Five strategies for become a successful leader

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The leader of a team is entrusted with the responsibility of providing direction to the team in order to achieve the pre-set goals.

The leader has the vision and methodology to achieve those goals. He has to get his team to work according to his vision to meet the targets. This end is best achieved when the leader has become a role model for his team, as it is natural instinct that people believe every action of their role model to be correct and justified.

His values and goals become their values and beliefs. When that happens, workflow becomes smooth and fast and goals are achieved easily .


• Being a role model is not as complex as it seems. Creating a vision, having a positive influence and setting an inspiring example, are attributes that all of us can take on if we have a strong will, backed with strong efforts. • However, there are some of the points enlisted here that can help you to develop as a role model.

1.Understand yourself • To be a good role model, you must know yourself as a person. Identify and strengthen those values and aspects of your personality that you would want to pass on to others. At the same time, identify your negative traits and actively work to resolve or improve upon them.

2.Know who looks up to you • Chances are, more people look up to you than you realize. They could be anyone: your staff, your colleagues, the people you meet in the office casually but are working in different departments, children, friends, students, neighbours—and even people who are older than you. Identifying people who look up to you helps to act on your good qualities more often, reach out, and establish strong relationships with those around you.

3.Make positive choices for yourself and for others • The choices you make affect both you and those who look up to you. Someone in a difficult situation might just wonder to follow you thinking that “What would he do in this situation?” When you make positive choices, as a role model, you teach positive values and ways of positive thinking to others.

4.Identify and work on negative aspects of your personality

• Bad habits could be anything; from getting drunk repeatedly to not getting enough sleep. To know if something is a bad habit or not, ask following questions to yourself:

• Does it hurt others around me? • Is it detrimental to my health? • Are the results of my actions good or bad? • What are the long term effects? • If I stopped doing it, how would the outcome affect me? • How would I react if I see someone else doing this?

5.Recognize, Rectify & Reform • Nobody is perfect. When you make a wrong choice, let those who are watching and learning from you know that you made a mistake and how you plan to correct it. This will help them to understand that everyone makes mistakes, but with right kind of efforts one can put to make things right and understand that you are responsible for your actions is imperative. By apologizing, admitting your mistake, and repairing the damage, you will be demonstrating responsibility, humility and good communication skills. Such honesty works great wonders in long-term relations where you are under constant vigilance.

• Taking full advantage of this double-edged sword entails that the team leader must be watchful of his own behaviour and actions at all times as the team is more likely to emulate the actions of the leader rather than the words. In the words of Albert Einstein, “Setting an example is not the main means of influencing others; it is the only means”.

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