The Netherlands ISA chooses SmartPro™ for new (Grand) Parentstock Hatchery > p. 21
Turkey Erpiliç supersizes with SmartPro™ > p. 9
Pas Reform Times Pas Reform Hatchery Technologies
Pas Reform Innovations
Russia Cherkizovo chooses Smart incubation for Russia's largest hatchery > p. 4
PT QL Trimitra Indonesia PT QL Trimitra expands with Pas Reform > p.13
USA Centurion Poultry Inc. chooses Pas Reform for a new single-stage hatchery in Iowa > p. 6
Dynamic times demand inspiration, innovation and change In a rapidly changing world, with a growing population – and a growing appetite for poultry - the poultry sector must not only keep pace, but also anticipate where change is leading us.
From the First Pas incubator, to the advanced capabilities of today’s modular single-stage SmartPro™ incubation systems, anticipating where change will lead has driven Pas Reform innovations for more than 90 years.
Pas Reform sees the impact of these changes through the experiences of our customers and partners in different countries and cultures around the world.
Today, our technologies extend into HVAC systems, to maximise energy reduction and support exemplary hygiene; the web-based SmartCenter™ information system, to monitor and analyse every production cycle with quality data, and hatchery automation, to maintain the same levels of care for massively increased numbers of day old chicks.
Numbers alone are no longer sufficient. Quality counts. Uniformity and robustness are the new standards, with expectations of sustainable solutions that consume less energy, improve hygiene and promote food safety with respect for animal welfare. As hatcheries grow larger to handle many millions of day old chicks each week, every aspect of operations must be supported by information technology, to provide high quality data throughout the poultry production chain.
It is in automation that our latest innovation, SmartCount™, introduces a revolutionary new system for handling large numbers of day old chicks, using vision technology and pattern recognition, to reduce stress for the chicks and support the highest standards of animal welfare. From combating rising feed prices to providing sustainable, non-toxic alternatives for disinfection and hygiene, Pas
Reform is committed to excellence and innovation, for sustainable growth in the hatchery sector - and throughout the poultry production chain. We are privileged that our customers, partners and colleagues share the same commitment. Many have contributed to this latest edition of Pas Reform Times, to share their experiences, their expertise and the latest news from their hatcheries around the world. These are dynamic times: I hope you find inspiration for today – and for what tomorrow will bring - in this extraordinary edition of Pas Reform Times. Bart Aangenendt, CEO Pas Reform Hatchery Technologies