Jake Fortune P

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www. pat i ent zer opr oduct i ons. com www. ni suoc. com i nf o@j akef or t une. com



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.

Ti t l epage I ndex LegalDi scl ai mer I nt r oduct i on Synopsi s Cast Cast Cast Addi t i onalCast / Dancer s Pr oducer Pr oducer Cr ew At t ached OurPar t ner s El st r eef i l m st udi os Pr oduct i onSchedul e Wor ki ngi n3D Shoot i ngont heRedEpi c Mar ket i ng& Pr omot i onSt r at egy Mar ket i ng& Pr omot i onGoal s Tappi ngi nt oSt r eetDance Tappi ngi nt oSt r eetDance Tappi ngi nt oSt r eetDance Sal es& Di st r i but i onSt r at egy BudgetPage Sal esEst i mat es Fi nanci ng& Recoupment Fi nanci ng& Recoupment Suppl ement ar yBenef i t sf orI nvest ment Concl usi on


LegalDi scl ai mer I mpor t antNot i ce I ft hi sdocumenthasbeensentt oyouasapr i vat ei ndi vi dual ,youshoul dnotr eadoractuponi tunt i lyou haver eadand( i fagr eed)si gnedacopyoft hecer t i f i cat esentt oyousepar at el yconf i r mi ngt hatyouar ea Cer t i f i edHi ghNetWor t hI ndi vi dualand/ orSel fCer t i f i edSophi st i cat edI nvest orf ort hepur poseoft he Fi nanci alSer vi cesandMar ket sAct2000( Fi nanci alPr omot i on)Or der2005. Thecont entoft hi spr omot i on hasnotbeenappr ovedbyanaut hor i sedper sonwi t hi nt hemeani ngoft heFi nanci alSer vi cesandMar ket s Act2000.Rel i anceont hi spr omot i onf ort hepur poseofengagi ngi nanyi nvest mentact i vi t ymayexpose ani ndi vi dual ,companyorot herent i t yt oasi gni f i cantr i skofl osi ngal loft hepr oper t yorot herasset s i nvest ed. Thi sdocumentandanyot heri nf or mat i onyouhaver ecei vedorr ecei vef r om t heCompanyi ncl udi ng busi nesspl anandf i nanci almodel( t oget hert hi si nf or mat i onmemor andum)i sbei ngi ssuedbyPat i ent Zer oPr oduct i onsl t d( Company)t oal i mi t ednumberofpar t i esi nconnect i onwi t ht hepr oposedf undi ngof t hef i l m pr ovi si onal l yent i t l ed" J akeFor t une"( Fi l m) .Byaccept i ngt hi si nf or mat i onmemor andum,youacknowl edgeandagr eet hatal lt hei nf or mat i oni nt hi si nf or mat i onmemor andum i sconf i dent i alt ot he Companyandyouagr eenei t hert odi scl oseanyofi tt oanyt hi r dpar t ynort ouseanysuchi nf or mat i on f oranypur poseot hert hanassetouti nt hef ol l owi ngpar agr aphwi t houtt heCompany' spr i orwr i t t en appr oval . Thepur poseoft hi si nf or mat i onmemor andum i st oassi stt her eci pi enti ndeci di ngwhet herhewi shest o pr oceedwi t haf ur t heri nvest i gat i onoft heFi l m,andi ndet er mi ni ngwhet herornott oi nvesti ni t .Thi s i nf or mat i onmemor andum doesnotconst i t ut eanof f erori nvi t at i ont oi nvesti nt heFi l m ort ol endmoney t ot heCompanyoranyot herper sonorent i t yorf ort hesubscr i pt i on,sal eorpur chaseofshar esorot her secur i t i esorot her wi se. Thei nf or mat i oni nt hi si nf or mat i onmemor andum,whi chdoesnotpur por tt obecompr ehensi ve,hasbeen pr ovi dedbyt heCompanyandhasnotbeeni ndependent l yver i f i ed.Whi l et hi si nf or mat i onhasbeen pr epar edi ngoodf ai t h,nor epr esent at i onorwar r ant y,expr essori mpl i ed,i sorwi l lbemadeandno r esponsi bi l i t yorl i abi l i t yi sorwi l lbeaccept edbyt heCompanyorbyanyofi t sshar ehol der s,di r ect or s, empl oyees,agent soradvi sor si nr el at i ont ot heaccur acyorcompl et enessoft hi si nf or mat i on memor andum andanysuchl i abi l i t yi sexpr essl ydi scl ai med.I npar t i cul arbutwi t houtl i mi t at i onor pr ej udi cet ot hepr evi oussent ence,t her ei snoguar ant eet hatanyf or ecast sorpr oj ect i onsi ncl udedi nt hi s i nf or mat i onmemor andum wi l lbemet . Noi nf or mat i onsetoutorr ef er r edt oi nt hi si nf or mat i onmemor andum shal lf or mt hebasi sofany cont r act .Anypr ospect i vei nvest ori nt heFi l m shal lber equi r edt oacknowl edgei ni t si nvest ment agr eementt hati thasnotr el i edonorbeeni nducedt oent eri nt osuchanagr eementbyany r epr esent at i onorwar r ant y,saveasexpr essl ysetouti nsuchagr eement . Thi si nf or mat i onmemor andum hasbeendel i ver edt oi nt er est edpar t i esf ori nf or mat i ononl yandont he expr essunder st andi ngt hatt heyshal lusei tonl yf ort hepur posesetoutabove. Thi si nf or mat i onmemor andum i sbei ngdi st r i but edont hebasi st hateachper soni nt heUni t edKi ngdom t owhom i ti si ssuedi sr easonabl ybel i evedt obesuchaper sonasi sdescr i bedi nAr t i cl e19( I nvest ment pr of essi onal s) ,Ar t i cl e48( Cer t i f i edhi ghnetwor t hi ndi vi dual s) ,Ar t i cl e49( Hi ghnetwor t hcompani es, uni ncor por at edassoci at i onset c. )orAr t i cl e50( Sophi st i cat edi nvest or s)oft heFi nanci alSer vi cesand Mar ket sAct2000( Fi nanci alPr omot i on)Or der2005,ori saper sont owhom t hi si nf or mat i on memor andum mayot her wi sel awf ul l ybedi st r i but ed.Per sonswhodonotf al lwi t hi nsuchdescr i pt i onsmay notactupont hei nf or mat i oncont ai nedi ni t . Thi si nf or mat i onmemor andum i snotbei ngdi st r i but edt oper sonsout si det heUK.However ,anyr eci pi ent oft hi si nf or mat i onmemor andum i nj ur i sdi ct i onsout si det heUK shoul di nf or mt hemsel vesaboutand obser veanyappl i cabl el egalr equi r ement s.Thi si nf or mat i onmemor andum doesnotconst i t ut eanof f ert o i nvesti nt heFi l m ort ol endmoneyt ot heCompanyoranyot herper sonorent i t yorani nvi t at i ont o subscr i beorpur chasesecur i t i esi nanyj ur i sdi ct i on. . . Thi si nf or mat i onmemor andum shal lnotexcl udeanyl i abi l i t yf or ,orr emedyi nr espectof ,f r audul ent mi sr epr esent at i on. Byaccept i ngt hi si nf or mat i onmemor andum,t her eci pi entagr eest obeboundbyt hef or egoi ng l i mi t at i ons.


I fyouar ei nanydoubtaboutt hei nvest mentt owhi cht hi si nf or mat i onmemor andum r el at es,you shoul dconsul tanaut hor i sedper sonspeci al i zi ngi nadvi si ngi ni nvest ment soft heki ndi nquest i on. I fyouhavenotr ecei vedt hi sdocumentdi r ect l yf r om t heCompany,yourr ecei pti sunaut hor i sed. Pl easer et ur nt hi sdocumentt ot heCompanyi mmedi at el y.

Int r oduct i on

‘ J akeFor t une’i st hebr ai nchi l dofi nt er nat i onaldancest arandchor eogr apher‘ Gl en Mur phy’ .Onehal foft hedanceduo‘ Twi standPul se’ ,whoshott of amewhent hey camesecondont hehugel ypopul arI TV t al entshow ‘ Br i t ai n’ sGotTal ent ’ . Gl enwant edt ocomeupwi t haconceptt hatwoul dbegenr edef i ni ngandmaket he movi eaf i l mf i r standdancemovi esecond,somet hi ngl acki ngi nmostr ecentdance basedf i l ms.Har ki ngbackt ot hegr eat sl i ke‘ Fl ashdance’and‘ Foot l oose’ ,wher et he danci ngi si mpor t antbutt akesabackseatt ot hest or yandchar act er s.J akeFor t une wi l lbr eakt hemoul dandbr i ngdancet oamuchl ar geraudi ence,j ustas‘ Kar at eKi d’ di df ormar t i alar t sandwi l lbeal lr oundent er t ai nmentf orbot hyoungandol d. Thef i l m wi l lhaveami xofi nt er nat i onal l yr enowneddancer sandAl i stact or sandwi l l i ncor por at et hel at esti nCGI( Comput erGener at edI mager y)and3D t echnol ogy. Shoot i ngont hel at est3D RedEpi ccamer as‘ J akeFor t une’wi l ldef i ni t el yst andout f r om t hecr owdandwi l lhaveasl i ckmoder nl ook. J akeFor t unei sbei ngpr oducedbyNi suocLt dandPat i entZer oPr oduct i ons,basedi n t hehear toft hef i l mi ndust r yatEl st r eeFi l m St udi osi nBor ehamwood,cur r ent l y housi ngmaj orbl ockbust erpr oj ect ssuchasTheDar kKni ghtRi ses( Chr i st i anBal e) , Wor l dWarZ ( Br adPi t t ) ,J ackt heGi antki l l er( EwanMcGr egor )andSher l ockHol mes 2:A GameofShadows( Rober tDowneyJ r . ) . I nvest or scanexpectt or ecoupsi gni f i cant l ywi t ht hi sf i l m.Theest i mat edbudgethas beensl ashedbymor et hanhal f ,wi t houtanyl osst oqual i t y,duet out i l i si ngt hel at est di gi t alt echnol ogi es.Thi sal ongwi t ht hel ocat i onoft hepr oduct i oncompanyi nEl st r ee Fi l m St udi oshasenabl edt hem t okeepcost sdown,i . e.of f i ces,soundst agesand cr ew. Pat i entZer oPr oduct i onsar ebasedatEl st r eeFi l m St udi os;whi chaf f or dst hecompany adualf unct i on:bei ngabl et or unt hepr oj ecti namuchmor edi r ectappr oachand pr ovi di ngmor ef l ui daccessi bi l i t y.Thi saccessi bi l i t yenabl esi nvest or s’excl usi veaccess f orsetvi si t s,meet i ngt hecastandevenpar t i ci pat i ngasf i l m ext r asi ft heysowi sh. Thepr oj ectal sopr ovi desapr i vat escr eeni ngpr i ort or el ease,f ori nvest or sandal so i nvi t at i onst ot hef i l m’ spr emi er escr eeni ngi nLondon. Par t ner i ngwi t hPat i entZer oPr oduct i ons,Ni suocLt di spr ovi di ngt hef or emost exper t i sei nTheat r ePr oduct i onandPr omot i on,Musi cPr oduct i on,ent er t ai nmentand r el evantbespokewebbasedsoci et i es.Ni suocpr ovi dest hecr eat i veedge;essent i al danceski l l sandi ndust r ycont act swhi chwi l lmaket hi sdancef i l m st andout .


Fi l m Synopsi s

I napar al l eluni ver seofhyper r eal i t y,wher ewari sat hi ngoft hepastandal lef f or t s ar eputi nt ocr eat i vi t yandt echnol ogy,si t st hedancecapi t aloft hewor l d‘ PI NEAPPLE VALLEY’ . J AKEFORTUNEi sanext r aor di nar ydancerwi t hat al entonl ysur passedbyhi scompassi onandhumani t y.J akeopensadancest udi oi nr emembr anceofhi sdeceased mot her ,t eachi ngt heunder pr i vi l egedandgi vi ngt hem anoppor t uni t yt oexpr esst hei r t al ent s.Unf or t unat el y,RYAN STRI KE,t hesonofabi l l i onai r et echnol ogyexper t VI KTOR STRI KE,i shel l bentonmaki nghi msel ft hebr i ght estst ari nt hedancegal axy andi sf ocusedonhi sownf ameandgr andeurashei nt endst ot akeovert hewor l dof st r eetdancebyf ai rmeansorf oul .Ryandeci dest hatSt r i keI ndust r i esshoul dcont r ol al loft hedanceschool sanddancer si nt heVal l eyanddef endshi sact i onsbyasser t i ng t hati ti sf ort hegoodoft heVal l eyt oi nsur et heyst ayont op. Secr et l yut i l i si nghi sf at her ’ smoney,powerandi nf l uence,Ryanbr i best hegover nmentt oenactanew l aw,consol i dat i ngal ldancer el at edbusi nessesunderhi scont r ol , undert hebannerofSTRI KEI NDUSTRI ES.For ci ngt hest r eetdancer st owor kf orhi m, hedepr i vest hem oft hei rf r eedom ofexpr essi onandt hei rbusi nesses.J akei samongst t hem,l osi ng' GOOD FORTUNE'St udi os.Wi t hhi sdi sci pl es,J akef l eest ot heunder gr oundi nanactofdef i ance,r esi st i ngRyan’ smani acalgr abf orpowerandgl or y.J ake andhi scr ew t r ai nsecr et l yi nt heshadows,r ehear si nganddevel opi ngt hei rst yl eaway f r om t hedogmat i ccont r olofRyan.Li t t l edot heyknow t hatgover nmentf or cesar e wat chi ng-wai t i ngf ort her i ghtmomentt opounce.Fi nal l yt hedayar r i vesandt hey descendonJ ake,i mpr i soni nghi m undert het er msoft hecor r uptnew l aw.Locked awayi nt hedar kness,J akef eel sal lhopei sl ostandt hatRyanhaswon. Ret ur ni ngf r om al ongbusi nesst r i p,Vi kt orSt r i kei sf ur i ouswhenhef i ndsoutwhat Ryanhasbeendoi ngwi t hhi scompanyandt ot heVal l eyi nhi sabsence.Ryant r i est o convi ncehi sf at hert hati t ’ sgoodf orbusi nessandhi scr ew wi l lbeknownas‘ TEAM STRI KE’pr omot i ngt hecompanywor l dwi de.Vi kt ori snotconvi nced,paysf orJ akes’ bai landar r angesameet i ngatSt r i ket ower sbet weenJ ake,Ryanandhi msel f .Vi kt or i spoi sedt ol aunchaspect acul arexhi bi t i onofhi sl at estsi mul at i ont echnol ogyand seest heaggr avat edsi t uat i onbet weent het wodancer sast heper f ectoppor t uni t yt o gar nert hemostexposur ef orhi sbusi nesswhi l str epai r i nghi sf ami l i es’r eput at i on. Vi kt orpr oposesal i vet el evi seddancecont est ;af aceof fbet weenRyan,J akeand t hei rcr ewsi nhi sownSt r i keTower s.Eachf l oori nt het owerwi l lbef i t t edwi t ht he l at estSt r i ket echnol ogi es;Ryanandhi sf i nestst udent swi l lbepi t t edheadt ohead agai nstJ akeandhi scr ew.Br oadcastt oagl obalaudi ence,t hevi ewi ngpubl i cwi l l deci dewhoi st r ul yt hebestandt hewi nnerwi l lbecome‘ TEAM STRI KE’wi t hgl obal f amet henextst op.


CastAt t ached/ Pr oposed JakeFor t une–Gl en Murphy A pr of essi onaldancerf ul l yt r ai nedi nbal l et ,t apdance,cont empor ar yandj azz.Al ongsi deAshl eyGl azet heybecame ‘ Twi standPul se’ .Per f or mi nguni que‘ St r eet omedy’r out i nes,a uni quebl endofst r eetdanceandcomedy.Taki ngt henat i onby st or m whi chl edt ot heduobecomi ngr unner supi n‘ Br i t ai n’ s GotTal ent ’2010.Si ncet hen‘ Twi standPul se’havebeenal l overt heUK andI r el andper f or mi ng,oneoft hebi ggestbei ng, Mi dl andsMusi cFest i val .Her et heywer ewat chedbyover 20, 000f ans.I nt hel astyeart heyhaveper f or medl i vet oover 500, 000peopl e. .

OwenAr nol d–Ashl eyGl azebrook Li keGl en,Ashl eyi sal soaf ul l yt r ai neddancerandt he ot herhal fofdanceduo‘ Twi standPul se’ .Thepai rr ecent l y guest edonKei t hLemonI TV2‘ Cel ebr i t yJ ui ce’ ,t hatj ustso happenedt obet hemostwat chedepi sode.Thei r‘ YouTube’vi ewsf orBr i t ai n’ sGotTal ental onehaver eached over30mi l l i onvi ews.Cur r ent l y‘ Twi standPul se’ar esuppor t i ng‘ J edwar d’ont hei rf our t hI r i sht ouri nAugust ,‘ The Car ni valTour ’ .Thi si ncl udedt endat esal lar oundI r el and.

Vi kt orSt r i ke–Rob Lowe Robbeganhi sact i ngcar eeratayoungagei nLA wor ki ng on‘ A New Ki ndofFami l y’ont heABC Net wor k.Hehas now r i sent obecomeat opAl i stAmer i canact orwho st ar r edi nf i l mssuchas‘ FoxHunt ’ ,‘ Youngbl ood’ ,‘ Host i l e I nt ent ’and‘ Br eakaway’ .Hi ssuccessf ulcar eerhasbeen r ewar dedwi t hmul t i pl e,consecut i veEmmyawar dsf or ‘ TheWestWi ng’ ;al ongwi t ht woScr eenAct or sGui l d Awar dsandsever alGol denGl obeAwar dsnomi nat i ons.I n f i l mssuchas‘ Masquer ade’and‘ Wayne’ sWor l d’ ;Lowehas demonst r at edt heabi l i t yt obef ear l esswi t hhi sr ol esby goi ngf r om wi deeyedAl lAmer i canboyt ounexpect ed, under handedant agoni stwhochal l enget heher o.AsRobi s t hequi nt essent i al1980’ sBr at Packer ,hebr i ngsani nbui l t audi encewhoknow hecanpl ayt hi sdar ker ,edgi erand wor l dl yt echnocapt ai nofi ndust r yandwoul dbeper f ectf or t her ol eofVi kt orSt r i ke.


CastAt t ached/ Pr oposed RyanSt r i ke–Tobi asMead Tobi asi sf ul l yt r ai nedi nact i nganddanci ng.I n2007 Tobi asappear edasacont est anton‘ Di r t yDanci ng:The Ti meofYourLi f e’wher ehedancedwi t ht heshow' shost Kel l yBr ook.Tobi ashasper f or medt omi l l i onsasadancer ont hebi ggestpopt ouroft heyear ,‘ TakeThat ' sCi r cus Tour ’ .Hewasal sosel ect edt owor kwi t hMi chaelJ ackson' schor eogr apherJ ef f r eyDani el sonaUni ql oTV ad campai gni nAsi a.I n2010Tobi asaudi t i onedf or‘ Br i t ai n' s GotTal ent ’per f or mi nghi s' Backt oFr ont 'r out i ne.Tobi as r eachedBGTFi nalt oper f or ml i vet o15. 4mi l l i onvi ewer s. Fol l owi nghi ssuccessasheadl i neactandspokesper son f ort heDi sney‘ CampRock2Passi tOnUK Tour ’hei s now si gnedt oDi sney' scel ebr i t yment orscheme.

Tyson-Chri sBrown Wor l dwi deSi nger ,SongWr i t er ,DancerandAct or-Chr i s Br owni saf or cet hatcannotbest opped.Hi sf i r stnumber onesi ngl e‘ RunI t ! ’br oughthi mt of ameatt heyoungage of16.Henow hasmade4al bumsandr el eased44songs i nt ot hechar t s.Hi smostsuccessf ulsong‘ NoAi r ’spenta r ecor dt ot alof430weeksi nt hechar t s. Chr i si swel lknownf orhi sdanci ngski l lshowni nnear l yal l ofhi smusi cvi deos,hehasper f or medat‘ Danci ngwi t h t heSt ar s’ ,MTV Vi deoMusi cAwar dsandmanymor e. Chr i shasal sobr anchedi nt oact i ngi nf i l mssuchas‘ Bl ood Rogues’ ,‘ Taker s’andr ecent l yt hebr eak-danci ngf i l m ‘ Pl anetBBoy’ .

Ti a–Pi xi eLot t Successf ulSi nger ,DancerandLondont heat r evet er an; Pi xi eLot ti snost r angert ot hest ageasachi l dper f or mer i nLondon’ sWestEndmusi cal s‘ Chi t t yChi t t yBangBang’ and‘ SoundofMusi c’ .Shecur r ent l yhasat op10si ngl e ‘ WhatDoYouTakeMeFor ?’outwi t hheral bum Young Fool i shHappyi nt hechar t s.Shehast r avel l edt hewor l d t our i ngandwonsever almusi cawar dsi ncl udi ng‘ Hot t est Femal e’i n2011att heVi r gi nMedi aMusi cAwar dsand BestNewcomeri n2009.Pi xi eLot twoul dcompl ementt he r ol eofTi a,t hebeaut i f ulyounggi r lwhobecomesRyan’ s gi r l f r i endandwoul dgi vet her ol eandedgi erdi mensi on becauseshehassuchast r ongbackgr oundi nt hePer f or mi ngAr t s.Pi xi eLot thaspr evi ousl yact edi nsuchf eat ur e f i l mssuchas‘ Fr edt hemovi e’and‘ SweetBabyJ esus’ .


CastAt t ached/ Pr oposed

MrJones-Turbo I ssac‘ Tur bo’Bapt i st ei sani nt er nat i onaldancer ,act or , musi ci an,t eacher ,mot i vat orandal lr oundent er t ai ner .Tur bo’ s abi l i t i esar emi r r or edbyt heext ensi vehi ghpr of i l e achi evement si nhi scar eert odat e. Hehaswonnumer ous t i t l eswor l dwi dei ncl udi ng‘ JapanFr eest yl e’ ,‘ St yl eFestUK’and ‘ Just eDeboutUK’ .Tur bohaswor kedwi t hmanyi ncr edi bl e ar t i st sf r om Madonnat oWhi t neyHoust onandevenWi l lSmi t h att he‘ MOBO Awar ds’ .Embr aci ngoppor t uni t i est oshow hi s di ver ser angeasanact orandpr esent er ,Tur bopl ayedexpl osi ver ol essuchasMer cut i oi nt heWestEnd’ s‘ Romeoand Jul i et ’ . Mostr ecent l yhest ar edasj udgeon‘ Al i sha’ sSt r eet DanceSt ar s’pr esent edbyAl eshaDi xon.

AgentWr i ght erAshl eyBanj o As hl eyi sanext r emel yt al ent eddanc erbes tknownas gr oupl eaderofi nt er nat i onaldanc ec r ew ‘ Di ver s i t y’ .Di ver s i t ywon‘ Br i t ai n’ sGotTal ent ’i n2009,whot henwent ont oper f or mi nf r ontoft heQueenatt he‘ RoyalVar i et y Show’ .Si nc et henDi ver s i t yhavet our edt hewhol eoft he UK andper f or medt oaudi enc esofupt o20mi l l i onpeopl e. Di ver s i t yhaveal s of eat ur edi nt hef i l m‘ St r eet Danc e3D’ . As hl eyBanj ohasmadeanamef orhi ms el fbybei nga j udgeonSky1’ s‘ Gott oDanc e’ .

Lei gh–W i lJohnson Wi li sper f ectf ort her ol easSt r i kesver ywi sebutr el uct ant Agent .Wi l ’ spr evi ousact i ngcont ai nsser i ousandt ough r ol essuchasdet ect i veConst abl eSkel t oni n‘ Cr acker ’ , gangst erbossBi gMi kei n‘ Anuvahood’ ,andMar cusKi r by i nt heBBC Dr ama‘ Wat er l ooRoad’ .Wi l lhasal sost ar r edi n hi tshowssuchas‘ Waki ngt heDead’ ,‘ Cl ocki ngOf f ’ ,‘ Casual t y’ ,and‘ London' sBur ni ng’ .Wi lhasmostr ecent l ybeen nomi nat edf orhi sper f or mancei nt hepl ayTheSwal l owi ng Dar k.


Addi t i onalCr ew/ Dancer sAt t ached

i Lumi nat e Thi suni quedancegr oupdancesi nl ow l i ght i ng,evencompl et edar knesswear i ngLED i l l umi nat edsui t s.Theamazi ngl i ghtshowst hey per f or m capt i vat eaudi encesbyusi ngcont r ol l edl i ght st ocr eat ei magi nat i vemovesand r out i nesacr osst hest age.Theyhaveper f or medon‘ Amer i ca’ sGotTal ent ’ .Thei Lumi nat et echnol ogyhasbeenusedbyar t i st ssuch asChr i sBr ownon‘ Danci ngwi t ht heSt ar s’ andTheBl ackEyedPeason‘ Amer i canMusi c Awar ds’ .Thi sgr oupar easdynami casi tget s, t hei rpr esenceal onewi l lel ect r i f yt hi spr oj ect onscr een. LesTwi ns I dent i calt wi nsLaur entandLar r yBour geoi s f r om Fr ancemakeupt hi scr eat i vecomedy hi phopdanceduo.Theyar ever ywel lknown i nt hedancei ndust r yandhaveper f or medat numer ousshowsanddancecompet i t i ons. Mostnot abl yt hei rmostr ecentdancecr edi t s i ncl udeper f or mi ngi nBeyonce’ s‘ Runt he Wor l d’musi cvi deoaswel lasper f or mi ngwi t h BeyonceatGl ast onbur yFest i valandTheBi l l boar dMusi cAwar ds.Theyal sohaveper f or medi nGener at i onMoonwal k,Tr i but et o Mi chaelJ acksonatZeni t h,Par i s,andwer e cr ownedt hewi nner satJ ust eDebout2011i n bot hJ apanHi pHopDi vi si onandHi pHopDi vi si ont oaddt ot hei rcol l ect i onsoft i t l es. Jabbawockeez J abbawockeezar eahi phopmaskeddance gr oupt aki ngt hewor l dbyst or m.Fr om wi nni ng‘ Amer i ca’ sBestDanceCr ew’t hey havegoneont oappearonaPepsi commer ci al ,per f or m on‘ Danci ngwi t ht he St ar s’ ,‘ SoYouThi nkYouCanDance’ ,t our ed wi t h‘ New Ki dsont heBl ock’andevendanced on‘ St epup2TheSt r eet s’ .Recent l yt heyhave t our edAust r al i aandper f or medatt heMGM Gr andi nLasVegas.Thi suni quer obot i c hi phopdancegr oupi sknownwor l dwi deand ar ecl ear l yonest owat ch. 9

Pr oducer sAt t ached

Si mon Cummi ns Si moni sest abl i shedwi t hi nt hei ndust r ybot hasanact orandpr oducer .St ar t i ngasachi l dact orheat t endedBar bar aSpeakesSt age School .Si monhasappear edi nanumberofcommer ci al s,TV shows andf i l msSi moni smost l ywel lknownf orhi sr ol east he Or i gi nalAndr exboyi n1994.Si monhasal soappear edi nnumer ous TV shows‘ 2Poi nt4Chi l dr en’and‘ gr owi ngpai ns’ .Si monl at est act i ngr ol ecanbeseeni nt hef or m ofabr andnew Br i t i shcomedy f eat ur ef i l m comi ngt oUK scr eenson24t hJ an2011cal l ed' ' The f l i r t i ngCl ub' ' Af t erl eavi ngt hef i el dofact i ng;Si monwenti nt ot hef i nanci alsect ordeal i ngi nequi t i esandshar esf orCi t iGr oup.Si mondevel opedahi ghbusi nessacumenwhi chl ed t oi nvol vementwi t hmanyPr oduct i oncompani es.AsaPr oducer ;wi t hSi mon' s knowl edgeoft hei ndust r yandent husi asm f ort hebusi nesssi deoft hi s;Si monwas of f er edapar t ner shi pi nt hesecompani es.Si monbegancr eat i ngpr oj ect st hatdi dn' t j usthavemeani ngf orhi msel fbutal sot ot heaudi ence,havi ngsecur edf or‘ Tr ansf er Deadl i neDay’( t hef i r stUK basedpl ayaboutf oot bal l )Si monwor kedanddevel oped st r ongr el at i onshi psl ar geor gani sat i onssuchasCour t yar dTheat r e,442Magazi ne, Char l t onFoot bal lCl ubandFHM.Si moni st hatr ar ePr oducert hathasmanagedt o f ear l essl yembr acebot hexper i enceandknowl edgeoft hecr eat i veandf i nanci al ar enas.

John K W ebst er J ohni sanamazi ng,upandcomi ngPr oducert ot hef eat ur e wor l dwi t hpassi onandent husi asm beyondbel i ef .J ohnhas pr oduced9shor tf i l msandhundr edsofadver t s,vi r al s,musi c vi deosandcor por at epr oduct i ons.J ohnhast heabi l i t yt omake f i l msonal owerbudgett hatst andupagai nstpr oduct i onswi t h muchl ar gercr ewsandf i nancesat t ached. J ohnhasbeenwor ki ngi npr oduct i onf orovert enyear sandunt i lr ecent l ywast he owneroft hehi ghl ysuccessf ulpr oduct i oncompany‘ Bl ankCanvasMedi a’ .Att hebegi nni ngof2011J ohndeci dedt hati twasnow t i meconcent r at eonf eat ur ef i l msand t r ansf er r edhi sski l l st oEl st r eeFi l m St udi oswi t hhi snew company‘ Pat i entZer oPr oduct i onsLt d’f ocusi ngont el evi si onandf i l m pr oj ect s.‘ J akeFor t une’wi l lbeJ ohn’ s f i r stf eat ur epr oj ect ,gi vi nghi mt heoppor t uni t yt ot akehi sexcept i onalski l l sand knowl edget ot hewi descr eenandwi l lactasapl at f or mt oannouncehi sar r i valt ot he compet i t i on.J ohnhasunpar al l el edexper i encei nal laspect sofpr oduct i onandhas wonsever alshor tf i l msandmusi cvi deosawar ds.


Pr oducer sAt t ached

Ni ck‘ Pi kki ’Fear on Pi kkiwasoneoft hemostt al ent ed,upandcomi ng,semi pr o MuayThaiKi ckboxer st hi scount r yhadeverseen,unt i lone f at ef ulaf t er noon,ahor r i f i cmot or cycl eacci dentchangedhi s l i f ef or ever .Pi kkiwast ol dhe’ dneverwal kagai n,butwi t hhi s f ai t handsheerdet er mi nat i onhehassi ncet ur nedhi sl i f e ar oundandi sf astbecomi ngoneoft hemostsoughtaf t erFi l m Pr oducer si nt heEnt er t ai nmentI ndust r y. Pi kkiwast hemast er mi ndbehi ndt hehi ghl yaccl ai medf eat ur ef i l m Rol l i n’Wi t ht he Ni nes. Rol l i n’won‘ BestFeat ur eFi l m’att he2005Rai ndance Fi l m Fest i val .Pi kkit henwentont owi nsever alawar dsi nt hef eat ur ef i l m wor l d,i ncl udi ng ‘ BestAchi evementi nBl ackFi l m Maki ng’att he2005Rai ndanceFi l m Fest i val .Pi kkit hen wentont owi nsever alawar dsi nt hef eat ur ef i l m wor l d,i ncl udi ng‘ BestAchi evementi n Bl ackFi l m Maki ng’att he2006Scr eenNat i onAwar ds,f ol l owedbyanomi nat i oni n2007f or t he‘ Car lFor emanAwar d’att hef eat ur ef i l msmostpr est i gi ousawar ds:TheBAFTAs.Pi kki pr oducedt hef eat ur ef i l m DeadManRunni ngi n2009,wi t hexecut i vepr oducer sAshl eyCol e andRi oFer di nand. Thef i l m st ar r edCur t i s‘ 50Cent ’J ackson( Amer i canRapperandAct or ) ; Br endaBl et hyn;DannyDyer ;Ashl eyWal t er s,andTammerHassan.

Gl en Mur phy Gl enMur phyi sanent r epr eneurf r om sout heastLondon.Onehal f oft hesuccessf uldanceduo‘ Twi standPul se’ .‘ Twi standPul se’ havewont heUK St r eetDancechampi onshi psf i vet i mes,i nt er nat i onalandper f or medi nt hepr est i gi ouswor l dhi phopchampi onshi psi nLasVegast woyear sr unni ng.Gl enhasChor eogr aphed andper f or medi nover20musi cvi deosandadver t si ncount r i es al lar oundt hewor l d.Gl encr eat edhi sowncompany,Ni suocLt d. Gl enhasbeenspenthi sl i f ebui l di nghi si deasandski l l sandused t hem t owar dshi ssuccesses.Hedr awsuponhi swi devar i et yof exper i encest ohonei nanddevel opt hewor khehascr eat ed.


Cr ew At t ached

‘ JakeFor t une’hasat t r act ed awor l d cl asspooloff i l mmaker st owor ki n br i ngi ng t hi sf i l mt ot hescr een. Jer emyZi mmer man -Cast i ngDi r ect or J er emyZi mmer mani soneoft heUK’ sl eadi ngCast i ngDi r ect or sandhaswor kedon i nt er nat i onalpr oduct i onsf ort hepastt went yyear swi t hsuchnot abl eDi r ect or sas Pet erYat eson‘ Bul l i t t ’ ,RonHowar df or‘ TheDaVi nciCode’ ,Gui l l er moDelTor oon ‘ Hel l boyI I :TheGol denAr my’ ,andRi char dAt t enbor ough’ s‘ Gandhi ’ .Hewasal so nomi nat edf oranEmmyi n1995f or‘ Out st andi ngI ndi vi dualAchi evement ’f ort he cast i ngofJ oseph,t het el evi si ont wopar tmi ni ser i esst ar r i ngBenKi ngsl ey.Todat e, J er emyhaswor kedonsuchf eat ur esas‘ Legend’ ,‘ Wi l l ow’ ,‘ Robi nHood:Pr i nceof Thi eves’ ,‘ Bl adeI I ’ ,‘ Keepi ngMum’andmor er ecent l y‘ TheMut antChr oni cl es’ ,‘ Hel l boyI I :TheGol denAr my’ ,‘ TheHotPot at o’and‘ MyLi f ei nRui ns’ Ger r yToomey-Li nePr oducer Ger r yj oi ns‘ J akeFor t une’wi t hani mpr essi veCV.Ger r yst ar t edhi samazi ngcar eer i n1983wher ehewas2ndAssi st antDi r ect oronhi ghl yaccl ai medf i l m‘ TheKi l l i ng Fi el d’ .Si ncet henGer r y’ scar eerhasgonef r om st r engt ht ost r engt h;wor ki ngon suchf i l msas‘ Legend’ ,‘ Pl at oon’ ,‘ GoodMor ni ngVi et nam’ ,‘ Wi l l ow’and‘ Di r t yRot t en Scoundr el s’t onamebutaf ew. I n2004,Ger r ypr ogr essedf r om Assi st antDi r ect or t ot heLi nePr oducer ,st ar t i nghi scar eeri n2006wi t hhi tf i l m TheLastDr opwi t h Bi l l yZane;si ncet hi st i mehehasgoneont ol i nepr oducemanygr eatf i l msal lwi t h at heat r i calr el ease.Wear edel i ght edt ohaveGer r yonboar dwi t hsomanyyear s exper i encewi t hi nt hei ndust r y. Pet erFi el d –Di r ect orofPhot ogr aphy Pet eri sanawar dwi nni ngDi r ect orofPhot ogr aphywhohaswor kedonsomeoft he mostsuccessf ulf i l msofr ecentyear s.Hi sr ecentcr edi t si ncl ude‘ Capt ai nAmer i ca’ , ‘ Tr oy’ ,‘ TombRai der :Cr adl eofLi f e’ ,‘ HotFuzz’ ,haswor kedonf ourJ amesBond f i l msandmostr ecent l yt he2012bl ockbust er sWor l dWarZ andSnow Whi t eand t heHunt sman.Pet erbr i ngswi t hhi m anamazi ngvi sualeyeandal oyalcr ew base ofcamer aandl i ght i ngcr ew t hatwi l lensur e‘ J akeFor t une’hast hel ookandcal i br e ofa$100m bl ockbust er . St uar tBi shop -Chor eogr apher St uar ti sat opcl asschor eogr apherandar t i st i cdi r ect orofRudeyeDanceAgency. St uar twor kscl osel ywi t hPi neappl eDanceSt udi osandi sknownwor l dwi deasaf or aTV J udgef r om ‘ Danci ngf oraDr eam’and‘ ElGr anShow’wi t hexper i encei never y aspectofdanceandspeci al i si ngi nst r eetdance.Cl i ent si ncl udear t i st ssuchas Wi l eyandKat eNashpl usTV showsandcommer ci al si ncl udi ngMTV,Sony, Smi r nof f ,PepsiandAdi das.


OurPar t ner s

Har bot t l e& Lewi s Har bot t l eandLewi shavebeenest abl i shedf orover56year s,t heyspeci al i sei n var i oust ypesofmedi al aw.Al anMossi sourdedi cat edsol i ci t orwhowi l lbewor ki ng cl osel ywi t houri nvest or sandpr oducer sot hi sf i l m.Har bot t l eandLewi shavea wi der angeofcl i ent sbot hf r om TV andf i l m;maki ngt hem exper i encedi ndeal i ng wi t h pr oducer sanddi st r i but or s( suchasChannel4,Mer chantI vor y,Wor ki ngTi t l e andTi gerAspect ) www. har bot t l e. com

B&M Account ancyLi mi t ed PaulMet har am conduct shi sbusi nessvi aB & M Account ancyLi mi t edChar t er ed Account ant sandChar t er edTaxAdvi sor s,whi chhast r adedsi nce2002.Pr i ort ot hi s t hebusi nesswasconduct edasasol epr opr i et or .PaulMet har am i sachar t er edaccount antandchar t er edt axadvi ser .Aswel lspendi ngt i mewor ki ngf ormul t i nat i onal or gani sat i onsPaulhasr unapr i vat et axandaccount i ngconsul t ancysi nce1991and hascl i ent si nal lbusi nesssect or si ncl udi ngf i nance,medi aandt hear t s.

Met r oBank Br i t ai n’ sf i r stnew hi ghst r eetbanki nover100year sof f er sbanki ngf ocusedont he cust omer .Met r oBankwi l lbei nt r oduci ngcust omer st ounpar al l el edl evel sofser vi ce andconveni ence.Thi suni quer et ai lbanki ngmodel ,cr eat edbyMet r oBank’ s f ounderVer nonW.Hi l l ,r evol ut i oni sedbanki ngi nt heUni t edSt at esandhasnow cr ossedovert ot heUK.Met r oBankwi l lbepl ayi ngakeyr ol ewi t hPat i entZer o Pr oduct i onsandNi soucLt d.Theywi l lbecont r ol l i ngt heescr ow accountwi t hi nour vehi cl eofi nt er estsetupf ort hemaki ngof‘ J akeFor t une’whi chi snamed‘ J akeFor t uneLt d’ . www. met r obankonl i ne. co. uk


El st r eeFi l m St udi os

El st r eeFi l m St udi osi soneoft hewor l d’ sl eadi ngst udi os;l ocat edonl y20mi nut es f r om t hehear tofLondon.Fi r stest abl i shedi n1926andsi ncet henhasi thasbeen hostt osuchf i l msas‘ I ndi anaJ ones’ ,‘ St arWar s’ ,‘ TheShi ni ng’and‘ TheKi ngs Speech’and800ot herf i l ms.Asast udi of orhi r e;El st r eehasr ecent l yopenedi t s door sf ort hef i l mi ngof‘ Sher l ockHol mesI I :A GameofShadows’f orWar nerbr ot her s.El st r eeFi l m St udi osi swi t houtdoubtLondon' snumber1st udi of orf i l m and t el evi si onpr oduct i on. Thest udi ospr ovi desi xsoundst agesandonesi l entst agecompr i si ngover60, 000 sqf tofspace.Thet wol ar gest agesar et het al l esti nt heUK wi t hahei ghtof49f t andar eeach15, 770sqf t . Pat i entZer oPr oduct i onsLt dof f i cei sl ocat edi nEl st r eeFi l m St udi os,gi vi ngus excl usi veaccessandi mpor t anti nf or mat i onaboutt hei nt er nalmechani smsoft he st udi osandt husal l owi ngvi t alcont act st obemadewi t hi nt hef i l mi ndust r y.Wear e al soabl et ouset hest udi osandcoor di nat evar i ousdepar t ment s;suchasl i ght i ng andequi pmenthi r et hatar eal sobasedwi t hi nt hest udi os.Thest udi o’ sl ocat i on makeseasyaccesst oandf r om London.


Pr oduct i on Schedul e

‘ JakeFor t une’i sbei ng pr epar ed f oraci nemar el easei n 2013. Thi spr esent sf ant ast i cmar ket i ngoppor t uni t yf ort hef i l m.Fi l mi ngi spl annedt o commence2012andwi l lshootf or10weeks,encompassi ng45daysi nLondon& El st r eeFi l m St udi os.PostPr oduct i onwi l lbecompl et ed2013sot hatt hef i l mi s r eadyf ordi st r i but i ont oci nemasdur i ng2013. Ti mel i ne/ Schedul e Fi nanci ng Cl osi ng TBA Pr ePr oduct i on Commenci ng TBA Shoot i ng St ar t i ng TBA PostPr oduct i on CommencesTBA Del i ver yofcompl et ed f i l m 2013 t oDi st r i but or s/ Ci nemas nat i onwi de Fi nanci ng Dur i ngt hi sper i odt het eam wi l lbeor gani si ngt hef i nancef ort hef i l mf r om pr i vat e i nvest or sandor gani si ngt heUK t axcr edi t st ocl oset hef i l m' sf i nanci ngassoonas possi bl epr i ort ot hecommencementofshoot i ng. Pr epr oduct i on Dur i ngt hi sper i odwewi l lsetupt heact uall ogi st i csoft hef i l m,hi r et hecr ew,cast t hesmal l err ol es,f i ndl ocat i onsandwor koutal lt hef i nerdet ai l soft heshoot .The r ul eoft humbi sf or1dayofpr epr oduct i onf or1dayofshoot i ng. Fi l mi ng Shoot i ngoft hef i l m wi l lbeover30car ef ul l yschedul eddays.Fi l mi ngi n3D wi l lt ake ‘ J akeFor t une’t ot henextl evel .3D i sabi gpar toft hecur r entf i l m hype.Vi ct or St r i ke’ snew t echnol ogywi l lsur r oundyouwi t hneverbeenseenbef or edance per f or manceswhi chwi l lmakeyouj umpoutofyourseatast hedancer sgl ovesand shoescomet ol i f ef orexampl e.Team i Lumi nat ewi l lshow 3D ati t sbest .Thei r uni quel i ght i ngper f or mancewi l lbecapt i vat i ngont hebi gdar kci nemascr eenwhen par t soft hemsel vesappeart ol i ghtupoutofknow wher e. Tomaxi mi zeourt i meon ‘ J akeFor t une’wepl ant oshooton3D and2camer ast hr oughoutt heschedul e especi al l yf ort hedancesequencesandedi t i ngwi l lt akepl aceconcur r ent l yt hr ough aDi gi t alI mageTechni ci an( DI T)onset . PostPr oduct i on Dur i ngt hi sst aget hef i l mi sedi t ed,musi ci scomposedandt hesoundper f ect ed. CGIwi l lal sobeaddedatwhi chwi l lenhancet heset s,pr opsanddanci ngt hr oughout t hef i l m.I ti sessent i alweuseCGIt oshow how amazi ngVi ct orSt r i ke’ st echnol ogy i s.Thi swi l lgi vet hef i l m anel swor l dyandmagi calf eel . Del i ver y Thi si swhent hef i ni shedf i l m andi t sel ement s( 35mm copy,Bl ueRay& DVD Mast er )al ongwi t hi t svar i oust echni calver si onsoft hef i l mf orUK & I nt er nat i onal r el easear ehandedovert ooursal esagent sanddi st r i but or s.


SetVi si t s,Par t i ci pat i on & Pr emi er e Wewel comeouri nvest or sandt hei rf ami l i est omeett hecast ,vi si tt heset ,and evenpar t i ci pat easext r asi nt hef i l m.Wewi l lal soi nvi t ei nvest or ’ s f r i endsandf ami l yt oapr i vat escr eeni ngi nadvanceoft hePr emi er e.

W or ki ng i n

Thei mpactofdi gi t al3D TV ont oday' smovi emaki nghasbeencompar edt ot hei nt r oduct i onofcol ourf i l m whent her ewasonl ybl ackandwhi t e.Oneoft hest r ongest t r endsi nvi sualef f ect sf i l mst odayi sst er eoscopi ccapt ur e,postpr oduct i onandpr oj ect i on.Technol ogycaughtupj ustast heat r eowner swer el ooki ngf orwayst ohol d andappealt oamedi asat ur at edaudi ence. Forawhi l e,I MAX andt hemepar kt heat r esbecame oneoft heonl ypl acest osee3D f i l ms.Exhi bi t i onssuch asJ amesCamer on’ sTer mi nat or23D,shoti n65mm st er eo,pr ovedpopul arwi t haudi ences.Theboxof f i ce ofI MAX f i l mswasheal t hy,wi t hI nt ot heDeepgr ossi ng $71. 3M,SpaceSt at i on$95. 1M andTRex3D $98. 1M. Butont hewhol e,r egul arci nemasdi dnotembr ace3D duei npar tt ot hecostofhavi ngspeci al i sedpr oj ect or sandt hel ackofgoodf i l mst o j ust i f yt hi sexpendi t ur e.Ther ewer eexcept i onssuchasSpyKi ds3D,whi ch gr ossed$190M. 3D i sr egai ni ngpopul ar i t yduet onewl yacqui r eddi gi t alcont r ol .“ Themai nr eason whyst er eoci nemai sl i kel yt owor kt hi st i mear oundi sbecausewehaveunpr ecedent edcont r olovert hepr eci seal i gnmentoft hel ef tandr i ghti mages, ”expl ai ns VFX super vi sorand3D wor kf l ow exper tTi m Bai er .Thi si scoupl edwi t hdr amat i cal l y i mpr oveddi gi t alpr oj ect or st hatcannow r unatf r amer at eshi ghenought o‘ f l ash’ bot hst er eoi magesf r om t hesamepr oj ect orusi ngaf astmovi ngpol ar i zerorgl ass. Combi nedwi t hnewert echnol ogyi ngl asses,al lt heset hi ngshel ppr oducemuch bet t er3D ef f ect s.

TheTheor y Whenwevi ew t hewor l dwegett wodi f f er enti magesi nt o eachofoureyes.Thi sdi f f er encei sdef i nedbyt hedi f f er ent posi t i onsoft het woeyes.Thi sdi st ancei snor mal l y65mm f ormen,63mm f orwomen,andcl ear l yl essf orki dswho haveanaver agedi st anceofabout51mm.I fweaver age t hi sdat awecancal li t64mm,whi chi sgener al l yassumed ast heaver age.Thi sdi st ancebet weenone’ seyesi scal l edt heaver agehuman i nt r aocul ardi st anceandwi t houti twehavenost er eo3D ef f ect . Tomake3D wor ki naci nemat odayweneedt of i ndawayt o pr oj ectt woi mages,andcont r olonl yoneoft heseeachbei ng seenbyeacheye.I fwedot hi scor r ect l y,t hevi ewerget st he ver yconvi nci ngi l l usi onofdept h–bot hi nf r ontandbehi nd t hepl aneoft het heat r escr een.Thi suni ver sal l yr equi r essome t ypeofgl assest obewor nbyt heaudi ence.


Shoot i ng on t heRed Epi c

Thenamei snotanover st at ement .Themuchant i ci pat edaddi t i ont ot heRED f ami l yi st heanswer t ot hepr of essi onal ' swi l destdr eamsandexi st sas t hemostsophi st i cat edandcapabl ecamer aever engi neer edandbui l t .I napackageonet hi r dt he si zeofaRED ONE,r esi desa5K Myst er i umX™ sensoranda27l ayerASI C,t hemostadvanced pr ocessorofi t st ypei nt hewor l d,enabl i ngEPI Ct o capt ur eupt o120f r amespersecond,eachf r ame atf ul l14MPr esol ut i on.EPI Ci sengi neer edt obea DSMC™ ( Di gi t alSt i l l& Mot i onCamer a) ,acamer at hatexcel si nbot hwor l ds. . .by desi gn.Pr ovi di ngnat i vedynami cr angeofover13st opsandr esol ut i ont hatexceeds35mm mot i onpi ct ur ef i l m,t hi si st hecamer aoft heepoch.Addt ot hat RED' snewl ydevel opedHDRx™ ext endeddynami cr anget echnol ogyandEPI C boast sanamazi ngdynami cr angeofupt o18st ops.Pur posebui l tf orper f ect mul t i camer asynchr oni zat i on,EPI C comest omar ketatat i mewhen3D capt ur e r equi r est hesophi st i cat i onofanew gener at i onofi nnovat i vet echnol ogy.EPI C, ver ysi mpl y,i sepi c! Thef i r stf eat ur ef i l mt obeshotont heRedEpi c wasSt evenSoder ber gh’ s‘ Cont agi on’ .Gr eatf i l m di r ect or shaveal sost ar t edt ouset heRedEpi c camer a;Pet erJ ackson’ s‘ TheHobbi t ’ ,Ri dl eyScot t ’ s ‘ Pr omet heus’ ,RobMar shal l ’ s‘ Pi r at esoft he Car i bbean4’andevenLenWi seman’ s‘ Tot alRecal l ’ t hesear ej ustaf ew t onamet hathaveshott hef ul l f eat ur eont heRedEpi c.


Pr omot i on and Mar ket i ng St r at egy Over vi ew Wehavei nvi t edOr gani cMar ket i ngt opr ovi deashor tmar ket i ngandpr omot i ons summar yt osuppor tt hef i l m‘ J akeFor t une’movi epr oposalandt hecost i ngoft hi s hasal r eadybeencal cul at edwi t hi nourbudget . Backgr ound Or gani cMar ket i ngspeci al i zesi nf i l m mar ket i ng.Wor ki ngwi t hsomeoft hebi ggest f i l m st udi osi nt heUK,t hei rexper i encesencompasst heent i r ef i l ml i f ecycl e,f r om pr oduct i ont hr ought oi nt er nat i onalhomeent er t ai nment ,di gi t aldownl oadandback cat al oguemar ket i ng. TheGenr e Thegenr ei sComedyDanceDr ama,t hef i l m wi l lbei nt hevei nof‘ Scot tPi l gr i m vs. t heWor l d’meet s‘ St r eet Dance3D’ .Unl i keanydancef i l m youhaveseenbef or e ‘ J akeFor t une’i sgoi ngt osett hest andar dext r emel yhi ghf orf ut ur edancef i l ms. Thi si sgoi ngt obet hef i r stdancef i l mt oi ncor por at edancewi t hcomedy.Dance f i l msusual l ycont ai naser i ousunder t onesomet i mesgent l yt ouchi ngoni ssuesf or soci alcomment ar yl i kecl assandpover t y,but‘ J akeFor t une’i sseti ni t sownwor l d. Thi si show wecancr eat et hevi deogameandbl endt hecomedyaspecti nt ot he f i l m whi chwi l lsett hi sdancef i l m wor l dapar t . TheCast Wel lknownandcr edi bl ecast ,mi xedi nwi t ht heupandcomi ngper f or mer s.The l eadchar act er swi l lal sobef ul l yt r ai nedandwel lknownDancer s.Thecasti sver y i mpor t antt ot hi sf i l m aswewi l lwor kwi t hcr edi bl eAl i stt al entsuchasRobLowe, Chr i sBr own,Di ver si t yandi Lumi nat e;f orexampl e;wi l lbr i ngi nt hat wor l dwi deaudi ence.‘ J akeFor t une’ s’castwi l lbecompl et el ydi f f er entaswewi l lnot onl yj ustuseexcel l entDancer sbutal soexcel l entAct or s,cr eat i ngahi ghst andar d onscr een. TheSt r at egy Cr eat eani nnovat i vemar ket i ngcampai gnt hatdr i vesawar eness’oft hemovi e pr epr oduct i on. Exposur e,awar enessandf ol l owi ngwi l laddi mmenseval uet ot hemovi ei nt er msof sel l i ngt hedi st r i but i onr i ght s. Recentexampl esofpr eanddur i ngpr oduct i onmar ket i ngt hatwor kedwel li ncl ude ‘ St r eetDance3D’whogener at edamassi vef anbasef r om Facebookandot her soci alnet wor ki ngwebsi t es.‘ St r eetDance3D’wasmadef or£1mi l l i onwi t hat ot al gr osst odat eofover£17mi l l i on. Thehypef or‘ J akeFor t une’st ar t snow andwi l lgr ow andgr ow andki ckof fwi t ha vi r almar ket i ngcampai gnt owi nsetvi si t s,meett hecastandanoppor t uni t yt o becomeanext r ai nt hef i l m. FacebookUsi ngf acebookandot hermedi awebbasedsi t eswi l laddi mpackt ot hef ans’awar enessoft hef i l m. Twi t t erWi t ht heevergr owi ngsuccessoft wi t t erwhi chi susedbymostpeopl ef r om t hebi g scr een;t hi sgi vest hef ansanoppor t uni t yt ocommuni cat ewi t ht hest ar sdi r ect l yi nvol vedwhi chwi l lbr i nggr eatexposur et ot hepr oj ect . 18

Pr omot i on and Mar ket i ng goal s

Pr omot i on and Mar ket i ng Toi ncr easeawar enessont hemovi e,wewi l lbet yi ngi nsomei coni cbr andst o suppor ti t .Pr oductbr andssuchasAddi dasandRi bena,wi l lsuppor tt her el ease pr epr omot i on,t hought hei rsoci alconsumermar ket i ngchannel s.Att het heat r i cal r el ease;br andpar t ner swi l lhel ppr omot et hemovi eaddi ngwei ghtbehi ndt he l aunchcampai gnwi t hi nst or epr omot i onsandbr andi nguppr oduct sandmat er i al s. Themusi cf orSt r eetDancecanbedescr i bedasami xt ur eofst yl essuchashi phop, R‘ n’B,popandevendance/ housemusi c.Fort hemusi ci n‘ J akeFor t une’i ti s essent i alt ohavewel lknownmusi car t i st swor ki ngont hepr oj ect ;aswel lasagr eat soundt r acki nor dert oat t r actt hedesi r edaudi enceandcoul dpr ogr esst oi ncl udea musi calscor eCD f r om ‘ J akeFor t une’ . Par t ner sBr ands& Sect or s Fashi on St r eetdancer shaveauni quecl ot hi ngst yl e.Gr oupssuchasi Lumi nat eand Jabbawockeezf orexampl euset hei rcl ot hi ngt oenhancet hei runi queabi l i t y.We wi l lseeki ngr el evantf ashi onbr andst osponsort hef i l m andbei nvol ved,i ncl udi ng dancecl ot hi ngbr andssuchasPi neappl e,Pl ume,Fr eddyandNew Er a. Food and dr i nk Wear ei nt al kswi t hcompani essuchasRi bena,LucozadeandRedbul lwhom ar eal l exci t edbyt hi spr oj ect . Vi deoGames Thef i l m‘ J akeFor t une’wi l lbeusedasal aunchpadt ocr eat eavi deogame.The l evel sofdancebat t l esi nt hef i l m wi l lbet r ansf er abl eandeasi l yi ncor por at edi nt oa pl at f or m anddancevi deogamef oruser sofal lages.Thepl at f or m gameuser swi l l bewor ki ngt hei rwayt ot het opofSt r i keTower st or eachRyanSt r i ke.Thepl at f or m gamewi l lbeavai l abl eoni phones,smar tphonesandt abl et s.Thedancegamewi l l beaphysi caldancegamewher eyoucanper f or m someoft hedancer out i nesf r om t hef i l m anduset henew t echnol ogyt ounl ocknew l evel sandmoves.Thedance gamewoul dbeavai l abl eonNi nt endowi i ,3DS,XboxKi nectandPS3Move. Ot her Wewi l lbecont act i ngmagazi nes,musi car t i st sandot hercel ebr i t i est opr ovi de cameor ol eswi t hcel ebr i t yappear ancesf ort hef i l m.Wehavebeeni ncont actwi t h TheBl ackEyedPeaswhoar egoi ngt oper f or m acameoi n‘ J akeFor t une’ .TheBl ack EyedPeaswi l lbeper f or mi ngt hei rsonganddanci ngal ongsi dei Lumi nat e. ‘ J akeFor t une’wi l lhaveagoodsoundt r ackast hedancesceneswi l lcont ai npopul ar musi ct hatal lageswi l lr ecogni seandenj oy.Wi t ht hel i kesofChr i sBr own,The Bl ackEyedPeasandPi xi eLot tst ar i ngi nt hef i l m,t hesoundt r acki sl ooki ngt obea wi nner .Thesoundt r ackcanber el easedf ol l owi ngt hef i l m andaudi encedemand.


Tappi ng i nt ot heSt r eetDancehype

Fi l m and Tel evi si on St r eetDancehasspuni nt oawor l dwi dephenomenon.Overt hel astf i veyear s; St r eetDancet el evi si onshowshavecomet odomi nat eourt el evi si onscr eensand yout ubehi t s.Pr i met i meTV showsl i ke‘ SoYouThi nkYouCanDance’ ,‘ Amer i ca’ s BestDanceCr ew’ ,‘ Danci ngwi t ht heSt ar s’ ,‘ Gott oDance’ ,‘ Br i t ai n’ sGotTal ent ’and ‘ Al eshaDi xon’ sSt r eetDanceSt ar s’havebecomer egul arf eat ur esandasymbolof popul arcul t ur eal lovert hewor l d. ‘ Gott oDance’i saUK St r eetDanceTV pr ogr amme br oadcastwor l dwi de.Thepi l otepi sodef i r stai r edi n J anuar y2010andamassedani mpr essi ve927, 000 vi ewer s.Thesecondepi sodeexceededt hi sf i gur ewi t h 1. 4mi l l i onvi ewer s.Thesecondser i esi nt heUK pr oved t heshow’ ssuccessacqui r i ng1. 13mi l l i onvi ewer s. ‘ SoYouThi nkYouCanDance’t heAmer i canshow haswon 7EmmyAwar dsf orOut st andi ngChor eogr aphyandat ot al of9Emmysal t oget her . Thepr ogr am becamet henumber1 r at edshow i nAmer i cai nsummer2006wi t hanaver ageof over5mi l l i onvi ewsperepi sode.‘ SoYouThi nkYouCan Dance’spr eadwor l dwi deandi snow pr oducedi n21 di f f er entcount r i est ot al l i ng54seasons. Cont i nui ngt het r end,St r eetDancehasnow ‘ r ol l ed’i nt oFi l m. St r eetDancef i l mshavebecomei ncr edi bl ypopul ari nr ecent year s;aswehaveseenwi t hSt r eetDance3D’ ,’ Foot l oose’ , ’ St epUp‘ ,‘ Honey’ ,‘ Savet heLastDance’ ,‘ Taket heLead, ‘ DanceFl i ck’ ,and‘ St ompt heYar d’t onamebutaf ew. ‘ YougotSer ved’ahi phopdancef i l m hadabudgetof$8mi l l i onandhasacur r entt ot algr ossofover$40mi l l i on.‘ Savet heLastDance’hada budgetof$13mi l l i onandhasnow gr ossedover$91mi l l i on.TheUK’ sbestsel l i ng st r eetdancef i l m‘ St r eet Dance3D’budgetof£1mi l l i onandsof arhasmade£17 mi l l i ont odat e. Vi deoGames Vi deogamesar eawor l dwi deact i vi t ywhi chbi l l i onsofpeopl epl ay.Newerconsol es anddevi cessuchasSony’ sPl ayst at i onMoveandNi nt endo' sWi ibot huseawandshapedcont r ol l er .Mi cr osof t ' sXbox360Ki necti st heonl yconsol et hatact i vel y combi nesvoi ce,acamer aandf ul l bodysensi ngi nt ogames.

Dancegamesont heseconsol esar eext r emel ypopul ar . Ther ear ehundr edsofgamesoutnow suchas‘ J ustDance’ , ‘ DanceCent r al ’ ,‘ DanceEvol ut i on’ ,‘ GetUpandDance’and ‘ ABBA:YouCanDance’ . 20

Vi deoGamesCont ’ d Ni nt endo’ sWi i ’ sgame‘ J ustDance2’hassol dover5mi l l i ongames.Thenew ‘ J ustDance3’f ort heWi iconsol ehas al r eadysol d1mi l l i onsi ncei t sr el easeOct ober2011. ‘ DanceCent r al ’f orXbox360Ki necthasal soar ecor dof 2. 5mi l l i ongamessol dwor l dwi de. Dancegamessal esi n t heUS ar eup326% yearoveryearf r om r epor t sendi ng i nOct ober . Usi nggr eatmusi c,peopl ecandancet ot hei rf avour i t esongsandevendanceas t hei rf avour i t ear t i stf orexampl e;‘ Mi chaelJ ackson:TheExper i ence’or‘ TheBl ack EyedPeasExper i ence’ . Noot herdancef i l mshaveyetr el easedadancegame.‘ J akeFor t une’wi l lbet hef i r st dancegamebr oughtt ol i f ef r om t hef i l m.Wewi l lbecr eat i nganamazi ngnew t ype ofdancegamet hati sunl i keanyot hercal l eda‘ danceem up’ .A ‘ danceem up’i s l i kea‘ shootem up’butf ort hest r eetdancegenr e.‘ J akeFor t une:Danceon’wi l lbe madef orever yt ypeofcomput erpl at f or m.Pl ayasJ akeFor t uneorRyanSt r i keand bat t l eyourwayt or ul et het own.Br i ngyourf r i endsal ongt oj oi nyoudancecr ew or evenbat t l eagai nstt hem i ncr ew vs.cr ew f ort het i t l eofPi neappl eVal l ey’ sBest Dancer . Fol l owi ngi nl i newi t hi t sf i l m count er par t ,‘ J akeFor t une’ t heDanceGamewi l lal soi ncor por at e‘ new t echnol ogy’ . Whet heryouownaPS3MoveorXbox360Ki nect ;t hi s gamewi l lf eat ur egr aphi csenabl i nguser st onotonl y dancebutal sot ouchandhi tt heshapest hatpopupon scr eent aki ngt he‘ dance’i nt er act i veexper i encet ot henextl evel . Theor i gi nalsoundt r ackaccompanyi ngt hef i l m wi l lbei ncor por at edi nt hegameand i naddi t i onwi l lcont ai next r abonust r acksf eat ur i ngChr i sBr ownandTheBl ackEyed Peas. Soundt r ackCD Or i gi nalf i l m soundt r ackshaveal waysest abl i shedr ecor dsal esf i gur esbutdancef i l m soundt r ackscont i nual l yexceedt hi sexpect at i on overyear s.‘ Di r t yDanci ng’and‘ Foot l oose’sett hest andar df ort hi s t r endandst i l lacqui r egr eatr esul t sal most30year sl at er .The‘ Di r t y Danci ng’or i gi nalsoundt r acksal eswentpl at i num 11t i mesi n Amer i caand5t i mespl at i num i nt heUK.TheFoot l oosesoundt r ack except i onal l ywel lwi t hal bum sal esgoi ngpl at i num 6t i mesi nAmer i caandgol di nt heUK.Thi si sduet ot hef actt hatvi ewer sf al li nl ove wi t ht hedancest yl eonscr eenandwantt or evi si tt heexper i ence wi t ht hesoundt r ack. J akeFor t unewi l ldel i veranamazi ngpl ayl i stoni t ssoundt r ack.Feat ur i ngar t i st si ncl udi ngChr i sBr own,TheBl ackEyedPea’ sandmany mor egr eatR‘ n’ B ,Hi pHopandDancemusi car t i st s.


TheSt r eetDanceEf f ect Ther ear ecur r ent l yover200dancecompani esi nt heUK.St r eetDancef est i val s, compet i t i onsanddancel essonsar egr owi ngatanexponent i alr at e.Dancehas expl oded;becomi nganext r emel ypopul aract i vi t yaccumul at i ngwi t hover5mi l l i on par t i ci pant s,or10% oft heUK popul at i on.Over4. 8mi l l i onpeopl ei nt he UK par t i ci pat ei ncommuni t ydanceeachyearandt heTar getGr oupI ndex( TGI ) f oundt hatdanceaudi enceshavegr ownby13. 7% overt hel astsi xyear s,andhad i ncr easedby18% bet ween19971999.Thi sent husi asm i snow r ef l ect edi nhi gher educat i onoft henextgener at i on;ast hef i gur esf orst udent schoosi ngDancehas r i senby83% i nf ouryear sal oneandt her ear enow over292Uni ver si t yDance cour sesi nt heUK. ‘ Br eaki n'Convent i on’i st heUK' si nt er nat i onalHi pHop DanceTheat r eFest i val ,showcasi ngt hel at est , ener get i candt echni calper f or mancesbyt opdance compani esanddancecr ewsf r om acr osst hegl obe. Over329compani esandmor et han2, 892dancer s haveper f or medatt hef est i val ;hel dannual l yatt he wor l dr enownedSadl er ’ sWel l sTheat r esi nce2004 andvi ewedbyal most60, 000peopl eacr osst heUK ‘ St r eetDanceXXL’i st heUK’ sl eadi ngpr ovi derofSt r eet Danceent er t ai nmentandhost st heUK' sbi ggestSt r eetDance compet i t i ons.Forover15year s‘ St r eetDanceXXL’hasbeen att hef or ef r ontofSt r eetDancei nt heUK;pr oduci ngi nvent i veent er t ai nmentf or mat sf orcommer ci alandcor por at e event si nanever gr owi ngwor l d.‘ St r eetDanceXXL’mostnot abl yhost st hepopul ar‘ St r eetDanceXXLUK Champi on shi ps’ ,‘ USA vs.UK’andt hewi del yant i ci pat ed‘ I nt er nat i onal St r eetDanceChampi onshi ps’ .TheSt r eetDanceWeekend Compet i t i onat t r act sover2000spect at or seachyear .


Sal esand Di st r i but i on

Si monCummi ns,J ohnK Webst erandNi ck‘ Pi kki ’Fear on,bet weent hem,wi l lcombi net hei rexper i encesoft heUK andi nt er nat i onalf i l mi ndust r yandf i l m mar ket s. Theywi l lai mt oconvent i onal l ymaxi mi zet hef i nanci alr et ur nont hef i l m by secur i ngt hebestpossi bl et er ms. A pr esal eagr eementsecur esf undi ngf orpr oduct i onbutal sopot ent i al l yr educes t hepossi bl er et ur nf ori nvest or s.Pat i entZer oPr oduct i onsandNi suocLt dwi l lnot bet aki ngt hi sr out ebutwi l lbef ul l yf undedt omaxi mi ser et ur n. Thepr oducer shaver ecei vedsever alexpr essi onsofi nt er estf r om hi ghpr of i l e di st r i but or sandexpectsi gni f i cantf ur t heri nt er estwhent hef i l mi scompl et ed.



Weai mt omake‘ J akeFor t une’amai nst r eam commer ci al l ysuccessf ulf i l m pr oduced ont hemostef f i ci entbudgetwi t houtcompr omi si ngourpr oduct i onqual i t i es.Under manyci r cumst ancesaf i l m wi t ht hi scast ,cr ew andpr oduct i onval uewoul dhavea budgeti nt her egi onof£8, 000, 000.However ,t hecashbudgetf or‘ J akeFor t une’i s £5, 000, 000maki ngt hi sahi ghl yef f i ci entpr oduct i onandmaxi mi si ngt he r ecoupmentoppor t uni t i es. Thepr oducer shaveassembl edani mpr essi vecast& cr ew whohaveal lcommi t t ed t owor katgr eat l yr educedf eebecauseoft hei rbel i efi nt hef i l m andt hei rl ong st andi ngr el at i onshi pswi t ht hef i l mmaker s.Basedont hi s,‘ J akeFor t une’i saf i l m t hatwi l lbemadef orbel ow t hemar ketval ueandwhi chwi l lmaket hepr ospectofa f i nanci al l ysuccessf ulf i l mt hatmuchmor eat t ai nabl e. I ti sant i ci pat edt hatt hef i l m wi l lenj oyt hebenef i t soft heFi l m Pr oduct i onCompany t axr egi mewhi chshoul daddposi t i vel yt ocashf l ow byei t herr eal i si ngat axcr edi t orr educi ngcor por at et axl i abi l i t i es.


Sal esEst i mat es Sal eest i mat esar eacr i t i calpr ocessi nf i l mf i nanci ngwher ei ndust r yf i gur eheads andcompani espr oj ectf i l mr evenuesi nci nema,TV andDVD mar ket sar oundt he wor l d. Thesenumber sar eal waysver yconser vat i veandal l ow f i nanci er sandpr oducer st o getar ealunder st andi ngoft heval ueoft hef i l mi nt hemar ket pl ace.Thesenumber s f act ori nt hef i l m’ sgenr e,cal i br eandmar ket abi l i t yofact or sandt hef i l m’ sst or yl i ne. Thesenumber sar ehi st or i cal l yver yaccur at eandr epr esentl i kel yr et ur ns. Thef i l m wi l lt akenol esst han16weeksf ori tt obeseeni nt heci nemasandf r om t heni twi l lt hengoont oDVD,Bl ur ayet c.Themi ni mum t i mef r amef orar et ur non t hei nvest mentwoul dbe1year .Nor mal l yi twoul dt akeupt o3year s.


Fi nanci ng & Recoupment

Col l ect i on Account Thepr oduct i oncompanywi l lensur et hatal ll evel sofpaymentwi l lbemadet hr ough Fi nt ageHouseasperi nvest mentcont r act . Speci alPur poseVehi cl e(SPV)JakeFor t uneLTD Thef i l m wi l lbemadet hr oughanSPV anduponcompl et i onoft hef i l m al lr i ght s r ever tbackt oPat i entZer oPr oduct i onsandNi suocLt d.


Fi nanci ng & Recoupment

Thef i l m‘ J akeFor t une’i sest i mat edt omakewor l dwi der et ur nsi nexcessof10mi l l i onpoundsst er l i ng.Wi t hi t sal l st arcastandexper i encedDi r ect orandcr ew,i t ’ s goi ngt obeyetanot herBr i t i shbl ockbust er . ThePr oposal : Thepr oduct i onbudgetof‘ J akeFor t une’i s5mi l l i onpoundsst er l i ng. Thepr oduct i oncompanyi sseeki ngi nvest mentpar t ner seachput t i ngi nami ni mum of£5, 000i nt ot hi smovi e. I ti senvi sagedt hatei t heroft womet hodsofi nvest mentmaybeut i l i zed. Opt i on1:Shar ePur chase Thecompanyi sbei ngsetupt obeaqual i f yi ngcompanywi t hi nt heEnt er pr i seI nvest mentScheme( EI S)r ul es.I nvest or sbuyshar esi nt hel i mi t edcompanyand pr ovi dedcer t ai ncondi t i onsar emetandwi t hi ncer t ai nl i mi t si nvest or sshoul d benef i tf r om t axr el i efat30% f ort hei ri nvest ment Exampl e: I ni t i ali nvest ment : Lessi ncomet axr el i ef( EI S)at30%: Act uali nvest mentcostaf t erEI Sr el i ef :

£5, 000 £1, 500 £3, 500

Aswel last hesi gni f i canti ncomet axbenef i t ,subj ectt ocer t ai ncondi t i onsand pr ovi dedt heshar esar ehel df or3year saf ut ur edi sposaloft heshar eswi l lbef r ee f r om capi t algai nst ax. Ot herbenef i t sat t acht oEI S shar esandi ti sadvi sedt hati nvest or sdi scussal l aspect sofEI Si nvest mentwi t ht hei rownadvi sor s. Thepr oduct i oncompanywi l lmakeavai l abl e50% oft hecompany’ sshar ecapi t alt o i nvest or s.Thi sequat est o400nonvot i ng‘ B’shar es.Eachshar ewi l lbepr i cedat £5, 000pershar e( 1poi nt= £5, 000) . Ther emai ni ng400shar es( equi val entof 50% oft hecompany)wi l lbeownedbyt hedi r ect or soft hecompany.I fani nvest or i nvest smor et han£200, 000,anExecut i vePr oducerCr edi twi l lbegi ven.Det ai l swi l l bedi scussedonani ndi vi dualbasi s. Opt i on 2:Loan I nvest or smaychooset ol oant hecompanyanamountofmoney.Thel oanwoul dbe f oraper i odof18mont hsandatt er mi nat i ont hecapi t alwoul dbepai dt oget herwi t h apr emi um of20%. Int er est i ng Fact :8590% ofal lUK f i l msr et ur npr of i tf ori nvest or s. 27

Suppl ement ar yBenef i t sf orInvest or s

TheCompanyr egar dsi t si nvest or sasi mpor t antmember soft het eam. Assuch,hol der sof‘ B’Shar eswi l lbei nvi t edt o: ( a)Haveexcl usi veaccesst ocast i ng,l ocat i onandi nvest mentnewst hr oughan i ndi vi dualpasswor dt o‘ J akeFor t une’i nt er act i vewebsi t ewhi chwi l lbeupdat ed weekl y. Fort hosei nvest or swi t houti nt er netaccess,weshal ldi st r i but eamont hl y newsl et t er . ( b)Vi si tappr opr i at el ocat i onsoft hef i l m whi l eshoot i ngandhavel unchwi t ht he cr ew andmeett hecast ( c)Par t i ci pat easext r as,subj ectt ot hepr oduct i onschedul e ( d)At t end,wi t haguest ,apr i vat escr eeni ngoft hecompl et edf i l m ( e)At t endt her ecept i ont ocel ebr at et hecompl et i onoft hef i l m host edbyt hecompanyandat t endedbycastmember s,subj ectt ot hei ravai l abi l i t y ( f )I nvest or swhom i nvestover500kwi l lr ecei veanal lexpensespai dt r i pt ot he CanneFi l m Fest i valf ort hewor l dpr emi er e

Fi l m Pr oduct i onsCompany(FPC)TaxRegi me

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John K W ebst er Pr oducer j ohn@j akef or t une. com +44 (0)7748 707 220

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