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New Jersey District Editor Patrick Quinn | Issue II | May 31, 2014

Table of Contents Editor’s Message


International Convention


Board Member Spotlight Newsletter Tips

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Social Media


Club Events


Regional Training Conferences Photos Contacts

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“Were the willingness is great, the difficulties cannot be great.” - Niccolo Machiavelli

May Madness Hello New Jersey Key Clubbers and thank you for reading this issue of the PATHFINDER. Let me just say that time has flied by since we were all back at District Convention at the end of March. A lot of Key Club events both on the District and club levels. Whether you were one of the Key Clubbers I met at the Regional Training Conferences, one of the several club events I have went out to, or even one of the Key Clubbers I’ve talked to online, I was glad to have met you and I look forward to seeing you all again in the future. I love to see the great Key Clubbers from all around who are inspired to help the world be a better place. This issue will highlight some of the great events I had the opportunity to go to and hopefully some of these events may inspire some of you in your quest as key clubbers. I encourage you all to invite members of the District Board to your events. I know for one, I enjoy coming to events and meeting Key Club members from all over the state. If you ask me to come to an event, I will try my hardest to be there for it. I want to help you all in anyway possible. You’re all great Key Clubbers and I appreciate your dedication to service and caring. I hope to be your friend throughout the service year. Enjoy this issue of the PATHFINDER. Yours in Caring and Service,

District Editor Pat Quinn



International Convention Next month, Key Clubbers from New Jersey will leave for Anaheim in Sunny California for the 2014 Key Club International Convention. There are a good amount of New Jersey Key Clubbers going to represent New Jersey and meet Key Clubbers from around the globe. I am glad to be able to go this summer and I cannot wait until we leave. This will be a great experience and I’ll try to keep those who are not attending updated the best I can via the New Jersey Social Media.

Board Member Spotlight: Jeff Maziarz I met Jeff at the Mid-Winter Training Conference back in the beginning of March. Jeff was one of the many great Key Clubbers I met that weekend. Thankfully Jeff was willing to help me out as my campaign manager for when I ran for District Editor at DCON. Thanks to him and his fun and inspiring spirit, I was able to win the election and serve on this years board. Jeff is a great Key Clubber and a great friend. I’m honored to continue to work with him on the board. I look forward to going to International Convention with him and having a great time this service year



The Key to Making Good Newsletters The Key Club Fonts One thing many readers will notice is what fonts you choose to use. Instead of using one of those often used fonts such as Times New Roman or Arial, use the fonts that Key Club suggests you use. There are six fonts which are highly recommended that you use in your newsletters. Century Gothic is the most widely used and recognized Key Club font. This font is good for titles. And is the most recognizable. Myriad Pro and Verdana is another san-serif font which can be used for titles or body text. Garamond Premier Pro and Goudy Old Style are the two serif fonts which Key Club has. The serif fonts are great for body text and they look a bit fancier than the san-serif fonts. Walk Around the Block is not a font to use often. It is good for fun titles but other than that it doesn’t have much use. The font does not look too professional and should be used sparingly. Play around with different font combinations to find out which one will work best for you.


Century Gothic

Verdana Goudy Old Style Walk Around the Block


Social Media Club Social Media Social media is a great tool for Key Club which had become more prevalent now than ever before. Clubs can use social media to connect with people in their club, in their school, and in other Key Clubs around the globe. On Facebook, clubs can do a lot of promotion for events. You can spread flyers through Facebook and share them with people who are interested in coming to the event. You can create events and invite all your friends. You can also share photos from past events. On Twitter, you can create short blurbs about Key Club. You can make posts on upcoming events or give updates on when your club meetings are. Make sure that everyone from the club follows the twitter so they can get the updates. Instagram is best for sharing pictures. You can share pictures of Key Clubbers participating in Key Club events. You can share pictures of flyers to promote events. If you want to share pictures, use Instagram. Make sure to keep on top of the updates. Club members might rely on the updates in order to know the details about Key Club events in your school. Good luck with your public relations and try to incorporate the useful tool of social media effectively

New Jersey Key Club Social Media In New Jersey Key Club we use each of the stated forms of social media. The Public Relations Committee on the District Board (Which I am one of the chairperson of) updates these as much as possible. We like to share a fun spirit throughout the Key Club online community. We give promotion to club events so if you contact me, I can promote your club event throughout the New Jersey District. Make sure to follow/like us to get all our updates about New Jersey Key Club.



Millburn Battle of the Bands May 30, 2014 I was invited to Millburn High School recently for a “Battle of the Band” competition hosted by their Key Club. The event was a fundraiser to aid the fight against human trafficking. For the $10 entry fee, the event was well worth going to. The bands competing were amazing. I was extremely impressed with the talent many of the kids my own age have. I appreciated the band Animal Pharmacy very much and I am glad they went on to winning first place in the competition. The Millburn Key Club put in a lot of effort into making every aspect of the night be as good as possible. Each and every one of the Key Clubbers I met were very friendly and cheerfully committing their time to the event set up and managing the event. The club aimed to raise at least $300 from the event. The club members were more the happy when they realized they raised over double their goal: $700. This was an extremely successful and fun event and I am glad I was able to make it for the wonderful night.


Hamilton K-Family Bowling Night May 23, 2014 Another event I was happy to attend this month was the Bowling Night hosted by the Hamilton Kiwanis Club. Although this was not a Key Club event, there was a large attendance of Key Clubbers from Steinert, Nottingham, and West Hamilton High Schools. It was a fun night with great Key Clubbers and it was a nice way to meet a lot of new friends from the Key Clubs around the New Jersey District. For $15 you can get as much bowling as you wanted and who doesn’t like bowling. I would like to say that the event went perfectly but my there was one big problem: my bowling skills were a bit off. Unfortunately my years of Wii bowling have not paid off and I was not doing too well. Even though I was not getting strikes the entire night, I did have a lot of fun laughing at how bad I was with the guys I was bowling with. Overall this was a fun event with fun Key Clubbers. I hope the event was successful for the Hamilton Kiwanis Club. I plan to try to make it out to more of these events in the future and hope to meet many more great Key Clubbers at these events.


Spring Regional Training Conferences May 4 & May 10, 2014 Every spring, the New Jersey District holds two Regional Training Conferences: one in northern New Jersey and one in southern New Jersey. These training conferences are held to train officers and general members on how to become better Key Clubbers and how to better understand the different things Key Club does. This year the northern conference was held at Roxbury High School. The host club did a very nice job organizing the event which helped us run it smoothly. We had a great turn out of Key Clubbers from the North Jersey. We even had some special guests from last year’s district board. Overall this was a fun day of spreading Key Club knowledge and as the first district event of this service year, it set a fun and exiting tone for the rest of the service year ahead. The next Regional Training Conference was held at Cedar Creek High School and hosted by both the Key Clubs of Cedar Creek and Absagami High Schools. These clubs put a lot of effort into making the day fun.; there were fabulous decorations and fun little activities focusing on our theme of Greek Mythology. After the first conference, we were now more prepared and experienced for teaching each of the workshops in a fun and energetic way. This was another successful district event and I hope this trend will continue. If you missed the spring Regional Training Conferences, don’t worry; there will be three more Regional training Conferences in the fall. Try to find the time this September to make it to one of these events. The workshops will help you become a better Key Clubber and the experience will last



District Governor Samantha Levisay

District Secretary District Treasurer Jacqueline Dragon Daniel McCormack

Lt. Governor 1 Alexander Marino

Lt. Governor 2 Dianna Torres

District Editor Patrick Quinn

District Webmaster Srikar Gudipati

Lt. Governor 3 Charmaine Chew

Lt. Governor 4 Thomas Michael

Lt. Governor 5 Becca Lordon

Lt. Governor 6 Jeffery Maziarz

Lt. Governor 7 Josie Suddeth

Lt. Governor 8 Rebecca Austin

Lt. Governor 9 Tara Engelken

Lt. Governor 10 Brooke Willemstyn

Lt. Governor 11 Farwa Shakeel

Lt. Governor 12 Devin Sun

Lt. Governor 13 Nate Silberman

Lt. Governor 14 Latifa Ali

Lt. Governor 15 Darren Khong

Lt. Governor 16 David Guirgis

Lt. Governor 17 Jae Shin

Lt. Governor 18 Ricky Thompson

Lt. Governor 19 Bobbie Boettinger

Lt. Governor 20 Aleena Kazami

Lt. Governor 21 Harsh Patel

Lt. Governor 22 Monica Gallagher

PATHFINDER is defined as one who discovers and shows others the way. The title was picked to symbolize leadership and teamwork which is a notable trait among Key Club members. Through this newsletter I hope to exemplify the leadership of the New Jersey Key Club along with inspiring those who find themselves reading these publications.

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