5M11 November News

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November 2018

Vol. 1 Issue 2

$100,000 USD LCIF Grant Presentation

Left: DG Lion Bill, 5M11 PDG LCIF coordinator Gunter Zion and Multiple District LCIF Coordinator PDG Gerald Fontaine making the cheque presentation to The Beausejour Lions. Below: During the stage where the old stucco siding was removed to change the original 1969 2x4 walls to 2x6 a crew of “Beausejour Lions at Work� pitched taking care of the dirty work.

The Beausejour Lions Club have undertaken a $500,000 renovation to its 50 year old Beausejour Lions Lodge. Fundraising and the preliminary work for the project started in 2016 and the actual work has been progressing all summer of 2018. The LCIF grant of $100,000 USD is an important part of the budget. Although the

LCIF Grant was approved last May the formal presentation of the cheque was Tuesday, October 16th, with DG Lion Bill, 5M-11 PDG LCIF coordinator Gunter Zion and Multiple District LCIF Coordinator PDG Gerald Fontaine making the cheque presentation to The Beausejour Lion Club President Ila Hlatky.

Welcoming Signs for Karlstad. The Karlstad Lions raised money from their local area businesses and individuals from the comunity to purchase 4 New Welcome Signs for the City of Karlstad.

Building Lions Park

Lion Matt Bailey, left, and Lion Pete Larson assembling park equipment

Six members of the Barnesville Lions Club stand before the park equipment they assembled on a very brisk Saturday. Lions left to right: Ken Bauer, Pete Larson Dean Ernst, Mike Quiggle, Matt Bailey, Archie Haus. Their labor saved the park board approximately $8,000 and, along with their $25,000 cash contribution, funded a large portion of this equipment for what will be known as “Lions Park.”

MyLion is here, just in time for the Lions Clubs 100 year anniversary. Use your mobile device to organize and promote club activities. Find great service projects, anywhere. Connect with Lions just about everywhere. Explore what MyLion can do for you. Sign up today on the app store or google play. Left to right: Lion Mike Quiggle, Lion Matt Bailey, Lion Archie Haus, and Lion Dean Ernst assembling park equipment.

We’re 100

Happy Birthday

to Us

Fun From The Northern Pride Lions Leadership Forum

Ste. Anne Lions Club Screen Local Daycare

Lion Rick McPherson posing with the Local daycare kids after their Eye screening.

New KidSight Recognition PDG Lion Dennis W. Kelly III, our MD5M KidSight Chair displays the new KidSight recognition available for our Lions!

Lake Bronson Lions Club

Lake Bronson lions Club has been busy working on the Lions Kidsight Program. We hope to conduct a small examination event of local kids in mid January. It will a trial run to make things work more smoothly next spring. Recently, we started working on our big event, (the Fishing Derby). We will soon be selling raffle tickets, selling ads, and filling required forms. Lots of kids, parents & grandparents attend each year. It’s a fun day for all.

Barnesville Community


Lakeside Lions 16th Annual

Cookie Walk

Saturday, December 1, 2018 Doors open at 11:00 a.m. & stay open until 2:00 p.m. Royal Canadian Legion, 34 Hamilton St. Winnipeg Beach

Delicious Hot lunch will be available

***Specialty Baking Items***

Loonie Toonie Table & Craft items for Sale Lion President Jack Foster is shown presenting the second of two $12,500 checks this summer to Karen Lauer of Barnesville Community Development, one of several hats she wears for the city. This donation is in response to the fundraising activity earlier this year for playground equipment, and will be a major part of “Lions Park” in the new Gilbertson/Peterson Addition on the east side of Barnesville. This total $25,000 reflects the year’s largest donation for the year.

Hostess Basket Raffle & Silent


All funds raised are used to assist individuals & groups in our Community! Should you wish to donate by providing Christmas Baking or a Silent Auction Prize, Please contact Gwen @ 389-3012 or Ed @ 389-4760.

Cabinet Members DISTRICT GOVERNOR Bill Myskiw (Evelyn) R. 204.339.1242 C. 204.782.1416 E. wjmyskiw@shaw.ca 1st VICE DISTRICT GOVERNOR Deanne Williams (Dave) R. 218.790.3715 E.williams.deanne77@gmail. com CABINET SECRETARY Stacy Kleinwachter C. 612.269.1582 E. 5m11cabsec@gmail.com CABINET TREASURER Nadine Myers (Butch) R. 218.567.8305 E.lions5m11treasurer@gmail. com IMMEDIATE PAST DISTRICT GOVERNOR John Wollenzien (Dee) R. 218.681.2117 C. 218.686.3361 E.deeandjohnwollenzien@mncable.net DISTRICT ADMINISTRATOR

Jenifer Spielman (Mark) R. 218.567.8281 C. 218.556.5660 E. 5m11Jenifer@gmail.com ZONE 1 CHAIR Brian Norberg (Mary) R. 218.287.2484 W. 218.299.5151 E. binlou4@prodigy.net ZONE 2 CHAIR Jenifer Spielman (Mark) R. 218.567.8281 C. 218.556.5660 E. 5m11Jenifer@gmail.com

ZONE 3 CHAIR Chris Eck R. 218.533.0856 E. christophereck91@gmail.com ZONE 4 CHAIR Allen Bertilrud (Sandy) R. 218.253.4236 C. 218.684.1315 E. allenbertilrud@gmail.com

ZONE 5 CHAIR Terri Cuppett R. 218.683.3420 E. pastortlc@mncable.net ZONE 6 CHAIR Gladwin Lynne R. 218.201.0665 C. 218.745.4457 E. galynne@mncable.net ZONE 7 CO-CHAIRS Michael and Karen Hagen R. 218.463.3036 E: karenhagen@hotmail.com or mhagen@wiktel.com ZONE 8 CHAIR Patricia McPherson C. 204.290.5336 E. lions5m11news@hotmail.com ZONE 9 CHAIR Darryl Popowich (Bonnie) R. 204.345.2840 E. thepops@mts.net ZONE 10 CHAIR Brian Nazarko (Jan) H. 204.233.2736 E. jnazarko@mts.net DIABETES, CA Andrea Kwasnicki (Kevin Gamble) R. 204.283.9865 B. 204.925.3800 ext 228 C. 204.250.4533 E. andrea.kwasnicki@diabetes.ca (GMT) DISTRICT COORDINATOR PDG Doug Wiens (Kathryn) R. 204.434.6042 B.204.326.9844 or 1.888.411.9311 E. Doug@prudentialriverbend.ca or Djwiens@mymts.net LCIF, CA PDG Gunter Zion (Veronica) R. 204.253.4499 E. gunter.zionn@hotmail.com PDG Gerald Fontaine (Eliane Carmel) (Multiple District 5M Chair) R. 204.433.7955 E.gerryfontaine@gmail.com LCIF, USA Tom Jorgens C. 218.281.7071 E.tjorgens@poly-cell.com

THIS DIRECTORY IS FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE LION MEMBERS OF EACH SUB DISTRICT TO USE SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSES OF COMMUNICATING AMONG ONE ANOTHER WITHIN THEIR SUB DISTRICT/MULTIPLE DISTRICT. LEADER DOGS, USA Ken Bauer (Jan) R. 218.354.7288 B.800.200.3642 C. 701.866.1700 E. kenbauer@mail.com 5M11 LIONS CANCER CARE INITIATIVE (Multiple District 5M Childhood Cancer Chair) PDG Mike Janssen (Tammy) R. 204.669.0473 C .204.479.1843 E.mjanssen@shaw.ca LIONS EYE BANK & MAP, MANITOBA / NW ONTARIO PDG Mike Janssen (Tammy) R. 204.669.0473 C .204.479.1843 E.mjanssen@shaw.ca Ray Downey (Myrna) R. 204.254.0107 C. 204.391.0721 E. rmdowney@mymts.net Evelyn Myskiw (Bill) R. 204.339.1242 C. 204.782.4756 E. evmyskiw@shaw.ca LIONS FOUNDATION OF CANADA DOG GUIDES (Also Multiple District 5M Chair) PDG Dave Hollyoake (Barb) R. 204.642.4650 C. 204.797.5930 E. dave@hollyoake.ca

MN LIONS DIABETES FOUNDATION, USA Sandy Bertilrud (Allen) R. 218.253.4236 C. 218.280.8146 E.sandybertilrud@yahoo.com Kim Peters (Kevin) R. 218.584.8364 B. 218.784.7121 C. 218.556.6972 E. kpeters@arvig.net MN LIONS VISION FOUNDATION Russ McDougall R. 218.962.3433 E. rgrjdoug@feltontel.net PDG Jeannine Windels (Harvey) R. 218.281.2953 C. 218.280.5703 E. jwindels@gra.midco.net MIDWINTER CONVENTION Kevin Gamble, (Andrea Kwasnicki) R. 204.391.0644 E. kbgamble@hotmail.com NEWSLETTER EDITOR Patricia McPherson C. 204.290.5336 E. lions5m11news@hotmail.com PIN TRADING PDG Jim Aasness R. 218.233.7341 C. 218.790.7747 E. jimaasness@aol.com


PROJECT NEW HOPE, USA Jenifer Spielman (Mark) R. 218.567.8281 F. 218.567.8381 E. 5m11Jenifer@gmail.com

LIONS MD5M HEARING FOUNDATION, USA Gerald “Jerry” Amiot R. 218.289.8889 E. jerry.amiot@hotmail.com

TECHNOLOGY / WEBMASTER StacyKleinwachter C. 612.269.1582 E. skleinwachter@yahoo.com or specialk.stacy@gmail.com

LIONS MD5M KIDSIGHT FOUNDATION, USA Kevin Reich (Sheila) R. 218.253.2522 C. 218.232.4556 E. kwrrlf@gmail.com Tamie Rue C. 218.779.1412 E. tamierue@gmail.com

USA / CANADA LEADERSHIP FORUM PDG Jim Aasness R. 218.233.7341 C. 218.790.7747 E. jimaasness@aol.com

Zone 8, 9 &10 Work Together for Successful Tri Zone Meeting A combined zone meeting of the three Canadian zone in 5M11 was held October 25th hosted by the East Kildonan Lions Club. The meeting was jointly chaired by Lion Zone Chairs Patricia McPherson (zone 8), Daryl Popowich (zone 9) and Brian Nazarko (zone 10). Approximately 60 Lions from 14 of the 19 clubs that make up these zones were in attendance as was Governor Bill Myskiw. A supper of roast beef, stuffed chicken with desert was served. After supper we had an induc-

tion of a new member Lion Katrina McPherson from the St. Annes Lions Club; welcome to the fold Katrina. A short information presentation was given on the Mid Winter Convention in February. District Governor Bill took this time to hand out long time service

chevrons for final distribution to the various club officers in attendance. PDG Dave Hollyoake gave a short update on what was happening at the Guide Dogs; and PDG Mike Janssen gave a brief power point on Pediatric Cancer. A heartfelt showing from us zone chairs to the East Kildonan Lions Club for being such gracious hosts.

T he three of us look forward to our next tri zone meeting at a place to be determined in the spring; perhaps before the Multiple Convention.

September 2018 Attention 5M11 Lions: We belong to an amazing organization that services from the dedication of its membership. If we don’t recruit new members, we could cease to exist within the next 20 years. When we ask ourselves,” why did we join the Lions International” it is for many different reasons, but the common thread between every member is “We Serve”. The Lions do amazing work in our communities and work for many charities everyday and this does make a difference. We have moral obligations to offer a membership in the Lions Organization to every potential Lion. Our LCI Focus for this year is to grow our membership. I would like to thank every Lion member in the district for your support and dedication to this LCI initiative. We are already into the first month of this Lion year and recruitment should be top of mind for every member. You need to make your Lion Club successful by adding new and younger members. We cannot and will not give up on recruitment. Let’s do our best to ask everyone we meet to be a Lion member in our existing club or a new chartered Lions Club. Every member should have the President’s Award as a goal and should strive to reach this impressive achievement. Recruitment is the key to the services of achieving this Lions goal. Holding induction as often as required this will help to be successful in the recruitment process. If you know of a young family with a busy lifestyle raising a family or a job that requires travel the new on-line membership is a perfect fit for them and their family to enjoy the privileges of our membership. With the on-line membership, the members are entitled to many benefits, allowing them to attend meetings, and participate at all Lion events. Take advantage of this fantastic new program by signing up your on-line members today. One of our 5M11 Clubs has initiated an Incentive Plan for New Membership: For every potential new member who comes to a meeting or volunteers at an event – the inviting member will receive a ballot for a $100 Gift Card for a restaurant of their choice AND a waiver on next year’s membership dues. Use this idea or one of your own but do what you must to grow your clubs and our 5m11 roster! If you have any questions – please contact me as soon as possible.

District Governor 5M11

Lion Bill Myskiw

Upcoming Events... December


West St. Paul Lions Club’s Santa’s Fun Day December 1

Cabinet Meeting February 1

10:00 AM to 4:00 PM West St. Paul Lions Club’s Santa’s Fun Day will take place at the Sunova / West ST Paul Rec Ctr located at 48 Holland Drive. Indoor/Outdoor games and activities with prizes; KidSight vision screening; Santa arrives at 11:00AM for visit, loot bags and pictures ($4.00 each); family SockHop starts at 2:00 PM with a toy for every child; all at no charge. Lunch is available for purchase. 50/50 and silent auction.

Riverside Annual Craft Sale December 8

10:00 AM to 3:00 PM Riverside Lions Annual Craft Sale is being held at Riverside Lions Estates; 188 Worthington. For more info contact Lion Jan at (204) 233-2736

3 p.m. Winnipeg MB at Mid Winter Convention

Mid Winter Convention February 1,2,3

Holiday Inn Airport (Polo Park) Winnipeg MB Come Join us Feb 1-3, for the 5M11 Mid Winter Convention

Hayes Lake Ice Fishing Derby February 17

The Wannaska Lions Club and Friends of Hayes Lake State Park are proud to sponsor the Annual Hayes Lake Fishing Derby. This is an all-day family event from 10 am to 3 pm. There is a $5.00 Entry Fee. Door Prizes awarded throughout the day and prizes will be awarded for fish categories and youngest/ oldest fisherman. Park Permits required for entrance into the Park. No Fishing Licenses are required

in the State Park. Free Minnows available. Address:15 miles south of Roseau on State Highway 89 then 9 miles east on County Road 4.

May 2019 Cabinet Meeting May 11

11 a.m. $12.00 USD Red Lake Falls at Bethany Church

June 2019 D-Feet Hearing Loss June 1

9:30 AM 2019 Eighth Annual Walk $25.00 registration, free t-shirt, lunch, Teddy Bear band, lots of children’s activity’s, games, prizes fun for the whole family! Taking place at the Landscape Arboretum in Chaska, MN. Visit www.5mhf.org for more info.

Have an Event?

Email lions5m11news@hotmail.com or text 204-290-5336

Stay up to Date with these Websites

District 5M-11: *NEW* http://e-district.org/sites/5m11 5M11Newsletter *NEW* www.facebook.com/5M11-News Multiple District 5M: www.lionsmd5m.org Lions Club International: www.lionsclubs.org Lions Program Sites: Can Do Canines: www.can-do-canines.org Leader Dogs for the Blind: www.leaderdog.org Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF): www.lcif.org/EN/ Lions Eye Bank of Manitoba and NW Ontario: w w w. e y e b a n k m a n i t o b a . c o Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides: www.dogguides.com Minnesota Lions Diabetes Foundation: www.mnlionsdiabetes.org Project New Hope: www.projectnewhope.net USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum: www.usacanadalionsforum.org Lions University: www.LionsUniversity.org

Zone 6 and 7 Fall Meeting On October 15th the Karlstad Lions hosted the Zone 6 and 7 Fall Meeting. 48 Lions in the two zones attend the meeting. The evening began with a meatball supper followed by a program. District Governor Bill Myskiw of West St. Paul, MB, Canada welcomed Lions. Anthony Herbert, Development Director, of the North Country Food Bank was the featured speaker. The Food Bank serves 21 counties in northwestern and west central Minnesota and a part of Grand Forks, North Dakota. North Country distributes food and products to places such as soup kitchens, food shelves, homeless shelters, low income people and after school programs. For every dollar donated to the Food Bank, they can provide 5 meals. The North Country Food Bank is always looking for individuals to donate, volunteer, advocate and serve needy people in every community. Next, Wannaska Lion Jerry Solom spoke and showed slides of his adventures sailing. Lion Jerry explained that he had a yearning to return to his roots in Norway. This yearning led him to build a sailboat. Eventually he and his son sailed to Norway, the coast of Europe, returned to the United States, then sailed to the Bahama’s and back again. As Lion Jerry ended he said it probably was good that he did not know ahead of time what this sailing adventure would involve. A 50/50 raffle was held with monies raised given to Project New Hope and Kids Sight. Other Lion activities were updated. The evening ended with many door prizes given out. It was an enjoyable evening of Lion fellowship.

Pancake Benefit

The Wannaska Lions would like to thank everyone who came out to the Pancake Benefit on October 28th to help support Dan Curfman. Dan was in a motorcycle accident this summer on July 3rd, a friend and him were working on tuning the engine on his motorcycle and when Danny took his vintage trike for a test drive a trailing arm broke causing mechanical failure which caused the trike to roll.... he sustained a fractured skull, damage to his left ear, broken left shoulder, and many scraps and bruises but we were lucky that he survived the accident. While he was in the hospital he got a bad infection that caused his kidneys to fail, so he spent a bit over 3 weeks in the hospital, he had dialysis 3 times, and spent many months in care he is in the process of healing from his injuries. He is on the mend and getting better for the most part, but it will all take time.



62years 57years 41years 44years 45years 60years 44years 35years

11/28/1956 11/01/1961 11/29/1977 11/05/1974 11/15/1973 11/10/1958 11/05/1974 11/11/1983

Fall Supper and Peace Posters West St. Paul Lions Club had 2 schools entered in the Peace Poster contest. Posters where exhibit at their Annual Fall Supper held on October 28th everyone who attend got the chance to vote on the one they like best. Votes where then tallied and winners where Mikayla Foster - 1st place winner and second place winner Amber Mazur.

on right: Mikayla Foster - 1st on left: Amber Mazur - 2nd place with Principal David Ingram

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