InSeine June

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Celebrating 14 years!!!

Second Annual Celebration of the Arts

Do You Need Hearing Aid?

Performances where held in early June by the students in the collected band programs of all three Ste. Anne schools, as well as the SAC guitar program. In the afternoon, the Ste. Anne Elementary and the Ste. Anne Immersion bands performed, the Ste. Anne Complex showed off its talent with a talent

show and the Ste. Anne Colligates fine arts program ran an art auction to benefit their artists during the evening portion of the day along side the Colligates Guitar, Junior and Senior bands performances. It was well attended, very and well organized with plans to continue future events.

Did you know If you are a resident of Manitoba, aged 65 or over, have a household net income below $80,000 in the previous year and require hearing aids as prescribed by a certified hearing aid dealer licensed in Manitoba... you’re probably eligible to receive grant monies to help pay for hearing aids. Go to this link for more information and to access the application form.

If you need assistance with the application process, please reach out to: Mélanie Brémaud Senior Resource Coordinator at Seine River Services for Seniors Inc. at 204-424-5285, email or follow their Facebook page @srsseniors.

Vol. 14 Issue 1 June 2023 FOR INSEINE ADVERTISING CALL 204-290-5336 or Email

Upcoming Events...

The Splash Pad

Now open daily from 9am-9pm.


Senior Yoga every Monday, Wednsday, Friday 10 am

Regular Yoga every Tusday & Thursday 6:15 pm contact or 204-290-5336 to registar.

Ste-Anne Food Bank AGM

The Ste-Anne food bank will hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday June 15th at 7 pm at the Sainte-Anne Roman Catholic Church (162 Centrale). The guest speaker will be Meaghan Erbus from Harvest Manitoba. All are welcome!

Seine River Services for Seniors AGM

Our Annual General Meeting will be held on June 15 from 3 - 4 pm at Club Jovial, 123 Rue Centrale in Ste Anne. We would be pleased to have you attend the meeting. Please RSVP to our coordinator, Melanie Bremaud, regarding your attendance

Richer Young at Heart Club

Dinner and dance on Saturday June 17 with live music. Cost is $25 per person. Doors open at 4:30 pm, Dinner is at 6:00 pm. Music and dancing till 11 pm. Call Ron at 431-275-0874 for tickets.

InSeine News Deadline June 27 to submit events, info and advertisments contact

InSeine News at

Dawson Trail Receives $386,761 from the Building Sustainable Communities Program

MLA Bob Lagassé is pleased to announce almost $400,000 in funding for local community projects through the Building Sustainable Communities (BSC) as part of the government’s 2023 budget.

“The Building Sustainable Communities fund will provide $386,761 to many local organizations, providing a much needed boost to our communities’ recovery both economically and socially,” said MLA Bob Lagassé. “I’m proud that our government has more than doubled the BSC fund, which makes funding for projects like these possible. We are committed to investing in our communities.”

The local community groups and projects that will be receiving funding include:

•Landmark Recreation Association


•Town of Ste. Anne $153,300

•La Corporation du Site Historique

Enfant-Jesus Heritage Site Corporation $26,534

•Richer Community Club $75,000

•Rural Municipality of Tache


Since being introduced in 2019, the BSC program provides municipalities and non-profit organizations access to all-encompassing community grants. This year the total funding across Manitoba amounts to $25 million. The BSC program has been highly successful since its inception, and this funding will allow for its operational success to continue.

For more information on the Building Sustainable Communities program, please visit grant-name.html#b

New Play Structure Coming Soon

Sudoku is a logic-based, combinatorial number-placement puzzle. In this sudoku, the objective is to fill a 9×9 grid with numbers so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 subgrids that compose the grid contain all of the same numbers. The puzzle setter provides a partially completed grid, which for a well-posed puzzle has a single solution.

The Town has placed an order for a new additional play structure addition that will be added to the Redemptorist Park. Installation is expected later this year in August-September.

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Giant Red Adirondack Chair Project

A very tired nurse walks into a bank, totally exhausted after an 18hour shift. Preparing to write a cheque, she pulls a rectal thermometer out of her purse and tries to write with it.

When she realizes her mistake, she looks at the flabbergasted cashier and without missing a beat, she says: ‘Well, that’s great....that’s just great.....some asshole’s got my pen!’

Little Funk Library

Hi Fellow Readers,

You may have noticed a new attraction when driving into the west side of town. The Town of Ste. Anne has become part of the Association des municipalités bilingues du Manitoba’s Giant Red Adirondack Chair Project. The Giant Adirondack Chair Project is a marketing and touristic initiative for bilingual communities that are members of the AMBM. The intention is to install a red chair at either tourist and/or gathering places in communities.

In 2021, six chairs were installed in AMBM community... the RM of Taché has 2 at the Centre of

Canada Park, Saint-Pierre-Jolys at the museum, Saint-Georges at the dock, RM of Richot at the dock in Sainte-Agathe and in Saint-Malo at the Coin Rendez-vous.

In 2022 The Prairies Canada Tourism Fund supported a project that ordered 11 new chairs for the Giant Red Adirondack Chair Project. The Giant Adirondack Chair is a handcrafted masterpiece that towers tourists at more than 7 feet tall. It brings in tourists from all around the world, allowing them to take photos, make memories and sit in “The Giant Chair”

May was a beautiful month but went by way to fast. It was Little Free Library week May 14-20 on their website and social media outlets. It’s a way to spread knowledge of what Little Free Libraries are and do.

On May 6 we installed our second Library “ Richer Readers’ Library # 153022” out front of the Richer School. We then hosted our Grand Opening community BBQ on May 19 with the help of volunteers and donations from community businesses. We were able to pull this event off with success. We had so much fun... with the rodeo mascots, balloons, bubbles, hot dogs (11 dozen) and cake (oh and can’t forget books)! I want to give a shout out to Richer Inn, Dawson Trail Dispatch, Jon’s Deck Aid & More, Richer Fellowship Church, Jeremy Wiens, Richer School the Richer PAC, my sons Tim and Cody (who dressed as the mascots), Davis Rozitis, Fraser Reptiles, Miranda (Keele Family Little Free Library #153611) and Jenni Desjarlais for all their help and support.

The Richer Readers’ Library is getting lots of attention from the young to old. I am happy that it is serving the community and appreciate the feedback. We do need help with donations of Children (all ages) to youth books as our stock is next to none. For larger donations you can drop off at The Little Funk Library #100068 or message me on our FB page.

I am currently reading Finlay Donovan Is Killing It by Elle Cosimano.

Rhonda Funk - Steward

The Little Funk Library #100068

The Night Nurse

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