The BIOVOICES multistakeholder online social platform v2.0

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The BIOVOICES multistakeholder online social platform v2.0

Chiara Bicchielli, Noemi Biancone, Fernando Ferri, Patrizia Grifoni CNR, Italy

CHECK THE CONFIGURATION: GENERAL INFO Please, use google Chrome or Safari. When you connect yourself to the BIOVOICES platform at, please check if pop-ups on your browser is blocked. In this case you have to enable pop-ups for the BIOVOICES platform.

• If you are using Safari, Google Chrome on Apple, see the following video: • If you are using Google Chrome on Windows, see the following video at:

SAFARI: ENABLING COOKIES When you get connected to the BIOVOICES platform through Safari browser, you will visualize the message shown in the following figure, that asks users to enable cookies.

Follow the tutorial at to enable cookies

WHAT CAN YOU DO WITH THE BIOVOICES PLATFORM!!! Users can play both the role of consumer and provider of resources (services, information and knowledge): • users can consult information present in the platform (role consumer) without the need to register/login

users as provides can: • organize and manage Discussion group, Events, BIOVOICES Mobilization and Mutual Learning workshops, • Share information on Biobased products, Documents and News, • contribute in an online discussion, sharing information, videos, chat messages, documents, streaming, etc. (role provider), through a registered account and login.

Click on «Enter the platform»

ACCESS AS A CONSUMER Once you entered in the platform, information is immediately visible. •

The “Menù” area (see the blue rectangle) shows the main sections composing the platform i.e. Discussion group, Events, BIOVOICES Mobilization and Mutual Learning workshops, Biobased products, Documents and News. The “Access by map” area allow users to reach a tool to visualize platform resources on a map The “Filter biovoices content” area allow users to filter platform content on the basis of BIOVOICES challenges.

ACCESS AS A CONSUMER Once you entered in the platform, information is immediately visible. •

The “What's new” area (see the blue rectangle) shows the history of resources (e.g. a new event, information related this event, such as for example presentations done, video shared, streaming done during an event, a new lab, with the documents, videos and discussions carried out, etc.).

The “Get involved participate in open discussions” area contains a preview of last public discussion groups (see the red rectangle).

The “Biobased products” area contains a showcase of biobased products (see the green rectangle).

ACCESS AS A CONSUMER Once you entered in the platform, information is immediately visible.

Each resource has a preview, showing who shared the resource, title, description, sharing date and picture. There are two ways to access to detailed information of the resource (events, documents, videos, public discussion groups etc.): • Clicking on the rounded icon in the “What’s new” area • Clicking on the title of the preview rectangle

ACCESS AS A CONSUMER Once you entered in the platform, information is immediately visible.

In the final part of the homepage users can also access: • the news clicking on the dark green rectangle “News”. This rectangle rotates; one side shows the last created content, while the other side shows a description of this section, • the news clicking on the green rectangle “Documents”. This rectangle rotates; one side shows the last created content, while the other side shows a description of this section, • the remaining rectangle is related to the functionalities planned to be configured in the periodic update of the platform during the project life.

VISUALIZE AN EVENT/MML Users: • can directly access to Event/BIOVOICES Mobilization and Mutual Learning workshops from the “What’s new” area, directly clicking on the Event/BIOVOICES MML workshops title, or on the document or the video contained in a Event/BIOVOICES MML workshops . • can access to event/BIOVOICES MML list clicking on the Event/BIOVOICES Mobilization and Mutual Learning workshops links on the left sidebar

VISUALIZE A LIST OF EVENTS/MMLs On the left yellow menu, users can access to the following functionalities: • Add an event/BIOVOICES MML (needs login in the platform) • Filter events’ list: – – –

My events : events created by user himself/herself (needs login in the platform) Joined events: events created by other users and joined by user himself/herself (needs login in the platform) All events

On the top of the “ALL EVENTS” section users can order events by: • Last contribution • A-Z • START DATE

Through this icon (+) users can join an event they are interested in. In that way, the joined events are easily reachable using the joined events filter, explained in blue box.

The top section of event page contains: •The title of the Event/MML •The dates •The location of the event/MML •A partial description of the event/MML •The social share buttons

VISUALIZE AN EVENT/MML The top section of event page contains: •The title of the Event/MML •The dates, •The organizers, •The administrator on the platform (Who shared on the platform), •The location of the event/MML •The description of the event/MML, •A note space containing general information, •The application sector, •The topic of the event/MML. • The challanges

You can also visualize the menu for providing: Posts in the chat, Documents, Videos, or video streaming, Pictures in a gallery. However, it is necessary that you login yourself to provide anyone of these resources

The bottom section contains: •Posts in the chat, •Documents preview, •Videos, or video streaming preview, •Preview of Pictures in a gallery. •Clicking on previews, you can directly visualise videos, documents, etc.

ACCESSING A DISCUSSION GROUP Discussion group have three levels of privacy, i.e. Public, Closed and Private. TYPE OF ACCESS











VISUALIZE A DISCUSSION GROUP Users: • can directly access to Public discussion group (or partially to Closed discussion group which need a join request to see the full content) from the “What’s new” area, directly clicking on the discussion group title, or on the document or the video contained in a discussion group • can access clicking on the title of Public discussion group of interest in the “GET INVOLVED. PARTICIPATE IN OPEN DISCUSSION ” area. • can access to Discussion Group clicking on the Discussion Group link on the left sidebar

VISUALIZE A LIST OF DISCUSSION GROUPS On the left green menu, users can access to the following functionalities: • Add a discussion group(needs login in the platform) • Filter discussion groups’ list: –

My discussion groups: discussion groups created by user himself/herself (needs login in the platform) Joined discussion groups: discussion groups created by other users and joined by user himself/herself (needs login in the platform) All discussion groups

The bottom section contains Discussion group info about levels of privacy previously discussed.

Through this icon (+) users can join an discussion group they are interested in. In that way, the joined discussion group are easily reachable using the joined discussion group filter, explained in blue box.

The top section of Discussion group page contains: •The title of the Discussion group •The date •A partial description of the event/MML • Level of privacy •The social share buttons

VISUALIZE A PUBLIC DISCUSSION GROUP The top section of discussion group page contains: •The title of the discussion group •The date, •The administrator on the platform (Who shared on the platform), •The description of the discussion group, •A note space containing general information, •The application sectors, •The topics of discussion, •The challenges. •The calendar link. The bottom section contains: •Posts in the chat, •Documents and folder space, •Videos, or video streaming preview, •Pools. You can also visualize menus for providing: Documents, Folder, Post, Videos, or video streaming, Pool. However, it is necessary that you login yourself to provide anyone of these resources

VISUALIZING A CLOSED DISCUSSION GROUPS Clicking on a specific Discussion group users visualize (without logging in or without discussion group join): • a subset of information related to the Discussion group itself (i.e. the title, the administrator of the discussion group , the description without logging in themselves In this case users (after a registration in the platform), based on their interest can ask for joining themselves to the Discussion group , and then she or he can also access posts, documents, etc.

VISUALIZE A BIOBASED PRODUCT Users: • can directly access to Biobased Product from the “What’s new” area, directly clicking on the Biobased Product title. • can access clicking on the title of Biobased Product in the area. • can access to Biobased Product clicking on the Biobased Product link on the left sidebar

VISUALIZE A LIST OF BIOBASED PRODUCTS On the left green menu, users can access to the following functionalities: • Add product (needs login in the platform)

The top section of Biobased Product page contains: • The title • Images • Subtitle • Producer • Description • Useful links • Application sectors • Author • The administrator on the platform (Who shared on the platform), •The social share buttons

VISUALIZE A BIOBASED PRODUCT The top section of Biobased Product page contains: • The title • Images • Subtitle • Producer • Description • Useful links • Application sectors • Author • The administrator on the platform (Who shared on the platform)

VISUALIZE A DOCUMENT Users: • can directly access to Collection that contains Document from the “What’s new” area, directly clicking on the Document title or on Document icon. • can directly access to the Document from the “What’s new” area, directly clicking on the Document preview image. •

can access to Document Collections list clicking on the Documents link on the left sidebar

VISUALIZE A LIST OF DOCUMENT COLLECTIONS On the left green menu, users can access to the following functionalities: • Add a collection (needs login in the platform) • Filter collections’ list: – –

My collections : collections created by user himself/herself (needs login in the platform) Joined collections: collections created by other users and joined by user himself/herself (needs login in the platform) All collections

The top section of Document Collections page contains a list of collections described with: • The title • Owner • Update date • Number of documents • Privacy level

Through this icon (+) users can join a collection they are interested in. The bottom section of Document Collections page contains the list of the most recent collections

VISUALIZE A COLLECTION The top section of Collection page contains, for each document: • The title • Image preview • Document type • Abstract • Description • Year of pubblication • Owner • Author • Type of owner • Keywords • Application sectors • Topics

On the left green menu, users can access to the following functionalities: • Add a document (needs login in the platform)

VISUALIZE A NEWS Users: • can directly access to News from the “What’s new” area, directly clicking on the News title. • can access to News clicking on the News links on the left sidebar


On the left green menu, users can access to the following functionalities: • Add a news (needs login in the platform)

The top section of News page contains a list of news described with: • Title • Date • Description • URL • Social share buttons

VISUALIZE A NEWS The top section of News page contains: • Title • Subtitle • Image • Date • Description • Categories • Topics • Link • News preview


Users can filter the content of platform selecting the BIOVOICES challenges and the clicking on show all button. The output of the filter depends on section in which the user is. For example if a user is in the homepage the output will be a filtering of all the resouces (i.e. events, Biovoices MML, discussion groups, documents and news). Otherwise if a user is in the events list page the output will be a filtering of the events. For the documents and news sections, the filter is based on only on topics this because the content is categorized not by challenges and topics but only by topics.


Clicking on ‘Access by maps’ link in homepage, users can use a tool to visualize platform resources in a location based way. This tool allow users to filter content on the basis of the types of resources and also on the basis of their properties.


Clicking on the circles users can view detailed info about the selected resource and also the link to the resource in the BIOVOICES platform.


The navbar contains also a search functionality. Users can choose between two type of search: • Full text: this kind of search works on finding all matches of one or more terms in the different resources stored in the platform • Semantic: this kind of search works on finding conceptual similarity between the keyword provided and the resources stored in the platform. Indeed, when a new resource is added in the platform it is tagged by a process that uses concepts collected in a custom ontology.


1. 2. 3.

Type on «search bar» the keywords you want to search Specify the kind of search you want to perform Click on «GO»

FULL TEXT SEARCH OUTPUT The output of the full text search consists in: •

People: the keyword entered is compared to first name, last name, company, email. In case of matching the output is contained in the PEOPLE section.

Discussion groups: the keyword entered is compared to title, description and content added by users in the event. In case of matching the output is contained in the DISCUSSION GROUP section (only if the discussion group is public).

Events: the keyword entered is compared to title, description and content added by users in the event. In case of matching the output is contained in the EVENT section.

BIOVOICES MML: the keyword entered is compared to title, description and content added by users in the event. In case of matching the output is contained in the BIOVOICES MML section

DOCS: the keyword entered is compared to document text and collection name. In case of matching the output is contained in the DOCS section

SEMANTIC SEARCH OUTPUT The semantic search works on concept similarity. In particular it searches in first instance for the keyword itself, then on equivalent concept, then on concepts that are semantically linked. The output of the semantic search consists in: • • •

Description of the keyword if it is present in the customised ontology. A description of all the terms that are equivalent to the keyword A list of Documents, Events, BIOVOCES MMLs, Discussion groups, Market Place Products ordered by the similarity with the keywords

For the semantic search, show the video at: ckF7XM


When users contribute in an online discussion with posts in a chat, when they share information and data by videos, chat messages, documents, streaming, etc., and therefore have an active role as providers, they have to be registered and logged in.

REGISTER YOURSELF TO THE BIOVOICES PLATFORM!!! • Click on “CREATE ACCOUNT”button. Then for registration you have to : • Fill in your e-mail • Confirm your e-mail • Fill in your password • Confirm your password • You have to confirm that you agree the terms and conditions (after reading the terms and conditions document). • There are two types of registrations. Please specify if you are registering as: - an “organization” a “private user” (See next chapter for more info) • Click on “Create account”

REGISTER TO THE BIOVOICES PLATFORM!!! (PRIVATE USER) If you want to register as a private user you have to fill in the following additional fields: • First name • Last name • Gender • Profile • Country There are also optional fields (company/organization, phone, website, type of stakeholder, address) that can be filled in clicking on «Click here to fill optional fields» link.

REGISTER TO THE BIOVOICES PLATFORM!!! (ORGANIZATION USER) If you want to register as a organization user you have to fill in the following additional fields: • Company/organization • Phone • Website • Type of stakeholder • Address

PLEASE NOTE: to fill in the address field, click on search box and write the address, then a dropdown list of addresses appears . Finally click on the right address.

ACCESS AS A PROVIDER Once you are registered you have to Login.

To login click on the login button Then specify: •Email •Password Click on “LOGIN” Otherwise you can sign-in/login directly with your Google or Facebook account clicking on the social buttons.


If you want to recover your password click on the link recover in the login form Put your email address and click on summit button to change your password. You will receive an email, containing a link to reset your password.

ACCESS AS A PROVIDER • Once you are Logged in you can access to detailed information for Events, Labs (Public, Closed if you are joined and Private if the Lab is your own) etc...

• You can contribute providing your opinions in a Chat posting a message, or uploading documents, pictures in galleries, sharing videos, organizing video streaming, organizing and planning the activities in the Discussion Group.


Logged users can add a new event/MML. Clicking on the «Add event» button on the left side menu, a window shows up. To add a new event, users have to fill in a form containing: • Title • Description • Organiser • Start and end date • Timezone • Event type • Event location • Topics • Challenges • Application sector. At the end of this process, the new event will appear in the list of platform’s events.

JOIN AN EVENT/BIOVOICES MML There are two ways to join an event/Biovoices MML: in the event/Biovoices MML list page or in the event/Biovoices MML page, if you are not the administrator, you can join the event by clicking on plus icon. Then you can participate and contribute in it. After clicking on plus icon it becomes a check icon To undo the operation just click on the check icon and you will be disjoined from the event/Biovoices MML

ADD CONTENT IN AN EVENT/ BIOVOICES MML In the event/Biovoices MML page, if you are event administrator or you joined it, you can add content through the side menu. The platform allows the sharing of: •Post •Document •Video •Gallery of pictures •Video streaming •Pool

SEND MESSAGE TO THE JOINED USERS IN AN EVENT/ BIOVOICES MML Clicking on «Envelope» button you can send message to all participant in a discussion group.

A window shows up with a standard send mail form to fill in. The first field is autocompleted and contains the email list of the discussion group partecipants.


1. 2. 3.

Click on «Add post» Write your post Click on «Post»


1. 2. 3. 4.

Click on «Add document» Specify the title, a description and the document type Drag a file in the area or select the file by button Click on «Submit»



2. 3.

Click on «Add video» Please note: you can add a video only already uploaded on Youtube. Insert the title, YouTube URL and description Click on «SAVE»


1. 2. 3. 4.

Click on «Add gallery» Drag the files of the pictures in the area or select the file by button Fill in the title of the gallery and the description of pictures collected in the gallery Click on «Submit»


1. 2. 3.


Click on «Add video streaming» Click on «Setup video streaming» An external YouTube page shows up. There, specify: title, time, description, privacy… After setup is completed on YouTube page click on “yes I have completed the setup” button


The video Streaming is then visualized in the event and users can follow it, post comments, etc.

ADD POLL 1. Write the poll title 2. Click on «Add poll»


For each content added in the event/MML page, users can: • Add comment clicking on «Write a comment» button • Add a reply to a comment clicking on «Reply» link • Add a like to the content through «Like» button • Report a content clicking on «Report» icon if it’s disrespectful or inappropriate.

EVENT/MML ADMINISTRATOR FUNCTIONALITIES Event administrators (user that created the event) can use further functionalities: • Clicking on «Trash» icon, they can delete the event • Clicking on «Embed» icon, they can access to an HTML code to embed the event in other websites.


In event/MML page, the administrators can use further functionalities: • Clicking on «Trash» icon, they can delete the event/MML • Clicking on «Invite users» icon, they can add new participants to the event/MML • Clicking on «Edit» icon, they can edit event/MML information i.e. title, description, organizer, dates, timezone, event type, event location, challenges, topics and application sectors. • Administrators can also enable/disable user registrations to the event/MML and view the list of registered users.


In event/MML page, the administrators can enable registration. Users can register to an event to confirm their participation to the event itself (register/login it’s not necessary). • Clicking on «Register» button, a window shows up. • Users can fill in the form with some information (i.e. firstname, lastname, email etc.) • If a user is not registered yet and wants to, it’s possible to check «I want to be part of BIOVOICES Platform». This process requires some further information. After this process, the user will be registered to both the platform and the event.


In event/MML page, the administrators can: • Control event/MML registrations through the «Enable/Disable Registration» button. • Check the list of registered users clicking on «View Registered People» button. Clicking on this button, a window shows up with the list of registered people. Administrators can download an excel file containing this information clicling on «Download Excel File» button.

DISCUSSION GROUP Discussion group have three levels of privacy, i.e. Public, Closed and Private. TYPE OF ACCESS












Logged users can add a new discussion group. Clicking on the «Add discussion group» button on the left side menu, a window shows up. To add a new discussion group, users have to fill in a form containing: • Title • Description • Start date • Privacy level • Topics • Challenges • Application sector. At the end of this process, the new discussion group will appear in the list of platform’s discussion groups.

JOIN A DISCUSSION GROUP There are two ways to join an discussion group: in the discussion group page or in the discussion group page, if you are not the administrator, you can join the event by clicking on plus icon. Then you can participate and contribute in it. After clicking on plus icon it becomes a check icon To undo the operation just click on the check icon and you will be disjoined from the discussion group.

ADD CONTENT IN A DISCUSSION GROUP In the discussion group page, if you have the permissions explained before, you can add content. Through the lower side menu: •Post •Video •Video streaming •Pool Through the upper side menu: •Folder •Files Clicking on «Calendar» button you can add appointments.

The above mentioned functionalities of lower side menu can be used as described before in the section of add content for event/Biovoices MML.

SEND MESSAGE TO THE PARTICIPANT IN A DISCUSSION GROUP Clicking on «Envelope» button you can send message to all participant in a discussion group. A window shows up with a standard send mail form to fill in. The first field is autocompleted and contains the email list of the discussion group partecipants.


1. 2. 3.

Click on «Add folder» Insert the name Click on «ADD»


1. 2. 3. 4.

Click on «Add document» Specify the title and description Drag a file in the area or select the file by button Click on «Submit»


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Click on «Calendar » button If you have administrator role you can add appointments double clicking on a specific cell of the calendar A window shows up Fill all the field. Click on «Save» You can also export the calendar into different formats.


For each content added in the discussion group page, users can: • Add comment clicking on «Write a comment» button • Add a reply to a comment clicking on «Reply» link • Add a like to the content through «Like» button • Report a content clicking on «Report» icon if it’s disrespectful or inappropriate.

DISCUSSION GROUP ADMINISTRATOR FUNCTIONALITIES In discussion groups’ list page, discussion group administrators (user that created the discussion group) can use further functionalities: • Clicking on «Trash» icon, they can delete the discussion group • Clicking on «Embed» icon, they can access to an HTML code to embed the discussion group in other websites (only available for public discussion groups).


In discussion group page, the administrators can use further functionalities: • Clicking on «Trash» icon, they can delete the discussion group • Clicking on «Invite users» icon, they can add new participants to the discussion group • Clicking on «Edit» icon, they can edit discussion group information i.e. title, description, date, privacy level, challenges, topics and application sectors.


Logged users can add a new biobased product. Clicking on the «Add product» button on the left side menu, a window shows up. To add a new biobased product, users have to fill in a form containing: • Title • Subtitle • Description • Producer or researcher • Application sectors • Author • Useful websites At the end of this process, the new biobased product will appear in the list of platform’s biobased products.


In biobased products’ list page, biobased product administrators (user that created the biobased product) can use the following functionality: • Clicking on «Trash» icon, they can delete the biobased product


In biobased product page, the administrators can use further functionalities: • Clicking on «Trash» icon, they can delete the biobased product • Clicking on «Edit» icon, they can edit biobased product information i.e. title, subtitle, description, producer or researcher, application sectors, author, useful websites. • Clicking on the images, they can add/edit biobased product’s logo, raw material image and final image selecting or dragging a new image in the window that shows up.


Logged users can add a new collection. Clicking on the «Add collection» button on the left side menu, a window shows up. To add a new collection, users have to fill in a form containing: • Name • Shareable choice At the end of this process, the new collection will appear in the list of platform’s collection.


Logged users can add a new document. Clicking on the «Add document» button on the left side menu, a window shows up. To add a new document, users have to fill in a form containing: • Title • Subtitle • Abstract • Description • Year of publication • Author • Owner • Owner type • Keywords • Document type • Application sectors • Topic And then drag a file in the area or select the file by button At the end of this process, the new document will appear in the list of collection’s document.

COLLECTION AND DOCUMENT ADMINISTRATOR FUNCTIONALITIES In list collections page the administrators can use further functionalities: • Clicking on «Trash» icon, they can delete the collection • Clicking on «Edit» icon, they can collection information i.e. name and shareable choice.

In collection page the administrators can use further functionalities: • Clicking on «Trash» icon, they can delete the file • Clicking on «Edit» icon, they can file information i.e. Title, Subtitle, Abstract, Description, Year of publication, Author, Owner, Owner type, Keywords, Document type, • Application sectors, Topic.


Logged users can add a news. Clicking on the «Add news» button on the left side menu, a window shows up. To add a news, users have to fill in a form containing: • Title • Subtitle • Text or link • Gallery (the process to add a gallery it is the same as thumbnail) • Application sectors • Topics And then drag a file for thumbnail in the area or select the file by button At the end of this process, the news will appear in the list of platform’s news.

NEWS ADMINISTRATOR FUNCTIONALITIES In list news page the administrators can use the following functionality: • Clicking on «Trash» icon, they can delete the collection

In news page the administrators can use further functionalities: • Clicking on «Trash» icon, they can delete the news • Clicking on «Edit» icon, they can file information i.e. Title, Subtitle, Abstract, Description, Year of publication, Author, Owner, Owner type, Keywords, Document type, Application sectors, Topics.


Logged users have access to the following functionalities: • User profile • Instant Messaging • Email • Notification The navbar also contains a button to logout from platform


In this page users could write message to other users of the platform. On the left side there is the list of chats, on the right side the chat selected with messages shown like in instant messaging app. When a new message arrives, the number above the icon increases.


In this page users could write an email. On the central section there is a list of emails that the logged user sent using the platform.


In this page users could read notifications. On the central section there is a list of notification that the logged user received. A notification is composed by the name of the user that generated it, the action that the user has done and a link to the resource involved. For example the user X invited you to the lab Y. When a new notification arrives, the number above the icon increases.

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