Partners of the Americas' 2014 Annual Report

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Partners of the Americas

connects people and institutions in 28 countries across the Americas to craft lasting solutions to the hemisphere’s toughest challenges.

Annual Report Special 50th Anniversary Edition



Change Lives

It’s the simple notion of partnership, and we believe it can change everything.

When it comes to changing the world, no one can do it alone. But all too often, the people and institutions working to solve global challenges operate in isolation, leaving community needs unmet and donor dollars underutilized.

At Partners of the Americas, our approach is different. We bring the right mix of players – volunteers, development professionals, governments, businesses, and higher education institutions to the table in order to match resources, knowledge and passion to need. By connecting local organizations to broader funding opportunities and empowering citizens to become agents of change, we develop lasting solutions to our hemisphere’s toughest challenges, together.

President’s Letter After 50 years, we’ve finally begun to own our name: Partners of the Americas. We build partnerships. As the world has watched big, short-term programs produce little results, the belief in a longer, sustained approach has taken hold. Partners’ approach has taken hold. When we establish meaningful partnerships, they become self-managed and self-directed, with little oversight and cost. When they’re built on need, mutual understanding, and shared value, our partnerships wield a great transformative power. This power is alleviating poverty, building crosscultural understanding, and promoting economic opportunity throughout the Americas. Our efforts have fostered some of the most effective cooperation in this hemisphere. Our 20-year-old Uruguay-Minnesota partnership has succeeded in developing new legislation around juvenile justice and women’s law. Under our leadership, we have brought new life to President Obama’s 100,000 Strong in the Americas university exchange program in the form of more than $6 million in corporate funds. Our management of the ECPA Senior Fellows Program is advancing the search for clean, renewable energy in order to address climate change. In September, we convened more than 400 attendees at Partners’ 50th Anniversary Convention in Florianopolis, Brazil, where we saw diplomats and students, Colombians and Kentuckians exchange ideas in the three major languages of our hemisphere. In our highly polarized world, building partnerships becomes more difficult every day. It is hard work, but this also makes it increasingly important work, because our only viable way forward as nations is together. We have watched trends come and go, along with dictators, military governments, and one political party after another. The one thing that remains constant is Partners’ unceasing commitment to understanding and cooperation. In this report, you’ll find a brief snapshot of Partners’ impact over the past five decades. Whether in our youth development programs or sustainable farming projects, we’ve achieved much since President Kennedy first charged us with bettering our world. Still, much remains to be accomplished. We hope you will join our board of directors and staff as we continue to build the partnerships of true change in the Americas. Thank you, and here’s to another half-century of progress.

Karen Graham

Steve Vetter




volunteer hours, million worth in 2014



grassroot chapters


development programs


volunteer members

Agriculture & Food Security Empowering people and communities to increase food security, adapt to climate change and combat malnutrition.

17,000+ neighborhood women households reached

416,000+ hectares under improved natural resource management

30 countries 121,720+ people trained by Farmerto-Farmer volunteers

Farmer-to-Farmer We mobilize the skills of specialized volunteers from the U.S. to meet local needs in Latin America and the Caribbean. Connected with the right resources and training, rural farmers and agribusinesses can improve their production and gain greater access to economic opportunities. The Farmer-to-Farmer program is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). “This trip allowed me not only to see how other cultures practice farming but also to‌ interact with the most selfless and welcoming people I have ever met.â€? - Heather Schlesser, Farmer-to-Farmer Volunteer, Nicaragua

Haiti Nutrition Security Program We seek to improve the health of pregnant and lactating women and young children through a holistic community health, nutrition and livelihoods approach. By partnering with local Haitian organizations, we can better integrate activities within existing health systems. The Haiti Nutrition Security Program is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Sport-for-Development From the streets of Ciudad Juarez to the stadiums of Rio, we believe sport has the power to transform lives.

14,000+ A Ganar youth served

21countries Partnerships with

100+ organizations

A Ganar: Youth Worforce Development through Sport In some of our hemisphere’s most dangerous neighborhoods, we use lessons from sport to help at-risk youth find employment or return to school. Sport is more than a game—it is an effective tool for breaking down barriers, tackling social challenges and promoting peace. The A Ganar Alliance is supported by major funders including the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

“The beauty of A Ganar is that it seeks to build communities and individuals from the ground up.” – Asha Farrell, Assistant Country Coordinator, Barbados

Sport-Based International Exchanges We equip coaches, administrators and athletes to be effective leaders, promote mutual understanding across borders and achieve positive change within their communities. The Sport for Community program and the Sport for Social Change program are funded by the U.S. Department of State.

Higher Education 100,000 Strong in the Americas Innovation Network with

1,300 institutions and 3,000 higher education professionals

71 institutions awarded 100,000 Strong in the Americas grants across

11countries in 2014

3 new Student Chapters chartered 3,500 hours of professional development training for interns

Higher education opens the doors to personal development, economic prosperity and inter-American understanding.

100,000 Strong in the Americas In partnership with the White House, U.S. Department of State and NAFSA: Association of International Educators, we create opportunities for students, educators and private sector investors to better connect and build partnerships through study abroad.

President’s Internship Program We cultivate leaders and rising scholars from universities across the hemisphere through professional, hands-on internships.

“Partners has created a bridge between the student body and the university, now our voices are heard better than ever before.” –Alberto Castro Pereira, President, Universidad del Atlántico Student Chapter

Student Chapters Our student chapters are based in educational institutions and grow young leaders through civic engagement, volunteerism and professional development.

Youth Leadership Youth are the future, but also the present.

9,000 youth 20 countries 50 years

YouthLead, Youth Ambassadors and American Youth Leadership Program We invest in youth because they are our region’s greatest asset and strongest hope for social change. Through cultural exchange, our youth gain self-confidence, leadership and critical thinking skills, as well as discover a passion for lifelong community service. The American Youth Leadership Program and the Youth Ambassadors program were funded by the U.S. Department of State and our YouthLead program was funded by SENA (Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje). “Not only did I learn about other cultures, countries, and people, but I also learned the importance of leadership, teamwork and voluntary service.” -Nieves Abreu, Venezuelan Youth Ambassador, 2014

In 2014, Partners was the first ever Youth Ambassadors implementer to integrate deaf and hard of hearing youth into the program.

Climate & Energy Partnering experts with local stakeholders to solve our hemisphere’s climate and energy challenges.

109 technical visits 19 countries

Senior ECPA Fellows We team technical experts in climate and energy with local stakeholders throughout Latin America and the Caribbean to encourage shared decision making and greater access to resources and information. Crossborder and multi-sector collaboration is key to developing adaptive methods that meet both local and international needs. The Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas Senior Fellows program is funded by the U.S. Department of State.

“ The ECPA Senior Fellows Program has been a tremendous enabler of conversations and concrete projects that link researchers and the public and private sectors... to work on pressing energy and climate issues that have an impact we can see at once across the Americas.” – Dan Kammen, contributing lead author for the IPCC which shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, Professor of Energy at UC Berkeley and Senior ECPA Fellow

Combating Child Labor Combating the worst forms of child labor and providing income-generating opportunities for families.

25,000+ children and youth


children Nearly and 30 teens in Ecuador


Nearly children and 15 teens in Panama

13 years 5 countries

EducaFuturo We combat child labor among the most vulnerable populations in Ecuador and Panama. Through a holistic approach, we offer youth a great education and households alternative income-generating opportunities. The EducaFuturo program is funded by the U.S. Department of Labor.

“The best part of EducaFuturo is that it promotes education without putting aside values.” -Cumanda, Mother, EducaFuturo participant

“ When you have a better income, you as a family can empower your child to do more – and to have a better life.” -Natasha Gartner, Project Director, EducaFuturo Panama

Education & Culture People-to-people relationships have the power to break barriers, build friendships and change the world.

32 years 20,000 volunteers

“Partners has always been there for us when no one else supported — and we are very grateful.” - Mc Cord Roberts P.R.O., Trinidad & Tobago Music Stars, Travel Grant Recipient

“The [Teacher-in-Residence exchange]…was the best professional growth experience I have received in my teaching career.” - Valerie A. Gray, Harrisburg Area Community College

Education & Culture We provide our members with the opportunity to be immersed in a new culture, learn a new language and exchange ideas through teacher-inresidence and small project assistance grants. By connecting chapter members to one another, these relationships often lead to enduring partnerships based on mutual understanding, respect and shared interest. The Education & Culture program is funded by the U.S. Department of State.

Democracy & Governance

400 Fellows 132 host organizations 48 cities 11 countries

Building a resilient civil society sector is just as critical as building the strong institutions they hold accountable.

Legislative Fellows We are bridging the gap between civil society and government by connecting the two sectors through short-term professional leadership exchanges between the U.S. and Latin America and the Caribbean. By strengthening democratic principles such as citizen engagement, social inclusion, transparency and accountability, we’re building a safer hemisphere — together. The Legislative Fellows program was funded by the U.S. Department of State.

“I grew in every aspect of my life: professional, social and personal. And what’s more important, is that … one way or another, [everyone involved] grew.” –Fellow, Legislative Fellows

“This experience has left a lasting impact on me, my professional career and personal vision for being a member of the global community.” – Fellow, Legislative Fellows

Language Language and cultural learning has the power to bridge divides between communities and unlock the economic, social and educational potential of our hemisphere.

66 volunteers 4,200 students in Latin America

“Seeing real, measurable improvement in my students was very rewarding.” –Volunteer, Teach English Colombia

“The people I’ve met and their enthusiasm to share and give of themselves and their culture has been spectacular.” –Volunteer, Teach English Colombia

Teach English Colombia We sent volunteer English teachers to Colombia for six months to increase English language capacity and provide valuable professional development opportunities for SENA students and instructors. We promote language learning as a means to expand access to new cultures, provide a competitive edge in the workplace and promote mutual understanding across borders. The Teach English Colombia program was funded by SENA (Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje).

Entrepreneurship Development Connecting and exchanging ideas and best practices between small and medium enterprises throughout the Americas.

22 business leaders connected with small business development centers, private sector leaders and new market opportunities

3 countries

International Business Fellows We partnered with the governments of Chile and Costa Rica to pair small- to medium-sized enterprise leaders with U.S. business mentors. We build partnerships between entrepreneurs across the hemisphere in order to expand access to markets, share knowledge and internationalize networks. The International Business Fellows program was funded by the U.S. Department of State.

2014 Financial Statements Statement of Activities and Changes in Assets

Partners of the Americas, Inc. for the year ended December 31, 2014 Support & Revenue Total Support and Revenue Expenses Program Services Total Program Services Supporting Services Total Supporting Services Total Expenses Changes in Net Assets Net Assets at Beginning of Year Net Assets at End of Year

2014 $12,006,647

Revenues $12,409,596 $4,141,270 $16,550,866 ($4,544,219) $16,365,667 $11,821,448

U.S. Government Grants $7,441,872 In-kind Contributions $4,041,951 Fee for Services $215,220 Individual Contributions $70,750 Membership Dues $16,331 Interest and Investment Income $18,008 Other Income $202,515 Total $12,006,647

Statement of Financial Position

Partners of the Americas, Inc. for the year ended December 31, 2014 Assets 2014 Current Assets Total Current Assets $10,533,673 Property, Equipment, and Leasehold Improvements Net Property, Equipment, and Leasehold Improvements $87,254 Noncurrent Assets Total Noncurrent Assets Total Assets Liabilities & Net Assets Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities Net Assets Total Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Total Net Assets Total Liabilities & Net Assets

$3,085,587 $13,706,514 2014 $1,885,066 ($564,241) $12,385,689 $11,821,448 $13,706,514

*For a complete copy of the 2014 independent auditors’ report by Gelman, Rosenberg and Freeman, please contact Partners of the Americas at 1.800.322.7844 or 202.628.3300.

Total Expenses

Program Services Youth and Education $4,323,617 Agriculture and Environment $5,936,183 Exchanges and Fellowships $2,149,796 Total Program Services $12,409,596 Supporting Services General and Administrative $3,958,368 Fundraising $182,902 Total Supporting Services $4,141,270 Total $16,550,866

Partners of the Americas Foundation History Thirty years ago Partners of the Americas, Inc. established the Partners of the Americas Foundation, Inc. The Foundation was incorporated in 1984 as a separate legal charitable (IRC Section 501(c) (3)) entity to maintain and provide funds to promote the purposes and goals of Partners of the Americas, Inc. As a charitable support organization, the Foundation has a number of restricted endowment funds that support particular Partners of the Americas programs and unrestricted funds through which the Foundation supports chapter and volunteer work. In addition to the Foundation being a charitable organization, in 2010, Partners of the Americas, Inc. approved revisions to the Foundation’s governance documents and structure which resulted in the Foundation also being characterized, for tax purposes, as a supporting organization to Partners of the Americas, Inc. pursuant to IRC Section 509(a)(3).

Statement of Financial Position

Partners of the Americas Foundation for the year ended December 31, 2014 Assets 2014 Total Assets $3,067,024 Liabilities & Net Assets Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities Net Assets Total Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted Total Liabilities and Net Assets Support and Revenues Fee for Service Total Contributions Investment Income

2014 $697,417

Revenues $64,100 $1,505,987 $223,520 $3,067,024 $915,171 $543,040 $45,145

Total Support and Revenue


Total Expenses


n Other Grants and Contributions $519,710 n Fee for Service $915,171 n Individual Contributions $23,330 n Interest and Investment Income $45,145 Total Support & Revenue $1,503,356

Expenses Youth and Education Total Expenses

$1,863,435 $1,863,435

Total Endowment Board-Designated Endowment Funds $640,100 Temporarily Restricted $1,505,987 Permanently Restricted $223,520 Total $ 2,369,607

Endowments Partners of the Americas’ endowment consists of donor-restricted endowment funds and funds designated by the Board of Directors to function as endowments. As required by generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), net assets associated with endowment funds, including funds designated by the Board of Directors to function as endowments, are classified and reported based on the existence or absence of donor-imposed restrictions. The Foundation is audited annually in accordance with the audit of Partners of the Americas, Inc. Beginning in 2013, the Partners of the Americas Foundation also holds funds to be granted to institutions of higher education as a part of President Obama’s 100,000 Strong in the Americas Initiative. These funds will be granted to colleges and universities committed to helping more of their students study abroad, as students that study abroad are often more prepared to meet the challenges of a global workforce.

Total Endowment n Board-Designated Endowment Funds $640,100 n Temporarily Restricted $1,505,987 n Permanently Restricted $223,520 Total $2,369,607

Partnership Dates of Founding 1963



Florida-Central & Northern Colombia

Louisiana-El Salvador Maine-Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil Minnesota-Uruguay Missouri-Pará, Brazil Tennessee-Amazonas, Brazil Tennessee-Venezuela Virginia-Santa Catarina, Brazil Wyoming-Goiás, Brazil

New York (Dutchess County)Dominica New York (Rockland County)St. Lucia New York (Long Island)-St. Vincent New York (Rochester)-Antigua & Barbuda

1964 Texas-Perù & Altiplano, Bolivia

1965 Alabama-Guatemala Arkansas-Eastern Bolivia Colorado-Minas Gerais, Brazil Connecticut-Paralba, Brazil Delaware-Panamá Idaho-Cuenca & Guayaquil, Ecuador Illinois-São Paulo, Brazil Indiana-Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Iowa-Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico Kentucky-Amabato, Quito & Santo Domingo, Ecuador Maryland-Estado do Rio, Brazil Massachusetts-Antioquia, Colombia Ohio-Paraná, Brazil Oklahoma-Chihuahua, Coahuila, Colima, Jalisco, México City, Puebla, Sonora, & Tlaxcala, México Oregon-Costa Rica Pennsylvania (Eastern)-Bahia, Brazil Vermont-Honduras Wisconsin-Nicaragua

1966 Michigan-Bellize North Carolina-Cochabamba, Bolivia



District of Columbia-Brasília, Brazil Georgia-Pernambuco, Brazil Kansas-Paraguay West Virginia-Espírito Santo, Brazil

New York (Corning/Elmira)-St. Kitts/Nevis

1969 New Hampshire-Ceará, Brazil Rhode Island-Sergipe, Brazil

1970 Michigan-Dominican Republic New York (Western)-Jamaica

1972 New Mexico-Chiapas, Michoacán & Tabasco, México

1973 Nebraska-Piauí, Brazil


1983 New York (Oswego County)Montserrat

1985 Washington-Chile Pennsylvania (Western)Maranhão, Brazil

1986 New York (Broome County)Grenada

1987 California (Southern)-Northern Argentina

1988 Mississippi-Guyana Montana-Patagonia, Argentina

South Carolina-Southwestern Colombia Idaho-Riobamba, Ecuador California (San Francisco)-Mexico City, Mexico


1978 Arizona-Durango & Oaxaca, México Texas-Guanajuato, Guerrero, Nuevo León, Tamaulipas & Veracruz, México New Jersey-Haiti New York (Capital District)Barbados New York (Central)-Trinidad & Tobago


South Carolina-Pasto, Nariño, Colombia Florida-Northern Colombia Florida-Eastern & Central Colombia

2010 Nebraska-Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

Honoring Paula Laschober For over 20 years, Paula Laschober has been one of Partners’ greatest volunteer assets. Her tenacious spirit earned her three awards in 2014 at Partners’ 50th Anniversary Convention: the Boren Legacy Award, the 20 Years of Service Award, and the Life-Changer Award. The Boren Legacy Award, the most prestigious of the three, celebrates her historical contributions to Partners’ development and her role in bringing the organization past its 50-year threshold. In 2013, Paula became a Sustaining Ambassador by surpassing lifetime contributions of $20,000. The Laschober family also created the Laschober endowment fund in honor of Paula’s late mother, Madelyn. The fund provides an annual $1,000 grant to support a project in the fields of youth, education, or microenterprise development. All Partners chapters are encouraged to submit proposals to this wonderful and competitive fund. Paula has served several terms as President of the Washington Chapter and remains an outstanding volunteer within Partners’ network. Paula is also an alumna of the W.K. Kellogg Fellows in International Development Program (Class IV). Further, Paula was a member of the Partners’ International Board of Directors from 1995 to 1997 and again from 2007 to 2013. She currently serves as a director on Partners’ Foundation Board. Partners of the Americas would like to thank Paula for her many years of dedicated service to the organization.

Board of Directors Partners of the Americas, Inc. Chair Ms. Karen Graham Retired School Administrator Newberg Oregon School District North Plains, Oregon Vice Chair Mr. Harry E. Wing Retired, International Development Professional USAID Lima, Peru Treasurer Ms. Jan Brummond Business Services Director, Platte Valley School District Greeley, Colorado

Secretary Mr. Wayne Chance Founder, CEO, President, Vision on Mission San Juan, Trinidad, West Indies Members Mr. Erik A. Brand Publisher, Latin America Advisor Lakeville, Minnesota Lic. JosĂŠ Mario Corona D. Director of the City Mediation Center Ministry of Municipal Justice, City Hall Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico

Dr. Sam F. Drew, Jr. Founder & President, Te Bene Non Profit Corporation Columbia, South Carolina

Ms. Lisa Martin Executive Director, Silver Spring Town Center Inc. Washington, D.C.

Ms. Jane (Jhani) L. Laupus Consultant for Environmental & Community Development Indianapolis, Indiana

Mr. TibĂŠrio Paula Pedrosa Monteiro Attorney Pernambuco, Brazil

Ms. Rosemary (Binka) J. Le Breton Co-founder & Director, Iracambi Rainforest Research Ctr. Minas Gerais, Brazil Ms. Raaida Mannaa Creator & Project Manager, Global Youth Volunteers Co-founder, red2021 Barranquilla, Colombia

Mr. Christian E. Stalberg USA & Canada Representative DesignBuilder Software Hillsborough, North Carolina Mr. Stephen G. Vetter President & CEO Partners of the Americas Washington, D.C.

Partners of the Americas Foundation Class A Directors Chairman Mr. Matthew Lee, Jr. Marietta, Georgia Secretary Mr. Erik Brand Lakeville, Minnesota Ms. Karen Graham North Plains, Oregon Dr. Paula J. Laschober Seattle, Washington Mr. Stephen Murphy Seattle, Washington Mr. Stephen G. Vetter President & CEO Partners of the Americas Washington, D.C.

Partners of the Americas Foundation Class B Directors Ms. Jan Brummond Greeley, Colorado Mr. Harry E. Wing Lima, Peru Foundation Board Chair Emeritus Frederick Heldring Board Liaison Sherrita Wilkins Washington, D.C

Partners of the Americas International Advisory Board

Contributors Sustaining Ambassadors

Mr. Thomas C. Ramey Trustee of The Brookings Institution; Former Chair of Liberty International and Liberty Mutual Group; Director of AXIS Capital Holdings; Former VP for the Inter-American Foundation

$50,000 and above Stephen Murphy Bernard & Carolyn Hamilton

Mr. Barry Gaberman Former Executive Vice President of the Ford Foundation; Chairman of the Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support; Trustee of Board Source Mr. Jack Shakely Chairman of the Center for Philanthropic and Public Policy at the University of Southern California; Former President of the California Community Foundation, Author on Development Issues for the New York Times, Washington Post, et al.; Novelist Ms. Deborah Szekely Former President of the Inter-American Foundation; Chairman of the Szekely Foundation; Member of the Board of Council on Foundations; Internationally Known and Respected Business Leader Mr. John Dickson Former Director for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, US Department of State Mr. Robert Sicina A former President of American Express Bank Ltd, CFO of Citibank’s Latin America Division, as well as Citibank’s entire International Consumer Group and later their credit card business. With 30 years of experience in international business, Sicina now presides as the Executive Director of the Strategic Regions Enterprise Network.

$20,000 – 49,999 Lynn & Alan Berkeley Elizabeth Hill Mary Laschober Dr. Paula Laschober Jerry Perpich Friends of Pixote Literacy Fund $10,000 – 19,999 Luis Brito Malcolm Butler Art Dohrman Lois Fish Frederick Heldring Virginia Hubbell Raymond Laschober William Reese William Stedman Deborah Szekely Matthew Lee, Jr. Maurine Venters $5,000 - $9,999 C. Dean Allen Lacy Gude Jan Hertzberg Hector de Lara Steven Laschober Edmea McCarty Robert Raiche Alicia Reid Manuel Rodriguez-Fiol Harry Ruffalo Diani Santucci Charles & Dorothy Wampler Patricia Williams Wilbur Zielke

Corporations and Foundations Coca-Cola Foundation ExxonMobil Foundation Freeport-McMoran Copper and Gold Foundation Fundacion Bavaria Glideslope K&L Gates, LLP Kosmos Energy Qualcomm Inc. Santander Bank and Santander Universities Sempra International and Sempra Energy Foundation The Ford Foundation

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Inspired by President Kennedy and founded in 1964 under the Alliance for Progress, Partners is a non-profit, non-partisan organization with international offices in Washington, DC.

We connect people and organizations across borders to serve and to change lives through lasting partnerships.

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