NatureForm Times 2018

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House of Raeford

South Carolina 360° SmartCare™ in the USA: innovation in service and support > p. 4

Koch Foods

Alabama Koch Foods chooses SmartPro™ for America’s largest single stage hatchery > p. 2

NatureForm Times NatureForm Hatchery Technologies in partnership with Pas Reform


Innovation in service and support

Miller Poultry

Indiana Miller Poultry commissions new SmartPro™ NF hatchery renovation > p.7

Sanofi Pasteur

Réal Côté

Pennsylvania Sanofi Pasteur contracts new flu vaccine facility > p.3

Canada Smart and integrated: Quebec’s Couvoir Réal Côté looks to the future > p. 6

Single source solutions, training and customer care: a recipe for success These are exciting times! North America’s poultry industry is changing, with hatchery expansions, new projects and awareness of the importance of the hatchery in the supply chain gaining momentum. We see field performance data showing faster payback times on investment: a factor that has encouraged many leading poultry companies to plan and build for the future. And when they do invest, these companies are looking for an integrated approach that combines the most advanced incubation technology, climate control and hatchery automation with training and outstanding levels of after-sales support, to maximise results and reduce labour. Against this backdrop, our company has truly consolidated the strengths of both NatureForm and Pas Reform, to become a serious force in the North American hatchery market. We have worked hard to refine our solutions-based approach and improve performance. And the results show.

Selection by Koch Foods for two large projects has placed us among the leaders in our industry. Archers’ new layer operation in Canada has delivered extremely good results in terms of chick uniformity and quality. And on the broiler front, we have seen House of Raeford’s 18 month old operation in Monetta, South Carolina, steadily reduce first week mortality to reach #1 in the Agri Stats rankings. These exceptional results are not only due to excellent equipment design, performance and innovation. They are also the result of dedicated follow up and service orientation, key features of the SmartCare™ programme we launched three years ago, and by a continuing commitment to train people – our own and our customers’ – to maximise their knowledge and capabilities.

of fully integrated hatchery solutions. It’s a road that our customers have shown us they want to travel with us - and we are privileged to share their journeys. 2018 is shaping up to be another record year for NatureForm and Pas Reform in North America – and we look forward to meeting you along the way! Until next time,

The stories featured in this edition of Natureform Times tell of enthusiasm and confidence in our strategy to be a genuinely single source supplier – the only one in the world –

Steve Warren President, NatureForm Hatchery Technologies

Gary Davis, Vice President Eastern Division at Koch Foods

Koch Foods chooses SmartPro™ for America’s largest single stage hatchery Chicago-based Koch Foods, the USA’s 5th largest poultry integrator, has chosen Pas Reform and NatureForm to completely renovate its Henagar hatchery in. When completed, Henagar will be the largest fully integrated, single stage broiler hatchery in the Western Hemisphere. Pas Reform and its US partner, NatureForm Hatchery Technologies, will install 84 SmartSetPro™ setters with a capacity of 132,192 eggs each and 92 SmartHatchPro™ hatchers, each with a capacity of 22,032 hatching eggs, to create a weekly setting capacity of more than 3.7 million eggs. As a fully integrated project, the contract also includes work to renovate Henagar’s climate control and automation systems. A complete new HVAC system has been designed for the hatchery, with 14 Daikin air handling units that use 100% outside air and air handlers equipped with the latest UV disinfection system. Boilers and chillers will also be replaced, including the addition of modern primary and secondary heat recovery systems, to make the hatchery one of the most energy efficient in North America.

A new hatchery automation system is designed to process 800,000 day old chicks in an eight-hour operating day. To achieve this, the system incorporates three transfer candling lines with individual stacking, destacking and clear egg removal; a double chick take-off line with destackers, separators and innovative, animal-friendly SmartCount™ chick counters. SmartCenterPro™ hatchery information software will superconnect data from the entire hatchery, from the realtime monitoring and historic recording of Incubator climates, to the monitoring, counting and analysis of embryos and chick uniformity data gathered from hatchery automation processes. Gary Davis, Vice President Eastern Division at Koch Foods , comments “Before embarking on a company-wide hatchery renovation-expansion programme, we tested Pas Reform’s equipment and technologies extensively in the Henagar facility. “Once we saw improvements in hatch and feed conversion rates, we worked with the Pas Reform/NatureForm team to evaluate the project’s viability and, based on return on investment calculations, our experience with the renovation of our Crossville facility and the very comprehensive support package that has also been a key success factor for other major hatcheries in the USA, the project was approved.”

Steve Warren, CEO of NatureForm Hatchery Technologies concludes, “This is a milestone for Pas Reform and NatureForm: a truly exceptional opportunity to supply and install a project of this size and calibre, as the world’s only single source supplier of fully integrated hatchery solutions. Fully integrated solutions do not, says Steve Warren, stop when installation is complete and together, contractor and supplier have customised a SmartCare™ preventative maintenance and hatchery support contract that will proactively involve both company’s teams to maintain optimum hatchery performance. “In considering the full scope of this project, we recognised that one of the major factors in the success of the project we had undertaken for House of Raeford was the implementation of a SmartCare™ Lifetime Services agreement,” he says. “and Koch’s senior team agreed. “This contract is future-focused at every level. It recognises that the time has come for a new, proactive paradigm in hatchery service and support and that with SmartCare™, we’ve got that covered.”

(L-R) Walt Wages, Assistent

Koch Foods is starting the

Hatchery Manager and Tony

extensive renovation project

Smothers, Hatchery Manager

at its Crossville hathery in Alabama, where adding 48 SmartSetPro™ setters and 48 SmartHatchPro™ hatchers will increase capacity by 2.1 million eggs set per week, to bring total weekly capacity at this hatchery alone up 3.8 million eggs.


Sanofi Pasteur contracts new flu vaccine facility in Pennsylvania

Training in the USA: hands-on knowledge sharing in hatchery management

Sanofi Pasteur, the world’s largest dedicated producer of human vaccines, is to build a state-of-the-art new vaccine

Training is a unique contributor to NatureForm’s rapid growth across the USA and Canada and, earlier this year, a group of 14 hatchery professionals came together to take part in a three-day Hatchery Management Training programme. Hosted by NatureForm, the course was delivered by Pas Reform Academy and included access to House of Raeford’s fully integrated new hatchery in South Carolina. The course is not limited to customers of NatureForm and Pas Reform, although delegates must work in a managerial or senior role with responsibility for day-to-day hatchery management. On this occasion, attendance included delegates from leading hatcheries and a vaccine supplier. The importance of people “We may all recognise the increasing role of automation and data-based software and systems in the modern hatchery,” says course director Gerd de Lange, “but people are vital to the success of any hatchery operation. “It takes good, up-to-date knowledge, high levels of skill and not least a positive, proactive attitude to deliver optimal production results. Machines and clever systems are only as good as the people operating them and translating results to fine-tune performance.” With this belief at the heart of the Hatchery Management course, Pas Reform Academy’s approach to training is highly interactive. The course is designed to strengthen participants’ skills in three areas: the evaluation and analysis of hatchery performance; the ability to recognize weaknesses in egg handling and incubation procedures and remedy them using the “tools” provided, and the knowledge to modify egg handling and incubation processes, to improve hatchery performance.

Prior to attending, participants are invited to pre-submit key questions that they would like to have answered. This ensures that as well as learning from trainers about the most up-to-date research and the very latest techniques being employed in hatcheries worldwide, delegates also have the chance to share experiences and insights with each other.

production facility with SmartPro™ NF incubation systems at its campus in Swiftwater, Pennsylvania. With 10 incubators built to exacting pharmaceutical standards, the new facility will have a total incubation capacity of more than 2.5 million eggs and is expected to be operational in 2019.

Egg to chick optimisation: training for results Sanofi Pasteur produces more than 1 billion doses of vaccine

In South Carolina, a variety of topics, from ‘egg quality from breeder farm to hatchery’ to ‘hatchery climate control’, were discussed and supported by presentations. For practical sessions and hands-on training, House of Raeford’s state-ofthe-art hatchery hosted two visits, the first focusing on the egg receiving and setter room, and the second dedicated entirely to the hatcher room and chick handling.

each year and previously expanded its Swiftwater vaccine

During these visits, both egg and chick quality were evaluated and a break-out analysis performed, all in a setting that gave participants the opportunity to see and experience advanced Smart™ incubation and hatchery automation systems first-hand in a live production environment.

SmartPro™ NF incubation allows for precise, zonal

production capabilities with NatureForm equipment in 2006. Successful project management, validation capabilities and the ability to meet the stringent demands of human vaccine production were key factors in the company’s decision to work with NatureForm Hatchery Technologies again for this new expansion.

temperature control, which delivers more viable embryos and therefore a greater vaccine yield. All incubators will be integrated with Sanofi Pasteur’s internal management software. Security badge scanners for access, specialized cooling coils, custom inlet and exhaust with filtration are

Sharing ideas and insights, says Barry Vincent, Breeder/ Hatchery Specialist at Tyson Foods, adds great depth to the experience: “The training is really comprehensive, it’s amazing what can be covered in just three days. “Sharing insights with other hatchery professionals from their own experiences has been a really valuable aspect of the whole experience. The training has given me a range of new tools and insights that I can take away to improve analysis, processes and performance as soon as I get back to the hatchery, and I’ve met new friends in the industry too!”   Future training opportunities

just some of the specialized features that will be incorporated to ensure the equipment can be validated in this Biosecurity Level 2+ vaccine production facility. Steve Warren, President of NatureForm Hatchery Technologies, comments, “We are extremely proud of our participation in this very important project. In 2016, Sanofi Pasteur enabled the vaccination of 200 million people against influenza worldwide and, together with our partner Pas Reform, we are honoured to be entrusted with such a significant component of their global vaccine production program.”

NatureForm will be running further hatchery management training courses in 2018. If you would like further information or to pre-register your interest in attending, please email

Harm Langen,

Robert Bowen,

Bouke Hamminga,

CEO Pas Reform

Regional Sales Manager

Director International


Sales & Business Development Pas Reform


SmartCenterPro™ integrates data

30 SmartSetPro™ setters, equipped with

Automatic candling of hatching eggs directly

30 SmartHatchPro™ hatchers divided over

Destacking directly from the top of the

from incubation, climate control and

Adaptive Metabolic Feedback (AMF™) and

from setter trays. Dead and infertile eggs

3 hatcher rooms, with Vortex™-based

stack on the dolley means hatcher

hatchery automation systems to

Energy Saving Module (ESM™), divided

(clears) are removed automatically and

airflow to achieve the shortest hatch

baskets are only touched once for safe,

optimise hatchery management

across two rooms

discharged via a vacuum system

window and deliver highly uniform day old

steady transfer directly from dolley to conveyor

360° SmartCare™ in the USA: innovation in service and support There are, says Pas Reform’s CEO Harm Langen, many ways to innovate. And as the world’s only single-source supplier of fully integrated hatchery solutions, Pas Reform and its US partner NatureForm have taken a wide view, to deliver innovation across the full range of products and services. “SmartCare™ is one such development,” says Harm Langen, “a multi-faceted approach to service and support that that has grown out of our experience of working with more than 1,000 hatcheries worldwide. It delivers across three pillars of planning, project and lifetime services to support each ‘life stage’ of a hatchery project.

“Customers themselves choose from a number of options – there are 21 service categories in all – to create a support package that is fully customised to meet their own, particular needs.” It’s a new concept that represents a paradigm shift in how service and support are provided in the industry – and one that is rapidly gaining ground for many of Pas Reform and NatureForm’s hatchery customers worldwide. House of Raeford: leading the way in the USA In the USA, House of Raeford’s affiliate Columbia Farms was first to adopt SmartCare™, with a Lifetime Services contract to support its state-of-the-art SmartPro™ hatchery in Monetta, South Carolina.


With a skilled and experienced team in place, Columbia designed their own contract to include: • Helpdesk support, to maximize support availability and response times • SmartCenterPro™ hardware & software support, including the delivery of all new system releases and updates and hardware replacement support, should it be required • Recommended spare parts, to ensure that spare parts are always in stock • Remote analysis and advice, for periodic reports based on SmartCenterPro™ data, with results and recommendations • Periodic inspections, to provide structural equipment inspections • Incubation consultancy, for independent, hatchery-wide reviews that include reporting and recommendations from Pas Reform Academy’s hatchery specialists

Columbia’s customised SmartCare™ package includes a fortnightly skype call to discuss any questions, follow up on open points and share knowledge and ideas.

SmartCount™ chick counter,

The setter tray washer incorporates main

Three air-handling units each inject 100%

SmartCare™ Lifetime services: periodic,

State of the art, single-stage hatchery delivers

integrated with SmartCenterPro™

wash and after-rinse sections, with a

fresh conditioned air into setter and hatcher

structural inspections by Pas Reform and

the highest levels of biosecurity, quality

hatchery information system for

unique filter system, for thoroughly clean


NatureForm specialists increase uptime and

control and operational analytics, for the

real time hatch performance data

setter trays

decrease costs

highest number of best quality chicks

and analysis

Complex manager Jim Mabe headed the team that worked with NatureForm and Pas Reform to create Columbia Farms’ SmartCare™ package. He says: “The Monetta facility is a state-of-the-art hatchery and, when we made the decision for SmartPro™ setters, hatchers, HVAC and automation, we signed up to levels of technological advancement that would ensure we deliver the best possible birds for our network of growers. “High levels of technical support and backup from NatureForm in Jacksonville were a vital ingredient of our ultimate decision - and SmartCare™ brings another level to that for us, with a package that we’ve been able to select according to our own, very specific needs.” SmartCare™ has, says NatureForm’s president Steve Warren, been developed to deliver an assurance of efficient, uninterrupted performance at every level of hatchery operations. “SmartCare™ is a 360° approach through which we share our knowledge, people, expertise and experience at every stage of planning, building, commissioning and beyond.”

Smart apps and 24/7 support Columbia’s own staff are well trained and have a great deal of experience, but as Assistant Complex Manager David Rush explains, it was important that they were up to speed with the new system as quickly as possible. “For that reason, the company’s customised SmartCare™ package includes a fortnightly skype call to discuss any questions, follow up on open points and share knowledge and ideas. The SmartCare™ Helpdesk is available 24/7 to work closely with maintenance staff and the hatchery also uses the Android- and iOS-based SmartService™ App, which makes it very easy to send service requests or questions, with photos if needed.

“For us, SmartCare™ Lifetime Service is more than just support in case of a problem,” concludes David Rush. “It is a partnership, where we work together with Pas Reform and NatureForm continuously to generate further improvements, increased hatchability and chick quality.” | Case study |

Gayle Sharpe, hatchery manager, House of Raeford

House of Raeford Broiler Hatchery

For further, detailed information about House of Raeford please request your own free, full-colour, fully illustrated case study brochure by emailing or download the brochure in pdf format directly from Pas Reform online at

Monetta, South Carolina

“To optimise operations, we do a lot of preventive maintenance ourselves and under the SmartCare™ plan that we created, Pas Reform and NatureForm carry out a complete inspection twice a year and we have an agreement on spare parts.” The plan also includes site visits by an incubation consultant from Pas Reform Academy, to focus on optimizing hatchability and quality.


Smart and integrated: Quebec’s Couvoir Réal Côté looks to the future Family-owned Couvoir Réal Côté, a well-known and longstanding business in the Canadian hatchery industry, is to expand operations to 400,000 broilers per week for the Quebec market, with a fully integrated new facility that will be built around a brand new SmartPro™ single-stage hatchery at its Ange-Gardien site. With 12 SmartSetPro™2 incubators, 12 SmartSetPro™4 incubators and 14 SmartHatchPro™ hatchers, the new installation will also include a total overhaul of the hatchery’s climate control system, with air handling units that use 100% fresh air to eliminate the need for recirculated air and a completely new chilled water system. Hatchery automation will also be replaced, with stackers, de-stackers and a new transfer, candling and clear egg removal unit as part of the project.

New washing machines, a vacuum system and a farm-tosetter trolley stacker/destacker are also included. The complete system will be connected by advanced, web-based SmartCenterPro™ hatchery management software, to deliver realtime analysis and reporting across the entire operation, both from Réal Côté’s office in Ange Gardien, or remotely from support teams at Pas Reform’s Zeddam HQ in The Netherlands or NatureForm in Jacksonville, Florida. “Production of the day-old broiler chicks will be split over two weekly hatches,” explains Martin Lavoie, hatchery manager, “and with the ability to analyse hatches both on site and remotely, we will work closely with Pas Reform’s technical team to ensure that performance is optimised.” “After 38 years of operation, it was time to renew the hatchery,” says Réal Côté, founder and president . “We have been providing quality day old chicks to the Quebec market all these years, and we are very happy to continue working with Pas Reform as we look to the future. Our customers want nothing but the highest quality broilers from us.” The company started incubating broiler eggs 38 years ago and, he says, if it’s up to him they will continue to do so for another 38 years. “With this investment, we not only replace, upgrade and expand our current operation, but we are also building in room for further expansion in the future.”

Hatchery specialist joins

technical service and hatchery

NatureForm team

audits worldwide and is driven by helping customers to reach

With more than 20 years’ experience in Incubation and Hatchery Operations, Anthony ‘Tony’ Britt joined our international team earlier this year. Tony has held senior positions throughout his career, travelling extensively to deliver


their goals.

“When I visited the Réal Côté hatchery for the first time back in 2003, people were surprised to see someone from Pas Reform, a Dutch company, in North America,” comments Bouke Hamminga, Pas Reform’s director of international sales and business development. “Since then, Pas Reform’s international presence has grown significantly and our partnership with NatureForm has emphasised our commitment to this market. We are very happy to have jointly progressed this collaboration with Couvoir Réal Côté and the best is yet to come!” A five year SmartCare™ preventive maintenance and hatchery support programme is also part of the new contract, which plans to have the expanded and refitted new hatchery fully operational by the third quarter of 2018.

Miller Poultry commissions new SmartPro™ NF hatchery renovation in Indiana

Galen Miller and Stephen Shepard inspecting their product at an Indiana supermarket Photo courtesy of Poultry Health Today

Miller Poultry, a producer of Amish-grown, antibiotic free poultry, has commissioned a complete renovation of its broiler hatchery in Goshen, Indiana with SmartPro™ NF single stage incubation. The refurbished hatchery will be equipped with 27 technologically advanced SmartPro™ NF setters, accompanying hatchers and supporting ventilation, for a weekly setting capacity of approximately 1.1 million eggs. SmartPro™ NF single stage incubation allows for precise, zonal temperature control, which delivers a higher hatch of fertiles and superior chick uniformity. Miller’s entire incubation and hatching process will be integrated with the SmartCenterPro™ hatchery management system, Pas Reform’s most advanced, next generation hatchery information software, to aid in quality control, preventative maintenance and hatch cycle analysis.

Commenting on the new project, Vice President Live Operations Stephen Shepard said: “It is the right time to significantly upgrade our hatchery and go 100 per cent single stage. When we analysed the health, robustness and uniformity of the day-old chicks produced by our current SmartPro™ NF single stage equipment, we were left in no doubt that this was the best route to continue innovating incubation in our company. “We have been extremely pleased with our relationship with NatureForm, so they were the natural choice to support our plans.” Miller Poultry, family owned since 1942, specializes in antibiotic free, all vegetable-fed poultry that are raised on small Amish family farms. Owner Galen Miller adds, “We are one of the original users of NatureForm single stage equipment. It has been great to watch them grow and advance over the years and we are happy to move forward together with them in this new phase of our operations.”

Jack Hubbell, Vice President of Sales for NatureForm comments: “We are excited about the opportunity to grow with Miller Poultry. We have known them for many years and it is really special to be a chosen supplier for such a quality-conscious company.”

NF Series

Next generation design for the future-focused hatchery

To find out more, download the SmartPro™ NF Series brochure at or email us at

Pas Reform Hatchery Technologies

Jack Hubbell, V.P. Sales NatureForm


NatureForm Integrated Hatchery Solutions Argentina Forklima s.r.l. Av. Gral. Paz 13.713 1752 Villa Insuperable, BA Argentina

Colombia R&M de Colombia Ltda. Calle 24 No 69 C 19 Sur Bogotá Colombia

T +54 11 4652 6931 F +54 11 4655 1960 E I

T +573 10 240 0271 – 571 420 06 03 F +571 420 48 27 E

Armenia / Georgia Morris Group Armenia Davidashen 3th Dist. Building 21 Apt. 22 0054 Yerevan Armenia M +374 91 555 771 T +374 10 368 307 E Australia/ New Zealand JY Trading (Aust) Pty Ltd No.17, Venezia Promenade, Greenvale, VIC 3059. AUSTRALIA M +614 2424 5662 M +6012 67 00087 E Baltic States Skogran Mr. Lukas Sederevicius P. Lukåio g. 17 LT-09132 Vilnius Lithuania T +370 527 000 27 F +370 527 000 29 E Bangladesh Axon Limited Russel Park (5th Fl.) House-101, Road-13/A, Block C 1213 Banani, Dhaka Bangladesh T +880 298 544 73 F +880 171 637 9938 E Belarus Neoforce Ltd Commerce and Consulting Visiting and mailing address: Neminga Street 38, 5th floor 220004 Minsk Belarus T +375 17 200 05 31 F +375 17 211 02 15 E Bosnia and Hercegovina Iradia Company d.o.o. Branka Copica 2 78250 Laktasi Bosnia and Hercegovina T +387 51 535 345 F +387 51 530 016 E Brazil Pas Reform do Brasil Avenida 16, nº 2072 B. Jardim São Paulo 13.503-020 Rio Claro - SP T +55 19 3524 3681 F +55 19 3524 3681 E

Egypt Alpha Trade Co. 50 Mosadek Street Dokki-Cairo Egypt T +20 2 3749 6337; +20 2 3749 6338; +20 20 3749 2661 F +20 23 760 4343 E Ethiopia Mr. Ibsa Abebe Fekensa House No. 1648, Kebele 05 Bishoftu / Oromiya Ethiopia T +251 910275613 E France/Algeria La Nationale Mrs. Marie-José Adam 43, rue des Vignes 45240 Briare France T +33 238 371 200 E Greece Intervaz S.A. Mr. Nikos Vazaios P.O. Box 41 19100 Megara Greece T/F +30 22 96 09 02 50 M +30 69 87 52 32 62 E Hungary AgriAL Bt. Dr. László Korösi Béri Balog Adám u. 42 2100 Gödöllo Hungary T +36 309820054 E India Mr. Venkitakrishnan Natarajan 1 /127, Ganapathi Palayam Udumalpet (TK), Tirupur Dt. Tamilnadu 642122 India T +91 934 400 5887 E Indonesia Pas Reform Indonesia Komplek Pergudangan BIZHUB Block GG No. 17 Jalan Serpong Raya Gunung Sindur – Bogor 16340 West Java Indonesia T +62 811 998 162 F +62 21 5315 5879 E

Bulgaria Ecomat Ltd. Ovche pole str. No.109-113, Shop 3 Sofia 1303 Bulgaria

Iran Vala Sanat Tose’e (VST) Unit 3, No. 21, North Eskandari St. Azadi St. 14199-43153 Tehran Iran

T +359 888 857550 F +359 9627716 E

T +98 21 6693 2501 F +98 21 6693 2106 E

Chile Agrocomercial Safratec Chile Ltda. Badajoz Nª 12 Of. 303 Edificio Maule Las Condes - Santiago Chile

Italy Mr. Slobodan –Bob- Dimitrijevic Via Leucadio Solombrini 13 47122 Forlì Italy

T +56 222 202 034 E

T +39 338 153 8612 E

China Tianjin Original Livestock Equipment Co. Ltd. Yixinyuan 4-5-302, No. 3 Guangda Jie, Teda, 300457 Tianjin City, China T + 86 22 6628 0780 E

Sri Lanka Lakmo Homes # 604, Colombo Road Puwakpitiya, Avissawella Sri Lanka

USA / Canada NatureForm Hatchery Technologies 925, North Ocean Street Jacksonville, FL 32202 United States of America

M +51 981 335 156 E

M +94 759731510 F +94 36 2230377 E

T +1 904 358 0355 F +1 904 358 0478 E E

Philippines Maagir Farm Corporation Suite 1105, Ermita Centre Building 1350 Roxas Boulevard, Ermita 1000 Manila Philippines

Sudan Coral Company Ltd Altaief – Salam Street Block 22 – House No. 501 Khartoum Sudan

T +63 2 3545 988; +63 2 503 5317 F +63 2 3545 988 E

T +249 183 238 887 T +249 120 898363 E

Poland Jarmax Mr. Jarosäaw Piankowski Ul. Dr. L. Heykego 24 83-400 Koscierzyne Poland

Syria / Lebanon ACMAVED Visiting address: Al Ameen St. Quatly Boulevard Damascus

T +48 603957229 E

Mailing address: P.O. Box 5441 Damascus Syria

Jordan Jamil Alkhawaja’s sons Sport city, Alshaheed street. P.O. Box 963466 11196 Amman Jordan

Peru Aditivos e Industria S.A.C. Sr. Oscar Buenano Avila Av. El Derby N°250 piso 12 Santiago de Surco -Lima Peru

T +96265160608 F +96265160618 M +31622999025/ +962795531388 E Kazakhstan Mrs. Aigul Nurmagambetova T: +7 7172 727 709 E: Middle America and Business Development Latin America Mr. Ranulfo Ortiz Nueva Bélgica 6 Col. Recursos Hidraulicos 66245 Cuernavaca, Morelos Mexico T +52 7773 176 401 F +52 7773 134 419 E Malaysia Suenfa Farming Trading Co. Jalan Kulim 1418 14000 Bukit Mertajam, Penang Malaysia T +60 45399823 F +60 45390076 E Mexico Evolución Tecnológica Agropecuaria SA de CV Mr. Ranulfo Ortiz Nueva Bélgica 6 Col. Recursos Hidraulicos 66245 Cuernavaca, Morelos Mexico T +52 7773 176 401 F +52 7773 134 419 E Middle East Eng. Asad Yaseen M +966 (0) 533 500 150 M +962 789 940 070 E Morocco Agri Art 38, Hay Medouaz Témara Morocco T +212 5 37 64 30 61 F +212 5 37 64 35 78 E The Netherlands Pas Reform BV Head Office Bovendorpsstraat 11 7038 CH Zeddam The Netherlands T +31 314 659 111 E I Nigeria Terudee Farms Ltd. Km 15, New Ife Road Ibadan, Oyo State Nigeria T +234 8055 005 709 F +234 2231 6207 E Pakistan Bird Care House No. 460, Block-B Faisal Town Lahore 54700 Pakistan T +92 42 35204161-3 F +92 42 3520 4164 E

Romania Bentley Industry SRL N.Balcescu Sq. 4, ap.4 300229 Timisoara, Timis County Romania M +40 744 772140 E Russia Pas Reform Russia Esenina Street 20V 308036 Belgorod Russia T +7 4722 58 90 50 F +7 4722 58 90 51 E I Serbia Iradia DOO Gavrila Principa 53 21208 Sremska Kamenica Serbia T +381 21 461 170 F +381 21 464 113 E South Korea Il-Seung Co. Ltd 48-22 Muk 1-Dong Chungnang-Ku 02019 Seoul South Korea T +82 29726562 F +82 29766303 E Southern Africa Pas Reform Southern African Region CC. 9, Sutherland Avenue 2196 Craighall Park, J’burg South Africa T +27 78 361 0385 F +27 83 251 4795 E E NatureForm technical service Deon Brown +27 82 450 5916 Spain David Crespo Fernandez C/Alcalde Miguel Castano 25 24005 Leon Spain T +34 696 382 825 M +34 696 382 825 E

T +963 115420228 F +963 115428336 E Taiwan Chang Jhen Corporation Mr. Chen 11F-2, No 936, Sec 4, Taiwan Blvd., Xitun Dist. Taichung City 407, Taiwan ROC T 886-04-24621027 E Thailand Goodspeed International Co., Ltd. 359/15 Rama 2 Soi 50, Samaedam, Bangkhuntien Bangkok 10150 Thailand T +66-81-815-6623 F +66-2-497-7391 E Tunesia / Libya / Algeria Poultry World Suarl B.P. 70 M.B.A. 3031 Sfax Tunesia T +216 74 237 999 M +216 98 411 515 F +216 74 215 205 E Turkey Refarm Kimya Laboratuari Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. Cimen Sok. No: 48 Elmadag -Sisli Istanbul 34373 Turkey T +90 21 2230 5674 F +90 21 2247 5003 E Ukraine Mr. Borys Marchenko Of 149, 60 Pobedy Street Kiev 3057 Ukraine M +380 67 402 23 20 T/F +380 44 406 55 74 E Mr. Y. Romm Am Dickelsbach 31 47269 Duisburg Germany T +49 203 75775155; M +49 15172203199; E

Venezuela EuroFeed de Venezuela c.a. Urb. Industrial Carabobo, CCI Carabobo II, 8va. Transversal Galpón 17 Venezuela T +58 241 832 25 39 F +58 241 832 45 92 E Grupo Ingediza T +58 212 265 2982 F +58 212 263 4594 E
 Vietnam Peja (S.E.A.) B.V. Visiting address: Van Oldenbarneveldstraat 85 6828 ZN Arnhem Mailing address: Postbus 117 6800 AC Arnhem The Netherlands T +31 26 354 1270 F +31 26 442 7345 E Peja Vietnam (HCMC Office) Unit 1102, Melinh point Tower 2 Ngo Duc Ke St., Dist. 1 Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam T +84 8 38293503 F +84 8 38251021 E Peja Vietnam (Hanoi Office) 6th flr Asia tower 06 Nha tho Street Hoan kiem district Hanoi Vietnam T +84 4 38244627 F +84 4 38244628 E Yemen Republic Hadwan Agri. & Poultry Est. Visiting address: 60 West Street in front of Azal University Behind Alabse Studio Sana’a Mailing address: P.O. Box 25125 Sana’a Yemen Republic T +967 1 211 608 F +967 1 211 609 E

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