Light of the World Ministries Church Magazine 2020/2021

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Ministry Magazine 2020/2021




(of COVID-19)




P A S T O R’ S L E T T E R

1 Pastor’s Letter

Pastor Richard Pace highlights the key events of 2020 in “Pastor’s Letter”

DEC/JAN 2020/2021

FOUNDERS AND PASTORS: Richard Pace, Anthoy Pace, Grace Pace

COVER: Pastor Richard Pace


7 Overcoming Fear (of


Covid-19 is a spirit which also brings a spirit of fear. Pastor Richard Pace teaches how to overcome that fear in “Overcoming Fear (of covid-19)”


LIGHT OF THE WORLD MINISTRIES CHURCH ANNUAL MAGAZINE: is produced by Pastor Richard Pace and Light of the World Ministries Church. 244 Targo Road Toongabbie, NSW, Australia, 2146


16 Understanding


The world is in the grip of one of the greatest crisis’ in its history. Pastor Richard Pace explains how to deal with this crisis as well as personal crisis in “Understanding Crisis”

ONLINE: WEBSITE: www. au FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook. com/richard.pace.35 INSTAGRAM: lotwmc TWITTER: Richard Pace@LOTWMC SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud. com/richard-pace EMAIL:


23 Testimonies

Key testimonies and highlights of 2020

GRAPHIC DESIGN: Pastor Richard Pace, Catherine Camilleri

Light of the World Ministries Church


13 MINISTRY RESOURCES 25 acknowledgements

26 MINISTRY EVENTS 27 merry christmas 244 Targo Road Toongabbie, NSW, Australia, 2146

P A S T O R’ S


hat a way to start the new decade! To say 2020 has been a year unlike any year in history would be an understatement. 2020 has been a year of unrelenting tests, trials, difficulties and hardships both on a global and personal scale. A year of disasters beginning with devastating bushfires in January, followed by nationwide floods in February and a worldwide pandemic the likes of which has never been seen since the Spanish flu starting in March/ April. A year when the darkness most definitely and suddenly became darker in the world but the glory of God became brighter in the Church as was revealed in last year’s ministry magazine;

the greatest, last days revival Australia and the nations have ever seen. We will see revival and reformation sweep across Sydney and Australia. There will be salvations, deliverances, healings, restoration and transformation in this city the likes of which has never been seen before.” (Richard Pace – Pastor’s Letter 2019/2020 Ministry Magazine) “Global Financial Crisis: In October 2007, the Lord showed me a vision of a flood of darkness covering the world involving specific events including a worldwide economic disaster. Approximately a year and a half later, this same economic disaster came to pass in the global financial crisis during

enforced with the belief that because of it, global financial crisis’ will be a thing of the past, preparing the world for the one world Government and one world financial system led by the antichrist, involving micro chipping and the mark of the beast, not permitting anyone to buy or sell except with the mark. As all this and more transpires in the earth, there will be a move of God and revival unprecedented in human history far greater than that of the book of Acts. As we already saw, Isaiah 60:2-3 states, as the darkness in the earth becomes darker, the glory of the Lord upon and in the Church will become greater. As a result, we will see the greatest revival and harvest of souls in human history. as the

saw more people saved, delivered, healed and restored than ever. The darkness TRULY became darker in the world and the glory of God truly became stronger in the Church! Revival HAS come! But not as most expected, as is usually the case with God. However, it’s no surprise this revival has been birthed through crisis as most people will not turn to God and repent unless there is one. The following are prophecies the Lord gave me twenty five years ago warning about what we saw and are seeing this year; A PROPHETIC WARNING (1/7/95) The world is barren, desolate, empty. Resolutions ignored. Agreements broken. Friendships forgotten. Love cold. With the coming of a new age (decade) So too the coming of a new disease (and diseases). New sicknesses, plagues, pestilences, viruses, epidemics and pandemics. Just as the spirit of humankind has become sick, so too their bodies will become sick. And just as their souls are infected with sin, so too their bodies will be infected with disease.

“As we move into a new year and decade, the forecast is for both darkness and revival. Isaiah 60:2-3 states, “Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. 2 For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you. 3 The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.” The Word of God here clearly reveals darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the people. However, it also reveals the Lord will arise over us and His glory will be seen upon us. Here we see these two opposites are said to occur simultaneously – as the darkness becomes darker in the world, the glory of God will become stronger upon the Church. Notice it states, “And His glory will be seen upon you.” And “The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.” Not only will the glory of God be felt, but will be SEEN upon us. In other words, God will manifest His presence in a visible, tangible way to such a degree, non Christians will be attracted to it, convicted of their sins and saved. This is exactly what is occurring and will continue to occur in the coming year and decade. As darkness, sin, evil and lawlessness increase in the world, the glory of God will increase in and upon the Church, which will bring

What cure is there? There is none. Except one…repentance. A new plague is coming. Unlike anything in the past. Nothing like it has been seen before. But it won’t be the last. At that time (this is how you will know the time has come). Treatments and cures for many, existing diseases will be found. Treatments and cures for certain cancers, as well as a cure for Hepatitis, a treatment for dermatitis and a treatment for AIDS, will be found. Many untreatable, incurable diseases will become treatable or/and cured.

L E T T E R 1

which He told me of a second global financial crisis which will be far worse than the first followed by a third which will be far worse than the first two put together. We are now moving into the second global financial crisis. Much of the world will be affected by this crisis however; certain nations will be affected far more than others. Australia will be affected to a certain degree, but will be relatively sheltered compared to many other nations - God Himself will protect this nation as His people pray and intercede for it. Shortly after, the third global financial crisis will hit which will be so bad; there will be “blood in the water.” As a result, a cashless society will be

But there will be no rest for the people. Just as relief comes, they stop to catch their breath and take a moment to rest, new plagues will come upon them with greater force and resilience than the ones before.

And the Lord wants to use YOU in that revival.” (Richard Pace – Pastor’s Letter 2019/2020 Ministry Magazine) We have now entered this time. The world has seen many dark times, but nothing quite like this. And as it drew back, went into lockdown, closed their doors, organizations and businesses, plunging it into the next, greatest financial crisis in human history, the Church mobilized to declare Christ, the Gospel and salvation through Him, expanded their reach through online services and

These plagues will be so bad, one will have rather die of cancer or AIDS than of these. But, I will send My Spirit, says the Lord and the healing anointing shall fill the hearts and rest upon the hands of My faithful. They will lay their hands on the sick and the sick will be healed. I will protect those who love Me and will shield those who walk with Me. I will use (move in and through) this situation to bring glory to My name and what medicine cannot cure, prayer will. PROPHECY (6/12/95) In days to come the earth will mourn, the

nations will grieve and convulse in pain. Who has seen anything like this and who will see it again? A time of gross darkness. How cold it will be. For sin does not bring warmth to the soul, nor peace to the spirit. The rich will neglect the poor. They will turn their faces and close their ears to their appeals.

The laborer will be neglected. Small businesses and powerful empires will fall and disappear leaving human livelihood in a state of desperation and so crime will escalate. Those of the crescent moon (muslims/ satanists/occultists) will raise their

Natural disasters will increase in frequency and severity. Countless deaths. In months to come Asia will be a wasteland. Some of its land beneath the sea (flooded), some of its land devastated. War, disaster, earthquake and flood.

However 2020 wasn’t entirely bleak. For how disastrous this year was, it was also a year of great personal and global revival, possibly the greatest so far. As, ironically, true revival usually comes in the greatest of hardships, because it’s in hardships people usually turn to and pursue God. That’s one of the reasons God permitted such a crisis (not caused it) so people would turn to Him, repent and be saved as most people will not turn to God and repent unless they are facing a crisis which causes them to.

Support will elude the sojourner, work will elude the laborer. Brother will despise brother and sister against sister. Taunts and abuse. Children will be abandoned and left to die, while crying and screaming in agony. Brothers and sister will beg for help. Sons and daughters will be longing for love, yet their own families will not hear them. Sin and lawlessness will escalate until it is too much even for the world to bear. I opened my eyes and saw the world as it will be at that time; The streets were littered with the bodies of the dead. The stench filled the lungs of the living. I saw the surface of the earth and it was covered with naked men and women. They looked like snakes slithering over each other. Their hearts were consumed with sexual desires and their minds were bound to sexual immorality. World economies will crumble like poorly constructed buildings and economic superpowers will be brought low; Asia – China, Europe, America.

But do not be afraid, says the Lord. I am your deliverer, your liberator. Come to Me and I will deliver you from disaster. Approach Me, do I not call you? Do I not invite you? Then why be afraid? They who are in need are not afraid to ask for help for if they do not, they will not receive the help they need. Therefore come, ask and I will restore you says the Lord your God. Follow Me and I will lead you to peaceful days.

So too will the children of the evil one rise against the children of The Anointed One. A time of great warfare, both spiritual and natural.

Men and women controlled by unclean spirits will attack the chosen ones of God. Fierce warfare


It was another year of greater salvations, deliverances, healings, signs, wonders, miracles, manifestations of the Holy Spirit and testimonies. In March/April we aired our very first online service on facebook live from our studio during the corona virus lockdown where God continued moving to save, deliver, heal, restore, transform and do signs, wonders, miracles and manifestations of the Holy

Spirit over the internet which further confirmed God is not limited to time, space, a virus or a lockdown. Then on Sunday the 12th of July God miraculously made a way for us to return to our hall for our first meeting back for five months since the lockdown began. Some of the key teachings of 2020 were, Understanding the Covid-19 Crisis, Overcoming Covid-19 with the Blood of Jesus and Overcoming Fear (of Covid-19). THE NEW YEAR (2021) The Lord revealed three things to me about the New Year. I saw three visions 1. A butterfly struggling to emerge from a cocoon

There were reports of many revival meetings breaking out on the streets of certain countries and cities. One such revival meeting occurred on the streets of Minneapolis, Minnesota during the memorial of George Floyd, an African American man who was brutally murdered by a police officer on those very same streets. Christians took to empty streets in many

voices and rise in power against those of the cross (Christians).

Serpents and scorpions (demons) will emerge from secret places. Curses will be spoken and curses will be broken

cities all over the world calling for people to repent during the first, world wide corona virus lockdown.

Sicknesses and diseases will overpower the world, but only for a short time. The coast lands of many countries will be submerged by floodwaters. Riots, protests, disorder and anarchy.






2. The number (year) 2020 and 2021 standing together with 2020 on the left and 2021 on the right. 2020 was bleeding and the blood was spreading over to 2021. 3. The number “2021” with a vertical line through it dividing it right down the middle as though it was cut in half with a knife. The butterfly struggling to emerge from a cocoon represents the crisis we are in right now and that by January we will have come much further through it and will be in a far better situation than we are now, however, there is still a little struggling, suffering and hardship to come before then. The butterfly struggling to emerge from the cocoon also represents the church and just like a caterpillar in a cocoon is transformed and emerges as a butterfly, the church, after being tested through this crisis, will be transformed and will emerge more like Jesus, greater, more powerful and who God intends us to be. It also represents a mighty revival that is going to come in and through the church as a result of it. The vision of 2020 bleeding into 2021 means that much of what occurred this year (2020) will bleed into or continue into 2021. In other words, this crisis will continue well into the New Year. The vision of the number (year) 2021 cut directly in half down the middle represents two things. Firstly, when you divide 2021 in half, you then have the numbers “20” and “21”, which represents the fact that even though much of what happened this year will bleed into next year, 2021 will be a very different year to 2020. Secondly, this represents something extremely significant occurring literally half way through the year which will be the 1st of June 2021. It’s possible this could be referring to a vaccine or cure that will be officially released at that time. PROPHETIC MESSAGE 27/7/20 THE LORD IS RENOVATING HIS HOUSE The following is a prophecy the Lord gave me for this year (2020) but that He is also giving for next year (2021). For the past four to five months, especially during the lockdown period, my dad and I have been doing some renovations at home. They have been some of the most difficult, intensive and extensive renovations we have ever done. They have been extremely frustrating, annoying and have taken the entire period to complete (in other words, we have been renovating practically for the entire year so far). Then the Lord spoke to me about this

and said, “Just as you are renovating yourhouse, I am also renovating My house. I am renovating the Church, that is, the hearts and lives of My people. The renovations you are doing to your house are a prophetic type or parallel of the renovations I am doing to Mine. Just as you are tearing down, removing, replacing and repairing things, I too am tearing down, removing, replacing and repairing things in the hearts and lives of My people. I am dealing with heart issues, wrong motives, ungodly attitudes, selfish intentions and evil desires. I am exposing and resolving sins, weaknesses, impurities, obstacles, barriers, hindrances, blockages and bondage. I am transforming My people in and through this time of crisis. I am sifting, pruning, purifying, changing and re arranging people and things in My house.” (God uses the things of the natural world as parallels to describe the things of the spirit). (Jeremiah 18:1-11). Then I thought of all the work we have been doing here. Then I saw a vision of the Lord doing the same in the Church. I saw myself and my dad moving things from one room to another, replacing things in one room with things from another room or something new entirely, pulling down walls, fixing others, plastering, sanding and painting. Then I saw the Lord doing a similar thing in the hearts of each of His children. The Lord continued, “I am sifting people, ministries and churches. (God sifts but satan also sifts) Proverbs 20:26 (NKJV) states, “A wise king sifts out the wicked, And brings the threshing wheel over them.” Isaiah 30:28 (NKJV) “His breath is like an overflowing stream, which reaches up to the neck, to sift the nations with the sieve of futility; and there shall be a bridle in the jaws of the people, causing them to err.” Amos 9:9 (NKJV) “For surely I will command, and will sift the house of Israel among all nations, as grain is sifted in a sieve; yet not the smallest grain shall fall to the ground.” Luke 22:31-32 (NKJV) “And the Lord said, “Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren.”” Just as you are re arranging things in your house, I am re arranging hearts, lives, churches and ministries. I am preparing them for the coming years and decades. I am moving people who are misplaced from where they are to where they should be. I am removing people from certain churches or ministries who are not fit for them.


I am promoting people and demoting people depending upon their attitudes, motives, intentions, desires and actions. Those who have been faithful to Me, My kingdom, where I have planted them and what I have called them to do will be promoted, those who haven’t will be demoted. Those who have put family, friends, work, or anyone or anything else before Me and what I have called them to do where I have planted them will also be demoted or removed if they do not repent. Also, those who have dishonored Me, their leaders, those I have put under their care or others in general will also be dealt with. Those who have attempted to serve Me or who are in the ministry with wrong motives, intentions or desires will not succeed, will struggle and will have their ministries, even the little they have, taken from them and given to others who have the right motives, intentions and desires. (Matthew 25:30, Luke 19:26). Those who have been faithful with even the little they have been given will be given more. (Matthew 25:30, Luke 19:26). Those who humbled themselves will be exalted and those who exalted themselves will be humbled. (Matthew 23:12). Those who were first will be last and those who are last will be first. (Luke 13:30). A great imbalance has occurred in the world and the Church and I am now correcting that imbalance.

However, others who were faithful to Me and what I called them to do for decades despite the fact they were rejected, disregarded, dishonored, ignored, persecuted, made fun of, thought little of, unsupported, unknown and in the shadows will be promoted, exalted, lifted up, raised up, and will become the voices, standards, pace setters, trend setters, pioneers, front liners and influencers of the next decades.

I am also exposing false prophets, false leaders, false shepherds, false ministries and false churches. I will deal with the shepherds who have been abusing their sheep - that is, leaders who have been manipulating the people I have placed under their care for their own selfish gain - Shepherds committing sexual sins with their sheep. Shepherds manipulating their sheep into giving them money. Shepherds beating and abusing their sheep. Shepherds watering down, sweetening up and twisting My Word to gain favor, praise and popularity with the sheep. A GREAT shift unlike anything that has been seen so far is occurring and will occur. Ministers, ministries and churches which stood for years before this crisis, by this time next year, will be gone. Many churches that were once open and thriving will shut down and will never reopen. Churches people thought would NEVER shut down or disappear will be the very ones that do and many will be shocked, dismayed and distressed when they see it.

This is what it means when it says in 1 Peter 4:17 (NKJV), “For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God.” This scripture is being fuliflled in our lifetime. My prayer is the Lord will continue to bless, protect and prosper you and your family throughout the New Year and years to come. Get ready for GREATER things in 2021! Blessings.


Richard Pace.





(of COVID-19)


OVID-19 is not just a disease; but a spirit that causes this disease. Psalm 91:6 states, “Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness.” The word “pestilence” is referring to a sickness, disease, virus, plaque, epidemic or pandemic. A sickness, disease, virus, plaque, epidemic or pandemic does not have legs that it can walk so this is obviously referring to a demonic spirit, more specifically, a spirit of infirmity. It’s more specifically a spirit of infirmity. The Word of God reveals there is a spirit called the spirit of infirmity. Luke 13:11 states, “And behold there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years and was bent over and could in no way raise herself up.” And Luke 13:12 states, “But when Jesus saw her, He called her to Him and said to her, “Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity.” The spirit of infirmity is responsible for every sickness, disease, virus, plaque, epidemic and pandemic. This spirit also brings another three spirits with it. Jesus Himself stated that demonic spirits bring other demonic spirits with them. In Luke 11:26 Jesus said, “Then He (it) goes and takes with him


(it) seven other spirits more wicked than himself (itself), and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first.” Those three other spirits are fear, torment and death. Fear brings torment (1 John 4:18) and death brings Hades or Hell. In Revelation 6:8 we see the pale horse with its rider named death and Hades following with him. This is exactly what is happening today and I believe these are some of the spirits plaguing humankind right now. In this message, I want to focus on one of these three spirits that accompany covid-19 which is the spirit of fear. This spirit would have to be one of the most volatile and destructive spirits anyone could face and it’s the one, even more so than the others, that is being released especially in this situation. This spirit actually gives this virus its power to influence and control the world as it has been. On the back of any Clorox, Lysol and Dettol cleaning product, we see “human corona virus” mentioned. “Human corona virus” is a general reference to strains of corona virus that originated in an animal or animals, reptiles or insects then mutated to humans. There are many strains of human corona virus in existence such as the Hong Kong flu, Bird flu, Swine flu, SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), which is related to the bird flu, as well as the one we are most familiar with, covid-19. Which means corona virus isn’t new. It existed long before covid-19. What makes each of these forms of human corona virus what they are is they have three key things in common, 1. They originated in animals, reptiles or


As much of a concern as this virus may be, it’s simply a weaker form or strain of flu (influenza). So weak in fact, the symptoms aren’t even evident in many people. As well as this, it has a very limited reach. It mainly affects the elderly who are already sick, babies or children whose immune systems are weak and still developing and adults with weak immune systems, which are usually those who are already struggling with some form of sickness

million more than AIDS in a far shorter period of time. By saying this, I am by no means ignoring or disregarding the potential covid has to becoming worse than the Spanish flu or AIDS. Nor am I suggesting we should not take and not continue taking precautions to ensure it doesn’t. What I am saying is if we see this from a spiritual perspective, which it is - this is not only a natural situation but a spiritual one, covid-19 isn’t even, at this stage, anywhere near as volatile as other diseases, plagues, epidemics or pandemics of the past, yet it’s being treated like it’s the worst plague the world has ever seen. It may have the potential to be, but has not been so far. Why? Because of fear. THE SPIRT OF FEAR

“ and disease. Why? Because it's such a weak strain, it needs a person’s immune system to already be weakened by fighting another sickness, to be able to affect, let alone, kill anyone. That’s one of the reasons this virus can more easily affect those who already have flu symptoms. So why all the panic? It’s because this disease is fatal and a vaccine has not yet been developed. However, the difference is we have vaccines for most of the other flu strains therefore people aren’t so concerned about them as they are about covid-19. Different flus and viruses, far worse than covid-19, have come and gone. For instance, the Spanish flu which saw 50 million deaths worldwide over a period of roughly two years or AIDS which, although is still ongoing, so far, has seen a total of 40 million deaths worldwide. Even the Spanish flu was far more volatile and saw far more deaths – approximately 10

COVID-19 is not just a disease; but a spirit that causes this disease


insects then mutated to humans usually through ingestion. 2. They are all strains of flu and begin with flu symptoms 3. They attack the respiratory system

So why so much fear surrounding this disease? As I said earlier, besides the fact this disease, as weak of a strain as it may be, is still fatal and we don’t have a vaccine for it yet, I believe the media may also be exaggerating the issue. As well as this, if we see this from a spiritual perspective, the enemy (satan and demons) are using it to bring humankind under the spirit and bondage of fear. Why? A person in fear is easier to control than a person who is not in fear. Also, we are about to see the greatest revival in human history, which I believe has already begun especially in this situation. Whenever God is about to bring revival, do a new thing or do something greater, the enemy ALWAYS moves in an attempt to stop, prevent or hinder it. The scale of this crisis reflects the greatness of the revival to follow and if you’ve noticed, the enemy, through this crisis, is doing the exact opposite of what God wants to do through revival. In other words, it’s a counterfeit preceding the genuine thing and the fact the counterfeit is here means


the genuine thing is about to manifest. Never, in the history of the world, has so much attention, focus or airtime been given to one single thing than covid-19. All you ever see on TV day after day are reports, documentaries, stories and articles about this virus, which is good for informing the population. However, as a result, I believe it has been exaggerated far more than it should be. Which in turn, is generating far more fear than there should be. As a matter of fact, it’s generating an unusually abnormal amount of fear for a disease that is nowhere near as volatile as most others have been. It’s like this, there are certain animals, reptiles and insects that puff themselves up, exaggerate their bodies or make themselves look larger than they really are to intimidate, strike fear in and overcome their enemies. This is to ensure their own protection and preservation. Human beings as well as satan and demons also do this. The enemy uses half truths, lies, exaggerations and falsehood to make himself or the situation seem greater or more intimidating and destructive than they really are so we’ll be afraid and spiritually, emotionally and even physically paralysed - because fear paralyses us but faith (in God and His Word) empowers us. However, we have a God and Father who is GREATER than ALL and therefore do not need to be afraid. The issue then is not so much about dealing with a disease as it is about dealing with fear. We have to deal with the fear surrounding the disease because it’s the fear that’s even more destructive than the disease itself.

Fear is not from God. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear” (1 Tim1:7)

2 Timothy 1:7 states, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

The Word of God commands the just (us – born again believers), to make a deci-

1. Fear IS NOT from God “For God has not given us a spirit of fear” 2. God doesn’t put it on us or give it to us for any reason whatsoever “God has not given us” 3. It’s a (demonic) spirit “a spirit of fear” 4. It’s a human spirit (emotion) “a spirit of fear”

Job 3:25 states, “For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, and what I dreaded (was afraid of) has happened to me.” Here, Job stated what he feared came upon him or happened to him. By this, we know what Job was afraid of. He was afraid of losing his family, his property, his finances, even his life because every single one of these things happened to him, he even almost lost his life. Why? Because that fear served as an open door and legal right for satan to bring upon him the very things he feared. When we walk in fear, we attract the very things we fear and make a pathway for the enemy to bring those things upon us.

The word for “spirit” here in the Greek is pneuma (4151. Gk. Strong’s) and means: a current of air, breath (blast) or breeze. A spirit (human), that is, the rational soul. A superhuman spirit, (that is, an angel, demon, or (divine) God, Christ’s Spirit (the Holy Spirit). In the context of this verse it’s referring to a demonic spirit and/or a human spirit (emotion). They actually can both work together. A human spirit (or emotion) of fear can serve as a doorway to the demonic spirit of fear, and the demonic spirit of fear can cause (the emotion of) fear in a person.

The statement, “Fear not” appears 95 times in the Bible – 23 times in the Old Testament and 72 times in the New Testament. However, this statement, as well as statements such as “Do not be afraid”, “Do not fear” and other variations of the statement appears 365 times in the Bible - one for each day of the year. By doing this, the Lord wants to remind us every day, not only should we not be afraid, but we don’t need to be afraid. Why? Because our heavenly Father is in us, with us, fights for, defends and protects us every day.

The Word of God here reveals four very important things about fear,


Fear is not of God and is sin. Romans 14:23 states, “But he who doubts is condemned if he eats, because he does not eat from faith; for whatever is not from faith is sin.” Here, Paul the apostle wrote in a specific context about not doing anything, including eating certain foods, if it is going to offend your brother. However, we see a principle here. When Paul states, “for whatever is not from faith is sin.” it’s an absolute statement and in being so, although is mentioned in a specific context, can be applied as a principle to our lives. When it comes to the things of the Holy Spirit, whatever we do that is not from or by faith is fear and, in God’s eyes, fear is sin. Fear is the refusal or failure to trust God in any given situation. This is also called doubt and/or unbelief. Doubt and unbelief in God and His word is a sin that requires repentance and will prevent a person from knowing, walking with, obeying, serving and receiving from Him if there is no repentance. Fear may come but it’s what we do with that fear that counts in the end. We may have opportunity to fear, we may even become fearful, everyone, without exception, at one point in their life or an-

sion to live by faith not by fear. Romans 1:17 states, “For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.” Galatians 3:11 states, “But that no one is justified by the law in the sight of God is evident, for “The just shall live by faith.” And Hebrews 10:38 states, “Now the just shall live by faith; but if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him.” Fear is faith perverted (fear is a perversion of faith). We see Adam and Eve ran from God in the garden of Eden after they sinned. They went from walking with God in faith, to running from Him in fear. Why? Because they were afraid of being punished for their sin. As it states in 1 John 4:18, “Fear involves torment” (or punishment). Everything has an opposite, converse or reciprocal. South is

simply North but in the opposite direction. Dark is the opposite of light. Hate is a perversion or opposite of love. Satan is a perversion and perfect opposite of God. Take a snake for example, fear of that snake is faith in its ability to harm or kill you and by being afraid of it, you empower it to, which paralyses you. Fear of the corona virus is faith in that virus’ ability to infect, harm or even kill you. It’s a perverted form of faith. However, by putting your faith in God and His Word and refusing to fear the virus, you are denying its ability to infect, harm or kill you which then closes the door of your life to it and opens the door of your life to God’s protection, which then makes it virtually impossible for it to destroy you. Fear is the root of all worry, depression, sadness, heaviness and stress. All worry is fear based. All depression is fear based. All sadness is fear based. All heaviness is fear based and all stress is fear based. You may not know or realise it, but there would usually be a root of fear connected to these somewhere.

other, will have opportunity to fear, it's unavoidable. the issue is not so much feeling fear but what we do with that fear. We can either let it separate us from God or use it as a means to bring us closer to and propel us further in God. For example, in 2 Chronicles 20:20, king Jehoshaphat was afraid, but rather than allowing that fear to consume and control him, he allowed it to propel him to God. The Word of God here reveals, “It happened after this that the people of Moab with the people of Ammon, and others with them besides the Ammonites, came to battle against Jehoshaphat. 2 Then some came and told Jehoshaphat, saying, “A great multitude is coming against you from beyond the sea, from Syria; and they are in Hazazon Tamar” (which is En Gedi). 3 And Jehoshaphat feared, and set himself to seek the Lord, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah.” It was a decision Jehoshaphat made not to allow the fear to repel him from God but to propel him to God. It’s our decision.

Fear is the root of all worry depression sadness heaviness and stress

“ 10

When a person is in fear, they do foolish things, make irrational, unwise and incorrect decisions. That’s why the shelves were emptied of toilet paper here in Australia. OVERCOMING THE SPIRIT OF FEAR Earlier I mentioned there are three spirits that accompany covid-19. However, there are two other spirits involved with fear which are the spirit of control and deception. So, although there are others, altogether, there are five key spirits that accompany covid-19 which are fear, control, deception, torment and death. Fear involves control. The enemy uses fear to control us, more specifically, deception, which instills fear which then brings control. For instance, there are many conspiracy theories, half truths, lies and falsehoods surrounding covid-19. When people hear these falsehoods, it can create fear in their hearts. When people then believe what they fear, it creates an opening to what they fear which can then control their decisions and lives. Control is a form of witchcraft. Why? Because the heart and soul of witchcraft is to control lives, circumstances and outcomes. Someone who walks in fear is being controlled (by the enemy or people) and also tries to control others, circumstances and outcomes. As children of God, even though we may have opportunity to fear, which is understandable, and God will not hold it against us, we MUST NOT walk in

One of the key ways fear manifests is through words. This is one of, if not the most common way fear manifests. Words have power. Proverbs 18:20-21 reveals, 20 “A man’s stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth; from the produce of his lips he shall be filled. 21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Mark 11:22-23 states, 22 “So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God. 23 For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and

constantly declare words of faith and the Word of God, that’s eventually what we’ll see. HOW TO OVERCOME FEAR The following are six key ways to overcome fear 1. The Word of God: reading, hearing, obeying, living by and standing on the Word of God. When we do, we are filling our hearts, minds and lives with God’s Word which in turn brings faith (Romans 10:17), which then flushes out fear. 2. The Love of God: receiving, knowing, showing and walking in the love of God casts out fear. 1 John 4:18 states, “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.”

power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” “In Jesus name I bind, rebuke and cast out the spirit of fear, control, torment and death, send you to hell and command you never to return, touch me or even come anywhere near me or my family again!” Faithfully practicing these six things as well as anything additional the Holy Spirit directs you to in a situation like this will give you victory over fear in all its forms. Blessings. Richard Pace

The Bible reveals we will have whatever we say

fear of anyone or anything. However, the only fear we are allowed and commanded to walk in is the fear of the Lord (Psalm 111:10, Proverbs 1:7, Proverbs 8:13, Proverbs 9:10, Proverbs 14:26 and 27, Proverbs 15:16 and 33, Proverbs 16:6).

One of the key ways fear manifests is through words

does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.” In Job 3:25, Job said, “For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, and what I dreaded (was afraid of) has happened to me.” It also states in Job 22:28, “You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you; so light will shine on your ways.” Most people, including many Christians are struggling because they are constantly declaring negative things and getting what they say as the book of proverbs, the book of Job and Jesus stated. Here, the Word of God clearly reveals we will have whatever we say if we believe we will when we say it. If we constantly declare words of fear and negativity, that’s eventually what we’ll see. If we

3. Resist it: make a decision not to walk in fear but to put your faith, hope and trust in God and His Word. When you do, you are resisting fear which then prevents it from having a foothold in your life. 4. Pray against it: Using 2 Timothy 1:7, “In Jesus name, Father I thank you that you have not given me a spirit of fear but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.” 5. Speak against it: declare the Word and promises of God against it. Using 2 Timothy 1:7, “In Jesus name I declare that God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.”


6. Bind, rebuke and drive out the spirit of fear as well as the spirits that accompany it. Luke 10:19-20 states, “Behold, I give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the






(of COVID-19)



Rising with the Eagles Two CD teaching series, with booklet, revealing how to go to higher and deeper levels of intimacy with God. “Pastor Richard Pace’s message on “Rising with the Eagles” has been such a life changing message for me. Using the Eagle as an analogy of who we are in Christ and biblical examples to back that up, Richard has really opened my eyes to the truth of God’s word and fullness of life we have in Christ. I have been fed spiritually to overflow. “TOP MESSAGE PASTOR RICHARD.” - Sylvette

Running with a Vision Exposing the Hidden Things of Darkness

Receiving From God

Twelve CD teaching series, with booklet, revealing how to receive from God.

Nine CD teaching series, including mini book, exposing the dangers of the occult and the demonic realm.

“This is a very inspiring and uplifting teaching for those who desire to know God more intimately, receive what He has for them and see His perfect will fulfilled in and through their lives.” - Pastor Anthony Pace

“This is a very powerful teaching that will certainly bring you into a deeper relationship with the Lord, as well as bring you a step closer to developing immunity to the enemy’s tactics.” - Julia


Ten CD teaching series, with booklet, revealing how to identify a God given vision and see its fulfillment. Also available in two CD, MP3 version. “This teaching is a MUST for everyone who believes that the Lord has a calling on their life. After listening to this teaching, you will be able to stand strong while you are waiting on Him to fulfill His promises and visions to you. Pastor Richard uses scriptures to explain how you can identify godly and ungodly visions, dreams and desires and how to see the Lord’s purpose fulfilled in your life. A powerful teaching!” - Tiara

Tenacious Faith

Six CD teaching series, with booklet, revealing how to have tencious faith in difficult circumstances. Also available in two CD, MP3 version. “This teaching has dramatically changed my life. When I first listened to it, I struggled with fear, especially of the enemy. However, after listening to it, it completely changed my feelings and outlook in every situation I was facing. I highly recommend this teaching to every believer, especially those who may need encouragement and a better understanding of the gift of faith. - Catherine

The Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ

Come Up Here

Fourteen CD teaching series, with booklet, revealing the cleansing, healing and restoring power of the blood of Jesus Christ.

Seventeen CD teaching series, including digital booklet/CD ROM, revealing God’s heart for the church and the world.

“I listened to “The Power of the Blood of Jesus” whilst visiting Australia in 2008. I’ve been a Christian for 24 years, but there came new revelation in this teaching that was like the light being switched on. Amazing....! Would like to hear more from Richard Pace!” - Christine

“I listened to this series and it gave me fresh revelations of the things of God as you go to the next level with Him. I would recommend it to anyone who is keen to keep growing in God." Nina


Walking in Love Twelve CD teaching series, with booklet, revealing how to walk in the love of God. Also available in two CD, MP3 version.


U N D E R S T A N D I N G The Lord Will Fight For You Single CD teaching series, with booklet, revealing that God will fight for you in difficulties.

Build Me An Ark Six CD teaching series, with booklet, revealing prophetic events and the importance of being in an intimate relationship with Christ, planted in the church, and building the church. Also available in single CD, MP3 version.


o many, the word ‘repentance’ is an extremely unattractive, challenging, confronting, disturbing and evocative word. For them, it totally opposes the very lives they lead, causes offence, stirs anger and creates resistance. In some, the very mention of the word insights rebellion, bitterness and disgust.

Angels Our Unseen Allies NEW! Six CD teaching series, with booklet, revealing the ministry of the holy angels in our lives. Also available in single CD, MP3 version.

Overcoming the Jezebel Spirit NEW! Nine CD teaching series, with booklet, exposing the jezebel spirit and how to overcome it. Also available in two CD, MP3 version.


However, ironically, ‘repentance’ is a beautiful thing and one of the most beautiful words in the human vocabulary. It brings hope, joy and peace. It brings the promise of reconciliation to the God who created us for intimacy, yet who we have been separated from because of sin. It brings the guarantee of salvation, deliverance, healing, eternal life and eternity with God. It is a means of escape from eternal judgment and hellfire. It renders the enemy powerless of all involvement in and influence over our lives and can turn a gross sinner into a child of God. One of the reasons repentance is so hated is because of the way it’s been presented by the Church. For centuries it’s been used as a stick to beat people into submission or else, hell, to manipulate people into living righteous lives and as a religious, legalistic buzzword to bring guilt, condemnation and judgment upon people. It’s been used in statements such as, ‘If you don’t repent and give your life to Jesus, you’re going to hell!’ Although this is true and needs to be said on occasion, this is not how God wants us to communicate the reality of repentance, especially to non Christians, as it, more often than not, repels people from God rather than brings them to

God. The only reason it is like this is because of the foolishness and misunderstanding of humankind in distorting something beautiful the Lord has given us as a means of being reconciled to Him. To resolve this, it must be presented as it actually is – a means by which we can return to God and receive His blessings. The reason repentance is so beautiful is because it is a gift from God, a means by which we can be reconciled to, one with and intimate with the God we were separated from because of sin. There is nothing else in the universe with the power to do so. It’s like this, say you had a family member – mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister, relative or best friend you loved and who loved you dearly. Then, for some reason, were separated from them and unable to see each other any longer, wouldn’t that break your heart? Wouldn’t you long to see them, be in their loving embrace and enjoy their company again? Then say an opportunity presented itself to be reconciled to that person – to see, hold and speak to that person again, wouldn’t you do your utmost to so you could be with your loved one again? This is how it is with God. Sin separates us from the loving embrace of our heavenly Father but repentance brings us back into His loving embrace again. Now, if we would do our utmost to find an opportunity to be reconciled to a lost loved one, how much more should we do what is necessary to repent of sin and be reconciled to our heavenly Father who loves us INFINATELY more than any human being.

R I C H A R D 18

Another reason repentance is so hated is because people don’t fully understand what it is and why it’s so necessary. Firstly we need to understand what sin is. The word ‘sin’ in Hebrew is ‘chatta ah’ (2403. Heb. Strong’s) and means, an offence (sometimes habitual sinfulness) and its penalty, occasion, sacrifice, or expiation, an offender:- sin, a sin offering, punishment, purification for sin, purifying, sinful, sinner

and basically means, ‘to miss the mark’, ‘to miss the road’ or ‘to fall short’ especially of God or to be separated from God. Romans 3:23 states, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” The Word of God here connects sin with falling short (of God). ‘Sin’ in Greek is the word ‘harmatia’ (266. Gk. Strong’s) and means, sin, sinful, offense and just like the Hebrew word for sin, also means, ‘a missing of the mark’.

P AThe word C ‘repent’ E in Hebrew is ‘nacham’

God uses crisis to strengthen us


any concerning the covid-19 crisis are asking, “Why is this happening?” “What is the purpose for this?” In addition, we are seeing the senseless rioting in the U.S and this year, it was officially announced by the Australian government the country is in another recession. As human beings, each and every one of us has an intrinsic desire to know and understand why certain things occur, especially crisis. Fear, especially of the unknown, more specifically, the unknown surrounding crisis of this nature, compels people to look for answers, seek out the truth and make sense of what’s happening. If we look at this from a spiritual perspective rather than just a natural one - as it’s a spiritual situation as much, if not more than a natural one, we will find most of, if not, all our answers there which will make sense of what’s happening and in turn, help bring peace of mind. The word “crisis” according to the online dictionary means, • A time of intense difficulty or danger. “The current economic crisis”.

Synonyms: catastrophe calamity, cataclysm, emergency, disaster. • A time when a difficult or important decision must be made. “The situation has reached crisis point”. Synonyms: critical point, decisive point, turning point, crossroads, critical period. • The turning point of a disease when an important change takes place, indicating either recovery or death. • Late Middle English (denoting the turning point of a disease): medical Latin, from the Greek krisis ‘decision’, and krinein ‘decide’. The general sense ‘decisive point’ dates from the early 17th century. At the very onset of this crisis, the Lord spoke to me about what He was doing and going to do through it. He said, “I am pressing the reset button. Many organizations, businesses and churches that once stood, by the end of this, will no longer be standing.” (There is another sifting, purification and purging occurring). I saw a vision of a set of golden scales tipped too far to one side. Then I heard the Lord say, “I am tipping the scales back to where they should be. I am equalizing them.” I then saw the scales


waiting for them after death, which I don’t want anyone to experience, if they don’t repent. The difference between judgment and discipline is judgment is the final result for those who refuse to repent. Discipline is the process of transformation which brings a person to repentance so they may not be judged. And yet discipline is a form of judgment; however, it is not the type of judgment

without chastening, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate and not sons. Furthermore, we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect. Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live? For they indeed for a few days chastened us as seemed best to them, but He for our profit, that we may be partakers of His holiness. Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.”

Deuteronomy 8:2, “And you shall remember that the Lord your God led you all the way these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you and test you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not.”

The Word of God here reveals just as a loving father disciplines his children, so too our heavenly Father, who loves us infinitely more than an earthly father, disciplines us, not to harm us but because He loves and cares for us. In

Psalm 7:9, “Oh, let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end, but establish the just; For the righteous God tests the hearts and minds.”

fact, He loves us so much He will not allow us to walk in or be bound to sin, therefore He disciplines us so we may know, recognize and tell it apart so we will not be subject to it.

“Concerning the condition of the sons of men, God tests them, that they may see that they themselves are like animals.”

1 Chronicles 29:17, “I know also, my God, that You test the heart and have pleasure in uprightness. As for me, in the uprightness of my heart I have willingly offered all these things; and now with joy I have seen Your people, who are present here to offer willingly to You.”

Ecclesiastes 3:18, “I said in my heart,

straighten out. The Lord then said, “I am humbling those who exalted themselves and exalting those who humbled themselves.” (Luke 14:11). “I am examining hearts, motives, intentions and desires of those both in the Church and the World.” The Lord spoke to me again and said, “Once again, many are passing this virus off on Me as a judgment. However this is not a judgment, it’s a discipline. I did not many believe or say it is. This virus will be over soon, much sooner than most think or believe. For those who have repented, will repent and live for Me, there is nothing to fear for there is protection, but for those who don’t, there will be further discipline.”

send the bushfires, floods, earthquakes, volcanoes or other disasters. Nor was I responsible for the deaths of those who lost their lives in these disasters for I have no pleasure in taking life but in giving it. However, I am moving in and through this to discipline all people to show these disasters come because of their sin and something far worse is

Hebrews 12:5-11 states, “And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons: “My son, do not despise the chastening (discipline) of the LORD, nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him; for whom the LORD loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives.” If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten? But if you are

The Lord said He is testing, sifting, pruning, purifying and cleansing our hearts, motives, intentions, desires and lives through this crisis. The Bible clearly reveals God tests both the unrighteous (unbelievers), as well as and especially the righteous (born again believers). Proverbs 17:3, “The refining pot is for silver and the furnace for gold, but the Lord tests the hearts.”


Jeremiah 17:10, “I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind, even to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings.” Jeremiah 20:12, “But, O Lord of hosts, You who test the righteous, and see the mind and heart, let me see Your vengeance on them; for I have pleaded my cause before You.” 1 Thessalonians 2:4, “But as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, even so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God who tests our hearts.”

His ministry to prepare Him for it.

to be purified as the impure metals make the gold hard and extremely difficult to work with which then de-values it.

The Old Testament definition of the word “test” or “trieth” includes “to test metals”. (James 1:2, 1 Peter 1:6-7). 1 In ancient times, when gold was tested Peter 4:12-13 states, “Beloved, do not (purified), it was placed in a crucible by think it strange concerning the fiery tri- a goldsmith (A crucible was a ceramic or al which is to try you, as though some metal container in which metals or other strange thing happened to walk you; in but 9. Constantly choose to thereSpiritsubstances were subjected to very high joice toand thenotextent partake of temperatures in order to melt them). in thethat Walking in the Christ’sSpirit sufferings, thatbeing whenChrist-like, His glory The crucible was then heated, by fire, to is basically is revealed, youchoosing may alsoto be glad with a certain degree. The goldsmith had to meaning, walk in and exceeding joy.”Godly Notice 1 Peter 4:12 men- ensure the fire was not too hot that the display character, the nature tions not trialsofbut fiery trials. and only character Jesus Christ, in A gold would be destroyed nor too cool fiery trial is a more intensive, extensive, everything. The more Christ-like you that the gold wouldn’t melt to reveal the and usually painful of trialwithimpurities. When the crucible was hot are, themore stronger your form relationship where God Godwill doesbeaand deeper work you. enough to melt the gold, he would sit at the less thein enemy can influence you. The Word 1of Pet God the crucible and carefully watch over the (Zechariah 13:9, Malachi 3:2-3). reveals walking in the Spiritofisyour the 1:7 states, “That the genuineness gold because if he left it for too long, it cure formuch the sinful and sin. And would burn and be destroyed. He also faith, being morenature precious than when we walk in the it Spirit or choose gold that perishes, though is tested by had to wait until the impurities appeared to be it putshonor, to death or so he could remove them. Once the gold fire, may beChrist-like, found to praise, and ‘kills’ sinful nature andChrist. sin (Gal glory at the the revelation of Jesus ” melted, the impurities (impure metals) 5:16-26) The Word of God here tells us our faith rose to the surface as the impure met10. Renounce (crucify) the flesh, sin and als were lighter than the gold. Once they rose to the surface, the goldsmith then sinful behavior (Gal 5:24) took an instrument and skimmed the 11. Be careful what you put into your impurities off the surface of the molten spirit and mind through what you gold. He would then repeat the process watch and listen to (Mt 12:34-35). until the gold was Keep your spirit, soul and mind clean. God has given each of us an imagination and God uses our imaginations to speak to or show things to us. We need to keep our soul and imaginations clean otherwise we will not be able to hear God’s voice or see in the spirit clearly. The Word of God declares, “The spirit of a man is the lamp (candle) of the Lord” (Pr 20:27). If the wick is dirty, we will have difficulty hearing and recognizing the voice of the Lord as well as seeing in the Spirit.

The Blessings of Repentance In the Greek New Testament is dokimaTwenty one things repentance will do. zo (dok-im-ad-zo) which means, to test, to approve – prove, try, discern, allow, Repentance, like, examine. nature) and put on the new man (the nature of 1. Reconciles or brings you back to God Before God 4:22-24) will entrust anyone with Christ) (Eph (Acts 26:20) anything, He will always test them to (as well as our hearts and lives) are prepare them for it - to see if they can tested like gold is tested in fire. How is handle it, if they will be faithful with it, gold tested? Gold is tested to purify it. and remove any hindrances to it. Even Because gold, in its raw state, is usually pure which would make it softer, more Jesus went through the wilderness for an alloy, meaning, it’s mixed with other pliable and easier to work with, which then increased its value. forty days and nights before He started metals which makes it impure, it needs


The gold represents our hearts, lives and faith. The goldsmith represents God carefully testing and purifying us. The crucible heated by fire represents fiery trials or trying situations and circumstances. The impurities in the metal rising to the surface represents the sins, weaknesses, impurities, obstacles, hindrances, blockages and bondage that are revealed as a result of those fiery trials. The goldsmith using an instrument to remove the impurities represents God removing those impurities from our lives by His Holy Spirit through repentance. The gold becoming soft, pliable

The word “test” or “trieth” as it appears in the KJV in the Hebrew Old Testament is bachan (baw-khan) (974. Heb. Strong’s) which means, to test (especially metals), to investigate, to try, prove, examine, trial, tempt or attempt. To be qualified or become qualified to be entrusted with the Gospel (gift, ministry, office, anointing , responsibility or position. (1 Thessalonians 2:4).

Both God and satan test people

it’s become one of the greatest clichés in the Church.

Whenever most people hear the word ‘revival’ they automatically think of signs, wonders, miracles and manifestations this is the cliché it’s turned into. However, revival is basically and fundamentally the turning of the hearts of men and women (back) to God through repentance. Although signs, wonders, miracles and manifestations of the Holy Spirit are definitely involved and play a significant role in revival, the heart and soul of revival is repentance - the whole point of revival is repentance. Repentance is what revival is all about. Revival without repentance is not a genuine revival at all. Repentance brings revival and revival brings repentance – when we repent and call others to repentance, it brings revival (2 Chron 7:14, Mt 3:2, Mt 4:17, Mt 6:12, Acts 2:38 and Acts 3:19)

The word “revive” (which is where the word “revival” comes from), basically means, ‘To bring back to life’ or ‘resurrect someone or something that died’ – i.e. when someone or something is alive, dies and is resuscitated, revived or brought back to life and is usually used in a spiritual context to refer to the turning of a person (back) to God and the resurrection of their more valuable as a result represents spiritand from death to (eternal) life. How? our hearts becoming softer, more pliable Through repentance. – that is, more sensitive and obedient to God and as a result, our lives being more impacting and effective or more valuable for God and His kingdom.

Malachi 3:2-3 states, “But who can endure the day of His coming? And who can stand when He appears? For He is like a refiner’s fire and like launderers’ soap. 3 He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver; He will purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer to the Lord An offering in righteousness.” The Scripture here clearly reveals God (the Lord) is like a refiner’s fire and a launderer’s soap, meaning, He refines, purifies and purges us like a refiners fire or laundry soap. It also states He does so like gold and silver. It mentions “the sons of Levi” The sons of Levi is prophetically referring to the Church – us, and clearly states He will purge us. “To purge” means to scour away stubborn dirt or stains – a deep clean. This is indirectly referring to the blood of Jesus which cleanses us from all sin, even the deepest, greatest sin through fiery trials as a means by which God purges us. Most people, including many Chris-

tians, become extremely apprehensive when they hear this because they do not have a correct, Biblical understanding of it. They believe God “tests” us to take from, hurt or destroy us. However, that isn’t true at all, as a matter of fact, that’s what the enemy wants us to believe so we won’t trust God with ourselves, families and situations. Both God and satan test people. It’s in understanding the reason or purpose God and satan tests us that we will have a better understanding of what is happening in a situation like this and more easily come through it victorious rather than be destroyed by it. Most people, including Christians, fail when they are tested because they do not understand this simple truth. God tests us to strengthen us but satan tests us to destroy us. How does this work? God tests us to reveal the sins, weaknesses and impurities in us that are actually weakening and destroying us and that satan uses against us, so we will have a revelation of them, repent and be free from them. Satan tests us to see what sins, weaknesses and impurities are in our lives so he will know what to use against us. And when we yield to them, the enemy is then able to control us through them. It’s in situations like this these sins, weaknesses and impurities emerge and depending upon our decision, God can set us free from them, or satan can use them to control us.

20 22

1 Peter 4:17 states, “For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?” Judgment, which comes as a result of testing, begins at the house of God. What is the house of God, the Church - born again believers. But it’s not the judgment most people think it is. God did not send covid-19, isn’t using it to kill people nor is He infecting people with it to teach them something. However, HE IS moving in and through the situation to test people’s hearts, motives, intentions and desires. That’s one of the reasons the Lord told me many churches and ministries will shut down

and will not re open, because He will find many doing what they are doing with wrong motives, intentions and desires, which then inevitably brings people to a place where they will either repent or their churches and ministries will shut down. If they repent, their situations will change; if they don’t, there will be consequences.

At times the Lord doesn’t always deliver you out of a test or trial but carries you through it to the end. Why? To complete the work that needs to be done in you to transform you. Also, He is not waiting for you at the end of the test to bless you, neither is He standing at a distance merely watching to see if you make it or not and will only bless you if you do. He is in you and with you leading, guiding, directing, speaking to, teaching, helping and carrying you through it to the end. However, we must obey and co - operate with Him in the situation because if we don’t, we won’t make it. God is using this lockdown to get everyone isolated and alone with Him so He can do a deeper work in us to change and transform us further. God is also going to bring promotion

during and by the end of this crisis. Many churches and Christians will be given more and will increase as a result of this while others will decrease and will shut down as a result. (Matthew 21:43, Luke 8:18, Luke 19: 11-27).

over them to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh supply cities, Pithom and Raamses. 12 But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were in dread of the children of Israel.”

The Word of God reveals He protects, but not only does He protect, He multiplies His people (the Church) through crisis and adversity. Exodus 1:6-12, 6 “And Joseph died, all his brothers, and all that generation. 7 But the children of Israel

The Word of God here reveals the more the Egyptians afflicted the Israelites, the more the Israelites multiplied and grew. Pharaoh and the Egyptians represent satan, demons and the kingdom of hell, the Israelites represent the Church. The Egyptians afflict -

were fruitful and increased abundantly, multiplied and grew exceedingly mighty; and the land was filled with them. 8 Now there arose a new king over Egypt, who did not know Joseph. 9 And he said to his people, “Look, the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we; 10 come, let us deal shrewdly with them, lest they multiply, and it happen, in the event of war, that they also join our enemies and fight against us, and so go up out of the land.” 11 Therefore they set taskmasters

ing the Israelites represents satan and demons afflicting us in and through different ways to hinder, stop or destroy us. Just as when the Egyptians afflicted the Israelites it had the opposite effect and caused the Israelites to multiply and grow, so too when the enemy afflicts us, God will cause us to multiply and grow also - He will flip it, turn it around and work all things together for our good as it states in Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the

The enemy brings terror ON us because they are terrified OF us called according to His purpose.” Notice, the reason the Egyptians afflicted the Israelites was because Pharoah was afraid they would grow so numerous, they would eventually war against and defeat the Egyptians. Whenever the enemy afflicts you, always remember, its because they are afraid of who you are in Christ, the authority you have in Christ and know we have the ability to defeat them in Christ. The enemy brings terror ON us because they are terrified OF us.


However, despite this, we need not be afraid for the Lord will not allow the waters to overflow us nor will allow us to be burned, will not allow any weapon formed against us to prosper, will make a way of escape, will protect us, will not allow the enemy to touch us and will

You know when you’re being tested because the teacher or examiner is usually silent. Just like a test at school, the teacher or examiner is silent and won’t answer any questions, so too when you are being tested, God is usually silent, although at times He will still speak and answer your questions, but by in large, He will be silent. So if you’re going through a situation where the Lord is silent, it could be because you are being tested. However, this is not a bad thing, it’s a good thing. Sometimes the Lord is silent because He trusts you are mature enough to make the right decisions, because He wants to trust you to use your free will properly without making you feel like He is breathing down your neck or controlling you and also because it’s a way He lets you know you are on the right track and to keep going.

keep us.

Isaiah 43:2, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you.” Isaiah 54:17, “No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and thier righteousness is from Me,” says the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 10:13, “No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; But God is faithful, who will not


allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptaion will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.” 1 John 5:18 (AMP), “We know (with confidence) that anyone born of God does not habitually sin; but He (Jesus) who was born of God (carefully) keeps and protects him, and the evil one does not touch him.” Revelation 3:10, “Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.” Always put your trust in Him and He will NEVER let you down - He will always turn your crisis into opportunity. Blessings. Richard Pace.


HEALING OF LOWER BACK PAIN AND SALVATIONS 5th of April 2020 (Online Service 5pm) Lower back pain gone. Amen! I was just born again! This is my first time watching and your prayer for salvation moved me. I can feel the Holy Spirit. Amen. - Zeljko Kapustic. I am watching with my non Christian friend. He prayed the salvation prayer. I need to help him more, please pray for us and our family. Thank you Jesus. - Isaiah Chalcedony.

HEALING OF LOWER BACK PAIN 10th April 2020 (Good Friday Online Service 5pm) Hi Ps Richard. My back, which is normally ok, has been in pain in the lower region, lumbar area for a week or so. The pain is gone and mobility has returned after last night's service! So praise God!! He is our healer! Amen! Thank you Pastor Richard! - Naomi Macnay.

THE MANIFESTATION OF THE PRESENCE OF GOD LIKE A GARMENT 19th of April 2020 (Online Service 5pm) During worship, I felt the presence of God covering me like a garment and it was very strong. Thank you Lord! - Alice Justin.





3rd of May 2020 (Online Service 5pm)


I have been suffering from congestive heart failure which causes my heart to swell. But as I began to praise and worship Jesus, I felt blood rush into my heart, felt the swelling decrease and my swollen heart deflate. As a result, I could breathe normally. Thank you Jesus and thank you Pastor Richard Pace for the sermon and prayer. - Christine Chiu.

At last night's revival fire meeting Debbie came with severe arthritis and pain in her knee. She couldn't walk, climb stairs or stand for more than five minutes without her walking stick. The Lord instantly healed her and she could suddenly do everything she couldn't, without the walking stick. The Lord delivered her from fear, anxiety and deep depression which kept her house bound for 3 years. She was also born again, filled with the Holy Spirit and immediately began speaking in tongues.

HEALING OF DEPRESSION 10th of May 2020 (Online Service 5pm) I was feeling depressed, but God woke me up for this meeting. As I started to praise and worship Him and was listening to the teaching on Psalm 91, He lifted the depression off me! I’m feeling much better now! - Sara Palummo.

THE TOUCH OF THE LORD ON THE RIGHT ARM 26th of April 2020 (Online Service 5pm) My right arm was touched by His presence when you (Pastor Richard) said Jesus was touching someone. - Maree Nichols.



Intercessory Team and Prayer Warriors Intercessory Pastor: Grace Pace Sara Palummo, Neda Paulic, Melanie Jinn and Abuk Mathiang Prayer Ministry Team Grace Pace, Sara Palummo, Neda Paulic, Melanie Jinn and Abuk Mathiang Administration Anthony Pace, Sara Palummo Announcements Grace Pace, Sara Palummo Computer Anthony Pace, Cathy Camilleri Hospitality Ministry Mary Camilleri Tithes and Offerings Sara Palummo

Children’s Ministry Abuk Matiang, Ann Camilleri Equipment (Set Up and Pack Up) Equipment Facilitator: Anthony Pace Sara Palummo, Melanie Jinn, Ann Camilleri, Cathy Camilleri, Abuk Mathiang, Naomi MacNay Cameras and Social Media Cathy Camilleri, Alice Justin Artwork and Graphics Richard Pace, Cathy Camilleri A special thank you to KOORONG (www.koorong. com) and SNAP PRINTING (Smithfield) ( au). And a big THANK YOU to all who have contributed and who continue to contribute to the tithes, offerings, ministry finances and service of Light of the World Ministries Church. God bless you and see you in 2021.

Worship Team Music Director: Anthony Pace Cathy Camilleri

In Christ’s Love, Richard, Anthony and Grace Pace.

Resources Ann Camilleri, Cathy Camilleri


The School of the Holy Intercessory SpiritMeetings Final meetings Final meeting for for 2020: 2019:Tuesday the 8th of December at 10:30am, 64 Hampden

Road, South Wentworthville. Resumes: Tuesday the 5th of January 2021 at 10:30am, 64 Hampden Road, South Wentworthville and 7:30pm, George Mepham Hall, Toongabbie Community Centre, 244 Targo Road, Toongabbie. *This event will be cancelled Outing/Baptism ifMinistry there are covid-19 restrictions.

Date: Saturday the 30th of November 2019 Revival Fire Meetings Time: 10am - 4pm. Resumes: Wednesday the 6th of January 2021 at 7:30pm. Same address as *This event will be re scheduled above. due *This event will be cancelled if there are covid-19 restrictions. to rain. The School of the Holy Ministry Christmas Party Spirit Date: Friday the 11th of December 2020 at 7:30pm. Address: George Mepham Final meeting forCommunity 2019: Hall, Toongabbie Centre, 244 Targo Road, Toongabbie. Admission:

free. Family and friends are welcome. Please bring a plate of food. *This event will be cancelled if there are covid-19 restrictions. Christmas Eve Service Date: Thursday the 24th of December 2020, 8:00pm - 11pm. Address: George Mepham Hall, Toongabbie Community Centre, 244 Targo Road, Toongabbie. *This event will be cancelled if there are covid-19 restrictions. New Year’s Eve Service A special meeting of prayer and praise will be held on New Year’s Eve to give thanks for the year that has passed and to pray in the New Year. The meeting will commence at 8:00pm, Thursday the 31st of December 2020 and will continue until 11pm when we will have supper and see in the New Year with fireworks on the big screen at midnight. Address: George Mepham Hall, Toongabbie Community Centre, 244 Targo Road, Toongabbie. Please bring a plate of food, soft drinks will be supplied. *This event will be cancelled if there are covid-19 restrictions. Enquiries: Contact Anthony Pace on 0412402989 or email us at or To view the newsletter online visit us at

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And a special thanks to the following people for their help, support and contribution to the ministry during the year.

Date: Saturday the 30th of The School of2019 the Holy Spirit November Time: 10am 4pm. Resumes: Friday the 9th of January 2021 at 7:30pm. Address: George Mepham *This event will be re scheduled Hall, Toongabbie Community Centre, 244 Targo Road, Toongabbie. *This event due to rain. if there are covid-19 restrictions. will be cancelled



Thank you to all who supported Light of the World Ministries Church in 2020.

Ministry Outing/Baptism Date: Saturday the 28th of November 2020. Patonga Beach. Time: 10am - 4pm. *This event will be re scheduled due to rain or cancelled if there are covid-19 restrictions. Ministry Outing/Baptism


a Wonderful


and a Blessed New Year

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderiful,Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.” Isaiah 9:6-7


“And behold, you will concieve in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end” Luke 1:31-33













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