Cakeit 07 - Revista Cake Design Gratuita

Page 1


to PME’s 60th Birthday Celebrations We are excited to launch our new CakeIt website so when you have a few moments remember to check it out.

With over 50 Videos, a collection of Information and Product Sheets plus digital copies of all issues of CakeIt magazine, this is a wonderful resource centre for your cake decorating needs. In this issue we have concentrated on fun ideas that follow some of todays’ popular trends. So if you’ve ever wondered how to create a Sprinkle Cake, Cupcake Sharing Cake or a Gravity Cake then this is the issue for you. That Wow appeal is not as difficult as it may first appear so enjoy and remember that “it’s only cake” and it’s all about having fun. Good Luck.


Knightsbridge PME Ltd Publisher

sprinkled with silver



cupcake flower pot


A simple fun



into and place the pan. Sprinkle cake into the some of the nonpareils top of the onto the cake and spread smoother to out secure in place. evenly using a

idea using



You will Need


Place the two shades of pink piping bags into separate and cut off approximately (1/2”) from the pointed 1cm end.



Place the jam in a small saucepan the time bring and stirring to the boil all to create a to paint the glaze. Use top of the cake and allow to set.


Place the cake onto a serving the bottom plate and trim of the cake with the large pearls securing silver in place with if necessar a little buttercr y. eam


Decorate the top and sizes medium and of the cake with addition large sizes. al silver

pearls, using

a combination


Piped Star Swirls – Holding the bag upright and starting in the centre of the cupcake gently squeeze



the bag as you rotate the icing anti clockwis e around the cupcake to create the swirl. Yellow Piped Flower Centre number 22 - Using the piping nozzle outside edge. Green Stem and start at the Holding the & bag at an angle by piping a of the sugarpas Leaves – Colour some star and continue begin te a darker and roll into more as you to squeeze a sausage shape. shade of green pull the bag a little shape and away before the pressure instead of using To achieve an even releasing . your hands, using a smoothe consider r placed onto shape and the sausage used to roll the paste backwar forwards. The ds and two leaves have been the Hydrang made using ea Cutter as featured on page 11.


of the



Insert two of the hollow pillars into making sure the cake, that they go board and ideally at different right down to the The pillars angles and can be easily heights. cut using a serrated knife.


Fit the 2D piping tube into a third place the two bag and pink bags inside the bag.

Using a smoothe r press the the sides of pearls firmly the cake. into

candy mag ic

Surprise your family and friends with gravity illusio this fun n cake. It’s easier than you may think.

279 x 102mm ( 11 x 4”) Round Cake 330mm (13”) Round Cake Board PME Pink Candy Buttons 1-2 pkts (CB007) PME Light Blue Candy Buttons 1-2pkts (CB010) PME Hollow Pillars (DR125) Two tablespoons of Jam or Marmalade (without large pieces of fruit) White Vegetable Shortening (Trex/White Flora)

Sprinkle nonpare ils around the moat) and cake (like a using your hands scoop pearls and up the attach to the sides of the cake.




7 Standard size cupcakes 9 Mini sized cupcakes Oblong Cake Card 431 x 330mm (17” x 13”) 400g (14ozs) Buttercream 500g (17ozs) Sugarpaste PME Concentrated Paste Colours Lime Crush, Sunny Yellow & Hot Pink JEM Piping Nozzles Nos 2D, 22 & 12 PME Disposable Piping Bags PME Design Wheeler




the cake and pour any remaining pearls back into the pot.


You will Need


Prepare the cake card by coating with pale green sugarpaste coloured using a combina tion of Lime Crush and Sunny Yellow paste colours. Whilst the paste is still soft emboss a simple trellis using the Design pattern Wheeler. Colour approxim ately half of buttercream the into two shades for piping 6 of pink, enough cupcakes and a small quantity buttercream yellow for of the flower centre.

candy magic


cupcake flower po t

Cakes coated with sprink but if you les has really are looking caught the for something imagination really specia of many home l then why bakers and not use Silver cake decor Sprinkles/No ators Place a large npareils and piece of parchme Pearls. the cake pan nt paper

Place the cake onto the cake the top and card and coat sides with buttercream, evenly with spreading a pallet knife.


sprinkled with silver

You will Need 6” (152mm) Round Tall Cake 6” (152mm) Round Cake Card 250g (10ozs) White Buttercream Silver Pearls – the required quantity will vary depending upon the height of your cake. Our cake is 4” (102mm) deep and we have used the following quantities PME Silver Pearls 8mm (SPS953) x 2 pots PME Silver Pearls 6mm (SPS952) x 1 pot PME Silver Pearls nonpareils (SPS948) x 8 pots Parchment Paper & Cake Pan (this is simply to catch and contain the pearls when adding them to the cake) PME Smoother (ES75)

In this issue



Piped Plain Swirl – This is created using the number 12 piping nozzle and white buttercr eam. This time start at the outside edge of the cupcake and pipe towards to centre to create a gentle cone shape.



Melt approxim ately a third of the Pink Blue Candy and Buttons and hollow pillars, use to paint the one in pink and the other in blue.



Assemble the cake/display onto the cake board securing each cake little buttercr in place with eam. a

Carefully pour the candy onto cake, spreadin the top of the g the other. Allow the pink one side and the blue the candy to the sides of gently drizzle the cake creating down a random design.


To create a pouring candy that is thinner will drizzle easily onto and the quantity of the White Vegetab cake, stir in a small le Shorten ing.


Create the waterfall of buttons by candy buttons attaching to the hollow melted candy. pillars using

Please Note The empty bags are used decoration as part of the so be sure to open them carefully until required and store . Visit advice re melting for addition al and handling Buttons. the Candy Magazine Issue 2 - Page 4 Tutorials Equipment – How to PME Chocola use te Melting Pot


To complet e the cake fit the empty bags onto candy the dowels and use the strip to secure resealable in place.

SPS948 SPS952 SPS953

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giveaways Special BI

G PME Priz

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glorious hydrangea glorio hydrange us as


Brush Set With so many brushes to from it is easy choose Hygiene, whichto forget to think Food is why PME the thinking have done for sure that their you and have made brushes have been tested for contact with food. CB1007

Cake Board

These four Frill Cutte designs were rs develop in conjunction with Ann Baber ed by PME for her book ‘Something New’ publishe It’s amazing d in 1987. to Frilling Techniq see the development of are as relevan ues and that these cutters t today as they were almost 30 years ago. FF381

, FF382, FF383

and Box Although a cake board is a relevant size cake box was basic, combining it with launched back the a new concep t when they that both the in 2008. The packagi were ng was designe board and shrink wrap box were sealed within d to ensure and that the a hygienic box was the perfect fit for the board.

7.indd 8

@knightsbridge 7

PME modelling tools

frills and ruffles


frills and ru ffles using the embr oiderie Anglaise cutte rs


Making the m

ost of...

your PME modelling tools - par t4 Embossing using

Design Whee PME DW42 ler 0

This handy tool three different contains shaped/design wheels and to change the wheel simply remove and pop in your chosen design. Ideal for use with Sugarpa Gumpaste, ste, Modelling Paste, Almond Paste and Modellin Chocolate. g


Sandwich the cakes togethe three double r to create height cakes and coat with white sugarpa ste.

a Rolling Whee Lightly hold l the pressure , push handle and applying an even to create the the wheel across the paste required design. wheel is often The plain then decorat used as a base design and ed serrated wheels. using either the stitch or


using a

Flat Wheel It is often forgotte n that the used in the wheel can same way be as a classic and is great embosser for trimming the shapes and boards. Simply edges of cut onto its side turn and push firmly the wheel of the paste. into the edge


The cutters have been designed so that the pattern can be repeated to create an endless shape.


To add addition

al features

Pinch, Gather

Pillows -

Straight Frill

Cutter (FF383)

or Squeeze


Cut the shapes to repeat the by turning the cutter around curve shape. shapes and pinch the ends Cut into individual to create the pillows.

Use the cutting wheel to separate the designs into individual shapes.


To create frilled effects, place PME Bulbulou the s Cone half off the edge on and half of the paste and roll firmly backwards and forwards.

into the required

Layered Side

Crinoline Frill


Stitch Whee


Design -

Ideal for adding stitching detail effects, sugar to fabric models and fun designs.

Cutter (FF384)

Frill the fluted edges of the layer in turn paste and attach to the side each of the cake, top of the cake beginning at and working the down to the bottom.

Creative ideas

Rose - Garrett

Frill cutter Frill the scallop (FF381) from one end, edge and gently roll up the paste keeping a tight petals level shape with and even. the

Plain Whee

Serrated Whee

Flower - Flounce



Frill Cutter Cut into individua (FF382) l shapes and edge. Pinch frill the scallop and join together gather into individua l petals and to form a flower shape.

Perfect for quilted fabric effects, classic trellis and creative designs.

This wheel has the added advantage of being as well as emboss, able to cut simply press firmly to use as serrated design a cutter. The is wonderf adding extra ul detail, creating for piqué cut edge a and design effects.


& FF384

We have coated the top and the cake separat sides of ely and this worth a conside may be ration, as for of cake it is this height certainly an easier option.

8 Cake It Issue

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2 x 4”(102mm), 2 x 6”(152mm) & 2 x (229mm) Hexagonal Cakes (measured flat to flat) Round Cake Cards cut to shape 13”(330mm), 15”(381mm) Round Cake Boards 2 x 8”(203mm)Round Cake Boards used as a separator for the bottom tier 2.5kg White Sugarpaste 100g White Gum Paste PME Blue Hollow Pillars - 2pkts (DR126) PME Flower Pics Medium (FP301) PME Green Floral Wires 26 gauge (FW26) PME Dark Green Florist Tape (FT201) PME Concentrated Paste Colours – Midnight Black, Regal Purple & Hot Pink PME Powder Colours – Spring meadow, Emerald Forest, Raspberry Delight & Purple Haze PME Silver Pearls 4mm (SPS951) PME Embroderie Anglaise Cutter (FF382) JEM Roller Pad (109SE013) JEM Hydrangea Cutter Set (103FF049) JEM Strip Cutter Set No 3 (106M008) & No 5 (106M010) PME Modelling Tools – Scriber & Ball Tool PME Craft Brushes



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You will Need

olate Melte This was a r natural develop following the launch of the ment Buttons but Candy as always we of it from tried to think our and what we customer’s point of view could add to improve experience. the Like many good ideas answer was the simple. Add accommodate extra different colourspots to the Melter , hence comes with Three Pots.

Broderie Anglaise

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This cake comb ines style and with fashio elegance nable and beautiful Hydra ngea’s.

will receive all of products featu the red on these 2 page s

Electric Choc

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CakeIt team Pat Trunkfield Paula Macleod Janet Smith Pauline Moody Nimesh Francis Alexandre Noronha Chrisie Wilson Jacqueline South - Jax Design & Illustration Fuller Davies - Printer Contact your local stockist or email


fashionable and trendy


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sprinkled with silver You will Need

und Tall Cake 6” (152mm) Ro und Cake Card 6” (152mm) Ro hite Buttercream 250g (10ozs) W tity will vary e required quan th – ls ar Pe er Silv ur cake. the height of yo depending upon ve used the ) deep and we ha m 2m (10 4” is Our cake ies following quantit 3) x 2 pots ls 8mm (SPS95 PME Silver Pear 2) x 1 pot ls 6mm (SPS95 PME Silver Pear PS948) x 8 pots ls nonpareils (S PME Silver Pear ply to catch Pan (this is sim ke Ca & r pe Pa cake) Parchment ng them to the pearls when addi e th n ai nt co d an (ES75) PME Smoother

Cakes coated with sprinkles has really caught the imagination of many home bakers and cake decorators but if you are looking for something really special then why not use Silver Sprinkles/Nonpareils and Pearls.


Place the cake onto the cake card and coat the top and sides with buttercream, spreading evenly with a pallet knife.


Place a large piece of parchment paper into the cake pan and place the cake into the pan. Sprinkle some of the nonpareils onto the top of the cake and spread out evenly using a smoother to secure in place.





Remove the cake and pour any remaining pearls back into the pot.

Using a smoother press the pearls firmly into the sides of the cake.


Sprinkle nonpareils around the cake (like a moat) and using your hands scoop up the pearls and attach to the sides of the cake.

Place the cake onto a serving plate and trim the bottom of the cake with the large silver pearls securing in place with a little buttercream if necessary.

Decorate the top and sizes of the cake with additional silver pearls, using a combination of the medium and large sizes.


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cupcake flower pot A simple fun idea using decorated cupcakes.

You will Needes NZ22




Prepare the cake card by coating with pale green sugarpaste coloured using a combination of Lime Crush and Sunny Yellow paste colours. Whilst the paste is still soft emboss a simple trellis pattern using the Design Wheeler.


Colour approximately half of the buttercream into two shades of pink, enough for piping 6 cupcakes and a small quantity of buttercream yellow for the flower centre.

cupcak 7 Standard size akes pc cu ed 9 Mini siz 431 x 330mm rd Ca ke Oblong Ca (17” x 13”) uttercream 400g (14ozs) B garpaste 500g (17ozs) Su s ed Paste Colour PME Concentrat Pink t Ho & w llo nny Ye Lime Crush, Su & 12 zles Nos 2D, 22 JEM Piping Noz Piping Bags PME Disposable eler PME Design Whe


Place the two shades of pink into separate piping bags and cut off approximately 1cm (1/2”) from the pointed end.



Fit the 2D piping tube into a third bag and place the two pink bags inside the bag.


Piped Star Swirls – Holding the bag upright and starting in the centre of the cupcake gently squeeze the bag as you rotate the icing anti clockwise around the cupcake to create the swirl.



Yellow Piped Flower Centre - Using the number 22 piping nozzle and start at the outside edge. Holding the bag at an angle begin by piping a star and continue to squeeze a little more as you pull the bag away before releasing the pressure.






Piped Plain Swirl – This is created using the number 12 piping nozzle and white buttercream. This time start at the outside edge of the cupcake and pipe towards to centre to create a gentle cone shape.

Green Stem & Leaves – Colour some of the sugarpaste a darker shade of green and roll into a sausage shape. To achieve an even shape and instead of using your hands, consider using a smoother placed onto the sausage shape and used to roll the paste backwards and forwards. The two leaves have been made using the Hydrangea Cutter as featured on page 11.

Assemble the cake/display onto the cake board securing each cake in place with a little buttercream.

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candy magic Surprise your family and friends with this fun gravity illusion cake. It’s easier than you may think.

You will NeedRound Cake

11 x 4”) 279 x 102mm ( und Cake Board 330mm (13”) Ro ts (CB007) y Buttons 1-2 pk PME Pink Cand 1-2pkts (CB010) e Candy Buttons PME Light Blu rs (DR125) e pieces of fruit) PME Hollow Pilla ade (without larg al m ar M or m of Ja Two tablespoons White Flora) ortening (Trex/ Sh e bl ta ge White Ve




Place the jam in a small saucepan and stirring all the time bring to the boil to create a glaze. Use to paint the top of the cake and allow to set.


Insert two of the hollow pillars into the cake, making sure that they go right down to the board and ideally at different angles and heights. The pillars can be easily cut using a serrated knife. CB007


Melt approximately a third of the Pink and Blue Candy Buttons and use to paint the hollow pillars, one in pink and the other in blue.




Carefully pour the candy onto the top of the cake, spreading the pink one side and the blue the other. Allow the candy to gently drizzle down the sides of the cake creating a random design.

To create a pouring candy that is thinner and will drizzle easily onto the cake, stir in a small quantity of the White Vegetable Shortening.

Create the waterfall of buttons by attaching candy buttons to the hollow pillars using melted candy.

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Please Note The empty bags are used as part of the decoration so be sure to open and store them carefully until required. Visit for additional advice re melting and handling the Candy Buttons. Magazine - Issue 2 - Page 4 Tutorials - Equipment – How to use PME Chocolate Melting Pot


To complete the cake fit the empty candy bags onto the dowels and use the resealable strip to secure in place.


Special BIG PME Prize Giveaway! 6 LUCKY WINNERS

will receive all of the products featured on these 2 pages

Electric Chocolate Melter

This was a natural development following the launch of the Candy Buttons but as always we tried to think of it from our customer’s point of view and what we could add to improve the experience. Like many good ideas the answer was simple. Add extra pots to accommodate different colours, hence the Melter comes with Three Pots.

CM103 Brush Set

With so many brushes to choose from it is easy to forget to think Food Hygiene, which is why PME have done the thinking for you and have made sure that their brushes have been tested for contact with food.

CB1007 Cake Board and Box


Although a cake board is a basic, combining it with the relevant size cake box was a new concept when they were launched back in 2008. The packaging was designed to ensure that both the board and box were sealed within a hygienic shrink wrap and that the box was the perfect fit for the board.

Broderie Anglaise Frill Cutters

These four designs were developed by PME in conjunction with Ann Baber for her book ‘Something New’ published in 1987. It’s amazing to see the development of Frilling Techniques and that these cutters are as relevant today as they were almost 30 years ago.

FF381, FF382, FF383 & FF384 8

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Special BIG PME Prize Giveaway! Veined Rose Leaf Plunger Cutters

Launched in 1995 these were the very first veined plunger leaf cutters. The concept of a plunger veiner cutter was completely new to the market and as most leaves at that time were veined by hand the cutters quickly transformed the technique for many beginners and professionals alike.


Easily Visible Blue Hollow Pillars

Professional Kitchens, Bakeries and Food Manufacturers have been using blue Piping Bags, Plasters and Accessories for many years, ensuring their visibility at all times. So when the highly talented and respected Mr Eddie Spence MBE asked why Blue Dowels/Pillars are also not available PME decided to rectify the situation hence the Easily Visible Blue Hollow Pillars.

DR126 Eyelet Cutters

A range of Ten cutters were also launched at the same time to accompany the Broderie Anglaise Frill Cutters. Although originally designed as cutters, today they are often also used as embossers, adding texture and interest in a variety of ways.

BA400, BA401, BA402 & BA403


To enter the competition go to the Cakeit website or send a card to: Cakeit, 23 Riverwalk Road, Enfield, EN3 7QN, giving your name, address, email, contact telephone number. The closing date for this competition is the 30th June 2016 Contact your local stockist or email

A great idea from Maria Ditch. Her son’s girlfriend, Rachel, is a Brown Owl leader and a big fan of adult colouring books. We would love to see pictures of you and your work. Send to:


glorious hydrangeas This cake combines style and elegance with fashionable and beautiful Hydrangea’s.

You will Need

& 2 x (229mm) 2 x 6”(152mm) ), m 2m (10 4” x 2 t to flat) s (measured fla Hexagonal Cake e ap rds cut to sh Round Cake Ca d Cake Boards un ”(381mm) Ro 15 ), m 0m 33 ”( 13 rds used as a ound Cake Boa )R m m 03 (2 8” x 2 e bottom tier separator for th rpaste 2.5kg White Suga Paste um 100g White G (DR126) Pillars - 2pkts w llo PME Blue Ho ) Medium (FP301 PME Flower Pics e (FW26) ug ga al Wires 26 PME Green Flor (FT201) en Florist Tape lack, PME Dark Gre s – Midnight B ur lo Co ed Paste PME Concentrat Hot Pink erald Forest, Regal Purple & ring meadow, Em Sp – s ur lo Co PME Powder ht & Purple Haze Raspberry Delig 1) ls 4mm (SPS95 PME Silver Pear r (FF382) tte Cu se ie Anglai PME Embroder (109SE013) JEM Roller Pad F049) Cutter Set (103F 0) & No 5 (106M01 JEM Hydrangea o 3 (106M008) N t Se r tte Cu JEM Strip & Ball Tool Tools – Scriber PME Modelling shes PME Craft Bru

Preparation Sandwich the cakes together to create three double height cakes and coat with white sugarpaste.

Tip We have coated the top and sides of the cake separately and this may be worth a consideration, as for this height of cake it is certainly an easier option.


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Cut the dowels 2cm higher than the cake and insert three dowels into both the base and middle tiers. Push firmly into position. Prepare the base cake boards by joining together the two large boards and coating with white sugarpaste.

Strip Cutter 106M010


The embossed design is created using the Hydrangea cutters gently pushed into the panel and completed with a silver Pearl centre. Attach the panels to the side of the cake securing in place with a little Petal Glue.


Black Panels – Using black sugarpaste, roll out finely and cut out the panel using Strip Cutter No 5. Shape and cut the top edge by holding the Broderie Anglaise cutter (FF382) at an angle. Trim the panel at the bottom to the required length.


The panels are trimmed with pink and purple stripes cut out using the Strip Cutter No 3.


Hydrangea – Place the cutter into the pad and using white gum paste roll out over the cutter. Remove the cut out shape using a scriber. You will require two shapes for each flower. Soften the edges of the petal using a Ball or Bone tool and place one layer on top of the other securing in place with Petal Glue. Place to dry in a small former.

Strip Cutter 106M008

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Flower Centres and Wired Flowers – Mould a small ball of Gum Paste and mark with a cross. For unwired flowers glue to the centre of each flower. To make the wired flowers prepare the centres first and thread onto a hooked wire. Allow to dry before threading through the flower.


Leaves – Place the cutters into the Roller Pad and using green gumpaste roll across the top of the cutter. Remove the leaf with a scriber and soften the edges with a ball or bone modelling tool. Use the green powder colours and a flat brush to colour, shade and add interest.


To colour the flowers use a flat brush and the pink and purple powder colours, brushing from the edges to the centre. Use a fine brush to add touches of green to the centre.

Cutter 103FF049


Trim and decorate the cakes with the Off Wire flowers and leaves securing in place with a little petal glue or softened icing.

Flower Pics FP301


For the top decoration begin by taping the flowers into groups of three. We have cut the tape into half width. Bring all of the groups together and tape into a half ball shape. Complete the cake by first inserting a flower pic into the centre of the top tier and then adding the Hydrangea spray.


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frills and ruffles using the embroiderie Anglaise cutters


The cutters have been designed so that the pattern can be repeated to create an endless shape.


To add additional features Pinch, Gather or Squeeze into the required shape.

Pillows -

Layered Side Design -

Straight Frill Cutter (FF383)

Crinoline Frill Cutter (FF384)

Cut the shapes by turning the cutter around to repeat the curve shape. Cut into individual shapes and pinch the ends to create the pillows.

Frill the fluted edges of the paste and attach each layer in turn to the side of the cake, beginning at the top of the cake and working down to the bottom.


Use the cutting wheel to separate the designs into individual shapes.


To create frilled effects, place the PME Bulbulous Cone half on and half off the edge of the paste and roll firmly backwards and forwards.

Rose - Garrett Frill cutter (FF381)

Flower - Flounce Frill Cutter (FF382)

Frill the scallop edge and gently roll up the paste from one end, keeping a tight shape with the petals level and even.

Cut into individual shapes and frill the scallop edge. Pinch and gather into individual petals and join together to form a flower shape.

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Making the most of... your PME modelling tools - part 4

Design Wheeler PME DW420 This handy tool contains three different shaped/design wheels and to change the wheel simply remove and pop in your chosen design. Ideal for use with Sugarpaste, Gumpaste, Modelling Paste, Almond Paste and Modelling Chocolate.

Embossing using a Rolling Wheel

Embossing using a Flat Wheel

Lightly hold the handle and applying an even pressure, push the wheel across the paste to create the required design. The plain wheel is often used as a base design and then decorated using either the stitch or serrated wheels.

It is often forgotten that the wheel can be used in the same way as a classic embosser and is great for trimming the edges of cut shapes and boards. Simply turn the wheel onto its side and push firmly into the edge of the paste.

Stitch Wheel Ideal for adding stitching detail to fabric effects, sugar models and fun designs.

Creative ideas

Plain Wheel Perfect for quilted fabric effects, classic trellis and creative designs.

Serrated Wheel This wheel has the added advantage of being able to cut as well as emboss, simply press firmly to use as a cutter. The serrated design is wonderful for adding extra detail, creating a piquĂŠ cut edge and design effects.


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