February 2016 13_NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY: Month of community activities Events and actions with and for the community Three of the 4 communities from Pata Rât received support in solving certain community issues Regarding work on community needs community facilitators (occasionally helped by the whole team) managed to deliver the last part of stoves and the first part of construction materials for the Cantonului community during February. They also delivered the last part of firewood for the Dallas community. Concerning the Coastei community, we started the electricity separation process, namely we started to prepare the documents needed when submitting the request for technical expertise from the electricity company. Regarding the community living near the former garbage dump, the decision-making process on what the funds should be used for is still on going.
Juggling workshops for children at the Mobile Unit In order to stimulate the development of children’s imagination and to spend some free time together, the cultural facilitation team organized a series of juggling workshops in February. 11 children from the community near the garbage dump joined two interactive workshops where the team members presented games for engaging their attention and concentration, jugglery with balls and hoops, exercises which develop abilities needed for jugglery. Facilitators and children played together, and tried to catch a few movements. Thus they got to know each other better, and the children also had the possibility to develop new skills and to discover new abilities.
Financial Mechanism Office Rue Joseph II 12-16 (mailing address) Bd du Régent 47-48 (visiting address) B-1000 Brussels www.eeagrants.org © EEA and Norway Grants, Financial Mechanism Office, 2014-2016
The employment team informed and prepared the community for new employment possibilities During February several meetings took place with inhabitants of Pata Rât, in order to evaluate the situation and the conditions they are working in, on one hand, and to present them new job opportunities on the other hand. The first meeting with persons who got employed through the Pata-Cluj project took place in the first part of February at the Mobile Unit in Pata Rât, when issues like working conditions and environment, relationships with colleagues and the team leader were discussed. In the meantime Mălina helped three persons to submit their CVs for qualified jobs in Apahida. During the last week, two informing meetings on employment possibilities for persons living in Pata Rât at companies managing the green areas in Cluj took place. At one of the meetings company directors participated as well. 21 persons showed interest for the various types of jobs and asked details about the working conditions. 15 of them submitted job application files. On this occasion information about the upcoming edition of the Cluj Global Job Fair was spread in the community. On this edition it is estimated that more companies will participate and they will offer more diverse job opportunities.
43 schoolchildren and preschool children went to the cinema during the vacation On February 10th and 11th, our colleagues from the education team together with their peer colleagues from the Foundation for People Development, Cluj branch, accompanied 43 children to a city cinema to see a movie together. Thus, a group consisting of 14 school children enrolled in the Second Chance program, a group consisting of 16 preschool children who attend educational activities at the ―Țara Minunilor‖ (Wonderland) Day Care Centre and 13 school children, who are the elderly siblings of preschool children, participated at the recreational activity taking place at the Mărăști cinema, where children saw two animations suitable for their age: Hotel Transylvania 2 and Valiant. During the preparations of the events at the Mobile Unit, children expressed their enthusiasm and curiosity for the movies and for going to the cinema, and following the screenings they left home discussing the animations with smiles on their faces and wishing to see other films in the future.
www.patacluj.ro | info@patacluj.ro | patacluj@gmail.com | +40 756 375 825
13_NEWSLETTER • February 2016
February 2016 13_NEWSLETTER For more information on the daily actions and activities carried out by our teams in Pata Rât check each theme of the project on our website Pata-Cluj Threads section. Please check the working hours at the Mobile Unit of each intervention team below and at For the community section program of the Mobile Unit. The team dealing with social services and identity documents: each Monday between 12 am and 2 pm. The team of case managers who work with the families to help them solve their problems: each Tuesday between 10 am and 12 am. The team facilitating employment: each Wednesday from 2 pm until 4 pm. The team which offers legal counseling for various litigations: each Friday between 10 am and 12 am. The cultural facilitators’ team: each Monday between 2 pm and 4 pm. The community facilitators team, which offers general information, helps resolving community issues and facilitates cultural activities, goes to Pata Rat whenever is necessary.
Past events Children attend again the theatre plays at MiniReactor Due to the popularity and success of the MiniRector theatre plays during 2015 the AltArt Foundation continues the collaboration with Reactor – a space for creation and experiment within the open call for cultural activities. Thus approximately 20 children and their parents are invited to continue attending theatre plays who take place each Saturday at 12.30 pm at Reactor. They accompany the regular friends of MiniReactor, children and parents living in Cluj.
Financial Mechanism Office Rue Joseph II 12-16 (mailing address) Bd du Régent 47-48 (visiting address) B-1000 Brussels www.eeagrants.org © EEA and Norway Grants, Financial Mechanism Office, 2014-2016
The new series of plays attended by children through the Pata-Cluj project started on February 13th 2016 with the show The Tale of Snowmen. Initially 16 children from the Dallas community were registered, but in the end 20 children accompanied by 7 adults attended the performance. The play was interactive, and almost all children were attentive, cheerful, dynamic, and responded to the invitation to contribute to the performance by gestures so that the storyline would follow their preferences. On February 20th, 16 children living near the former garbage dump who are attending the Second Chance program have seen the Red Riding Hood performance. They were prepared and accompanied by two colleagues from the education team and two cultural facilitators. Although they knew the story already, the dynamic on stage captivated them easily, and they enjoyed each moment of the performance.
Networking The case managers team participated at a training on the topic of domestic violence, organized within the CONNECT project Between February 10th-12th the team of case managers, Ioana, Izabella, Lavinia and Maria participated at a training for experts on coordinated intervention of a multidisciplinary team in cases of domestic violence. The training was organized within the framework of the „CONNECT – CONstruct NEtwork in Counselling for Trauma” project. During the training, our case manager colleagues were given information regarding the nature and dynamics of domestic violence, the 2 trainers aiming at developing the risk evaluation abilities and preparing the participants for multidisciplinary, coordinated intervention applying dynamic methods and techniques. The discussions surpassed the formal context, continuing during the breaks as well, on topics related to multiple roles each participant can have in situations of preventing domestic violence. The CONNECT project is implemented by the Transylvania University of Brașov, and is financed by Norway Grants 2009-2014. The project partners are the Babeș-Bolyai University, the Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, the Association of Women against Violence ARTEMIS Cluj and the Tissip organization.
www.patacluj.ro | info@patacluj.ro | patacluj@gmail.com | +40 756 375 825
13_NEWSLETTER • February 2016
February 2016 13_NEWSLETTER The case managers participated at a debate on the rights of institutionalized persons with mental disabilities On February 24th 2016, our case manager colleagues, Ioana, Izabella and Lavinia participated at a debate focused on the rights of persons with mental disabilities institutionalized in state financed institutions within the framework of The truth about those who don’t exist – journalism and activism for the rights of persons with mental disabilities living in centers with public financing project. The topic of the debate was interesting and controversial, and was presented in an interactive manner, implying issues like taboos, prejudices, stereotypes and equal rights. Journalist Ovidiu Vanghele (CIM – Centre for Media Investigations) and program manager Georgiana Pascu (CRJ – Centre for Legal Resources) presented cases involving abuse or corruption, the victims of which being the beneficiaries of the social and medical assistance system for persons with mental disabilities confined to live in institutions. They also called for a discussion regarding the future of this system, in the light of the recently adopted independent monitoring mechanism. During the event cases of abuse, neglect, corruption occurring in this field was presented, the presentations of the media investigations being accessible on the website www.investigatiimedia.ro. Representatives of the state sector as well as of NGOs were present at the debate. The project The truth about those who don’t exist – journalism and activism for the rights of persons with mental disabilities living in centers with public financing is financed within the NGO Fund in Romania, by EEA Grants 2009-2014, and is implemented by the Centre for Media Investigations (Centrul de Investigații Media) in partnership with the Centre for Legal Resources (Centrul de Resurse Juridice). The Pata-Cluj project supports the efforts of the national network fighting against domestic violence Our colleague, case manager Maria represented the ADIZMC (Intercommunity Development Association of Cluj Metropolitan Area) at the conference Sexual violence: challenges and solutions in the context of ratifying the Istanbul Convention, organized on February 23rd 2016 in Bucharest by the National Network „Breaking the Silence on Sexual Violence‖, at the European Public Space. Experts from Financial Mechanism Office Rue Joseph II 12-16 (mailing address) Bd du Régent 47-48 (visiting address) B-1000 Brussels www.eeagrants.org © EEA and Norway Grants, Financial Mechanism Office, 2014-2016
Romania and from the European Council discussed about the importance of an adopted legislation concerning the fight against violence against women and of integrated emergency center’s. A further topic of the discussion was the need to set up a national phone line and shelters for victims of sexual violence. All these measures should be implemented simultaneously with the ratification of the Istanbul Convention. Since the number of persons subjected to various forms of violence is increasing the team of the case managers, by participating at the working meetings of the network, support all these measures.
Future events Performances dedicated to children will continue at the MiniReactor in March as well In March children from the four communities of Pata Rât will continue to attend performances within the MiniReactor program, the platform of Reactor for creation and experiment dedicated to cultural and educational activities for children. Thus, children are expected to attend on Saturdays: On March 5th: the Fabulous adventures of PIM, the story of a brave puppy who sets off to save the world of tales from the evil wanting them to disappear; On March 12th: The Bremen Town Musicians, the story of a journey to Bremen through play, truth, music and good mood; On March 19th: when Madam Pové tells the story of the Goat and her three kids; On March 26th: TIC-TAC, a story on the birth of time. Pata-Cluj will participate at the anniversary edition of the Job Fair this spring On March 29th and 30th the PataCluj project will participate at the Global Job Fair Cluj, which celebrates 10 years from its first edition, arriving at its 20th edition in Cluj. Following a good cooperation at the two editions organized last year, we will attend the event this year as well to present the volunteering possibilities within the project, and we will ensure the assistance and the support to people from Pata Rât searching for employment. During previous editions, the participants had the chance to contact and ask for information directly from the companies about available jobs and to submit their CVs directly to the employers. www.patacluj.ro | info@patacluj.ro | patacluj@gmail.com | +40 756 375 825
13_NEWSLETTER • February 2016
February 2016 13_NEWSLETTER
The Pata-Cluj social inclusion calendar: March 1 March – Zero Discrimination Day http://www.unaids.org/en/resources/campaigns/20150204_zerodiscrimination The Zero Discrimination Day is a UNAIDS campaign promoting solidarity, rejecting racism, discrimination at workplace, discrimination at school and all other activities, which reduce the persons’ abilities to be integral and significant members of the society they live in. At global level, this movement gained the support of celebrities and public figures, who fight for a world free of stigma and discrimination. 7 March – The Day of the Roma Parent On this day Roma parents, co-opted in various educational school programs – i.e. the Mothers’ School, Young Fathers’ School, Grand-parents’ School – meet together in order to consult teachers regarding their children’s education. This information is collected and edited by Gheorghe Sarău in a Roma Calendar written for educational purposes. © Ghe. Sarău, 2006 8 March – International Women’s Day http://www.un.org/en/events/womensday/history.shtml The International Women’s Day is celebrated on international level in order to acknowledge the achievements of women regardless of national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political differences. The International Women’s Day was designated following the activities within workers’ movements at the end of the 20th century in Northern America and Europe. The United Nations celebrated for the first time the International Women’s Day on the 8th of March in year 1975 — year designated as the International Women’s Year. 17 March – The Roma School Mediator Day Between 15-17 March 2000 the second workshop took place in Tulcea for the inspectors responsible for schooling Roma children. During the workshop organized by the Ministry of Education, Romani Criss and OSCE, the first job description of the Roma school mediator was elaborated, and the profession was registered in the Romanian Classification of Occupations (C.O.R. - Clasificarea Ocupaţiilor din România) in 2004 following a government decree (HG 721/14 May 2004). The main responsibility of the school mediator is to facilitate school attendance for all children from the community, encouraging the implication of parents in the education of children and in the life of the school, and facilitating the cooperation between the family, the community and the school. This information is collected and edited by Gheorghe Sarău in a Roma Calendar written for educational purposes. © Ghe. Sarău, 2006 18 March – The Day of the Roma Writer
Financial Mechanism Office Rue Joseph II 12-16 (mailing address) Bd du Régent 47-48 (visiting address) B-1000 Brussels www.eeagrants.org © EEA and Norway Grants, Financial Mechanism Office, 2014-2016
On 18 March 1812 Ion Budai-Deleanu signed and sent the Epistolie închinătoare către Mitru Perea [Worshipping Letter to Petru Maior], a famous bard. The letter reveals that Ion BudaiDeleanu and Petru Maior were Roma. On the very same occasion other Roma prose writers and poets from Romania are acknowledged and celebrated: Anton Pann, Valerică Stănescu, Păun Gheorghe Ialomiţeanu, Irina Gabor-Zrinyi, Ştefan Fuli – the first Roma poet who issued a book of verse of his own in 1993, the book entitled Aproape-departe (Close-Far, Editura Tipomur: Tg. Mureş). Other Roma poets from Romania are: Luminiţa Mihai Cioabă, Gelu Măgureanu, Marius Lakatos. Other Roma poets and fiction writers from other countries are: John Bunyan (England), Celja Stojka (Austria), Sali Ibrahim (Bulgaria), Daniel Bartolomej (Czech Republic), Marilla Mehr (Switzerland), Vejo Baltzar (Finland), Mateo Maksimof (Spain, France), Philomena Franz (Germany), Aleksandr Germano (Russia), Dezider Banga (Slovakia), Elena Lackova (Slovakia), Slobodan Berberski (Serbia), Ali Krasnici (Serbia), Jose Heredia Maya (Spain), Katarina Taikon (Sweden), Bari Karoly (Hungary), Menyhert Lakatos (Hungary), Uzin Kerim (Bulgaria), Santino Spinelli (Italy), Kujtim Paćaku (Kosovo), Ljatif Demir (Macedonia), Bronislawa Wajs - Papusza (Poland), Nikolaj Pankov (Russia), Leksa Manuš (Russia, Latvia), dr. Rajko Djurić (Serbia), Jovan Nikolić (Serbia), Bairam Haliti (Serbia), Choli Daróczi József (Hungary). This information is collected and edited by Gheorghe Sarău in a Roma Calendar written for educational purposes. © Ghe. Sarău, 2006 21 March – International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination http://www.un.org/en/events/racialdiscriminationday It marks the day when in 1960 police opened fire and killed 69 people in Sharpeville, South Africa during a peaceful demonstration against pass laws in the time of apartheid (when pass books were used to control the movements of black citizens and to enforce the existing conditions of segregation). The day was assigned by the UN in 1966, calling the international community to double its efforts in excluding all forms of racial discrimination. 22 March – World Water Day http://www.un.org/en/events/waterday/ It is a day of acknowledging problems caused on a global level by the lack of water or of drinkable water and the effects of water related issues on our future. In 1993 the General Assembly of the UN designated for the first time 22 March as the World Water Day. 22 years later this day is observed on a global level annually, highlighting each year a different issue. Water is at the base of sustainable development, and access to water is a fundamental right. The water resources and the diversity of services they provide for facilitate poverty decrease, economic growth and the sustainability of the environment. From food to energetic security, human health and environment protection, water contributes to the social welfare and inclusive growth, and has an impact on the life of many billions of people.
Video with the messages for the survivors of domestic violence In December the team of the Pata-Cluj project, together with its institutional and civic partners, organized the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence campaign. During www.patacluj.ro | info@patacluj.ro | patacluj@gmail.com | +40 756 375 825
13_NEWSLETTER • February 2016
February 2016 13_NEWSLETTER the campaign the team collected a series of messages expressing support for the survivors of domestic violence. The video shows these messages formulated by the organizers as well as by partners and campaign supporters. Messages for the survivors of domestic violence 2015
The Pata-Cluj project, fully named Social interventions for the de-segregation and social inclusion of vulnerable groups in Cluj Metropolitan Area, including the disadvantaged Roma is implemented by the Intercommunity Development Association, Cluj Metropolitan Area, in partnership with the Community Association of Roma from Coastei, Habitat for Humanity Cluj and AltArt Foundation. The project is financed by the Government of Norway through the Norway Grants 2009-2014 within the Poverty Alleviation Program (RO25).
*** About the Norway Grants Through the Norway Grants and EEA Grants, Norway contributes to reducing social and economic disparities and to strengthening bilateral relations with the beneficiary countries in Europe. Norway cooperates closely with the EU through the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA). For the period 2009-2014, Norway’s contribution is €1.7 billion. Grants are available for NGOs, research and academic institutions, and the public and private sectors in the 12 newest EU member states, Greece, Portugal and Spain. There is broad cooperation with Norwegian entities, and activities may be implemented until 2016. Key areas of support are environmental protection and climate change, research and scholarships, civil society, health and children, gender equality, justice and cultural heritage.
The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of Norway Grants 2009-2014. Camelia Badea Pata-Cluj project communications’ coordinator Mobile: 0786/375 825 E-mail: camelia@patacluj.ro patacluj@gmail.com Website: www.patacluj.ro Facebook: www.facebook.com/PatadinCluj Canal Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQVqL CQJ4ozYqZtRtTlcAnQ
Financial Mechanism Office Rue Joseph II 12-16 (mailing address) Bd du Régent 47-48 (visiting address) B-1000 Brussels www.eeagrants.org © EEA and Norway Grants, Financial Mechanism Office, 2014-2016