Historical facts
Trademark used from 1910 up to 1926
JEP was in fact founded by the merging of a few small firms of artisans called in France « ferblantiers ». The « Jouet de Paris » appears in 1902. Cyrille Bonnet, brother of Victor Bonnet (toymaker of Vébé), born in 1897, was one of the founders. His exceptional power and strength in work gave him quickly the leadership of the « Jouet de Paris » firm. Actually, he became the manager just before the world war 1 and was later the main manager of the SIF toy factory itself after 1940. JEP firm is now well known for its toys in numerous fields, especially its large size all tin mechanical toy trains and cars. After the thirteen inches range of the 20s, Bonnet developped in 1927 a new range of 20 inches models. These new model cars are true « chef d’œuvre » like the large « Hispano Suiza » or the « Rolls Royce ». Between 1930 and1939, the period we are dealing in this story, JEP is in its full glory. The catalogue offers a vast range of toys for girls and boys, including complete railways systems having large streamlined trains, motorcars, lorries, planes and race boats, household services and even guns and pistols for the kids. The huge Montreuil city factory employed this decade more than 700 workers in 1939. The 100 yard long workshops was cutting 10 tons of steel each day! Unfortunately, social difficulties and strikes appeared in the factory in 1937, followed by the breaking out of WW 2.
A postcard showing the JEP factory in Montreuil city, subburb of Paris, a few workers are in the front of the factory
This page drawn from the 1939 catalogue shows the wide range of toys produced in the 30s. We can see on the left the gorgeous seaplane so coveted by nowadays worldwide collectors. It was produced from 1934 up to 1966. The JEP factory also issued a range of motor boats called « CANOTS » fitted with strong mechanisms.