Final Industry Project

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Second Chance Marketing Campaign By: Patricia Machado

Table of Contents

3 about the company 6 target customer 8 social media presence 10 social media style 12 market 14 current campaign 17 past campaign 20 second chance 23 designs

26 plan of action 28 partnership 30 financials 32 mock-ups 35 timeline 37 event info 39 event explanation 41 blog mockup 43 works cited 2

About the Company


Yael Aflalo created Reformation in 2009. They design and manufacture most of their products in the U.S. Their factory headquarters is located in Los Angeles. They are also very transparent on how they produce them. Reformation uses sustainable fabrics, as well as vintage clothes in their manufacturing process. Their goal is to “lead and inspire a sustainable way to be fashionable.�



Target Customer


Reformation’s target customer is a young (27years-32years) fashion driven woman who appreciates high quality products. She is conscious about the environment and sustainability. She is self-driven and wants to leave a positive impact in everything she does. She’s a free spirit and she’s not afraid to make a statement.


Social Media Presence



Social Media Style


Feminine Product driven Customer driven Celebrity endorsement Videos of of their products




Reformation started with a store in LA, and later she opened two stores in NYC. Its growth was slow but when they launched their website her business went from growing 30%-40% annually to 300%. According to the census of the first quarter of 2016 “Total retail sales for the first quarter of 2016 were estimated at $1,183.9�, today, e-commerce plays a big role in our economy. For Reformation having an online store was crucial to increase their sales. Being a company that is devoted to sustainability, has great designs, and only having 3 brick and mortar stores they needed to have an e-commerce base in order to grow their business rapidly.


Current Marketing Campaign Spring Wedding Collection


For wedding seasons Reformation has you covered. For brides they want them to feel truly beautiful not like a fake one-day version of you. The biggest fear of being a bridesmaid is not only all they money that you have to spend but also the dress. Bridesmaids have many tasks they have complete. Reformation helps them look and feel beautiful so in the future they can use this dress again.



Past Campaign Earth Day 2016



Last year Reformation saved 250 million gallons of water. To celebrate they launched a sustainable Earth Day Collection. They also created a $48 shirt with an embroidered that says “Do it for Leo�. The shirt is made with 6 gallons of water instead of 200 gallons that are used to make a regular t-shirt. The sales of these shirts went to support TreePeople.


Second Chance


“L.A.’s chronically homeless population has grown 55%, to 12,536, since 2013 ” LA


Reformation cares about the environment as well as giving back to the community. After reading this report in the LA TIMES about the rise of homeless people in Los Angeles I came up with the idea of giving a second chance to people in need. This campaign is about helping homeless people by providing them with food for an afternoon, providing them with haircuts, and to inform them about how they can reintegrate into the community. We will partner with Food on Foot, which is a non profit organization dedicated to help homeless people. Here is where our activity will take place. We will give them the opportunity to get cleaned up, eat and give them information about different ways on how they can get their second chance. To raise more awareness, our team will be handing out fliers (made out of recyclable paper) to people in need with the date of the event and the address of where this event will be held. The funding for this campaign will come from 20% of the sales of the sweatshirts that will be sold for the campaign.





Come join us next Sunday at 12:00 pm in 1625 N. Schrader Blvd. for lunch and other activities. Here you will have the opportunity to clean yourself up and we will provide you information about how to get your second chance. We would love to see you there. #jointhereformation #secondchance


Plan of Action


This campaign will start by being announced through Instagram as well as Facebook for the whole month of July. Each week we will be posting phrases of our campaign: “Don’t deny a second chance”, “You are their second chance”, “#secondchance.” On July 15th, we will send the product that we are selling for the campaign to all the celebrities who are spoke persons for the company. They will post a picture wearing the merchandise any day of the following week. After the event is done we will make a post for the blog on their website.




We will do a benefit for Food on Foot, which is a foundation that has programs designed to help homeless reintegrate into the community. For over 18 years they have had a weekly Sunday lunch for homeless people. In addition to the Sunday lunch we want to give them the opportunity to get cleaned up and give them information about different ways on how they can get their second chance.




We will be selling black sweatshirts that say “I believe in second chances” in embroidery for $68; 20% of the sales ($13.6) will go to the activity that we organized. Reformation is a sustainable company they make “low” quantities of their products, so, compared to other companies, they make orders of 400 instead of ordering 1,000 shirts; and when they sell them all they put their customers on waitlist. To be safe and collect enough money but at the same time not having the risk of keeping the merchandise and mark it down we will make 300 sweatshirts, and we will have two deliveries. The first one will be 175 sweatshirts on July 30th so we can start selling them on August 1st, and the second one will come on August 13th. If we sell 185 shirts we would have reached $2,516 which is our goal to host the lunch. In order for us to host this lunch we will need to raise $2,500. With the sale of 300 shirts we will raise $4,080, so that will be enough to cover the lunch ad the products that we will need for our clean up station.








Pre Launch



Event Info


WHEN: Sunday at 12:00pm WHERE: 1625 N. Schrader Blvd. Event Sponsored by Reformation Hosted by Food on Foot


Event Explanation


The day of the event we will get to the location at 9:00am so we can have enough time to prepare everything for our guests. We will start setting up the station for clean up. Here we will have a shaving station where we will offer our guests a trim of their beard or a hair cut. The clean up station will have four chairs and 4 persons of our team will be in charge of doing these tasks. Secondly, we will arrange the food that we are providing. We want to serve the food like a buffet so people will have the opportunity to choose what they want to eat that evening. We will have long tables where people can sit and eat and share with other people. Lastly we will have a short, but informative speech about how to finally get that second chance that these people need. They will be informed with the job opportunities in the company and how they can get involved and start their life again.


Blog Post Mock-up



Works Cited


Holland, G. (2015, November 19). L.A. tops nation in chronic homeless population. Retrieved May 22, 2016, from http://www. Ilyashov, A. (2016, April 22). Why You Should Think Twice Before Buying Yet Another T-Shirt. Retrieved May 22, 2016, from Toma, G. (2015, September 17). Inside The Model Wardrobe With Reformation. Retrieved May 22, 2016, from http://www. Reformation. (n.d.). Retrieved May 22, 2016, from Kaplan, I. (2015, June 22). Reformation: The Brand Making Sustainability and Self-Confidence Cool Again. Retrieved May 22, 2016, from D. W. (n.d.). QUARTERLY RETAIL E-COMMERCE SALES 1 ST QUARTER 2016. Retrieved May 22, 2016, from https://www. Food On Foot. (n.d.). Retrieved May 22, 2016, from All Images where retrieved from, Google. (n.d.). Retrieved May 22, 2016, from



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