Export FAQs Why export? Exporting… • Creates new customers, leading to more sales and profits. • Reduces dependence on the domestic market or on any one market. • Flattens production swings and seasonal cycles. • Permits purchases in larger quantities to obtain quantity discounts. • Exposes your company and products to world competition – making you more aware of pricing, packaging, design and technology to help sustain your company and your domestic market share.
How to start? There is no one way to start exporting. Consider… • What are your competitive edges and key selling points in your most profitable markets? • What are the characteristics of your best customers? • Have you had any overseas inquiries? • Do you attend or exhibit at a trade show that attracts foreign prospects? • Do any of your competitors export? • Do you sell to Canada, subcontract to companies who export or sell to an export trading company that exports your products?
Write the results of your internal review in a few pages to discuss with key management, marketing and finance employees. Then contact your local SBDC trade specialist (end of FAQ sheet) for further assistance.
What is the cost to start exporting? Exporting requires time and money as in any new business initiative. Research, entry strategies, marketing plans and perhaps a new trade show take time away from other activities, especially challenging in a small business. Allocating time and assigning responsibilities for specific export activities are effective ways to integrate overseas sales into a company’s sales strategy. Budgeting to modify the website, translate marketing materials, change packaging and product specifications, preparing export documentation, attending trade shows and meeting prospects overseas require resources. A marketing plan can help define initiatives, priorities, budget and timelines while building internal consensus for an export program.
Pennsylvania SBDC
Export FAQs | pasbdc.org/international
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