Question #1: What changes have the current pandemic created or brought to light in your relationship as husband and wife both positive and negative? Rahmya: Well, positively it has made me so grateful and truly appreciative of the love Darell and I share as true friends. It has become a source of strength and perseverance for us. It has brought to the forefront the importance of enjoying one another when outside distractions aren’t even an option. We try to make being in the house together 24/7 as fun as we can from having movie nights, making date time even with our little kids, going on long rides, and talking and dreaming with and for each other. The downside of all this togetherness: Darell drinking the last of my orange soda and eating my sour gummy worms (LOL). I may need to figure out a hiding spot. Darell: Each day we get to spend the time together that we would usually spend traveling back and
forth to work or doing 1,000 other things that distract us. Now, we have been forced to slow down and we get to talk through our goals and desires daily for the next step in our lives. I can’t begin to tell you just how much that means to me. This unexpected time has not only reminded me that I have a great wife, but it has shown me I have partner who I am so excited to do life with. Along with all the great things, I have also been shown the vast number of hours and energy we put into things outside of our family versus taking that time and investing it in each other. Question #2: What has this time revealed to you about the future of your family? Rahmya: I have been shown that there is power in our unity and that God will continue to increase us even in this time of need. During this time of quarantine, we have celebrated birthdays for both Darell and our daughter Zyon. Seeing what is going on in the world has made the “little things” seem