Dhaka Model Street scape-3

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Sports Installation

Fitness Trails

Temporary Event Space

Art Installation

Urban Farming

Saturday Market

Temporary wooden amphitheatre

Urban Camp Site

Urban Green House Project

Pedestrian Sidewalk Vehicular circulation Existing New Market

proposed urban park Existing Green Space Green Space Along Sidewalk Existing Unbuilt Space

Public space around shops Public amenities

Existing Open Space

Proposed Green along sidewalk

Existing Built Space Proposed Sidewalk

proposed surpentine surface with green belt along the street setback

Temporary Amphitheater Setback for Pedestrian Sidewalk Temporary event space Existing Built Space Proposed Green Space

proposed surpentine surface and exisiting public amenities

Setback for Pedestrian Sidewalk

Existing Unbuilt Space

Existing informal market stalls

Existing Circulation Existing Built Space Existing Lake Green Space Along Sidewalk Existing Unbuilt Space

Existing New Market node<:7

Pedestrian Sidewalk Informal street vendor space Existing built space

Existing Open Space proposed surpentine surface

Existing Built Space

Proposed Green along sidewalk

Proposed Sidewalk

zoning condemnation for street front exposure

Setback for Pedestrian Sidewalk Proposed trees along the side walk Truncated dome walk for blinds as per ANSI A117.1-2009, ADA-2010

Existing UnBuilt Space Proposed Blind walkways

Existing shopping Existing built Space Existing Unbuilt Space Existing Circulation


exisitng night life and public amenities


Existing Unbuilt Space Proposed Urban Farming Existing Unbuilt Space

Proposed boundary for public amenities Proposed green on the side walk Existing Built Space Existing Unbuilt green space

Existing Lake

Proposed Green along sidewalk

Proposed Sidewalk Proposed Truncated Dome proposed cultural belt

Proposed Temporary Saturday Market Setback for Pedestrian Sidewalk Proposed Sports Installation Proposed Urban Park area Existing Built area

proposed surpentine surface

Existing Circulation Proposed Subway Station Proposed Subway structure Existing UnBuilt Space Existing Built Space



Existing Colony Existing Unbuilt Area Proposed Urban Park Existing Built Area

Proposed Sudewalk Existing built Space

Existing Green Space

proposed subway station and cross circulations

Proposed Green along Sidewalk

Existing Access Proposed Green along sidewalk

crossing with possible traffic congestions

Existing Built Form with New Setback Proposed Urban Park Proposed Setback Existing Access Existing Built Form with New Setback

Existing Circulation Proposed impact on Existing form Existing Built Space Existing UnBuilt Space


Existing Night life Proposed circulation Existing Unbuilt Space

proposed setback with dedicated truncated dome lane and dedicated bike lane


Proposed redefined Access Proposed green on newly defined sidewalk Exisitng Built Form Existing UnBuilt Space

Existing Built Space Proposed Night Life

Proposed Sidewalk Proposed Urban Garden circulation and crossing

Proposed Art Installation Proposed Temporary Amphitheatre Setback for Pedestrian Sidewalk Temporary Art Installation Proposed Green on Newly Defined Sidewalk Existing UnBuilt Space Existing Built Space

built and unbuilt form Existing Open Space

Existing Built Space



Existing Unbuilt Space Proposed Urban Farming Proposed subway Hub and Crossing

Existing Built Space Redefined Pedestrian Sidewalk Existing Unbuilt Space


Fitness Trail

Proposed Redefined Sidewalk

existing built form with proposed setback

Proposed Sidewalk Proposed Truncated Dome

Existing Unbuilt Space

Temporary Event Space

existing built form

Setback for Pedestrian Sidewalk Proposed Green on Surface Existing Built Space Existing Unbuilt Space

Existing Circulation Temporary Event Space




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