Ministry Magazine 2023/2024
R E V I VA L Page 12
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T E S T I M O N I E S Page 26
PA S T O R S About Richard Pace Richard Pace, co-founder and Pastor of Light of the World Ministries Church is committed to serving God and His people (the Church). To seeing the salvation of the lost and the edification of the Body of Christ. Richard is passionate about knowing Jesus, bringing non-believers to the knowledge of God through salvation and believers to spiritual maturity in Christ. Through weekly services, discipleship programs and teaching resources, Richard's goal is to help all reach their full potential in Christ.
FOUNDERS AND PASTORS: Richard Pace, Anthony Pace, Grace Pace COVER AND ARTICLES: Pastor Richard Pace PHOTOGRAPHY: Gee Melo
About Grace Pace Grace Pace, co-founder and co-Pastor of Light of the World Ministries Church has a heart for God and intercessory prayer. Grace is passionate about seeing the will of God fulfilled in the lives of all people and is anointed as an intercessory prayer warrior and intercessory Pastor for Light of the World Ministries Church. Through intercessory prayer meetings held weekly and with a dedicated team of intercessory prayer warriors, Grace is committed to praying forth and seeing the will and victory of God fulfilled in every life and situation.
About Anthony Pace Anthony Pace, co-founder, co-Pastor and worship director of Light of the World Ministries Church is passionate about music and leading worshipers into the presence of God through music and song. With a background rich in musical education and experience, Anthony seeks to glorify God by assisting the body of Christ worship as Jesus commanded us to when He said; "But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." John 4:23 (NKJV).
LIGHT OF THE WORLD MINISTRIES CHURCH ANNUAL MAGAZINE: Is produced by Pastor Richard Pace and Light of the World Ministries Church. 244 Targo Road Toongabbie, NSW, Australia, 2146
ONLINE: WEBSITE: www. UNITE AUSTRALIA: www.uniteaustralia. FACEBOOK: richard.pace.35 INSTAGRAM: lotwmc TWITTER: Richard Pace@LOTWMC SOUNDCLOUD: richard-pace
C O NT E NT S DEC/JAN 2023/2024
R E V I VA L Pastor Richard Pace explains the importance of prayer and intercession for revival in "The Power of Prayer and Intercession for Revival".
20 Unite Australia Update
Pastor Richard highlights the key events of the Unite Australia conferences in "Unite Australia Update".
P A S T O R ’ S L
6 Pastor’s Letter
Read about some of the key miracles of 2023 in “Testimonies”.
Pastor Richard highlights the key events of 2023 in “Pastor’s Letter”.
P A S T O R ' S
was truly a year of revival. Commencing with a prophecy the Lord gave me about revival coming this decade and starting in 2023, which I included in last year's Pastor's Letter, "As we move into 2023, we are moving further into darker, more threatening, dangerous and uncertain times. But simultaneously moving into the greatest move of God and revival in history so far." (Richard Pace - Annual Ministry Magazine 2022/2023), we then heard about the Asbury revival in February. The 2023 Asbury revival was a Christian revival at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. The revival was sparked by students spontaneously staying in Hughes Auditorium following a regularly scheduled chapel service on February 8, 2023. Notably, news of the revival largely spread on social media. It was attended by approximately 15,000 people each day. By its end, the revival brought 50,000–70,000 visitors to Wilmore, representing more than 200 academic institutions and multiple countries. However, Asbury wasn't the only location where revival broke out. Revival broke out and continues in several locations across the world including Iran, Thailand, Myanmar, Algeria, India, Africa and Brazil. We also saw the greatest year in our ministry so far with the commencement of the UNITE AUSTRALIA Prayer and Intercession Campaign for Revival movement, in Sydney. The vision for this movement is to go into each of the six major stadiums in Sydney; Accor Stadium,
PROPHECY (WEEKLY INTERCESSORY MEETING) (30/7/21) On the 30th of August 2021, while praying with Dad and Mum, I had an encounter with God in which He said the following,
The Lord said, “The time and season is changing again. I am taking you (the Church) into a new time and season.
It’s the season for unity. It’s the sea-
"It’s the season for revival!" The following is another prophecy the Lord gave me about something He was going to begin doing in 2023.
It’s no longer the season for division. It’s no longer the season for dissension. It’s no longer the season for conflict. It’s no longer the season for competition. It’s no longer the season for offense. It’s no longer the season for anger.
In this prophecy the Lord said, "It’s the season for revival." Referring to this year (2023), which is exactly what happened.
Ecclesiastes 3:1, “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.”
Isaiah 43:18-20, 18 “Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. 19 Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. 20 The beast of the field will honour Me, the jackals and the ostriches, Because I give waters in the wilderness and rivers in the desert, to give drink to My people, My chosen.” (Richard Pace - Annual Ministry Magazine 2022/2023).
The following is a prophecy the Lord gave me on the 30th of July 2021, which I also included in last year's ministry magazine as a confirmation about this year (2023).
son for forgiveness. It’s the season for reconciliation. It’s the season to work together. It’s the season for understanding. It’s the season for love. It’s the season for revival."
(Stadium Australia), Commbank Stadium, Allianz Stadium, Qudos Bank Arena, The Sydney Cricket Ground and the ICC (The International Convention Centre, Darling Harbour), with a team of prayer warriors and intercessors to pray in the stadiums for revival with the intention of then holding full scale stadium revival conferences in each of these stadiums in the future.
"I have cho sen Sydney (NSW) as a prayer and intercession capital"
PROPHECY – THE LORD IS RAISING A PRAYER AND INTERCESSION MOVEMENT IN SYDNEY The Lord also spoke to me and said He is raising the greatest prayer movement in Sydney it and the world has ever seen, which will usher in the greatest revival it and the world has ever seen. On the second day of February 2011, while on holidays at the Central Coast, as I prayed on the beach early in the morning, the Lord spoke to my heart about Sydney, NSW and Australia and said, “I have chosen Sydney (NSW) as a prayer and intercession capital (centre). I have, am and will raise armies of mighty prayer warriors and intercessors from you.” The Lord continued, 8 / PASTOR’S LETTER
“That is why no natural disasters have come upon you as the other states and cities of Australia because as these natural disasters occur in different parts of Australia and the world, I require a people to be praying and interceding in Sydney, NSW and anywhere a praying people can be found. Every time a disaster comes, if My people here rise in prayer and intercession, the situation will be changed. It will be through such I will change the course of these disasters, thwart the plans of the enemy and bring the new move of My Spirit and revival that’s coming. You will be to Australia as Abraham and Lot were to Sodom and Gomorrah”. (Genesis 18:16-33, Genesis 19:1-29, 2 Chronicles 7:1-16, esp, Vs 1-3 and 12-16). 2 Chronicles 7:13-15, 13 “When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people, 14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 15 Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place.” (Richard Pace - Annual Ministry Magazine 2022/2023). This prophecy began its fulfillment this year with the commencement of the Unite Australia stadium conferences.
2023 was also the year of Pastor Anthony and Pastor Grace's golden wedding anniversary. Pastor Anthony and Pastor Grace have been married for fifty years as of the 28th of April this year, a great milestone by anyone's standards. Especially today, its extremely rare to find any marriage lasting ten years, let alone fifty. This is a testament to God's faithfulness to them, their faithfulness to God and each other. Pastor Anthony and Pastor Grace were married on Saturday the 28th of April 1973 and have been going from strength to strength ever since. As with every marriage, they've had their fair share of problems, challenges, issues and set backs, yet, with God's help, have successfully overcome each and every one of them, each and every time. Where most marriages crumble and fail, together, they have managed to utilize every challenge to their mutual advantage and to the advantage of their relationship and marriage.
Having turned every situation around as a means of building and strengthening each other and their relationship - a quality rarely seen and almost extinct in marriages today. Their love for and commitment to God, each other, the ministry and others is unparalleled. Of course, they've made mistakes, been at odds with others and stumbled from time to time but their ability to learn from their mistakes and apply what they've learned to improve themselves, their circumstances and others is one of their greatest attributes.
I am proud to call them my parents. Happy fiftieth, golden anniversary Dad and Mum. The Lord continue to bless you, your relationship and marriage exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond all that you can ask think and imagine with many more to come.
I'm sure most people will say this of their own parents but it has been an absolute privilege and honour to be raised by two such people. People God has gifted me with as parents and who have raised me in His ways. They both have unreservedly loved, cared for and supported me from the cradle until now in everything I've endeavoured to do, including and especially my walk with God and the ministry. I am who I am and do what I do today because of them.
In addition, yet again, we saw more and even greater salvations, deliverances, healings, signs, wonders, miracles and manifestations of the Holy Spirit this year than in any other year. (See "Testimonies" page 26).
over Sydney to work together to disciple each of these precious souls. We will then see the Body of Christ multiply greatly again as we see in the book of Acts and churches filled to capacity again as a result. This is one of the main reasons God is calling for the unification of the Christian Church at this time.
As we move into the new year (2024) revival will continue to increase until it overflows to the point where the tangible glory of God will begin to manifest in, over and through the Church, city, state and nation.
When we (the Church) agree in prayer and intercession in the name of Jesus for revival, harvest and reformation, He will hear and answer us - it WILL happen!
Many years ago, the Lord gave me a vision of the stadiums filled with pastors, leaders and believers praying and interceding for the city, state and nation. As they did, God released revival and visited the nation in a similar way as, and in an even more powerful way than in the book of Exodus and the book of Acts (combined) (The former and latter rain). I then saw those same stadiums filled with the lost being saved, delivered, healed, restored and transformed. I saw so many people, the stadiums became too small for the multitudes who then overflowed out of the stadiums onto the streets where the meetings continued.
"I will raise
armies of mighty prayer warriors and intercessors from you"
The Lord said, "In 2024, I will begin releasing My glory in such a way that it will completely change the spiritual climate and physical composition of the city (state and nation). "
To everything there is a
The Lord revealed to me this coming revival will occur in four key stages, commencing with a prayer and intercession movement and raising a call for the body of Christ to unite in prayer and intercession to pray in this revival. Within this first stage we will also see four key stages, as I mentioned above, •
Firstly, the stadiums will be filled with pastors, leaders and believers praying and interceding for this revival. Secondly, as a result of or after this, the stadiums will be filled with the lost being saved, delivered, healed, restored and transformed. Thirdly, the stadiums will become too small to accommodate the numbers which will then overflow onto the streets. Fourthly, not only will we need to concentrate on getting people saved but to disciple them once they are. Which means directing them to the different churches and ministries all
For many years, the Lord has also been revealing to me that the future of this nation (Australia) is hanging in the balance. There have been prophecies, prophetic dreams, prophetic visions, whispers and rumors about an invasion of Australia from an external threat, more specifically, China. However, the Lord revealed to me this threat, although may still come from China or another nation, will not so much be an external one but an internal one. If the nation continues in the direction its going, there will be war in Australia. This war won’t so much come from an external source or invading army, although that still remains a possibility, but will come from within the nation itself - a civil war between indigenous and non indigenous Aust-
ralians. It’s very interesting we are now seeing even greater and deeper divisions between these same specific groups over a referendum. Long before this referendum was even considered or mentioned, the Lord was revealing this to me and warning the nation of this impending threat. I’m not here to give my personal opinion about, agree or disagree with this referendum, but to simply deliver the word of the Lord about the situation and its possible outcome. Another interesting thing is God has also been declaring the greatest revival in Sydney, New South Wales and Australia this nation has ever seen so far. However, it will not so much come from an external place,
that is, through men and women of God coming from overseas to bring or release revival here, as most people are expecting, but will come internally, that is, through men and women of God as well as the entire Church here in Australia - from our own soil or land. This doesn’t mean God will literally stop men and women of God coming from overseas to release the anointing in Australia or that it’s wrong for them to do so. However, the Lord wants to bring this revival from within the nation and release it through its own people (the Australian Church). Similarly, this threat will not so much come from an external source but also from within the nation. Therefore we need to be more attentive and prayerful than ever. Its also interesting how every time God moves in a specific way, the enemy moves through a counterfeit in an attempt to interrupt, hinder or stop what God is doing. As we compare these two above parallels, it becomes clearer that just as God desires to bring revival and restoration from within the nation, the enemy also desires to bring war and destruction from within the nation. However, as grim as this may sound, the good news is if God's people pray and intercede against this war, it will not occur. In the past, whenever the Lord declared a disaster or gave a warning, then instructed the Church to pray and intercede against it, when the Church obeyed the Lord to do so, the disaster was always averted. As it states in 2 Chronicles 7:14, "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." All we need do is obey God to pray and intercede in unity. My prayer is the Lord will continue to bless, protect and prosper you and your family throughout the New Year and years to come. Get ready for greater things in 2024! Blessings. - Richard Pace. PASTOR'S LETTER / 11
rayer is one of, if not the most powerful forces that exists. It allows you to be intimate with God, speak to God, hear from God, receive from God and see situations change that would otherwise be impossible to change. Prayer is the bridge between God and humankind, humankind and God. The course of history has been changed because of prayer, disasters have been averted because of prayer, wars have been avoided or stopped because of prayer, people have been saved, delivered, healed, restored, transformed and even raised from the dead because of prayer, unrighteous men and women have been brought to justice because of prayer, droughts have been broken because of prayer, destructive weather patterns have been changed because of prayer, wrongs have been made right because of prayer, miracles happen because of prayer, revivals have come and entire nations swept into the kingdom because of prayer. In a time when most people, even some Christians, have totally disregarded prayer, prayer is more powerful than most people realize and is more desperately needed now than ever.
Prayer is the bridge between God and humankind, humankind and God
The Old Testament confirms there is power and victory over the enemy when God’s people are united. Deuteronomy 32:30 states, “How could one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, unless their Rock had sold them, and the LORD had surrendered them?” This reveals one of us has a certain level of authority but more of us have an even greater level of authority but that none of us have any authority unless our rock, Jesus Christ, first gives us that authority over the enemy and gives them into our hands. Leviticus 26:8, “Five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight; your enemies shall fall by the sword before you.“ We see the same principal here, that a certain number of us may have a certain level of authority but more of us have an even greater level of authority. This is particularly true for and can be applied to prayer and intercession. Psalm 34:15, “The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry (prayers).” 1 Peter 3:12, “For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayers; but the face of the Lord is against those
who do evil.” Proverbs 15:29, “The Lord is far from the wicked, but He hears the prayer of the righteous.” Isaiah 65:24, “It shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear.” Jeremiah 29:12, “Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.” Jeremiah 33:3, “‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’” James 5:13-18 states, 13 “Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms. 14 Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. 15 And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. 16 Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righ-
teous man avails much. 17 Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. 18 And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit.” Jesus said in John 14:13-14, “And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.” Mark 11:24, “Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.” Here, Jesus states we must believe we receive (or have already received) what we’ve asked for before we pray, then we will have (or receive) them. This makes no sense to the natural mind. The natural mind tells us we need to see (or receive) before we can believe. However, Jesus here tells us we need to believe before, or in order to see (or receive). How are we able to do that? The key is in 1 John 5:14-15. 1 John 5:14-15 states, 14 “Now this is the confidence that we have in Him,
that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 15 And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.” The key to Mark 11:24 is, as 1 John 5:14-15 states, when we pray for anything according to God’s will, in Jesus name – when those two factors are in place, it’s done! When we (the Church) agree in prayer and intercession in the name of Jesus for revival, reformation and harvest, He will hear and answer us. Why? Because we know His Word reveals Its His will to do so.
In Matthew 18:18-20, Jesus reveals the prayer of agreement is extremely powerful. Here we see three revelations. 18 “Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Vs.18, The first revelation: agreement between the Church, the Church and God/God and the Church. 19 “Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. Vs 19. The second revelation, again: agreement between the Church, the Church and God/ God and the Church. 20 For where
The course of history has been changed because of prayer and intercession 14 / THE POWER OF PRAYER AND INTERCESSION FOR REVIVAL
two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” Vs.20 and the third revelation, yet again: agreement between the Church, the Church and God/God and the Church. In February 2017, while my family and I were on holidays at the Central Coast, we were fishing in our boat and praying in tongues. Suddenly, Mum began speaking in a strange tongue and the Lord gave me the interpretation of it. It was a prophecy about Kim Jong Un, the North Korean leader, launching a nuclear attack against Australia. The Lord even showed me exactly where
it was going to hit which was the Northern Territory. The Lord spoke to me and said, "If you pray and tell the church to pray, I will stop this attack. North and South Korea will then unite and as a result, there will be a move of God and revival instead." As soon as we returned, I told the church about this and we immediately began praying and interceding against it. Three months later, the North Korean leader threatened to launch a nuclear attack against Australia which was directed at the heart of the nation, the Northern Territory. However, every time he tried, it failed. So not only did the Lord prevent Australia from being hit with a nuclear attack, but North and South Korea did eventually unite which resulted in revival, even if it was for a short time. Something never seen or even thought possible for decades, God did through prayer and intercession.
nami was supposed to hit, and pray against it. We also encouraged the church to do the same if they could. My parents and I went to Sydney Harbour - the Rocks, blew the shofar, lifted our hands and rebuked the tsunami in Jesus name. It didn’t come and has never come since. Now the Lord is moving to keep His promise to bring revival to Sydney, NSW and Australia. All because of God through prayer and intercession. You cannot have true, genuine, lasting revival without persistent, Holy Spirit, anointed prayer and intercession. Practically all of the great revivals of the past were birthed through prayer and intercession. The Lord also said He is raising the greatest prayer movement in Sydney it and the world has ever seen,
which will usher in the greatest revival in Sydney and Australia it and the world has ever seen. On the second day of February 2011, while on holidays at the Central Coast with my family, as I prayed at the beach early in the morning, the Lord spoke to my heart about Sydney, NSW and Australia and said, “I have chosen Sydney (NSW) as a prayer and intercession capital (centre). I have, am and will raise armies of mighty prayer warriors and intercessors from you” The Lord continued, “That is why no natural disasters have come upon you with the same severity and frequency as the other states and cities of Australia because as these natural disasters occur in
On another occasion, about twenty years ago, the Lord spoke to me about a flood caused by a tsunami/ tidal wave that was going to destroy Sydney. However, the Lord said, "If you pray and tell the church to pray, I will turn this tidal wave/tsunami of water that was going to destroy Sydney, into a tidal wave/tsunami of revival that will bring salvation to Sydney". In September 2018, a man incorrectly prophesied this tidal wave/tsunami was going to hit Sydney that month. The Lord spoke to me and said, "NO!" "If you pray and tell the church to pray, it won’t come". The Lord told me and my parents to go to Sydney Harbor, where the tsuTHE POWER OF PRAYER AND INTERCESSION FOR REVIVAL / 15
different parts of Australia and the world, I require a people to be praying and interceding in Sydney, NSW and anywhere a praying people can be found. Every time a disaster comes, if My people here rise in prayer and intercession, the situation will be changed. It will be through such I will change the course of these disasters, thwart the plans of the enemy and bring the new move of My Spirit and revival that’s coming. You (the Church) will be to Australia as Abraham and Lot were to Sodom and Gomorrah” (Genesis 18:16-33, Genesis 19: 1-29, 2 Chronicles 7:116, esp, Vs. 1-3 and 12-16). The Church is called to be, and should be, a house of prayer (and intercession) Matthew 21:13, “And He (Jesus) said to them, “It is written, My house shall be called a house of prayer.’ But you have made it a den of thieves”. (Parenthesis added). Paul the apostle wrote in 1 Thessalonians 5:17, “Pray without ceasing.” . 2 Chronicles 7:13-15, 13 “When I shut up heaven and there is no rain (drought), or command the locusts to devour the land (natural disasters), or send pestilence among My people (sickness and disease), 14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 15 Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place.” (Parenthesis added). The three disasters mentioned here; drought, natural disasters and pestilence (sickness and disease), are the results of a nation that has turned from God. We see throughout the Old Testament, this was always the case with Israel. Whenever they turned from God, they saw these same three disasters until they repented and turned back to Him. These are the same three key disasters we have been seeing in Sydney, NSW and Australia. However, the scripture here also reveals if God's people, the Church (you and I), pray and intercede, not only will these disasters cease but a great revival, the greatest this nation has seen so far, will occur instead.
You cannot have true, genu persistent, Holy Spirit anoin
However, we must understand something very important if we want to powerfully and effectively pray and intercede for revival. When we pray and intercede for revival, we must do so with the right understanding and attitude. In many cases, your understanding and attitude is determined by your perspective. Your perspective determines your reality. If we look at something from a certain perspective, it will determine our understanding of it. If we look at the same thing from a different perspective, it can dramatically alter or change our understanding of it. This can work for the good or the bad, the positive or the negative, in our favour or against us, depending upon whether our perspective is accurate or inaccurate. How will we have an accurate perspective of something? When we know, understand and apply the Word of God to it.
uine, lasting revival without nted prayer and intercession.
When we pray and intercede, we should not so much be asking God, nor should we be begging Him to bring revival to the city, state or nation, but rather, we should be releasing it. Every born again believer has the Spirit of revival within them. The Spirit of revival is obviously the Holy Spirit. Because we have the Spirit of revival (the Holy Spirit) within us, we also have the revival anointing upon us. Jesus said in Acts 1:8, "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." Witnessing Christ and the Gospel is revival and we have received the anointing to do so. Therefore, Jesus is indirectly referring to a revival anointing. That same revival anointing should not so much be prayed for to come but released into the city, state and nation by faith through prayer and intercession. Therefore, its vital and time for the Church to unite and rise up in prayer and intercession to release revival in this nation. - Richard Pace.
Receiving From God
Exposing the Hidden The Power of the Blood Things of Darkness of Jesus Christ
Come Up Here
Rising with the Eagles Running with a Vision
Tenacious Faith
Walking in Love
Angels: Our Unseen Allies
The Lord Will Fight for You
Build Me An Ark
Overcoming the Jezebel Spirit
Understanding the Anointing
The Unlimited Anointing
NEW! Exposing the
Kundalini Spirit. Five CD teaching series with booklet. Also available in single CD MP3 version.
or 26 years the Lord has been speaking to me about the greatest revival to ever sweep this nation which will include stadium conferences across Sydney, New South Wales and Australia. On Tuesday the 7th of December 2021, the Unite Australia movement was officially launched. On Tuesday the 11th of January 2022 we held our first, official, Unite Australia meeting. After a year of encouraging pastors, leaders and believers to unite in prayer and intercession for revival, and holding monthly Unite Australia prayer and intercession meetings at Toongabbie, the Lord then opened Accor Stadium (formerly ANZ Stadium) and Commbank Stadium (formerly Bankwest Stadium), to us. On Wednesday the 18th of January 2023, we had our first tour at Accor Stadium and on Monday the 23rd of January we had our second tour at Commbank Stadium. It was during these tours the Lord showed me to take a team of thirty to fifty people into each of the six major stadiums in Sydney for a prayer strike, that is, to pray and intercede to break open and cleanse the atmosphere, break up the fallow ground and prepare, not only the stadiums, but the city, state and nation, for the coming move of God and revival. The vision is for a citywide prayer and intercession campaign into the six major stadiums in Sydney – Accor Stadium (Stadium Australia), Commbank Stadium, Allianz Stadium, Qudos Bank Arena, the Sydney Cricket Ground, and the ICC (The International Convention Centre - Darling Harbor), to pray and intercede in each stadium for revival in Sydney and prepare the stadiums for full scale revival conferences. 22 / UNITE AUSTRALIA UPDATE
STADIUM The very first Unite Australia conference was held from Tuesday the 2nd of May to Friday the 5th of May at Accor Stadium. The atmosphere was charged with the presence and power of God! There were signs, wonders and miracles! People were delivered and healed! There were manifestations of the Holy Spirit! The Lord spoke - there were prophecies confirming what He is now doing and is going to do. A cross appeared on the field as we worshiped the Lord on Tuesday and remained there for the entire four days - right to the end of the last day! As we prayed on the grandstand for the atmosphere over the stadium, city, state and nation to break open, the clouds suddenly parted and rays of the sun came through as a prophetic sign our prayers were answered! The Lord began a new thing that He will continue and complete.
We held our third, Unite Australia conference for the second time at Accor Stadium from Tuesday the 4th of July to Friday the 7th of July and what another AMAZING time it was! The first conference at Accor Stadium in May was great. The second conference at Commbank Stadium in June was a challenge but was also great. But there was something different about this third conference which I believe was as a result of the prayer, intercession, breaking and cleansing that previously took place there at the first conference. The Lord moved again with signs, wonders, miracles and manifestations of the Holy Spirit! People were powerfully touched by the presence of God! There was powerful, impacting prayer and intercession! The Lord spoke again through prophecy - further confirming what He is now doing and is going to do. The same cross that appeared on the field at the first conference in May, was there again and remained there for the entire four days - right to the end of the last day! And the highlight, which was the main reason the Lord sent us back to Accor Stadium, was we had the privilege and honour of praying on the field with the Unite Australia logo on the giant screen behind us, overlooking the entire stadium as we did!
STADIUM We held our fifth Unite Australia conference for the third time at Accor Stadium on Tuesday the 5th of September to Friday the 8th of September and what another great conference it was! The Holy Spirit moved yet again in a powerful way to touch, deliver, heal, restore and transform His people. On the first day of the conference, some felt a strong breeze tangibly manifest upon them which was the wind of the Holy Spirit. Some felt power, heat, fire, tingling, electricity and throbbing on their hands. Some felt the same on their faces, others on their legs. Several people received the joy of the Lord and holy laughter. Some also saw visions. As the Holy Spirit began moving and the anointing began manifesting upon the people, I stated that I saw a vision of the Holy Spirit moving through the room and the stadium. one of the women confirmed she also saw a vision of the Holy Spirit, like a dove, sweeping down upon and through the stadium. After this, people, including myself, began seeing the anointing falling from the sky into the stadium in the form of what looked like gold specks. The Lord also healed a woman with pain in her hips and legs.
On day three, the Holy Spirit moved yet again during and after worship. People felt the manifestation of the Holy Spirit on their hands in the form of fire, electricity and throbbing which was an indication God was giving them something and placing more into their hands. The anointing then increased and people began receiving the joy of the Lord and Holy laughter again. People were powerfully delivered from the spirit of torment, heaviness, sadness, depression and emotionally healed.
conference where God moved to do even more and took us to a higher level in the Spirit again.
On day four, the Lord moved powerfully again to touch, deliver, heal and bless His people. The joy of the Lord and holy laughter was released yet again. A man was instantly healed of a shoulder problem after I gave a word of knowledge about the Lord healing a person (people) of a problem in the right shoulder as well as the left shoulder and/or both shoulders. A woman was also healed of a problem in the right hip, buttock and leg. I then gave a word about releasing the revival anointing through prayer and intercession, after which we did exactly that in agreement. It was another great
On day two, the Holy Spirit and anointing descended powerfully upon the people again during and after worship in the morning. People also received the joy of the Lord and were on the floor in the Holy Spirit laughing with holy laughter again. People's hands were on fire, tingling and throbbing again with the power of God. The Lord released powerful prophecies and words of knowledge. UNITE AUSTRALIA UPDATE / 23
e held our second Unite Australia prayer and intercession conference at Commbank Stadium from Tuesday the 6th of June to Friday the 9th of June and what another AMAZING time it was! The vision for these meetings is not so much for full scale stadium conferences at this stage, but to go into the stadiums with a team of prayer warriors and intercessors for a prayer strike, which is, to break open, through prayer and intercession, the atmosphere over the stadium, city, state and nation, as well as pull up the fallow ground to prepare it and the city for the coming move of the Holy Spirit and revival. And that's exactly what we did. However, this particular conference was far more difficult than the first at Accor. The atmosphere was dark, thick and heavy. The demonic opposition was vicious, challenging, oppresive and unyielding, like slowly chipping away at a concrete slab. My family and I, as well as most of our team, and many of those who attended, all, simultaneously, turned up to the first meeting with a cold, flu or infection. My parents and I did the entire conference whilst getting over a cold. It was then revealed to me by the Lord, the reason for this was because of several territorial spirits, one of which was the leviathan spirit, not only over the stadium, but over Parramatta. These same spirits that have been there for centuries, were attacking us and needed to be confronted, overcome and removed. Which, by the power of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus name, we did. When we addressed this issue, the atmosphere instantly shifted, opened up and totally changed. Everyone was either instantly healed or began quickly recovering. From that moment on, the Holy Spirit manifested His presence again in a 24 / UNITE AUSTRALIA UPDATE
powerful, tangible way. The highlight was on Friday when we prayed on the field and dedicated the entire stadium to the Lord and His use. On day one, after worship, the Holy Spirit moved powerfully through prophecy to release a spirit of travail upon everyone in the meeting - to labor and travail in the Spirit to birth revival in the city, state and nation. The Holy Spirit manifested His presence again with signs, wonders, miracles and manifestations. People physically felt the Holy Spirit breathing upon them. The fire of God was also released upon the people and into the stadium as we committed, dedicated and consecrated it to the Lord. On day two, during and after worship, the Holy Spirit moved again in power, as a breeze, upon the people. The Holy Spirit then moved us to come against and tear down territorial spirits over the stadium and the entire city of Parramatta that have been there for centuries, including the leviathan spirit, through prayer and intercession. We tore them down and the atmosphere changed immediately. On day three, the Holy Spirit moved again to touch everyone in the meeting. Powerful prayer and intercession was lifted during the entire meeting inside the room and out-
side in the grandstand for the glory of God to manifest in Sydney, New South Wales and Australia, as well as for souls to be saved and to come into the kingdom across the city, state and nation. On day four, the final day, the Holy Spirit was faithful to move yet again to manifest His presence. After worship, we went onto the field to pray, intercede, dedicate, consecrate and commit the stadium to the Lord and His use. It was a powerful time of prayer and intercession. As we prayed, the manifest presence of God filled the stadium. Several people testified to feeling the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit in the atmosphere and upon them. As well as objects falling from the sky that looked like gold specks. After praying on the field, we continued worshiping in the room where the Holy Spirit continued moving powerfully upon the people. We
then continued the meeting outside in the grandstand where I gave a prophetic message about the roar of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. After which, together, united, we declared the roar of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah into the stadium and over Parramatta, Sydney, New South Wales and Australia. Which then released another powerful move and manifestation of the Holy Spirit. People felt the tangible power of God upon them and began shaking, laughing and crying. Some felt the fire of God on them. Others felt the wind of the Holy Spirit. Others felt electricity and tingling on their hands and other areas of their bodies - all in the grandstand! It was another powerful, impacting and unforgettable conference. We held our fourth Unite Australia conference for the second time at Commbank Stadium from Tuesday the 1st of August to Friday the 4th of August and it was yet another AMAZING time in the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit moved again with signs, wonders, miracles, deliverances, healings and manifestations of the Holy Spirit. The atmosphere
was again charged with the presence of God! A woman was instantly healed of sciatica that she was suffering with for three months. Just after worship, the Lord pointed her out to me. I went over to her, placed my hand on her lower back and said, "You're suffering from pain in your lower back and hip", to which she replied, "Yes, you're right". Then she said she was also feeling pain down her leg and that it was sciatica which she was suffering with for three months. I prayed for her, the Lord instantly healed her, all the pain disappeared and she immediately began running up and down the room. She then began dancing and jumping up and down as we continued to worship something she couldn't do at all for three months! Another woman was instantly healed of deep emotional hurts, wounds and traumas she was struggling with for many years. On another day of the conference, Just after worship, the Holy Spirit was moving powerfully to deliver and heal. I walked up the aisle, pulled one of the women out of her seat and said to her, "The Lord is healing you of deep emotional hurts, wounds and traumas", which she confirmed to be true. She immediately fell to the ground in the Spirit and when she got back up, confirmed she was instantly delivered. Another woman came to the front asking for prayer and was delivered from a spirit of anger and rage. As I prayed for her, she fell to the ground on her knees and the spirit came out of her growling and screaming. When she got back up, she was totally delivered and free from anger and rage. These are just three of the many wonderful things the Lord did over four days at Commbank Stadium in August. UNITE AUSTRALIA UPDATE /25
Praise the Lord! My name is Luisa Ligaidua. I want to testify about a healing I received at Light of the World Ministries Church in August this year. During the meeting, the man of God (Pastor Richard Pace) gave a word of knowledge for women who were being healed of issues (problems, diseases) in the womb, cervix, uterus and/ or ovaries. He called those women forward. I went forward saying, “I am healed, I am healed!” He then prayed for me, I fell in the Spirit and from that moment, I was completely healed! I’ve had this problem for supernaturally deposit money directly into people’s bank accounts. He specifically stated this miracle was going to occur, for some, that night, others, the next day and others, anytime during that week and to prove it was truly God, some who received the miracle will not be able to trace the deposit back to where it came from (any specific person, company or organization). He then prayed for people who wanted to receive this financial blessing/miracle. The Tuesday afternoon of that same week, I received $600+ in my account! I was so happy! This is the first time this has ever happened to me! I miraculously received money in my account and I don’t know who and where it came from – I could not trace it back to any specific person, company or organization! I believe if we align ourselves with God and His will, live a blameless life, obey the Word of God and the Holy Spirit when he speaks to us and do what pleases Him, He will bless us. 26 / TESTIMONIES
Genesis 27: 1-21 states, “When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am Almighty God; walk before Me and be blameless.” I want to give God all the praise, glory and honor! – Luisa
twenty years and no one has been able to help me. I have never shared this with anyone. I have attended several churches for many years and no one ever gave a message from God about this sickness. The doctor diagnosed me with cancer in that area and I couldn’t believe it. But I kept seeking God and believing for healing, I was determined to be healed and now I am healed! Thank you Lord! - Luisa A PECULIAR FINANCIAL MIRACLE Secondly, at the same meeting, Pastor Richard gave a prophecy from the Holy Spirit that God is going to was instantly healed, came alive, began eating and drinking again and was out of hospital the next day.
MIRACULOUS HEALING OF A MAN DYING IN HOSPITAL My husband was dying in hospital as a result of a heart attack. He wasn’t eating or drinking and was deteriorating rapidly. The Doctors told me to prepare for the worst as they believed he was not going to make it and if he didn’t begin recovering immediately, would be dead before the end of the week. One Sunday, after a service, I and my friend Lena went to Pastor Richard for prayer. Pastor Richard laid hands on me and prayed for my husband. The Holy Spirit touched me and I fell to the ground in the Holy Spirit. He then began to prophesy, he saw a vision of Jesus walking into the hospital room and laying His hands on my husband. The moment He did, he
He declared the vision over me while I was resting in the Spirit. He then said to me, your husband will not die, the Lord is healing him right now, at this moment. He will begin eating and drinking again and will be out of hospital by tomorrow, definitely before the end of the week. My husband was taken to hospital the night before I and my friend (Lena) came to church and received prayer. My wish (prayer) was for my husband to be healed and to come home. Praise God, after Pastor Richard prayed, my hus-
band was instantly healed, started eating and drinking again and was released from hospital the next day! He then visited the heart specialist the following week. The specialist told him he wished he had a heart like (as healthy and strong as) his and there was nothing wrong with it whatsoever. The Lord did more than heal my husband’s heart, he did a creative miracle and gave him a new heart! Praise God! – Sara
SECOND PECULIAR FINANCIAL MIRACLE At the same meeting where I stated God was going to supernaturally deposit money directly into people’s bank accounts, there was another woman who received the same peculiar financial miracle as the first woman mentioned (Luisa). I stated this miracle was going to occur that night for some, the next day
for others and anytime during that week for others and to prove it was truly God, some who received the miracle will not be able to trace the deposit back from where it came (any specific person, company or organization). The day after declaring this prophecy, this woman contacted me to tell me she also checked her bank account to find a substantial amount of money had been deposited there from an unknown
source. She attempted to find out who had deposited the money into her account but could not trace it back to any person, company or organization. – Richard Pace A WOMAN MIRACULOUSLY HEALED OF SCIATICA At our Unite Australia conference at Commbank Stadium in August, a woman was miraculously healed of sciatica she was suffering with for three months. Just after worship, the Lord pointed her out to me. I went over to her, placed my hand on the left side of her lower back and said, "You're suffering from pain here, in the left side of your lower back and hip", to which she replied, "Yes, you're right". She then said she was feeling pain all the way down her leg also and that it was sciatica she had been suffering with for three months. I prayed for her, the Lord instantly healed her, all the pain disappeared and she immediately began running up and down the room. She then began dancing and jumping up and down as we continued to worship - something she couldn't do at all for three months! – Richard Pace
My name is Maxine White. I was suffering from pain in my hips all the way down my legs to my feet. At a Sunday night service, Pastor Richard called out the healing of a woman with pain in the hips and legs. He called the person forward. I went forward, he prayed for me and the pain instantly began leaving me. He told me to move my hips and legs, I did and they felt better. He then told me to walk up and down the aisle, I did and they felt even better.
He then told me to run, I did and they felt even better. He then told me to jump up and down, I did and they felt even better still. By the end of the meeting, during the final song, I was freely, joyfully dancing and jumping up and down without any pain whatsoever! The Lord completely released me from the pain! It means a lot to me to be healed and it was amazing to be able to move freely and dance without any pain whatsoever from the hips down by the anointing. Praise the Lord! - Maxine
I was at a Sunday night service at Light of the World Ministries Church, Toongabbie. A guest speaker was there who prayed for financial breakthrough in the meeting. At the end of the meeting, Pastor Richard Pace released a financial blessing over us. He prophesied the Lord was supernaturally and directly depositing money into people’s bank accounts. He said some will receive this miracle that moment, others, the next day, others, the day after and yet others, that same week, and as a sign God Himself was truly depositing that money into our accounts, they will not know who or where it came from and if they checked, ICHELLE’S TESTIMONY they will not be able to trace it back to any specific person, group, coma School of the Holy Spirit meeting, God pany or organization. I checked my bank account to discover I received oved to touch, heal and bless people again! $856 ichelle Duke came with an eye conditionand as Pastor Richard stated, I don’t know who or where it came using blind spots, dark patches and flashes from and could not trace it back hich obstructed her vision. She had been ffering this condition for a number of ars with no cure or relief whatsoever ere was nothing the doctors could do to 28 /During TESTIMONIES lp her. worship I declared that the
to any specific person, group, company or organization. I used some of the money to bless others and paid a bill. I then checked the statement and it wasn’t there. I could not find it, yet I used the money to pay specific people as well as a bill, so it was real! I had no money in that account before, yet found the money had been miraculously deposited there by God. Amen! Praise God! – Naomi MacNaughton.
Thank you to all who supported Light of the World Ministries Church in 2023
And a special thanks to the following people for their help, support and contribution to the ministry during the year Intercessory Team and Prayer Warriors
Children’s Ministry
Abuk Mathiang and Ann Camilleri Equipment (Set Up and Pack Up)
Equipment Facilitator: Pastor Anthony Pace Intercessory Pastor: Grace Pace Ann Camilleri, Abuk Mathiang, Kash Prasad, Pastor Anthony Pace, Pastor Richard Pace, Sara Palummo and Sam Hinidza Sara Palummo, Neda Paulic, Abuk Mathiang and Sam Hinidza Cameras and Social Media
Prayer Ministry Team
Pastor Grace Pace, Pastor Richard Pace, Sara Palummo, Neda Paulic and Abuk Mathiang
Ann Camilleri, Alice Justin, Graham John Ostergard Artwork and Graphics
Pastor Richard Pace
Pastor Anthony Pace and Sara Palummo Announcements
Pastor Grace Pace and Sara Palummo Computer
Pastor Anthony Pace and Alice Justin
A special thank you to SNAP PRINTING (Smithfield) ( And a big THANK YOU to all who have contributed and who continue contributing to the tithes, offerings, ministry finances and service of Light of the World Ministries Church
Tithes and Offerings
Sara Palummo
Worship Team
Music Director: Pastor Anthony Pace Resources
Ann Camilleri and Sara Palummo
God bless you and see you in 2024 In Christ’s Love, Pastors Richard, Anthony and Grace Pace
Ministry Baptisms
Date: Saturday the 25th of November 2023. Patonga Beach, Patonga, Central Coast. NSW. 2256. Time: 10:30am - 4pm. 8am at Toongabbie Community Centre. *This event will be re scheduled if it rains.
Weekly Intercessory Meetings
Final meetings for 2023: Tuesday the 5th to Thursday the 7th of December, 10:30am - 1:30pm daily and Friday the 8th of December, 7:30pm. Commbank Stadium. 11-13 O' Connell St, Parramatta. NSW. 2150. Resumes: Tuesday the 9th of January 2024, 10:30am, 64 Hampden Road, South Wentworthville. 2145.
Unite Australia Monthly Intercessory Meetings
E V E N T S 23
Final meetings for 2023: Tuesday the 5th to Thursday the 7th of December, 10:30am - 1:30pm daily and Friday the 8th of December, 7:30pm. Commbank Stadium. 11-13 O' Connell St, Parramatta. NSW. 2150. Resumes: Tuesday the 9th of January 2024, 7:30pm, George Mepham Hall. Toongabbie Community Centre. 244 Targo Road Toongabbie. 2146.
The School of the Holy Spirit Will resume at further notice.
Revival Fire Meetings
Will resume at further notice.
Christmas Eve Service
Date: Sunday the 24th of December 2023, 8pm -11pm. Address: George Mepham Hall, Toongabbie Community Centre, 244 Targo Road, Toongabbie. 2146.
New Year’s Eve Service
A special meeting of prayer and praise will be held on New Year’s Eve to give thanks for the year that has passed and to pray in the New Year. The meeting will commence at 8pm, Sunday the 31st of December 2023 and will continue until 11pm when we will have supper and see in the New Year with fireworks on the big screen at midnight. Address: George Mepham Hall, Toongabbie Community Centre, 244 Targo Road, Toongabbie. 2146. Please bring a plate of food, soft drinks will be supplied.
Contact Anthony Pace on 0412402989 or email us at or To view the newsletter online visit us at MINISTRY EVENTS / 31
Have a Happy an and a Blessed “For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.” Isaiah 9:6-7
nd Holy Christmas d New Year “And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end” Luke 1:31-33