Light of the World Ministries Church Magazine 2018/2019

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Ministry Magazine 2018/2019
















PG 23







“2018 was another powerful year for the church�

018 was another POWERFUL year for the Church and a challenging year for the world. We saw greater things this year than in any other year. The following is a review of, including some of the key things God said and did in 2018. Sixteen years ago, the Lord spoke to me about a tsunami that was to devastate Sydney in 2018. However, He also said if the Church prayed, interceded and fasted, He would turn this tsunami wave of water, which was to destroy Sydney, into a tsunami wave of His glory, which will bring revival to Sydney. The following are two of the prophecies the Lord gave me about this.

PROPHECY FOR REVIVAL IN SYDNEY AND AUSTRALIA The following is a prophecy the Lord gave me on Wednesday the 7th of August 2002 about the revival coming to Sydney and Australia.There will be a mighty revival, a glorious move of the Spirit of God in Australia. It will begin with Sydney and will spread throughout the country to every state and capital city, town and suburb. It will be unprecedented; unlike anything this country has ever seen. A great multitude will rise in Jesus name to cover the nation with the gospel. Not one stone shall be left unturned nor crack unfilled. One by one the strongholds and fortresses of the enemy, which had stood for centuries, will ccome



come crumbling and crashing down. They will be over thrown, defeated and destroyed.

The gods of sport, entertainment, apathy, blasphemy, sex, drugs, homosexuality, selfishness, hatred, division, jealousy, fear, self-indulgence and pleasure will be cast out. The hearts of men and women will be turned back to God and righteousness. It shall come to a point if people had to choose between going to a sporting or entertainment event in the day or evening or to a prayer meeting or evangelistic event on the same day or evening, the majority will choose the prayer meeting or evangelistic event. Stadiums in Sydney, Australia and all over the world will be filled with people for the sake of Christ and the Gospel. PROPHETIC VISION FOR SYDNEY AND AUSTRALIA The following is a prophecy the Lord gave me on Monday the 12th of August 2002 about a tsunami coming to Sydney which will be turned into a revival. One lunch time, at work, I was praying with a friend and the Lord showed me a vision of what is going to happen in Australia very soon. I saw an aerial view

of Sydney. I looked to see a huge tidal wave quickly approaching the city. The tidal wave rose higher than centre point tower and made a noise like thunder. I took a closer look at the wave and noticed it was not made of water but of people. Thousands and thousands of people connected together to form a human tidal wave. They cried out and the sound of their voices was like the sound of thunder. The tidal wave came crashing down with force upon the centre of the city, again I took a closer look and noticed at the crest of the wave were people with bibles in their hands proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to those they met. Many who heard them accepted the message and were added to the wave of people spreading throughout the city. Many were saved, delivered, healed and restored everywhere. As the wave continued moving, it gained momentum, speed, strength and grew greater in number and size. Then I saw this wave of people spreading over N.S.W, then over every state, city and suburb until the whole country was covered with this human wave. It was like a flood of water in the form of

people covering the whole nation. Then the Lord said to me, "what you are seeing is the revival coming to Australia which was prophesied about for centuries." This revival will be significant because it will be the final move of God before the return of Jesus Christ and it is by this the world will know He is returning soon. It will be a move of God never witnessed before in Australia. Millions will be saved, delivered, healed and restored. There will be mighty signs and wonders to confirm the Holy Spirit's presence in the nation. No opposition will succeed against this revival; any opposition against it will fail completely. Those of other religions will be converted to Christ especially Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus. There will be rejoicing in Australia then the Lord will come. A short time after I received this prophecy, REV DR TAYO ADEYMI an English preacher at a conference called, "Possessing the Great Southland" said, quote, "A TIDAL WAVE OF REVIVAL IS ABOUT TO HIT AUSTRALIA".



"The Lord is now fulfilling His promise to bring revival to Sydney"

The Lord, in this prophecy, showed me a tidal wave of water which then became a tidal wave of people. This reveals instead of a tidal wave of water destroying the city, God will change it to a tidal wave of revival that will restore the city. A few months ago, a man had a dream in which he claimed to receive the date of the tsunami which was Thursday, the 20th of September 2018. When I heard this, I also heard the Lord say, “NO! I will not allow this to occur!” He then reminded me, the Word of God clearly reveals throughout, He will not allow the righteous to be condemned, judged or destroyed with the wicked. We see this with Noah and his family in Genesis 6:13 and Genesis 7:1, Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 18:16-33 and Genesis 19:12-29, and the Israelites in Goshen in Exodus 8:22 and Exodus 9:26. Sydney is no exception. There are many righteous Christians living in Sydney. Therefore, the Lord said He will not allow this tsunami to come just for this reason. The Lord told me to go to Sydney harbour on Thursday the 20th of September with my Father and Mother, face the harbour, lift our hands towards the ocean and rebuke the tsunami. The tsunami didn’t come. However, on the 11th of September, a cluster of earthquakes were reported to have occurred near New Zealand sparking a tsunami warning. Another tsunami warning was reported near another part of Australia after the 20th of September. However, a devastating tsunami did end up striking Indonesia eight days later on the 28th of September, destroying the coastline and killing at least 2,100 people. When I saw this reported on the news, I heard the Lord say, “That tsunami was meant for Sydney. However, because of the righteous, prayer and intercession, I didn’t allow it to come.” This was to show the potential reality of a tsunami threat to Sydney prophesied almost twenty years ago but also shows the faithfulness of God to protect Sydney and Australia through prayer and intercession. After this, at a meeting, the Lord spoke to me and said, “I have fulfilled the first part of the prophecy; I will now fulfil the second part of the prophecy. I fulfilled My promise to stop the tsunami from coming to Sydney, I will now fulfil My promise to bring revival to Sydney.” The Lord is now fulfilling His promise to bring revival to Sydney. Sydney, as well as ALL of Australia, is seeing revival like we never have before to such a degree stadiums are being filled for the glory of God. This is coming to pass in many ways including the Jesus Loves Australia conference at ANZ stadium on Saturday the 1st of December which will then be followed by another conference in 2019.

This year saw more salvations, deliverances, healings, signs, wonders and miracles than we have in any year. The following are just two of these many testimonies. JAYDEN’S TESTIMONY Jayden, who came all the way from Cowra with his Grandmother, came for prayer after a Sunday night service. I began praying for him then suddenly asked, “Would you like to give your life to Jesus and be born again?” He looked at me and said, “Yep!” Then I said, “Are you sure?” Again he replied, “Yep!” Then I asked, “Have you ever done this before?” He replied, “No!” Then I said, “Ok, let’s do this!” I led him in the salvation prayer; he prayed the prayer word for word, gave his life to Jesus, received the Holy Spirit and was born again! Then I asked if he wanted to receive the baptism of fire and speak in tongues. When I asked him that, his face lit up with a big smile and he yelled out, “YEP!” So I prayed for him. He received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire, fell in the Spirit then suddenly began speaking in tongues. He asked, “What’s happening?” To which I replied, “You have just received the baptism of fire and tongues. Then I told him to pray in tongues and he immediately did it again! ALL GLORY TO THE LORD! SOPHIE’S TESTIMONY A couple of weeks ago at our Sunday service, Sophie gave her life to Jesus Christ and was born again for the first time. She then received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire and immediately began speaking in tongues! I love seeing children coming to the Lord and being filled with the Holy Spirit. They are our future. It’s so beautiful. They’re so innocent and have no doubt or unbelief at all. That’s why the Word of God states, “But when Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.” And He took them up in His arms, laid His hands on them, and blessed them.” Mark 10:14-16 (NKJV) THE SIGN OF REVELATION 12:1-6 There were many important messages this year including, Overcoming the Jezebel Spirit, The Kundalini Spirit, The Manifestations of the Holy Spirit, Mobilizing the Church, Commitment, Integrity, Covenant and The Sign of Revelation 12:1-6.

certain significant events confirming the end times and second coming of Christ. Approximately two thousand years after it was revealed to the apostle John in the book of Revelation, this sign appeared in September 2017 and concluded in September/October this year.

This sign is a sign in the stars revealed in the book of Revelation indicating

1 “Now a great sign appeared in heaven (the stars): a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and

on her head a garland of twelve stars. 2 Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth. 3 And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads. 4 His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw


them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her Child as soon as it was born. 5 She bore a male Child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron. And her Child was caught up to God and His throne.” Revelation 12:35 (NKJV) (Parenthesis added). On the 23rd to the 27th of September 2017, the sign of revelation 12:1-6 appeared in the stars commencing a very important and significant season in the spirit and natural. Approximately one year after the appearance of the first sign, in September/October this year, the sign of Draco (the dragon) appeared in the night sky near Virgo. At that time the comet 21P/GiacobiniZinner passed by the earth through this very same constellation, creating a meteor storm (shower) appearing to pass through the tail of the constellation to the earth, hence, "His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth." (Rev 12:4). According to the constellations Virgo, Leo and Draco, Draco (the dragon), is situated in front of the woman with the head of the constellation near Virgo's womb and appeared as though it was standing before the woman waiting to devour her child when it is born, as it states, "And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her Child as soon as it was born." (Rev 12:4). By that time, Jupiter, the king planet - which represents Jesus Christ and was in the womb of the constellation Virgo for approximately 40 to 42 weeks, which is the in gestation period of a baby in a womb – Already exited the womb of Virgo, was figuratively born and disappeared from sight fulfilling the

scripture, "She bore a male Child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron. And her Child was caught up to God and His throne." (Rev 12:5). These signs will commence end time events described in the book of Revelation which include; 1.The sixth trumpet war of Revelation 9:13-21 (World War III) 2.War breaking out in heaven (Rev 12:79) 3.Satan cast out of heaven to the earth (which leads to the appearance of the antichrist and the great tribulation) (Rev 12:9- 13) and 4.The woman (Israel and the Church) persecuted by him (Rev 12:13-17) MOBILIZING THE CHURCH For 2019, the Lord is saying “MOBILIZE THE CHURCH” For some time the Lord has been telling me He is now mobilizing the Church to prepare it for a great move of God, revival and harvest of souls we are about to see in Sydney, Australia, the U.S.A and all over the world. The word “Mobilize” means, To prepare and organize (troops) for active service. To organize and encourage (a group of people) to take collective action in pursuit of a particular objective. To bring (resources) into use for a particular purpose To make (something) movable or capable of movement.

There are five key things involved in mobilization 1. A vision: we must all share God’s vision for the church. Which is, a) To bring souls to Christ, salvation and the Kingdom of God (Jn 3:1-8) b) To disciple those souls (Mt 28:19, Mk 16:15-18) 2.We must be planted: a) In an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ (Be born again and filled with the Holy Spirit) b) In the Body of Christ (understand we are part of the wider Body of Christ or FAMILY of God) c) A local Church (The Church the Lords plants us in). We must be planted where God plants us, not so much where we want to be planted 3.Commitment: There are three areas of commitment where the Church is concerned a) Commitment to God (Christ) b) Commitment to the Body of Christ (the Church) c) Commitment to the local church (where God has planted you) 4.Integrity 5.Action In 2019 and 2020, we are going to see the greatest revival in the history of this nation overtake Australia. It has already begun and is intensifying with each moment. We are about to see things become a reality in this nation people only dreamed of and the Church must mobilize and be ready to receive and disciple the many souls coming into the Church in this harvest. A HERALD OF THE NEXT REVIVAL In 2019 and the years to follow, we are going to see the greatest revival this nation has ever seen. In 2018, the Lord gave me a prophecy about this. On Wednesday the 8th of the 8th, at a revival fire meeting, just after worship, while the people were praying in tongues, I saw a vision of an angel standing over Australia. I looked up to see this angel towering to the sky over the nation. It was the same angel I saw in 2002. However, this time, instead of holding a sword, the angel was now holding what looked like a trumpet or bugle. The trumpet/bugle was made of pure, shimmering, polished gold and reflected the light like a diamond. The angel then lifted the bugle to his lips and sounded it. The sound of it was like a shofar - deep, sharp, loud and resounded throughout the atmosphere,

sky and space. The angel continued sounding the bugle without taking a breath which lasted for what seemed like a few minutes. Then I heard the Lord say, “This is a herald of the next, greatest revival (move of God) that is about to occur in Australia (and the World).” Just as Smith Wigglesworth prophesied, this revival will be the last, greatest revival before the return of Jesus Christ, and will continue to increase right up to and will usher in His return. As a result, we will see the greatest harvest of souls ever witnessed in Australia - many will be saved, delivered, healed, restored and transformed. Hospitals will be emptied,

to his friend…” and in Num 12:8 (NKJV), “I speak with him face to face, even plainly, and not in dark sayings; And he sees the form of the Lord. Why then were you not afraid to speak against My servant Moses?” Some may doubt if this is even possible. Some may say that was only for Moses then, it’s not for us today. However, the Word of God in Heb 8:6 states, “But now He (Jesus) has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant, which was established on better promises” (NKJV) (Parenthesis added). The Word of God here reveals as Christians, we walk under a better covenant with better promises in Christ. As a result, we already have a more intimate relationship with the Lord than Moses did, as the Holy Spirit was not within Moses as He is in us. However, if Moses could have such intimacy with the Lord under an inferior covenant in the blood of animals, how much more can we have this type of intimacy and greater intimacy with God under a better covenant with better promises in the Blood of Jesus Christ. The level of intimacy the Lord is bringing the Church to will be so great; it will dramatically transform the face of the Church especially in Sydney. And the transformation will be so great, the Church will be unrecognizable. Get ready for GREATER things in 2019! My prayer is the Lord will continue to bless, protect and prosper you and your family throughout the New Year and years to come. Blessings. Pastor Richard Pace

there will be physical manifestations of the Glory of God, there will be signs, wonders and miracles in the Church and on the streets – people will be jumping out of wheelchairs, throwing away their crutches, the blind will see, the deaf will hear, the dumb will speak. There will be creative miracles and missing limbs will grow out. This revival will be so great, instead of having to invite preachers, ministers or men and women of God to Australia to release their anointing here; they will be inviting us to their countries to release the anointing there or will come to receive the anointing the Lord will deposit here. The Lord revealed to me this angel IS NOW sounding the trumpet and heralding this revival in Australia. We are moving into it NOW! It’s about to begin! DEEPER INTMACY WITH THE LORD The Lord is also taking the Church to a deeper place of intimacy with Him. I saw the Lord manifesting His presence to, in and through the Church in a greater, more intimate way next year. So intimate, some will even see Him standing before them in the Spirit just as Moses did. The word of God states in Exo 33:11 (NKJV), “So the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks

"Get ready for Greater things in 2019"





ESTROYING THE POWER OF JEZEBEL Since the beginning of time, an ancient war has been viciously raging between God and Satan! Angels and demons! The kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness! Humankind and the enemy! The Jezebel Spirit and the people of God! In fact, this war has been raging since Lucifer (the angel of light and covering cherub) fell from grace, was cast out of heaven and invaded the earth (Gen 3:1-7, Isa 14:12- 21, Eze 28: 1-19, Lk 10:18, Rev 12:712). Now he has brought this war to humankind, God’s most treasured and beloved of all His creation. We are in a time when God is specifically dealing with certain demons and demonic strong holds

that have dominated lives, families, churches and nations for hundreds of years. Some of those demons are; the spirit of occult, the spirit of witchcraft, the spirit of control, the kundalini spirit and the jezebel spirit. The reason God is dealing with these particular spirits at this time is because He is taking the Church to a higher level. He is also bringing the next move of the Spirit to the Church and the world and these spirits are the ones opposing and hindering it – therefore, God must deal with them. KNOW YOUR ENEMY “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” Eph 6:12 (NKJV). The first and most important rule of (spiritual) warfare is, “know your enemy”. You cannot defeat an enemy you do not know or do not believe is there, so we must not only know that demons are real but how to combat and overcome them. Paul the apostle reveals we are involved in a battle (struggle) not so much against flesh and blood (people), but against spiritual, and more specifically, demonic forces. We entered this spiritual battle field the moment we were born into the world but our spiritual eyes (understanding) were opened to it and we were thrust into the front lines of this battle the moment we were born again. Paul also reveals the four divisions of Satan’s army or the hierarchy of the enemy. Satan has an army or cohort that assists him in accomplishing his will and plan in the earth to hinder us and the advancement of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and it is a hierarchy which has four divisions; 1. Principalities – from the Greek word arche; chief rulers of the

highest rank (wicked angels) “but against principalities” 2. Powers – form the Greek word exousia or “authorities” (strong-man spirits) “against powers” 3. The rulers of the darkness of this age – world rulers of darkness; men and women who are possessed by demonic spirits and who possess demonic powers (common demons and human agents of the enemy whom they possess) “the rulers of the darkness of this age” and 4. Spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places (demons that inhabit the second heaven and the atmosphere over lives, homes, suburbs, cities, nations and countries. The word “heavenly” in the Greek is ouranos which means three things, 1. The sky (the Arial heavens), 2. The sidereal (the starry heavens)

or space, and 3. The abode of God or where God dwells (heaven). In the context of Eph 6:12 it is referring to the sky (the Arial heavens) and the sidereal (the starry heavens or second heaven), not heaven where God dwells. “against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” Each of these work together in assisting Satan fulfil his will and plan in the earth. Principalities control powers, powers control strong-man spirits, strong-man spirits control common demons and common

demons control human agents. Each of these work in co-operation with spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Jesus spoke of “binding the strong man” in Mt 12:29 Jesus stated, “Or how can one enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house.” And “When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace, his goods are in peace. But when a stronger than he comes upon him and overcomes him, he takes from him all his armour in which he trusted, and divides his spoils.” Lk 11:21-22 (NKJV) The Jezebel spirit is a strong man spirit. However, not only is it a strong man spirit; it is also a wicked angel. In spiritual warfare you must hit the right targets, that is, if you do not deal with the strong man spirit, the problem will remain and other demonic spirits working with the Jezebel spirit will either remain or return if they leave. SEATED IN THE HEAVENLY PLACES IN CHRIST The first thing every believer must know and understand in order to overcome the enemy is Jesus Christ has ALREADY fought and won, not only the battle, but the war against Satan, demons and the kingdom of darkness on Calvary. Some may ask, “If this is the case, why do we still have to contend with the enemy?” First of all, there is an appointed time when God will cast the enemy into the lake of fire for eternity. Secondly, Jesus Christ has already provided the victory for us but we have to receive or appropriate it. Paul the apostle wrote that God raised Jesus from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places (Eph 1:19-20) Where? Far above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come (vs. 21). Who are these principalities, powers, might, dominion and every name that is named? They are not only human principalities, powers, might, dominion and human names but spiritual principalities, powers, might, dominion and every spiritual name which includes Satan and demons. The word of God also tells us God raised us up and made us to sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Eph 2:2-6 especially vs. 6). Ephesians 1:3 tells us God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. Where are these heavenly places? Far above Satan, every demon and all the works of darkness (Eph 1:21). So as Christ is seated in these heavenly places, we too (all born again believers), are seated in

these same heavenly places in Him. Ephesians 1:3 states; “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ…” (NKJV). There are three very important revelations in this verse we must consider; 1. “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing”; God (The Father) has blessed us with every spiritual blessing. These spiritual blessings also involve material blessings. God has provided everything we need and will ever need in our lifetime including victory over the enemy. 2. “in the heavenly places”; These blessings are available to us in the spirit realm right now and 3. “In Christ…”; they are available to us in Christ. To have access to the Heavenly Father, the kingdom of God and the benefits, blessings and promises of God’s kingdom, we must be “in Christ”. To be in Christ means; to be one with or intimately connected to Christ Jesus in a personal relationship and the only way this is possible is if one is born again and indwelt by the Holy Spirit (Jn 3:18). Jesus said; “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (Jn 14:6, NKJV). He didn’t say, I am a way, part of the truth, or a part of your life but; “I am the way, the truth and the life”, meaning, He is the ONLY way, the ONLY truth and the ONLY life. No one can be born again, saved, reconciled to the Father and walking with the Father in an intimate relationship except through Christ Jesus. It is like a marriage relationship. When a man marries a woman and a woman marries a man, they become one in a covenant relationship which means everything the man is and has belongs to his wife and everything the woman is and has belongs to her husband for they are now one. Every Christian is in a marriage covenant with God in Christ which means everything He is and has belongs to us and everything we are and have belongs to Him. This also means because Christ is seated in the heavenly realms, we too are seated in the same place in and with Him because we are one with Him and He with us in the Holy Spirit. Why does the word of God say Jesus is seated and we are seated with Him in the heavenly places? To be seated simply means the work has been completed. What do you do when you have worked hard all day and your work is done? You rest. Being seated speaks of rest, completion. Jesus, our great high priest, has completed the work of salvation. In the Old Covenant, there were no seats in the tabernacle. The

priests of the Old Covenant were not able or allowed to sit down in the tabernacle; they had to keep moving and working. If they stopped working, they were at risk of being struck down by the glory of God. The Old Covenant represents the need to carry out continual works to achieve righteousness with God. The New Covenant represents salvation once for all by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus, the great high priest, has already completed the work of salvation (reconciliation) by His death and resurrection. The work is done and He is seated at the right hand of God with all authority and power. When a person is born again, they enter into the rest of God by faith in Jesus Christ. Meaning, the born again believer makes a transition from relying on themselves and the world to resting in, trusting in and depending upon God—not just for salvation but for and in everything. We are seated in the heavenly places with Jesus Christ! Spiritual warfare and victory is not so much about fighting a battle or binding demons as much as it is about knowing, receiving, standing on and walking in the victory Jesus has already achieved for us. Spiritual warfare begins and is won, firstly, by intimately knowing the Lord and His word. Secondly, by knowing who you are in Christ, the victory you already have in Him and thirdly, maintaining, by His grace, a continual walk of obedience with God. HOW TO RECOGNISE A JEZEBEL SPIRIT “Or how can one enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house.” Mt 12:29 (NKJV) The Jezebel spirit is a strong-man spirit as well as a wicked angel (principality) under the spirit of Ba’al which is Satan himself. The word Ba’al is an ancient name for Satan and the Jezebel spirit is second only to Satan in the demonic hierarchy. 30 Characteristics of a Jezebel Spirit Although the jezebel spirit seems to be more prevalent in women, there is no doubt it functions just as proficiently through men. The following are thirty characteristics of a jezebel spirit that determine if someone is operating in that spirit 1. It refuses to admit guilt or wrong: A jezebel spirit is never wrong in its own eyes, unless it is a temporary admittance of guilt to gain "favour" with someone. To accept responsibility would violate the core



mind. 11. One-upmanship: A person with a jezebel spirit will always upstage another person. It feels threatened by anyone who dares to steal the limelight or anyone who is a threat to its power and control. If you are with such a person and tell of your accomplishment or victory, you can be assured it will quickly tell of something it has accomplished. 12. It sequesters information: A jezebel loves to be in control of information. If there is ever a

“Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you” (Luke 10:19)

of insecurity and pride from which it operates. When a jezebel apologizes it is never in true repentance or acknowledgment of wrongdoing but rather "I'm sorry your feelings were hurt." 2. It takes credit for everything: While a strong trait of jezebel is to never take responsibility for its wrong actions or behaviour, it also is quick to take credit for benefits for which it contributed no effort. 3. It uses people to accomplish its agenda: The jezebel spirit lets others do its dirty work. The jezebel gets another person's emotions stirred up, then lets that person go into a rage. The jezebel sits back looking innocent, saying "Who me? What did I do?" This behaviour makes it difficult for even the most ardent truth seekers to pin one down. The Jezebel spirit is clever in its agenda. 4. It withholds information: This is a form of control. A jezebel wields power over you by knowing something you don't know in a situation. In the eyes of a jezebel, having information you don't have is a powerful weapon of control. 5. It brings confusion: It is impossible to converse with a jezebel in logic. One pastor wrote a six-page letter to his elders about a situation in the church. The context was so vague no one was without confusion. This is a way to maintain control and domination. When confronting a jezebel, the subject may be changed five times in one minute. Confusion keeps them "undiscovered" and unexposed. 6. It volunteers for anything: A jezebel volunteers in order to establish control. It seemingly has endless (nervous) energy and eagerly looks for opportunities to be in charge of projects. Although it will work hard, its motive is never pure, and eventually its secret agenda

cannot be hidden. 7. It lies: A jezebel lies convincingly. No one can lie better than it can. It can turn on the charm and make you believe blue is red. It always fools those whom it’s just met while those who have been victimized by its tactics stand by helplessly. The fact jezebel can look you in the eye and lie just shows how strong and adamant this rebellious and recalcitrant spirit is. 8. It ignores people: A classic ploy of a controller is to ignore you when you disagree with them. This tactic is frequently used by leaders when someone doesn't agree with their plans. They isolate the person by ignoring them. Some in these situations have been ignored for months, just because they chose not to be a puppet and say “yes” to every idea or whim. This puts the person out of the leader's grace and forces them to either "come around" to the leader's way of thinking or be indefinitely ignored. One is not free to disagree with a controller. 9. It never gives credit or shows gratitude: A jezebel will rarely acknowledge another person's actions, not even for something that turned out to greatly benefit the jezebel. It just cannot bring itself to say thank you or to acknowledge someone else did something right. There are those who have gone out of their way to bless a jezebel by being the catalyst of sending it on a trip or giving a gift. Yet never will there be a thank you. This again puts the controller in a position of power. 10. It criticizes everyone: This is a characteristic of a controller. It has to be the one who looks good, so it will quickly, sharply criticize anyone who makes a suggestion or plan. Even though it likes the plan, it can only criticize it because the idea did not originate from it. Criticizing others elevates the controller in their own

situation where information is important, it will push to be the "first" to know it. It seems to know everything about everyone. Where it gets all its information is beyond comprehension, but it can dictate data and details about people's lives and actions in mass quantities. 13. It uses information: A jezebel uses information as a leverage for power and then shares tid-bits with you, often things told it in confidence. This gives it a sense of power, even to the point of trying to impress people by "knowing things" that others do not. 14. It talks incessantly: Many people talk habitually, but a jezebel uses talking as a form of control. In a typical conversation, they do all the talking, whether it is about sports, the weather or the Kingdom of God.

Because of this form of control, they are unable to receive input from anyone in thier life. All conversation with it is one-sided. You are always doing the listening. 15. It spiritualizes everything: When a controller is confronted, they commonly spiritualize the situation, explaining it off on God. This prevents them from owning up to responsibility required of them. The implication is always, "You've got a problem; I don't." 16. Its insubordinate: A jezebel never takes the side of the employer or a person in authority, unless it is a temporary action to make themself look good. they will often take credit for someone else's idea. their main desire is for power and control. There is no conscience when an opportunity for recognition presents itself. 17. Its pushy and domineering: A person with a jezebel spirit pressures you to do things, seemingly ripping from you your right to choose or make a decision for yourself. They make others feel as though they don't have enough sense to think for themselves. 18. Is clairvoyant: Many who operate with a spirit of control also have a clairvoyant spirit. A jezebel has supernatural help in knowing and sensing information. If they use this against you, they may say "I can't tell you how I know this. I just know it." This is not the Holy Spirit, but the help of a clairvoyant or familiar spirit. Clairvoyance may be defined as the power to perceive things that are out of the range of human senses. 19. It uses the element of surprise: A jezebel's main thrust is to be in control, and a large part of control is catching you off guard. Therefore, the element of surprise works well when it shows up a day early for a meeting, etc. 20. It sows seeds of discord: A jezebel will continually belittle another person in the subtlest way. The strategy is to "gain" control by minimizing the value of another person. It is common for them to tell half-truths to implicate another person in your eyes. By sowing these seeds, they hope to eventually reap a harvest of destruction, improving their position of power. 21. It commands attention: A jezebel likes to be the centre of attention and doesn't like to see others recognized and lauded. When someone else is recognized, it will quickly undermine the person's accomplishments verbally. 22. Is vengeful: Since a jezebel is never wrong, if you contradict or confront one, get ready to become its worst enemy. As long as you are in agreement with them, all is fine.

But if you confront or challenge them, then look out. You are the target of its fiercest venom. A jezebel will stop at nothing to destroy your reputation. 23. Attempts to make you look like you're the jezebel: A jezebel spirit is difficult to pin down. If the person is near to being confronted, he or she will skilfully twist the entire situation, trying to make the innocent person look like the one who is attempting to control. As always, the jezebel will do anything to look like the one who is right. 24. It insinuates disapproval: A jezebel will often imply disapproval to those under his or her control. The controlled person feels no freedom to express an opinion, for fear of disapproval. This often manifests in a marriage or in a working environment. 25. It’s a know it all: A jezebel is usually blatant regarding its knowledge of everything. Quick to express its opinion in any area, it leaves little room for anyone to point out the other side of an issue. It has made idols of its opinions. 26. Is ambitious: The jezebel has strong desire, but all for self. "I want what I want when I want it," describes its worship of self-will. A jezebel leader will never use the words, "We have a vision," but rather, "My vision is thus and so." 27. Gift giving: Gift giving is a form of manipulation a jezebel uses that always makes you feel obligated to it. It also compromises the victim in speaking direct and confrontive truth. Naturally, not everyone who gives gifts is guilty of control, but gift giving is a tactic used by those who have a need to control. 28. Is independent: No one has input in a jezebel's life. it fraternizes with no one unless it is to get you to "cooperate" with its agenda. 29. Is religious: A jezebel dwells in the local church but doesn't like authority unless it is in the position of authority. 30. It hides: We all want to believe the person with a jezebel spirit is delivered. The person may seem "normal" for a period, exhibiting none of the classic traits. Then suddenly, without warning, a situation will arise, once again with the spirit taking control and wreaking havoc over lives. Hopefully, true repentance will come. Only then will the person be delivered. ASSOCIATE SPIRITS The jezebel spirit doesn’t work alone, it has a network. The jezebel spirit is the most wicked of spirits. Historically, the rise and fall of spiritual power within the Body of Christ has been related to the acknowledgement and opposition

toward demonic principalities and powers. We are in a spiritual war whether we realise it or not, want to be or not. There are high level spiritual assignments against us and the Church. One of the most powerful is the jezebel spirit. That spirit works with a network of demonic spirits to steal, kill and destroy lives, marriages, families and ministries. Our success depends on our ability to see this spirit’s operations. We can’t fight what we can’t see. But only what we can see. Spiritual warfare is part of Christianity and the spiritual warfare is not over. Jesus did not ignore demon powers and He didn’t teach His apostles to ignore them either (Matthew 10:1). Paul the apostle pulled the natural curtain back to see what really goes on in the spiritual realm. He taught the church in Ephesus how to battle unseen spirits saying, “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God that ye may be able to withstand (fight back) in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” (Ephesians 6:10-13) Warriors wear armour. Armour is for the fighting man and woman. Like the apostle Paul, we will fight many spiritual battles including those released by the jezebel spirit. As leaders recognize the spiritual warfare released by jezebel’s network of demons, they can equip believers to use their delegated spiritual authority to fight back. Christ said, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you” (Luke 10:19). When leaders and believers ignore this dark ruler, the Church suffers. However, we are not like others. We will not ignore jezebel. We will learn how to stop the jezebel spirit. The jezebel spirit, being a strong man spirit, has other spirits under its control and works in association with those spirits to help it accomplish its goal in the earth. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Paul the apostle here


"The Jezebel spirit doesn’t work alone, it has a network. The Jezebel spirit is the most wicked of spirits" confirms the four divisions of satan’s army. One of which is “powers” or “strong man spirits”. Jesus Himself confirms demonic spirits work together to accomplish their will, plan and purpose in the earth. Jesus stated in Mt 12:45, “Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first. So shall it also be with this wicked generation.” Some of the jezebel’s associate spirits are, 1. The spirit of Nimrod: Nimrod was controlled by Semiramis who was controlled by a jezebel spirit 2. The spirit of Ahab: Ahab was a weak willed king of Israel who was controlled by his wife, queen jezebel and queen jezebel was controlled by a jezebel spirit 3.The Kundalini spirit 4.The spirit of whoredoms (1 Kin 9:22) 5.The spirit of fornication 6.The spirit of adultery 7.The spirit of prostitution 8.The spirit of (sexual) lust 9.The spirit of homosexuality (lesbianism) 10.The spirit of (sexual) perversion 11.The religious spirit 12.The spirit of legalism 13.The spirit of idolatry 14.The spirit of false (satanic) worship 15.The spirit of occult 16.The spirit of witchcraft 17.The spirit of control 18.The lying spirit 19.The spirit of deception When casting out A jezebel spirit, because the jezebel spirit is a strong man spirit, meaning it has authority over the other demons mentioned, there is no need to cast out any of the others, unless the Lord specifically leads you to, because

when you cast out the strong man spirit, the others cannot remain. However, if you cast out the demons under its authority without casting out the strong man spirit, the others will return. DIFFERENT WAYS A JEZEBEL SPIRIT CAN ENTER A LIFE The following are seventeen key ways this spirit can enter a life 1.Sin (especially sexual sin and perversions such as fornication, adultery, homosexuality, lesbianism, bestiality, incest, pornography etc.) (Isa 59:1-8) 2.Disobedience to God (rebellion, especially against God and His word – equivalent to witchcraft [occult]) (1 Sam 15:22-23) 3.False worship and Idolatry (Having, praying to and worshipping anyone or anything else besides or instead of God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, including statues, icons or images of anything in heaven, on earth or in hell) (Exo 20:3-6) 4.Attending a church denomination or ministry where this spirit exists especially a church denomination or ministry that encourages (false) religion rather than a relationship with Christ or mixes (false) religion with a relationship with Christ, legalism, false worship and idolatry (Worshipping the queen of heaven Jer 7:18, 44:17-19 & 25) 5.Practicing Occult or consulting those who do (witchcraft and new age practices) (Deut 18:10-12 and 14, 1 Sam 15:22-23) 6.Soulish prayers: A soulish prayer is a prayer prayed either by a Christian or non-Christian, but especially a Christian, that is not according to God’s will. For instance, when a guy might like a girl or vice versa and begins to pray for the person to be with them without knowing if it’s truly God’s will or not, especially when it’s not, is a soulish prayer. This then can become occult, witchcraft and control and whenever occult, witchcraft and control is involved, a jezebel spirit is usually behind it. Break and reverse any

soulish prayers you have spoken over yourself, anyone has spoken over you or you have spoken over anyone in the name of Jesus and by His precious blood. (In the name of Jesus Christ and by His precious blood, I break and reverse any soulish prayers spoken over me by others or I have spoken over others). 7. Soul Ties, Doors and Avenues: A soul tie, door or avenue is an ungodly connection made with someone usually involving sexual intercourse before or outside of marriage. Repent of and break them in Jesus name. Sever any soul ties, shut any doors and cut off any avenues through which any demons may have gained a foothold over the person’s life (In the Name of Jesus Christ and by His precious blood, I break every soul tie, shut any door and cut off any avenue through which any demonic spirits have gained a foothold in my life). 8. Contact objects. A contact object is something such as movies, music, jewellery, clothing, images, icons, statues or anything resembling or representing the demonic realm which brazenly or subtly attacks, degrades or undermines God the Father, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, the Word of God and Kingdom of God. They are called “contact objects” because they are a means or doorways through which demonic spirits, including the jezebel spirit, can have contact with our lives. If you have anything of this nature in your possession, there must be repentance, the objects must be removed immediately and any demonic spirits involved must be bound, rebuked and cast out in the name and by the blood of Jesus Christ. (Deut 7:25-26, Joshua 7:1-26) 9.What you watch (look at): such as pornography, anything on the internet as well as many soap operas, TV programs and movies that promote and glorify adultery, fornication, incest, casual sex, homosexuality, lesbianism, gay marriage, occult, the demonic realm etc. (Mt 12:34-35) 10.What you listen to: music, teaching, etc. that promote and glorify adultery, fornication, incest, casual sex, homosexuality, lesbianism, gay marriage, occult, the demonic realm etc. (Mt 12:34-35) 11.Curses (especially generational curses): A generational curse is and can take the form of a sin(s), patterns of sinful behaviour, sicknesses or diseases which are also known as hereditary illnessess, bondage or anything of this nature that is passed from generation to generation without being addressed. If there is a generational curse involved, there must be repentance, the generational curse must be broken and any demons bound, rebuked and cast

a foothold in my life). 17.Unresolved Hurts, Wounds, Traumas and Traumatic Memories: Command any hurts, wounds, traumas or traumatic memories through which the enemy has gained a foothold in the person’s life to be healed in Jesus name (In Jesus name, I command every hurt, wound, trauma or traumatic memory of the past to be healed). Also, have the person forgive and release those who have hurt them. out in the name and by the blood of Jesus Christ 12.Negative words and Curses: Break and reverse any negative words you have spoken over yourself, anyone has spoken over you or you have spoken over anyone in the name of Jesus and by His precious blood (In the name of Jesus Christ and by His precious I break and reverse any negative words spoken over me by others or I have spoken over others). 13.Roots: sever and break any roots, hidden roots or deeply rooted things that may be serving as a means by which demons can gain and keep a hold over the person’s life (In the name of Jesus Christ and by His precious blood, I break any roots, deeply rooted things or hidden roots through which the enemy has gained a foothold in my life). 14.Chains of bondage and cords: sever and break any chains of bondage or cords that may be serving as a means by which demons can gain and keep a hold over the person’s life (In the name of Jesus Christ and by His precious blood, I break any chains of bondage or cords through which the enemy has gained a foothold in my life). 15.Satanic and demonic Covenants: This is related to generational curses. A satanic or demonic covenant is a pact or promise someone made with a demon or satan himself which may have involved the cutting of flesh and shedding of blood or parents (a parent) dedicating their child to satan or a false religion as a result of a satanic or religious ritual. Break it by praying, In the name of Jesus Christ and by His precious blood, I break any satanic/demonic covenants or pacts through which the enemy has gained a foothold in my life. 16.Demonic Mental Strongholds and Mindsets: sever and break any demonic mental strongholds or demonic mindsets that may be serving as a means by which demons can gain and keep a hold over the person’s life (In the name of Jesus Christ and by His precious blood, I break any demonic mental strongholds or demonic mindsets through which the enemy has gained

HOW TO DEFEAT JEZEBEL The Word of God reveals this spirit has already been defeated by the Lord Jesus Christ on Calvary two thousand years ago and has given us victory over it. We now must appropriate the victory the Lord has already won for and given us. The Bible prophesied the defeat of jezebel in the Old Testament and the New Testament. God pronounced judgment over the house of Ahab and over Queen Jezebel in 2 Kings 9:7-10, 7 “You shall strike down the house of Ahab your master, that I may avenge the blood of My servants the prophets, and the blood of all the servants of the Lord, at the hand of Jezebel. 8 For the whole house of Ahab shall perish; and I will cut off from Ahab all the males in Israel, both bond and free. 9 So I will make the house of Ahab like the house of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, and like the house of Baasha the son of Ahijah. 10 The dogs shall eat Jezebel on the plot of ground at Jezreel, and there shall be none to bury her.’” And he opened the door and fled.” This was fulfilled in 2 Kings 9:36-37, 36 “Therefore they came back and told him. And he said, “This is the word of the Lord, which He spoke by His servant Elijah the Tishbite, saying, ‘On the plot of ground at Jezreel dogs shall eat the flesh of Jezebel; 37 and the corpse of Jezebel shall be as refuse on the surface of the field, in the plot at Jezreel, so that they shall not say, “Here lies Jezebel.”’” We also see Jesus Christ Himself pronounced judgement over jezebel in the New Testament (Rev 2:20-23) and over the Babylonian system including the jezebel spirit responsible for it in Rev 17, 18 and 19:1-10. Jesus Christ has given us, His people, the church, authority power and victory over satan, demons and all of hell including this spirit (Lk 10:19-20). However, we must appropriate it. The following are some ways we appropriate our victory over the jezebel spirit. Ways to defeat the jezebel spirit 1. Repentance (of sin) (The Lord gives people time to repent, but if they don’t, there will be judgment.

Rev 2:21) 2. The Word of God (obeying, living by and declaring it) 3. The Name of Jesus (binding and rebuking this spirit in the name of Jesus Christ) 4. The Blood of Jesus (applying the blood of Jesus through prayer and declaration) 5. Obedience (to God and His Word) 6. Walking in holiness, righteousness and purity 7. Prayer and intercession (especially the corporate prayer of agreement) (Mt 18:18-20) 8. Fasting 9. Dying to self (the flesh) 10. Casting it out: When casting out a jezebel spirit, we must remember it’s a strong man spirit, meaning it has other spirits under its authority. At times you will need to specifically address some or all of these spirits. However, if you adequately deal with a jezebel spirit, which is the strong man, the other spirits will usually leave without having to specifically address them. That’s why it’s so important to know and understand it’s a strong man spirit and what that means. 11. Renouncing false worship and idolatry 12. Removing all contact objects from your home If you have realised a jezebel spirit may be at work in your life and want to overcome it, start by saying the following prayer, Father, I acknowledge I have yielded myself to the jezebel spirit. I come to you, humbling myself before you. I desire your standard of righteousness and holiness. I ask you to forgive me for my tolerance of the jezebel spirit and for being sympathetic to its ways. Please forgive me for every way I have opened myself up to this spirit. Help me to ruthlessly reject every type of this thinking and the desire to control and manipulate other people. I renounce and bind the jezebel spirit, and I pull down its stronghold in my life. Through the Holy Spirit I will live by your standard of righteousness, holiness and conduct. Open my eyes and cause Your light to expose any darkness, and help me to walk in humility and truth. In Jesus Name, AMEN! Richard Pace


AVAILABLE AT Receiving From God Twelve CD teaching series revealing how to receive from God. “This is a very inspiring and uplifting teaching for those who desire to know God more intimately, receive what He has for them and Anthony Pace

Exposing the Hidden Things of Darkness Nine CD teaching series, including mini book, exposing the dangers of the occult and the demonic realm. “This is a very powerful teaching that will certainly bring you into a deeper relationship with the Lord, as well as bring you a step closer to developing immunity to the enemyʼs tactics.” – Julia

The Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ Fourteen CD teaching series, revealing the cleansing, healing and restoring power of the blood of Jesus Christ.

“I listened to “The Power of the Blood of Jesus” whilst visiting Australia in 2008. Iʼve been a Christian for 24 years, but there came new revelation in this teaching that was like the light being switched on. Amazing....! Would like to hear more from Richard Pace!” - Christine

Come Up Here “I listened to this series and it gave me fresh revelations of the things of God as you go to the next level with Him. I would recommend it to anyone who is keen to keep growing in God. - Nina

Rising with the Eagles Two CD teaching series, revealing how to go to higher and deeper levels of intimacy with God. “Pastor Richard Pace’s message on “Rising with the Eagles” has been such a life changing message for me. Using the Eagle as an analogy of who we are in Christ and biblical examples to back that up. Richard has really opened my eyes to the truth of God’s word and fullness of life we have in Christ. I have been fed spiritually to overflow. “TOP MESSAGE PASTOR RICHARD.” – Sylvette

Running with a Vision Ten CD teaching series, with booklet revealing how to identify a God given vision and see it’s fulfillment. Also available in MP3 version. “This teaching is a MUST for everyone who believes that the Lord has a calling on their life. After listening to this teaching, you will be able to stand strong while you are waiting on Him to fulfill His promises and visions to you. Pastor Richard uses scriptures to explain how you can identify godly and ungodly visions, dreams and desires and how to see the Lord’s purpose fulfilled in your life. A powerful teaching!” – Tiara

Tenacious Faith Six CD teaching series, with booklet revealing how to have tencious faith in difficult circumstances. Also available in MP3 version.

“This teaching has dramatically changed my life. When I first listened to it, I struggled with fear, especially of the enemy. However, after listening to it, it completely changed my feelings and outlook in every situation I was facing. I highly recommend this teaching to every believer, especially those who may needed encouragement and a better understanding of the gift of faith. - Catherine

Walking in Love Twelve CD teaching series, with booklet revealing how to walk in the love of God. Also available in MP3 version.

The Lord Will Fight For You

Single CD teaching series, with booklet revealing that God will fight for you in difficulties.

Build Me An Ark

Six CD series revealing prophetic events and the importance of being in an intimate relationship with Christ, planted in the church, and building the church. Also available in MP3 version.



ovenant. An ancient, foreign, strange and irrelevant word to many. A word unheard of, let alone used in our generation today. A peculiar concept buried and forgotten in time, yet absolutely vital for a relationship with God and our very existence. Relationship with God is based on covenant. We in the twenty first century have become totally ignorant to what covenant is and means. We do not understand what it means to be in a covenant (relationship) with God therefore have difficulty relating to Him and each other. If we had a better understanding of covenant, not only would our relationship with God be stronger but there would be less marriage and relationship breakdowns as well as far less problems in the world in general. One of the reasons our modern society is in the state it’s in is because it lacks covenant knowledge, understanding and revelation. One of the reasons people, more specifically Christians, struggle is because of a lack of covenant knowledge, understanding and revelation. A person can be genuinely born again, cleansed and forgiven by the blood of Jesus Christ, have the Holy Spirit within them, lack covenant knowledge, understanding and revelation, struggle greatly and won't see victory until they understand what covenant is and walk in it. You cannot know God, walk with God, have an intimate relationship with God, obey God, serve God, receive from God, walk in the fruit of the Holy Spirit or Godly character, be Christ-like, move in the gifts, ministries, offices or anointing of the Holy Spirit and have victory over satan, demons, sin, the sinful nature, the world’s system and all the kingdom of darkness without it. Covenant knowledge, understanding and revelation will completely and dramatically transform your walk with God and your life. I believe it is this which will help bring great transformation to lives, the Church and the world.

What is a Covenant? Most people, including many Christians, aren’t even aware of what a covenant is. The word “Covenant” is an ancient, Hebrew word originating from the Old Testament. It’s here the word first appears indicating it’s a heavenly concept, God’s idea, initiated by God as a means through which God can relate to humankind, humankind to God and humankind to each other. The title “Old/New Testament” is actually “Old/ New Covenant”. The word “Testament” was used to replace the word “Covenant” by the translators of the King James Version of the Bible to help clarify its meaning. Although “Testament” is not inaccurate, “Covenant” is the word used in the original text and is a stronger and more accurate rendition of the idea presented in the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures. The word “Covenant” in the Hebrew is beriyth and literally means: an agreement or relationship established upon the cutting of flesh and shedding of blood. In the sense of cutting. A compact (be-cause made by passing between pieces of flesh): - covenant, league, confederacy, confederate (alliance) (1285. Heb. The New Strong’s Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible). The word used In the Greek is diatheke which means: a disposition, a contract, (a divisory will); - covenant, testament (1242. Greek. The New Strong’s Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible).

Why Were Covenants Neccessary? In ancient (Old Testament) times, relationships were established upon and maintained through covenants. Covenants were the means by which people, especially strangers - that is, those who were not related biologically - could relate to each other and God could relate to (His) people. If a relationship were to exist and prosper, it had to be through a covenant that was made between the two parties involved. Why? One of the reasons is as a protective clause against sin. When God created Adam and Eve, He created them perfect. They walked in perfect relationship, intimacy and unity with Him. But when they sinned by eating of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they disobeying Him, broke that relationship and were separated from Him. As a result, because


so too sexual intimacy outside the marriage covenant becomes destructive. This is the very reason so many marriages are falling apart, because we do not understand the marriage covenant or covenant for that matter. We in the twenty first century have become ignorant to what covenant is and means. We do not understand what it means to be in a covenant relationship with God therefore, have difficulty relating to God and in turn, each other. If we had a better understanding of covenant, not only would our relationship with God be stronger but we would have less marriage and relationship breakdowns.

In Old Testament times, covenants were practiced by all people whether Hebrew or Gentile. It was customary, no matter what nation or culture you belonged to, that if two people, families, tribes or nations desired to create an alliance, a covenant was established between the two parties. However, the issue of interest here is not so much how covenants were made between pagan nations but how God made covenants with His people and how God’s people made covenants with each other. It is in understanding this we will catch a glimpse into who Jesus is, why of sin, humankind’s relationship He said with God and each other was what destroyed and because of this, had to H e die. However, God loves us so much, said and did what He did throughout His ministry. instead of destroying us, He created a means The Bible is a book of covenants. We see by which He could still be in relationship throughout the scriptures, especially the Old with humankind, which is through covenant. Testament, God initiated covenants with Covenants were extremely important as they His people to establish relationships provided the means by, foundation upon and with them. This is the main reason God atmosphere in which a relationship could survive and made covenants with His people: thrive. Just as a house cannot stand unless it is built upon a a desire for relationship with us. strong foundation, that is, established upon rock, and certain Why does He want to have a plants or animals cannot survive unless under certain climates, relationship with us? Because so too covenants provided the foundation upon or climate He loves us. It is God’s within which certain relationships could function and prosper. greatest desire to have an Covenants are also important in that certain things are lawful intimate relationship within a covenant relationship that would otherwise be unlawful with us – that is and actually sinful in any other context. For example; sexual one of the main intimacy was created by God to be enjoyed by a man and his wife as a benefit of the marriage covenant. In this context, sexual intimacy is sacred, joining the husband and wife in the bond of love, strengthening their relationship as well as being the means by which life is created, but outside the marriage covenant, destroys families, relationships and lives. Why? Because sexual intimacy was created for the marriage covenant to help strengthen it. But taken out of its proper context, becomes destructive as it’s then abused – it is no longer used the way God originally intended. Just as a knife made for cutting and preparing food becomes a tool of destruction in the hands of a murderer – taking life instead of sustaining it because it is abused - it’s no longer used as was originally intended –


reasons He created us. However, because of sin, humankind was separated from God. Therefore, the only way God could still have a relationship with men and women without Him having to judge them for their sin,

was in and through covenants. Covenants were designed by God to be a means by which He could still relate to men and women and they to him, despite sin, until the day the Messiah (Jesus Christ) came to deal with it once for all. Jesus Christ is the sacrifice of the New Covenant who shed His blood for the salvation of all humankind. John the Baptist called Him “The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!” Jn 1:29 (NKJV). Paul the apostle wrote; "For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us." 1 Cor 5:7 (NKJV). Why did God send His Son into the world? Because He loves us. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only

begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Jn 3:16 (NKJV). It is through covenant we can walk in a personal relationship with God, know Him intimately and receive everything He has for us. This covenant has been sealed by, ratified or activated in the shed blood of Christ and it is through this we have access to God, His throne and the riches of His kingdom as sons and daughters of the Most High. In Old Testament days, covenants were the means by which all people related to each other, God related to His people and God’s people related to God. When two parties, whether two people, families, tribes or nations desired to enter into a binding relationship

There was a covenant ceremony or ritual performed by the two parties which legalized the covenant. The covenant ceremony involved the cutting of the flesh and mingling of the blood of the two parties, making them one. As a result, everything they were and owned belonged to each other. Everything party number one was and owned belonged to party number two and vice versa. They were no longer self dependent but now dependent upon – found their identity in – their covenant partner. So it is with the born again believer. Paul in his Epistles wrote statements such as “in Christ”, “in whom”, “through Christ”, “in Him”, which denote our identification with Him. As born again believers we have taken on who He is – His name, His nature and character – and have received everything He has in exchange for who we are and what we have. We now have our identity in Him. We are co-heirs with Christ (Rom 8:17). During the covenant ceremony, a number of exchanges were made between the two parties validating the covenant. Firstly, a covenant representative was chosen

from each family. The covenant representative was the best of the family, that is, the strongest, most talented, shrewdest, most intelligent or one with the greatest integrity. In the case of a marriage, the man and woman represented each family which became one as a result of the joining of the man and woman in marriage. Jesus Christ is our covenant representative – the very best, highest and greatest of all creation. The very best of both heaven and earth and in Him heaven and earth, God and man are joined. The covenant site was then chosen. The covenant site was where the covenant ceremony took place and had special significance for both parties and their families. God chose the covenant site where Jesus was sacrificed and the New Covenant was ratified. That place was Calvary. As the covenant ceremony began, there was an exchange of articles of clothing, namely a coat and weapons belts. The coat represented the authority, strength and possessions of each party. By doing this, each party was symbolically exchanging their authority, strength and possessions with one another declaring “all I have is yours and all you have is mine.” They then exchanged their weapons belts which represented the fact they commit-

-ted to fight one another’s battles. Paul wrote; “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil” Eph 6:11 (NKJV). This is a covenant statement. Whose armor is it? Not our armor but God’s armor! As a result of the covenant we have with Him, God has given us His armor, representing His nature, character, attributes, authority, strength and might in exchange for our sinful nature, weakness, timidity and helplessness. This is how we are able to “be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might” Eph 6:10 (NKJV). By this, He has committed to join forces with us to defend us from, fight against and defeat the enemy of our souls, the devil. After the exchange of coats and weapons belts, the terms of the covenant were stated by the representatives. Firstly they performed what’s called “the walk of blood”. An animal was sacrificed, not with any ordinary cut, but with what’s called a covenant cut which was a cut from the head, all the way down the spine. The two pieces of the animal fell one to one side and the other to the other side, creating a walk way of blood beneath the two pieces. The participants then walked in a figure eight or what is also known as the infinity symbol, between the two halves of the animal representing the fact the covenant made was an eternal one dissolved only by death. They then stopped, stood face to face in the midst of the blood and made irrevocable promises to each other as well as declaring the curses or consequences (penalty) for breaking the promises (or covenant) over one another. One of the things they said was, “May you die like this animal if you betray this covenant.” The covenant representatives then cut their wrists or hands, pressed them together and mingled their blood. From that point on, the two representatives and their families became one. They then lifted their arms to show everyone the cuts. Certain cultures and nations, especially Gentile nations, swore oaths to their gods. Some made a covenant cut around the ring finger or thumb, pressed them together and mingled their blood. At times gunpowder, dirt or other substances were rubbed into the wound to create a thick, black, raised scar. The reason for this was as a reminder so if either party was tempted to betray their covenant partner, they would look at the thick, black, raised scar, remember everything they went through to make that cut in their finger or thumb, which also reminded them they were in a covenant with someone, which deterred them from breaking that covenant. This is where the modern day golden wedding ring rememberance around the ring finger originated from. The purpose for the what was ceremony was to affect the memories of everyone involved. involved in making The look and smell of a dead animal, walking through covenant a reality. and standing ankle high in its blood, the pain At the last supper, Jesus associated with cutting the wrist, hand, ring stated, “do this in remembrance finger or thumb, the sight of human blood of Me.” When Jesus had the last running down the arms of the covenant supper with His disciples, they were representatives, the discomfort of rubbing foreign matter into the celebrating wound, the appearance of an the Passover ugly, raised scar, all feast, which was contributed to a covenant God made bringing to with His people in Exodus 12. In doing so, He was also instituting the New Covenant with humankind through symbols of bread and wine representing His body that was to be torn and His blood that was to be shed the next day. Jesus was the covenant sacrifice as well as the Great High Priest offering that sacrifice and His body became the covenant cut. Think of it, just as those who made covenants in ancient times made cuts in their bodies to affect the memory of that covenant , Jesus' entire body was brusied, wounded, cut and scarred to the point where He was unrecognizable.


person is born again, that person's (spirit) is marked (circumcised) in the spirit by the Holy Spirit who now indwells that person. As a result, that person becomes one with or is now “in”, one with and intimately connected to Christ. He/she becomes a new creation. The dead, sinful spirit which However, is corrupted by sin dies and is replaced with the Holy Spirit when He was – the person, nature and character of God the Father raised from the and God the Son. The “old man” is now dead and dead, every single the “new man” is alive in Christ. That person is bruise, wound, cut “rubbed out” or “deleted” and is no longer and scar had completely living for themselves but is now alive in, healed and disappeared as living in and for Christ. A person’s though nothing happened, yet name usually represents and the nail marks in His hands and feet reveals something about who and lance wound in His side remained. they are. In exchanging Why? Not so Jesus could remember He names each party is in a covenant with us, but so we would was saying; “I am NEVER FORGET we are in a covenant with Him. in you and you are in We see an example of this in the Old Testament when God me.” makes a covenant with Abram in Gen 15:17, it states, “And it came to pass, when the sun went down and it was dark, that behold, there appeared a smoking oven and a burning torch that passed between those pieces. On the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram…” Here, it states, the Lord made a covenant with Abram. It also states, “There appeared a smoking oven and a burning torch that passed between those pieces.” The smoking oven and burning torch is the presence of God. “Those pieces” are the pieces of the animal that was sacrificed in covenant style – the two pieces laying to the left and right with a pool of blood beneath the pieces. We then read the smoking oven and burning torch, which is the presence of God, passed or walked between those pieces. We then see God making promises to Abram, just like how covenants were made in those days. After this there was an exchange of names. The name of party number one was joined to party number two and vice versa. They were called by each other’s names. For example, if the surname of party one was Smith and the surname of party two was Jones, by the end of the covenant ceremony, they were known as Smith-Jones symbolizing their unity (oneness) in covenant. In exchanging their names they also exchanged their friendship, very much like a marriage covenant (ceremony). In a marriage covenant, the woman takes on the surname of her husband. In some cases, the husband’s surname replaces or deletes his wife’s surname or maiden name symbolizing the fact the woman is no longer a separate entity, living for herself, but is now joined to and has her identity in her husband. In other cases, especially in modern times, the woman’s surname is joined to or hyphenated alongside her husband’s surname also symbolizing the fact they are no longer living for themselves but are both one with, joined in and have responsibility for each other in a covenant relationship. This is where the marriage

That is why we can declare the name of Jesus Christ and see the lost saved, demons flee, sicknesses and diseases healed, miracles released and impossible situations changed, because it is not only the name and the use of that name which makes all this possible, but the one who the name represents and the covenant relationship we have with Him. After this was a covenant meal of bread and wine. This was the climax or grand finale of the covenant ceremony. Here, each party took a piece of bread, which represented t h e i r b o d y, ceremony (covenant) originated from. When a person is born again, that person’s heart (spirit) is marked (circumcised) in the spirit by the Holy Spirit who now indwells that person. As a result, that person becomes one with or is now “in”, one with and intimately connected to Christ. He/she becomes a new creation. The dead, sinful spirit which is corrupted by sin dies and is replaced with the Holy Spirit – the person, nature and character of God the Father and God the Son. The "old man" is now dead and the “new man” is alive in Christ. That person is “rubbed out” or “deleted” and is no longer living for themselves but is now alive in, living in and for Christ. A person’s name usually represents and reveals something about who they are. In exchanging names each party was saying; “I am in you and you are in me.” “Everything I am and have is yours and everything you are and have is mine.” “I desire to be intimately connected to you.” This is the most intimate of relationships and commitments. Jesus has made that same commitment to us (the Church). He has given us His name. This is what is meant by the statement; “In the Name of Jesus Christ.” It is not just a statement we attach to the end of a prayer or a magic word we use in hope God will answer when we use it, it is a spiritual position. A state of being. “In the Name of Jesus Christ” means we are in, one with and intimately connected to Him and He to us in the most profound of relationships. As a result, everything that name represents and everything the Father has invested in that name is ours.

gave it to each other and said; “Take and eat. This is


(represents) my body.” They then took a cup of wine, which was a blood substitute as God commanded His people never to drink the blood of an animal or human, which represented their blood, gave it to each other and said; “Take and drink. This is (represents) my blood.” Does this sound familiar? Jesus used these same words as He instituted the New Covenant with His disciples at the last supper. He wasn’t speaking literally, but was speaking in covenant language, “And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” “Likewise He also took the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is shed for you” Lk 22:19-20 (NKJV). The covenant meal represented each party and their families giving themselves to each other even to the point where they would sacrifice themselves for each other if need be. As they ate, they ate in remembrance of the covenant they had cut together that day. Once two people entered a covenant, it was their responsibility to take care of, provide for, protect and even die for the other. One of the promises of a covenant was each party was bound and obliged to help the other if they were in trouble. If one refused to help the other, they broke the covenant and had to die for it. Obviously it is no longer like this today, however, this emphasizes the importance that was placed on commitment where relationships were concerned. We have lost that sense of commitment today and need to get it back. God has brought us into the New Covenant with Him in the person and blood of Jesus Christ, as a result, He has promised to take care of, provide for, fight for and protect us and He will NEVER let you down.

richard pace



Thank You Thank you to all who have supported Light of the World Ministries Church in 2018.

And a special thanks to the following people for their help, support and contribution to the ministry during the year.

Intercessory Team and Prayer Warriors Intercessory Pastor: Grace Pace Sara Palummo, Neda Paulic, Melanie Jinn and Abuk Mathiang Prayer Ministry Team: Grace Pace, Sara Palummo, Neda Paulic, Melanie Jinn and Abuk Mathiang Administration: Anthony Pace

Announcements: Grace Pace and Sara Palummo Hospitality Ministry: Mary Camilleri

Tithes and Offerings: Sara Palummo

Worship Team: Music Director: Anthony Pace

Resources: Ann Camilleri, Cathy Camilleri and Jeanette Faber Children’s Ministry: Ely Melo

Equipment (Set Up and Pack Up): Equipment Facilitator: Anthony Pace Sara Palummo, Melanie Jinn, Ann Camilleri, Cathy Camilleri, Abuk Mathiang, Sanjeev Roop and Frank Computer: Anthony Pace and Cathy Camilleri Artwork and Graphics: Richard Pace, Cathy Camilleri and Peter Alcock

A special thank you to KOORONG (www. and SNAP PRINTING (Smithfield) (

And a big THANK YOU to all who have contributed and who continue to contribute to the tithes, offerings, ministry finances and service of Light of the World Ministries Church. God bless you and see you in 2019. In Christ’s Love, Richard, Anthony and Grace Pace.

MINISTRY EVENTS Ministry Outing/Baptism Date: Saturday the 8th of December 2018. Time: 10am - 4pm. *This event will be re scheduled if it rains. The School of the Holy Spirit Final meeting for 2018: Friday the 7th of December at 7:30pm. Resumes: Friday the 11th of January 2019 at 7:30pm. Address: George Mepham Hall, Toongabbie Community Centre, 244 Targo Road, Toongabbie. Intercessory Meetings Final meetings for 2018: Tuesday the 11th of December at 10:30am, 64 Hampden Road, South Wentworthville and George Mepham Hall, Toongabbie Community Centre, 244 Targo Road, Toongabbie at 7:30pm. Resumes: Tuesday the 8th of January 2019 at 10:30am, 64 Hampden Road, South Wentworthville and 7:30pm. George Mepham Hall, Toongabbie Community Centre, 244 Targo Road, Toongabbie. Revival Fire Meetings Final meeting for 2018: Wednesday the 12th of December at 7:30pm. Address: 64 Hampden Road, South Wentworthville. Resumes: Wednesday the 9th of January 2019 at 7:30pm. Same address as above. Ministry Christmas Party Date: Friday the 14th of December 2018 at 7:30pm. Address: George Mepham Hall, Toongabbie Community Centre, 244 Targo Road, Toongabbie. Admission: free. Family and friends are welcome. Please bring a plate of food. Christmas Eve Service Date: Monday the 24th of December 2018, 8:00pm - 11pm. Address: George Mepham Hall, Toongabbie Community Centre, 244 Targo Road, Toongabbie. New Year’s Eve Service A special meeting of prayer and praise will be held on New Year’s Eve to give thanks for the year that has passed and to pray in the New Year. The meeting will commence at 8:00pm, Monday the 31st of December 2018 and will continue until 11pm when we will have supper and see in the New Year with fireworks on the big screen at midnight. Address: George Mepham Hall, Toongabbie Community Centre, 244 Targo Road, Toongabbie. Please bring a plate of food, soft drinks will be supplied. Enquiries: Contact Anthony Pace on 0412402989 or email us at To view the newsletter online visit us at




THE HEALING OF A MAN WITH A SHOULDER PROBLEM At our July monthly miracle service, I saw the Lord moving among the people. I then called out that people were being healed of sicknesses, diseases and pain. I was calling out different sicknesses, diseases and problems including people being instantly healed of problems and severe pain in the shoulders. I then mentioned there was a man being healed of severe pain in the left shoulder - that he came with it and couldn’t move his shoulder and arm properly, but was now able to and to start moving it! I then looked to see the man in the photos starting to move his left shoulder and arm freely without any problem at all! I went over and asked what happened, to which he replied he was the man who came with severe pain in his left shoulder, couldn’t move it properly and was now moving it freely without any pain or problem at all! I asked him to lift his arm straight up, he lifted it effortlessly. I then asked him to put it behind his back, he put it behind his back immediately. Then I asked him to spin his arm around, he did it with ease! I asked him if there was any pain, he said none at all! He also said he had the problem for a while but was now healed!


THE HEALING OF A WOMAN WITH A LUMP ON HER BREAST Ely’s Testimony A few months ago, at a Sunday service, Pastor Richard gave a word of knowledge for a woman with a lump on her breast who the Lord was healing in that meeting. He gave the same word of knowledge again the week after.Two weeks before this, towards the end of the school term, I was diagnosed with a 1cm lump on my breast. My sleep was constantly interrupted for days as I couldn't sleep on my side or tummy because of the pressure, pain and discomfort it was causing. I was afraid to tell anyone, so I kept it to myself for a week before eventually telling my partner who checked and also found the lump and insisted I see a doctor as soon as possible.Fear began setting in as the pain and discomfort intensified. On Wednesday the 18th of April, before a revival fire meeting, I messaged Pastor Richard asking to keep me in prayer. Even before he prayed, in a reply, he prophesied, “The Lord says, don’t worry, the lump will be benign and will disappear.” I did not attend that night due to the pain and discomfort. However, Pastor Richard and those at the revival fire meeting prayed for me. At the same moment they were praying, which was around 9pm, I felt the comfort and peace of the Lord filling my spirit right where I was. The pain had disappeared and

I had the most restful sleep in days. The next day, I went for a mammogram. As the mammographer was preparing me for the test, amazingly, she could not find the lump. I too then tried feeling for the lump and could not find it. The mammographer asked me where I previously found the lump. I could only point it out from memory as the lump was no longer there. The mammographer had to mark the location with a texta before proceeding with the test.The next day, just before church, I picked up the results of the test. The results showed, “No suspicious abnormality! If there is a persistent and concerning clinically detected lump, surgical referral is suggested for further evaluation”. However, NO LUMP WAS FOUND THEREFORE NO SURGERY WAS NECESSARY OR SCHEDULED! After this, a few days before a Wednesday night revival fire meeting, I prayed God would confirm my healing. At the revival fire meeting that Wednesday night, as we worshipped the Lord, I saw a vision of a dove flying towards me, then in the next vision, saw that same dove gliding across the sky with a black ball, that looked like a bowling ball, in its beak. The dove was the Holy Spirit and the black bowling ball was the lump. The Lord confirmed the Holy Spirit had carried the lump away. It was through this, the Lord confirmed He truly healed me.The lump disappeared as the Lord said. It has been many months since I received this healing and the lump has never returned since! All praise, worship, glory and honour to the Lord Who still performs miracles and heals today! – Ely Melo “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8 (NKJV)



the Lord!” A few minutes later he got up and said he felt completely different, totally refreshed and cleansed, like something left him and was flushed out of his body.A short time later, he went for another test that was already scheduled before he came to the meeting. He received the results which showed the cancer in his bowel had COMPLETELY DISAPPEARED! As well as this, the tumours which spread to his liver, lungs and oesophagus had started clearing. He gave his testimony at last month’s miracle service. This same man then excepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and saviour and was born again! He is now healed and recovering well. Another person saved and healed of cancer! All the praise, glory and honour to Jesus!



On Tuesday the 19th of June 2018, the man speaking into the microphone in the images below,

was diagnosed with aggressive bowel cancer, one of the most horrible and aggressive cancers anyone could contract. Whenever he went to the toilet, he experienced unbearable pain and bleeding. What made this situation worse was the cancer spread throughout his bowel, to his liver, lungs and oesophagus. His chances of survival were very slim.The following night, Wednesday the 20th of June 2018, he came to one of our revival fire meetings hoping and believing God would do something for him. During the meeting, God was moving to deliver, heal and restore people. The presence of God was thick and tangible. There were signs, wonders and miracles occurring throughout the room. I walked over to him, laid my hands on him, rebuked the cancer and any demonic spirits involved as well as generational curses and anything else causing the cancer. He fell to the ground in the Spirit and peacefully laid on the floor for a few minutes. While he was on the floor, I turned to him and said, “The Lord is healing you right now! I can see Him removing the cancer! You will not die but live and declare the works of



Just over a month ago, Angelo came to a revival fire meeting for the first time. During the meeting I called out that a man was feeling a physical whirlwind swirling within his ear. When I asked for confirmation, Angelo put up his hand. Shocked and surprised he said, “That’s me.” I then said to him, “So you felt a physical whirlwind swirling within your ear?” to which he replied, “Yes.” Perplexed, he couldn't understand what was happening or how it was happening. I then said, “The Lord is healing your ears. He is doing something for you.” Angelo then told us he had been legally deaf since he was a little boy and had to wear hearing aids, however, he still couldn't hear properly even with the hearing aids, but it was worse in his left ear which was the ear in which he felt the whirlwind. I then told him again, “The Lord is healing your ears.” He was shocked and surprised enough by what happened that night, but nothing could prepare him for what happened the next day. At the next meeting, Angelo gave a testimony that at work the day after the revival fire meeting, he heard music playing in the background. He thought maybe it was something he was hearing in the spirit. However, later that same day, he discovered his workmates were playing music in the workplace and he could hear it perfectly! He told us this was the first time he ever heard something like this – he wasn't able to hear anything especially in the distance. He gave his testimony at our July monthly miracle service. Since then, he hasn't worn his hearing aids and his hearing has continually improved with each day. ALL PRAISE AND GLORY TO THE LORD!



Have a Wonderful Christmas and a Blessed New Year “For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder. And his name will be called Wonderiful,Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.� Isaiah 9:6-7 "And behold, you will concieve in your womb and bring fourth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. And He will reign over the house of JAcob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end" . Luke 1:31-33





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