We are living in a time that most of us have never seen with the natural eye; an actual plague sweeping through this land. With it has come the realization that while anyone can be infected, everyone does not experience it the same. There is a disproportionate number of African Americans being infected and dying. This disparity in deaths from COVID-19 for African Americans in the US should not be a surprise. We’re behind the 8 ball on this. We are 40% more likely to die from breast cancer, 52% more likely to die from cervical cancer, and 44% more likely to die from a stroke than a non-Hispanic white person. 11
The reasons are multiple: poverty, racism, lack of access, and lifestyle behaviors. This pandemic, with its staggering infection and death rates for African Americans is yet another indictment of this country’s inability to face its demons for the good of ALL its people. Chicago is currently experiencing a 70% death rate in Blacks with COVID-19 infection when they make up only 30% of the population. Other states such as Louisiana are experiencing rates of more than 70% of deaths African American infected.