With you on your fertility journey We decided to give our local support group a go and it was one of the best choices we have made. Your emotions and experiences are welcomed without judgement and heard with love and support. For the first time since our journey started, we feel supported in a way we haven’t felt before. Thanks FNZ for providing a safe and supportive place for us to experience infertility together. – Hannah and Manu Fertility New Zealand walks alongside all people facing fertility challenges. Much of its work is undertaken by volunteers around the country. Fertility New Zealand was founded in 1990 and is a registered charity.
InformatIon • www.fertilitynz.org.nz • 0800 line and support email address for enquiries • Virtual and in-person information events • Informative fact sheet brochures on over 20 subjects (also available in clinics) • Fertility Week campaign • Dandelion newsletter with members’ stories and news
Support • Network of regular support gatherings and workshops through-out the country • Forums on our website where members can support one another
Join fertility nZ today to receive email updates of our news and events. www.fertilitynz.org.nz/register 0800 333 306 | support@fertilitynz.org.nz Fertility NZ is a registered charity and donations are gratefully accepted. Facebook.com/fertilitynewzealand
advocacy • Representing the voice of people affected by fertility challenges on medical, ethical and policy issues