Summer 2014 Brazil Study Abroad Sustainable Development and Rainforest Regeneration: 6 Credit Hours Instructors: John Motloch; AB206; & (if numbers permit) Scott Truex; AB306 Total Program Cost: Undergrad Resident ($5412); Graduate Resident ($5592), Undergrad Non-Resident ($6678); Graduate Non-Resident ($6858) *Total Program Cost includes field study cost, tuition, Technology Fee, Study Abroad Program Fee and any applicable course fees U.S. students collaborate with Brazilian students, ecological farmers, and scientists to learn to live within and regenerate rainforests. They see how humanity has impacted one of Earth’s most threatened ecosystems, and how development can become sustainable. They engage in rainforest regeneration and design/build a rainforest education, research and regeneration demonstration project. They develop understanding of ecologically regenerative, socially just and economically viable development. Six academic credit hour program includes 4 weeks in Brazil, pre-trip seminars/webinars, and post-trip reflection.
6/16-18: Pre-trip (readings, TED talks, cultural awareness. 7/18-19: Fly to Rio de Janeiro; Bus to Iracambi Rainforest Center, 7/20--27: U.S. students at Iracambi for intense week of total immersion into the realities of Atlantic Forest sustainability, culture, a little Portuguese and so on. 7/27-8/4: U.S. students are joined at Iracambi by their counterparts from Rio Pomba. Students design-build a rainforest regeneration project demonstrating how to live sustainably, regenerate ecosystem, enhance life cycle flows, mimic nature’s processes & live symbiotically.
8/4-8/11: Bus to Rio Pomba; U.S. students work in Interdisciplinary teams with students of the Federal Education, Science and Technology Institute of southeastern Minas Gerais (IFSEMG); Curriculum at Rio Pomba focuses on ecological agriculture and sustainable development
Includes pre-trip (6/16–7/18), Brazil (7/18–8/17) & post-trip (8/17-9/20)
8/11-8/16: U.S. students to Rio de Janeiro and metropolitan area; Includes day trips to evocative landscapes, ecological sites, and indigenous projects; and personal time to discover one of the world’s truly unique and exciting cities
8/16-8/17: Fly Rio to Indianapolis, end of trip
8/17-9/20: Post trip reflection, report, presentations