A strong toy truck designed after the 1938 CHEVROLET and included in the Victor Bonnet toys catalogue from 1948 up to the end of production in 1956 This impressive and attractive US truck is all tin with driver and clockwork, produced by the firm under the ref 303
The US range made by Victor Bonnet and successors entails seven models, all inspired from the US trucks and issued from 1949 up to 1956. Actually this US tin truck novelty was already planned in 1939 but not yet included in the toymaker range for kids, because of the lack of metal sheets after WW II. Curiously, Victor Bonnet didn’t choose a french truck to design and make his new toy , as his rival french JEP (jouets de Pairs) toymaker made in the 1940s with the superb Delahaye fire truck . The Vébé cabin chassis measures 32 cm, and the accessories are entirely made of metal sheet The rear axle is used to propel the toy and the truck can be geared with the use of a lever displaid under the front calender. The cabin with rounded corners conforms to the model 1938 Chevrolet truck. Black rubber tires with HUTCHINSON brand are mounted on metal wheels too. If there are two doors on all toy trucks of this particular range, only one door is opening . They are alll fitted with a driver Victor Bonnet issued in total seven different versions during 7 years of production.