March 2017 26_NEWSLETTER
March: Month of Pata-Cluj conference and of cultural activities
The social inclusion of marginalized communities, a topical issue addressed from multiple perspectives at the Pata-Cluj project closing conference For two days, on March 1st and 2nd took place the International Conference The Social Inclusion Debate: Strategies and Dilemmas, organized by the Pata-Cluj project team and its partners, the AltArt Foundation, the Community Association of Roma from Coastei and Habitat for Humanity Cluj. 22 speakers (delivering lectures and presenting research results, moderators and coordinators of panels) coming from various countries (Romania, Hungary, Sweden, Czech Republic, Netherlands) representing public institutions (i.e. the Local Council of Pecs in Hungary, the City Hall of Huddinge from Sweden etc.), local and international NGOs (i.e. Autonomia Foundation from Hungary, Roma Education Fund Romania, Desire Foundation from Romania) and international forums (i.e. International Institute for Restorative Practices, FRA), and speakers from research institutions (Babes-Bolyai University, Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities, Metropolitan Research Institute from Hungary) debated during the two days topics like: restorative practices and justice, social housing, participatory approaches in projects targeting marginalized communities. Discussions also focused on research methods in identifying and mapping the problems of the vulnerable social groups etc. The scientific schedule of the conference was structured into two plenary sessions – Methods and approaches in working with vulnerable communities, Gathering and analyzing evidence to support policy making, two simultaneous sessions Social Housing Policy,
Financial Mechanism Office, Str Joseph II 12-16 (post address) Bd du Régent 47-48, B-1000 Bruxelles or © EEA & Norwegian Grants, Financial Mechanism Office, 2014-2017
Mainstreaming children’s rights in social inclusion, as well as five working groups focused on working with diverse communities: restorative practices in child protection and educational inclusion, a workshop on partnerships, another one on the role of cultural activities in working with young people, and one focused on inclusive community facilitating practices. The idea of the conference was also expressed in the organizers‟ welcome note and it aims to set in an institutional context the entire process of working with vulnerable communities. ”We put the social inclusion debate in the context of structural violence, where we aim to balance the power relations in favour of the marginalized communities”. During the conference we have examined a range of mechanisms and strategies aimed to emphasize the observance of the often marginalized or oppressed people‟s rights and to support communities in expressing their aspirations and taking actions on their behalf in order to control their circumstances and achieve their own goals. We were also concerned about the way citizens, especially those living in poverty, make their voices heard and how institutional responsiveness and accountability can be ensured. The conference intended to provide a safe space where controversies could manifest and the different disciplines and approaches could meet. Because the end of the Pata-Cluj project is drawing near (end of April 2017), the conference provided the context for presenting the participants the project‟s results. Thus, during the first day‟s plenary session the Pata-Cluj team and its partners talked about the project‟s conceptual framework (the integrated approach) and presented the quantitative data. Youn can find a more detailed account of the presentation of these data in the Pata-Cluj annual reports: Pata-Cluj Annual Report 2014-2015 and Pata-Cluj Annual Report 2016. Just as important a theme was discussing the provocations and dilemmas we came across in our work with the communities in Pata Rât and presenting the qualitative results we came up with. Among such topics we can mention the difficulties we had in our institutional interactions or the inevitable imperfections of the desegregation resulted from NGOs work in programs compared with the institutional work of the local authorities. A notable intervention came from our colleagues Linda Greta and Alexandru Petru Fechete, members of Community Association of Roma from Coastei who summarized the positive effects which can clearly be seen in the community, but who also described the main difficulties which had to be dealt with. They emphasized the central place the housing component has, and how | |fax. 0364/401479
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March 2017 26_NEWSLETTER important is for the current life of the community, but also for the future of the people who will move out. Their view is that the way how the housing component was approached within this project set a new standard that should be transformed into an integrated, long term intervention. Since we didn‟t mean for this conference to address only to experts, we did our best to include the members of the community as much as possible and to make them fell comfortable. In this regard we also organized a workshop focused on the tenants‟ rights. Taking into account the large number of participants (over 220 people) and the given feedback, we believe this event was successful and that it came to respond to an actual need of the social, decisional and institutional actors: the need of knowing and better understanding the phenomena of social exclusion and its effects, as well as the methods, approaches and politics of social inclusion. We wish to thank our volunteers on this occasion Ioana Anghelache, Apolonia Astalos, Moraru Mihaela and Corina Szandai. They have been truly involved and greatly contributed to the good unfolding of the conference with enthusiasm and hard work both on preparing, as well as during the conference. The girls shown seriosity, responsibility, involvement and good organization and had tremendously helped us during the organization of the conference. We thank them again and wish them good luck in all their endeavours!
Events and actions with and for the community Weekly creative workshops held by artists at the Paintbrush Factory The workshop held by the jeweler Dana Ștefănoiu, begun on March 20th has finished after three meetings. Dana Ștefănoiu taught children how to make various objects out of paper, transforming such a widespread material into toys or decorations. The techniques she taught children were simple so that they learn how to create things without the fear of failure. The countless ways to decorate and personalize the handmade objects has challenged the imagination of even the shiest child. The diversity of the secondary materials (colored glue, self-adhesive glitter, colored woolen threads) contributed to the exploration of all the possibilities, according to each one‟s imagination. Starting with 22nd of March the workshop held on Wednesdays at the Paintbrush Factory will continue with another series of three meetings (including 5th of April), during which the visual artist Denisa Curte (who is also a teacher at the local high-school of visual arts) will introduce children to clay modeling techniques and help them learn such skills. Being a permissive and friendly material, the clay allows the participants to create a large diversity of objects such as pots, masks or imaginary characters, all of which can be Financial Mechanism Office, Str Joseph II 12-16 (post address) Bd du Régent 47-48, B-1000 Bruxelles or © EEA & Norwegian Grants, Financial Mechanism Office, 2014-2017
afterwards painted in colors of their own choice. Clay offers the possibility of modifying, correcting and easily fixing small accidents or errors, and thus provides the children with the chance to work in a free, relaxing manner. The next series of meetings will also be the last. The workshops will be held by Delia and Oana from MiniReactor and the participant children will have the chance to experiment with diverse techniques of interaction and imagination games. The workshops will take place on the 12th, 19th and 26th of April 2017, in the RAP room. These workshops are part of the project‟s creative workshops dedicated to children who were supposed to take place at the Youth Centre Youth House, but up until its renovation the activities will be hosted by the RAP room at the Paintbrush Factory, each Wednesday starting 5.15 p.m. The workshops are dedicated to all children aged 6 to 10 years, free of charge, upon availability (not more than 15 participants).
The allocation procedure of the Pata-Cluj social apartments has concluded The evaluation process of the applications for the project’s social houses has concluded in March. The process began in December 2016 by the evaluators‟ team finalized with a presentation of the scores on 20th of March. To ensure transparency and fairness we invited independent experts to be part of a committee whose job was to validate the results of the evaluation. The committee assembled on 21st and 22nd of March and checked the results by comparing the scores in the database with the scores of the submitted folders of each applicant. After finishing this part, the independent experts discussed in detail their observations and suggestions together with the team of evaluators thus validating and finalizing the results. Thus, on 23rd of March, the moment all the applicants so eagerly waited for, finally arrived: we notified all the families by phone and also used an official letter handed out by the community facilitators the next day letting them know about the results. We also informed the applicants about the possibility of contesting the results from 24th to 28th of March 2017. After analyzing the appeals, the final results will come out in the beginning of April. Taking into account the evaluations, the team of evaluators will devise, in the near future, individual intervention plans for each of the families that was part of the selection process. Based on the families‟ requests the case managers will be thus able to offer support using these plans as well.
Puppet-making workshops at MiniReactor A five-session new series of workshops on puppet-making began on the 7th of March. The meetings were held on a weekly basis and they took place every Tuesday at 5.30 pm, at Reactor for creation and experiment. 12 children from Pata Rât attended these activities. In March, children met with the MiniReactor facilitators three times and crafted different types of puppets, characters and decorations made out of a various range of materials. While making | |fax. 0364/401479
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March 2017 26_NEWSLETTER them, they got in touch with roleplaying techniques and got to handle the self-made puppets with dexterity. So they learned new ways of expressing their ideas and personalities. During the first meeting they crafted paper animals using the origami technique. At the second session, on 14th of March, they turned stuffed toys into puppets ready to be handled. On the 28th of March children had their first encounter with the world of shadow theatre when they crafted puppets (characters and decorations), made up a story, directed and staged it. They performed on the stage that has been installed for events of such kind. The next meetings will take place on the 4th and 11th of April and will offer an incursion into the making of paper puppets and coloured wool thread puppets.
News on employment During March, Mălina, member of the employment team, attended the Cluj Global Career Fair and organized a gathering with the community. On the 8th of March Mălina talked with the representative of companies participating at the fair about the jobs they had available and about the Pata-Cluj project. They manifested their availability to hire people from the community and our colleague afterwards contacted the ones who showed interest and told them about the available jobs, so that they can update their CVs. On the 15th of March Mălina organized a meeting, together with one of the case managers, adressed to the members of the community on the importance of having a job, and identified future needs of the participants. The subjects that have been discussed with the four members of the community who showed interest in the meeting were: the importance of having a stable monthly income, the implementation of REDI project, as well as the desires and the needs of the ones who attended the meeting. They expressed the desire to follow an entrepreneurship course so that they learn how to set up and administrate bussiness. Both actions related to employment in March stirred up a lot of questions from the Pata Rât community members.
Financial Mechanism Office, Str Joseph II 12-16 (post address) Bd du Régent 47-48, B-1000 Bruxelles or © EEA & Norwegian Grants, Financial Mechanism Office, 2014-2017
ild Cluj
Children continue to enjoy the MiniReactor puppet shows On Saturday, the 8th of March 2017, was performed at MiniReactor R.O.G.V.A.I.V., a play meant for children older than 1 year. We had 20 reservations made for the permormance at 12.30 and a record number of members of the community attended: 21 persons with ages raging from 3 years old to adolescents (older brothers and sisters who accompanied the younger family members) and even one mother who brought her three children along. The theater hall was nearly full, the number of children who came from other neighbourhoods of the city being comparable to the one of the children from the Pata Rât community. The relaxed atmosphere the play installed, the colours, the gentle rythm, the unconventional materials and the way the actors interacted with the audience found their way to the hearts of the young and adults alike. The next encounter with the puppet theatre of the children from the community will take place in the 1st of April. In April three such encounters are planned on the 1st, 8th and 29th of the month. On the 1 of April, the children will have the chance to meet a real life magician, during a show invited by Reactor for creation and experiment. He will try to answer questions such as „What is a magician?‟, „Is it the costume that is magical?‟ „Or is it rather about the accessories?‟ „Or maybe the tricks are really the stuff of magic?‟ „Perhaps a simple formula would be enough?‟ „What makes a magician be what he is?‟ Trying to answer all these questions, the Magic Puppet team has prepared for the entire family a surprise performance of clownery and magic. st
The students of the YouthBuild Cluj’s second edition had their final examination The second edition of the YouthBuild Cluj program came to an end at the beginning of April when the participants had to pass a final evaluation. Twelve persons subscribed to this second edition and seven have graduated and received their credentials. Four of these were members of families who live in Pata Rât and had the stayed in the progam up until the end in order to find a job and be able to better support their ©YouthBuild Cluj families. Florin, one of the participants, decided that it would be better for him to leave for Germany and work there before obtainig his diploma for hairdresser. Anca, whose short story you can find on the YouthBuildCluj blog, scored the highest grade from her class (the manicure-pedicure group). She wants to work in this field and continue her education by attending college. Ileana, their colleague from Pata Rât, whose story you could learn in one of the earlier issues of our newsletter, obtained the | |fax. 0364/401479
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March 2017 26_NEWSLETTER highest score at her final hairdresser exam (10 out of 10). She also wishes to start working in this field after she turns 18. A new group of 19 participants began its activities in the YouthBuild Cluj 2017 program in March. Among these four are from Pata Rât and 10 from Cojocna. This group has the highest number of participants of Roma ethnicity so far, 13 overall. Ten of the participants learn about manicure-pedicure, six of them are going to master hairdressing techniques and another three young people are learnig how to drive heavy transport vehicles (trailer trucks). You can read more about the beginning of their activities on the program‟s blog. YouthBuild is a local program dedicated to young people who live in modest conditions, need support for their proffesional becoming, activities to help them develop their entrepreneurial skills and an opportunity for a prosperous life, both for themselves and also for the people around them. The program implements an international model that has been devised and applied by YouthBuild Interantional in more than 15 countries from all over the world. Locally, the program is implemented by Habitat for Humanity Cluj with the support of YouthBuild International. One of the funding resources is the Pata-Cluj employment component.
The program and the activity of teams doing fieldwork in Pata Rat The work program in the community is made by the Pata-Cluj team in order to accommodate the needs and schedule of the Pata Rat community members. It changed during October and November, during the period of applications submission for social housing. Starting January the program returns to normal. Documents: Monday 12.00-16.00 Maria supports people from Pata Rât in obtaining birth certificates and identity cards. Medical consultations: Tuesday 12.00-14.00 Friday 12.00-14.00 The medical team support residents from Pata Rât to assess their general health and to provide emergency medical services.
Financial Mechanism Office, Str Joseph II 12-16 (post address) Bd du Régent 47-48, B-1000 Bruxelles or © EEA & Norwegian Grants, Financial Mechanism Office, 2014-2017
Past events The theatre play Shelters was performed two times in March In March, Shelters was performed on the 1st of the month in front of a public specialized in issues of social inclusion and on 6th of March, the general public had the chance to attend it. The two free performances were hosted by Reactor, creation and experiment and gathered, once again, a considerable number of people from various demographical backgrownds. The first performance of the show had English surtitles to accomodate the needs of the non-romanian speakers who attended the conference. The second performance was played for the general public of Reactor. Each of the performances was followed by a discussion on Pata Rât, on housing and eviction issue in Romania etc. Overall, 120 persons aged between 18 and 65 years, have seen the play. On the 21st of April, the show will be performed in Bucharest, at Macaz, bar, theatre, coop. Starting January 2017 the theater play Shelters was included in the social program and the permanent season of the independent theatre, and is played monthly, free of charge. It aims to make visible the issues of housing and evictions in Romania. Shelters is 90 minutes long theater performance that brings together different perspectives on forced evictions and homelessness in Romania. The performers focus on acting positioning themselves between distancing and involvement, producing an engaged discourse that can further lead to critical debate. Created using the devised theater techniques, the performance attempts to familiarize the public with these issues through a representation aiming to generate empathy.
The Roland Váczi: Mobile Unit | Photo exhibition opening during the Pata-Cluj conference On the 2nd of March, at 6 pm, Roland Váczi‟s photo exhibition The Mobile Unit opened to the public. This photography project was organized by our project partners, the AltArt Foundation, as part of the conference on social inclusion. The exhibition bears the name of a barrack - institution and consists in a number of photographies depicting the activities of the Pata-Cluj project which took place at the Mobile Unit. The Mobile Unit is a container type of construction of 141 sqm located in Pata Rât. During the 2 years of project implementation, the reality of the Mobile Unit has been marked by relocations and lack of resources. Thus, the fate of the Mobile Unit reads as the fate of the mobile micro-units, of the people living in the force field of the structural violence that defines and structures the life of Pata Rât nowadays. The event gave us the chance to acknowledge and | |fax. 0364/401479
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March 2017 26_NEWSLETTER appreciate the work our colleague, Roland, has carried out during the project. His photographies were displayed in the Pilot room at the Paintbrush Factory during the whole month of March and gathered aproximately 160 visitors from Romania and from abroad. One third of those interested to see the images came both from Western and Eastern Europe, most of them young people and students who came at the Paintbrush Factory on a first visit. Some of the high school visitors came on a visit from a school in neighborhood.
The theatre performance on with Roma slavery, The Great Shame, was invited to Cluj The theatre performance The Great Shame, produced by The National Centre for Roma Culture – Romano Kher, directed and staged by Alina Șerban, addressess the history of Roma slavery from the perspective and through the words of Roma artists. The performance was hosted by the Paintbrush Factory on the 2nd and 3rd of March. The first performance was offered for free by the Pata-Cluj project and the second was opened to the general public. During these two events, approximately 170 people have seen the play and reacted with strong empathy to the topics the young director posited: Roma slavery, defining and accepting the Roma identity, stereotypes and prejudices on ethnic grownds, aligning the personal and the profesional life for the people belonging to this ethnic group. The play revolves around the topic of shame. A shame that can be felt both by the members of the minority and as well as the majority when confronted with a real and ignored past, a personal shame related to one‟s personal identity, one that creates injustice, shame to feel solidarity with people categorized as “undesirable”, in this case Roma people. ”We need to have the courage to tell the story, because so far others told it for us” - Alina Șerban.
Financial Mechanism Office, Str Joseph II 12-16 (post address) Bd du Régent 47-48, B-1000 Bruxelles or © EEA & Norwegian Grants, Financial Mechanism Office, 2014-2017
Networking events Visible City 2017 Interventions. Pata-Cluj special edition on housing Our project partners, the AltArt Foundation, organizers of the arts in the public space contest Visible City launched at the beginning of March a special edition within the Pata-Cluj project Visible City 2017 on Housing. Following an evaluation of the proposals by a specialized jury 4 small projects and 2 big ones have been selected for implementation. Find below their brief descriptions. Extended descriptions and other pieces of information are on the Visible City program webpage and as post-event updates on the Pata-Cluj webpage. Small projects Ciprian Butnaru/Cabotin troop propose an open air theater play Story-like tiny houses?, a reintrepretation of The Three Piglets story of James Orchard Halliwell. The re-reading of the story will consider the contemporary and local context for the set-up of the performance. Dedicated to both children and adults from Pata Rât, but also to local authorities, the theater play seems to send a naïve message. In fact it is an extremely serious message that problematizes different aspects of housing in Pata Rât and Cluj-Napoca. Cezar Cîmpeanu and Marina Melenti propose, at the end of April, in Mono vs Poly a (double) society game, an adaptation of the Monopoly boardgame for Cluj-Napoca and its suburbs. The purpose of the game remains the same, gaining as many properties as possible, busting the opponents and gaining supreme happiness. However, besides the main route there will appear a new, periferic route, through Pata Rât. The rules for the two routes are different and during the game new circumstances appear. These circumstances strengthen the feeling of injustice, and the integration of the inhabitants of Pata Rât in the common game is only possible with the help of others. Cercul Întreg proposes an Instant Orchestra for adolescents from Pata Rât. During a dancing and singing trip, in which participants get the chance to express their creative potential, both participants and organizers will exercice African rhythms. They will get the chance to play drums and other percussion instruments which they will build from accessible materials. Participants will exercice African dances to highlight the joy of living and other feelings they need to express. Cinemobile proposes a Film at Pata caravan conceived to offer the community members from Pata Rât the possibility to watch films in open air in their communities. Moreover, they could contribute to the decoration and arrangement of the screening places. Big projects Through drawing and theater the SOS Pata Rât project proposed by Dan Perjovschi, Laura Alicu, Linda Greta, Marius Bucea, Jesica Baciu, Cătălina Poiana and Elena Muscă presents housing issues in Pata Rât. Thus, aspects of an unknown reality will be revealed to the inhabitants of Cluj-Napoca through Dan Perjovschi‟s drawings done with children from Pata Rât. Moreover, this reality will also be revealed through experiencing a labyrinth sensorial | |fax. 0364/401479
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March 2017 26_NEWSLETTER theater play done by Instinctiv troop. The exhibition and the play are accompanied by a public debate on segregation and housing. Django (pseudonym of Zsolt Sütő) proposes a sound intervention project in the public space that combines sound arts and openings for folk music creation Radio Pātā Django. Django in Romani means “I awake”. It broadcasts directly, from the heart of Pata Rât for Cluj through radiowaves, a sound connection between traditional and modern, between the Roma minority and the Romanian majority communities on Erdelezi. I AWAKE and I SING because “home is where your heart is”. Initiated in 2010, the Visible City gradually approaches, through social and cultural processes, different aspects of urban life with the aim of imagining and testing sustainable development models in an urban environment and the social interactions that define it. The project proposes a switch in rethinking the ways of access, usage and control of the urban space. There are 1500 people living in hard living conditions 8 km away from the city center, in Pata Rât. Marginalization and racism are just two of the reasons that keep the Pata Rât area the way it is. 42% of the inhabitants got there as a result of evictions, and the numbers are increasing. We need to encourage the local authorities‟ interventions to align to the European inclusion discourse and help transform them in practice through local policies. We thus consider that housing, perceived not just as a fundamental right, but also an imediate need, can be a productive input both for reflection and for contributing to the de facto implementation of that social justice we all, civil society, business medium and the state, try to create. Under these circumstances, in which the housing costs in Cluj keep growing, how can we ensure that the city remains accessible to all members of the society?
Future events
Two puppeteers and a director adapt the story of three piglets with children from Pata Rât on 8th of April Saturday, 8th of April, will take place, starting 4 pm, on the Coastei street from Pata Rât, a puppets theater workshop with children and adults. The purpose of the workshop is to build, with the contribution of the spectators, the story of the Three Piglets, a theater play Financial Mechanism Office, Str Joseph II 12-16 (post address) Bd du Régent 47-48, B-1000 Bruxelles or © EEA & Norwegian Grants, Financial Mechanism Office, 2014-2017
whose adaptation will be performed on the 29th of April in front of Matei House in Cluj. Thus, through play the participants will try to answer to a couple of questions: How often does the wolf destroys your house? How often do you end up in the street? How are the piglets dressed up? The puppeteers Liviu Matei, György László and the director Ciprian Butnaru will guide the participants to change parts of the story, creating their own one. The 8th of April was declared International Roma Day on the occasion of the fourth World Roma Congress which took place in 1990 at Serock (Poland), for celebrating the first significant international reunion of Roma representatives, developed between 7-12th of April 1971 near London.
Announcements for the community Monthly session for IDs photos and information about social benefits On the last Monday of each month Roland takes photos for ID documents for the members of the Pata Rat community during the work program of the team dealing with social benefits. On account of March Roland together with Maria and Anna, colleagues of social benefits team, took photos for 21 ID documents. In March Mária and people from Pata Rat filed for the renewal of 14 temporary ID cards and 2 birth certificates. They also obtained 2 birth certificates with sentence, 3 temporary ID cards due for the change of domicile, the first ID cards for 2 persons (one of them a 14 years old teenager) and made 4 requests for state benefits. In the next period Anna and Mária will support and advise people who need help to restore the identity documents.
Pata-Cluj social inclusion calendar: April April 7 - Day of the Romani Alphabet On this day, the international common writing of the Romani language was adopted during the fourth International Roma Congress (happening in Warsaw), as the decision „Roma Alphabet”, based on the rezults of the Comission for the standardization of the Romani language, who had met on the 5th and 6th April, 1990, at Jadwisin – Serock (Poland). (These pieces of information are gathered and edited by Ghe. Sarău in a Roma calendar (in Romanian Roma's vision) that has mainly an educational purpose. © Ghe. Sarău, 2006) World Health Day WHO (World Health Organization) is marking its annual World Health Day (7 April), which celebrates the Organization‟s founding in 1948, by issuing a call for action on diabetes. | |fax. 0364/401479
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March 2017 26_NEWSLETTER In its first “Global report on diabetes”, WHO highlights the need to step up prevention and treatment of the disease. April 8 - International Roma Day On the ocassion of the first Congress of Roma people, happenning on the 8th of April 1871, near London, the song Djelem, djelem was adopted as the anthem of Roma people everywhere in the world, as well as their flag (rectangular, with the superior half blue and the inferior green part, having a red wheel with 16 spokes in the middle representing the „chakra = the wheel of the universe”. In Romania, the date of 8th April is marked as the Celebration of the Roma people from Romania since 2006, when it was adopted in the Romanian Parliament, at the initiative of the Roma representative and president of the Roma Party association, Nicolae Păun, through the law nr. 66/22nd march 2006. (These pieces of information are gathered and edited by Ghe. Sarău in a Roma calendar (in Romanian Roma's vision) that has mainly an educational purpose. © Ghe. Sarău, 2006) April 12 - International Street Children’s Day The day provides a platform for the millions of street children around the world to speak out so that their rights cannot be ignored. This year‟s theme is Identity: We are looking at street children‟s identities in terms of the difficulties these children and young people have when trying to get identity documents and how this leads to them not being able to access key services such as education and, but also in terms of how street children define their own identities, how they see themselves and also how societies in general perceive them. April 16 - Day of the Roma Actor The day marks the birthday of Charles Chaplin (b. on 16th April 1889, d. 25th December 1977). He had confessed his Roma identity 13 years before his death in My autobiography, 1964: “My grandmother was half gipsy”. The celebration of the Day of the Roma Actor is extended nationally in Romania, honouring roma actors like: Ştefan Bănică, Moca Rudi, Mihai Răducu, Sorin Sandu Aurel, Zita Moldovan, Vera Lingurar, Mădălin Mandin, Alina Șerban, Mihaela Drăgan. (These pieces of information are gathered and edited by Ghe. Sarău in a Roma calendar (in Romanian Roma's vision) that has mainly an educational purpose. © Ghe. Sarău, 2006) April 20 - The Day of Desegregation and Nondiscrimination in Education It marks the day when the Ministry of Education and Research, at the request and the participation on Roma organizations, issued Notification nr. 29323/20.04.2004 which forbade the segregation on children in formal education. In context, besides the meeting in school woth the purpose of analyzing and raising awareness on acts of discrimination and segregation, there are organized contests for multiethnic teams on the topic of the children‟s book “Katitzi”, written by the Roma writer Katarina Taikon, from Sweden (b. 29th July 1932, d. 30th December 1995).
Financial Mechanism Office, Str Joseph II 12-16 (post address) Bd du Régent 47-48, B-1000 Bruxelles or © EEA & Norwegian Grants, Financial Mechanism Office, 2014-2017
(These pieces of informations are gathered and edited by Ghe. Sarău in a Roma calendar (in Romanian Roma's vision) that has mainly an educational purpose. © Ghe. Sarău, 2006) April 25 - Day of Strategy and National Legislation regarding the Romanian Roma On April 25th 2001 was passed a Government Law (H.G. nr. 430 / 2001) regarding the improvement of Roma situation. The normative act was revised through the H.G. 522/april 2006. (These pieces of information are gathered and edited by Ghe. Sarău in a Roma calendar (in Romanian Roma's vision) that has mainly an educational purpose. © Ghe. Sarău, 2006) April 27 - Day of National Assembly of Roma from Transylvania April 27th is the day of celebrating the first political document through which Roma ancestors publicly assumed their collective memory and history, requesting civic and ethnopolitical rights within the limits of the then international law. It was caused by adherence reunions of Transylvanians to the National Reunion from Alba Iulia of December 1st 1918 hallowed by the Paris Treaty of 1919-1920 as the Great Union with the Romanian Kingdom. The first certification of Roma preparing meetings dates on January 16th 1919 in Rupea, Ibasfalau Reunion of April 27th which met increased participation (89 Roma representatives) and support of local administration and church mainly in Romanian areas. 80 years later from Roma liberation from slavery in Bucovina, Banat and Ardeal regions (lands under Austrian administration) (1783) and almost 60 years later for Moldavian and Muntenian Roma (1856/1865) their situation worsens without the state taking any other responsibility, except for the fictive citizenship. In the 1919 Memoir addressed to the Romanian state Roma‟s requests refer mainly to Roma dignity before anything else. The Resolution of the National Assembly of Alba Iulia from November 18th / December 1st 1918 contains articles through which national minorities of Romania get equal rights. (source: note “From Supplex Libellus Valachorum (1791) to Supplex Libellus Zinganorum (1919) written by Vasile Ionescu on April 27, 2013). April 28 - Day of Romanian Roma Book The first bilingual coursebook of Roma folklore was, made by Barbu Constantinescu, was published in 1878. On April 28th 1992 Gheorghe Sarău published the first Roma dictionary in Romania. (These pieces of information are gathered and edited by Ghe. Sarău in a Roma calendar (in Romanian Roma's vision) that has mainly an educational purpose. © Ghe. Sarău, 2006)
Video Making of Pata-Cluj Got Talent! | |fax. 0364/401479
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March 2017 26_NEWSLETTER In April 2016 the talent show Pata-Cluj Got Talent! mobilized the community in Pata Rât and from Cluj to celebrate together the 8th of April, the International Roma Day, as well as cultural and ethnic diversity. Now that the 8th of April is approaching, we present you a short video with the best moments of past year‟s event. But berś angle to our Roma colleagues, partners and friends!
The Pata-Cluj project, fully named Social interventions for the de-segregation and social inclusion of vulnerable groups in Cluj Metropolitan Area, including the disadvantaged Roma is implemented by the Intercommunity Development Association, Cluj Metropolitan Area, in partnership with the Community Association of Roma from Coastei, Habitat for Humanity Cluj and AltArt Foundation. The project is financed by the Government of Norway through the Norway Grants 2009-2014 within the Poverty Alleviation Program (RO25).
*** About the Norway Grants Through the Norway Grants and EEA Grants, Norway contributes to reducing social and economic disparities and to strengthening bilateral relations with the beneficiary countries in Europe. Norway cooperates closely with the EU through the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA). For the period 2009-2014, Norway’s contribution is €1.7 billion. Grants are available for NGOs, research and academic institutions, and the public and private sectors in the 12 newest EU member states, Greece, Portugal and Spain. There is broad cooperation with Norwegian entities, and activities may be implemented until 2016. Key areas of support are environmental protection and climate change, research and scholarships, civil society, health and children, gender equality, justice and cultural heritage.
The content of this material does not necessarily reflect the official position of Norway Grants 2009-2014. Camelia Badea Comunications coordinator for Pata-Cluj project Tel.: 0786/375 825 E-mail: Website: Facebook: Youtube Channel: 4ozYqZtRtTlcAnQ Issu:
Financial Mechanism Office, Str Joseph II 12-16 (post address) Bd du Régent 47-48, B-1000 Bruxelles or © EEA & Norwegian Grants, Financial Mechanism Office, 2014-2017