Brent Wery

September 15, 1980 - January 8, 2023

Maurice Chaput Arena Contest and Discussion
Let’s give our arena the chance to score big with the Kraft Hockeyville 2023. Our community could win a grand prize of an NHL game and $250,000 in arena upgrades. There is also three runner-ups prizes of $25,000 for arena upgrades. Every community member can help out. Our arena gets points for doing the following:

- Add a story (10 Rally points for each approved story) - Limit 1 per user per arena
- Add Photos (3 Rally Points for each approved upload) - Limit 5 per user per arena
- React to a photo or story (1 Rally point for each reaction) Limit 15 per user per arena
- Share via twitter (5 Rally points for each share) Limit 1 per user per arena
- Add a note (1 Rally Point for each approved note) Limit 1 per user per arena
Our community would use the $250,000 to put towards a new ice plant for the facility. At this moment the ice plant has been repaired and repaired and are now out of repair options. We need to replace the unit, which is costly and we are currently looking at ways to fundraise. We are working as a community to help think of ways to contribute ideas, etc. to try and get the funds to keep us running. This year we were not able to open until Mid-October, buying ice time from other communities nearby so we could form our teams and be ready on time for regular season play. With the funds to fix the ice plant, the town could start looking at other
ways to improve the facility instead of simply trying to keep it from shutting its doors.

The Town of Sainte-Anne will be hosting an open house discussion at the Town of Sainte-Anne Office in regards to the Maurice Chaput Arena/Curling Rink and its future and
to gather insights from residents and users. The meeting will be open to the public on February 8 at 7 pm. We are asking that those that wish to attend this open house please RSVP by emailing and you will be added to the list that will also be used as a sign-in for this meeting.

Upcoming Events...

Richer Young at Heart Club
Dinner and dance SaturdayFebruary 18, 2023 with live music. Cost is $25.00 per person and dinner is at 6:00. Music and dancing till 11:00PM
Call Ron @ 431 275 0874 for tickets.
February 2 is Groundhog Day—the day we find out whether winter will last six more weeks or call it quits early.
February 14 is always Valentine’s Day. Heads up lovebirds.
February 15 is National Flag of Canada Day.

Christmas Light Display for Dog Rescue
The Boer’s Christmas light display raised funds and collected supplies for the Earthdog Terrier Rescue of Manitoba over the Christmas season. Thank you to everyone who donated supplies. Also $400 was collected.

InSeine News Deadline February 24 to submitt events, info and advertisments
contact InSeine News at

Embracing Self-Love as a Choice You Make Every Single Day
When we approach self-love as a way of living, rather than some elevated state of being, we can choose at this exact moment to start.
The more you choose acts of self-love, the more they become habitual, and they all add up, like putting coins in a piggy bank. Your days are then filled with more acts of self-love than negative habits. The more you build on that internal stability, the less your selfworth will be influenced by other people and external triggers.
Dr. Sean Stephenson inspired us by saying, “Never believe a prediction that doesn’t empower you.” Letting go of the power you allow others to have over your life is possible by choosing to empower yourself through living a life focused on your strengths. Loving yourself is seeing yourself as a whole. Focusing more on what you know you are capable of rather than how other people see you. It is knowing how to deal with your darkness. It is knowing how to respond to the ugly parts of life.
Self-compassion is a way of
relating to yourself that does not involve harshly judging or punishing yourself for every mistake you make, or every time someone does better than you. Dr. Melanie Greenberg shares that research on self-compassion shows that it is associated with:
- Less anxiety and depression.
- More optimism.
- Better recovery from stress.

- Better adherence to healthy behavior changes, such as exercise or diet.
How much you love yourself is how peacefully, humbly and gracefully you live out your life. The ultimate gift of caring for yourself is loving yourself first through all aspects of your daily routines and lifestyle.
Every human being just wants to be loved. Most importantly, to be able to look in the mirror and love themselves. If you can do that, then you have opened the door to possibilities and opportunities never before imagined.
Author: Stephanie den Hollander Phenomenally You Life Coaching www.phenomenallyyou.caCommunal Grieving
Loss is not typically a time that should be measured, it should be an individual journey; without the pressure of timelines and expectations of what sorrow should ‘look’ like.

The absence of someone beloved by a community could only be made more unfortunate by its tragic suddenness. In trying times, when the community works together there is a realization of their collective strength. The same can be said in times of grief.
Sobonfu Some from her blog post Embracing Grief says: “Communal grieving offers something that we cannot get when we grieve by ourselves. Through acknowledgment, validation, and witnessing, communal grieving allows us to experience a level of healing that is deeply and profoundly freeing.”
Setting up a peer led grief group at a local library or other public venue is only one of many ideas to facilitate the importance of being heard and validated through mourning while processing the loss
Support one another as you adjust. There should be a little more kindness and understanding as it is absolutely normal for unexpected emotions to catch you off guard. It may even amaze you that you never though you would feel this way. That too is normal. Don’t pretend the loss didn’t occur, honor that loss in the spirit, memory and perhaps even memorial, if you can’t in tears or emotion. Unlike cultures of the Mediterranean where an outward show of wailing and hair pulling is normal, other cultures remain stoic, seemingly devoid of emotion. Not being able to cry is far from not feeling emotion, it is significantly more difficult and can come with health repercussions.
Where there is the sudden loss of a colleague, families and friends that are grieving should embrace the significance of their importance to each other to foster healing and acceptance together.
Written by Elizebeth Kischook, End of Life DoulaIngredients
1 can (15 ounces) black beans, drained and rinsed
1 can (15 ounces) pinto beans, drained and rinsed
1 can (14.5 ounces) petite
diced tomatoes
1 can (15 ounces) sweet corn, drained
1 can (12.5 ounces) chicken breast, drained & flaked (or about 2½ cups cooked/shredded chicken)
1 can (28 ounces) green enchilada
1 can (14 ounces) chicken broth
1 packet (2 tablespoons) taco seasoning
½ teaspoon cumin

½ teaspoon chili powder

½ teaspoon garlic powder
1 cup cheddar cheese, shredded limes for garnish tortilla chips, for serving
7 Can Chicken
Taco Soup
It’s the easiest soup on the planet.
This 7 Can Chicken Taco soup is a delicious and flavorful dish filled with the most amazing spices, chicken, corn, and beans.
Combine all the ingredients into a large pot and bring to a boil over medium-high heat.
Lower the heat and let simmer for 20-25 minutes. Serve warm with lime wedges, shredded cheese, and tortilla chips.

Little Funk Library
What comes to mind when you think of the month of February? For me it’s I Love To Read Month and Valentine’s Day. Well did you know that February is also Black History Month, LGBTQ History Month and has Groundhog Day.
I Love to Read month is often celebrated through various reading related activities in schools in attempts to build interests in books as well as literacy skills at all ages. Maybe a novel is not your child’s thing, let’s remember all types of literacy are equally important; be it graphic novels, comics or magazines. Audio Books are also a great tool to use, especially for those who struggle with reading as it helps improve vocabulary, comprehension and critical thinking skills. So get creative with your reading time, grab a new book, read out loud and find that spark of joy!

Visiting Little Free Libraries this month, depending on locations, you may find a specific selection of books as many stewards support the awareness and celebration of Black History Month and LGBTQ History Month by providing books based on these topics or by authors who identify as. I encourage you to seek out the wonderful books that tend to circulate during this month and share them near and far. If you have any books that fit these two topics and would like to donate, we are always looking for diverse books in our library and would gladly take them to share.
If your looking for some steamy reading material, we will be placing some romance books onto our top shelf of our library. Let’s see what Mr. Groundhog discovers for more days of cozy reading or not.
Rhonda Funk- Steward The Little Funk Library #100068