Kaospilot outpost Bogotá - 2011

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Outpost – Bogotá March 15th - June 15th, 2011

The Kaospilots are planning an Outpost, in Colombia, and we are looking for partners and collaborators! “Exploring the leading edge of ingenuity, in Bogota” “How can the innovative solutions, emerging from Bogota, offer insights to address our common global challenges?”

? What is an Outpost? In the second year, of their threeyear education, the students move their classroom to a location, outside Scandinavia, in order to create an educational outpost: three months of inspiration and collaboration with enterprising local partners.

Who are the KaosPilots? The KaosPilots is a Denmark-based international school for creative business design and social innovation. Drawing on twenty years of experience, we offer an innovative education program for, young and creative, social innovators & change agents looking to create value, make a difference in the world, and shape the society of tomorrow. The program is structured around four vocational areas: Creative Project Design, Creative Business Design, Creative Process Design and Creative Leadership. We combine our expertise in these areas to create meaningful change and foster the future of sustainable leadership and enterprise.The pedagogy of the school combines hands-on work, with realworld projects, and theory, in order to promote personal leadership and the development of skills and competencies that embrace the whole person.

During the outpost, the students will apply their previously-acquired knowledge and skills, in the four vocational areas, in a new and unfamiliar cultural and social context. A key component of the outpost requires the students to self-organize and create a teamwide learning organization to execute projects and maximize their learning. When choosing an outpost location, we ask ourselves: Where is the next major change in business, culture, and societal leadership taking place?

Why Bogota? Bogota is a thriving and diverse metropolis teaming with culture, contrasts and opportunities. Despite its many challenges, it is a city whose leaders have shown the possibilities in creating rapid transformational change. It is the perfect playground for the students to learn from and collaborate with a new generation of leaders and entrepreneurs. We are looking for fresh perspectives, bold and courageous initiatives, and to be challenged by our surroundings. We believe that Bogota is the place to find this, and more. The burning question that guides us: What can the innovators of Bogota offer the World, and how can we best collaborate with them?

“Exploring the leading edge of ingenuity, in Bogota” “How can the innovative solutions, emerging from Bogota, offer insights to address our common global challenges?”



What are we looking for? Sponsors, Academic Partners, Lecturers and Projects SPONSORS: Are you or your organization interested in our project, and would you like to help us? Do you see opportunities in how this project could benefit your organisation? There are many ways to contribute: space on your website; project offers for our students; providing project contacts; logistical and economic support; a location, in Bogota, for our students to work; and many more! Please contact us with your ideas of how you can contribute to the Outpost. AC ADEMIC PARTNERS: We are searching for partners in academic institututions, working in the areas of entpreneurship, creativity and innovation, sustainability and design. If you are working at such an institution, this is a perfect opportunity to collaborate with the KaosPilots. We are interested in connecting local students, working and studying in related fields, with the KaosPilots students, in order to collaborate and exchange ideas, methods, inspiriation and experiences. Contact us in order to explore how we can create value, for your institution, and how can join our Outpost. LEC TURERS: We are not only looking to hit the streets and execute projects, but also see it as essential to access the leading ideas, concepts and thought leaders, within Bogota. Please recommend any experts or inspiring lecturers to come share with the KaosPilots. PROJEC T PARTNERS: We are looking for project partners, working with • social change • • enterprise and innovation • • • design • • • • creative industries • • • • • sustainable enterprise • • • • • • civic leadership • We are looking for opportunities acrosssectors and at the intersection of multiple sectors: business, NGO, government and the social economy.

How could you benefit from offering a Project? A committed team of 5-7 passionate, creative and professional change makers working, for 5-7 weeks, to create value and take your project to the next level. We develop fresh and unexpected ideas, and the ability to execute them. Our processes & methods combine playful and curiosity energy with rigorous skills in project, process and business design. The opportunity to work and play with some of the most creative young people in Scandinavia, devoted to creating value with you.

What do we need from you? Our students thrive on inspiring and challenging assignments, intensive learning processes and a collaborative relationship, with clients, in order to maximize the value created for both parties. We need your commitment including: »» Your passion and enthusiasm! »» Making a initial agreement with the team leader, to be developed further by the student project groups »» Time and material resources to develop and complete the project (to be agreed upon between client and student project group) »» Access to English-speaking decision-makers, within your organization

Outpost 2011 – Bogotá If interested, contact us:

Previous Outpost Destinations Our previous outposts have taken place in: »» San Francisco: 1996, 2000 & 2006 »» Durban: 2001, 2003 »» Habana: 2005 »» Vancouver: 2007 »» Shanghai: 2008, 2009, 2010

Peter Sims email: sims@kaospilot.dk Twitter: @PeterASims tel. Colombia: +57 301 651 27 43 tel. Denmark: +45 301 147 33 +45 861 295 22 Zulma Sofía Patarroyo email: zulma@kaospilot.dk tel: +57 244 86 64 cel: +57 311 811 67 23 Rowan Simonsen email: rowan@kaospilot.dk tel: +57 244 86 64 cel: +57 311 479 06 56

More information: Follow us on:

www.kaospilot.dk • www.outpostbogota.com

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