Jake Fortune

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El st r eeFi l m St udi os, Shenl eyRoad, Bor ehamwood, Her f or dshi r e, WD61J G Tel :02083242322

www. pat i ent zer opr oduct i ons. com www. ni suoc. com i nf o@j akef or t une. com



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

Ti t l epage I ndex LegalDi scl ai mer Execut i veSummar y Execut i veSummar y Execut i veSummar y Execut i veSummar y Concept ualAr t wor k Fi nanci alPr oposal Fi nanci alPr oposal Fi l m Synopsi s CastAt t ached CastAt t ached CastAt t ached Addi t i onalCr ew/ Dancer s Pr oducer sAt t ached Pr oducer sAt t ached Cr ew At t ached Pr omot i ons& Mar ket i ng Pr omot i onBr andPar t ner s Appendi ces–3D Fi l mmaki ng Fi l mi ngatEl st r eeFi l m St udi os Suppl ement ar yBenef i t s


LegalDi scl ai mer I mpor t antNot i ce I ft hi sdocumenthasbeensentt oyouasapr i vat ei ndi vi dual ,youshoul dnotr eadoractuponi tunt i lyou haver eadand( i fagr eed)si gnedacopyoft hecer t i f i cat esentt oyousepar at el yconf i r mi ngt hatyouar ea Cer t i f i edHi ghNetWor t hI ndi vi dualand/ orSel fCer t i f i edSophi st i cat edI nvest orf ort hepur poseoft he Fi nanci alSer vi cesandMar ket sAct2000( Fi nanci alPr omot i on)Or der2005. Thecont entoft hi spr omot i on hasnotbeenappr ovedbyanaut hor i sedper sonwi t hi nt hemeani ngoft heFi nanci alSer vi cesandMar ket s Act2000.Rel i anceont hi spr omot i onf ort hepur poseofengagi ngi nanyi nvest mentact i vi t ymayexpose ani ndi vi dual ,companyorot herent i t yt oasi gni f i cantr i skofl osi ngal loft hepr oper t yorot herasset s i nvest ed. Thi sdocumentandanyot heri nf or mat i onyouhaver ecei vedorr ecei vef r om t heCompanyi ncl udi ng busi nesspl anandf i nanci almodel( t oget hert hi si nf or mat i onmemor andum)i sbei ngi ssuedbyPat i ent Zer oPr oduct i onsl t d( Company)t oal i mi t ednumberofpar t i esi nconnect i onwi t ht hepr oposedf undi ngof t hef i l m pr ovi si onal l yent i t l ed" J akeFor t une"( Fi l m) .Byaccept i ngt hi si nf or mat i onmemor andum,youacknowl edgeandagr eet hatal lt hei nf or mat i oni nt hi si nf or mat i onmemor andum i sconf i dent i alt ot he Companyandyouagr eenei t hert odi scl oseanyofi tt oanyt hi r dpar t ynort ouseanysuchi nf or mat i on f oranypur poseot hert hanassetouti nt hef ol l owi ngpar agr aphwi t houtt heCompany' spr i orwr i t t en appr oval . Thepur poseoft hi si nf or mat i onmemor andum i st oassi stt her eci pi enti ndeci di ngwhet herhewi shest o pr oceedwi t haf ur t heri nvest i gat i onoft heFi l m,andi ndet er mi ni ngwhet herornott oi nvesti ni t .Thi s i nf or mat i onmemor andum doesnotconst i t ut eanof f erori nvi t at i ont oi nvesti nt heFi l m ort ol endmoney t ot heCompanyoranyot herper sonorent i t yorf ort hesubscr i pt i on,sal eorpur chaseofshar esorot her secur i t i esorot her wi se. Thei nf or mat i oni nt hi si nf or mat i onmemor andum,whi chdoesnotpur por tt obecompr ehensi ve,hasbeen pr ovi dedbyt heCompanyandhasnotbeeni ndependent l yver i f i ed.Whi l et hi si nf or mat i onhasbeen pr epar edi ngoodf ai t h,nor epr esent at i onorwar r ant y,expr essori mpl i ed,i sorwi l lbemadeandno r esponsi bi l i t yorl i abi l i t yi sorwi l lbeaccept edbyt heCompanyorbyanyofi t sshar ehol der s,di r ect or s, empl oyees,agent soradvi sor si nr el at i ont ot heaccur acyorcompl et enessoft hi si nf or mat i on memor andum andanysuchl i abi l i t yi sexpr essl ydi scl ai med.I npar t i cul arbutwi t houtl i mi t at i onor pr ej udi cet ot hepr evi oussent ence,t her ei snoguar ant eet hatanyf or ecast sorpr oj ect i onsi ncl udedi nt hi s i nf or mat i onmemor andum wi l lbemet . Noi nf or mat i onsetoutorr ef er r edt oi nt hi si nf or mat i onmemor andum shal lf or mt hebasi sofany cont r act .Anypr ospect i vei nvest ori nt heFi l m shal lber equi r edt oacknowl edgei ni t si nvest ment agr eementt hati thasnotr el i edonorbeeni nducedt oent eri nt osuchanagr eementbyany r epr esent at i onorwar r ant y,saveasexpr essl ysetouti nsuchagr eement . Thi si nf or mat i onmemor andum hasbeendel i ver edt oi nt er est edpar t i esf ori nf or mat i ononl yandont he expr essunder st andi ngt hatt heyshal lusei tonl yf ort hepur posesetoutabove. Thi si nf or mat i onmemor andum i sbei ngdi st r i but edont hebasi st hateachper soni nt heUni t edKi ngdom t owhom i ti si ssuedi sr easonabl ybel i evedt obesuchaper sonasi sdescr i bedi nAr t i cl e19( I nvest ment pr of essi onal s) ,Ar t i cl e48( Cer t i f i edhi ghnetwor t hi ndi vi dual s) ,Ar t i cl e49( Hi ghnetwor t hcompani es, uni ncor por at edassoci at i onset c. )orAr t i cl e50( Sophi st i cat edi nvest or s)oft heFi nanci alSer vi cesand Mar ket sAct2000( Fi nanci alPr omot i on)Or der2005,ori saper sont owhom t hi si nf or mat i on memor andum mayot her wi sel awf ul l ybedi st r i but ed.Per sonswhodonotf al lwi t hi nsuchdescr i pt i onsmay notactupont hei nf or mat i oncont ai nedi ni t . Thi si nf or mat i onmemor andum i snotbei ngdi st r i but edt oper sonsout si det heUK.However ,anyr eci pi ent oft hi si nf or mat i onmemor andum i nj ur i sdi ct i onsout si det heUK shoul di nf or mt hemsel vesaboutand obser veanyappl i cabl el egalr equi r ement s.Thi si nf or mat i onmemor andum doesnotconst i t ut eanof f ert o i nvesti nt heFi l m ort ol endmoneyt ot heCompanyoranyot herper sonorent i t yorani nvi t at i ont o subscr i beorpur chasesecur i t i esi nanyj ur i sdi ct i on. . . Thi si nf or mat i onmemor andum shal lnotexcl udeanyl i abi l i t yf or ,orr emedyi nr espectof ,f r audul ent mi sr epr esent at i on. Byaccept i ngt hi si nf or mat i onmemor andum,t her eci pi entagr eest obeboundbyt hef or egoi ng l i mi t at i ons.


I fyouar ei nanydoubtaboutt hei nvest mentt owhi cht hi si nf or mat i onmemor andum r el at es,you shoul dconsul tanaut hor i sedper sonspeci al i zi ngi nadvi si ngi ni nvest ment soft heki ndi nquest i on. I fyouhavenotr ecei vedt hi sdocumentdi r ect l yf r om t heCompany,yourr ecei pti sunaut hor i sed. Pl easer et ur nt hi sdocumentt ot heCompanyi mmedi at el y.

Execut i veSummar y JakeFor t une:Thei nvest mentoppor t uni t y St r eet dancehasspuni nt oawor l dwi dephenomenon.Overt hel astf i veyear s,i thas comet odomi nat eourt el evi si onscr eens,t heRnB musi cscene,YouTubeandhasnow madei t smovei nt oFi l m,wi t hl ucr at i ver et ur ns. Thet al entshow phenomenonof r ecentyear shascat apul t edsever aldanceact si nt ot hel i mel i ght–t hebestofwhi ch ar ei nvol vedi nt hi sf i l m –andhasbeguni t smovei nt ot hemai nst r eam. Spor t swear andt echnol ogybr andsar eal r eadyshowi ngawi l l i ngnesst oi nvesti nt heSt r eet dance st ar soft hef ut ur e;SamsungandAdi dasbei ngt woexampl es. Thr ought hecour seoft hi spackage,weai mt odemonst r at ehow ear l yi nvest menti n t hi sgenr eofdancewi l lr eapgr eatr ewar dsi nt hef ut ur e. Asi nt heear l ydaysofHi p Hop,t hosewhoi nvest edear l yi ni t smovet ot hemai nst r eam musi cscene,havebeen heavi l yr ewar ded. J akeFor t unei sanexci t i ngamal gamat i onofsomeoft heUK’ sbestknownandbest l ovedSt r eet dancer s,agenr edef i ni ngscr eenpl ayandsomeoft hei ndust r y’ smostr espect edandi nnovat i vef i l mmaker s. Webel i evei thasal lt heel ement snecessar yt o bet heper f ecti nvest ment ,par t i cul ar l yi nt hecur r enteconomi ccl i mat e. I nvest or scanexpectt ogai nsi gni f i cantt axadvant agest hr oughi nvest menti nf i l m; sever alopt i onsar eout l i nedbel ow,aswel last heoppor t uni t yt ogai nanaddi t i onal r evenuest r eam t hr oughboxof f i cer evenuesandmer chandi sesal es. Fort hosear t l ovi ngi nvest or s,t her ei st heoppor t uni t yt obei nvol vedi nt heFi l m pr oduct i onpr ocess andt obecr edi t edasExecut i vePr oducer s. Incept i on J akeFor t unei st hebr ai nchi l dofi nt er nat i onalSt r eet dancest arandchor eogr apher , Gl enMur phy;Pul se,oft hedanceactTwi standPul se. Gl eni saBRI Tschoolgr aduat e, whosef amousal umnii ncl udeAdel e,AmyWi nehouseandJ essi eJ ,andshott of ame whenTwi standPul secamesecondont hehugel ypopul arI TV t al entshow Br i t ai n’ s GotTal ent .Pl easeseepage13f orf ul lbi ogr aphy. Gl enhascr eat edaconceptt hathast hepot ent i alt obegenr edef i ni ng,buti sgr oundedi nbusi nessr eal i t y. Hewant edt omaket hemovi ea“ f i l m”f i r standa“ dance movi e”second;somet hi ngheanddancef ansagr eehasbeenl acki ngi nmostr ecent dancebasedf i l ms. Het akeshi si nspi r at i onf r om ot herpopul arf i l msoft hi sgenr e, suchas“ Di r t yDanci ng” ,“ Fl ashdance”and“ Foot l oose” ,wher et hedanci ngi si mpor t ant ,butt akesabackseatt ot hest or yandchar act er s. Gl en’ sai mi st odof orSt r eet dance,what“ Kar at eKi d”whi chdi df ormar t i alar t s;makei taccessi bl et oyoungand ol dal i ke;dancer sandnondancer s. Thi si sgoi ngt obet hef i r stdancef i l mt oi ncor por at ecomedyi nt ot hechor eogr aphy. Twi standPul sear ef amousf orhavi ngf oundedt hi sgenr e;St r eet omedy. However , whatr eal l yset si tapar ti st hatunl i keanydancef i l m madebef or e,i ti ssci encef i ct i on andwi l lbei n3D. Cr edi bi l i t yofcastand cr ew Wehavel i nedupsomeoft hebest knownar t i st swi t hi nt hei rr espect i vef i el ds. Cr owdpul l i ngact or sandmusi ci ansi ncl udeRobLowe( Br at packandWestWi ng) , Chr i sBr own( I nt er nat i onalR&B Super st ar )andPi xi eLot t( UK act r essandSi nger ) . Famousdancecr ews,suchasDi ver si t y( Wi nner sofBr i t ai n’ sGotTal ent2009)and Team i Lumi nat ear eal soamongstt het al ent edcast . Toget hert hesenameshavet he abi l i t yt oat t r actwor l dwi deaudi encesacr ossadi ver sedemogr aphi c. 4

Maki ng ar et ur n on youri nvest menti n JakeFor t une

I nvest i ngi nt heUK f i l mi ndust r yi sar obustchoi ce. 8590% ofal lUK f i l msr et ur n pr of i tf ori nvest or s,maki ngi toneoft hemostsecur ef i nanci ali nvest ment savai l abl e. J akeFor t unehassever alcompel l i ngr easonsf ori nvest ment .Thei ni t i albudgetf or pr oduct i onhasbeenhal vedduet ohavi ngt hel at estdi gi t alt echnol ogyatourdi sposal .( Pl easeseepages2223) . Sal esest i mat es Thesenumber sar eal waysver yconser vat i veandal l ow f i nanci er sandpr oducer st o getar ealunder st andi ngoft heval ueoft hef i l mi nt hemar ket pl ace. Thenumber s f act ori ngenr e,cal i br eandmar ket abi l i t yofact or sandt hef i l m’ sst or yl i ne. These number sar ehi st or i cal l yver yaccur at eandr epr esentl i kel yr et ur ns. Cent r eFi l m Medi ahavepr ovi dedsal esest i mat esf orJ akeFor t une. Thecompanyi s r unbyEddi eLear y,avet er anof27year sofknowl edgewi t hi nt hei ndust r y. Cent r eFi l m Sal escur r entpr edi ct i onf ort ur noverf orJ akeFor t unei s£10,870,000. Thesef i gur esar ebasedt ocoveral lt er r i t or i eswor l dwi desuchasTheat r e,DVD,Bl ur ayandpayper vi ew t el evi si on. Thef i l m wi l lt akenol esst han12weeksf r om pr epr oduct i onf ori tt obeseeni nt heci nemasandf r om t heni twi l lt hengoont oDVD, Bl ur ayet c.Themi ni mum t i mef r amef orar et ur nont hei nvest mentwoul dbe1year . Nor mal l y,i twoul dt akeupt o3year s


St r eet dancei nt heMedi a Tel evi si on St r eet dancet el evi si onshowshavecomet odomi nat eourTV andYouTube. Gott oDance:UK St r eet danceTV t al entshow –br oadcast wor l dwi de: •Thepi l otepi sodef i r stai r edi nJ anuar y2010andamassed ani mpr essi ve927, 000vi ewer s •Thesecondepi sodeexceededt hi sf i gur ewi t h1. 4mi l l i on vi ewer s. SoYou Thi nkYou Can Dance:Amer i cat al entshow: •Won7EmmyAwar dsf orOut st andi ngChor eogr aphyanda t ot alof9Emmysal t oget her •Thepr ogr am becamet henumber1r at edshow i nAmer i ca i nsummer2006 •Hasanaver ageofover5mi l l i onvi ewsperepi sode •Spr eadwor l dwi deandi snow pr oducedi n21di f f er ent count r i est ot al l i ng54seasons Fi l m St r eet dancef i l mshavebecomei ncr edi bl ypopul ari nr ecentyear s,asseenwi t h St r eet dance3D,Foot l oose,St epUp,Honey,Savet heLastDance,Taket heLead,and St ompt heYar d. •You gotSer ved ahi phopdancef i l m hadabudgetof$8 mi l l i onandhasacur r entt ot algr ossofover$40mi l l i on. •Savet heLastDancehadabudgetof$13mi l l i onandhas now gr ossedover$91mi l l i on. •St r eet Dance3D budgetof£1mi l l i onandsof arhasmade £17mi l l i ont odat e.


Fol l owi ngi nl i newi t hi t sf i l m count er par t ,J ake For t une:DanceOn,t heDanceGamewi l lal so bebui l twi t hnew t echnol ogy. Whet heryou ownaPS3MoveorXbox360Ki nect ,t hi s gamewi l lf eat ur egr aphi csenabl i nguser st o notonl ydancebutal sot ouchandhi tt he shapest hatpopuponscr eent aki ngt he ‘ dance’i nt er act i veexper i encet ot henext l evel . Theor i gi nalsoundt r ackaccompanyi ngt hef i l m wi l lbei ncor por at edi nt ot hegameandwi l l cont ai next r abonust r acksf eat ur i ngChr i s Br ownandTheBl ackEyedPeas.


Concept ualAr t wor k

St r eetVi ew 1 TheSt r i ket oweri nt hedi st anceanddancewearshopsont he st r eet

Vi ct orSt r i ke’ sOf f i ce Vi ct orl ooki ngoutatt heval l eywi t hsomet echnol ogyshowni n hi sof f i ce

St r eetVi ew 2 Showi ngJ akeFor t une’ sst udi o




Fi l m Synopsi s

I napar al l eluni ver seofhyper r eal i t y,wher ewari sat hi ngoft hepastandal lef f or t s ar eputi nt ocr eat i vi t yandt echnol ogy,i st hedancecapi t aloft hewor l d‘ PI NEAPPLE VALLEY’ . J AKEFORTUNEi sanext r aor di nar ydancerwi t hat al entonl ysur passedbyhi scompassi onandhumani t y.J akeopensadancest udi oi nr emembr anceofhi sdeceased mot her ,t eachi ngt heunder pr i vi l egedandgi vi ngt hem anoppor t uni t yt oexpr esst hei r t al ent s.Unf or t unat el y,RYAN STRI KE,t hesonofabi l l i onai r et echnol ogyexper t VI KTOR STRI KE,i shel l bentonmaki nghi msel ft hebr i ght estst ari nt hedancegal axy andi sf ocusedonhi sownf ameandgr andeurashei nt endst ot akeovert hewor l dof st r eetdancebyf ai rmeansorf oul .Ryandeci dest hatSt r i keI ndust r i esshoul dcont r ol al loft hedanceschool sanddancer si nt heVal l eyanddef endshi sact i onsbyasser t i ng t hati ti sf ort hegoodoft heVal l eyt oi nsur et heyst ayont op. Secr et l yut i l i si nghi sf at her ’ smoney,powerandi nf l uence,Ryanbr i best hegover nmentt oenactanew l aw,consol i dat i ngal ldancer el at edbusi nessesunderhi scont r ol , undert hebannerofSTRI KEI NDUSTRI ES.For ci ngt hest r eetdancer st owor kf orhi m, hedepr i vest hem oft hei rf r eedom ofexpr essi onandt hei rbusi nesses.J akei samongst t hem,l osi ng' GOOD FORTUNE'St udi os.Wi t hhi sdi sci pl es,J akef l eest ot heunder gr oundi nanactofdef i ance,r esi st i ngRyan’ smani acalgr abf orpowerandgl or y.J ake andhi scr ew t r ai nsecr et l yi nt heshadows,r ehear si nganddevel opi ngt hei rst yl eaway f r om t hedogmat i ccont r olofRyan.Li t t l edot heyknow t hatgover nmentf or cesar e wat chi ng-wai t i ngf ort her i ghtmomentt opounce.Fi nal l yt hedayar r i vesandt hey descendonJ ake,i mpr i soni nghi m undert het er msoft hecor r uptnew l aw.Locked awayi nt hedar kness,J akef eel sal lhopei sl ostandt hatRyanhaswon. Ret ur ni ngf r om al ongbusi nesst r i p,Vi kt orSt r i kei sf ur i ouswhenhef i ndsoutwhat Ryanhasbeendoi ngwi t hhi scompanyandt ot heVal l eyi nhi sabsence.Ryant r i est o convi ncehi sf at hert hati t ’ sgoodf orbusi nessandhi scr ew wi l lbeknownas‘ TEAM STRI KE’pr omot i ngt hecompanywor l dwi de.Vi kt ori snotconvi nced,paysf orJ akes’ bai landar r angesameet i ngatSt r i ket ower sbet weenJ ake,Ryanandhi msel f .Vi kt or i spoi sedt ol aunchaspect acul arexhi bi t i onofhi sl at estsi mul at i ont echnol ogyand seest heaggr avat edsi t uat i onbet weent het wodancer sast heper f ectoppor t uni t yt o gar nert hemostexposur ef orhi sbusi nesswhi l str epai r i nghi sf ami l i es’r eput at i on. Vi kt orpr oposesal i vet el evi seddancecont est ;af aceof fbet weenRyan,J akeand t hei rcr ewsi nhi sownSt r i keTower s.Eachf l oori nt het owerwi l lbef i t t edwi t ht he l at estSt r i ket echnol ogi es;Ryanandhi sf i nestst udent swi l lbepi t t edheadt ohead agai nstJ akeandhi scr ew.Br oadcastt oagl obalaudi ence,t hevi ewi ngpubl i cwi l l deci dewhoi st r ul yt hebestandt hewi nnerwi l lbecome‘ TEAM STRI KE’wi t hgl obal f amet henextst op.


CastAt t ached/ Pr oposed

J akeFor t une–Gl en Mur phy & OwenAr nol d–Ashl eyGl azebr ook BRI Tschoolgr aduat es,al ongsi def amousal umnisuchas Adel e,AmyWi nehouseandJ essi eJt onameaf ew,Twi stand Pul sear epr of essi onal l yt r ai nedi nbal l et ,t apdance,cont empor ar ydanceandj azz. Bot hi ndependent l yandt oget her , t heyar er enownedf orbei ngt wooft hebestSt r eet dancer si n t heUK andabr oad. Bot hhavebeenUK St r eet danceChampi ons5t i mesbet weent hem andar ebot hr ankedi nt het op 10Hi pHopdancer si nt heWor l d. Toget her ,t heyhave f oundedandpi oneer edanew genr eofdancet hatt heycal l ‘ St r eet omedy’ ;auni quebl endofSt r eedanceandcomedy. Nar r owl ymi ssi ngt het oppr i zeonr eal i t yTV ‘ Br i t ai n’ sGot Tal ent ’i n2010,t heyhavet our edt heUK andI r el andext ensi vel yper f or mi ngt oover1, 000,000peopl e. Mostr ecent l y,t heyar ebei ngsponsor edbySamsungt o per f or m atal lt heOl ympi cTor chRel ayEveni ngCel ebr at i ons i n66t ownsandci t i esar oundt heUK,aswel lasper f or mi ng att heOl ympi cGames,t hemsel ves. Theyhavechor eogr aphedandper f or medf orot hercel ebr i t i es,aswel las managet hei rownSt r eet dancecr ew,t heTwi standPul se DanceCompany.

Vi kt orSt r i ke–Rob Lowe Robbeganhi sact i ngcar eeratayoungage;f amousasa Br at packeri nf amousmovi essuchasTheOut si der sand hasr i sent obecomeat opAl i stAmer i canact or . Hi ssuccessf ulcar eerhasbeenr ewar dedwi t hmul t i pl e,consecut i veEmmyawar dsf or‘ TheWestWi ng’ ;al ongwi t ht wo Scr eenAct or sGui l dAwar dsandsever alGol denGl obe Awar dsnomi nat i ons.Rob’ sf anbasehasdevel opedsi nce t he80s


CastAt t ached/ Pr oposed RyanSt r i ke–LeeCr owl ey Leei sayoungupandcomi nghi phopdanceral soknown as‘ Reckl essLee’ .Hest ar t edbr eakdanci ngatt heyoung ageof13.Fr om j oi ni ngt hest r eetdancecr ew ‘ SoulMaver i cks’her eachedt hesemif i nal satt heUK BboyChampi onshi psandt henwentont owi nni ngt heWel shBBoy Champi onshi psi n2007.Per f or mi ngon‘ SoYouThi nkYou CanDance’haspr opel l edhi sdancecar eer .Hehasper f or medandt aughtst r eetdanceal lovert hecount r yand r ecent l yper f or medal ongsi det hePi edPi per ,Lemarand Kat yPer r y.

Tyson-Chri sBrown I nt er nat i onalsi nger ,songwr i t er ,dancerandact or-Chr i s Br owni samul t i pl at i num doubl eal bum sel l i ng;43 awar dwi nni ngar t i st .Hehasmade4al bumsandr el eased over58songsi nt ot hechar t s. Chr i si swel lknownf orhi sdanci ngski l l sshowni nnear l y al lofhi smusi cvi deos,hehasper f or medat‘ Danci ngwi t h t heSt ar s’ ,MTV Vi deoMusi cAwar dsandmanymor e. Chr i shasal sobr anchedi nt oact i ngi nf i l mssuchas‘ Bl ood Rogues’ ,‘ Taker s’andr ecent l yt hebr eak-danci ngf i l m ‘ Pl anetBBoy’ .

Ti a–Pi xi eLot t Successf ulSi nger ,DancerandLondont heat r evet er an; Pi xi eLot ti snost r angert ot hest ageasachi l dper f or mer i nLondon’ sWestEndmusi cal s‘ Chi t t yChi t t yBangBang’ and‘ SoundofMusi c’ .Shecur r ent l yhasat op10si ngl e ‘ WhatDoYouTakeMeFor ?’outwi t hheral bum Young Fool i shHappyi nt hechar t s.Shehast r avel l edt hewor l d t our i ngandwonsever almusi cawar dsi ncl udi ng‘ Hot t est Femal e’i n2011att heVi r gi nMedi aMusi cAwar dsand BestNewcomeri n2009.Pi xi eLot twoul dcompl ementt he r ol eofTi a,t hebeaut i f ulyounggi r lwhobecomesRyan’ s gi r l f r i endandwoul dgi vet her ol eandedgi erdi mensi on becauseshehassuchast r ongbackgr oundi nt hePer f or mi ngAr t s.Pi xi eLot thaspr evi ousl yact edi nsuchf eat ur e f i l mssuchas‘ Fr edt hemovi e’and‘ SweetBabyJ esus’ .


CastAt t ached/ Pr oposed

MrJones-Turbo I ssac‘ Tur bo’Bapt i st ei sani nt er nat i onaldancer ,act or ,musi ci anandt eacher . Tur bohaswor kedwi t hmanyi ncr edi bl ear t i st sf r om Madonna,Whi t neyHoust onandWi l lSmi t h.Embr aci ngoppor t uni t i est oshow hi sdi ver ser angeasanact orand pr esent er ,Tur bopl ayedexpl osi ver ol essuchasMer cut i oi nt he WestEnd’ s‘ RomeoandJul i et ’ . Hei scur r ent l yaj udgeon ‘ Al i sha’ sSt r eetDanceSt ar s’pr esent edbyAl eshaDi xon.He haswonnumer oust i t l eswor l dwi dei ncl udi ng‘ JapanFr eest yl e’ , ‘ St yl eFestUK’and‘ Just eDeboutUK’ . .

AgentWr i ght erAshl eyBanj o As hl eyi sanext r emel yt al ent eddanc erbes tknownas gr oupl eaderofi nt er nat i onaldanc ec r ew Di ver s i t y.Di ver s i t ywon‘ Br i t ai n’ sGotTal ent ’i n2009andhaves i nc e, t our edt hewhol eoft heUK andper f or medt oaudi enc esof at ot alof20mi l l i onpeopl e.Di ver s i t yhaveal s of eat ur ed i nt hef i l m‘ St r eet Danc e3D’ .As hl eyBanj ohasmadea namef orhi ms el fbybei ngaj udgeonSky1’ s‘ Gott o Danc e’andhos t shi sownTV s how As hl eyBanj oSec r et St r eetCr ew.

Lei gh–W i lJohnson Wi li sper f ectf ort her ol easSt r i kesver ywi sebutr el uct ant Agent .Wi l ’ spr evi ousact i ngcont ai nsser i ousandt ough r ol essuchasdet ect i veConst abl eSkel t oni n‘ Cr acker ’ , gangst erbossBi gMi kei n‘ Anuvahood’ ,andMar cusKi r by i nt heBBC Dr ama‘ Wat er l ooRoad’ .Wi l lhasal sost ar r edi n hi tshowssuchas‘ Waki ngt heDead’ ,‘ Cl ocki ngOf f ’ ,‘ Casual t y’ ,and‘ London' sBur ni ng’ .Wi lhasmostr ecent l ybeen nomi nat edf orhi sper f or mancei nt hepl ayTheSwal l owi ng Dar k.


Addi t i onalCr ew/ Dancer sAt t ached

i Lumi nat e Thi suni quedancegr oupdancesi nl ow l i ght i ng,evencompl et edar knesswear i ngLED i l l umi nat edsui t s.Theamazi ngl i ghtshowst hey per f or m capt i vat eaudi encesbyusi ngcont r ol l edl i ght st ocr eat ei magi nat i vemovesand r out i nesacr osst hest age.Theyhaveper f or medon‘ Amer i ca’ sGotTal ent ’ .Thei Lumi nat et echnol ogyhasbeenusedbyar t i st ssuch asChr i sBr ownon‘ Danci ngwi t ht heSt ar s’ andTheBl ackEyedPeason‘ Amer i canMusi c Awar ds’ .Thi sgr oupar easdynami casi tget s, t hei rpr esenceal onewi l lel ect r i f yt hi spr oj ect onscr een. LesTwi ns I dent i calt wi nsLaur entandLar r yBour geoi s f r om Fr ancemakeupt hi scr eat i vecomedy hi phopdanceduo.Theyar ever ywel lknown i nt hedancei ndust r yandhaveper f or medat numer ousshowsanddancecompet i t i ons. Mostnot abl yt hei rmostr ecentdancecr edi t s i ncl udeper f or mi ngi nBeyonce’ s‘ Runt he Wor l d’musi cvi deoaswel lasper f or mi ngwi t h BeyonceatGl ast onbur yFest i valandTheBi l l boar dMusi cAwar ds.Theyal sohaveper f or medi nGener at i onMoonwal k,Tr i but et o Mi chaelJ acksonatZeni t h,Par i s,andwer e cr ownedt hewi nner satJ ust eDebout2011i n bot hJ apanHi pHopDi vi si onandHi pHopDi vi si ont oaddt ot hei rcol l ect i onsoft i t l es. Jabbawockeez J abbawockeezar eahi phopmaskeddance gr oupt aki ngt hewor l dbyst or m.Fr om wi nni ng‘ Amer i ca’ sBestDanceCr ew’t hey havegoneont oappearonaPepsi commer ci al ,per f or m on‘ Danci ngwi t ht he St ar s’ ,‘ SoYouThi nkYouCanDance’ ,t our ed wi t h‘ New Ki dsont heBl ock’andevendanced on‘ St epup2TheSt r eet s’ .Recent l yt heyhave t our edAust r al i aandper f or medatt heMGM Gr andi nLasVegas.Thi suni quer obot i c hi phopdancegr oupi sknownwor l dwi deand ar ecl ear l yonest owat ch. 15

Pr oducer sAt t ached

Ni ck‘ Pi kki ’Fear on Bestknownasoneoft heUK’ st opMuayThaiKi ckboxer s,i nj ur i esf or cedPi kkii nt oanal t er nat i vecar eerand i snow oneoft hemostsoughtaf t erFi l m Pr oducer si n t heEnt er t ai nmentI ndust r y.Pi kkii st hemast er mi nd behi ndt hehi ghl yaccl ai medf eat ur ef i l m Rol l i n’wi t ht he Ni nes. Rol l i n’won‘ BestFeat ur eFi l m’att he2005Rai ndanceFi l m Fest i val .Pi kkihassever alawar dsi nt hef ea t ur ef i l m wor l d,i ncl udi ng‘ BestAchi evementi nBl ack Fi l m Maki ng’att he2005Rai ndanceFi l m Fest i val .Pi kki t henwentont owi nsever alawar dst ohi snamei ncl udi ngBestAchi evementi n Bl ackFi l m Maki ngatt he2005Rai ndanceFi l m Fest i valandBestAchi evementi n Bl ackFi l m Maki ng’att he2006Scr eenNat i onAwar ds,f ol l owedbyanomi nat i oni n 2007f ort he‘ Car lFor emanAwar d’att hef eat ur ef i l msatt heBAFTAS. Pi kkipr oducedt hef eat ur ef i l m DeadManRunni ngi n2009,wi t hexecut i vepr oducer sAshl ey Col eandRi oFer di nand. Thef i l m st ar r edCur t i s‘ 50Cent ’J ackson( Amer i can RapperandAct or ) ;Br endaBl et hyn;DannyDyer ;Ashl eyWal t er s,andTammer Hassan.

John K W ebst er J ohni sanamazi ng,upandcomi ngPr oducert ot he f eat ur ewor l dwi t hpassi onandent husi asm beyond bel i ef .J ohnhaspr oduced9shor tf i l msandhundr edsof adver t s,vi r al s,musi cvi deosandcor por at epr oduct i ons. J ohnhast heabi l i t yt omakef i l msonal owerbudget t hatst andupagai nstpr oduct i onswi t hmuchl ar ger cr ewsandf i nancesat t ached. J ohnhasbeenwor ki ngi npr oduct i onf orovert enyear sandunt i lr ecent l ywast he owneroft hehi ghl ysuccessf ulpr oduct i oncompany‘ Bl ankCanvasMedi a’ .Att he begi nni ngof2011J ohndeci dedt hati twasnow t i meconcent r at eonf eat ur ef i l ms andt r ansf er r edhi sski l l st oEl st r eeFi l m St udi oswi t hhi snew company‘ Pat i ent Zer oPr oduct i onsLt d’f ocusi ngont el evi si onandf i l m pr oj ect s.‘ J akeFor t une’wi l lbe J ohn’ sf i r stf eat ur epr oj ect ,gi vi nghi mt heoppor t uni t yt ot akehi sexcept i onalski l l s andknowl edget ot hewi descr eenandwi l lactasapl at f or mt oannouncehi sar r i val t ot hecompet i t i on.J ohnhasunpar al l el edexper i encei nal laspect sofpr oduct i on andhaswonsever alshor tf i l msandmusi cvi deosawar ds.


Pr oducer sAt t ached

Si mon Cummi ns Si moni sest abl i shedwi t hi nt hei ndust r ybot hasanact orandpr oducer .Hi sl at estact i ngr ol ei nt hef or m ofabr andnew Br i t i sh comedyf eat ur ef i l m cal l edTheFl i r t i ngCl ub. Si moni suni quei nt he f i l mi ndust r y,asheal sospentt i mei nt hef i nanci alsect ordeal i ngi n equi t i esandshar esf orCi t iGr oup.AsaPr oducer ;wi t hSi mon' s knowl edgeoft hei ndust r yandent husi asm f ort hebusi nesssi deof t hi s;Si monwasof f er edapar t ner shi pi nt hesecompani es.Si mon begancr eat i ngpr oj ect st hatdi dn' tj usthavemeani ngf orhi msel f butal sot ot heaudi ence,havi ngsecur edf or‘ Tr ansf erDeadl i neDay’ ( t hef i r stUK basedpl ayaboutf oot bal l )Si monwor kedanddevel opedst r ongr el at i onshi psl ar geor gani sat i onssuchasCour t yar d Theat r e,442Magazi ne,Char l t onFoot bal lCl ubandFHM.Si moni s t hatr ar ePr oducert hathasmanagedt of ear l essl yembr acebot hexper i enceandknowl edgeoft hecr eat i veandf i nanci alar enas.

Gl en Mur phy Gl enMur phyi sanent r epr eneurf r om sout heastLondon.Onehal f oft hesuccessf uldanceduo‘ Twi standPul se’ .‘ Twi standPul se’ havewont heUK St r eetDancechampi onshi psf i vet i mes,i nt er nat i onalandper f or medi nt hepr est i gi ouswor l dhi phopchampi onshi psi nLasVegast woyear sr unni ng.Gl enhasChor eogr aphed andper f or medi nover20musi cvi deosandadver t si ncount r i es al lar oundt hewor l d.Gl encr eat edhi sowncompany,Ni suocLt d. Gl enhasspenthi sl i f ebui l di nghi si deasandski l l sandusedt hem t owar dshi ssuccesses.Hedr awsuponhi swi devar i et yofexper i encest ohonei nanddevel opt hewor khehascr eat ed.


Cr ew At t ached


Pr omot i on and Mar ket i ng St r at egy Over vi ew Wehavei nvi t edOr gani cMar ket i ngt opr ovi deanout l i nemar ket i ngandpr omot i ons pl an. Thecostoft hi shasal r eadybeencal cul at edwi t hi nourbudget .Or gani cMar ket i ngspeci al i sesi nf i l m mar ket i ng. Wor ki ngwi t hsomeoft hebi ggestf i l m st udi osi n t heUK,t hei rexper i encesencompasst heent i r ef i l ml i f ecycl e,f r om pr oduct i on t hr ought oi nt er nat i onalhomeent er t ai nment ,di gi t aldownl oadandbackcat al ogue mar ket i ng. TheSt r at egy Tocr eat eani nnovat i vemar ket i ngcampai gnt hatdr i vesawar enessoft hemovi e dur i ngpr epr oduct i on. Exposur e,awar enessandf ol l owi ngwi l laddi mmenseval uet o J akeFor t unei nt er msofsel l i ngt hedi st r i but i onr i ght s. Tact i caldel i ver y: W ebsi t e Cr eat i ngani nt er act i vewebsi t ewi l lal l ow vi si t or st ovi ew di f f er entver si onsoft he t r ai l er ,wat chbehi ndt hescenesi nt er vi ewsandmi ni document ar i es,r eadt hepl ot synopses,downl oadr i ngt onesanddeskt opwal l paper s,pl aygamesandchati n f or ums. Theof f i ci almovi ewebsi t ei sonl yt hebegi nni ngofawi derI nt er netmar ket i ngcampai gn. Thehypef orJ akeFor t unest ar t sont hef i r stdayofpr i nci pl ephot ogr aphyandwi l l gr ow andgr ow,st ar t i ngwi t havi r almar ket i ngcampai gnt owi nsetvi si t s,t omeet t hecastandanoppor t uni t yt obecomeanext r ai nt hef i l m. Soci alMedi a Usi ngFacebookandot hermedi awebbasedsi t eswi l laddi mpactt ot hef ans’awar enessoft hef i l m. Wi t hFacebookgr oups,post i ngphot os,wr i t i ngcomment sabout J akeFor t uneandwi t ht heevergr owi ngsuccessofTwi t t er ;t hi sgi vest hef ansan oppor t uni t yf orf anst ocommuni cat ewi t ht hest ar s/cr ew di r ect l yi nvol vedi nJ ake For t unewhi chwi l lbr i nggr eatexposur et ot hepr oj ect .

Pr omot i on Weeksbef or eJ akeFor t uneopensnat i onwi de,t hepr omot i onsdepar t mentwi l lsett o bombar dt hepubl i cwi t hsomanyi magesandpr omosofJ akeFor t uneandt hel ogoJ F t hati tbecomesa“ can' tmi ss”event . Or gani cMar ket i ngwi l li nvestsomeoft he mar ket i ngandadver t i si ngbudgeti nbusadver t i si ng,onbi l l boar dsal lar oundt heUK, whi l er unni ngt r ai l er sonTV. Thebudgetcur r ent l yal l owsf orf ul l pageadver t i sement si nmaj ornewspaper sandmagazi nes,andt hel eadi ngcastmember swi l lal lbe avai l abl ef ori nt er vi ew bymaj orTV shows. 19

Musi c–seepage6 Fastmovi ng consumergoods Wear ei nt al kswi t hcompani essuchasRi bena,LucozadeandRedBul lf orpr oduct pl acementandsponsor shi p. Technol ogy Samsung–Pi oneer Vi deoGames–seepage7


Appendi ces

Fi l mmaki ng

Thei mpactofdi gi t al3D TV ont oday' smovi emaki nghasbeencompar edt ot he i nt r oduct i onofcol ourf i l m whent her ewasonl ybl ackandwhi t e. Oneoft hest r ongest t r endsi nvi sualef f ect sf i l mst odayi sst er eoscopi ccapt ur e,post pr oduct i onandpr oj ect i on. Technol ogycaughtupj ustast heat r eowner swer el ooki ngf orwayst ohol dand appealt oamedi asat ur at edaudi ence. Forawhi l e,I MAX andt hemepar kt heat r esbecameoneof t heonl ypl acest osee3D f i l ms. Exhi bi t i onssuchasJ ames Camer on’ sTer mi nat or23D,shoti n65mm st er eo,pr oved popul arwi t haudi ences. Theboxof f i ceofI MAX f i l mswas heal t hy,wi t hI nt ot heDeepgr ossi ng$71. 3M,SpaceSt at i on$95. 1M andTRex3D $98. 1M.

Butont hewhol e,r egul arci nemasdi dnotembr ace3D due,i n par t ,t ot hecostofhavi ngspeci al i sedpr oj ect or sandt hel ackof goodf i l mst oj ust i f yt hi sexpendi t ur e. Ther ewer eexcept i onssuch asSpyKi ds3D,whi chgr ossed$190M

Shoot i ng on t heRed Epi c Thef i r stf eat ur ef i l mt obeshotont heRedEpi cwas St evenSoder ber gh’ s‘ Cont agi on’ . Gr eatf i l m di r ect or s haveal sost ar t edt ouset heRedEpi ccamer a;Pet er J ackson’ s‘ TheHobbi t ’ ,Ri dl eyScot t ’ s‘ Pr omet heus’ , RobMar shal l ’ s‘ Pi r at esoft heCar i bbean4’andeven LenWi seman’ s‘ Tot alRecal l ’t hesear ej ustaf ew t o namet hathaveshott hef ul lf eat ur eont heRedEpi c.


El st r eeFi l m St udi os

El st r eeFi l m St udi osi soneoft hewor l d’ sl eadi ngst udi os,l ocat edonl y20mi nut es f r om t hehear tofLondon. Fi r stest abl i shedi n1926,i thasbeenhostt osuchf i l ms as‘ I ndi anaJ ones’ ,‘ St arWar s’ ,‘ TheShi ni ng’and‘ TheKi ngsSpeech’and800ot her f i l ms. Asast udi of orhi r e,El st r eehasr ecent l yopenedi t sdoor sf ort hef i l mi ngof ‘ Sher l ockHol mesI I :A GameofShadows’f orWar nerbr ot her s.El st r eeFi l m St udi os i swi t houtdoubtLondon' snumber1st udi of orf i l m andt el evi si onpr oduct i on. Pat i entZer oPr oduct i onsLt dof f i cei sl ocat edi nEl st r eeFi l m St udi os,gi vi ngusexcl usi veaccessandi mpor t anti nf or mat i onaboutt hei nt er nalmechani smsoft hest udi osandt husal l owi ngvi t alcont act st obemadewi t hi nt hef i l mi ndust r y. Wear e al soabl et ouset hest udi osandcoor di nat evar i ousdepar t ment s;suchasl i ght i ng andequi pmenthi r et hatar eal sobasedwi t hi nt hest udi os.Thest udi o’ sl ocat i on makeseasyaccesst oandf r om London.


Suppl ement ar yBenef i t sf orInvest or s

Col l ect i on Account Thepr oduct i oncompanywi l lensur et hatal ll evel sofpaymentwi l lbemadet hr ough Fi nt ageHouseasperi nvest mentcont r act . Speci alPur poseVehi cl e( SPV)i sJ akeFor t uneLTD Par t ner s Har bot t l e& Lewi s–www. har bot t l e. com Har bot t l eandLewi sar emedi al aw speci al i st s. Al anMossi soursol i ci t orwhowi l lbe wor ki ngcl osel ywi t houri nvest or sandpr oducer soft hi sf i l m. Har bot t l eandLewi s haveawi der angeofcl i ent swi t hi nTV andf i l m,suchasChannel4,Mer chantI vor y, Wor ki ngTi t l eandTi gerAspect . B&M Account ancyLi mi t ed PaulMet har am i sachar t er edaccount antandchar t er edt axadvi ser . Paulhasr una pr i vat et axandaccount i ngconsul t ancysi nce1991andhascl i ent si nal lbusi ness sect or si ncl udi ngf i nance,medi aandt hear t s. Met r oBank-www. met r obankonl i ne. co. uk Met r oBankwi l lbecont r ol l i ngt heescr ow accountwi t hi nourvehi cl eofi nt er estset upf ort hemaki ngofJ akeFor t une,whi chi snamed‘ J akeFor t uneLt d’ .


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