June 2016 17_NEWSLETTER JUNE: Month of community and housing activities
Events and actions with and for the community The education team organized extracurricular activities for children from Pata Rât during the last month of this school year June meant not only the concluding of the school year and of children‟s school situations, but also a series of extracurricular activities for children from Pata Rât enrolled in the educational program of the Pata-Cluj project. Thus children attending the Second Chance program went to a oneday trip to Turda, and the children who receive daily assistance to go to school went to a trip to a nearby village called Gheorgheni. They were also accompanied to the closing ceremonies in schools. Thus 8 elementary-school pupils enrolled in the Second Chance educational program provided by the Christiana Association, within the framework of the Pata-Cluj project, went to a one-day trip to Turda on June 9th. Its aim was to visit two touristic sights, the Turda Salt Mine and the Turda Gorge. During the excursion children were impressed by the dimensions and the beauty of the salt mine, they studied and admired the landscapes in the Turda–Turda Gorge area. At the gorge they had a picnic lunch, together with accompanying adults, played and shared impressions related to the visiting of the two sights. On Wednesday, June 22nd, the case managers and colleagues from the education team went together with 11 children to the Gheorgheni village for one day. László Fábián, the priest of the local Catholic parish and their host for the day welcomed them in a friendly atmosphere. He told the children the history of the village and of the church and the significance of the cross and a few religious rituals which he explained in detail. During the day children played, swung, and
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responded happily to the hosts‟ invitation to lunch. You can find more details about their day here. At the end of the month children involved in educational programs of the Pata-Cluj project participated at the closing ceremonies of the school year. The educational team accompanied the first-grade children to the Festivity of the Alphabet, and the elder children to the school-end ceremonies in Cara and Cojocna schools. Our colleagues were also present at the festivity dedicated to children enrolled in the Second Chance educational program, together with representatives of the Christiana Association, the educational service provider for the Pata-Cluj project. We concluded the community work on urgent community needs in the fourth community At the end of June the building materials requested by the community living near the waste dump at community consultations were delivered and distributed. The community facilitators‟ team helped with mobilizing the community members to unload and transport the materials at the destination. The distributed materials will be used for the consolidation, protection and heating of the barracks of each family who requested such materials. Thus, once the documents were signed and materials distributed according to the allocated quota for each family, the community work on urgent community needs concluded in the community living near the waste dump. In the Coastei community, following a meeting with the representative of the company which would install individual meters in the modular houses of the Coastei community, the community facilitators reached out to a solution regarding the process of obtaining the technical permit from the electricity company. Thus, the process of installing individual meters for the families has begun. Community needs or emergency needs refer to an intervention plan on medium term, targeting actions and specific needs at community level, which can‟t be met by the authorities but which would enhance the current living conditions of the community members. You can find more information regarding the needs identified in each community, the difficulties met during the information campaigns and the consultations from the video material made with the three community facilitators on the video section on the website or on the project‟s Youtube channel. The employment team explores opportunities for professional qualification of youth living in Pata Rât The employment team, together with community facilitators, went in June into the community in order to find out which are interests of young people with regard to the future professional qualification training courses. Thus, our colleagues interviewed young people aged between 16 and 26 from the Dallas, Coastei and Cantonului communities on the type of professional qualification courses they are interested in and would like to attend. The young people showed interest in the following activities and domains: constructions, manicurepedicure, hairdressing, make-up, cook and confectioner, baker, mechanic, electric
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| 17_NEWSLETTER • June 2016
June 2016 17_NEWSLETTER installations. We discussed these themes of interest with our project partner, the Habitat for Humanity Cluj as well, which, together with his partners, had ensured last year‟s qualification courses in the field of constructions. Following the discussions, they manifested their intentions to offer again together with the Association of Patrons and Craftsmen the possibility for 14 young people living in Pata Rât to attend qualification courses in the fields indicated by them. For more information on the daily actions and activities carried out by our teams in Pata Rât check each thread of the project on our website, section Pata-Cluj Threads. Please check the working hours at the Mobile Unit of each intervention team below and at section for the community – program of the Mobile Unit.
The team engaged in social services and identity documents: each Monday between 12 am and 2 pm. The team of case managers who work with the families to help them solve their problems: each Tuesday between 10 am and 12 am. The medical team evaluating health condition and ensuring emergency medical services: each Tuesday between 2 pm and 4 pm. The team facilitating employment: each Wednesday from 2 pm until 4 pm. The team which offers legal counselling for various litigations: each Friday between 10 am and 12 am. The medical team evaluating health condition and ensuring emergency medical services: each Friday between 12 pm and 2 pm. The community facilitators team, which offers general information, helps resolving community issues and facilitates cultural activities, goes to Pata Rât whenever is necessary.
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sau www.norwaygrants-povertyalleviation.org © EEA și Granturile Norvegiene, Biroul Mecanismului Financiar, 2014-2016
Networking Consultations with the institutional stakeholders interested in the Pata-Cluj social housing project targeted the evaluation instrument of the applications and the accessing methodology of social apartments In June we held two meetings with the social stakeholders who had previously expressed their interest in participating at the series of institutional consultations regarding the Pata-Cluj housing project, the first held on June 13th and the second held on June 27th. On June 13th we met the interested social actors in order to discuss about the accessing system of the social apartments and to develop proposals regarding the evaluation of the applications. On June 27th the team of the Pata-Cluj project and researchers from the Babes-Bolyai University presented the set of the finalized eligibility criteria and a preliminary result of the work targeting the weighting of the evaluation criteria. Both meetings were held at the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work (Babes-Bolyai University), and were led by the team of researchers from the Department of Social Work (collaborators of the project in elaborating the evaluation instrument and accession methodology). The aim of the first meeting was to present the results of the consultations with the communities regarding the needs and ways to access social apartments within the Pata-Cluj project, and to consult the participating stakeholders on the same topics. Imola Antal, the coordinator of the research team on the part of the UBB presented in detail the preliminary outcomes of the research carried out in three of the four Pata Rat communities: Coastei, Cantonului and Dallas. The research design and methodology were elaborated by the ADI team and the researchers, while the data collection was carried out by members of the Pata-Cluj team. You can find more details on the research methodology here. The aim of the second meeting held in June was to discuss the final set of eligibility criteria and to present a draft version of how the agreed evaluation criteria would be weighted. During the event the participants formulated comments, both technical and conceptual, regarding the proposed weighting of criteria. At the same time, we also discussed the questions the participants raised related to the process of receiving and evaluating the applications. You can find more details on the topics of the discussion at the fifth meeting with social stakeholders on housing here. Participants at the two meetings held in June were representatives of public institutions (County Council of Cluj, Social and Medical Assistance Department Cluj-Napoca, General Directorate for Social Assistance and Child Protection Cluj, National Agency for Roma, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work – UBB, North-West Regional Development Agency), and of NGOs (Pro Roma Foundation, Romanian Foundation for Children, Community and Family, Peopleâ€&#x;s Development Foundation). The next meeting with the working group consisting of social actors interested in the housing project will be held in July, after the social apartments accession criteria will be tested and finalized.
www.patacluj.ro | fax. 0364/401479 info@patacluj.ro |patacluj@gmail.com
| 17_NEWSLETTER • June 2016
June 2016 17_NEWSLETTER The meeting of social stakeholders at the International Forum for Fundamental Rights in Vienna laid the grounds for new actions targeting the enforcement of fundamental rights in Europe Between June 20th and 23rd the Forum of Fundamental Rights organized by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights took place in Vienna. The topic of the forum was „Rights, Respect, Reality: the Europe of Values in Today‟s World‟, and gathered over 650 contributors from over 28 countries and various fields of activity. The forum was created as an inclusive and innovative platform to draw in contributors including leading experts, policy makers and practitioners from all walks of life. Our team was represented by our colleague, project manager Gabriella. The debates focused on three major themes: inclusion, refugee protection and the digital age, and were structured in 28 workshops, 6 panel debates, 10 “connect.reflect.act – Talks” about good practices, pressing challenges and innovative solutions. Thus, our colleague participated at the discussions meant to find promising practices regarding a better protection and promotion of fundamental and human rights in Europe. The Fundamental Rights Forum 2016 was not so much an event but a process, establishing a platform for discussion among leading experts, policy makers and practitioners from all walks of life. It has stimulated a frank dialogue of a variety of stakeholders, from within and beyond the EU, from duty bearers to rights holders, many of whom rarely engage with each other and whose views may differ. It has led them to identify action points that will help make human rights a reality for everyone in the EU, said Michael O‟Flaherty the Forum‟s president in the Chair‟s statement. You can find more information regarding the program, debates and speakers on the webpage of the Forum. Pata-Cluj participated at International Conference
On June 23rd the employment team participated at the second edition of the Transylvanian Clusters International Conference, which gathered over 250 guests from the country and from abroad in Cluj Arena sports hall. The aim of the annual meeting of clusters is to create common innovative projects, with high impact both in the industries they are part of and in the communities they are implemented in.
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During the event the debates were structured within 8 thematic workshops. The participants discussed the following topics: IT&C and creative industries, energetic efficiency, agro-business, innovations in the furniture industry, new materials and technologies. Thus, the attention and interest of our colleagues from the employment team were orientated towards the discussions and presentations of Markku Markkula, the president of the European Committee of the Regions, Bror Salmelin, adviser for Innovation Systems at the DG CONNECT (European Commission, Directorate General for Communications, Network, content, and Technology), Andreea Strachinescu, Head of Unit New energy technologies, innovation and clean coal, DG Energy, European Commission, and Thomas Lammer-Gamp, director of the ESCA (European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis) at VDI/VDE Innovation & Technik GmbH in Berlin. Within the framework of these discussions, our colleagues from the employment team presented to the participating companies the Pata-Cluj project and the achievements of the project realized during the 18 months of implementation. Within the framework of eight workshops, the members of clusters from Europe and Romania, representatives of businesses, public authorities and research institutions could receive new information about good practices in the field, and together with the invited experts analyzed the impact of open innovation and cooperation in various ecosystems, starting from a series of thematic case studies. The Clusters Conference is an annual event organized by the Northern Transylvania Clusters Consortium with the aim to promote and transform Cluj-Napoca into the European Capital of Innovation. You can find more information about the program and the speakers on the website of the conference.
Announcements for the community Monthly photo sessions for identity documents On the last Monday of each month, our colleague Roland is taking photos for the identity documents for members of the Pata Rât community, during the working hours of the team offering support for the submission of files for identity documents and social services. In June 10 ID card photos were taken, 11 ID cards and 1 birth certificate were issued with the help of the team
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| 17_NEWSLETTER • June 2016
June 2016 17_NEWSLETTER responsible for social services. The July session for photos needed for the IDs that need be renewed and for new IDs will be held on July 25th, starting from 10 o‟clock at the Mobile Unit. In order to check the dates of the following sessions please consult the calendar of activities carried out at the Mobile Unit on the project website: http://www.patacluj.ro/calendar/.
Pata-Cluj social inclusion calendar: July July 1st – National Day of Roma Education On July 1st 1999, by MEN‟s 3363 / 01.03.1999 order, was set a deadline for applications for naming Roma and non-Roma inspectors for Roma education within the 42 County School Inspectorates. On this occasion, the previous interventions from 1990-1999 dedicated to Roma education have been officialized and a new institutional approach regarding the Roma education in Romania has been reconfigured. July 11th - World Population Day (UNFPA) As the world population edged to 7 billion people in 2011 (up from 2.5 billion in 1950), it has had profound implications for development. A world of 7 billion is both a challenge and an opportunity with implications on sustainability, urbanization, access to health services and youth empowerment. In 1989, the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme recommended that 11 July be observed by the international community as World Population Day, a day to focus attention on the urgency and importance of population issues. This year's theme is 'Investing in teenage girls.' July 17th – World Day for International Justice (Amnesty International) On July 17 the international community celebrates the Day of International Criminal Justice. The decision to dedicate this day to international criminal justice was to mark the adoption of the Rome Statute, by which the International Criminal Court (ICC) was founded, and to commemorate and celebrate the steps taken towards ending impunity. July 25th - Roma Health Mediator Day Through programs and the efforts of the Romani CRISS organization the Roma Health Mediator profession is enlisted and classified in the Occupations Code in Romania, no 513902/2001. Health and Family Ministry issues the order no 619/ August 14 2002 for authorizing the health mediator occupation and the technical norms regarding the organization, functioning and financing of the health mediators‟ activity in 2002. The day of July 25th was chosen based on the day when the association requests, through the 330/25.07.2001 letter, the Work and Social Solidarity Ministry enlisting and classifying the occupation in the Occupations Code in Romania.
Pata-Cluj info graphic If you haven‟t consulted yet the annual report of the Pata-Cluj project (April 2016) available here, you can find below a few up-to-date numbers on the project‟s achievements. In order Biroul MecanismulFinanciar Str Joseph II 12-16 (adresa poștală) Bd du Régent 47-48 (adresa fizică) B-1000 Bruxelles www.norwaygrants.org
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to see all the achievements and the whole image, click on the info graphic or download it here on the project‟s website.
32 social apartments will be provided to people from Pata Rât in integrated areas of the city of Cluj and its metropolitan area upon the completion of the project Nearly 700 people (half of the total population in Pata Rât) got involved and have been impacted by the PataCluj project activities within the first 20 months of project implementation 160 families benefited from crisis intervention and family intervention 346 families participated in the community consultation, decision-making and implementation process under thread Urgent/Community needs (firewood, building materials, disinfecting, cleaning campaign, electric pylons etc.) 174 people have been facilitated access to obtaining identity documents 16 families with 24 children were assisted in enrolling their children, and 14 out of those 24 children are assisted through the project in all daily activities (hygiene, meal, transportation to school and back, afterschool activities, meetings with parents etc.)
www.patacluj.ro | fax. 0364/401479 info@patacluj.ro |patacluj@gmail.com
| 17_NEWSLETTER • June 2016
June 2016 17_NEWSLETTER The Pata-Cluj project, fully named Social interventions for the de-segregation and social inclusion of vulnerable groups in Cluj Metropolitan Area, including the disadvantaged Roma is implemented by the Intercommunity Development Association, Cluj Metropolitan Area, in partnership with the Community Association of Roma from Coastei, Habitat for Humanity Cluj and AltArt Foundation. The project is financed by the Government of Norway through the Norway Grants 2009-2014 within the Poverty Alleviation Program (RO25).
*** About the Norway Grants Through the Norway Grants and EEA Grants, Norway contributes to reducing social and economic disparities and to strengthening bilateral relations with the beneficiary countries in Europe. Norway cooperates closely with the EU through the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA). For the period 2009-2014, Norway’s contribution is €1.7 billion. Grants are available for NGOs, research and academic institutions, and the public and private sectors in the 12 newest EU member states, Greece, Portugal and Spain. There is broad cooperation with Norwegian entities, and activities may be implemented until 2016. Key areas of support are environmental protection and climate change, research and scholarships, civil society, health and children, gender equality, justice and cultural heritage.
The content of this material does not necessarily reflect the official position of Norway Grants 2009-2014. Camelia Badea Comunication coordinator for Pata-Cluj project Tel.: 0786/375 825 E-mail: camelia@patacluj.ro patacluj@gmail.com Website: www.patacluj.ro Facebook: www.facebook.com/PatadinCluj Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQVqL CQJ4ozYqZtRtTlcAnQ
Biroul MecanismulFinanciar Str Joseph II 12-16 (adresa poștală) Bd du Régent 47-48 (adresa fizică) B-1000 Bruxelles www.norwaygrants.org
sau www.norwaygrants-povertyalleviation.org © EEA și Granturile Norvegiene, Biroul Mecanismului Financiar, 2014-2016