and Investment Income n Other Income

$10,560,179 $69,043 $1,631,682 $46,757 $20,741 $23,332 $215,446



2011 $6,010,936 $80,696

Noncurrent Assets Total Noncurrent Assets Total Assets

$7,110,459 $13,202,091

Liabilities & Net Assets


Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities Noncurrent Liabilities Annuity Payable Total Liabilities Net Assets Total Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Total Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets

$822,297 $34,859 $857,156 $65,733 $12,279,202 $12,344,935 $13,202,091

*For a complete copy of the 2011 independent auditors’ report by Gelman, Rosenberg and Freeman, please contact Partners of the Americas at 1.800.322.7844 or 202.628.3300.

Total Expenses

Program Services n Youth and Education $871,451 n Civil Society and Governance $261,454 n Agriculture and Environment $1,697,452 n Exchanges and Fellowships $2,717,952 n General and Administrative $1,868,284 n Fundraising $10,341




2011 Financial Statements

Partners of the Americas Foundation History During 1983, the Board of Directors of Partners of the Americas, Inc. established the Partners of the Americas Foundation. The Foundation is a separate legal entity whose purpose is to maintain a fund or funds and apply and distribute sums therefrom to promote the purposes and goals of Partners of the Americas, Inc. In 2010, the Foundation became a program executing entity for private and non-governmental donors.

Statement of Financial Position

Partners of the Americas Foundation for the year ended December 31, 2011:

Assets 2011 Current Assets Total Current Assets


Noncurrent Assets Total Noncurrent Assets Total Assets

$272,921 $2,801,990

Liabilities & Net Assets Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities


Net Assets Total Unrestricted Total Restricted Total Liabilities and Net Assets


Support & Revenues n A Ganar n Contributions n Fee for Service n Investment Income

$939,684 $2,700 $9,258 ($10,675)

Total Support and Revenue


$496,495 $1,921,386 $2,801,990

Endowments Partners of the Americas’ endowment consists of donor-restricted endowment funds and funds designated by the Board of Directors to function as endowments. As required by generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), net assets associated with endowment funds, including funds designated by the Board of Directors to function as endowments, are classified and reported based on the existence or absence of donor-imposed restrictions. The Board of Directors has interpreted the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (UPMIFA) as requiring the preservation of the fair value of the original gift as of the gift date of the donor-restricted endowment funds absent explicit donor stipulations to the contrary. As a result of this interpretation, Partners of the Americas classifies as permanently restricted net assets (a) the original value of gifts donated to the permanent endowment, (b) the original value of subsequent gifts to the permanent endowment, and (c)

accumulations to the permanent endowment made in accordance with the direction of the applicable donor gift instrument at the time the accumulation is added to the fund. The remaining portion of the donor-restricted endowment fund that is not classified in permanently restricted net assets is classified as temporarily restricted net assets until those amounts are appropriated for expenditure by Partners in a manner consistent with the standard of prudence prescribed by UPMIFA. In accordance with UPMIFA, Partners considers the following factors in making a determination to appropriate or accumulate donor-restricted endowment funds: • The duration and preservation of the fund; • The purpose of the organization and the donor-restricted endowment fund; • General economic conditions and the possible effect of inflation and deflation; • The expected total return from income and the appreciation of investments; and • Investment policies of the organization.


n Corporate $1,095 n Finance & Administration $1,400 n Partnerships & Programs $11,736 n A Ganar $945,734

Total Expenses

Total Endowment

n Board-Designated Endowment Funds: n Donor-Restricted Endowment Funds:


$496,495 $223,520

Total: $720,015

Contributors Lifetime Individual Giving Sustaining Ambassadors

Individual Gifts in 2011

$10,000 - $19,000 Anonymous Luis Brito Malcolm Butler Lois Fish Frederick Heldring Virginia Hubbell Mary Laschober Paula Laschober Raymond Laschober William Reese William Stedman Deborah Szekely Maurine Venters

Patrons - $500 - $999 Christopher Bennett Robin & Tommy Bergeron Norman Bezona Philip Easterling Karen Graham Guillermo Lockhart Yraima Mendez David & Lori Nobles Susan Sandy Craig Seymour Maurice Sterns Francis Wardle

$20,000 and above Alan Berkeley Bernard & Carolyn Hamilton Elizabeth Hill Stephen Murphy Jerry Perpich Friends of Pixote Literacy Fund

$5,000 - $9,999 C. Dean Allen Art Dohrman Lacey Gude Jan Hertzberg Hector de Lara Steven Laschober Matthew Lee Edmea McCarty Robert Raiche Alicia Reid Manuel Rodriguez-Fiol Harry Ruffalo Diani Santucci Charles & Dorothy Wampler Patricia Williams Wilbur Zielke

Ambassadors - $1,000 and above Lynn & Alan Berkeley Geno Bonaventura David & Roberta Degeyter Paula Laschober E.W. Karle Matthew Lee Mr. & Mrs. James Shea

Benefactors - $250 - $499 Christopher Crawford Arthur Dohrman Matt Gross James McNitt Damian Parker Sponsors - $100 - $249 Marianna Beach Erik Brand Wally Clausen David Coffey Elizabeth Dasilva Denise M. Decker Karen Doyle Henry Graden Mary Hilton Gerald Nolte Thomas Rathburn Irving Tragen Howard Turner Leslie Whipkey

Organizations and foundations—including government, universities, and the private sector—that we collaborated with in 2011 Adult and Continuing Education, St. Vincent and the Grenadines AGA S.A. AIESEC Alamo College Alcorn State University Alta Consejería para la Prosperidad Social, Colombia America SCORES American Airlines Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment Asociación Compañeros de las Américas Capítulo Sur Occidente Colombiano Asociación Libre Expresión Asociación Nacional de Ex-becarios para el Desarrollo de Honduras (ANEDH) Asociación Panameña de Ejecutivos de Impresas (APEDE) Asocoflores Asomujer Autoridades Indígenas de Colombia Bayou Pipe Coating Belmont Abbey College Bogotá Municipal Government Brandeis University Brookings Institution C.I Spataro Napoli Compañeros Cali Cardinal Newman High School Caribbean Healthy Lifestyles Program CASMAC Caspar/Maria Marshall Center CEACA–Vila Center Where Adolescents Learn to Love and Serve (CALLS) Centro Asesor para el Desarrollo de los Recursos Humanos (CADERH) Centro Boliviano-Americano Centro Colombo-Americano, Medellín Centro Cultural Peruano-Norteamericano Centro de Capacitación Integral y Desarrollo Integral de la Familia A.C. Centro Educacional da Criança e do Adolescente Lidia dos Santos - CEACA Centro Familiar Ayuda A.C. Centro Nacional de Educación para el Trabajo (CENET) Children International Children International, Colombia Children International, Dominican Republic City of Orlando Athletic Programs

Clemson University Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative Club Malvín Club Nacional de Fútbol Coca Cola Colegio Alfonso Palacio Rudas Colegio Raíces del Futuro Colombia Britanico School Colombian National Police Community Achievers Project Corpoeducation Corporación Volver a la Gente Corposur Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) Critical Exposure Cruzada Estudiantil Cutuglagua League, Pichincha Council DC SCORES Dept. of Plant and Soil Sciences, Univ. of Delaware Devils Gulch Ranch Dominica Youth Business Trust (DYBT) Dominican Republic Education and Mentoring (DREAM) Project Eau Claire University of Wisconsin Ecos do Futuro Ecuadorian Bi-National Center (Centro Ecuatoriano - Norteamericano) Ed Broussard Marine Service, LLC EDUCA Educaçao e Cultura (IBDEEC) El País Elizabethtown College Entrena Entrenate Karate Club Escola de Gente Comunicação em Inclusão Escuela Superior de Administración Pública ESAP Escuela Superior Politécnica Ecológica Amazonia (ESPEA) Estudios Posadas Federación Uruguaya Cooperativa de Vivienda por Ayuda Mutua Florida A&M University Florida Assoc. for Volunteer Action in the Caribbean and the Americas, Inc. (FAVACA) Florida Department of Agriculture Foundation Espoir




Friends of Haiti Fucvam Fundación A Ganar Fundación Amigos de los Niños en Barranquilla Fundación Carlos Slim Fundación Colombianitos Fundación Colombianos Apoyando Colombianos Fundación Comunitaria de la Frontera Norte Fundación Construir Fundación de las Americas para el Desarrollo (FUDELA) Fundación MAC Fundación Nacional para el Desarrollo de Honduras (FUNADEH) Fundación Telefónica, Colombia Fundación Universidad del Norte Fútbol con Corazón Ganamos Todos Gente a Favor de Gente A.C. Girls on the Run Global Corporate Volunteer Council Healing Spirits Herb Farm ICANA Indeportes Antioquia Inder Envigado Inder Medellin Institute of Sports Education Instituto Brasileiro para o Desenvolvimento do Esporte Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar Instituto Companheiros das Americas Instituto Cultural Chileno-Norteamericano Instituto Dominicano de Desarrollo Integral Instituto El Abrojo Instituto Elo Amigo Instituto Gesta Instituto Kolpin Instituto Politecnico Centroamericano (IPC) Inter-American Development Bank Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE) Itaú J. Broussard, Inc. Transport Services Jamaica Cricket Association Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF) Justin Hackworth Photography KaBOOM!

Kansas State University Kintyre Hope Flats Benevolent Society L’Athletique d’Haïti La Tasca Alexandria League of Dreams Liberty Lodge Boys Training Centre Liberty Seguros, Colombia LIDECOR Louisiana State University love.fútbol Foundation Manuela Canizares Pedagogical Institute Marion House Michael Walton Foundation Motorola Mobility Foundation Mountain Honey Multilateral Investment Fund of the Inter-American Development Bank (MIF) Municipality of Carepa Museo de Arte del Tolima Napo Sports Federation, Chaco Municipality NC Cooperative Extension, Pasquotank County Center New Jersey Department of Agriculture Nike Foundation Niños Traviesos North Carolina Department of Agriculture, Plant Industry Division Northwest Kansas Technical College Office of Rep. Ben Chandler - KY Office of Rep. Silvestre Reyes - TX Office of Senator Amy Klobuchar – MN Office of Senator Charles Schumer – NY Office of Senator Jerry Moran - KS Office of Senator Kay Hutchison - TX Office of Senator Lamar Alexander – TN Office of Senator Maria Cantwell - WA Office of Senator Mark Pryor - AR Office of Senator Max Baucus – MT Office of Senator Mike Crapo – ID Office of Senator Mike Enzi – WY Office of Senator Pat Roberts - KS Office of Senator Richard Burr - NC Office of Senator Roland Burris - IL Oracabessa Foundation Organization of American States (OAS) Ormond Beach Community Center Para Crecer Paul Smiths College, School of Forestry and Natural Resources Peace Corps Honduras Peace Corps Jamaica Peace Corps Suriname Peace Players International

Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture PepsiCo Pichincha Provincial Council Potomac Conservancy Purdue University Rede de Esportes pela Mudança Social, Brasil Retail-Feed & Farm Supply Ricardo Ortiz Teran School Rose Hall/National Women’s Council Rutgers University Salud y Desarrollo Comunitario A.C. Samanenses Ausentes Santa Catalina de Siena A.C. Save the Children, Colombia Save the Children, Dominican Republic Sembradores de Paz y Esperanza A.C. Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA) Special Olympics Florida Sports Initiation Center St. Kitts and Nevis Football Association St. Kitts and Nevis Ministry of Education St. Kitts Wesleyan District Holiness Men (WDHM) State Street Bank Stg. Letitia Vriesde Sportpromotie Suriname Sunnyside Gardens Sur Futuro Techno Comunitario A.C. Telesoluções Trinidad and Tobago Alliance for Sport and Physical Education U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) U.S. Department of State U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs U.S. Department of State Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs U.S. Department of State Office of Citizen Exchanges U.S. Embassy to Argentina U.S. Embassy to Barbados U.S. Embassy to Bolivia U.S. Embassy to Brazil U.S. Embassy to Chile U.S. Embassy to Colombia U.S. Embassy to Ecuador U.S. Embassy to Jamaica U.S. Embassy to Nicaragua U.S. Embassy to Paraguay U.S. Embassy to Peru U.S. Embassy to Suriname

U.S. Embassy to Uruguay U.S. Embassy to Venezuela Unicatolica United Cerebral Palsy Program of Florida United National Volunteers United Nations International Labour Organisation (ILO) University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff University of Arkansas Fayetteville University of California Cooperative Extension University of Delaware University of Kentucky University of Richmond University of South Carolina University of Technology, Jamaica University of Washington, Seattle University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin - Extension University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point University of Wyoming – Laramie Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez Universidad del Norte (UNINORTE) Universidad Especialidades Turísticas Universidad de Envigado Universidad Popular Autonoma Puebla Universidad Técnica Equinoccial Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo UPS Venezuelan Bi-National Center (Centro Venezolano–Norteamericano) Violence Prevention Alliance and Whole Life Ministries, Jamaica Virginia Tech University - Blacksburg White House Office on National Drug Control Policy Women’s Business Group YMCA Chile YMCA of the Midlands Youth Affairs Department of St. Vincent and the Grenadines Youth Opportunities Unlimited Youth Service America (YSA)

Thank You Thank you to the thousands of volunteers and collaborators that donated their time and resources to Partners in 2011! Partners of the Americas’ mission is to connect people and

between northern and southern universities, development

organizations across borders to serve and to change lives

agencies, and civic organizations.

through lasting partnerships. These partnerships create opportunity, foster understanding, and solve real-life

Inspired by President Kennedy and founded in 1964

problems. The Partners Network is comprised of volunteers

under the Alliance for Progress, Partners is a non-

and professionals who are committed to serving others.

profit, non-partisan organization with international

Our partnerships are built around the core structure of

offices in Washington, DC.

chapters in countries and states that form north/ south partnerships. We also form inter-institutional partnerships

Get involved at


Boards Partners of the Americas, Inc. Chairman


Mr. Tasso de Castro Lugon Retired Judge Espirito Santo, Brazil

Dr. Christopher Bennett Senior Dental Surgeon Belize City, Belize

Vice Chair

Mr. Eugenio (Geno) Bonaventura Supply Chain Mechanical Engineering Manager, Motorola, Inc. Chicago, IL

Ms. Alison McKellar Consultant, Director of Nonprofit, Global Opportunity Garden Camden, Maine



Dr. Paula J. Laschober Electric Utility Economist/Financial Manager & University Business Professor Seattle, Washington

Secretary Dr. Guillermo (Willy) Lockhart Veterinarian Montevideo, Uruguay

Dr. Francis Wardle Write and Professor, Red Rocks Community College and University of Phoenix Denver, Colorado

Lic. José Mario Corona D. Business Owner and Administrator Jalisco, Mexico

Mr. Stephen G. Vetter President and CEO, Partners of the Americas Washington, D.C.

Mrs. Betty Gálvez de Reyes Executive Director, Committee for the Integration & Reconstruction of El Salvador (CIRES) Santa Tecla, El Salvador

Mr. Matthew Lee, Jr. Account Manager, Xerox Corporation Marietta, Georgia

Partners of the Americas Foundation, Class A Directors Mr. Matthew Lee, Jr. Account Manager, Xerox Corporation Marietta, Georgia

Secretary Mr. Erik Brand General Manager, Publisher of Latin America Advisor for Inter-American Dialogue Lakeville, Minnesota

Dr. Maurice A. Sterns Founder and Executive Director of QSD International Chevy Chase, Maryland

Mr. Antonio Marcus Carvalho Machado University Professor Espirito Santo, Brazil

Econ. Yraima Méndez de Delgado Economist Caracas, Venezuela


Mr. Tibério Paula Pedrosa Monteiro University Professor and Lawyer Pernambuco, Brazil

Mr. Jerome Karwowski Financial Advisor Indianapolis, Indiana Mr. Stephen Murphy Senior Advisor, Pacific Northwest Advisors Seattle, Washington

President, Partners of the Americas Mr. Stephen G. Vetter (ex officio)

Treasurer Horacio Correa, Jr.

Legal Counsel Alan J. Berkeley, Esq. Kirkpatrick and Lockhart Washington, D.C.

Partners of the Americas Foundation, Class B Directors Mr. Tasso de Castro Lugon Dr. Paula J. Laschober Alison McKellar

Chairman Emeritus Frederick Heldring Chairman and President, First Union Bank Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Board Liaison Sherrita Wilkins (ex officio)

Partners of the Americas International Advisory Board Thomas C. Ramey Trustee of The Brookings Institution; Former Chair of Liberty International and Liberty Mutual Group; Director of AXIS Capital Holdings; Former VP for the Inter-American Foundation Barry Gaberman Former Executive Vice President of the Ford Foundation; Chairman of the Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support; Trustee of Board Source

Jack Shakely Chairman of the Center for Philanthropic and Public Policy at the University of Southern California; Former President of the California Community Foundation, Author on Development Issues for the New York Times, Washington Post, et al.; Novelist Stephan Hittman President of the 911 Fund

Deborah Szekely Former President of the Inter-American Foundation; Chairman of the Szekely Foundation; Member of the Board of Council on Foundations; Internationally Known and Respected Business Leader John Dickson Former Director for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, US Department of State

Partnerships Alabama/Guatemala Arkansas/Santa Cruz, Bolivia Colorado/Minas Gerais, Brazil; Alagoas, Brazil Connecticut/Paraiba, Brazil Delaware/Panama District of Columbia/Brasilia, Brazil Eastern Pennsylvania/Bahia, Brazil Florida/Eastern & Central Colombia; Northern Colombia Georgia/Pernambuco, Brazil Idaho/Cuenca, Ecuador; Guayaquil, Ecuador; Riobamba, Ecuador Illinois/Sao Paolo, Brazil Indiana/Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Iowa/Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico Kansas/Paraguay

Kentucky/Quito, Ecuador Louisiana/El Salvador Maine/Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil Maryland/Estado do Rio, Brazil Massachusetts/Antioquia, Colombia Michigan/Belize/Dominican Republic Minnesota/Uruguay Mississippi/Guyana/Trinidad Missouri/Para, Brazil Montana/Patagonia, Argentina Nebraska/Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil New Jersey/Haiti New York—Long Island/St. Vincent New York— Lower Hudson New York—Rochester/Antigua and Barbuda North Carolina/Cochabamba, Bolivia

Ohio Oklahoma/Jalisco, Mexico; Puebla, Mexico Oregon/Costa Rica South Carolina/Pasto, Narino, Colombia; Southwestern Colombia Tennessee/Venezuela Texas/Peru/Verzcruz, Mexico Utah/La Paz, Bolivia Vermont/Honduras Virginia/Santa Catarina, Brazil Washington State Western New York/Jamaica West Virginia/Espirito Santo, Brazil Wisconsin/Nicaragua Wyoming/Goias, Brazil


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